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Assemblyman  JOE DANIELSEN

District 17 (Middlesex and Somerset)






     Expresses strenuous concern to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission about Northeast Supply Enhancement Project and urges consideration of alternative projects that serve similar purpose.



     Introduced Pending Technical Review by Legislative Counsel.


An Assembly Resolution expressing the General Assembly's strenuous concern to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission about the proposed Northeast Supply Enhancement Project and urging consideration of alternative projects that serve a similar purpose.


Whereas, The Northeast Supply Enhancement Project (NSEP) includes a proposed 32,000 horsepower natural gas compressor station that will be located in Franklin Township, Somerset County, New Jersey on land owned by Trap Rock Industries, which operates the nearby Kingston Quarry; and

Whereas, The NSEP will be owned and operated by Williams Partners, LP (Williams), an Oklahoma-based company, which also owns and operates Transco, the company that operates natural gas transmission pipelines that transport natural gas from production areas to customers located in the northeastern United States; and

Whereas, The proposed natural gas compressor station will include two natural gas-powered turbine compressors to raise the pressure of natural gas transported through the regional natural gas transmission pipeline system to better facilitate delivery to customers; and

Whereas, The current natural gas transmission pipeline system in the area is approximately 50 years old and it is unclear whether this older natural gas transmission pipeline will be able to withstand the increased natural gas pressurization proposed under the NSEP; and

Whereas, The Kingston Quarry is an active blasting zone, which may increase the potential for an explosion at the natural gas compressor station and raises concern over the health and safety of local residents; and

Whereas, Williams has not made any assurances to local residents that appropriate steps will be taken to train and equip surrounding volunteer fire departments for an emergency response to a natural gas explosion; and

Whereas, Franklin Township has always suffered from low water pressure and Williams has not proposed a plan to coordinate with the Franklin Township Public Works to increase water pressure to the natural gas compressor station to assist volunteer fire departments in the event of an emergency; and

Whereas, Local residents have not been informed about the effect on the air quality surrounding the natural gas compressor station, especially during "blowdowns," or the deliberate venting of natural gas for maintenance purposes, to relieve pressure within the pipeline, or in an emergency situation; and

Whereas, Blowdowns can last for up to two hours and produce a noise comparable to a commercial jet taking off; and

Whereas, The NSEP includes a plan to build miles of new natural gas transmission pipeline under the Raritan Bay to increase the natural gas supply to customers outside of New Jersey; and

Whereas, In March 2017, Williams announced that Transco filed an application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) seeking authorization for the NSEP to be built; and

Whereas, It is altogether fitting and proper, and in the public interest, for this House to express its strenuous concerns to the FERC about the proposed NSEP and urges the FERC to consider alternative projects that serve a similar purpose as the NSEP and that will have fewer public health and safety risks; now, therefore,


     Be It Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    This House expresses its strenuous concern to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) about the Northeast Supply Enhancement Project (NSEP) and urges the FERC to consider and approve alternative projects that serve a similar purpose as the NSEP and that will have fewer public health and safety risks.


     2.    Copies of this resolution, as filed with the Secretary of State, shall be transmitted by the Clerk of the General Assembly to the Chairman and each commissioner of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.





     This Assembly Resolution expresses strenuous concern to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) about the Northeast Supply Enhancement Project (NSEP), which includes a natural gas compressor station to be located in Franklin Township, Somerset County, New Jersey on land owned by Trap Rock Industries, which operates the nearby Kingston Quarry.

     The current natural gas transmission pipeline system in the area is approximately 50 years old and it is unclear whether this older natural gas transmission pipeline will be able to withstand the increased natural gas pressurization proposed by the NSEP. The Kingston Quarry is an active blasting zone, which may increase the potential for an explosion at the natural gas compressor station and raises concern over the health and safety of local residents.

     In March 2017, it was announced that Transco, which operates natural gas transmission pipelines in the northeast, filed an application with the FERC seeking authorization for the NSEP to be built. This House urges the FERC to consider alternative projects that may serve the same purpose as the NSEP and that will have fewer public health and safety risks.