Assembly Resolution No. 1096

BY: M. of A. Anderson

        MEMORIALIZING  Governor  Kathy  Hochul to proclaim
        April 2024, as Second Chance Month in the  State  of
        New  York,  in  conjunction  with  the observance of
        National Second Chance Month

  WHEREAS, Every person is endowed with human dignity and value; and

  WHEREAS, Redemption and second chances are American values; and

  WHEREAS, An estimated 70 million  American  citizens  have  criminal
records  which  creates  significant  barriers  to  employment, economic
stability, and successful reentry into society; and

  WHEREAS, The U.S. Department of Justice  reports  that  every  year,
approximately  640,000  individuals  returned  to their communities from
state and federal prisons, including approximately 20,000 from the State
of New York; and

  WHEREAS, Second Chance Month  is  an  opportunity  to  reaffirm  the
importance  of  helping  people  who  were formerly incarcerated reenter
society, address both the root causes of crime, and the underlying needs
of returning citizens using resources devoted to prevention,  diversion,
reentry,  trauma-informed care, culturally-specific services, and social
support; and

  WHEREAS, Often times, individuals who have paid  their  debts  after
committing crimes face barriers to reintegrating into society; and

  WHEREAS,  Many of the barriers do not account for the seriousness of
the offense, the time passed since the offense, the individual's efforts
to make amends and earn back the public's trust, or whether the  barrier
has a proven public safety benefit; and

  WHEREAS,   Ninety   percent   of  those  who  have  previously  been
incarcerated struggle to find employment because of  both  societal  and
legal barriers; and

  WHEREAS, Education has also been shown to be a significant predictor
of successful reentry; and

  WHEREAS,  Those with criminal records generally have lower levels of
educational attainment than the general population and have  significant
difficulty   acquiring   admission  to,  and  funding  for,  educational
programs; and

  WHEREAS, Barriers may prevent the 70 million Americans with criminal
records from contributing fully to their families and communities; and

  WHEREAS, The 17th Anniversary of the  Second  Chance  Act  of  2007,
which  has  provided  reentry  services to over hundreds of thousands of
people in 49 states and the District  of  Columbia  since  its  passage,
falls on April 9, 2024; and

  WHEREAS,  The  designation  of  April  as  Second  Chance  Month can
contribute to increased public awareness about the challenges  faced  by
those  who  have  paid  their  debts, and opportunities for individuals,
employers, congregations, and communities to extend second chances: now,
therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
memorialize Governor Kathy Hochul to  proclaim  April  2023,  as  Second
Chance Month in the State of New York; and be it further

  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause further to honor the work
of  communities,  governmental institutions, non-profits, congregations,
employers, and individuals to  remove  unnecessary  legal  and  societal
barriers  that  prevent  individuals with criminal records from becoming
productive members of society; and be it further

  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause further to call upon  the
people  of  the State of New York to observe Second Chance Month through
actions and programs which promote awareness of  the  challenges  facing
those  who  have  paid  their  debts  and opportunities to unlock second
chances; and be it further

  RESOLVED, That a copy of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted  to The Honorable Kathy Hochul, Governor of the State of New