S T A T E O F N E W Y O R K ________________________________________________________________________ 8157 2015-2016 Regular Sessions I N A S S E M B L Y June 10, 2015 ___________ Introduced by M. of A. LENTOL -- read once and referred to the Committee on Codes AN ACT to amend the criminal procedure law, the family court act and the executive law, in relation to improve the integrity of statements of those accused of crimes and the integrity of eyewitness identifica- tions, to enhance criminal investigations and prosecutions and to promote confidence in the criminal justice system of this state THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SENATE AND ASSEM- BLY, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: 1 Section 1. Section 60.45 of the criminal procedure law is amended by 2 adding a new subdivision 3 to read as follows: 3 3. (A) WHERE A PERSON IS SUBJECT TO CUSTODIAL INTERROGATION BY A 4 PUBLIC SERVANT AT A DETENTION FACILITY, THE ENTIRE CUSTODIAL INTERRO- 5 GATION, INCLUDING THE GIVING OF ANY REQUIRED ADVICE OF THE RIGHTS OF THE 6 INDIVIDUAL BEING QUESTIONED, AND THE WAIVER OF ANY RIGHTS BY THE INDI- 7 VIDUAL, SHALL BE RECORDED BY AN APPROPRIATE VIDEO RECORDING DEVICE IF 8 THE INTERROGATION INVOLVES A CLASS A-1 FELONY, EXCEPT ONE DEFINED IN 9 ARTICLE TWO HUNDRED TWENTY OF THE PENAL LAW; FELONY OFFENSES DEFINED IN 10 SECTION 130.95 AND 130.96 OF THE PENAL LAW; OR A FELONY OFFENSE DEFINED 11 IN ARTICLE ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE OR ONE HUNDRED THIRTY OF SUCH LAW 12 THAT IS DEFINED AS A CLASS B VIOLENT FELONY OFFENSE IN SECTION 70.02 OF 13 THE PENAL LAW. FOR PURPOSES OF THIS PARAGRAPH, THE TERM "DETENTION 14 FACILITY" SHALL MEAN A POLICE STATION, CORRECTIONAL FACILITY, HOLDING 15 FACILITY FOR PRISONERS, PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE OR OTHER FACILITY WHERE 16 PERSONS ARE HELD IN DETENTION IN CONNECTION WITH CRIMINAL CHARGES THAT 17 HAVE BEEN OR MAY BE FILED AGAINST THEM. 18 (B) NO CONFESSION, ADMISSION OR OTHER STATEMENT SHALL BE SUBJECT TO A 19 MOTION TO SUPPRESS PURSUANT TO SUBDIVISION THREE OF SECTION 710.20 OF 20 THIS CHAPTER BASED SOLELY UPON THE FAILURE TO VIDEO RECORD SUCH INTERRO- 21 GATION IN A DETENTION FACILITY AS DEFINED IN PARAGRAPH (A) OF THIS 22 SUBDIVISION. HOWEVER, WHERE THE PEOPLE OFFER INTO EVIDENCE A CONFESSION, EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted. LBD11558-01-5 A. 8157 2 1 ADMISSION OR OTHER STATEMENT MADE BY A PERSON IN CUSTODY WITH RESPECT TO 2 HIS OR HER PARTICIPATION OR LACK OF PARTICIPATION IN AN OFFENSE SPECI- 3 FIED IN PARAGRAPH (A) OF THIS SUBDIVISION, THAT HAS NOT BEEN VIDEO 4 RECORDED, THE COURT SHALL CONSIDER THE FAILURE TO RECORD AS A FACTOR, 5 BUT NOT AS THE SOLE FACTOR, IN ACCORDANCE WITH PARAGRAPH (C) OF THIS 6 SUBDIVISION IN DETERMINING WHETHER SUCH CONFESSION, ADMISSION OR OTHER 7 STATEMENT SHALL BE ADMISSIBLE. 8 (C) NOTWITHSTANDING THE REQUIREMENT OF PARAGRAPH (A) OF THIS SUBDIVI- 9 SION, UPON A SHOWING OF GOOD CAUSE BY THE PROSECUTOR, THE CUSTODIAL 10 INTERROGATION NEED NOT BE RECORDED. GOOD CAUSE SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE 11 LIMITED TO: 12 (I) IF ELECTRONIC RECORDING EQUIPMENT MALFUNCTIONS. 