S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
           S. 5666                                                  A. 7743
                              2013-2014 Regular Sessions
                             S E N A T E - A S S E M B L Y
                                     June 3, 2013
       IN SENATE -- Introduced by Sen. VALESKY -- read twice and ordered print-
         ed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Local Govern-
       IN  ASSEMBLY  -- Introduced by M. of A. STIRPE -- read once and referred
         to the Committee on Local Governments
       AN ACT authorizing the county of Onondaga to enter into a lease with the
         Syracuse Chargers Rowing Club
    1    Section  1.    The  county  of  Onondaga  is authorized, acting by and
    2  through its county board and upon such terms and  conditions  as  deter-
    3  mined by such board, to discontinue the use of certain municipally owned
    4  waterfront  park  land and to lease to the Syracuse Chargers Rowing Club
    5  said waterfront park land as described in section three of this act  for
    6  the  purpose  of  conducting rowing activities, for a term not to exceed
    7  twenty-five years.
    8    S 2. The authorization provided in section one of this  act  shall  be
    9  effective  only  upon the condition that the County of Onondaga dedicate
   10  an amount equal to or greater than the fair market value of the lease of
   11  the waterfront park land described in section three of this act for  the
   12  acquisition  of  additional  waterfront  park  land  and/or  for capital
   13  improvements to existing waterfront park and recreational facilities.
   14    S 3. The waterfront park land authorized to be leased by  section  one
   15  of this act are more particularly described as follows
   16    All that tract or parcel of land situate in the Town of Geddes, County
   17  of  Onondaga and State of New York, being part of Farm Lot No. 8 in said
   18  Town, bounded and described as follows:
   19    Beginning at a point in the northeasterly shoreline of  Onondaga  Lake
   20  Outlet,  said  point  being  the westerly most corner of an existing 2.5
   21  Acre more or less, Ten Eyck Boathouse Lease by the  County  of  Onondaga
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       S. 5666                             2                            A. 7743
    1  with  Syracuse  University;  running  thence  northwesterly,  northerly,
    2  northeasterly and easterly along the northeasterly, easterly, southeast-
    3  erly and southerly shoreline of said Onondaga Lake Outlet  as  it  winds
    4  and  turns, a distance of about 533 feet to a point in the southwesterly
    5  edge of pavement in Ten Eyck  Drive;  thence  southeasterly,  southerly,
    6  southwesterly, along the southwesterly, westerly, and northwesterly edge
    7  of pavement of said Ten Eyck Drive, an existing edge of driveway and its
    8  southwesterly prolongation, a distance of about 905 feet to a point in a
    9  northeasterly  boundary of the aforementioned 2.5 Acre more or less, Ten
   10  Eyck Boathouse Lease;  thence  northwesterly  along  said  northeasterly
   11  boundary  of  said  2.5  Acre  more or less, Ten Eyck Boathouse Lease, a
   12  distance of about 113 feet to the northerly most corner of said 2.5 Acre
   13  more or less, Ten Eyck Boathouse Lease; thence southwesterly  along  the
   14  northwesterly boundary of said 2.5 Acre more or less, Ten Eyck Boathouse
   15  Lease, a distance of about 236 feet to the point and place of beginning,
   16  containing 1.6 Acres of land more or less.
   17    S  4.  Should  the  leased  lands described in section one of this act
   18  cease to be used for the purposes described in section one of this  act,
   19  the  lease shall terminate and those lands shall revert to the County of
   20  Onondaga for public waterfront park and recreational  purposes.  At  the
   21  time  of  such reversion, the property shall be returned to its previous
   22  state, consistent with public waterfront park and recreational purposes.
   23    S 5. Such waterfront park land described in section three of this  act
   24  shall  be  made  available  to the general public on an equitable basis.
   25  Where availability of public facilities is  limited,  the  use  of  such
   26  facilities  must  be  determined  by a reservation policy which provides
   27  priority use to the general public.
   28    S 6. If the park land that is the  subject  of  this  legislation  has
   29  received  funding  pursuant  to  the federal land and water conservation
   30  fund, the discontinuance of park land authorized by  the  provisions  of
   31  this  legislation  shall  not  occur until the municipality has complied
   32  with the federal requirements  pertaining  to  the  conversion  of  park
   33  lands,  including  satisfying  the  secretary  of  the interior that the
   34  discontinuance will include all conditions which the  secretary  of  the
   35  interior deems necessary to assure the substitution of other lands shall
   36  be  equivalent  in  fair market value and recreational usefulness to the
   37  lands being discontinued.
   38    S 7. This act shall take effect immediately.