No. 96







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     Designates April 19th as "Acute Myeloid Leukemia Awareness Day."



     As introduced.


A Joint Resolution designating April 19th of each year as "Acute Myeloid Leukemia Awareness Day."


Whereas, Acute Myeloid Leukemia ("AML"), also called Acute Myelogenous Leukemia or Acute Myelocytic Leukemia, is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow; and

Whereas, AML is caused by mutations within the genes of developing blood cells, which result in the body producing cells that do not function properly; and

Whereas, AML rapidly progresses from the bone marrow, where the cancerous cells originate, into the bloodstream and, oftentimes, to organs and other vital systems of the body; and

Whereas, The specific cause of AML is often unclear, and presently there is no known way to prevent most cases of AML; and

Whereas, Researchers have identified risk factors that cause the genetic mutations that can result in AML, namely smoking, exposure to radiation and certain noxious chemicals (such as benzene), blood disorders (such as myelodysplastic syndrome), genetic syndromes (such as Down syndrome and Trisomy 8), family history of the disease, advanced age, and prior treatment with certain chemotherapy drugs; and

Whereas, AML can be difficult to identify and diagnose because the initial symptoms sometimes mimic signs of the flu and other common illnesses; these signs often present as weight loss, recurrent fever or infection, bone or joint pain, fatigue, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, swollen lymph nodes, and atypical bleeding; and

Whereas, The American Cancer Society has estimated that 19,950 new cases of AML will be diagnosed in the United States in 2016, with about 500 of these new cases expected to arise in children; and

Whereas, AML is the second most common blood cancer that occurs in children, and in particular it has been recognized as one of the most challenging pediatric cancers to treat due to its rapid progression and the multiple rounds of intense treatment usually employed to target the disease; and

Whereas, Treatment options, such as chemotherapy, stem cell transplants, targeted therapies, and experimental clinical trials, have increased survival rates for many patients but can also give rise to latent side effects, including but not limited to fatigue, growth delays, learning disabilities, and depression; and

Whereas, Robust support networks and communities of survivors work tirelessly to assist and comfort patients and their family members battling AML; and

Whereas, New Jersey initiatives have been at the forefront of efforts to conquer cancer, from work performed in world-class research institutions, to grant programs for cancer researchers, to discoveries of potentially life-changing scientific breakthroughs; nevertheless, additional efforts are needed in order to eradicate this disease; now, therefore,


     Be It Resolved by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


1.         April 19th of each year shall be designated as "Acute Myeloid Leukemia Day" to promote public awareness of AML, to call attention to the challenges associated with diagnosis and treatment, to encourage community support for patients, families, and caregivers, and to encourage additional research to improve the availability and efficacy of prevention and treatment measures.


2.         The Governor is respectfully requested to annually issue a proclamation that recognizes April 19th as "Acute Myeloid Leukemia Day" and to call upon public officials and the citizens of this State to observe this day with appropriate programs and activities.


3.         This joint resolution shall take effect immediately.





     This joint resolution designates April 19th in each year as "Acute Myeloid Leukemia Day" in New Jersey, in order to raise public understanding of AML and to recognize the strength and courage of patients and family members battling this disease.

     AML is a form of cancer that originates in the bone marrow and moves rapidly throughout the bloodstream.  It is marked by its rapid progression and high mortality rate.  Although it disproportionately develops in males over the age of 67, AML affects the lives of people of all ages, ethnicities, and genders.  This disease presents a particular challenge when found in young patients because it requires an intense treatment regimen that oftentimes can result in long-lasting and severe side effects.

     Researchers have made strides in understanding the causes of AML.  Building upon this work, physicians have been able to better tailor treatment regimens for patients.  As a result of this work, the National Institutes of Health has assessed that the five-year survival rate for AML is now 26.6 percent, from 11.4 percent in 1990 and 16.8 percent in 2000.  Nevertheless, as the United States population grows older, concerns about the impact of AML increase.  Given the recent achievements made in understanding AML, and the pressing threat this disease still poses, this resolution seeks to raise public awareness in order to help patients and their support networks obtain better information and make better decisions.