Senate Resolution No. 1865

BY: Senator WEBER

        COMMEMORATING   the   100th   Anniversary  of  the
        Lafayette Theater of Suffern, New York

  WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body to honor  and  pay
tribute   to   those   cultural  institutions  and  organizations  whose
commitment to promoting the richness  and  diversity  of  the  arts  and
entertainment  has  contributed  to the strength, vitality, and cultural
enrichment of their communities and the great State of New York; and

  WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and  in  full  accord  with  its
long-standing  traditions,  this  Legislative  Body  is  justly proud to
commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Lafayette Theater on  March  3,
2024; and

  WHEREAS,  The  Lafayette  Theater  of Suffern, New York, in Rockland
County, is at the heart of the Suffern community; it opened its doors on
March 3, 1924, at the height of silent film popularity, and thrived with
live vaudeville shows and film presentations; and

  WHEREAS,  Inspired  by  the  Italian  and  French  Renaissance,  the
942-seat  Lafayette  Theater is a product of the renowned Eugene DeRosa,
who also designed  such  famed  theaters  as  the  Apollo  and  Broadway
Theater;  the  marvelous theater includes rows of columns, opera booths,
red velvet drapery, a crystal chandelier, and  other  fancy  flourishes,
such as its famed antique Wurlitzer organ; and

  WHEREAS,  In  1953,  the  Lafayette  Theater  installed equipment to
handle 3-D films, and became the first theatre  in  Rockland  County  to
show movies in wide-screen Cinema Scope with stereophonic sound; and

  WHEREAS,  The  Lafayette  Theater, in partnering with Good Samaritan
Hospital, received renovations  in  the  1980s,  which  refurbished  the
stage,  and  brought  about new carpeting and lighting; in 1990, the New
York Theater Organ Society arranged with  then-owner  Al  Venturini,  to
install  a  pipe  organ  known as the Ben Hall Memorial Mighty Wurlitzer
into the long-empty organ chamber, a sparkling piece of theater  history
cherished by residents of the area and far beyond; and

  WHEREAS,  After  a  period  of adversity and closing briefly, Robert
Benmosche, a resident of Suffern and the CEO of MetLife  Insurance,  saw
the  potential of the theatre and its importance to downtown Suffern; he
purchased the property and made repairs to the roof and the exterior  of
the theatre to prevent further damage to the building; and

  WHEREAS,  In 2002, Robert Benmosche leased the theatre to the Galaxy
Theatre Corporation under the leadership of  Nelson  Page;  he  and  the
Benmosches  made  extensive  renovations  to the interior of the theatre
including restoring the ornate ceiling, and installing a new  chandelier
to  replace the one removed during the 1930's; Nelson Page also arranged
to have new projection and sound systems  installed,  an  act  of  these
esteemed  men  which serves as a testament to the value of investing and
preserving the arts; and

  WHEREAS, In August of 2013, the operation of the  Lafayette  Theater
was  turned  over to JACA Entertainment Corporation, a company headed by
Ari Benmosche, the son of former owner, Robert Benmosche; and

  WHEREAS,  Due  to  the efforts of such dedicated individuals such as
owners, patrons, donors, and dedicated theater attendees over the years,
the Lafayette  Theater  remains  open  after  a  remarkable  century  of
artistic  productions  and  service to the Suffern community, State, and
Nation at large; and

  WHEREAS,  A  group  of  Suffern  residents  formed   the   Lafayette
Association  to  Save  the  Theater  (LAST) with the goal of keeping the
historic structure from being  carved  into  a  seven-screen  multiplex;
their  dedication and commitment to the cause proved successful with the
original theater style being preserved for years to come; and

  WHEREAS, The Lafayette Theater continues to delight  audiences  with
film   festivals,   live  performances  by  local  artists,  and  weekly
performances on its New York Theater Organ Society  Ben  Hall  Wurlitzer
Organ; and

  WHEREAS,  As  the  Historic  Lafayette Theatre looks back with great
pride to its beginnings, viewing, with just satisfaction, its successful
evolution,  it  renews  both  its  dedication  to  supporting   artistic
excellence, and its commitment to the community it has been built within
and  has served since 1924, expressing its appreciation to all those who
have helped to sustain and enhance it over the years; now, therefore, be

  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
commemorate  the  100th Anniversary of the Lafayette Theater of Suffern,
New York; and be it further

  RESOLVED, That copies of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted to the Lafayette Theater.