SENATE, No. 2176







Sponsored by:


District 30 (Monmouth and Ocean)

Senator  VIN GOPAL

District 11 (Monmouth)






     Requires NJT to post certain employment and contract information on its website.



     As introduced.


An Act concerning certain New Jersey Transit Corporation employment and contract information and supplementing and amending P.L.1979, c.150.


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    (New section)  a.  The New Jersey Transit Corporation shall make publicly available on its website the employment resume of each employee who is not subject to the provisions of a collective bargaining agreement and whose annual salary is greater than $25,000 and shall list each employment resume by job title.  The corporation shall redact the telephone number, address, electronic mail address, and any other personal contact information of the employee provided on the employee's employment resume prior to making the resume publicly available on the corporation's website.

      b.   The corporation shall make publicly available on its website the employment resume of an employee of the corporation who meets the requirements of subsection a. of this section and:

     (1)   who is employed by the corporation on the effective date of P.L.    , c.    (C.        ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill) within 30 days of the effective date of P.L.    , c.    (C.        ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill); or

     (2)   who commences employment with the corporation after the effective date of P.L.    , c.    (C.        ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill) within 30 days of the employee commencing employment with the corporation.

      c.    (1) The corporation shall notify an employee of the corporation who is employed by the corporation on the effective date of P.L.    , c.    (C.        ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill) and who meets the requirements of subsection a. of this section that the employee's employment resume will be made publicly available on the corporation's website as required pursuant to this section.

     (2)   The corporation shall notify an applicant for employment with the corporation that if the applicant is selected and accepts employment with the corporation and meets the requirements of subsection a. of this section, the applicant's employment resume will be made publicly available on the corporation's website as required pursuant to this section.


     2.    Section 20 of P.L.1979, c.150 (C.27:25-20) is amended to read as follows:

     20.  a.  The corporation shall, by September 15 of each year, file with the Commissioner of Transportation a report in such format and detail as the Commissioner may require setting forth the actual, operational, capital and financial results of the previous fiscal year, the operational, capital and financial plan for the current fiscal year and a proposed operational, capital and financial plan for the next ensuing fiscal year.

     b.    On or before October 31 of each year, the corporation shall make an annual report of its activities for the preceding fiscal year to the Governor [and to the presiding officers and the Transportation Committees of both Houses of the Legislature] , the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the General Assembly, and the Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee and the Senate Transportation Committee, or their successor committees. Each such report shall set forth a complete operating and financial statement covering its operations and capital projects during the year. The report shall also include an account of the on-time performance of rail passenger service, including light rail service, operated by, or under contract to, the corporation, including data for each such passenger line.  The report shall provide a detailed discussion of the methodology used by the corporation in measuring on-time performance.

     c.     All records of minutes, accounts, bills, vouchers, contracts or other papers connected with or used or filed with the corporation or with any officer or employee acting for or in its behalf are hereby declared to be [public] government records and shall be open to public inspection in accordance with P.L.1963, c.73 (C.47:1A-1 et seq.) and regulations prescribed by the corporation.

     d.    The corporation shall cause an audit of its books and accounts to be made at least once each year by certified public accountants and the cost thereof may be treated as a cost of operation.  The audit shall be filed within [4] four months after the close of the fiscal year of the corporation and a certified duplicate copy thereof shall be filed with the Division of Budget and Accounting in the Department of the Treasury.

     e.     Notwithstanding the provisions of any law to the contrary, the State Auditor or his legally authorized representative may examine the accounts and books of the corporation.

     f.     The corporation shall make publicly available on its website the following information for each contract entered into by the corporation after the effective date of P.L.    , c.    (C.        ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill):

     (1)   a copy of the contract;

     (2)   the name of the person or entity that entered into the contract with the corporation;

     (3)   the general purpose of the contract; and

     (4)   the dollar amount of the contract.

     The information shall be made publicly available on the corporation's website within 30 days from the date the corporation entered into the contract.

(cf: P.L.2007, c.263, s.1)

     3.    This act shall take effect immediately.





     This bill requires the New Jersey Transit Corporation (NJ Transit) to make publicly available on its website the resume of each employee who is not subject to the provisions of a collective bargaining agreement and whose annual salary is greater than $25,000 and to list the resumes by job title.  NJ Transit is required to redact the telephone number, address, electronic mail address, and any other personal contact information of the employee prior to making the employee's resume publicly available on its website. 

     NJ Transit is required to make the resume of an employee employed by NJ Transit on the effective date of the bill and subject to the provisions of the bill publicly available on its website within 30 days of the bill's effective date.  NJ Transit is required to make the resume of an employee who commences employment with NJ Transit after the effective date of the bill and subject to the provisions of the bill publicly available on its website within 30 days of the employee commencing employment.

     NJ Transit is to notify an employee subject to the provisions of the bill and employed by NJ Transit on the effective date of the bill that the employee's resume will be made publicly available on NJ Transit's website.  NJ Transit is also required to notify an applicant that, if the applicant is selected and accepts the position and is subject to the provisions of the bill, NJ Transit will make the applicant's resume publicly available on its website. 

     This bill also requires NJ Transit to make certain information publicly available on its website for each contract entered into by NJ Transit after the bill's effective date.  NJ Transit is to make the information publicly available on its website within 30 days from when NJ Transit entered into the contract.