S T A T E O F N E W Y O R K ________________________________________________________________________ 4043--A 2013-2014 Regular Sessions I N S E N A T E March 5, 2013 ___________ Introduced by Sen. BONACIC -- (at request of the Office of Court Admin- istration) -- read twice and ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Judiciary -- committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said commit- tee AN ACT to amend the uniform city court act and the judiciary law, in relation to judges of city courts THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SENATE AND ASSEM- BLY, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: 1 Section 1. Paragraph 1 of subdivision (b) of section 2104 of the 2 uniform city court act, as amended by chapter 493 of the laws of 2006, 3 is amended to read as follows: 4 (1) be an attorney admitted to practice law in this state for at least 5 five years as of the date he or she commences the duties of office, and 6 be a resident of the city in which he or she is elected or appointed, 7 except that the judges of the Sherrill city court may reside anywhere in 8 either Oneida or Madison counties, the city court judge who serves in 9 the office that formerly was that of acting judge of the Oneida city 10 court may reside anywhere in Madison county, the judges of the Peekskill 11 city court may reside anywhere in Westchester county, the city court 12 judge who serves in the office that formerly was that of acting judge of 13 the Port Jervis city court may reside anywhere in either Sullivan or 14 Orange counties, the judges of the Hudson city court may reside anywhere 15 in Columbia county, the city court judge who serves in the office that 16 formerly was that of acting judge of the Mechanicville city court may 17 reside anywhere in Saratoga county, the judges of the Ogdensburg city 18 court may reside anywhere in St. Lawrence county, the judges of the 19 Rensselaer city court may reside anywhere in Rensselaer county and one 20 judge of the Cohoes city court AND THE CITY COURT JUDGE WHO SERVES IN 21 THE OFFICE THAT FORMERLY WAS THAT OF ACTING JUDGE OF THE WATERVLIET CITY 22 COURT may reside anywhere in Albany county. EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted. LBD09321-02-3 S. 4043--A 2 1 S 2. Subdivision (d) of section 2104 of the uniform city court act, as 2 amended by chapter 493 of the laws of 2006, is amended to read as 3 follows: 4 (d) The number of judges of the city court in each city shall be as 5 provided herein. Full-time judgeships are specifically so designated, 6 all others are part-time: 7 Par. Name of city 8 1 Albany, [four] FIVE full-time [and one part-time]; 9 2 Amsterdam, one full-time and one part-time; 10 3 Auburn, one full-time and one part-time; 11 4 Batavia, one full-time and one part-time; 12 5 Beacon, one full-time and one part-time; 13 6 Binghamton, [two] THREE full-time [and one part-time]; 14 7 Buffalo, [thirteen] FOURTEEN full-time; 15 8 Canandaigua, one full-time and one part-time; 16 9 Cohoes, two; 17 10 Corning, one full-time and one part-time; 18 11 Cortland, one full-time and one part-time; 19 12 Dunkirk, one full-time and one part-time; 20 13 Elmira, two full-time; 21 14 Fulton, one full-time and one part-time; 22 15 Geneva, three; 23 16 Glen Cove, two; 24 17 Glens Falls, one full-time and one part-time; 25 18 Gloversville, one full-time and one part-time; 26 19 Hornell, two; 27 20 Hudson, two; 28 21 Ithaca, [one] TWO full-time [and one part-time]; 29 22 Jamestown, [one] TWO full-time [and one part-time]; 30 23 Johnstown, two; 31 24 Kingston, [one] TWO full-time [and one part-time]; 32 25 Lackawanna, one full-time and one part-time; 33 26 Little Falls, two; 34 27 Lockport, [one] TWO full-time [and one part-time]; 35 28 Long Beach, two full-time; 36 29 Mechanicville, two; 37 30 Middletown, [one] TWO full-time [and one part-time]; 38 31 Mount Vernon, three full-time and one part-time; 39 32 Newburgh, [two] THREE full-time; 40 33 New Rochelle, [two] THREE full-time [and one part-time]; 41 34 Niagara Falls, four full-time; 