S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                              2015-2016 Regular Sessions
                                 I N  A S S E M B L Y
                                   January 30, 2015
       Introduced  by  M. of A. BRENNAN, BRINDISI, CLARK, CRESPO, JAFFEE, SCHI-
         MEL, WEPRIN -- Multi-Sponsored by  --  M.  of  A.  ABBATE,  DenDEKKER,
         GLICK,  ROBERTS,  ROBINSON, ROSENTHAL, TITUS -- read once and referred
         to the Committee on Ways and Means
       AN ACT authorizing the creation of a state debt to the  amount  of  four
         billion  five  hundred  million  dollars,  in relation to creating the
         Transportation Infrastructure Bond Act of 2015, to provide monies  for
         the  improvement,  enhancement,  preservation  and  restoration of the
         quality of the state's transportation  infrastructure,  and  providing
         for the submission to the people of a proposition or question therefor
         to be voted upon at the general election in November 2015
    1    Section 1. The Transportation  Infrastructure  Bond  Act  of  2015  is
    2  enacted to read as follows:
    4  Section 1. Short title.
    5          2. Creation of a state debt.
    6          3. Bonds of the state.
    7          4. Use of moneys received.
    8    Section 1. Short  title.  This  act shall be known and may be cited as
    9  the "Transportation Infrastructure Bond Act of 2015".
   10    S 2. Creation of a state debt. The creation of  a  state  debt  to  an
   11  amount  not exceeding in the aggregate four billion five hundred million
   12  dollars ($4,500,000,000) is hereby authorized to provide moneys for  the
   13  single  purpose  of  improving,  enhancing, preserving and restoring the
   14  quality of the state's transportation infrastructure by the planning and
   15  design, construction, reconstruction, replacement, improvement, recondi-
   16  tioning, rehabilitation and preservation, including the  acquisition  of
   17  real  property and interests therein required or expected to be required
   18  in connection therewith, of: state highways, bridges and parkways; high-
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       A. 4411                             2
    1  ways and bridges either on or off the state highway system necessary  or
    2  reasonably expected to be necessary as a project component or incidental
    3  to  projects  otherwise  authorized  by  this act involving airports and
    4  aviation  facilities, the canal system and appurtenances thereto, ports,
    5  and transit and rail projects; border crossing enhancements either on or
    6  off the state highway system;  the  improvement  and/or  elimination  of
    7  highway-railroad  grade  crossings  either  on  or off the state highway
    8  system; moveable bridges that cross over the canal system; airports  and
    9  aviation  facilities,  equipment and related projects exclusive of those
   10  airports and facilities under the jurisdiction of the port authority  of
   11  New  York and New Jersey or operated by the state of New York; the canal
   12  system and appurtenances thereto; ports exclusive  of  those  under  the
   13  jurisdiction  of  the  port authority of New York and New Jersey; marine
   14  terminals and marine transportation facilities exclusive of those  under
   15  the  jurisdiction  of  the  port  authority  of New York and New Jersey;
   16  pedestrian and/or bicycle trails, pathways and bridges serving transpor-
   17  tation needs; urban, commuter and  intercity  passenger  rail,  omnibus,
   18  mass  transit  and  rapid  transit  systems,  facilities  and equipment,
   19  including  acquisition;  freight  rail;  and  intermodal  passenger  and
   20  freight  facilities and equipment, to achieve a more secure and reliable
   21  transportation system for the inhabitants of the state.
   22    The legislature may, by appropriate legislation and  subject  to  such
   23  conditions  as  it may impose, make available out of the proceeds of the
   24  sale of bonds authorized in this act, moneys for state programs or state
   25  grants to any city, county, town, village, public  benefit  corporation,
   26  or  other public corporation or authority, or two or more of the forego-
   27  ing acting jointly, for the single purpose of this act and/or  to  match
   28  federal  funds which may from time to time be made available by congress
   29  for such purpose.
   30    S 3. Bonds of the state. The state comptroller  is  hereby  authorized
   31  and empowered to issue and sell bonds of the state to the amount of four
   32  billion five hundred million dollars ($4,500,000,000) for the purpose of
   33  this  act,  subject  to the provisions of article 5 of the state finance
   34  law.  The aggregate principal amount of such bonds shall not exceed four
   35  billion five hundred million dollars  ($4,500,000,000)  excluding  bonds
   36  issued  to  refund  or  otherwise repay bonds heretofore issued for such
   37  purpose; provided, however, that upon any such refunding  or  repayment,
   38  the total aggregate principal amount of outstanding bonds may be greater
   39  than  four billion five hundred million dollars ($4,500,000,000) only if
   40  the present value of the aggregate debt  service  of  the  refunding  or
   41  repayment  bonds  to be issued shall not exceed the present value of the
   42  aggregate debt service of the bonds to be refunded or repaid. The method
   43  for calculating present value shall be determined by law.
