

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    January 12, 2024

        Introduced  by M. of A. WOERNER -- read once and referred to the Commit-
          tee on Housing

        AN ACT to amend the private housing finance law, in relation  to  estab-
          lishing the manufactured home community preservation act; and to amend
          the  public  authorities law, in relation to the distribution of funds
          in the mortgage insurance fund

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1. The private housing finance law is amended by adding a new
     2  article 20-A to read as follows:
     3                                ARTICLE XX-A
     5  Section 1125. Definitions.
     6          1126. State mobile and manufactured home  communities  preserva-
     7                  tion program.
     8          1127. Financial   support   to  acquire  development  rights  or
     9                  purchase mobile home and manufactured home parks.
    10    § 1125. Definitions. For the purposes of this article:
    11    1. "Development rights" means the rights of the fee  simple  owner  to
    12  develop,  construct  on,  divide,  sell,  lease, or otherwise change the
    13  property from its current use as a  mobile  home  or  manufactured  home
    14  park, or other affordable housing option as permitted by the land coven-
    15  ant  at the time of sale. Development rights include the exercise of the
    16  owner's rights to sell or grant easements or rights  of  way,  or  other
    17  rights if by that exercise the use of the land as a mobile home or manu-
    18  factured  home  park  is  diminished;  provided,  however, that the term
    19  "development rights" shall not include the rights of the owner to  sell,
    20  lease,  or otherwise improve the land to preserve, maintain, operate, or
    21  continue the land as a mobile home or  manufactured  home  park  or  all
    22  other  customary  rights and privilege of ownership, including the right
    23  to privacy.
    24    2. "Current property value" means the fair market value of a  property
    25  that  is  restricted  by  an easement or covenant to its use as a mobile

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 8601                             2

     1  home or manufactured home park rather than the highest or best potential
     2  use.
     3    3. "Mobile home and manufactured home park protection agreement" means
     4  preemptive  purchase  rights  or  other  provisions  that are part of or
     5  linked to a protection conservation easement or covenant  providing  the
     6  easement  holder  the  preferential right to purchase a protected mobile
     7  home and manufactured home park at its current use value  in  the  event
     8  the  landowner intends to sell such property to a purchaser who does not
     9  intend to maintain the property as a mobile home and  manufactured  home
    10  park.
    11    §  1126.  State  mobile and manufactured home communities preservation
    12  program. 1. The commissioner, or his or her authorized  designee,  shall
    13  initiate  and  maintain a state mobile and manufactured home communities
    14  preservation program to  provide  financial  and  technical  assistance,
    15  within  funds  available to counties, municipalities, rural preservation
    16  companies, and other non-profit housing organizations for their  housing
    17  preservation efforts.
    18    2. For the purposes of such program, the commissioner shall be author-
    19  ized to:
    20    (a)  develop guidelines for eligibility and an application process for
    21  financial assistance;
    22    (b) provide technical assistance or contract with  the  rural  housing
    23  coalition to provide technical assistance to eligible entities;
    24    (c)  disseminate  information  to  local  governments, mobile home and
    25  manufactured home park residents, and housing  organizations  about  the
    26  preservation program; and
    27    (d)  report  biennially  to the governor and the legislature regarding
    28  the activities of the commissioner with regards to the program,  includ-
    29  ing  the types of technical assistance provided, the amount of financial
    30  assistance provided, and the  number  of  mobile  home  parks  preserved
    31  through the program.
    32    §  1127.  Financial  support to acquire development rights or purchase
    33  mobile home and manufactured home  parks.  Within  the  limit  of  funds
    34  available in the mortgage insurance fund established pursuant to section
    35  twenty-four  hundred  twenty-nine-b  of  the public authorities law, the
    36  commissioner is hereby authorized to provide financial support to  local
    37  governments  or eligible non-profit housing organizations, such as rural
    38  preservation companies, land banks or community land trusts  to  acquire
    39  the  development rights or outright purchase of mobile home and manufac-
    40  tured home parks. Such funds may be used to administer and  assist  with
    41  the relocation of residents and/or their mobile or manufactured homes to
    42  other  locations  within the state as per regulations promulgated by the
    43  commissioner.
    44    § 2. Subdivision 1-a of section 2429-b of the public authorities  law,
    45  as amended by section 13 of chapter 3 of the laws of 2004, is amended to
    46  read as follows:
    47    1-a. All moneys held in the mortgage insurance fund, except as herein-
    48  after  provided,  shall  be used, as required, solely for the payment of
    49  the agency's liabilities arising from mortgages insured as  provided  in
    50  section  twenty-four  hundred  twenty-nine-a  of  this part and from the
    51  provision of development  corporation  credit  support  as  provided  in
    52  section  twenty-four  hundred  twenty-eight-a  of  this part and for the
    53  provision of financial support to local governments  and  eligible  non-
    54  profit  housing organizations pursuant to section eleven hundred twenty-
    55  seven of the private housing finance law;  provided,  however,  that  no
    56  moneys shall be withdrawn from any account at any time in such amount as