42 35 North Tonawanda, one full-time and one part-time; 43 36 Norwich, [two] ONE FULL-TIME AND ONE PART-TIME; 44 37 Ogdensburg, one full-time and one part-time; 45 38 Olean, one full-time and one part-time; 46 39 Oneida, [two] ONE FULL-TIME AND ONE PART-TIME; 47 40 Oneonta, [two] ONE FULL-TIME AND ONE PART-TIME; 48 41 Oswego, one full-time and one part-time; 49 42 Peekskill, one full-time and one part-time; 50 43 Plattsburgh, one full-time and one part-time; 51 44 Port Jervis, two; 52 45 Poughkeepsie, two full-time; 53 46 Rensselaer, two; 54 47 Rochester, [nine] TEN full-time; 55 48 Rome, [one] TWO full-time [and one part-time]; 56 49 Rye, one full-time and one part-time; S. 4043--A 3 1 50 Salamanca, two; 2 51 Saratoga Springs, [one] TWO full-time [and one part-time]; 3 52 Schenectady, [three] FOUR full-time; 4 53 Sherrill, one; 5 54 Syracuse, [eight] NINE full-time; 6 55 Tonawanda, one full-time and one part-time; 7 56 Troy, [one] TWO full-time and one part-time; 8 57 Utica, three full-time; 9 58 Watertown, [one] TWO full-time [and one part-time]; 10 59 Watervliet, two; 11 60 White Plains, [three] FOUR full-time [and one part-time]; 12 61 Yonkers, [six] SEVEN full-time. 13 S 3. Subparagraphs (i) and (ii) of paragraph 1 of subdivision (e) of 14 section 2104 of the uniform city court act, as amended by chapter 493 of 15 the laws of 2006, are amended to read as follows: 16 (i) by the mayor of the city for which the court on which he or she 17 will serve has been established, with the advice and consent of the city 18 council: part-time city court judge of Beacon, part-time city court 19 judge of Corning, part-time city court judge of Cortland, part-time city 20 court judge of Gloversville, city court judge of Glen Cove who serves in 21 the office that on June first, two thousand one was an appointive office 22 pursuant to this subparagraph, [part-time city court judge of Ithaca, 23 part-time] city court judge of Jamestown WHO SERVES IN THE OFFICE THAT 24 WAS CREATED DURING THE CALENDAR YEAR COMMENCING JANUARY FIRST, TWO THOU- 25 SAND THIRTEEN, part-time city court judge of Olean, city court judges of 26 Plattsburgh, city court judge of Port Jervis who serves in the office 27 that formerly was that of acting city court judge of Port Jervis, city 28 court judges of Rye, city court judge of Salamanca who serves in the 29 office that formerly was that of acting city court judge of Salamanca 30 and the [part-time] city court judge of Watertown WHO SERVES IN THE 31 OFFICE THAT ON MARCH THIRTY-FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FOURTEEN WAS PART-TIME. 32 (ii) by the city council of the city for which the court on which he 33 or she will serve has been established: part-time city court judge of 34 Auburn, part-time city court judge of Batavia, part-time city court 35 judge of Canandaigua, city court judge of Johnstown who serves in the 36 office that formerly was that of acting city court judge of Johnstown, 37 city court judge of Newburgh who serves in the office that on March 38 thirty-first, two thousand one was part-time, city court judge of 39 Norwich who serves in the office that [formerly was that of acting city 40 court judge of Norwich] WAS CREATED DURING THE CALENDAR YEAR COMMENCING 41 JANUARY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND THIRTEEN, city court judges of Peekskill, 42 and city court judges of White Plains. 43 S 4. The opening paragraph of subparagraph (iii) of paragraph 1 of 44 subdivision (e) of section 2104 of the uniform city court act, as 45 amended by chapter 493 of the laws of 2006, is amended to read as 46 follows: 47 by the mayor of the city for which the court on which he or she will 48 serve has been established: [part-time city court judge of Binghamton,] 49 city court judges of Cohoes, part-time city court judge of Dunkirk, 50 part-time city court judge of Fulton, city court judge of Geneva who 51 serves in the office that formerly was that of acting city court judge 52 of Geneva, city court judge of Hornell who serves in the office that 53 formerly was that