Assembly Resolution No. 2250 BY: M. of A. Rules (Wallace) MEMORIALIZING Governor Kathy Hochul to proclaim October 5, 2024, as Ostomy Awareness Day in the State of New York WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative Body to help increase awareness of serious health conditions that affect the lives of citizens of New York State; and WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern and in full accord with its long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to memorialize Governor Kathy Hochul to proclaim October 5, 2024, as Ostomy Awareness Day in the State of New York, in conjunction with the observance of World Ostomy Day; and WHEREAS, Each year on the first Saturday of October, people worldwide come together to celebrate World Ostomy Day, also known as Ostomy Awareness Day; this day serves as a reminder of the resilience, strength, and courage millions of individuals display each year living with an ostomy; and WHEREAS, Ostomy Awareness Day is a day to raise awareness, break stigmas, and empower those living with ostomies to lead fulfilling lives; and WHEREAS, Ostomy surgery is a procedure that creates an opening, also known as a stoma, in the abdomen; waste products are then expelled from the body into an external pouch called an ostomy bag; this surgery is often necessary for individuals who have had their colon, rectum, or bladder removed due to medical conditions such as Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, colorectal cancer, or bladder cancer; and WHEREAS, Living with an ostomy can be challenging, both physically and emotionally; individuals with ostomies often face a range of issues, including: body image concerns, dietary adjustments, skin irritations, and emotional and psychological impact such as depression, anxiety, and social isolation; and WHEREAS, The reaction to intestinal or urinary diversion surgery varies from one individual to the other; to some, it will be a problem, to others, a challenge; where one person considers it life-saving, another finds it a devastating experience; each person will adapt or adjust in their own way and in their own time; and WHEREAS, It is imperative that there be greater awareness of this serious health condition, and more must be done to increase activity at the local, State and National levels; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to memorialize Governor Kathy Hochul to proclaim October 5, 2024, as Ostomy Awareness Day in the State of New York; and be it further RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted to The Honorable Kathy Hochul, Governor of the State of New York.