   44    S 4. Use of moneys received. The moneys received by the state from the
   45  sale of bonds sold pursuant to this act shall be expended in the follow-
   46  ing amounts, pursuant to annual appropriations:
   47    a. For the planning and design, construction, reconstruction, replace-
   48  ment,  improvement,  reconditioning,  rehabilitation  and  preservation,
   49  including  the  acquisition  of  real  property  and  interests  therein
   50  required or expected to be required in connection therewith,  of:  state
   51  highways, bridges and parkways; highways and bridges off the state high-
   52  way system necessary or reasonably expected to be necessary as a project
   53  component  or  incidental  to  projects otherwise authorized by this act
   54  involving the canal system and appurtenances  thereto;  border  crossing
   55  enhancements  either on or off the state highway system; the improvement
   56  and/or elimination of highway-railroad grade crossings either on or  off
       A. 4411                             3
    1  the  state  highway  system; the canal system and appurtenances thereto;
    2  moveable bridges that cross over the canal system; and pedestrian and/or
    3  bicycle trails, pathways and bridges serving transportation  needs,  two
    4  billion twenty-five million dollars ($2,025,000,000); and
    5    b. For the planning and design, construction, reconstruction, replace-
    6  ment,  improvement,  reconditioning,  rehabilitation  and  preservation,
    7  including  the  acquisition  of  real  property  and  interests  therein
    8  required  or expected to be required in connection therewith, of:  high-
    9  ways and bridges either on or off the state highway system necessary  or
   10  reasonably expected to be necessary as a project component or incidental
   11  to  projects  otherwise  authorized  by  this act involving airports and
   12  aviation facilities, ports, transit  and  rail  projects;  airports  and
   13  aviation  facilities,  equipment and related projects exclusive of those
   14  airports and facilities under the jurisdiction of the port authority  of
   15  New  York  and  New  Jersey  or operated by the state of New York; ports
   16  exclusive of those under the jurisdiction of the port authority  of  New
   17  York  and  New  Jersey  or  the  canal corporation; marine terminals and
   18  marine transportation facilities exclusive of those under the  jurisdic-
   19  tion  of  the  port  authority  of  New York and New Jersey or the canal
   20  corporation; omnibus, mass transit and rapid transit systems, facilities
   21  and equipment, including acquisition, exclusive  of  those  operated  or
   22  acquired by or under the jurisdiction of the metropolitan transportation
   23  authority  and its subsidiaries, the New York city transit authority and
   24  its subsidiaries and the Triborough bridge and tunnel authority;  urban,
   25  commuter  and  intercity  passenger  rail,  freight rail, and intermodal
   26  passenger and freight facilities  and  equipment,  including  facilities
   27  used  jointly by commuter railroad companies and freight railroad compa-
   28  nies, but otherwise exclusive of those operated by or under  the  juris-
   29  diction  of  the  metropolitan  transportation authority and its subsid-
   30  iaries, the New York city transit authority and its subsidiaries and the
   31  Triborough bridge and tunnel authority, two hundred twenty-five  million
   32  dollars ($225,000,000);
   33    c. For the planning and design, construction, reconstruction, replace-
   34  ment,  improvement,  reconditioning,  rehabilitation  and  preservation,
   35  including  the  acquisition  of  real  property  and  interests  therein
   36  required  or  expected  to be required in connection therewith, of urban
   37  and commuter passenger and freight rail, omnibus, mass transit and rapid
   38  transit systems, facilities and equipment, including acquisition,  oper-
   39  ated or acquired by or under the jurisdiction of the metropolitan trans-
   40  portation  authority  and  its  subsidiaries,  the New York city transit
   41  authority and its subsidiaries and  the  Triborough  bridge  and  tunnel
   42  authority,    two    billion   two   hundred   fifty   million   dollars
   43  ($2,250,000,000).
   44    S 2. This  act  shall  take  effect  immediately,  provided  that  the
   45  provisions  of  section one of this act shall not take effect unless and
   46  until this act shall have been submitted to the people  at  the  general
   47  election  to  be held in November 2015 and shall have been approved by a
   48  majority of all votes cast for and against it  at  such  election.  Upon
   49  approval  by the people, section one of this act shall take effect imme-
   50  diately. The ballots  to  be  furnished  for  the  use  of  voters  upon
   51  submission  of  this act shall be in the form prescribed by the election
   52  law and the proposition or question to be  submitted  shall  be  printed
   53  thereon in substantially the following form, namely "Shall chapter (here
   54  insert  the  number  of  the  chapter)  of the laws of 2015 known as the
   55  transportation infrastructure bond act of 2015, authorizing the creation
   56  of state debt in the amount of four billion five hundred million dollars
       A. 4411                             4
    1  ($4,500,000,000) to provide moneys  for  the  improvement,  enhancement,
    2  preservation  and  restoration of the quality of the state's transporta-
    3  tion infrastructure, including the state's  highways,  bridges,  canals,
    4  ports, airports, rail and transit systems, be approved?".