of acting city court judge of Hornell, city court 54 judge of Hudson who serves in the office that formerly was that of 55 acting city court judge of Hudson, [part-time] city court judge of King- 56 ston WHO SERVES IN THE OFFICE THAT ON MARCH THIRTY-FIRST, TWO THOUSAND S. 4043--A 4 1 FOURTEEN WAS PART-TIME, part-time city court judge of Lackawanna, city 2 court judge of Little Falls who serves in the office that formerly was 3 that of acting CITY court judge of Little Falls, [part-time city court 4 judge of Lockport,] city court judge of Mechanicville who serves in the 5 office that formerly was that of acting city court judge of Mechanic- 6 ville, [part-time] city court judge of Middletown WHO SERVES IN THE 7 OFFICE THAT WAS CREATED DURING THE CALENDAR YEAR COMMENCING JANUARY 8 FIRST, TWO THOUSAND THIRTEEN, part-time city court judge of Mount 9 Vernon, [part-time] city court judge of New Rochelle [and full-time city 10 court judge of such city who serves in the office created during the 11 calendar year commencing January first, two thousand one] WHO SERVES IN 12 THE OFFICE THAT WAS CREATED DURING THE CALENDAR YEAR COMMENCING JANUARY 13 FIRST, TWO THOUSAND THIRTEEN AND THE CITY COURT JUDGE OF SUCH CITY WHO 14 SERVES IN THE OFFICE THAT ON JANUARY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND THIRTEEN WAS AN 15 APPOINTIVE OFFICE PURSUANT TO THIS SUBPARAGRAPH, part-time city court 16 judge of North Tonawanda, part-time city court judge of Ogdensburg, 17 PART-TIME city court judge of Oneida [who serves in the office that 18 formerly was that of acting city court judge of Oneida], PART-TIME city 19 court judge of Oneonta [who serves in the office that formerly was that 20 of acting city court judge of Oneonta], part-time city court judge of 21 Oswego, city court judges of Poughkeepsie, city court judge of Rensse- 22 laer who serves in the office that formerly was that of acting city 23 court judge of Rensselaer, [part-time] city court judge of Saratoga 24 Springs WHO SERVES IN THE OFFICE THAT WAS CREATED DURING THE CALENDAR 25 YEAR COMMENCING JANUARY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND THIRTEEN, part-time city 26 court judge of Tonawanda and city court judge of Watervliet who serves 27 in the office that formerly was that of acting city court judge of 28 Watervliet. Provided, however, the following special provisions shall 29 be applicable in the city of Poughkeepsie: 30 S 5. Section 221-i of the judiciary law, as amended by chapter 493 of 31 the laws of 2006, is amended to read as follows: 32 S 221-i. Salary of judges of the city courts outside the city of New 33 York. [The] EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED BY CHAPTER FIVE HUNDRED SIXTY- 34 SEVEN OF THE LAWS OF TWO THOUSAND TEN, THE annual salary of each judge 35 of a city court outside the city of New York shall be as follows (where 36 this section provides different salaries for judicial positions on the 37 same court having the same title, the greater salary shall be paid the 38 person holding the position paid the greater salary on the day imme- 39 diately preceding the day on which such salaries took effect): 40 City Title 41 Albany City Court Judge (FT) 113,900 42 [Albany City Court Judge 54,400] 43 Amsterdam City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 44 Amsterdam City Court Judge 27,200 45 Auburn City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 46 Auburn City Court Judge [27,200] 54,400 47 Batavia City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 48 Batavia City Court Judge 27,200 49 Beacon City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 50 Beacon City Court Judge 27,200 51 Binghamton City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 52 [Binghamton City Court Judge 54,400] 53 Buffalo Chief Judge (FT) 115,100 54 Buffalo City Court Judge (FT) 113,900 S. 4043--A 5 1 Canandaigua City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 2 Canandaigua City Court Judge 27,200 3 Cohoes City Court Judge 54,400 4 Corning City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 