                               2019-2020 Regular Sessions
                    IN SENATE
                                    February 8, 2019
        Introduced  by  Sens. BRESLIN, SEWARD -- read twice and ordered printed,
          and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Insurance
        AN ACT to amend the insurance law, in relation  to  comprehensive  motor
          vehicle reparations
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Section 5102 of the insurance law is amended  by  adding  a
     2  new subsection (n) to read as follows:
     3    (n)  "Health service provider" means any medical provider that submits
     4  a bill for payment under benefits defined and provided by  this  section
     5  for any of the following:
     6    (1)  Medical, hospital (including services rendered in compliance with
     7  article forty-one of the public health law, whether or not such services
     8  are rendered directly by a hospital), surgical, nursing,  dental,  ambu-
     9  lance, x-ray, prescription drug and prosthetic services;
    10    (2) Psychiatric, physical therapy (provided that treatment is rendered
    11  pursuant to a referral) and occupational therapy and rehabilitation;
    12    (3)  Any nonmedical remedial care and treatment rendered in accordance
    13  with a religious method of healing recognized by the laws of this state;
    14  and
    15    (4) Any other professional health services.
    16    § 2. Subsection (a) of section 5106 of the insurance law is amended by
    17  adding two new undesignated paragraphs to read as follows:
    18    Payment of the interest penalty and  reasonable  attorney  fees  to  a
    19  claimant when payment of a claim is overdue shall be the exclusive reme-
    20  dy  when  an  insurer  fails  to  make timely payment. The failure of an
    21  insurer to make timely payment or issue  a  denial  within  thirty  days
    22  after proof of claim has been submitted to an insurer shall not preclude
    23  such  insurer  from  issuing  a  denial or asserting a defense after the
    24  thirty day period has elapsed.
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 3515                             2
     1    The claimant has the burden of proof to show the expenses under  para-
     2  graph  one of subsection (a) of section five thousand one hundred two of
     3  this article were medically necessary and in accordance with the  appli-
     4  cable fee schedule. Evidence of mailing a claim form shall not be suffi-
     5  cient to meet this burden.
     6    §  3.  Subsection (b) of section 5106 of the insurance law, as amended
     7  by chapter 452 of the laws of 2005, is amended to read as follows:
     8    (b) [Every insurer shall provide a claimant with the option of submit-
     9  ting any dispute] All disputes involving the insurer's liability to  pay
    10  first  party  benefits,  or  additional first party benefits, the amount
    11  thereof or any other matter which may arise pursuant to  subsection  (a)
    12  of this section shall be submitted to arbitration pursuant to simplified
    13  procedures  to  be  promulgated  or approved by the superintendent. Such
    14  simplified procedures shall include  an  expedited  eligibility  hearing
    15  option, when required, to designate the insurer for first party benefits
    16  pursuant  to  subsection  (d) of this section. The expedited eligibility
    17  hearing option shall be a forum for eligibility disputes only, and shall
    18  not include the submission of any particular bill, payment or claim  for
    19  any  specific  benefit for adjudication, nor shall it consider any other
    20  defense to payment.
    21    § 4. The insurance law is amended by adding a new section 5110 to read
    22  as follows:
    23    § 5110. Assignment of benefits to  health  service  providers.  (a)  A
    24  "covered  person"  has  the  right to assign claims for medical expenses
    25  under this article to a "health service provider", and  such  assignment
    26  shall  afford  the  health service provider as the assignee, the rights,
    27  privileges, and remedies for payment to which a covered person is  enti-
    28  tled to under this article. However, such assignment is valid only where
    29  coverage  and compliance with policy terms by the covered person are not
    30  in dispute.
    31    (b) The covered person shall have the sole right to contest any issues
    32  involving coverage or  compliance  with  policy  terms  by  the  covered
    33  person.
    34    (c) The health service provider shall have a lien against any recovery
    35  by the covered person for services provided.
    36    (d)  The health service provider shall not pursue payment for the cost
    37  of services arising out of the injuries the covered person sustained due
    38  to a motor vehicle accident unless there is a determination that  cover-
    39  age does not exist.
