Assembly Resolution No. 249 BY: M. of A. Solages MEMORIALIZING Governor Kathy Hochul to proclaim March 2023, as Athletic Training Month in the State of New York WHEREAS, Athletic Trainers strive to provide excellence in health care for those participating in athletic activity; and WHEREAS, With pride and dedication, athletic trainers work to educate the community on methods and techniques used to decrease the risk of injuries and illnesses occurring to athletes and other physically active persons; and WHEREAS, Athletic Trainers remain on the front line of emerging research concerning health concerns such as concussions, heat illness, and performance enhancing drugs; and WHEREAS, New York State recognizes the skilled efforts of these professionals as they endeavor to care for and manage the health concerns of athletes and physically active persons; and WHEREAS, Groups such as the New York State Athletic Trainers' Association, founded in 1976, work to improve the health care available to physically active persons within the State through the advancement of the athletic training profession; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to memorialize Governor Kathy Hochul to proclaim March 2023, as Athletic Training Month in New York State, and to recognize the important services provided by athletic trainers to New York's citizens; and be it further RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted to The Honorable Kathy Hochul, Governor of the State of New York; and the New York State Athletic Trainers' Association.