

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                      May 16, 2023

        Introduced  by Sens. MURRAY, WEIK -- read twice and ordered printed, and
          when printed to be committed to the Committee  on  Veterans,  Homeland
          Security and Military Affairs

        AN  ACT  to  amend  the  executive law and the general municipal law, in
          relation to prohibiting local government  action  which  prevents  the
          enforcement of federal laws

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Paragraphs (s) and (t) of subdivision 2 of section  709  of
     2  the  executive  law, paragraph (s) as amended and paragraph (t) as added
     3  by section 14 of part B of chapter 56 of the laws of 2010,  are  amended
     4  and paragraph (u) of subdivision 2 is relettered paragraph (v) and a new
     5  paragraph (u) is added to read as follows:
     6    (s)  work  in consultation with or make recommendations to the commis-
     7  sioner of agriculture and markets in developing  rules  and  regulations
     8  relating to ammonium nitrate security; [and]
     9    (t) develop, maintain, and deploy state, regional and local all-hazard
    10  incident management teams[.]; and
    11    (u) develop a plan, in conjunction with the state police, to determine
    12  whether  a county, city, town or village, any agency, office, department
    13  or authority thereof, including a sheriff's department, municipal police
    14  department or district attorney's  office  is  in  compliance  with  the
    15  requirements of section one hundred thirty-nine-e of the general munici-
    16  pal  law.  Together,  the  commissioner  and superintendent of the state
    17  police shall compile a list of local government entities that are deemed
    18  to be in violation of section one hundred thirty-nine-e of  the  general
    19  municipal  law.  This  list  shall  be  updated  monthly,  and  shall be
    20  forwarded to the comptroller.
    21    § 2. The general municipal law is amended  by  adding  a  new  section
    22  139-e to read as follows:
    23    §  139-e.  Prohibition  against local government action preventing the
    24  enforcement of federal laws. 1. In accordance  with  articles  nine  and
    25  thirteen  of  the constitution, no county, city, town or village, or any
    26  agency, office, department or authority thereof, including  a  sheriff's

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 6964                             2

     1  department,  municipal police department, or district attorney's office,
     2  or the governing body thereof, shall adopt any rule,  order,  ordinance,
     3  local  law  or  policy,  either  formally  or informally, prohibiting or
     4  inhibiting the following:
     5    (a)  the  compliance  with  a detainer request issued by a federal law
     6  enforcement agency, pertaining to an individual lawfully detained by the
     7  local government entity; or
     8    (b) the ability of federal law  enforcement  officials  to  enter  and
     9  conduct  enforcement activities at a municipal or county jail, in furth-
    10  erance of their duty to enforce federal laws.
    11    2. For purposes of this section, a "federal  law  enforcement  agency"
    12  includes the:
    13    (a) United States central intelligence agency,
    14    (b) United States department of homeland security,
    15    (c) United States department of justice,
    16    (d) United States drug enforcement administration,
    17    (e) federal air marshal service,
    18    (f) federal bureau of investigation,
    19    (g) federal emergency management agency,
    20    (h) federal protective service,
    21    (i) United States immigration and customs enforcement,
    22    (j) national park service,
    23    (k) United States secret service,
    24    (l) transportation security administration,
    25    (m) United States coast guard,
    26    (n) United States customs and border protection, and
    27    (o) United States marshals.
    28    3.  (a)  A  person  shall not be considered to be lawfully detained if
    29  such contact with law enforcement is for  the  purpose  of  reporting  a
    30  crime  or  suspected criminal activity, or when the purpose is to assist
    31  law enforcement with an investigation.
    32    (b) This section shall not  apply  to  any  school  district,  charter
    33  school or municipal health services facility.
    34    4.  (a)  No  state  funding  shall be appropriated or disbursed to any
    35  county, city, town or village, or  any  agency,  office,  department  or
    36  authority  thereof,  including  a sheriff's department, municipal police
    37  department or district attorney's office, determined to be in  violation
    38  of this section, pursuant to paragraph (u) of subdivision two of section
    39  seven hundred nine of the executive law.
    40    (b)  The  comptroller  shall, prior to the disbursement or delivery of
    41  any state funds, to a county, city, town  or  village,  or  any  agency,
    42  office, department or authority thereof, verify that the receiving enti-
    43  ty  has  not  been  determined  to  be  in violation of this section, in
    44  accordance with the most recent listing received pursuant  to  paragraph
    45  (u)  of  subdivision  two of section seven hundred nine of the executive
    46  law.
    47    § 3. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section or  part
    48  of  this act shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to
    49  be invalid, such judgment shall not affect,  impair  or  invalidate  the
    50  remainder thereof, but shall be confined in its operation to the clause,
    51  sentence,  paragraph,  subdivision,  section  or  part  thereof directly
    52  involved in the controversy in  which  such  judgment  shall  have  been
    53  rendered. It is hereby declared to be the intent of the legislature that
    54  this act would have been enacted even if such invalid provisions had not
    55  been included herein.
    56    § 4. This act shall take effect immediately.