Senate Resolution No. 353

BY: Senator PARKER

        HONORING  Rev.  Jacques  Andre  DeGraff  upon  the
        occasion of his designation for special  recognition
        at  The  Positive Community Media's 6th Annual Great
        American  Emancipation  Day  Awards  Celebration  on
        February 22, 2025

  WHEREAS,  It  is the sense of this Legislative Body to recognize and
commend outstanding individuals whose leadership, advocacy, and  service
have  advanced  social  and  economic  justice and uplifted marginalized
communities; and

  WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and  in  full  accord  with  its
long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to honor
Rev.  Jacques  Andre  DeGraff  upon  the occasion of his designation for
special recognition at The Positive Community Media's 6th  Annual  Great
American  Emancipation  Day Awards Celebration on Saturday, February 22,
2025; and

  WHEREAS, A powerful orator, activist, and faith leader, Rev. Jacques
Andre  DeGraff  has  dedicated  his  life  to  fighting   for   economic
empowerment, social justice, and equity for communities of color; and

  WHEREAS,  A  sought-after public speaker and media contributor, Rev.
Jacques Andre DeGraff's insightful analysis, sharp wit, and deep command
of historical and current affairs have  made  him  a  trusted  voice  in
public  discourse, often championing the perspectives of the underserved
and underrepresented; and

  WHEREAS, Rev. Jacques Andre DeGraff is  a  longstanding  and  active
member  of  One  Hundred  Black  Men  of  New  York, a philanthropic and
mentoring organization dedicated to  educating  and  empowering  African
American  youth, where he previously served as Vice President and played
a key role in advancing the organization's mission; and

  WHEREAS, Through his leadership in One  Hundred  Black  Men  of  New
York, Rev. Jacques Andre DeGraff was instrumental in the founding of the
Eagle  Academy  Schools,  a  network of institutions designed to uplift,
mentor, and educate young Black and Latino boys, equipping them with the
tools to succeed academically and in life; and

  WHEREAS, A fearless advocate for economic and social  justice,  Rev.
Jacques  Andre DeGraff has spent his career amplifying the voices of the
disenfranchised, holding power to account, and ensuring that equity  and
opportunity remain at the forefront of public policy discussions; and

  WHEREAS,  His  contributions  extend  beyond the pulpit and advocacy
spaces, as he is also a respected contributor  on  FOX  News,  where  he
brings  measured,  insightful  perspectives on critical issues affecting
communities of color and the broader society; and

  WHEREAS, Through his passionate leadership,  unwavering  faith,  and
tireless  pursuit  of  justice,  Rev.  Jacques  Andre DeGraff has made a

lasting impact, inspiring individuals  and  communities  to  rise  above
adversity and claim their rightful place in the fight for equality; and

  WHEREAS,  It  is  fitting  and  proper  that  this  Legislative Body
recognize the extraordinary contributions of Rev. Jacques Andre  DeGraff
and commend him for his dedication to service, advocacy, and mentorship;
now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
honor Rev. Jacques Andre DeGraff upon the occasion  of  his  designation
for  special  recognition  at  The Positive Community Media's 6th Annual
Great American Emancipation Day Awards Celebration; and be it further

  RESOLVED, That a copy of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted to Rev. Jacques Andre DeGraff.