5 Corning City Court Judge 27,200 6 Cortland City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 7 Cortland City Court Judge [27,200] 54,400 8 Dunkirk City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 9 Dunkirk City Court Judge 27,200 10 Elmira City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 11 Fulton City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 12 Fulton City Court Judge 27,200 13 Geneva City Court Judge 54,400 14 Geneva City Court Judge 27,200 15 Glen Cove City Court Judge 54,400 16 Gloversville City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 17 Gloversville City Court Judge 27,200 18 Glens Falls City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 19 Glens Falls City Court Judge 27,200 20 Hornell City Court Judge 54,400 21 Hornell City Court Judge 27,200 22 Hudson City Court Judge 54,400 23 Hudson City Court Judge 27,200 24 Ithaca City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 25 [Ithaca City Court Judge 54,400] 26 Jamestown City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 27 [Jamestown City Court Judge 54,400] 28 Johnstown City Court Judge 54,400 29 Johnstown City Court Judge 27,200 30 Kingston City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 31 [Kingston City Court Judge 54,400] 32 Lackawanna City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 33 Lackawanna City Court Judge 54,400 34 Lockport City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 35 [Lockport City Court Judge 54,400] 36 Long Beach City Court Judge (FT) 118,300 37 Little Falls City Court Judge 27,200 38 Mechanicville City Court Judge 27,200 39 Middletown City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 40 [Middletown City Court Judge 54,400] 41 Mount Vernon City Court Judge (FT) 118,300 42 Mount Vernon City Court Judge 54,400 43 Newburgh City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 44 Niagara Falls Chief Judge (FT) 115,100 45 Niagara Falls City Court Judge (FT) 113,900 46 Norwich City Court Judge (FT) [54,400] 108,800 47 Norwich City Court Judge 27,200 48 New Rochelle City Court Judge (FT) 118,300 49 [New Rochelle City Court Judge 54,400] 50 North Tonawanda City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 51 North Tonawanda City Court Judge 54,400 52 Ogdensburg City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 53 Ogdensburg City Court Judge 27,200 54 Olean City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 55 Olean City Court Judge 27,200 56 Oneida City Court Judge (FT) [54,400] 108,800 S. 4043--A 6 1 Oneida City Court Judge 27,200 2 Oneonta City Court Judge(FT) [54,400] 108,800 3 Oneonta City Court Judge 27,200 4 Oswego City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 5 Oswego City Court Judge 27,200 6 Peekskill City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 7 Peekskill City Court Judge 54,400 8 Poughkeepsie City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 9 Plattsburgh City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 10 Plattsburgh City Court Judge 27,200 11 Port Jervis City Court Judge 54,400 12 [Port Jervis City Court Judge 27,200] 13 Rensselaer City Court Judge 54,400 14 Rensselaer City Court Judge 27,200 15 Rochester Chief Judge (FT) 115,100 16 Rochester City Court Judge (FT) 113,900 17 Rome City Court Judge (FT) 113,900 18 [Rome City Court Judge 54,400] 19 Rye City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 20 Rye City Court Judge [27,200] 54,400 21 Salamanca City Court Judge 54,400 22 SALAMANCA CITY COURT JUDGE 27,200 23 Saratoga Springs City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 24 [Saratoga Springs City Court Judge 54,400] 25 Schenectady City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 26 Sherrill City Court Judge 27,200 27 Syracuse Chief Judge (FT) 115,100 28 Syracuse City Court Judge (FT) 113,900 29 Tonawanda City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 30 Tonawanda City Court Judge 54,400 31 Troy City Court Judge (FT) 113,900 32 Troy City Court Judge 81,600 33 Utica Chief Judge (FT) 115,100 34 Utica City Court Judge (FT) 113,900 35 Watertown City Court Judge (FT) 108,800 36 [Watertown City Court Judge 27,200] 37 Watervliet City Court Judge 54,400 38 [Watervliet City Court Judge 27,200] 39 White Plains City Court Judge (FT) 116,800 40 [White Plains City Court Judge 54,400] 41 Yonkers Chief Judge (FT) 119,500 42 Yonkers City Court Judge (FT) 118,300 43 S 6. Transition. