

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    January 17, 2023

        Introduced by M. of A. THIELE -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on Local Governments

        AN  ACT  to  amend the local finance law, in relation to installments of
          certain bonds; and to repeal certain provisions of such  law  relating

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Paragraph b of section 21.00 of the local finance  law,  as
     2  amended  by  chapter  121  of  the  laws  of 2021, is amended to read as
     3  follows:
     4    b. Serial  bonds  shall  mature  in  annual  installments.  The  first
     5  installment  shall mature not later than [eighteen months after the date
     6  of such bonds or two years after the date of the first bond anticipation
     7  note or notes issued in anticipation of such  bonds,  whichever  is  the
     8  earlier,  provided,  however,  that  until  July fifteenth, two thousand
     9  twenty-four, the first installment shall  mature  not  later  than]  two
    10  years  after  the  date of such bonds or two years after the date of the
    11  first bond anticipation note or notes issued  in  anticipation  of  such
    12  bonds, whichever is the earlier. However, if bond anticipation notes are
    13  issued  in  anticipation  of bonds and if a portion of such notes or the
    14  renewals thereof are redeemed from a source other than the  proceeds  of
    15  such  bonds  within  two  years  from the date of the first such note or
    16  notes and a further portion thereof shall be so redeemed  prior  to  the
    17  termination  of  each  twelve  months'  period  succeeding the date such
    18  original portion was so redeemed, the first installment  of  such  bonds
    19  may,  in  the  alternative,  be made to mature not later than five years
    20  from the date of the first such note or notes.
    21    § 2. Paragraph b of section 53.00 of the local finance law, as amended
    22  by chapter 121 of the laws of 2021, is amended to read as follows:
    23    b. If such bonds or notes are payable in  installments,  the  install-
    24  ments  remaining  unpaid  may  be called for redemption [only (i) in the

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 1463                             2

     1  inverse order of their maturity or, (ii) in equal proportionate amounts;
     2  provided, however, that for bonds  issued  during  the  one-year  period
     3  commencing  July  first,  nineteen  hundred  eighty-eight, and for bonds
     4  issued  during  the  one-year  period  commencing  July  first, nineteen
     5  hundred eighty-nine, and for bonds issued  during  the  one-year  period
     6  commencing  July  first,  nineteen  hundred ninety, and for bonds issued
     7  during the three-year period commencing  July  first,  nineteen  hundred
     8  ninety-one,  and  for  bonds  issued  during the period from July first,
     9  nineteen hundred ninety-four up  until  and  including  July  fifteenth,
    10  nineteen  hundred  ninety-seven  and  for bonds issued during the period
    11  from July fifteenth, nineteen hundred ninety-seven up until and  includ-
    12  ing July fifteenth, two thousand, and for bonds issued during the period
    13  from July fifteenth, two thousand up until and including July fifteenth,
    14  two  thousand  three,  and  for bonds issued during the period from July
    15  fifteenth, two thousand three up until and including July fifteenth, two
    16  thousand  six,  and  for  bonds  issued  during  the  period  from  July
    17  fifteenth,  two  thousand six up until and including July fifteenth, two
    18  thousand nine,  and  for  bonds  issued  during  the  period  from  July
    19  fifteenth,  two  thousand six up until and including July fifteenth, two
    20  thousand twelve, and for  bonds  issued  during  the  period  from  July
    21  fifteenth,  two thousand nine up until and including July fifteenth, two
    22  thousand fifteen, and for bonds  issued  during  the  period  from  July
    23  fifteenth,  two  thousand fifteen up until and including July fifteenth,
    24  two thousand eighteen, and for bonds issued during the period from  July
    25  fifteenth,  two thousand eighteen up until and including July fifteenth,
    26  two thousand twenty-one, and for bonds issued  during  the  period  from
    27  July  fifteenth,  two  thousand  twenty-one  up until and including July
    28  fifteenth, two thousand twenty-four, installments  remaining  unpaid  on
    29  such bonds may be called for redemption] prior to their date of maturity
    30  in such amounts, at such times in such manner and pursuant to such terms
    31  as  may  be  determined  by  the finance board of a municipality, school
    32  district or district corporation at the time of  the  issuance  thereof.
    33  Whenever  any bonds or notes are called for redemption prior to the date
    34  of their maturity, interest shall cease to be  paid  thereon  after  the
    35  date  for  redemption set forth in such call for redemption. [The sum to
    36  be paid to redeem any unpaid installment prior to its  maturity,  exclu-
    37  sive of the interest accruing on such installment to the date of redemp-
    38  tion,  shall in no event be in excess of the lesser amount of either (i)
    39  the par value of such installment plus one-half of  one  per  centum  of
    40  such  par  value for each calendar year or part thereof elapsing between
    41  the date for redemption set forth in such call for  redemption  and  the
    42  date  of  maturity  of  such  installment,  provided, however, that such
    43  amount shall not exceed one hundred five per centum of such  par  value,
    44  or  (ii)  the par value of such installment plus the total of all unpaid
    45  interest on such installment which would have accrued from the  date  of
    46  redemption to the date of maturity thereof had such installment not been
    47  redeemed  prior  to maturity, except that bonds sold to the state of New
    48  York municipal bond bank agency, which are subject to call as  hereinbe-
    49  fore authorized, may provide for the payment of a redemption premium not
    50  to  exceed  five  per centum of the par value of the bonds to be called,
    51  payable on the date of the redemption thereof; provided,  however,  that
    52  for bonds issued during the one-year period commencing July first, nine-
    53  teen  hundred  eighty-eight,  and  for  bonds issued during the one-year
    54  period commencing July first,  nineteen  hundred  eighty-nine,  and  for
    55  bonds  issued during the one-year period commencing July first, nineteen
    56  hundred ninety, and  for  bonds  issued  during  the  three-year  period

