

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY


                                     January 4, 2023

          BLANKENBUSH  --  read  once  and  referred  to  the Committee on Local

        AN ACT to amend the general municipal law, in relation to  enacting  the
          "wireless  broadband  eligible  facility permitting act" providing for
          uniform municipal regulation of certain wireless facilities

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  Legislative  intent.  The  legislature  hereby  finds and
     2  declares that it is the policy of this state  to  ensure  the  safe  and
     3  efficient  integration of certain wireless facility modifications neces-
     4  sary for the provision of broadband and other advanced wireless services
     5  across the entirety of the state. It is the intent of this act to facil-
     6  itate the ongoing demand for access  to  broadband  and  other  advanced
     7  wireless  services  by exempting certain modifications of existing wire-
     8  less facilities from the need for municipal zoning, land  use  or  other
     9  discretionary  siting  permits,  to  eliminate the burdens and resources
    10  dedicated by municipal zoning and land use agencies  to  review  certain
    11  eligible  modifications of such wireless facilities, and create a state-
    12  wide uniform process for municipal permitting of such eligible  facility
    13  modifications.  The  legislature acknowledges and confirms the authority
    14  of local governments to otherwise exercise zoning, land use and  permit-
    15  ting  authority  within  their territorial boundaries with regard to the
    16  placement and construction of wireless  facilities  in  accordance  with
    17  other laws, rules and requirements that may apply to the siting of wire-
    18  less facilities.
    19    §  2.  Short  title.  This  act shall be known and may be cited as the
    20  "wireless broadband eligible facility permitting act".
    21    § 3. The general municipal law is amended by adding a new article 13-E
    22  to read as follows:

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 30                               2

     1                                ARTICLE 13-E
     2                             WIRELESS FACILITIES
     3  Section 300. Definitions.
     4          301. General municipal authority over siting of wireless facili-
     5                 ties.
     6          302. Eligible facilities requests.
     7          303. Application to supreme court by aggrieved persons.
     8          304. Preemption.
     9    §  300. Definitions.   For the purposes of this article, the following
    10  terms shall have the following meanings  unless  the  context  indicates
    11  otherwise.
    12    1.  "Applicant"  shall  mean  any  person who files an application for
    13  wireless infrastructure pursuant  to  a  municipal  zoning  law  adopted
    14  pursuant  to  this  article  or  an eligible facilities request with the
    15  municipal building inspector.
    16    2. "Application" shall mean a zoning application filed with a  munici-
    17  pality  for  approvals  to  construct,  operate  and maintain a wireless
    18  facility, an eligible facilities request or an application  pursuant  to
    19  the state uniform fire prevention and building code.
    20    3.  "Base  station"  shall  mean  a  structure or equipment at a fixed
    21  location that enables  Federal  Communications  Commission  licensed  or
    22  authorized wireless communications between user equipment and a communi-
    23  cations  network. Such term shall not encompass a tower or any equipment
    24  associated with a tower.
    25    (a) Such term shall include, but not be limited to:
    26    (1) equipment associated with wireless communications services such as
    27  private, broadcast and public safety services,  as  well  as  unlicensed
    28  wireless  services  and  fixed wireless services such as microwave back-
    29  haul;
    30    (2) radio transceivers, antennas, coaxial or fiber-optic cable,  regu-
    31  lar  and  backup power supplies, and comparable equipment, regardless of
    32  technological configuration (including distributed antenna  systems  and
    33  small-cell networks); and
    34    (3)  any  structure  other than a tower that, at the time the relevant
    35  permit application is  filed  with  the  municipal  building  inspector,
    36  supports  or  houses  equipment  described in subparagraph one or two of
    37  this paragraph that has been reviewed and approved under the  applicable
    38  zoning  or  siting  process,  or under another state or local regulatory
    39  review process, even if the structure was not  built  for  the  sole  or
    40  primary purpose of providing such support.
    41    (b)  Such  term  shall not include any structure that, at the time the
    42  relevant permit application is filed with the municipal building inspec-
    43  tor, does not support or house equipment described in  subparagraph  one
    44  or two of paragraph (a) of this subdivision.
    45    4.  "Collocation"  shall  mean  the mounting or installation of trans-
    46  mission equipment on an eligible support structure for  the  purpose  of
    47  transmitting and/or receiving radio frequency signals for communications
    48  purposes.
    49    5.  "Eligible facilities request" shall mean any request for modifica-
    50  tion of an existing tower or base station that  does  not  substantially
    51  change the physical dimensions of such tower or base station, involving:
    52    (a) the collocation of new transmission equipment;
    53    (b) the removal of transmission equipment; or
    54    (c) the replacement of transmission equipment.

