SENATE, No. 1251







Sponsored by:


District 19 (Middlesex)






     Makes it a crime of the third degree to practice psychology without a license and prohibits certain unlicensed employees of certain entities from using title of psychologist.



     As introduced.


An Act concerning the unlicensed practice of psychology, supplementing Title 11A and chapter 21 of Title 2C of the New Jersey Statutes, and amending P.L.1966, c.282.


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    (New section)  A person is guilty of a crime of the third degree if he knowingly does not possess a license to practice psychology, or knowingly has had such license suspended, revoked or otherwise limited by an order entered by the State Board of Psychological Examiners, and he:

     a.  engages in the practice of psychology;

     b.  exceeds the scope of practice permitted by the board order;

     c.  holds himself out to the public or any person as being eligible to engage in the practice of psychology;

     d. engages in any activity for which a license to practice psychology is a necessary prerequisite; or 

     e.  practices psychology under a false or assumed name or falsely impersonates another person licensed by the board.

     The provisions of this section shall not be construed to limit the activities permitted in section 6 of P.L.1966, c.282 (C.45:14B-6).


     2.    Section 6 of P.L.1966, c.282 (C.45:14B-6) is amended to read as follows:

     6.  Any individual who is not a licensed practicing psychologist shall not be limited in his activities:

     (a) As part of his duties as an employee of:

     (1) an accredited academic institution, a federal, State, county or local governmental institution or agency, or a research facility while performing those duties for which he was employed by such an institution, agency or facility, provided that the individual does not use the title "psychologist" or does not represent himself to be a licensed practicing psychologist;

     (2) a business organization, while performing those duties for which he was employed by such an organization, and [providing] provided that the purposes of such an organization do not include the offer to practice, or the practice of, psychology as defined in section 2(b) of this act, and the individual does not use the title "psychologist" or does not represent himself to be a licensed practicing psychologist;

     (3) an organization which is nonprofit and which is, in the opinion of the board, a bona fide community agency, while performing those duties for which he was employed by such an agency under the direct supervision of a licensed practicing psychologist, provided that the individual does not use the title "psychologist" or does not represent himself to be a licensed practicing psychologist.  For the purposes of this subsection a "community agency" means a nonprofit organization supported wholly or in a major part by public funds.

     (b) As required by his employer to the pupils, students or other normal clientele within the scope of his employment but not to the general public, provided he is employed by a private elementary or secondary school that requires its psychologists to be certified as school psychologists by the New Jersey State Department of Education.

     (c) As a student of psychology, psychological intern or person preparing for the practice of psychology under qualified supervision in a training institution or facility recognized by the board provided he is designated by such titles as "psychological intern," "psychological trainee" or others, clearly indicating such training status.

     (d) As a practicing psychologist for a period not to exceed 10 consecutive business days or 15 business days in any 90-day period, if he resides outside, and his major practice is outside, of the State of New Jersey and gives the board a summary of his qualifications and a minimum of 10 days' written notice of his intention to practice in the State of New Jersey under this section 6(d), provided he (1) is certified or licensed in another State under requirements the board considers to be the equivalent of requirements for licensing under this act or (2) resides in a State which does not certify or license psychologists and the board considers his professional qualifications to be the equivalent of requirements for licensing under this act; and is not adjudged and notified by the board that he is ineligible for licensing under this act.

     (e) As a practicing psychologist for a period not exceeding one year, if he has a temporary permit therefor which the board may issue upon his filing of an application for licensing under this act.

     (f) As a practicing psychologist for a period not exceeding three years under the supervision of a licensed practicing psychologist or a person designated by the board as an eligible supervisor, if he has a temporary permit therefor which the board may issue upon his completion of all the requirements for licensing under this act except the supervised experience requirement.

     (g) As a practicing psychologist certified as a school psychologist by the State Department of Education and performing services on behalf of a local school district to students for whom the school district is responsible to provide services.

