SENATE, No. 1556







Sponsored by:


District 15 (Hunterdon and Mercer)


Co-Sponsored by:

Senator A.M.Bucco






     Establishes grant program for alternate route police officer training.



     Introduced Pending Technical Review by Legislative Counsel.


An Act establishing a grant program for alternate route police officer training and supplementing Title 52 of the Revised Statutes.


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    a.  For the purposes of this section:

     "Alternate route program" means a police training course which is available to persons seeking appointment as a police officer in this State, but who do not hold a probationary or temporary appointment with a police department or force pursuant to section 2 of P.L.1998, c.146 (C.52:17B-69.1). 

     "Approved school" means a school approved and authorized by the Police Training Commission to give police training courses. 

     "Police Training Commission" or "commission" means the Police Training Commission in the Division of Criminal Justice in the Department of Law and Public Safety established pursuant to section 5 of P.L.1961, c.56 (C.52:17B-70). 

     b.    There is created and established in the Police Training Commission a program to award grants to police officer candidates who enroll in the alternate route program which shall be known as the "New Jersey Alternate Route Opportunity Fund."  The purpose of the opportunity fund is to identify, recruit, and provide financial assistance to economically disadvantaged residents of this State who are seeking appointment as a police officer through the alternate route program. 

     c.     The business and operations of the opportunity fund shall be administered by the board of directors established pursuant to subsection e. of this section, subject to the general supervision of the commission. 

     d.    The commission, in consultation with the board of directors established pursuant to subsection e. of this section, shall designate a person to serve as the chief executive officer of the opportunity fund, who shall organize the work of the opportunity fund as necessary to carry out the provisions of this section.  The commission may employ persons, contract for services, make expenditures, and adopt guidelines as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the provisions of this section. 

     e.     The board of directors of the opportunity fund shall consist of a representative of the commission and eight public members appointed by the Governor.  Public members of the board shall be selected without regard to political affiliation and, as far as may be practicable, on the basis of their knowledge of, or interest in, police and law enforcement matters.  The board shall annually organize as established by rule of the board to elect a chairman, a vice chairman, and other officers as the board shall determine from among its members.  The officers shall serve for a two-year term and until their successors are elected and qualified.  Vacancies in the offices shall be filled in the same manner for the unexpired term only. 

     Each public member of the board shall serve for a term of four years and until the member's successor shall have been appointed and qualified, except that in the case of the initial appointments to the board, two members shall be appointed for four year terms; two members shall be appointed for three year terms; two members shall be appointed for two year terms; and two members shall be appointed for one year terms.  Any vacancy in the membership of the board shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment for the remainder of the unexpired term. 

     Members of the board shall serve without compensation but shall be entitled to be reimbursed for all reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the discharge of their duties. 

     f.     The board shall:

     (1)   develop and maintain a Statewide system for the identification of police officer candidates in need of financial assistance to complete an alternate route program, including paying the costs of training that may be charged by the Police Training Commission or approved school;

     (2)   devise methods for recruiting candidates;

     (3)   develop, establish, and publicize criteria for the determination of eligibility for financial assistance based on need and potential for success as a police officer;

     (4)   establish procedures for determining the amount of each award according to the total financial need of each police officer applicant;

     (5)   through the commission, be responsible for and periodically report in writing to the Governor and the Legislature pursuant to section 2 of P.L.1991, c.164 (C.52:14-19.1) on the performance of its duties in accordance with the provisions of this section;

     (6)   adopt bylaws, and make, enforce, alter, and repeal rules for its own operation and for carrying out the provisions of this section; and

     (7)   receive and disburse any contributions to the fund as may be forthcoming from private and public sources. 

     g.    An opportunity grant may be awarded to a police officer applicant who: 

     (1)   is and has been a resident of the State for at least 12 months prior to receiving the opportunity grant;

     (2)   has demonstrated financial need for an opportunity grant, as determined by standards and procedures established by the board; and

     (3)   has complied with all rules and regulations adopted pursuant to this section by the board for the award, regulation, and administration of the opportunity grant program.

     h.    Opportunity grants awarded pursuant to this section shall be paid to the commission or approved school by the State Treasurer in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the board.


     2.    This act shall take effect on the first day of the seventh month next following enactment, but the Police Training Commission may take any anticipatory administrative action in advance as shall be necessary for the implementation of this act. 





     This bill establishes a grant program known as the "New Jersey Alternate Route Opportunity Fund" for the purpose of identifying, recruiting, and providing financial assistance to economically disadvantaged residents of this State who are seeking basic police officer training through the State's alternate route program. 

     Generally, police officers in this State are appointed to a local police department before they complete the basic training course for police officer recruits.  These police officer recruits are employees of the police department when they attend a police academy for this training.  The police department to which they are appointed pays the cost of their training.  But under the alternate route program, persons seeking appointment as a police officer who do not hold an appointment with a police department may enroll in the basic police training course at their own expense.  Financial assistance would be available under the opportunity fund for alternate route trainees. 

     The business and operations of the opportunity fund are to be administered by a board of directors under the general supervision of the Police Training Commission.  The commission is responsible for developing and administering basic training courses for police officers and approves and oversees police training academies. 

     The board of directors is to consist of a representative of the commission and eight public members appointed by the Governor.  The public members of the board are to be selected without regard to political affiliation.  They should have knowledge of, or interest in, police and law enforcement matters.  The commission and the board are to mutually select a chief executive officer of the opportunity fund who will be responsible for organizing the work of the opportunity fund. 

     The board is responsible for: developing and maintaining a Statewide system for the identification of police officer candidates in need of financial assistance to complete an alternate route program; devising methods for recruiting candidates; developing, establishing, and publicizing criteria for the determination of eligibility for financial assistance based on need and potential for success as a police officer; establishing procedures for determining the amount of each award based on need, according to the total financial need of each police officer applicant; reporting to the Governor and the Legislature on the performance of its duties; adopting bylaws and rules for its operation; and receiving and disbursing any contributions to the fund from private and public sources. 

     A police officer applicant is eligible for an opportunity fund grant if the applicant has been a State resident for at least a year; has demonstrated financial need for an opportunity grant; and has complied with the board's rules and regulations.

     According to the sponsor, the purpose of the opportunity fund established by the bill is to provide economically disadvantaged persons with the opportunity to become a police officer and consequently increase diversity in the ranks of these officers.