Senate Resolution No. 1434

BY: Senator PARKER

        MEMORIALIZING  Governor  Kathy  Hochul to proclaim
        April 4-10, 2022, as Public Health Week in the State
        of New York

  WHEREAS, It is the custom of  this  Legislative  Body  to  recognize
official  weeks  that  are  set  aside  to increase awareness of serious
health issues that affect the lives of the citizens of New  York  State;

  WHEREAS,  This  Legislative  Body  is  justly  proud  to memorialize
Governor Kathy Hochul to proclaim April 4-10,  2022,  as  Public  Health
Week  in  the  State  of New York, in conjunction with the observance of
National Public Health Week; and

  WHEREAS, National Public Health  Week  is  a  United  States  health
awareness event backed by the American Public Health Association (APHA);

  WHEREAS,  The  first National Public Health Week took place in 1995,
and has seen increasing support over the years; and

  WHEREAS,  This  vital  event  aims  to   highlight   public   health
achievements  and  improve  the general health of the American people by
educating the public about various health issues and how they  can  live
longer lives; and

  WHEREAS,  Nearly 2.5 billion work days are lost due to illness every
year, with  an  estimated  fall  in  productivity  of  $1  trillion;  by
improving  the health of the nation, people's lives will improve and the
country will continue to prosper; and

  WHEREAS, Through education, health awareness  campaigns  can  reduce
the  effects  and consequences of many health conditions and diseases by
preventing their onset or tackling any symptoms or issues early on; and

  WHEREAS, It is imperative that there be greater awareness of  public
health  issues, and more must be done to increase activity at the local,
state and national levels; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
memorialize  Governor  Kathy  Hochul  to  proclaim  April 4-10, 2022, as
Public Health Week in the State of New York; and be it further

  RESOLVED, That a copy of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted  to The Honorable Kathy Hochul, Governor of the State of New