13 (II) IF ELECTRONIC RECORDING EQUIPMENT IS NOT AVAILABLE BECAUSE IT WAS 14 OTHERWISE BEING USED. 15 (III) IF STATEMENTS ARE MADE IN RESPONSE TO QUESTIONS THAT ARE 16 ROUTINELY ASKED DURING ARREST PROCESSING. 17 (IV) IF THE STATEMENT IS SPONTANEOUSLY MADE BY THE SUSPECT AND NOT IN 18 RESPONSE TO POLICE QUESTIONING. 19 (V) IF THE STATEMENT IS MADE DURING AN INTERROGATION THAT IS CONDUCTED 20 WHEN THE INTERVIEWER IS UNAWARE THAT A QUALIFYING OFFENSE HAS OCCURRED. 21 (VI) IF THE STATEMENT IS MADE AT A LOCATION OTHER THAN THE "INTERVIEW 22 ROOM" BECAUSE THE SUSPECT CANNOT BE BROUGHT TO SUCH ROOM, E.G., THE 23 SUSPECT IS IN A HOSPITAL OR THE SUSPECT IS OUT OF STATE AND THAT STATE 24 IS NOT GOVERNED BY A LAW REQUIRING THE RECORDATION OF AN INTERROGATION. 25 (VII) IF THE STATEMENT IS MADE AFTER A SUSPECT HAS REFUSED TO PARTIC- 26 IPATE IN THE INTERROGATION IF IT IS RECORDED, AND APPROPRIATE EFFORT TO 27 DOCUMENT SUCH REFUSAL IS MADE. 28 (VIII) IF SUCH STATEMENT IS NOT RECORDED AS A RESULT OF AN INADVERTENT 29 ERROR OR OVERSIGHT, NOT THE RESULT OF ANY INTENTIONAL CONDUCT BY LAW 30 ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL. 31 (IX) IF IT IS LAW ENFORCEMENT'S REASONABLE BELIEF THAT SUCH RECORDING 32 WOULD JEOPARDIZE THE SAFETY OF ANY PERSON OR REVEAL THE IDENTITY OF A 33 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANT. 34 (X) IF SUCH STATEMENT IS MADE AT A LOCATION NOT EQUIPPED WITH A VIDEO 35 RECORDING DEVICE AND THE REASON FOR USING THAT LOCATION IS NOT TO 36 SUBVERT THE INTENT OF THE LAW. FOR PURPOSES OF THIS SECTION, THE TERM 37 "LOCATION" SHALL INCLUDE THOSE LOCATIONS SPECIFIED IN PARAGRAPH (B) OF 38 SUBDIVISION FOUR OF SECTION 305.2 OF THE FAMILY COURT ACT. 39 (D) IN THE EVENT THE COURT FINDS THAT THE PEOPLE HAVE NOT SHOWN GOOD 40 CAUSE FOR THE NON-RECORDING OF THE CONFESSION, ADMISSION, OR OTHER 41 STATEMENT, BUT DETERMINES THAT A NON-RECORDED CONFESSION, ADMISSION OR 42 OTHER STATEMENT IS NEVERTHELESS ADMISSIBLE BECAUSE IT WAS VOLUNTARILY 43 MADE THEN, UPON REQUEST OF THE DEFENDANT, THE COURT MUST INSTRUCT THE 44 JURY THAT THE PEOPLE'S FAILURE TO RECORD THE DEFENDANT'S CONFESSION, 45 ADMISSION OR OTHER STATEMENT AS REQUIRED BY THIS SECTION MAY BE WEIGHED 46 AS A FACTOR, BUT NOT AS THE SOLE FACTOR, IN DETERMINING WHETHER SUCH 47 CONFESSION, ADMISSION OR OTHER STATEMENT WAS VOLUNTARILY MADE, OR WAS 48 MADE AT ALL. 49 (E) VIDEO RECORDING AS REQUIRED BY THIS SECTION SHALL BE CONDUCTED IN 50 ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARDS ESTABLISHED BY RULE OF THE DIVISION OF CRIMI- 51 NAL JUSTICE SERVICES. 52 S 2. Subdivision 3 of Section 344.2 of the family court act is renum- 53 bered subdivision 4 and a new subdivision 3 is added to read as follows: 54 3. WHERE A RESPONDENT IS SUBJECT TO CUSTODIAL INTERROGATION BY A 55 PUBLIC SERVANT AT A FACILITY SPECIFIED IN SUBDIVISION FOUR OF SECTION 56 305.2 OF THIS ARTICLE, THE ENTIRE CUSTODIAL INTERROGATION, INCLUDING THE A. 8157 3 1 GIVING OF ANY REQUIRED ADVICE OF THE RIGHTS OF THE INDIVIDUAL BEING 2 QUESTIONED, AND THE WAIVER OF ANY RIGHTS BY THE INDIVIDUAL, SHALL BE 3 RECORDED AND GOVERNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF PARAGRAPHS 4 (A), (B), (C), (D) AND (E) OF SUBDIVISION THREE OF SECTION 60.45 OF THE 5 CRIMINAL PROCEDURE LAW. 6 S 3. Section 60.25 of the criminal procedure law, subparagraph (ii) of 7 paragraph (a) of subdivision 1 as amended by chapter 479 of the laws of 8 1977, is amended to read as follows: 9 S 60.25 Rules of evidence; identification by means of previous recogni- 10 tion, in absence of present identification. 