        A. 30                               3

     1    6.  "Eligible support structure" shall mean any tower or base station,
     2  provided that it is existing at the time a permit application  is  filed
     3  with a municipal building inspector.
     4    7.  "Existing" shall mean that a constructed tower or base station has
     5  been reviewed and approved under the applicable zoning or  siting  proc-
     6  ess, or under another state or local regulatory review process, provided
     7  that  a  tower  that has not been reviewed and approved but was lawfully
     8  constructed prior to the current applicable zoning  or  siting  process,
     9  shall be deemed to be existing.
    10    8.  "Modification" shall mean the improvement, upgrade or expansion of
    11  an existing wireless facility, base station or wireless  support  struc-
    12  ture  that is not a repair, maintenance or in kind replacement of exist-
    13  ing transmission equipment.
    14    9. "Municipality" shall mean a city, town or  village,  including  any
    15  agent, board, authority, commission, agency, department or other instru-
    16  mentality thereof.
    17    10.  "Municipal  building  inspector"  shall mean the official charged
    18  with issuing building  permits  or  enforcing  the  state  uniform  fire
    19  prevention  and  building  code  within a municipality.   In the event a
    20  municipality does not have a municipal  official  charged  with  issuing
    21  building  permits  or  enforcing  the  state uniform fire prevention and
    22  building code, such term shall be deemed to refer to the entity  charged
    23  with  enforcing the building code pursuant to subdivision two of section
    24  three hundred eighty-one of the executive law.
    25    11. "Municipal zoning law" shall mean any local law, ordinance,  rule,
    26  regulation,  policy or guideline which regulates or governs the location
    27  or use of structures or land adopted by a municipality pursuant to  this
    28  chapter,  the general city law, the town law, the village law and/or any
    29  other applicable authority.
    30    12. "Site" shall mean, for towers other  than  towers  in  the  public
    31  rights-of-way,  the  current  boundaries of the leased or owned property
    32  surrounding the tower and any access or utility easements related to the
    33  site, and, for other eligible support structures, further restricted  to
    34  that area in proximity to the structure and to other transmission equip-
    35  ment deployed on the ground.
    36    13.  "Substantial  change"  shall  mean  a  modification substantially
    37  changes the physical dimensions of an eligible support structure  if  it
    38  meets any of the following criteria:
    39    (a)  For  towers  other  than  towers  in the public rights-of-way, it
    40  increases the height of the tower by more than ten  percent  or  by  the
    41  height  of one additional antenna array with separation from the nearest
    42  existing antenna not to exceed twenty feet, whichever  is  greater;  and
    43  for  other  eligible  support structures, it increases the height of the
    44  structure by more than ten percent or more than ten feet,  whichever  is
    45  greater.  For  the purpose of this paragraph, changes in height shall be
    46  measured from the original support structure in cases where  deployments
    47  are  or  will be separated horizontally, such as on buildings' rooftops;
    48  and in other circumstances, changes in height shall be measured from the
    49  dimensions of  the  tower  or  base  station,  inclusive  of  originally
    50  approved appurtenances and any modifications that were approved prior to
    51  the  enactment  of  the  Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of
    52  2012 (Public Law 112-96);
    53    (b) For towers other than  towers  in  the  public  rights-of-way,  it
    54  involves  adding  an  appurtenance  to  the body of the tower that would
    55  protrude from the edge of the tower more than twenty feet, or more  than
    56  the  width  of  the  tower  structure  at the level of the appurtenance,

