No. 120







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District 40 (Bergen, Essex, Morris and Passaic)






     Designates January 13 of each year as Korean American Day in New Jersey. 



     As introduced.


A Joint Resolution designating January 13 of each year as Korean American Day in New Jersey. 


Whereas, On January 13, 1903, 102 courageous Korean immigrants arrived in the United States initiating the first wave of Korean immigration to America; and

Whereas, These pioneering Korean immigrants faced tremendous social and economic obstacles as well as language barriers in America; and

Whereas, First generation Korean immigrants established a new home in a new land through resilience, tenacious effort, and immense sacrifice, which became the bedrock for their children and future generations of Korean Americans; and

Whereas, Korean Americans have made significant contributions to the economic vitality of the United States, and the global marketplace; and

Whereas, The contributions of Korean Americans to the United States include achievements in engineering, architecture, medicine, the arts, and writing; and

Whereas, Korean Americans have made enormous contributions to the military strength of the United States and served with distinction in the Armed Forces during World War I, World War II, the Vietnam conflict, the Korean conflict, and subsequent military conflicts across the globe; and

Whereas, Korean Americans have built and strengthened the alliance between the United States and the Republic of Korea; and

Whereas, The Centennial Committee of Korean Immigration to the United States designated January 13th of each year as "Korean American Day" to honor the first step of the long and prosperous journey of Korean Americans in the United States; and

Whereas, It is altogether fitting and proper for this State to commemorate the arrival of the first Korean immigrants to the United States, and to recognize the invaluable contributions Korean Americans have made to the United States; now, therefore,


     Be It Resolved by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.  January 13 of each year is designated as "Korean American Day" in New Jersey to commemorate the arrival of the first Korean immigrants to the United States, and to recognize the invaluable contributions Korean Americans have made to the United States.


     2.  The Governor is respectfully requested to annually issue a proclamation calling upon public officials and the citizens of this State to observe "Korean American Day" with appropriate activities and programs. 

     3.    This joint resolution shall take effect immediately.





     This joint resolution designates January 13 of each year as "Korean American Day" in New Jersey. 

     On January 13, 1903, 102 courageous Korean immigrants arrived in the United States initiating the first wave of Korean immigration to America.  These pioneering Korean immigrants faced tremendous social and economic obstacles as well as language barriers in America.  They established a new home in a new land through resilience, tenacious effort, and immense sacrifice, which became the bedrock for their children and future generations of Korean Americans. 

     Korean Americans have made significant contributions to the economic vitality of the United States, and the global marketplace.  Their contributions include achievements in engineering, architecture, medicine, the arts, and writing. 

     Korean Americans have also made enormous contributions to the military strength of the United States and served with distinction in the Armed Forces during World War I, World War II, the Vietnam conflict, the Korean conflict, and subsequent military conflicts across the globe.

     This State should commemorate the arrival of the first Korean immigrants to the United States, and recognize the invaluable contributions Korean Americans have made to the United States.