11 1. In any criminal proceeding in which the defendant's commission of 12 an offense is in issue, testimony as provided in subdivision two may be 13 given by a witness when: 14 (a) Such witness testifies that: 15 (i) He OR SHE observed the person claimed by the people to be the 16 defendant either at the time and place of the commission of the offense 17 or upon some other occasion relevant to the case; and 18 (ii) On a subsequent occasion he OR SHE observed, under circumstances 19 consistent with such rights as an accused person may derive under the 20 constitution of this state or of the United States, a person OR, WHERE 21 THE OBSERVATION IS MADE PURSUANT TO A BLIND OR BLINDED PROCEDURE AS 22 DEFINED IN PARAGRAPH (C) OF THIS SUBDIVISION, A PICTORIAL, PHOTOGRAPHIC, 23 ELECTRONIC, FILMED OR VIDEO RECORDED REPRODUCTION OF A PERSON whom he OR 24 SHE recognized as the same person whom he OR SHE had observed on the 25 first or incriminating occasion; and 26 (iii) He OR SHE is unable at the proceeding to state, on the basis of 27 present recollection, whether or not the defendant is the person in 28 question; and 29 (b) It is established that the defendant is in fact the person whom 30 the witness observed and recognized OR WHOSE PICTORIAL, PHOTOGRAPHIC, 31 ELECTRONIC, FILMED OR VIDEO RECORDED REPRODUCTION THE WITNESS OBSERVED 32 AND RECOGNIZED on the second occasion. Such fact may be established by 33 testimony of another person or persons to whom the witness promptly 34 declared his OR HER recognition on such occasion AND BY SUCH PICTORIAL, 35 PHOTOGRAPHIC, ELECTRONIC, FILMED OR VIDEO RECORDED REPRODUCTION. 36 (C) FOR PURPOSES OF THIS SECTION, A "BLIND OR BLINDED PROCEDURE" IS 37 ONE IN WHICH THE WITNESS IDENTIFIES A PERSON IN AN ARRAY OF PICTORIAL, 38 PHOTOGRAPHIC, ELECTRONIC, FILMED OR VIDEO RECORDED REPRODUCTIONS UNDER 39 CIRCUMSTANCES WHERE, AT THE TIME THE IDENTIFICATION IS MADE, THE PUBLIC 40 SERVANT ADMINISTERING SUCH PROCEDURE: (I) DOES NOT KNOW WHICH PERSON IN 41 THE ARRAY IS THE SUSPECT, OR (II) DOES NOT KNOW WHERE THE SUSPECT IS IN 42 THE ARRAY VIEWED BY THE WITNESS. THE FAILURE OF A PUBLIC SERVANT TO 43 FOLLOW SUCH A PROCEDURE SHALL BE ASSESSED SOLELY FOR PURPOSES OF THIS 44 ARTICLE AND SHALL RESULT IN THE PRECLUSION OF TESTIMONY REGARDING THE 45 IDENTIFICATION PROCEDURE AS EVIDENCE IN CHIEF, BUT SHALL NOT CONSTITUTE 46 A LEGAL BASIS TO SUPPRESS EVIDENCE MADE PURSUANT TO SUBDIVISION SIX OF 47 SECTION 710.20 OF THIS CHAPTER. THIS ARTICLE NEITHER LIMITS NOR EXPANDS 48 SUBDIVISION SIX OF SECTION 710.20 OF THIS CHAPTER. 