        A. 30                               4

     1  whichever is greater; and for  other  eligible  support  structures,  it
     2  involves  adding an appurtenance to the body of the structure that would
     3  protrude from the edge of the structure by more than six feet;
     4    (c)  For  any  eligible support structure, it involves installation of
     5  more than the standard number of new equipment cabinets for the technol-
     6  ogy involved, but not to exceed four cabinets; or,  for  towers  in  the
     7  public  rights-of-way and base stations, it involves installation of any
     8  new equipment cabinets on the ground if there are no pre-existing ground
     9  cabinets associated with the structure, or else involves installation of
    10  ground cabinets that are more than ten percent larger in height or over-
    11  all volume than any other ground cabinets associated with the structure;
    12    (d) It entails any excavation or deployment outside the current site;
    13    (e) It would defeat the concealment elements of the  eligible  support
    14  structure; or
    15    (f)  It  does  not  comply  with conditions associated with the siting
    16  approval of the construction or modification  of  the  eligible  support
    17  structure  or base station equipment; provided, however, that this limi-
    18  tation shall not apply to any modification that is non-compliant only in
    19  a manner that would not exceed the thresholds identified  in  paragraphs
    20  (a) through (d) of this subdivision.
    21    14.  "Transmission  equipment"  shall  mean equipment that facilitates
    22  transmission for  any  Federal  Communications  Commission  licensed  or
    23  authorized  wireless  communications services including, but not limited
    24  to, radio transceivers, antennas,  coaxial  or  fiber-optic  cable,  and
    25  regular and backup power supply. Such term shall include equipment asso-
    26  ciated  with wireless communications services including, but not limited
    27  to, private, broadcast and public safety services, as well as unlicensed
    28  wireless services and fixed wireless services such  as  microwave  back-
    29  haul.
    30    15.  "Tower"  shall  mean  any structure built for the sole or primary
    31  purpose of supporting any Federal Communications Commission licensed  or
    32  authorized  antennas  and  their associated facilities, including struc-
    33  tures that are constructed for wireless communications services  includ-
    34  ing,  but not limited to, private, broadcast and public safety services,
    35  as well as unlicensed wireless services and fixed wireless services such
    36  as microwave backhaul, and the associated site.
    37    16. "Wireless facility" shall mean  the  wireless  services  equipment
    38  including  transmission  equipment,  base  station,  tower and accessory
    39  equipment, utilities and other site development components.
    40    17. "Wireless services" shall mean the use of any wireless technology,
    41  including without limitation,  commercial  mobile  services,  commercial
    42  mobile  radio  services,  unlicensed  wireless  services, common carrier
    43  wireless exchange access services, cellular radiotelephone,  specialized
    44  mobile  radio  systems, personal communications services, advanced wire-
    45  less services, two-way personal wireless services, and  any  such  other
    46  wireless  technologies  that may from time to time be utilized, in order
    47  to transmit and/or receive radio waves.
    48    § 301. General municipal authority over siting of wireless facilities.
    49  1.  A municipality may enact municipal zoning laws regulating the siting
    50  and installation of base stations and towers provided that such  munici-
    51  pal zoning laws comply with federal laws, including the provisions of 47
    52  U.S.C.  §  332(c)(7),  the  Federal Communications Commission cell tower
    53  shot clock order, the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job  Creation  Act  of
    54  2012 and the provisions of this article.