        A. 1463                             3

     1  commencing July first, nineteen hundred ninety-one, and for bonds issued
     2  during the period from July first, nineteen hundred ninety-four up until
     3  and  including  July  fifteenth,  nineteen hundred ninety-seven, and for
     4  bonds  issued  during  the  period from July fifteenth, nineteen hundred
     5  ninety-seven up until and including July fifteenth,  two  thousand,  and
     6  for  bonds issued during the period from July fifteenth, two thousand up
     7  until and including July fifteenth, two thousand three,  and  for  bonds
     8  issued  during  the  period  from  July fifteenth, two thousand three up
     9  until and including July fifteenth, two  thousand  six,  and  for  bonds
    10  issued  during the period from July fifteenth, two thousand six up until
    11  and including July fifteenth, two thousand nine, and  for  bonds  issued
    12  during  the  period  from July fifteenth, two thousand nine up until and
    13  including July fifteenth, two thousand  twelve,  and  for  bonds  issued
    14  during  the period from July fifteenth, two thousand twelve up until and
    15  including July fifteenth, two thousand fifteen,  and  for  bonds  issued
    16  during the period from July fifteenth, two thousand fifteen up until and
    17  including  July  fifteenth,  two thousand eighteen, and for bonds issued
    18  during the period from July fifteenth, two thousand  eighteen  up  until
    19  and  including  July  fifteenth,  two thousand twenty-one, and for bonds
    20  issued during the period from July fifteenth, two thousand twenty-one up
    21  until and including July fifteenth, two thousand twenty-four, a] A muni-
    22  cipality, school district,  or  district  corporation  may  provide  for
    23  redemption  of such bonds prior to the date of their maturity at a price
    24  or prices as may be as determined by the issuer of such bonds  or  notes
    25  at the time of the issuance thereof.
    26    § 3. Section 107.00 of the local finance law is REPEALED.
    27    § 4. This act shall take effect immediately.