(cf:  P.L.1997, c.140, s.1)


     3.    Section 8 of P.L.1966, c.282 (C.45:14B-8) is amended to read as follows:

     8.  Nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent qualified members of other professional groups such as physicians, osteopaths, optometrists, chiropractors, members of the clergy, authorized practitioners, attorneys at law, social workers, psychoanalysts or guidance counselors from doing work of a psychological nature consistent with the accepted standards of their respective professions, provided, however, that they do not hold themselves out to the public by any title or description stating or implying that they are psychologists or are licensed to practice psychology. (cf. P.L.1966, c.282, s.8)


     4     (New section)  a.  The Department of Personnel shall promptly revise the job title of any employee of a State, county, or local governmental institution or agency, over which it has jurisdiction, which includes or uses the title "psychologist," if necessary to comply with the provisions of paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of section 6 of P.L.1966, c.282 (C.45:14B-6), as amended by this act.

     b.    In the event that the title of an employee does not comply with the provisions of section 6 of P.L.1966, c.282 (C.45:14B-6) on the effective date of this act, the employee shall be deemed to be in compliance with the provisions of this act until such time as the employee's job title is revised by the Department of Personnel pursuant to subsection a. of this section.

     c.  Nothing in this section or in section 6 of P.L.1966, c.282 (C.45:14B-6) shall be construed to limit an employee of a State, county, or local governmental institution or agency from using the title "psychologist" or representing himself as a licensed practicing psychologist if the employee is licensed under the provisions of P.L.1966, c.282 (C.45:14B-1 et seq.).


     5.    This act shall take effect immediately.





     This bill provides that a person is guilty of a crime of the third degree if the person knowingly does not possess a license to practice psychology or knowingly has had such license suspended, revoked or otherwise limited by an order entered by the State Board of Psychological Examiners, and he:

     --  engages in the practice of psychology;

     --  exceeds the scope of practice permitted by the board order;

     --  holds himself out to the public or any person as being eligible to engage in the practice of psychology;

     -- engages in any activity for which a license to practice psychology is a necessary prerequisite; or

     --  practices psychology under a false or assumed name or falsely impersonates another person licensed by the board.

     The bill specifies that a person would not be considered to be practicing psychology without a license if that person's activities are permitted under N.J.S.A.45:14B-6.

     N.J.S.A.45:14B-1 et seq., which governs the professional licensing of psychologists in this State, provides certain exceptions from the requirement for State licensure. Specifically, N.J.S.A.45:14B-6(a) provides that an individual who is not a licensed practicing psychologist shall not be limited in his activities as part of his duties as an employee of:

     -- an accredited academic institution, a federal, State, county or local governmental institution or agency, or a research facility;

     --a business organization if the purposes of the organization do not include the offer to practice or the practice of psychology; and

     -- a nonprofit, bona fide community agency (as determined by the State Board of Psychological Examiners).

     In order to ensure that members of the public and persons receiving services from an exempt academic, governmental, business, or nonprofit community entity are not mislead by the professional job title of an individual who is providing psychological services at the entity but who is exempt from the licensure requirement, the bill amends N.J.S.A.45:14B-6 to clarify that if an individual performing some of the activities of a psychologist is exempt from the licensure requirement, the individual shall not use the title "psychologist" or represent himself to be a licensed practicing psychologist.

     Currently, the unlicensed practice of medicine, podiatry and dentistry is a crime of the third degree (punishable by a term of three to five years or a fine of up to $15,000, or both). The provisions of this bill would extend this penalty to include the unlicensed practice of psychology.

     The bill also adds the profession of "psychoanalyst" to the list of professional groups who may perform work of a psychological nature, consistent with the accepted standards of their respective professions, as long as they do not hold themselves out to the public by any title implying that they are psychologists or are licensed to practice psychology.

     Finally, the bill directs the State Department of Personnel to revise any current State or local government job titles that use or contain the term "psychologist," which may be in conflict the requirements of the bill.