Senate Resolution No. 1067

BY: Senator BROOKS

        COMMEMORATING  the  117th  Anniversary  of  Bethel
        A.M.E. Church of Freeport, New York

  WHEREAS, Religious institutions, and the many spiritual, social  and
educational  benefits  they confer, play a vital role in the development
of the moral fabric of a responsible citizenry; and

  WHEREAS, It is the tradition of this State and this  Nation  to  pay
tribute  to  those  institutions and individuals who have contributed to
the ethical and spiritual values of their communities; and

  WHEREAS, This Legislative Body is justly proud  to  commemorate  the
117th Anniversary of Bethel A.M.E. Church of Freeport, New York; and

  WHEREAS,  Bethel  A.M.E.  Church  was founded in 1902, with Reverend
DeShields as  its  first  pastor;  it  is  the  sixth  oldest  organized
religious institution in the Village of Freeport, New York; and

  WHEREAS, The first structure was built in 1910, on Henry Street near
Sunrise  Highway under the pastorate of Reverend William Edwards; due to
the rapid growth of the congregation, the  church  was  moved  to  Helen
Avenue in 1924; and

  WHEREAS,  As the years went on and Bethel A.M.E. Church continued to
evolve, a building fund was established by Reverend Harold F. Berry  and
continued by Reverend Beresford Barrow; this move was accomplished under
the  dynamic leadership of Reverend S. Frank Emmanuel, who was appointed
as Pastor in 1968; and

  WHEREAS, A true asset to the  church,  Reverend  Emmanuel  organized
Bethel's Senior Citizen Center, and the Cathedral and Chancel Choirs; he
also started the Acolytes serving every Sunday; and

  WHEREAS,  Bethel  A.M.E.  Church  found  a  new home in 1974, at its
current address, 420 North Main Street; and

  WHEREAS, In 1978, Reverend  Joseph  Robinson  became  the  spiritual
leader  of  Bethel A.M.E. Church; under his guidance the existing church
mortgage was liquidated and more pews were added  to  the  rear  of  the
sanctuary; and

  WHEREAS,  Furthermore,  he  performed a feet washing ceremony of the
Acolytes during Easter week, and formed the first  Boy  Scout  Troop  at
Bethel;  during  his  pastorate, the church was given recognition by the
State Legislature for its outstanding service in  the  local  community;

  WHEREAS, Reverend Simon P. Bouie began his tenure with Bethel A.M.E.
Church  in  1986,  during  which  time the church became computerized, a
chair lift was installed for the elderly and disabled,  and  two  houses
and a van were purchased; and

  WHEREAS,  Appointed  in June of 1994, Reverend Harry J. White II was
instrumental in the  success  of  numerous  ministries,  some  of  which
include The Bethel Bible Institute, The Burning Bush Ministry, The Annex
at  100  North  Main Street, The Women's Ministry, The Healing Ministry,
Evangelist  Department,  The  Liturgical  Dancers  and The Youth Program
(JAM-Jesus And Me); and

  WHEREAS, In addition, he  re-established  The  Senior  Program,  and
established  The  Bradford  Boardman  Library,  as  well  as  The  Radio
Ministry; and

  WHEREAS, With a passion to lift the prophetic voice and liberate all
people, Reverend Stephen Michael Lewis currently serves as the visionary
Pastor and leader of Bethel A.M.E. Church; he began his tenure  on  June
17,  2011,  and under his leadership the church has continued to evolve;

  WHEREAS, Under the luminous direction of  Reverend  Stephen  Michael
Lewis,  Bethel  A.M.E.  Church  stands  on  the  threshold  of tomorrow,
prepared to meet the challenges of the coming  decades  while  retaining
that spiritual resolve which characterizes its past; and

  WHEREAS,  It  is the custom of this Legislative Body to take note of
enduring religious institutions and to bring such  institutions  to  the
attention of the people of this Empire State; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commemorate the 117th Anniversary of Bethel A.M.E. Church  of  Freeport,
New York; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Reverend Stephen Michael  Lewis,  Bethel  A.M.E.  Church,
Freeport, New York.