    40    § 5. Section 5109 of the insurance law, as added by chapter 423 of the
    41  laws of 2005, is amended to read as follows:
    42    §  5109.  Unauthorized  providers  of health services. (a) [The super-
    43  intendent, in consultation with  the  commissioner  of  health  and  the
    44  commissioner of education, shall by regulation, promulgate standards and
    45  procedures  for  investigating  and  suspending or removing the authori-
    46  zation for providers of health services to demand or request payment for
    47  health services as specified in  paragraph  one  of  subsection  (a)  of
    48  section  five  thousand  one  hundred  two of this article upon findings
    49  reached after investigation pursuant to this section.  Such  regulations
    50  shall  ensure  the  same  or  greater  due process provisions, including
    51  notice and opportunity to be heard, as those afforded physicians  inves-
    52  tigated  under  article  two  of the workers' compensation law and shall
    53  include provision for notice to all providers of health services of  the
    54  provisions  of  this  section  and regulations promulgated thereunder at
    55  least ninety days in advance of the effective date of such  regulations]
    56  As  used  in  this  section, "health services" means services, supplies,

        S. 3515                             3
     1  therapies or other treatments specified in  subparagraph  (i),  (ii)  or
     2  (iv)  of  paragraph  one  of subsection (a) of section five thousand one
     3  hundred two of this article.
     4    (b)  The  [commissioner  of  health  and the commissioner of education
     5  shall provide a list of the names of all providers  of  health  services
     6  who  the  commissioner of health and the commissioner of education shall
     7  deem, after  reasonable  investigation,  not  authorized  to  demand  or
     8  request  any  payment  for medical services in connection with any claim
     9  under this article because such] superintendent may prohibit a  provider
    10  of  health  services  from  demanding  or  requesting payment for health
    11  services rendered under this article, for a period not  exceeding  three
    12  years,  if  the  superintendent  determines, after notice and a hearing,
    13  that the provider of health services:
    14    (1) has admitted to, or been found guilty of, professional [or  other]
    15  misconduct  [or  incompetency],  as  defined  in  the  education law, in
    16  connection with [medical] health services rendered under  this  article;
    17  or
    18    (2)  [has exceeded the limits of his or her professional competence in
    19  rendering medical care under this article or has knowingly made a  false
    20  statement  or representation as to a material fact in any medical report
    21  made in connection with any claim under this article; or
    22    (3)] solicited, or  [has]  employed  another  person  to  solicit  for
    23  [himself  or  herself]  the provider of health services or [for] another
    24  person or entity, professional treatment, examination  or  care  of  [an
    25  injured] a person in connection with any claim under this article; or
    26    [(4)]  (3)  has  refused to appear before, or [to] answer any question
    27  upon request of, the [commissioner of health, the] superintendent[,]  or
    28  any  duly  authorized officer of [the] this state, [any legal question,]
    29  or refused to produce any relevant information concerning [his  or  her]
    30  the  conduct  of  the  provider  of  health  services in connection with
    31  [rendering medical] health services rendered under this article; or
    32    [(5)] (4) has engaged in [patterns] a pattern of billing for [services
    33  which were not provided]:
    34    (i) health services alleged to have been rendered under this  article,
    35  when the health services were not rendered; or
    36    (ii) unnecessary health services; or
    37    (5)  utilized  unlicensed persons to render health services under this
    38  article, when only a person licensed in this state may render the health
    39  services; or
    40    (6) utilized licensed persons to render health services, when  render-
    41  ing  the  health services is beyond the authorized scope of the person's
    42  license; or
    43    (7) ceded ownership, operation or control of a business entity author-
    44  ized to provide professional health services in  this  state,  including
    45  but not limited to a professional service corporation, limited liability
    46  company  or  registered  limited  liability partnership, to a person not
    47  licensed to render the health services for which the entity  is  legally
    48  authorized  to  provide, except where the unlicensed person's ownership,
    49  operation or control is otherwise permitted by law; or
    50    (8) committed a fraudulent insurance act as defined in section  176.05
    51  of the penal law; or
    52    (9)  has  been  convicted of a crime involving fraudulent or dishonest
    53  practices; or
    54    (10) violated any provision of this article or regulations promulgated
    55  thereunder.

