STATE OF NEW YORK ________________________________________________________________________ 7789 2023-2024 Regular Sessions IN ASSEMBLY June 15, 2023 ___________ Introduced by M. of A. PAULIN -- read once and referred to the Committee on Health AN ACT to amend the public health law, in relation to establishing the 340B prescription drug anti-discrimination act The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem- bly, do enact as follows: 1 Section 1. Short title. This act shall be known and may be cited as 2 the "340B prescription drug anti-discrimination act". 3 § 2. Declaration of purpose. Section 340B of the federal public health 4 service act requires pharmaceutical manufacturers, as a condition of 5 participation in Medicare and Medicaid, to provide discounts on outpa- 6 tient drugs to certain providers that serve a high number of Medicaid 7 patients. These cost savings enable safety-net providers to stretch 8 scarce resources as far as possible in providing more comprehensive 9 services to their communities. 10 In recent years, some pharmaceutical companies and pharmacy benefit 11 managers have imposed certain requirements and limitations on New York 12 340B covered entities, thus depriving such entities of much-needed cost 13 savings. These practices discriminate against 340B covered entities and 14 their pharmacy partners, and by extension the patients they serve. These 15 discriminatory practices have the effect of limiting those covered enti- 16 ties' ability to care for their communities fully and comprehensively. 17 There is a need for the state to prevent erosion of our 340B covered 18 entities' 340B cost savings, with its concomitant impacts on patient 19 access to health care services. This act is intended to achieve that 20 goal by prohibiting pharmaceutical companies, among other entities, from 21 engaging in practices that discriminate against 340B covered entities 22 and their pharmacy partners. 23 § 3. The public health law is amended by adding a new section 280-d to 24 read as follows: EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [] is old law to be omitted. LBD11664-01-3A. 7789 2 1 § 280-d. Prescription drug discrimination prohibited. 1. Definitions. 2 (a) "340B program" shall mean the drug discount program authorized by 3 section 340B of the federal public health service act (42 U.S.C. § 4 256b). 5 (b) "Covered entity" shall: 6 (i) have the same meaning as is set forth in section 340B(a)(4) of the 7 federal public health service act (42 U.S.C. § 256b); 8 (ii) mean an entity authorized to participate in the 340B program; and 9 (iii) include New York state pharmacies that receive drugs purchased 10 under a contract pharmacy arrangement with a covered entity. 11 (c) "Dispensing" shall include a pharmacy's entire distribution proc- 12 ess, including the ordering, purchasing, delivering, receipt, and sale 13 of drugs, and any other aspect of such distribution process that an 14 entity may seek to deny, prohibit, condition, or otherwise limit. 15 (d) "Pharmacy" shall have the same meaning as is set forth in section 16 sixty-eight hundred two of the education law. 17 2. Prohibition of discriminatory practice. No entity, including but 18 not limited to a pharmaceutical manufacturer or pharmacy benefit manag- 19 er, shall: 20 (a) deny, prohibit, condition, or otherwise limit the dispensing of 21 drugs from a covered entity; 22 (b) deny access to drugs manufactured by a pharmaceutical manufacturer 23 to a covered entity based on such covered entity's participation in the 24 340B program; 25 (c) impose requirements, exclusions, reimbursement terms, fees, 26 audits, claim identification, or other conditions on a covered entity 27 that differ from the requirements, exclusions, reimbursement terms, 28 fees, audits, claim identification, or other conditions applied to enti- 29 ties that do not participate in the 340B program. 30 3. Enforcement. (a) Any provision of a contract that is contrary to 31 this act shall be void and unenforceable. 32 (b) The commissioner shall have the authority to impose a civil mone- 33 tary penalty pursuant to section twelve of this chapter on any entity 34 that violates the provisions of this act. 35 (c) The commissioner shall refer any matters in which a civil monetary 36 penalty is being imposed to the education department and the office of 37 the attorney general for review. 38 § 4. This act shall take effect immediately.