49 2. Under circumstances prescribed in subdivision one OF THIS SECTION, 50 such witness may testify at the criminal proceeding that the person whom 51 he OR SHE observed and recognized OR WHOSE PICTORIAL, PHOTOGRAPHIC, 52 ELECTRONIC, FILMED OR VIDEO RECORDED REPRODUCTION HE OR SHE OBSERVED AND 53 RECOGNIZED on the second occasion is the same person whom he OR SHE 54 observed on the first or incriminating occasion. Such testimony, 55 together with the evidence that the defendant is in fact the person whom 56 the witness observed and recognized OR WHOSE PICTORIAL, PHOTOGRAPHIC, A. 8157 4 1 ELECTRONIC, FILMED OR VIDEO RECORDED REPRODUCTION HE OR SHE OBSERVED AND 2 RECOGNIZED on the second occasion, constitutes evidence in chief. 3 S 4. Section 60.30 of the criminal procedure law, as amended by chap- 4 ter 479 of the laws of 1977, is amended to read as follows: 5 S 60.30 Rules of evidence; identification by means of previous recogni- 6 tion, in addition to present identification. 7 In any criminal proceeding in which the defendant's commission of an 8 offense is in issue, a witness who testifies that (a) he OR SHE observed 9 the person claimed by the people to be the defendant either at the time 10 and place of the commission of the offense or upon some other occasion 11 relevant to the case, and (b) on the basis of present recollection, the 12 defendant is the person in question and (c) on a subsequent occasion he 13 OR SHE observed the defendant, OR WHERE THE OBSERVATION IS MADE PURSUANT 14 TO A BLIND OR BLINDED PROCEDURE, AS DEFINED IN THE CLOSING PARAGRAPH OF 15 SUBDIVISION ONE OF SECTION 60.25 OF THIS ARTICLE, A PICTORIAL, PHOTO- 16 GRAPHIC, ELECTRONIC, FILMED OR VIDEO RECORDED REPRODUCTION OF THE 17 DEFENDANT, under circumstances consistent with such rights as an accused 18 person may derive under the constitution of this state or of the United 19 States, and then also recognized him OR HER OR THE PICTORIAL, PHOTO- 20 GRAPHIC, ELECTRONIC, FILMED OR VIDEO RECORDED REPRODUCTION OF HIM OR HER 21 as the same person whom he OR SHE had observed on the first or incrimi- 22 nating occasion, may, in addition to making an identification of the 23 defendant at the criminal proceeding on the basis of present recol- 24 lection as the person whom he OR SHE observed on the first or incrimi- 25 nating occasion, also describe his OR HER previous recognition of the 26 defendant and testify that the person whom he OR SHE observed OR WHOSE 27 PICTORIAL, PHOTOGRAPHIC, ELECTRONIC, FILMED OR VIDEO RECORDED REPROD- 28 UCTION HE OR SHE OBSERVED on such second occasion is the same person 29 whom he OR SHE had observed on the first or incriminating occasion. 30 Such testimony AND SUCH PICTORIAL, PHOTOGRAPHIC, ELECTRONIC, FILMED OR 31 VIDEO RECORDED REPRODUCTION constitutes evidence in chief. 32 S 5. Subdivision 6 of section 710.20 of the criminal procedure law, as 33 amended by chapter 8 of the laws of 1976 and as renumbered by chapter 34 481 of the laws of 1983, is amended to read as follows: 35 6. Consists of potential testimony regarding an observation of the 36 defendant either at the time or place of the commission of the offense 37 or upon some other occasion relevant to the case, which potential testi- 38 mony would not be admissible upon the prospective trial of such charge 39 owing to an improperly made previous identification of the defendant OR 40 OF A PICTORIAL, PHOTOGRAPHIC, ELECTRONIC, FILMED OR VIDEO RECORDED 41 REPRODUCTION OF THE DEFENDANT by the prospective witness. A CLAIM THAT 