Senate Resolution No. 2121 BY: Senator HINCHEY MEMORIALIZING Governor Kathy Hochul to recognize April 20, 2024, in honor of the 247th Anniversary of the adoption of the first New York State Constitution WHEREAS, A Convention of Representatives of the State of New York first gathered on Sunday evening, July 10, 1776, in White Plains, New York, to draft a new State Constitution declaring independence from the Kingdom of England and creating constitutional laws and to have this Constitution replace the Colonial Charter, which was under authority from the Monarch of the Kingdom of England; and WHEREAS, The Convention was forced into repeated adjournments and changes of location throughout the winter caused by the threat of a British occupation and the British Army invasion of Staten Island; and WHEREAS, On April 20, 1777, the Convention successfully terminated its labors and adopted the first New York Constitution, creating a democratic and free independent State of New York; and WHEREAS, The Constitution, as the State's foundational document, defines the rights and privilege afforded to the citizens of the State; and WHEREAS, Over 247 years, the State has adopted five Constitutions and many additional Amendments to reflect the evolving societal standards of decency, thus redefining the role of government and creating a more expansive and inclusive understanding of the rights and privileges protected by the Constitution, and to whom such rights and privileges are afforded; and WHEREAS, It is recognized that the Constitution is vitally important to the functioning of our State government and protection of our State's citizens; and WHEREAS, It is further recognized that educating our State's citizens and residents about the Constitution is equally vitally important; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to memorialize Governor Kathy Hochul to recognize April 20, 2024, in honor of the 247th Anniversary of the adoption of the first New York State Constitution; and be it further RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted to The Honorable Kathy Hochul, Governor of the State of New York.