

                               2019-2020 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                      May 16, 2019

        Introduced  by  M. of A. PEOPLES-STOKES -- read once and referred to the
          Committee on Health

        AN ACT to amend the public health law, the  insurance  law,  the  social
          services  law,  the  public  housing  law  and  the  executive law, in
          relation to elevated lead levels in children

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as "Dakota's Law".
     2    §  2.  The public health law is amended by adding a new section 1370-f
     3  to read as follows:
     4    § 1370-f. Lead  safe  residential  rental  properties.  1.    For  the
     5  purposes of this section:
     6    (a)  "residential  rental  property"  shall  mean  a dwelling which is
     7  either rented, leased, let or hired out, to be occupied, or is  occupied
     8  as  the  home,  residence or sleeping place of one or more persons other
     9  than the owner's family. Residential rental property shall  not  include
    10  short  term  rental properties during which guests do not stay in excess
    11  of twenty-eight days; and
    12    (b) "lead safe" shall mean any residential rental property  that:  (i)
    13  has  been  determined through a lead-based paint inspection conducted in
    14  accordance with appropriate federal regulations  not  to  contain  lead-
    15  based  paint;  or  (ii)  meets  the minimum standards set forth in regu-
    16  lations promulgated by the commissioner pursuant to this section.
    17    2. The commissioner shall promulgate rules and regulations  establish-
    18  ing  minimum  standards  for  the  maintenance  of lead safe residential
    19  rental properties. Such rules and regulations shall include:
    20    (a) Minimum standards for maintaining internal  and  external  painted
    21  surfaces that contain lead-based paint; and
    22    (b)  A  schedule  by  which owners of residential rental property must
    23  implement and comply with such minimum standards.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 7687                             2

     1    3. It shall be the responsibility  of  an  owner  of  any  residential
     2  rental  property  to  maintain such property in a lead safe condition in
     3  accordance with rules and regulations promulgated  by  the  commissioner
     4  pursuant to this section.
     5    4.  All paint on any residential rental property on which the original
     6  construction was completed prior  to  January  first,  nineteen  hundred
     7  seventy-eight,  shall  be presumed to be lead-based paint. This presump-
     8  tion may be overcome by a certification issued by a federally  certified
     9  lead-based  paint  inspector or risk assessor that the property has been
    10  determined not to contain lead-based paint, or by such  other  means  as
    11  may  be  prescribed  by the rules and regulations adopted by the commis-
    12  sioner pursuant to this section.
    13    5. The commissioner, local health officer of a county and, in the city
    14  of New York, the commissioner of the New York City department of  health
    15  and  mental  hygiene,  may  enter  into  an agreement or contract with a
    16  municipal government regarding inspection  of  the  lead  conditions  in
    17  residential  rental  properties and such health department may designate
    18  the local housing maintenance code enforcement agency in which the resi-
    19  dential rental property is located as an agency authorized to administer
    20  and ensure compliance with the provisions of this section and subsequent
    21  regulations pursuant to subdivision  one  of  section  thirteen  hundred
    22  seventy-five of this title.
    23    6.  If  the commissioner, or other officer having jurisdiction, deter-
    24  mines that an owner of residential rental property is  in  violation  of
    25  this  section  or  any rules or regulations promulgated pursuant to this
    26  section, the commissioner or other  officer  having  jurisdiction  shall
    27  have  the authority to order the abatement of any lead condition present
    28  at the residential rental property and assess fines not  to  exceed  two
    29  thousand dollars for each violation.
    30    §  3. Paragraphs (c) and (d) of subdivision 2 of section 1370-a of the
    31  public health law, paragraph (c) as amended by section 4 of  part  A  of
    32  chapter  58  of  the laws of 2009, and paragraph (d) as added by chapter
    33  485 of the laws of 1992, are amended and three new paragraphs  (e),  (f)
    34  and (g) are added to read as follows:
    35    (c) establish a statewide registry of lead levels of children provided
    36  such information is maintained as confidential except for (i) disclosure
    37  for  medical  treatment  purposes;  (ii)  disclosure  of non-identifying
    38  epidemiological data; and (iii)  disclosure  of  information  from  such
    39  registry to the statewide immunization information system established by
    40  section twenty-one hundred sixty-eight of this chapter; [and]
    41    (d)  develop  and  implement  public  education and community outreach
    42  programs on lead exposure, detection and risk reduction[.];
    43    (e) primary health care providers shall provide the parent or guardian
    44  of each child under six years  of  age  anticipatory  guidance  on  lead
    45  poisoning  prevention as part of routine care, including but not limited
    46  to their right to an inspection if the child is at risk  of  lead  expo-
    47  sure;
    48    (f) primary health care providers shall screen or refer each child for
    49  blood  lead screening beginning at least six months and continuing until
    50  the age of six at each routine well-child visit, or at least annually if
    51  a child has not had routine well-child visits; and
    52    (g) add a question to the lead exposure risk assessment  questionnaire
    53  for  children  which  shall  include  a question asking if the child has
    54  obtained a blood test for lead  annually  between  the  ages  of  twelve
    55  months old and six years old.