42 THE PREVIOUS IDENTIFICATION OF THE DEFENDANT OR OF A PICTORIAL, PHOTO- 43 GRAPHIC, ELECTRONIC, FILMED OR VIDEO RECORDED REPRODUCTION OF THE 44 DEFENDANT BY A PROSPECTIVE WITNESS DID NOT COMPLY WITH PARAGRAPH (C) OF 45 SUBDIVISION ONE OF SECTION 60.25 OF THIS CHAPTER OR WITH THE PROTOCOL 46 PROMULGATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUBDIVISION TWENTY OF SECTION EIGHT 47 HUNDRED THIRTY-SEVEN OF THE EXECUTIVE LAW SHALL NOT CONSTITUTE A LEGAL 48 BASIS TO SUPPRESS EVIDENCE PURSUANT TO THIS SUBDIVISION. A CLAIM THAT A 49 PUBLIC SERVANT FAILED TO COMPLY WITH PARAGRAPH (C) OF SUBDIVISION ONE OF 50 SECTION 60.25 OF THIS CHAPTER OR OF SUBDIVISION TWENTY OF SECTION EIGHT 51 HUNDRED THIRTY-SEVEN OF THE EXECUTIVE LAW SHALL NEITHER EXPAND NOR LIMIT 52 THE RIGHTS AN ACCUSED PERSON MAY DERIVE UNDER THE CONSTITUTION OF THIS 53 STATE OR OF THE UNITED STATES. 54 S 6. Subdivision 1 of section 710.30 of the criminal procedure law, as 55 separately amended by chapters 8 and 194 of the laws of 1976, is amended 56 to read as follows: A. 8157 5 1 1. Whenever the people intend to offer at a trial (a) evidence of a 2 statement made by a defendant to a public servant, which statement if 3 involuntarily made would render the evidence thereof suppressible upon 4 motion pursuant to subdivision three of section 710.20, or (b) testimony 5 regarding an observation of the defendant either at the time or place of 6 the commission of the offense or upon some other occasion relevant to 7 the case, to be given by a witness who has previously identified him OR 8 HER OR A PICTORIAL, PHOTOGRAPHIC, ELECTRONIC, FILMED OR VIDEO RECORDED 9 REPRODUCTION OF HIM OR HER as such, they must serve upon the defendant a 10 notice of such intention, specifying the evidence intended to be 11 offered. 12 S 7. Section 343.3 of the family court act, as added by chapter 920 of 13 the laws of 1982, is amended to read as follows: 14 S 343.3. Rules of evidence; identification by means of previous recog- 15 nition in absence of present identification. 1. In any juvenile delin- 16 quency proceeding in which the respondent's commission of a crime is in 17 issue, testimony as provided in subdivision two may be given by a 18 witness when: 19 (a) such witness testifies that: 20 (i) he OR SHE observed the person claimed by the presentment agency to 21 be the respondent either at the time and place of the commission of the 22 crime or upon some other occasion relevant to the case; and 23 (ii) on a subsequent occasion he OR SHE observed, under circumstances 24 consistent with such rights as an accused person may derive under the 25 constitution of this state or of the United States, a person, OR, WHERE 26 THE OBSERVATION IS MADE PURSUANT TO A BLIND OR BLINDED PROCEDURE AS 27 DEFINED HEREIN, A PICTORIAL, PHOTOGRAPHIC, ELECTRONIC, FILMED OR VIDEO 28 RECORDED REPRODUCTION OF A PERSON whom he OR SHE recognized as the same 29 person whom he OR SHE had observed on the first incriminating occasion; 30 and 31 (iii) he OR SHE is unable at the proceeding to state, on the basis of 32 present recollection, whether or not the respondent is the person in 33 question; and 34 (b) it is established that the respondent is in fact the person whom 35 the witness observed and recognized OR WHOSE PICTORIAL, PHOTOGRAPHIC, 36 ELECTRONIC, FILMED OR VIDEO RECORDED REPRODUCTION THE WITNESS OBSERVED 37 AND RECOGNIZED on the second occasion. Such fact may be established by 38 testimony of another person or persons to whom the witness promptly 39 declared his OR HER recognition on such occasion AND BY SUCH PICTORIAL, 40 PHOTOGRAPHIC, ELECTRONIC, FILMED OR VIDEO RECORDED REPRODUCTION. 