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for 44 purposes of this act: 45 (a) On the effective date of this section: 46 (i) each of the following part-time judgeships shall be abolished and 47 replaced by a full-time judgeship: the part-time city court judge of 48 Albany, the part-time city court judge of Binghamton, the part-time city 49 court judge of Ithaca, the part-time city court judge of Jamestown, the 50 part-time city court judge of Kingston, the part-time city court judge 51 of Lockport, the part-time city judge of Middletown, the part-time city 52 court judge of New Rochelle, the part-time city court judge of Norwich 53 whose office is paid the greater compensation on such date, the part- 54 time city court judge of Oneida whose office is paid the greater compen- 55 sation on such date, the part-time city court judge of Oneonta whose 56 office is paid the greater compensation on such date, the part-time city S. 4043--A 7 1 court judge of Rome, the part-time city court judge of Saratoga Springs, 2 the part-time city court judge of Watertown and the part-time city court 3 judge of White Plains. Each person in a judgeship abolished by this 4 subdivision shall continue in service in the full-time judgeship that 5 replaces such abolished judgeship hereunder for the remainder of the 6 term of office to which he or she was selected in such abolished judge- 7 ship except that the persons who continue in service in the full-time 8 judgeships that replace the abolished judgeships in the city courts of 9 Binghamton and Lockport, respectively, shall do so until the thirty- 10 first day of December next succeeding the date on which such term of 11 office would otherwise expire; and 12 (ii) the office of the elected part-time city court judge of Salamanca 13 shall receive the increase in compensation provided in section 221-i of 14 the judiciary law as amended by section five of this act. 15 (b) The new offices of full-time city court judge in the cities of 16 Buffalo, Newburgh, Rochester, Schenectady, Syracuse, Troy and Yonkers, 17 respectively, shall first be filled by election at the next general 18 election at which they can be filled for a full term to commence January 19 first next thereafter. For each of the offices of full-time city court 20 judge established in the cities of Binghamton and Lockport by paragraph 21 (i) of subdivision (a) of this section, upon the first occurrence of a 22 vacancy in such office following the effective date of this section, 23 such office shall be filled by election for a term commencing the first 24 day of January next succeeding the election. 25 S 7. (a) In the event that the compensation to be paid a judge of a 26 city court, as prescribed by this act or any other provision of law, is 27 lower than the compensation being paid such judge immediately prior to 28 the effective date of this section, such judge shall, for as long as he 29 or she holds the office in which he or she is serving on such effective 30 date, receive such higher compensation (plus any increases thereto as 31 shall thereafter be provided by law). 32 (b) Notwithstanding any provision of this act, this act shall not 33 extend or diminish any term of judicial office commenced prior to the 34 effective date of this section. 35 S 8. This act shall take effect on the first of April next succeeding 36 the date on which it shall have become a law; provided, however, that no 37 changes in the number or compensation of judges, as provided in sections 38 two and five of this act, may take effect in a city in which a full-time 39 judgeship replaces a part-time judgeship pursuant to this act until 40 authorized under section six of this act.