SENATE, No. 709







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District 40 (Bergen, Essex, Morris and Passaic)


District 15 (Hunterdon and Mercer)






     Prohibits sale of caffeinated alcoholic beverages.



     Introduced Pending Technical Review by Legislative Counsel


An Act concerning caffeinated alcoholic beverages, amending R.S.33:1-1 and supplementing Title 33 of the Revised Statutes.


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    R.S.33:1-1 is amended to read as follows:

     33:1-1.  For the purpose of this chapter, the following words and terms shall be deemed to have the meanings herein given to them:

     a.     "Alcohol." Ethyl alcohol, hydrated oxide of ethyl or neutral spirits from whatever source or by whatever process produced.

     b.    "Alcoholic beverage." Any fluid or solid capable of being converted into a fluid, suitable for human consumption, and having an alcohol content of more than one-half of one per centum (1/2 of 1%) by volume, including alcohol, beer, lager beer, ale, porter, naturally fermented wine, treated wine, blended wine, fortified wine, sparkling wine, distilled liquors, blended distilled liquors and any brewed, fermented or distilled liquors fit for use for beverage purposes or any mixture of the same, and fruit juices.

     c.     "Building." A structure of which licensed premises are or may be a part, including all rooms, cellars, outbuildings, passageways, closets, vaults, yards, attics, and every part of the structure of which the licensed premises are a part, and of any other structure to which there is a common means of access, and any other appurtenances.

     d.    "Commissioner." The Director of the Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control.

     e.     "Container." Any glass, can, bottle, vessel or receptacle of any material whatsoever used for holding alcoholic beverages, which container is covered, corked or sealed in any manner whatsoever.

     f.     "Eligible." The status of a person who is a citizen of the United States, a resident of this State, of good moral character and repute, and of legal age.

     g.     "Governing board or body." The board or body which governs a municipality, including a board of aldermen in municipalities so governed; but in every municipality having a board of public works which exercises general licensing powers such board shall be considered as the governing board or body.

     h.     "Importing." The act of bringing or causing to be brought any alcoholic beverage into this State.

     i.      "Illicit beverage." Any alcoholic beverage manufactured, distributed, bought, sold, bottled, rectified, blended, treated, fortified, mixed, processed, warehoused, possessed or transported in violation of this chapter, or on which any federal tax or tax imposed by the laws of this State has not been paid; and any alcoholic beverage possessed, kept, stored, owned or imported with intent to manufacture, sell, distribute, bottle, rectify, blend, treat, fortify, mix, process, warehouse or transport in violation of the provisions of this chapter.

     j.     "Licensed building." Any building containing licensed premises.

     k.    "Licensed premises." Any premises for which a license under this chapter is in force and effect.

     l.      "Magistrate." The Superior Court or municipal court.

     m.    "Manufacturer." Any person who, directly or indirectly, personally or through any agency whatsoever, engages in the making or other processing whatsoever of alcoholic beverages.

     n.     "Municipality." Any city, town, township, village, or borough, including a municipality governed by a board of commissioners or improvement commission, but excluding a county.

     o.    "Municipal board." The municipal board of alcoholic beverage control as established by this chapter.

     p.    "Officer." Any sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, police officer, member of the Division of State Police, or any other person having the power to execute a warrant for arrest, or any inspector or investigator of the Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control.

     q.    "Original container." Any container in which an alcoholic beverage has been delivered to a retail licensee.

     r.     "Person." Any natural person or association of natural persons, association, trust company, partnership, corporation, organization, or the manager, agent, servant, officer, or employee of any of them.

     s.     "Premises." The physical place at which a licensee is or may be licensed to conduct and carry on the manufacture, distribution or sale of alcoholic beverages, but not including vehicular transportation.

     t.     "Restaurant." An establishment regularly and principally used for the purpose of providing meals to the public, having an adequate kitchen and dining room equipped for the preparing, cooking and serving of food for its customers and in which no other business, except such as is incidental to such establishment, is conducted.

     u.     "Retailer." Any person who sells alcoholic beverages to consumers.

     v.     "Rules and regulations." The rules and regulations established from time to time by the director.

     w.    "Sale." Every delivery of an alcoholic beverage otherwise than by purely gratuitous title, including deliveries from without this State and deliveries by any person without this State intended for shipment by carrier or otherwise into this State and brought within this State, or the solicitation or acceptance of an order for an alcoholic beverage, and including exchange, barter, traffic in, keeping and exposing for sale, serving with meals, delivering for value, peddling, possessing with intent to sell, and the gratuitous delivery or gift of any alcoholic beverage by any licensee.