41 (C) FOR PURPOSES OF THIS SECTION, A "BLIND OR BLINDED PROCEDURE" IS 42 ONE IN WHICH THE WITNESS IDENTIFIES A PERSON IN AN ARRAY OF PICTORIAL, 43 PHOTOGRAPHIC, ELECTRONIC, FILMED OR VIDEO RECORDED REPRODUCTIONS UNDER 44 CIRCUMSTANCES WHERE, AT THE TIME THE IDENTIFICATION IS MADE, THE PUBLIC 45 SERVANT ADMINISTERING SUCH PROCEDURE: (I) DOES NOT KNOW WHICH PERSON IN 46 THE ARRAY IS THE SUSPECT, OR (II) DOES NOT KNOW WHERE THE SUSPECT IS IN 47 THE ARRAY VIEWED BY THE WITNESS. THE FAILURE OF A PUBLIC SERVANT TO 48 FOLLOW SUCH A PROCEDURE SHALL BE ASSESSED SOLELY FOR PURPOSES OF THIS 49 ARTICLE AND SHALL RESULT IN THE PRECLUSION OF TESTIMONY REGARDING THE 50 IDENTIFICATION PROCEDURE AS EVIDENCE IN CHIEF, BUT SHALL NOT CONSTITUTE 51 A LEGAL BASIS TO SUPPRESS EVIDENCE MADE PURSUANT TO SUBDIVISION SIX OF 52 SECTION 710.20 OF THE CRIMINAL PROCEDURE LAW. THIS ARTICLE NEITHER 53 LIMITS NOT EXPANDS SUBDIVISION SIX OF SECTION 710.20 OF THE CRIMINAL 54 PROCEDURE LAW. 55 2. Under circumstances prescribed in subdivision one, such witness may 56 testify at the proceeding that the person whom he OR SHE observed and A. 8157 6 1 recognized OR WHOSE PICTORIAL, PHOTOGRAPHIC, ELECTRONIC, FILMED OR VIDEO 2 RECORDED REPRODUCTION HE OR SHE OBSERVED AND RECOGNIZED on the second 3 occasion is the same person whom he OR SHE observed on the first or 4 incriminating occasion. Such testimony, together with the evidence that 5 the respondent is in fact the person whom the witness observed and 6 recognized OR WHOSE PICTORIAL, PHOTOGRAPHIC, ELECTRONIC, FILMED OR VIDEO 7 RECORDED REPRODUCTION HE OR SHE OBSERVED AND RECOGNIZED on the second 8 occasion, constitutes evidence in chief. 9 S 8. Section 343.4 of the family court act, as added by chapter 920 of 10 the laws of 1982, is amended to read as follows: 11 S 343.4. Rules of evidence; identification by means of previous recog- 12 nition, in addition to present identification. In any juvenile delin- 13 quency proceeding in which the respondent's commission of a crime is in 14 issue, a witness who testifies that: (a) he OR SHE observed the person 15 claimed by the presentment agency to be the respondent either at the 16 time and place of the commission of the crime or upon some other occa- 17 sion relevant to the case, and (b) on the basis of present recollection, 18 the respondent is the person in question, and (c) on a subsequent occa- 19 sion he OR SHE observed the respondent, OR, WHERE THE OBSERVATION IS 20 MADE PURSUANT TO A BLIND OR BLINDED PROCEDURE, A PICTORIAL, PHOTOGRAPH- 21 IC, ELECTRONIC, FILMED OR VIDEO RECORDED REPRODUCTION OF THE RESPONDENT 22 under circumstances consistent with such rights as an accused person may 23 derive under the constitution of this state or of the United States, and 24 then also