Assembly Resolution No. 14 BY: M. of A. Santabarbara HONORING William G. Manikas upon a lifetime of exemplary achievement and service WHEREAS, Individuals who give of their time and energies and serve the best interests of their communities are an asset beyond remuneration and cannot be sufficiently extolled; and WHEREAS, William G. Manikas has given not only of his time and energies but also of his competence, intelligence, and leadership, and consequently has been designated for special honor; and WHEREAS, This Legislative Body is justly proud to honor William G. Manikas upon a lifetime of exemplary achievement and service; and WHEREAS, William G. Manikas has been called upon to contribute his time and talents to countless civic and charitable endeavors and has always given of himself unstintingly; and WHEREAS, Known for his athletic achievement starting at a young age, William G. Manikas was a member and Captain of the Mont Pleasant High School Boys' Basketball Team; he went on to be recruited to Syracuse University's Men's Basketball Team where he also held the coveted position of Captain; and WHEREAS, William G. Manikas was recruited by the Syracuse Nationals of the NBA in 1953, but chose to valiantly serve in the U.S. Army during the Korean Conflict; he went on to become the esteemed Captain of the U.S. Men's Basketball Team stationed in Japan from 1953-1955; and WHEREAS, A testament to his rare athletic achievement, performance, and good character, William G. Manikas was inducted into the Schenectady Athletic Hall of Fame in 2007, and the New York State Basketball Hall of Fame in 2017; and WHEREAS, In his professional life, William G. Manikas dedicated an impressive 38 years to the field of education, serving as a teacher, principal, and Superintendent of Schools; he also played a pivotal role in leading the merger of the Draper district with Mohonasen; and WHEREAS, It is without doubt that William G. Manikas has inspired, and continues to inspire, countless students, athletes, colleagues, and community members as a result of his lifelong commitment to education, athleticism, and selfless military service; and WHEREAS, Throughout the entire period of his community service, a period of constructive involvement, William G. Manikas has stood constant in dignity and good grace; and WHEREAS, Rare indeed is the impressive dedication shown by an individual for the benefit of others which William G. Manikas has displayed throughout his life; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to honor William G. Manikas upon a lifetime of exemplary achievement and service; and be it further RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted to William G. Manikas.