        S. 3515                             4
     1    (c) [Providers] A provider of  health  services  shall  [refrain  from
     2  subsequently treating for remuneration, as a private patient, any person
     3  seeking  medical  treatment]  not  demand  or request payment for health
     4  services under this article [if such provider pursuant to  this  section
     5  has been prohibited from demanding or requesting any payment for medical
     6  services  under this article. An injured claimant so treated or examined
     7  may raise this as] that are rendered during the term of the  prohibition
     8  ordered  by  the  superintendent  pursuant  to  subsection  (b)  of this
     9  section. The prohibition ordered by the superintendent may be a  defense
    10  in  any action by [such] the provider of health services for payment for
    11  [treatment rendered at any time after such provider has been  prohibited
    12  from  demanding or requesting payment for medical services in connection
    13  with any claim under this article] such health services.
    14    (d) The [commissioner of health and  the  commissioner  of  education]
    15  superintendent shall maintain [and regularly update] a database contain-
    16  ing  a  list  of providers of health services prohibited by this section
    17  from demanding or requesting any payment for health services  [connected
    18  to a claim] rendered under this article and shall make [such] the infor-
    19  mation available to the public [by means of a website and by a toll free
    20  number].
    21    (e)  The  superintendent  may levy a civil penalty not exceeding fifty
    22  thousand dollars on any provider of health services that the superinten-
    23  dent prohibits  from  demanding  or  requesting  a  payment  for  health
    24  services  pursuant  to subsection (b) of this section. Any civil penalty
    25  imposed for a fraudulent insurance act, as defined in section 176.05  of
    26  the penal law, shall be levied pursuant to article four of this chapter.
    27    (f)  Nothing  in  this  section  shall be construed as limiting in any
    28  respect the powers and duties of the commissioner of health, commission-
    29  er of education [or], the  superintendent,  or  insurer  to  investigate
    30  instances  of misconduct by a [health care] provider [and, after a hear-
    31  ing and upon written notice to the provider, to temporarily  prohibit  a
    32  provider  of  health services under such investigation from demanding or
    33  requesting any payment for medical services under this article for up to
    34  ninety days from the date of such notice] of health  services  and  take
    35  appropriate  action  pursuant  to any other provision of law. A determi-
    36  nation of the superintendent pursuant to subsection (b) of this  section
    37  shall not be binding upon the commissioner of health or the commissioner
    38  of  education  in a professional disciplinary proceeding relating to the
    39  same conduct.
    40    § 6. Section 5108 of the insurance law is amended to read as follows:
    41    § 5108. Limit on charges by providers  of  health  services.  (a)  The
    42  charges  for  services  specified  in paragraph one of subsection (a) of
    43  section five thousand one hundred two of this article  and  any  further
    44  health  service charges which are incurred as a result of the injury and
    45  which are in excess of basic economic loss, shall not exceed the charges
    46  permissible under the schedules prepared and established by the chairman
    47  of the workers' compensation  board  for  industrial  accidents,  except
    48  where  the  insurer  or arbitrator determines that unusual procedures or
    49  unique circumstances justify the excess charge, and shall be subject  to
    50  the  treatment guidelines established pursuant to subsection (d) of this
    51  section.  At no time shall an insurer pay any charge  that  exceeds  the
    52  charges  permissible  under the schedule prepared and established by the
    53  chair of the workers' compensation board.
    54    (b) The superintendent, after consulting  with  the  chairman  of  the
    55  workers'  compensation  board  and  the  commissioner  of  health, shall
    56  promulgate rules  and  regulations  implementing  and  coordinating  the

        S. 3515                             5
     1  provisions  of  this  article  and  the  workers'  compensation law with
     2  respect to charges for the professional  health  services  specified  in
     3  paragraph one of subsection (a) of section five thousand one hundred two
     4  of  this  article, including the establishment of schedules for all such
     5  services for which schedules have not been prepared and  established  by
     6  the  chairman  of  the  workers'  compensation board, including, but not
     7  limited, to durable medical equipment or supplies.    Additionally,  the
     8  superintendent,  after consultation with the workers' compensation board
     9  and the commissioner of health, shall  promulgate  treatment  guidelines
    10  with the respect of treating covered persons.  Charges for services that
    11  are not specifically scheduled by the superintendent of insurance or the
    12  chairman  of  the  workers'  compensation  board, or are not compensable
    13  charges under Medicare are not compensable health service charges  under
    14  subsection (a) of section five thousand one hundred two of this article.
