Senate Resolution No. 2002


        COMMEMORATING the 25th Anniversary of SHAREing and

  WHEREAS,  It is the sense of this Legislative Body to pay tribute to
exemplary organizations whose notable contributions to the community add
to the fabric of New York State and inspire our citizenry; and

  WHEREAS, This Legislative  Body  is  justly  proud  to  congratulate
SHAREing  and  CAREing  upon  the occasion of its 25th Anniversary to be
celebrated at  Riccardo's  by  the  Bridge  in  Astoria,  New  York,  on
Thursday, November 7, 2019; and and

  WHEREAS,  SHAREing  and  CAREing  was founded in May of 1994 by four
breast cancer survivors, Anna Kril,  Mary  Demakos,  Carol  Scarano  and
Lucille  Hartman,  who, through their own experiences, recognized a lack
of breast cancer services in Queens County; and

  WHEREAS, SHAREing and CAREing's  original  mission  was  to  provide
assistance,  education,  support  and hope to women living in Queens and
coping with breast and ovarian cancer; and

  WHEREAS, SHAREing and CAREing's mission has  expanded  into  a  full
service  cancer  support  community assisting women and men with breast,
ovarian, colon and other cancers; and

  WHEREAS, SHAREing and CAREing, under the leadership of  its  founder
and  president, Anna Kril, provides cancer survivors with individual and
group  counseling,  benefit  entitlement  assistance,   emergent   needs
assistance and other direct services; and

  WHEREAS,  SHAREing  and CAREing also provides community members with
linkages to free or low-cost cancer screenings, has created a number  of
flagship  programs  including its Be a Friend to Your Mother high school
outreach program and has partnered with the  Queens  Public  Library  to
educate  community members about cancer, health and wellness, and having
agency over their own bodies and health; and

  WHEREAS, SHAREing and CAREing's founders never imagined how much the
organization would grow nor could they have  envisioned  the  reach  and
impact of its programming; and

  WHEREAS,  SHAREing  and  CAREing  is  the face of HOPE, RECOVERY AND
CANCER SURVIVORSHIP, serving 4,000-6,000 individuals a year; and

  WHEREAS, This auspicious occasion presents a unique opportunity  for
this  Legislative  Body  to pay tribute to the enduring contributions of
SHAREing and CAREing; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
commemorate  the  25th  Anniversary  of  SHAREing and CAREing; and be it

  RESOLVED, That a copy of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted to Anna Kril, Founder/President, SHAREing and CAREing.