

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                      May 28, 2024

        Introduced  by COMMITTEE ON RULES -- (at request of M. of A. Woerner) --
          (at request of the New York State Homes and Community Renewal) -- read
          once and referred to the Committee on Housing

        AN ACT to amend the private housing finance law, in relation to  permit-
          ting  certain home repairs to be financed in conjunction with accessi-
          bility improvements through the access to home program

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  Subdivision  4  of  section  1201  of the private housing
     2  finance law, as added by chapter 159 of the laws of 2006, is amended  to
     3  read as follows:
     4    4.  "Access  to  home  programs"  or "programs" shall mean a series of
     5  activities by an eligible  applicant  to  administer  funds  to  provide
     6  either  loans  or  grants  to  homeowners and renters and to oversee the
     7  adaptation  [or],  retrofitting  or  repairs  of  eligible   properties,
     8  provided  that such repairs are related to the habitability of an eligi-
     9  ble property and such repairs are related to the adaptation or retrofit-
    10  ting of an eligible property.
    11    § 2. Section 1202 of the private housing  finance  law,  as  added  by
    12  chapter 159 of the laws of 2006, is amended to read as follows:
    13    §  1202. Access to home contracts. 1. Within the limit of funds avail-
    14  able in the access to home program, the corporation is hereby authorized
    15  to enter into contracts with eligible applicants  to  provide  financial
    16  assistance  for  the  actual  costs  of an access to home program.  Such
    17  costs may include the costs of repairs of eligible properties,  provided
    18  that  such repairs are related to the adaptation or retrofitting of such
    19  eligible properties, that such repairs are related to  the  habitability
    20  of  such eligible properties, and that the access to home funds provided
    21  to cover the cost of such repairs does not exceed sixty percent  of  the
    22  access  to home program grant or loan. The financial assistance shall be
    23  either in the form of grants or loans, as the corporation  shall  deter-
    24  mine. No more than fifty percent of the total amount awarded pursuant to
    25  this  article  in  any  fiscal year shall be allocated to access to home
    26  programs located within any single municipality.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 10457                            2

     1    2. The total payment pursuant to any one  contract  shall  not  exceed
     2  five  hundred  thousand  dollars  and  the  contract  shall  provide for
     3  completion of the program within a reasonable period, as specified ther-
     4  ein, which shall not in any event exceed three years from its  commence-
     5  ment.  Upon request, the corporation may extend the term of the contract
     6  for up to two additional one year periods for good cause  shown  by  the
     7  eligible applicant.
     8    3. The corporation may authorize the eligible applicant to spend up to
     9  [seven  and  a  half]  ten  percent  of the contract amount for approved
    10  administrative costs associated with administering the program.
    11    4. The corporation shall require  that,  in  order  to  receive  funds
    12  pursuant  to  this  article,  the eligible applicant shall submit a plan
    13  which shall include, but not be limited to, program feasibility,  impact
    14  on  the  community,  budget for expenditure of program funds, a schedule
    15  for completion of the program, affirmative action and minority  business
    16  participation.
    17    § 3. Subdivision 5 of section 1271 of the private housing finance law,
    18  as  added  by  section 1 of part Y of chapter 56 of the laws of 2018, is
    19  amended to read as follows:
    20    5. "Access to home for heroes programs" or  "programs"  shall  mean  a
    21  series  of  activities  by  an eligible applicant to administer funds to
    22  provide grants to homeowners and renters and to oversee  the  adaptation
    23  [or], retrofitting or repairs of eligible properties, provided that such
    24  repairs are related to the habitability of an eligible property and such
    25  repairs  are  related  to  the adaptation or retrofitting of an eligible
    26  property.
    27    § 4. Subdivisions 1 and 3 of  section  1272  of  the  private  housing
    28  finance  law,  as added by section 1 of part Y of chapter 56 of the laws
    29  of 2018, are amended to read as follows:
    30    1. Within the limit of funds available  in  the  access  to  home  for
    31  heroes  program,  the  corporation  is  hereby  authorized to enter into
    32  contracts with eligible applicants to provide financial  assistance  for
    33  the actual costs of an access to home for heroes program. Such costs may
    34  include  the costs of repairs of eligible properties, provided that such
    35  repairs are related to the adaptation or retrofitting of  such  eligible
    36  properties,  that  such  repairs are related to the habitability of such
    37  eligible properties, and that  the  access  to  home  for  heroes  funds
    38  provided to cover the cost of such repairs does not exceed sixty percent
    39  of  the  access  to home for heroes program grant or loan. The financial
    40  assistance shall be in the form of grants. No more than fifty percent of
    41  the total amount awarded pursuant to this article  in  any  fiscal  year
    42  shall  be allocated to access to home programs located within any single
    43  municipality.
    44    3. The corporation shall authorize the  eligible  applicant  to  spend
    45  [seven  and  one-half]  ten  percent of the contract amount for approved
    46  administrative costs associated with administering the program.
    47    § 5. This act shall take effect on the ninetieth day  after  it  shall
    48  have become a law.