S T A T E O F N E W Y O R K ________________________________________________________________________ 3992 2013-2014 Regular Sessions I N S E N A T E March 4, 2013 ___________ Introduced by Sen. LARKIN -- read twice and ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Transportation AN ACT to amend the vehicle and traffic law, in relation to speed limits in certain towns THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SENATE AND ASSEM- BLY, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: 1 Section 1. Section 1662-a of the vehicle and traffic law, as amended 2 by chapter 405 of the laws of 2012, is amended to read as follows: 3 S 1662-a. Speed limits in certain towns. The town board of any subur- 4 ban town governed pursuant to article three-A of the town law and the 5 town board of any other town having a population exceeding [fifty] TWEN- 6 TY-FIVE thousand, with respect to highways (which term for the purposes 7 of this section shall include private roads open to public motor vehicle 8 traffic) in such towns outside any village, other than state highways 9 maintained by the state on which the department of transportation shall 10 have established higher or lower speed limits than the statutory fifty- 11 five miles per hour speed limit as provided in section sixteen hundred 12 twenty of this title, or on which the department of transportation shall 13 have designated that such towns shall not establish any maximum speed 14 limit as provided in section sixteen hundred twenty-four of this title, 15 subject to the limitations imposed by section sixteen hundred eighty- 16 four of this title may by local law, ordinance, order, rule or regu- 17 lation establish maximum speed limits at which vehicles may proceed 18 within such towns, within designated areas of such towns or on or along 19 designated highways within such towns lower than the fifty-five miles 20 per hour maximum statutory limit. No such speed limit applicable 21 throughout such towns or within designated areas of such towns shall be 22 established at less than thirty miles per hour, except that in the town 23 of Hempstead speed limits may be established at not less than fifteen 24 miles per hour on any portion of a highway in the community known as 25 Point Lookout and on all or any portion of the following highways in the EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted. LBD02128-01-3 S. 3992 2 1 community known as Lido Beach: Ocean Boulevard, Allevard Street, Bath 2 Street, Buxton Street, Cheltenham Street, Pinehurst Street, Harrogate 3 Street, Matlock Street, Nantwick Street, Biarritz Street, Royat Street, 4 Luchon Street, Woodhail Street, Leamington Street, Saratoga Street, 5 Kensington Street, and Prescott Street; provided, however, that no such 6 speed limit in such town may be established unless a majority of the 7 residents of each such community file a petition with the town board of 8 such town requesting such speed limit. No such speed limit applicable on 9 or along designated highways within such towns shall be established at 10 less than twenty-five miles per hour, except that school speed limits 11 may be established at not less than fifteen miles per hour, for a 12 distance not to exceed one thousand three hundred twenty feet, on a 13 highway passing a school building, entrance or exit of a school abutting 14 on the highway, and except further that in the town of Hempstead speed 15 limits may be established at not less than fifteen miles per hour on any 16 portion of a highway in the communities known as Point Lookout and Lido 17 Beach; provided, however, that no such speed limit in such town may be 18 established unless a majority of the residents of each such community 19 file a petition with the town board of such town requesting such speed 20 limit. 21 S 2. This act shall take effect immediately.