        A. 30                               5

     1    2.  Every  municipality  shall  act  on  an application for a wireless
     2  facility in accordance with the regulations and orders  of  the  Federal
     3  Communications Commission as follows for:
     4    (a)  a  base station within ninety days of the application being filed
     5  with the municipality;
     6    (b) a tower within one hundred fifty days  of  the  application  being
     7  filed with the municipality; or
     8    (c)  an  eligible facilities request within sixty days of the applica-
     9  tion being filed with the municipality, as set forth  in  section  three
    10  hundred two of this article.
    11    §  302.  Eligible  facilities  requests.  1. Notwithstanding any other
    12  provision of law to the  contrary,  a  municipality  shall  not  require
    13  zoning, land use or other discretionary permits for any eligible facili-
    14  ties request.
    15    2.  All eligible facilities requests shall be submitted to the munici-
    16  pal building inspector for review with any application  or  applications
    17  for  permits  that  may be required by the state uniform fire prevention
    18  and building code, and shall not otherwise be subject to  any  municipal
    19  zoning law which may otherwise apply to wireless facilities.
    20    3. All eligible facilities requests shall be exempt from environmental
    21  quality  review pursuant to article eight of the environmental conserva-
    22  tion law on the basis that administrative review of an eligible  facili-
    23  ties  request  is  an  official act of a ministerial nature involving no
    24  exercise of discretion, and the issuance of any  associated  administra-
    25  tive  approval  by the municipal building inspector predicated solely on
    26  compliance or noncompliance with this section. No environmental  assess-
    27  ment form shall be required for review of an eligible facilities review.
    28    4.  When  a  person files an eligible facilities review and asserts in
    29  writing that a request for modification is covered by this section,  the
    30  municipal  building inspector may only require documentation or informa-
    31  tion customarily required in a  building  permit  application  and  such
    32  other  information reasonably related to determining whether the request
    33  meets the requirements of this article. A municipal  building  inspector
    34  may adopt a form for use in assessing eligible facilities review filings
    35  in  addition  to  any  other  customary forms used for the processing of
    36  building permit applications.
    37    5. The municipal building inspector shall review and approve an appli-
    38  cation of eligible facilities review and issue  any  necessary  building
    39  and/or  electrical  permits within sixty days of the submission, subject
    40  to tolling as set forth in subdivision six of this section,  unless  the
    41  municipal  building  inspector determines that the modification does not
    42  meet the criteria for an eligible facilities  review  in  which  case  a
    43  written  denial  thereof  shall  be transmitted within sixty days of the
    44  filing date. If the municipal building  inspector  determines  that  the
    45  modification  does  not  meet  the  criteria  for an eligible facilities
    46  review, the reasons shall be stated in the written denial and include  a
    47  determination  of  what  if  any application shall be required under any
    48  municipal zoning law.
    49    6. The sixty day review period begins to run when the application  for
    50  an  eligible facilities review and application for any necessary permits
    51  are filed, and may be tolled only (a) by mutual agreement of the munici-
    52  pal building inspector and the applicant  or  (b)  where  the  municipal
    53  building inspector determines that the eligible facilities review and/or
    54  any  necessary  permit  applications are incomplete and provides written
    55  notice to the applicant within thirty days of  receipt  of  such  permit
    56  applications specifically delineating all missing supporting information

        A. 30                               6

     1  or  documentation  that  is  required.  The  timeframe for review begins
     2  running again when the applicant  makes  a  supplemental  submission  in
     3  response  to  any  notice  of  incompleteness.  Following a supplemental
     4  submission,  the municipal building inspector shall notify the applicant
     5  within ten days if the  supplemental  submission  did  not  provide  the
     6  information identified in the original notice delineating missing infor-
     7  mation  and  these  tolling  procedures. Second or subsequent notices of
     8  incompleteness shall only toll the timeframe for review  to  the  extent
     9  they  request  documents  or  information  that  were  delineated in the
    10  original notice of incompleteness.
    11    7. In the event the municipal building inspector fails to  approve  or
    12  deny  an application for eligible facilities review and issue any neces-
    13  sary permits within the timeframe set forth in subdivision five of  this
    14  section,  subject  to  tolling  set  forth  in  subdivision  six of this
    15  section, the eligible facilities review and any necessary permits  shall
    16  be  deemed granted. The deemed grant approval will become effective when
    17  the applicant notifies the municipal building inspector in writing  that
    18  the  sixty  day  period, and any applicable tolling, has expired and the
    19  permits have been deemed granted by operation of law.  The  municipality
    20  shall  issue  any  necessary permits within fifteen days of the date the
    21  municipality receives notice of the deemed grant approval.
    22    § 303. Application to supreme court by aggrieved persons.  Any  person
    23  or  persons, jointly or severally aggrieved by any act of a municipality
    24  that is inconsistent with the provisions of this article or a failure to
    25  act in a manner consistent therewith, may, within thirty days after such
    26  action or failure to act, commence an action pursuant to article  seven-
    27  ty-eight  of  the  civil practice law and rules in the supreme court for
    28  the county in which such municipality  is  situate.  The  supreme  court
    29  shall hear and decide such action on an expedited basis.
    30    §  304. Preemption. The provisions of this article shall supersede any
    31  inconsistent provision of law relating to  the  placement,  collocation,
    32  modification or maintenance of wireless facilities.
    33    §  4.  This  act shall take effect on the thirtieth day after it shall
    34  have become a law.