        A. 7687                             3

     1    §  4. Section 1373 of the public health law is amended by adding a new
     2  subdivision 6 to read as follows:
     3    6.  (a)  The  commissioner  or  their representative shall require the
     4  jurisdictional local or state health department to investigate cases  of
     5  elevated  lead levels, as defined in subdivision six of section thirteen
     6  hundred seventy of this title, that are  reported  by  physicians  to  a
     7  local  or  state  health  officer  pursuant  to section thirteen hundred
     8  seventy-e of this title.
     9    (b) A jurisdictional local health department  may  request  assistance
    10  from  the  state  department  of health to investigate cases of elevated
    11  lead levels if such jurisdictional local health department does not have
    12  the capacity and/or resources to  investigate  such  cases  as  required
    13  pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subdivision.
    14    (c)  For  the  purposes  of this subdivision, "jurisdictional local or
    15  state health department" shall mean the local or state health department
    16  of the local or state health  officer  whom  a  physician  has  reported
    17  elevated  lead  levels to pursuant to section thirteen hundred seventy-e
    18  of this title.
    19    § 5. Subsection (i) of section 3216 of the insurance law is amended by
    20  adding a new paragraph 36 to read as follows:
    21    (36) Screening for the detection of elevated lead levels covered under
    22  the policy shall not be subject to annual  deductibles  or  coinsurance.
    23  For  the  purposes  of this paragraph, "elevated lead levels" shall have
    24  the same meaning as set forth in subdivision  six  of  section  thirteen
    25  hundred seventy of the public health law.
    26    § 6. Subsection (k) of section 3221 of the insurance law is amended by
    27  adding a new paragraph 22 to read as follows:
    28    (22) Screening for the detection of elevated lead levels covered under
    29  the  policy  shall  not be subject to annual deductibles or coinsurance.
    30  For the purposes of this paragraph, "elevated lead  levels"  shall  have
    31  the  same  meaning  as  set forth in subdivision six of section thirteen
    32  hundred seventy of the public health law.
    33    § 7. Section 4303 of the insurance law is  amended  by  adding  a  new
    34  subsection (ss) to read as follows:
    35    (ss) Screening for the detection of elevated lead levels covered under
    36  the  policy  shall  not be subject to annual deductibles or coinsurance.
    37  For the purposes of this subsection, "elevated lead levels"  shall  have
    38  the  same  meaning  as  set forth in subdivision six of section thirteen
    39  hundred seventy of the public health law.
    40    § 8. Subdivision 2 of section 365-a of  the  social  services  law  is
    41  amended by adding a new paragraph (gg) to read as follows:
    42    (gg)  screening  and blood tests of children for elevated lead levels.
    43  For the purposes of this paragraph, elevated lead levels shall have  the
    44  same  definition  as  set  forth  in subdivision six of section thirteen
    45  hundred seventy of the public health law.
    46    § 9. Subdivision 4 of section 14 of the public housing law is  amended
    47  by adding a new paragraph (e) to read as follows:
    48    (e)  the commissioner shall promulgate rules, regulations and policies
    49  which:
    50    (i) set the action level for lead to the  level  defined  as  elevated
    51  lead  levels  in  subdivision six of section thirteen hundred seventy of
    52  the public health law when identifying elevated  blood  lead  levels  of
    53  children occupying a dwelling in public housing; and
    54    (ii)  require projects to follow the federal department of housing and
    55  urban development's guidance on lead safe  housing  rule  pertaining  to

        A. 7687                             4

     1  elevated  blood  levels  for the public housing, housing choice voucher,
     2  and project-based voucher programs.
     3    §  10. Subdivision 1 of section 383 of the executive law is amended by
     4  adding a new paragraph d to read as follows:
     5    d. The regulations promulgated by the commissioner of health  pursuant
     6  to  subdivision  two of section thirteen hundred seventy-f of the public
     7  health law (i) shall not be superseded by the provisions of  this  arti-
     8  cle, by the provisions of the uniform fire prevention and building code,
     9  or by the provisions of the building and fire prevention codes in effect
    10  in  a city with a population of over one million; (ii) shall be applica-
    11  ble in addition to, and not in substitution for or  limitation  of,  the
    12  provisions  of  the  uniform  fire  prevention and building code and the
    13  provisions of building and fire prevention codes  in  effect  in  cities
    14  with  a  population of over one million; and (iii) shall be administered
    15  and enforced by the commissioner of health, the local health officer  of
    16  a county, the commissioner of the New York city department of health and
    17  mental  hygiene, or a municipal government entering into an agreement or
    18  contract authorized by subdivision  five  of  section  thirteen  hundred
    19  seventy-f  of  the  public  health  law,  in the manner provided in said
    20  subdivision.
    21    § 11. This act shall take effect immediately.