S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                              2011-2012 Regular Sessions
                                 I N  A S S E M B L Y
                                   February 3, 2011
       Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  SCARBOROUGH -- read once and referred to the
         Committee on Children and Families
       AN ACT relating to the establishment of a pilot program to  provide  job
         and  vocational  skills  training  to  youth who have been adjudicated
         juvenile delinquents or juvenile  offenders  residing  in  a  facility
         overseen  by the office of children and family services; and providing
         for the repeal of such provisions upon expiration thereof
    1    Section 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary,
    2  the department of labor, in consultation with the office of children and
    3  family  services  shall conduct a pilot program to provide job and voca-
    4  tional skills training to  youth  who  have  been  adjudicated  juvenile
    5  delinquents  or  juvenile  offenders under article 3 of the family court
    6  act and who are residing in a facility overseen by the office  of  chil-
    7  dren and family services as defined in section 504 or 504-a of the exec-
    8  utive  law.  Such  pilot program shall be conducted in three residential
    9  facilities chosen by the office of children  and  family  services.  The
   10  office of children and family services shall choose the three facilities
   11  in  which  the  pilot  program  will be conducted as considering factors
   12  including, but not limited to, existing vocational and job skills train-
   13  ing programs, the need for  expansion  of  such  programs,  the  average
   14  length of stay, and age of youth at the specific facilities.  Such pilot
   15  program  shall  use a combination of integrated support services, educa-
   16  tional, vocational and job skill training to provide youth  with  skills
   17  needed  to advance to higher levels of education and higher wage jobs in
   18  growing occupational fields.   Youth  wishing  to  participate  in  such
   19  program  who  are  also  attending  school  or are receiving educational
   20  services within the facility, must be given an option to participate  in
   21  the program at a time that does not conflict with their school or educa-
   22  tion schedule.
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       A. 4336                             2
    1    S  2. The name of any youth participating in the pilot program and any
    2  other identifying information relating to the placement of such youth at
    3  a residential facility, and his or her adjudication as a juvenile delin-
    4  quent or juvenile offender, shall remain confidential  pursuant  to  law
    5  and shall not be disclosed to any person or entity not otherwise author-
    6  ized.
    7    S 3. To the extent possible, the department of labor and the office of
    8  children  and family services shall work in collaboration with community
    9  organizations operating in or around the counties where  the  facilities
   10  chosen  for  the pilot program are located. Such community organizations
   11  may include, but not be limited to, not-for-profit organizations,  faith
   12  based  organizations,  local  development  corporations  and small busi-
   13  nesses.
   14    S 4. The department of labor and the office  of  children  and  family
   15  services  shall  issue a joint report on the status of the pilot program
   16  to the chair of the New York state senate standing committee on children
   17  and families, the chair of the New York state senate standing  committee
   18  on labor, the chair of the New York state assembly standing committee on
   19  children  and  families  and  the  chair  of the New York state assembly
   20  standing committee on labor by December  31,  2012.  Such  report  shall
   21  include, but not be limited to, the status of the program, the number of
   22  youth  served  in the program, the average length of time youth received
   23  services in the program, and the employment and educational outcomes  of
   24  the youth participants if known, as of November 30, 2012.
   25    S  5.  This  act shall take effect immediately and shall expire and be
   26  deemed repealed April 1, 2013.