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     1  would  reduce  the amount of, as applicable, the special account, either
     2  pool insurance account or the  development  corporation  credit  support
     3  account to less than its applicable mortgage insurance fund requirement,
     4  except for the purpose of paying such liabilities as the same become due
     5  and  for  the payment of which other moneys of the agency are not avail-
     6  able. All payments pursuant to section twenty-four hundred twenty-nine-a
     7  of this part, and expenses attributable thereto shall be debited to  the
     8  special  account  or  the  single  family  pool insurance account or the
     9  project pool insurance account or  the  development  corporation  credit
    10  support account, as appropriate, within the mortgage insurance fund. All
    11  other  operating  expenses  of  the  agency with respect to insurance of
    12  mortgages and providing development corporation credit support shall  be
    13  debited  to  the  special  account,  the  single  family  pool insurance
    14  account, the project pool insurance account or  the  development  corpo-
    15  ration  credit  support  account  within the mortgage insurance fund, as
    16  appropriate.
    17    § 3. Subdivision 1-a of section 2429-b of the public authorities  law,
    18  as amended by section 15 of chapter 3 of the laws of 2004, is amended to
    19  read as follows:
    20    1-a. All moneys held in the mortgage insurance fund, except as herein-
    21  after  provided,  shall  be used, as required, solely for the payment of
    22  the agency's liabilities arising from mortgages insured as  provided  in
    23  section  twenty-four  hundred  twenty-nine-a  of  this part and from the
    24  provision of development  corporation  credit  support  as  provided  in
    25  section  twenty-four  hundred  twenty-eight-a  of  this part and for the
    26  provision of financial support to local governments  and  eligible  non-
    27  profit  housing organizations pursuant to section eleven hundred twenty-
    28  seven of the private housing finance law;  provided,  however,  that  no
    29  moneys shall be withdrawn from any account at any time in such amount as
    30  would  reduce  the  amount of, as applicable, the special account or the
    31  development corporation credit support account to less than its applica-
    32  ble mortgage insurance fund  requirement,  except  for  the  purpose  of
    33  paying  such  liabilities  as the same become due and for the payment of
    34  which other moneys of the agency are not available. All payments  pursu-
    35  ant  to  section  twenty-four  hundred  twenty-nine-a  of this part, and
    36  expenses attributable thereto shall be debited to the special account or
    37  the development corporation credit support account within  the  mortgage
    38  insurance  fund. All other operating expenses of the agency with respect
    39  to insurance of mortgages and providing development  corporation  credit
    40  support  shall  be  debited  to  the  special account or the development
    41  corporation credit support account within the mortgage  insurance  fund,
    42  as appropriate.
    43    §  4.  This act shall take effect immediately; provided, however, that
    44  the amendments to subdivision  1-a  of  section  2429-b  of  the  public
    45  authorities  law made by section two of this act shall be subject to the
    46  expiration and reversion of such subdivision pursuant to section  19  of
    47  chapter  555  of  the  laws of 1989, as amended, when upon such date the
    48  provisions of section three of this act shall take effect.