Senate Resolution No. 1435


        COMMENDING  Nicholas  A.  Georgeadis  posthumously
        upon the occasion of his designation as recipient of
        a Liberty Medal, the highest honor bestowed upon  an
        individual by the New York State Senate

  WHEREAS,  Members  of the Armed Services from the State of New York,
who have served so  valiantly  and  honorably  in  wars  in  which  this
country's  freedom was at stake, as well as in the preservation of peace
in peacetime, deserve a special salute from this esteemed Body; and

  WHEREAS, This Legislative Body is justly proud to  commend  Nicholas
A.    Georgeadis  posthumously  upon  the occasion of his designation as
recipient of a  Liberty  Medal,  the  highest  honor  bestowed  upon  an
individual  by  the New York State Senate, to be celebrated at the Honor
our Deceased Veterans Ceremony on Tuesday, November 21, 2023; and

  WHEREAS, The New York State Senate Liberty Medal was established  by
Resolution  and  is  awarded  to  individuals  who  have merited special
commendation for exceptional, heroic, or humanitarian acts on behalf  of
their fellow New Yorkers; and

  WHEREAS,  Born  on  November  18,  1970  in  Hartford,  Connecticut,
Nicholas A.   Georgeadis graduated from South  Windsor  High  School  in
1989; after high school he played football at Westfield State University
in Massachusetts, where he earned a bachelors degree in Criminal Justice
and Political Science; and

  WHEREAS,  Entering  the  Massachusetts  Army National Guard while in
college, Nicholas A. Georgeadis  trained  as  an  Infantryman,  and  was
assigned to A Company 1st/181st infantry Regiment; and

  WHEREAS,  While  in  the  National  Guard,  Nicholas  A.  Georgeadis
participated  in  a  National  Park  Service   drug   surveillance   and
interdiction program at the Cape Cod National Sea Shore; and

  WHEREAS,  Nicholas  A. Georgeadis attended Utility Helicopter Repair
School, earning his Aircraft Crew Member Badge,  and  transferred  to  D
Company 2/126th Aviation at Bradley ANG Base, Granby, Connecticut; and

  WHEREAS,  After  being  honorably  discharged  on  January  4, 2000,
Nicholas A.  Georgeadis started his police career  in  1997;  earning  a
myriad of awards for his service, he received 11 letters of commendation
from  his  Troop Commander for various accomplishments, the 2003 Troop K
Trooper  of  the  year,  two  Superintendents  commendations,  one   for
responding  to the World Trade Center Collapse for 13 weeks, and another
for bravely pulling a man of out a vehicle before it exploded; and

  WHEREAS,  In  2004,  Nicholas  A.   Georgeadis   was   promoted   to
Investigator  and  assigned  to the Special Investigation Unit, where he
earned seven more letters of  commendation;  in  2012,  he  was  awarded
Investigator   of   The  Year,  and  in  2016  was  promoted  to  Senior
Investigator, assigned to the New York State Homeland  Security  as  the
Deputy Director of Counterterrorism; and

  WHEREAS, In 2018, Nicholas A. Georgeadis retired after a long career
of serving his community; and

  WHEREAS,  With  him  throughout  was  the love of his life, Amy, and
their three children, Austin, Alexis,  and  Thomas,  all  of  whom  felt
privileged to rejoice in all of his accomplishments in his life; and

  WHEREAS, Active in his community, Nicholas A. Georgeadis volunteered
as assistant coach for his son's football and basketball teams and was a
2022  Inductee  into the South Windsor High School Hall of Fame; he also
received the 2022 American Cancer Society Hero of Hope award; and

  WHEREAS, Nicholas A. Georgeadis died on April 28, 2023, at  the  age
of 52; and

  WHEREAS, Residents of this great State must never forget the courage
with  which these men and women served their country, and must recognize
that no greater debt is owed than that owed  to  those  who  gave  their
lives  for  their beloved Nation and to those who continue to be missing
in action; and

  WHEREAS, Having exhibited his patriotism both at  home  and  abroad,
Nicholas  A. Georgeadis demonstrated his love for his country and merits
forevermore the highest respect of his State and Nation; and

  WHEREAS, Our Nation's veterans deserve to be  recognized,  commended
and thanked by the people of the State of New York for their service and
for their dedication to their communities, their State and their Nation;
now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commend Nicholas A. Georgeadis posthumously upon  the  occasion  of  his
designation  as recipient of a Liberty Medal, the highest honor bestowed
upon an individual by the New York State Senate; and be it further

  RESOLVED, That a copy of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted to the family of Nicholas A. Georgeadis.