     x.     "Unlawful alcoholic beverage activity." The manufacture, sale, distribution, bottling, rectifying, blending, treating, fortifying, mixing, processing, warehousing or transportation of any alcoholic beverage in violation of this chapter, or the importing, owning, possessing, keeping or storing in this State of alcoholic beverages with intent to manufacture, sell, distribute, bottle, rectify, blend, treat, fortify, mix, process, warehouse or transport alcoholic beverages in violation of this chapter, or the owning, possessing, keeping or storing in this State of any implement or paraphernalia for the manufacture, sale, distribution, bottling, rectifying, blending, treating, fortifying, mixing, processing, warehousing or transportation of alcoholic beverages with intent to use the same in the manufacture, sale, distribution, bottling, rectifying, blending, treating, fortifying, mixing, processing, warehousing or transportation of alcoholic beverages in violation of this chapter, or to aid or abet another in the manufacture, sale, distribution, bottling, rectifying, blending, treating, fortifying, mixing, processing, warehousing or transportation of alcoholic beverages in violation of this chapter, or the aiding or abetting of another in any of the foregoing activities.

     y.     "Unlawful property." All illicit beverages and all implements, vehicles, vessels, airplanes, and paraphernalia for the manufacture, sale, distribution, bottling, rectifying, blending, treating, fortifying, mixing, processing, warehousing or transportation of illicit beverages used in the manufacture, sale, distribution, bottling, rectifying, blending, treating, fortifying, mixing, processing, warehousing or transportation of illicit beverages or owned, possessed, kept or stored with intent to use the same in the manufacture, sale, distribution, bottling, rectifying, blending, treating, fortifying, mixing, processing, warehousing or transportation of illicit beverages, whether such use be by the person owning, possessing, keeping, or storing the same, or by another with the consent of such person; and all alcoholic beverages, fixtures and personal property located in or upon any premises, building, yard or inclosure connected with a building, in which an illicit beverage is found, possessed, stored or kept.

     z.     "Wholesaler." Any person who sells an alcoholic beverage for the purpose of resale either to a licensed wholesaler or to a licensed retailer, or both.

     aa.   "Limousine." A motor vehicle used in the business of carrying passengers for hire to provide prearranged passenger transportation at a premium fare on a dedicated, nonscheduled, charter basis that is not conducted on a regular route, or is furnished without fare as an accommodation for a patron in connection with other business purposes, and with a seating capacity in no event of more than 14 passengers, not including the driver, provided, that such a motor vehicle shall not have a seating capacity in excess of four passengers, not including the driver, beyond the maximum passenger seating capacity of the vehicle, not including the driver, at the time of manufacture. This shall not include taxicabs, hotel or airport shuttles and buses, buses employed solely in transporting school children or teachers to and from school, vehicles owned and operated directly or indirectly by businesses engaged in the practice of mortuary science when those vehicles are used exclusively for providing transportation related to the provision of funeral services or vehicles owned and operated without charge or remuneration by a business entity for its own purposes.

     bb.  "Entertainment facility" is a privately-owned facility in which athletic, commercial, cultural, or artistic events are featured.

     cc.   "Caffeinated alcoholic beverage" is any prepackaged alcoholic beverage that has been supplemented by the manufacturer with caffeine or other stimulant that is metabolized by the body as caffeine.

     Any definition herein contained shall apply to the same word in any form. Thus "sell" means to make a "sale" as above defined.

(cf: P.L.2001, c.416, s.1)


     2.    (New section) No person shall knowingly sell, offer for sale, deliver, receive, or purchase for resale in this State any caffeinated alcoholic beverage. A person who violates the provisions of this section shall be liable to a civil penalty of not less than $250 for the first violation, not less than $500 for the second violation, and $1,000 for the third and each subsequent violation.  The civil penalty shall be collected pursuant to the "Penalty Enforcement Law of 1999," P.L.1999, c.274 (C.2A:58-10 et seq.), in a summary proceeding before the municipal court having jurisdiction.


     3.    This act shall take effect on the first day of the third month following enactment.





     This bill would prohibit the sale, delivery, receiving, and purchasing for resale of caffeinated alcoholic beverages.  A caffeinated alcoholic beverage is defined in the bill as any prepackaged alcoholic beverage that has been supplemented by the manufacturer with added caffeine or other stimulant that is metabolized by the body as caffeine.

     The penalty for selling, offering for sale, delivering, receiving, or purchasing for resale a caffeinated alcoholic beverage would be not less than $250 for the first violation, not less than $500 for the second violation, and $1,000 for the third and each subsequent violation.