Assembly Resolution No. 2118

BY: M. of A. Conrad

        HONORING  Kevin  Day  upon  the  occasion  of  his
        designation as recipient of the Award of  Excellence
        by the Western New York Educational Services Council

  WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative Body to recognize that
the  quality  and  character  of life in the communities across New York
State are reflective of the concerned and  dedicated  efforts  of  those
individuals  who would devote themselves to the welfare of the community
and its citizenry; and

  WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and  in  full  accord  with  its
long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to honor
Kevin Day upon the occasion of his designation as recipient of the Award
of  Excellence  by  the  Western  New York Educational Services Council,
celebrated on Wednesday, April 24, 2024, at the 18th annual  Awards  for
Excellence  Banquet  at  the  Creekside Banquet Hall in Cheektowaga, New
York; and

  WHEREAS,  Western  New  York  Educational  Services  Council  is   a
nonprofit  organization  that  supports  school districts throughout the
region; the purpose of the Awards of  Excellence  program  is  to  honor
school  staff  and  leaders  who  make a difference for students, have a
track record of amazing leadership, go above and  beyond  in  their  job
duties,  and  demonstrate  excellent  personal characteristics that make
them a role model for students; and

  WHEREAS, Kevin Day  is  receiving  this  prestigious  award  in  the
teacher  category  for  his  role  as  technology teacher and technology
department chair at Kenmore West High School; and

  WHEREAS, An integral part of the technology  department  of  Kenmore
West  High School, Kevin Day is heavily involved in the Project Lead the
Way  pre-engineering  program  and  the   Pre-Engineering   Academy,   a
NYS-certified, two-year career and technical education program; and

  WHEREAS,  Devoted  to  developing  a  wide  variety  of projects for
student engagement, Kevin Day is recognized for his work developing  the
Kenmore  West High School technology program, for earning the respect of
his students, and  for  the  nearly  two  decades  he  has  spent  as  a
successful wrestling coach for the school's program; and

  WHEREAS,  It  is  the  sense  of  this  Legislative  Body  that when
individuals of such noble aims and accomplishments are  brought  to  our
attention,  they should be celebrated and recognized by all the citizens
of the great State of New York; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
honor Kevin Day upon the occasion of his designation as recipient of the
Award  of  Excellence  by  the  Western  New  York  Educational Services
Council; and be it further

  RESOLVED, That a copy of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted Kevin Day.