§1 - C.52:4B-44.3


P.L. 2021, CHAPTER 62, approved April 19, 2021

Senate, No. 3072



An Act concerning protocols for sexual assault victims and supplementing Title 52 of the Revised Statutes. 


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    Upon receiving a report of aggravated sexual assault or sexual assault as defined in subsection a. or c. of N.J.S.2C:14-2, the Office of Victim-Witness Advocacy, the county prosecutor's office, or any other law enforcement agency involved in the case shall make a packet of information available to the victim in electronic or paper format that includes, but is not limited to:

     a.     rights and laws pertaining to victims of sexual assault;

     b.    the criminal justice process as it pertains to victims of sexual assault;

     c.     existing medical, counseling, and mental health services available to victims of sexual assault;

     d.    any additional services available to victims of sexual assault through the Office of Victim-Witness Advocacy;

     e.     a telephone number, established by the county prosecutor's office involved in the case, that the victim may call at any time for updates concerning the victim's case; and

     f. contact information for the appropriate county Office of Victim-Witness Advocacy.

     The victim may elect to waive the right to receive the packet of information.  Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, rule, or regulation to the contrary, the Office of Victim-Witness Advocacy, the county prosecutor's office, or any other law enforcement agency involved in the case shall not discuss or provide information regarding crime prevention strategies with an alleged victim of aggravated sexual assault or sexual assault.


     2.    This act shall take effect immediately.





     This bill requires that certain information be provided to victims of sexual assault when the victim reports the crime to law enforcement. 

     Under the bill, upon receiving a report of aggravated sexual assault or sexual assault, the Office of Victim-Witness Advocacy, the county prosecutor's office, or any other law enforcement agency involved in the case is required to make a packet of information available to the victim in electronic or paper format that includes, but is not limited to:

·        rights and laws pertaining to victims of sexual assault;

·        the criminal justice process as it pertains to victims of sexual assault;

·        existing medical, counseling, and mental health services available to victims of sexual assault;

·        any additional services available to victims of sexual assault through the Office of Victim-Witness Advocacy;

·        a telephone number that the victim may call at any time to receive updates on his or her case; and

·        contact information for the appropriate county Office of Victim-Witness Advocacy. 

     The victim may elect to waive the right to receive the packet of information.  In addition, the bill provides that the Office of Victim-Witness Advocacy, the county prosecutor's office, or any other law enforcement agency involved in the case is not to discuss or provide information regarding crime prevention strategies with an alleged victim of aggravated sexual assault or sexual assault.

     It is the sponsor's intent to help victims of sexual assault navigate the often confusing criminal justice process by ensuring that the victim is provided with critical information at the outset of the victim's contact with law enforcement, a time when the victim may feel most vulnerable and in need of guidance. 





     Requires resources be made available to victims of sexual assault.