Senate Resolution No. 2433


        COMMENDING  the Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake Business
        and Professional Association upon  the  occasion  of
        hosting  its 23rd Annual Flag Day Parade on June 13,

  WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body, in  keeping  with
its  time-honored  traditions,  to  recognize  and  pay tribute to those
organizations that embrace the historical significance and contributions
of their localities, strengthening the fabric of the communities of  New
York State; and

  WHEREAS,  This Legislative Body is justly proud to commend the Burnt
Hills-Ballston Lake  Business  and  Professional  Association  upon  the
occasion  of  hosting  its 23rd Annual Flag Day Parade on Thursday, June
13, 2024; and

  WHEREAS,  The  first  Burnt   Hills-Ballston   Lake   Business   and
Professional  Association  Flag  Day Parade was held in June of 2002 and
began as part of the patriotic feelings that swept the Nation  following
the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001; and

  WHEREAS,  The  annual  event  quickly  grew, becoming a very popular
celebration of Old Glory, as well as an opportunity to  recognize  local
groups  and  traditions, while bringing people together from the Town of
Ballston and the surrounding communities  in  northern  Schenectady  and
Saratoga Counties; and

  WHEREAS, Each year, before the parade, the Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake
Business  and  Professional  Association,  in conjunction with Community
Human Services, presents the annual "Route 50 Mile," which is a one-mile
road race down the parade  route,  occurring  five  minutes  before  the
parade; and

  WHEREAS, Having more than 60 sponsors, the Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake
Business and Professional Association Flag Day Parade has quickly become
one  of  the  premier  events  of  our  outstanding  school district and
citizenship that supports all residents, pulling the community  together
for a night of fun and fireworks; and

  WHEREAS,   The   Burnt  Hills-Ballston  Lake  community  lies  in  a
suburban/rural area of southern Saratoga County and northern Schenectady
County and encompasses approximately 40 square miles, including most  of
the  town  of  Ballston, as well as parts of Charlton, Clifton Park, and
Glenville; and

  WHEREAS,  The  community  is  composed   of   modern   single-family
residential  developments  in  addition to numerous working farms, apple
orchards, forests,  and  open  areas  where  commercial  development  is
limited,  primarily  to  the  main north-south thoroughfare which is New
York State Route 50; and

  WHEREAS, Over the years, the Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake Business  and
Professional Association has been steadfast in its mission to encourage,

support,  and  promote business and the quality of life in the Ballston,
Charlton, Clifton Park, and Glenville areas, encompassed  by  the  Burnt
Hills-Ballston Lake School District; and

  WHEREAS,  Adhering  to  tradition,  the  Burnt  Hills-Ballston  Lake
Business and Professional Association will provide scholarship awards in
technology, business, and family  and  consumer  sciences  (FACS);  this
year's recipients will serve as Junior Grand Marshals; and

  WHEREAS,   This  year,  Burnt  Hills-Ballston  Lake  State  Champion
individuals and athletic teams have been selected as the 2024  Flag  Day
Parade  Grand Marshals for their endeavors on and off the field of play,
representing their community as outstanding scholar-athletes; and

  WHEREAS, It is the intent of this Legislative Body to recognize  and
commend  cultural  events  which  symbolize  the historical, social, and
cultural development of this great State and embody the  spirit  of  the
principles upon which this Nation was founded; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commend  the  Burnt  Hills-Ballston  Lake  Business   and   Professional
Association upon the occasion of hosting its 23rd Annual Flag Day Parade
on June 13, 2024; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  copies  of  this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to the members of the Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake Business and
Professional Association and President Nicole M. Skinner-Graudons.