    15    (c)  No  provider  of  health  services  specified in paragraph one of
    16  subsection (a) of section five thousand one hundred two of this  article
    17  may  demand or request any payment in addition to the charges authorized
    18  pursuant to this section. No such provider may  be  reimbursed  for  any
    19  services  unless  the  provider  complies  with  subsection  (d) of this
    20  section. Every insurer shall report to the commissioner  of  health  any
    21  patterns  of overcharging, excessive treatment or other improper actions
    22  by a health provider within thirty days after such insurer has knowledge
    23  of such pattern.
    24    (d) Notwithstanding any other provision of the statute, rule or  regu-
    25  lation to the contrary, the following shall apply for all individuals or
    26  entities  that provide, treat, or charge for services specified in para-
    27  graph one of subsection (a) of section five thousand one hundred two  of
    28  this article:
    29    (1) The treating provider shall follow the treatment guidelines estab-
    30  lished by the superintendent;
    31    (2)  Deviations  from  the treatment guidelines may be permitted under
    32  the following conditions:
    33    (i) prior written or electronic request is given to the insurer  prior
    34  to commencing treatment. The request shall contain justification for the
    35  deviation  from  the  treatment  guidelines.  The  burden of showing the
    36  necessity of the deviation remains  solely  on  the  treating  provider.
    37  Failure  to provide this request shall result in a maximum reimbursement
    38  of fifty percent of the treatment guidelines.
    39    (ii) the insurer shall not be precluded from evaluating the  deviation
    40  for  payment  during  the  pendency  of the review, and may utilize peer
    41  review for evaluation of the deviation.
    42    (iii) any disputes shall be resolved through a panel  of  experts  who
    43  have  been  trained or certified in the treatment guidelines pursuant to
    44  subsection (e) of section five thousand one hundred six of this article.
    45    (3) An insurer may schedule an independent medical examination at  any
    46  time during the course of treatment.
    47    (4)  Services  or  supplies not covered by the treatment guidelines or
    48  the workers' compensation fee schedule shall not be compensable.
    49    § 7. Section 5106 of the insurance law is  amended  by  adding  a  new
    50  subsection (e) to read as follows:
    51    (e)  Every insurer shall provide the treating provider with the option
    52  of submitting a dispute involving a  request  for  deviations  from  the
    53  treatment  guidelines  under subsection (d) of section five thousand one
    54  hundred eight of this article  to  arbitration  pursuant  to  simplified
    55  procedures  promulgated  or approved by the superintendent. Such simpli-

        S. 3515                             6
     1  fied procedures shall include arbitration through a panel of experts who
     2  have been trained or certified in the treatment guidelines.
     3    § 8. Subsection (b) of section 3425 of the insurance law is amended by
     4  adding a new undesignated paragraph to read as follows:
     5    Notwithstanding any rule, law or regulation to the contrary, an insur-
     6  er  may rescind, or retroactively cancel to the inception of the policy,
     7  coverage for personal injury protection under article fifty-one of  this
     8  chapter  where  there  is  nonpayment  of the initial premium or initial
     9  installment within the first sixty days, or where it is discovered  that
    10  the  payment  proceeds  or  identity  of the purported policyholder were
    11  stolen. A person who is injured during this  period  may  have  recourse
    12  under  a personal policy of insurance or to the motor vehicle indemnifi-
    13  cation corporation provided such person did not participate in any frau-
    14  dulent activity, including but not limited to, a staged or intentionally
    15  caused accident.
    16    § 9. This act shall take effect immediately and  shall  apply  to  all
    17  actions  and proceedings commenced on or after such date; and shall also
    18  apply to any action or proceeding which  was  commenced  prior  to  such
    19  effective date where, as of such date, a trial of the issues has not yet
    20  commenced.