recognized him OR HER OR THE PICTORIAL, PHOTOGRAPHIC, ELEC- 25 TRONIC, FILMED OR VIDEO RECORDED REPRODUCTION OF HIM OR HER as the same 26 person whom he OR SHE had observed on the first or incriminating occa- 27 sion, may, in addition to making an identification of the respondent at 28 the delinquency proceeding on the basis of present recollection as the 29 person whom he OR SHE observed on the first or incriminating occasion, 30 also describe his OR HER previous recognition of the respondent and 31 testify that the person whom he OR SHE observed OR WHOSE PICTORIAL, 32 PHOTOGRAPHIC, ELECTRONIC, FILMED OR VIDEO RECORDED REPRODUCTION HE OR 33 SHE OBSERVED on such second occasion is the same person whom he OR SHE 34 had observed on the first or incriminating occasion. Such testimony AND 35 SUCH PICTORIAL, PHOTOGRAPHIC, ELECTRONIC, FILMED OR VIDEO RECORDED 36 REPRODUCTION constitutes evidence in chief. FOR PURPOSES OF THIS 37 SECTION, A "BLIND OR BLINDED PROCEDURE" SHALL BE AS DEFINED IN PARAGRAPH 38 (C) OF SUBDIVISION ONE OF SECTION 343.3 OF THIS PART. 39 S 9. Section 837 of the executive law is amended by adding a new 40 subdivision 20 to read as follows: 41 20. PROMULGATE A STANDARDIZED AND DETAILED WRITTEN PROTOCOL THAT IS 42 GROUNDED IN EVIDENCE-BASED PRINCIPLES FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF PHOTO- 43 GRAPHIC ARRAY AND LIVE LINEUP IDENTIFICATION PROCEDURES FOR POLICE AGEN- 44 CIES AND STANDARDIZED FORMS FOR USE BY SUCH AGENCIES IN THE REPORTING 45 AND RECORDING OF SUCH IDENTIFICATION PROCEDURE. THE PROTOCOL SHALL 46 ADDRESS THE FOLLOWING TOPICS: 47 (A) THE SELECTION OF PHOTOGRAPHIC ARRAY AND LIVE LINEUP FILLER PHOTO- 48 GRAPHS OR PARTICIPANTS; 49 (B) INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN TO A WITNESS BEFORE CONDUCTING A PHOTOGRAPHIC 50 ARRAY OR LIVE LINEUP IDENTIFICATION PROCEDURE; 51 (C) THE DOCUMENTATION AND PRESERVATION OF RESULTS OF A PHOTOGRAPHIC 52 ARRAY OR LIVE LINEUP IDENTIFICATION PROCEDURE; 53 (D) PROCEDURES FOR ELICITING AND DOCUMENTING THE WITNESS'S CONFIDENCE 54 IN HIS OR HER IDENTIFICATION FOLLOWING A PHOTOGRAPHIC ARRAY OR LIVE 55 LINEUP IDENTIFICATION PROCEDURE, IN THE EVENT THAT AN IDENTIFICATION IS 56 MADE; AND A. 8157 7 1 (E) PROCEDURES FOR ADMINISTERING A PHOTOGRAPHIC ARRAY OR LIVE LINEUP 2 IDENTIFICATION PROCEDURE IN A MANNER DESIGNED TO PREVENT OPPORTUNITIES 3 TO INFLUENCE THE WITNESS. 4 S 10. Subdivision 4 of section 840 of the executive law is amended by 5 adding a new paragraph (c) to read as follows: 6 (C) DISSEMINATE THE WRITTEN POLICIES AND PROCEDURES PROMULGATED IN 7 ACCORDANCE WITH SUBDIVISION TWENTY OF SECTION EIGHT HUNDRED THIRTY-SEVEN 8 OF THIS ARTICLE TO ALL POLICE DEPARTMENTS IN THIS STATE AND IMPLEMENT A 9 TRAINING PROGRAM FOR ALL CURRENT AND NEW POLICE OFFICERS REGARDING THE 10 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ESTABLISHED PURSUANT TO THAT SUBDIVISION. 11 S 11. This act shall take effect immediately; provided, however, 12 sections one and two of this act shall take effect June 1, 2017 and 13 apply to confessions, admissions or statements made on or after such 14 effective date; provided, further, sections three through ten of this 15 act shall take effect November 1, 2015.