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     Constitutes special committee of Senate entitled "Senate Select Committee on New Jersey Transit."



     As introduced.


A Senate Resolution constituting a special committee of the Senate entitled the "Senate Select Committee on New Jersey Transit."


Whereas, In recent years, the New Jersey Transit Corporation ("NJ Transit"), and thereby its passengers, have been plagued with service cancellations and delays, mechanical breakdowns, train derailments, safety violations, loss of critical personnel, inadequate staffing, apparent lack of long-term planning, and reportedly poor managerial decisions; and

Whereas, New Jersey's public transportation system, including the rail, light rail, and bus passenger services operated by or under contract with NJ Transit, is critical to the State's economic prosperity; and

Whereas, NJ Transit's failures have hindered the State's economic growth, stalled the expansion of its tax base, damaged the State's housing market, and diminished the overall quality of life for New Jersey residents; and

Whereas, For the Fiscal Year 2020 budget, the Legislature appropriated $760 million to NJ Transit to support its capital program and $668 million to NJ Transit to subsidize its operations, making it the fourth consecutive fiscal year that NJ Transit has received over $1 billion in State financial assistance; and

Whereas, The State can no longer tolerate the continued failure to correct the deficiencies at NJ Transit and to restore NJ Transit to its once prominent position as a world-class transit agency; and

Whereas, Toward the end of the 218th legislative session, the Senate established the Senate Select Committee on New Jersey Transit with the purpose of fixing NJ Transit and it is imperative that the committee's work continue in the 219th legislative session; and

Whereas, It is therefore necessary and altogether fitting and proper for the Senate, through an appropriate committee, to examine the breadth of NJ Transit's ineffectiveness and the reasons for NJ Transit's repeated failures and to develop a plan to rehabilitate the agency; now, therefore,


     Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    There is constituted a special committee of the Senate entitled the "Senate Select Committee on New Jersey Transit," comprised of eight members of the Senate.  The eight members shall be appointed by the Senate President, not more than five of whom shall be of the same political party.  There shall be a chair and vice-chair of the special committee appointed by the Senate President from among the members appointed to the committee.


     2.    The Senate Select Committee on New Jersey Transit, for the purpose of fixing the New Jersey Transit Corporation, may examine all aspects of the finances, operations, and management of the New Jersey Transit Corporation and the corporation's ability to provide safe and reliable public transportation services.


     3.    a.   The Senate Select Committee on New Jersey Transit shall be entitled to call to its assistance and avail itself of the services of the employees of the State of New Jersey, any political subdivision of the State, and any agency thereof, as may be required and as may be available for that purpose, and to employ any other services as may be deemed necessary, in order to perform the duties provided herein, and within the limits of funds appropriated or otherwise made available for that purpose.

     b.    The Senate Select Committee on New Jersey Transit, upon the written approval of the Senate President, shall be entitled to call to its assistance, employ, and avail itself of the services of one or more special counsel retained to assist the committee.


     4.    This resolution shall take effect immediately.





     This resolution establishes a special committee of the Senate entitled the "Senate Select Committee on New Jersey Transit" (committee).  The committee is authorized, for the purpose of legislatively fixing the New Jersey Transit Corporation, to examine all aspects of the finances, operations, and management of the corporation and the corporation's ability to provide safe and reliable public transportation services.