S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                              2013-2014 Regular Sessions
                                   I N  S E N A T E
                                     June 14, 2013
       Introduced  by  Sen.  GOLDEN -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
         printed to be committed to the Committee on Rules
       AN ACT to authorize a certain  city  included  in  the  Hurricane  Sandy
         federal  disaster area to grant exemptions for certain filing fees and
         provide for reimbursement of such fees
    1    Section  1.  Short  title. This act shall be known and may be cited as
    2  the "New York city Hurricane Sandy filing fee exemption  and  reimburse-
    3  ment act".
    4    S  2.  As used in this act, "eligible city" shall mean a city having a
    5  population of one million or more which has been included in the federal
    6  disaster declarations for Hurricane Sandy.
    7    S 3.  The provisions of this act shall only apply to an eligible city,
    8  and only where the city council of such city,  within  30  days  of  the
    9  effective  date  of  this  act,  has  enacted  a resolution adopting the
   10  provisions of this act.
   11    S 4. All filings with the county clerk's office, or the office of  the
   12  city  register, between the period beginning October 28, 2012 and ending
   13  December 31, 2013 related to a U.S. Small Business Administration Disas-
   14  ter Loan as defined in 15 USCS S636(b)(1) within an eligible city  where
   15  the city council has enacted a resolution pursuant to this act, shall be
   16  exempt  from any filing fees required pursuant to sections 8019 and 8021
   17  of the civil practice law and rules.
   18    S 5. Any person or entity that paid filing fees required  by  sections
   19  8019  and 8021 of the civil practice law and rules to the county clerk's
   20  office or the office of the city register, between the period  beginning
   21  October 28, 2012 and ending December 31, 2013 due to any filings related
   22  to  a  U.S. Small Business Administration Disaster Loan as defined in 15
   23  USCS S636(b)(1) within an eligible  city  where  the  city  council  has
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       S. 5796                             2
    1  enacted a resolution pursuant to this act, shall receive a reimbursement
    2  of all such fees.
    3    S  6. Before any reimbursement is paid, the county clerk or the office
    4  of the city register shall notify the commissioner of education in writ-
    5  ing of any amounts which have been collected on behalf of  and  remitted
    6  to  the  commissioner of education pursuant to section 8021 of the civil
    7  practice law and rules, which must be reimbursed pursuant to  this  act.
    8  Upon such notice, the commissioner of education shall remit such amounts
    9  to the eligible city within fifteen days of notice. Upon receipt of such
   10  payment  from  the  commissioner  of  education  the county clerk or the
   11  office of the city register shall reimburse the full amount of fees paid
   12  to an eligible person or entity pursuant to this act.
   13    S 7. This act shall take effect immediately.