

                               2019-2020 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                     August 23, 2019

        Introduced  by  Sen.  RAMOS  -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Rules  --  recommitted  to
          the Committee on Transportation in accordance with Senate Rule 6, sec.
          8  -- committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended
          and recommitted to said committee

        AN ACT to amend the public authorities law, in relation to requiring the
          metropolitan transportation authority  to  publish  certain  financial
          reports on the authority's website

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Subdivision 2-a of section 1269-b of the public authorities
     2  law is amended by adding three new paragraphs (c), (d) and (e)  to  read
     3  as follows:
     4    (c)  The  authority  shall  publish  all  data  pertaining  to capital
     5  programs of the  authority  and  any  amendments  to  such  programs  as
     6  required by this section on the authority's website in a common, machine
     7  readable format, as defined by executive order number ninety-five of two
     8  thousand  thirteen,  "Using  Technology to Promote Transparency, Improve
     9  Government Performance and Enhance Citizen Engagement" or any  successor
    10  order. Such data shall include, but not be limited to:
    11    (i)  all  data  required  by  paragraph (c) of subdivision one of this
    12  section, including estimates of capital funding required each  year  and
    13  expected sources of such funding;
    14    (ii)  all  data required by subdivision two of this section, including
    15  proposed expenditures or commitments of funding for  individual  capital
    16  elements required; and
    17    (iii) all data regarding proposed expenditures or commitments of indi-
    18  vidual projects in each capital element.
    19    (d)  Individual  capital  project  data shall be included in a capital
    20  program dashboard maintained by the authority on its website. Any summa-
    21  ry views provided on the website shall include the original budgets  and

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 6669--A                          2

     1  schedules,  in  addition  to  current  or amended budgets and schedules.
     2  Data pertaining to individual projects shall include, but not be limited
     3  to:
     4    (i) the capital project identification number;
     5    (ii) the capital plan years;
     6    (iii) the agency or authority undertaking the project;
     7    (iv) a project description;
     8    (v) the project location;
     9    (vi)  the  capital  need  met  by  the  project, such as state of good
    10  repair, normal replacement,  system  improvement,  system  expansion  or
    11  other category;
    12    (vii)  budget  information  including  the original budget, all amend-
    13  ments, the current budget and planned annual allocations; and
    14    (viii) a schedule for project delivery including original, amended and
    15  current start and completion dates.
    16    The status of projects shall be provided and state the  current  phase
    17  of  the  project,  such as planning, design, construction or completion,
    18  and shall state how close such project is to completion as  measured  in
    19  percentage. The dashboard shall measure progress based on original budg-
    20  ets and schedules rather than amended budgets and schedules. All changes
    21  to  planned budgets or schedules shall be provided in narrative form and
    22  describe the reason for each change or amendment.  The  dashboard  shall
    23  include  a  glossary  or  data  dictionary which contains plain language
    24  descriptions of the data and information provided on the dashboard.  The
    25  dashboard  shall be updated, at a minimum, on a quarterly basis, and all
    26  data fields available on the dashboard shall be made available for down-
    27  load on the authority's website in a  single  tabular  data  file  in  a
    28  common,  machine  readable  format. Capital dashboard data shall also be
    29  made available on  the  website  or  such  other  successor
    30  website maintained by, or on behalf of, the state, as deemed appropriate
    31  by  the  New  York state office of information technology services under
    32  executive order number ninety-five of  two  thousand  thirteen,  or  any
    33  successor agency or order.
    34    (e)  The  data  required  to be published pursuant to this subdivision
    35  shall be made in a single tabular data file in a common,  machine  read-
    36  able  format  and shall be accessible on the authority's website and the
    37  website or such other successor website maintained by, or on
    38  behalf of, the state, as deemed appropriate by the New York state office
    39  of information technology services under executive order number  ninety-
    40  five of two thousand thirteen, or any successor agency or order.
    41    § 2. Section 1276-b of the public authorities law is amended by adding
    42  two new subdivisions 6 and 7 to read as follows:
    43    6. The authority shall publish all data pertaining to each authority's
    44  budget  and  financial  plans  as  required by this section in a common,
    45  machine readable format on the authority's website as defined by  execu-
    46  tive order number ninety-five of two thousand thirteen, "Using Technolo-
    47  gy  to  Promote Transparency, Improve Government Performance and Enhance
    48  Citizen Engagement" or any successor order. Such data shall include, but
    49  not be limited to:
    50    (a) estimates of projected operating revenues and expenses,  including
    51  monthly  projections  for  the  current  fiscal year of all revenues and
    52  expenses;
    53    (b) any planned transaction  that  would  shift  resources,  from  any
    54  source, from one fiscal year to another, and the amount of any reserves;
    55    (c) quarterly revenue and expense targets;
    56    (d) staffing for the authority and each of its agencies;

        S. 6669--A                          3

     1    (e)  a comparison of actual revenues and expenses, actual staffing and
     2  actual utilization to planned  or  projected  levels  for  each  of  the
     3  authority's agencies that operate transportation systems;
     4    (f)  the  status of each gap-closing initiative with a projected value
     5  greater than one million dollars in any given fiscal year; and
     6    (g) the status of capital projects by capital element,  including  but
     7  not  limited to commitments, expenditures and completions; and an expla-
     8  nation of material variances from the plan, cost overruns and delays.
     9    7. The data required to be published pursuant to this section shall be
    10  made in a single tabular data file in a common, machine readable  format
    11  and  shall  be  accessible  on  the  authority's website and the website
    12 or such other successor website maintained by, or on  behalf
    13  of,  the  state,  as  deemed appropriate by the New York state office of
    14  information technology services under executive order number ninety-five
    15  of two thousand thirteen, or any successor agency or order.
    16    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.