S T A T E O F N E W Y O R K ________________________________________________________________________ 5293 2011-2012 Regular Sessions I N A S S E M B L Y February 15, 2011 ___________ Introduced by M. of A. OAKS, BARCLAY, GIGLIO, HAWLEY, KOLB, MONTESANO, SALADINO -- Multi-Sponsored by -- M. of A. BURLING, CALHOUN, CONTE, CROUCH, FINCH, JORDAN, McDONOUGH, J. MILLER, MOLINARO, PALMESANO, REILICH -- read once and referred to the Committee on Transportation AN ACT to amend the vehicle and traffic law, in relation to the renewal dates of registrations for certain trucks THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SENATE AND ASSEM- BLY, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: 1 Section 1. Paragraph a of subdivision 5 of section 401 of the vehicle 2 and traffic law, as amended by chapter 137 of the laws of 1989, is 3 amended to read as follows: 4 a. Registrations, reregistrations and renewals shall take effect and 5 expire on dates determined by the commissioner. However, where the expi- 6 ration date of the registration of any vehicle, except a taxi or an 7 omnibus, falls on a Saturday, Sunday or state holiday, such registration 8 shall be valid for the operation of such vehicle until midnight of the 9 next day on which state offices shall be open for business. Provided, 10 however, that renewal of a registration may be used preceding the expi- 11 ration date of such registration including such expiration date. 12 Provided, further, however, that where the required proof of registra- 13 tion consists of an expired registration for the same vehicle, issued to 14 the same person applying for the registration or renewal, and the 15 expired registration certificate and number plates and date tags issued 16 for such registration had not been surrendered to the commissioner on or 17 before the expiration date of such registration, the commissioner may in 18 his discretion deem such application to be a renewal of the expired 19 registration and require that the fee paid for such registration be 20 computed as if the registration had been made prior to the date of expi- 21 ration of the expired registration. PROVIDED FURTHER, HOWEVER, THAT ANY 22 PERSON WHO OWNS AND OPERATES THREE OR MORE TRUCKS USED EXCLUSIVELY FOR 23 BUSINESS PURPOSES MAY FILE A WRITTEN REQUEST WITH THE DEPARTMENT, ON EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted. LBD04254-01-1 A. 5293 2 1 FORMS APPROVED BY THE COMMISSIONER, AND UPON SUCH REQUEST SHALL BE 2 GRANTED, REGISTRATION RENEWAL DATES FOR SUCH TRUCKS WHICH OCCUR AT 3 DIFFERENT TIMES DURING THE YEAR. THE DEPARTMENT SHALL, IN PROVIDING SUCH 4 STAGGERED REGISTRATION RENEWAL DATES, AND WHERE PRACTICABLE, FOLLOW THE 5 RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE OWNER OF SUCH TRUCKS AS TO THE RENEWAL DATES. 6 S 2. This act shall take effect immediately.