

                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                      May 20, 2021

        Introduced  by  Sen. KAVANAGH -- (at request of the New York State Homes
          and Community Renewal) -- read twice and  ordered  printed,  and  when
          printed  to be committed to the Committee on Housing, Construction and
          Community Development

        AN ACT to amend the private housing finance  law,  in  relation  to  the
          powers of the New York state housing finance agency and an increase in
          bond  and note authorization; to amend chapter 514 of the laws of 1983
          amending the private housing finance law and the real property tax law
          relating to the powers of the New York state  housing  finance  agency
          and  the  New  York  city  housing  development corporation to finance
          certain multi-family housing, in relation to the effectiveness  there-
          of;  to  amend  chapter  396  of the laws of 1984 amending the private
          housing finance law and the real property  tax  law  relating  to  the
          powers of the New York state housing finance agency to finance certain
          multi-family  housing,  in  relation  to the effectiveness thereof; to
          amend chapter 915 of the laws of 1982 amending the public  authorities
          law  relating  to the powers of the state of New York mortgage agency,
          in relation to the effectiveness thereof; to amend the public authori-
          ties law, in relation to the powers of the state of New York  mortgage
          agency;  to  amend chapter 555 of the laws of 1989 amending the public
          authorities law and other laws relating to  establishing  a  New  York
          state  infrastructure  trust  fund,  in  relation to the effectiveness
          thereof; to amend chapter 172 of the laws of 2002, amending the public
          authorities law relating to the powers of the state of New York  mort-
          gage  agency, in relation to the effectiveness thereof; to amend chap-
          ter 208 of the laws of 2010 amending the public authorities law relat-
          ing to the powers of  the  state  of  New  York  mortgage  agency,  in
          relation to the effectiveness thereof; and to amend chapter 246 of the
          laws  of  2010  amending  the  public  authorities law relating to the
          powers of the state of New York mortgage agency, in  relation  to  the
          effectiveness thereof

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 6975                             2

     1    Section 1. Paragraph (c) of subdivision 1 of section 47 of the private
     2  housing finance law, as amended by chapter 127 of the laws of  2019,  is
     3  amended to read as follows:
     4    (c)  The  agency  shall  not  issue  bonds  and notes other than state
     5  university construction bonds and state university  construction  notes,
     6  hospital  and  nursing  home project bonds and hospital and nursing home
     7  project notes, health facilities  bonds  and  health  facilities  notes,
     8  youth  facilities  project  bonds  and  youth  facilities project notes,
     9  community mental health services and mental retardation services project
    10  bonds and  community  mental  health  services  and  mental  retardation
    11  services project notes, community senior citizens services project notes
    12  or  community  senior citizens services project bonds and mental hygiene
    13  improvement bonds and mental hygiene improvement  notes  and  bonds  and
    14  notes  for  the  housing program for any of its corporate purposes in an
    15  aggregate principal amount exceeding  [twenty-nine]  thirty-one  billion
    16  two  hundred eighty million dollars, excluding bonds and notes issued to
    17  refund outstanding bonds and notes.
    18    § 2. Section 6 of chapter 514  of  the  laws  of  1983,  amending  the
    19  private  housing  finance  law and the real property tax law relating to
    20  the powers of the New York state housing finance agency and the New York
    21  city housing development corporation  to  finance  certain  multi-family
    22  housing,  as  amended  by chapter 127 of the laws of 2019, is amended to
    23  read as follows:
    24    § 6. This act shall take effect immediately and shall remain  in  full
    25  force  and  effect  until July 23, [2021] 2023 at which time it shall be
    26  repealed.
    27    § 3. Section 7 of chapter 396  of  the  laws  of  1984,  amending  the
    28  private  housing  finance  law and the real property tax law relating to
    29  the powers of the New York  state  housing  finance  agency  to  finance
    30  certain  multi-family  housing, as amended by chapter 127 of the laws of
    31  2019, is amended to read as follows:
    32    § 7. This act shall take effect immediately, except that sections one,
    33  three, four, five and six of this act shall remain  in  full  force  and
    34  effect  until  July 23, [2021] 2023 at which time such sections shall be
    35  repealed.
    36    § 4. Section 16 of chapter 915 of the laws of 1982 amending the public
    37  authorities law relating to the powers of the state of New York mortgage
    38  agency, as amended by chapter 127 of the laws of  2019,  is  amended  to
    39  read as follows:
    40    §  16.  This  act shall take effect immediately except that the amend-
    41  ments to law effected by sections  one  through  ten  of  this  act,  as
    42  amended,  shall  cease  to  be of force and effect on and after July 23,
    43  [2021] 2023, on which date the provisions of the public authorities  law
    44  amended by such sections shall be as they were in force and effect imme-
    45  diately prior to this act taking effect.
    46    § 5. Section 2407 of the public authorities law, as amended by chapter
    47  127 of the laws of 2019, is amended to read as follows:
    48    §  2407.  Bond limits. (1) Except for notes issued in nineteen hundred
    49  seventy and nineteen hundred seventy-one, the  agency  shall  not  issue
    50  bonds  and  notes,  the  interest  on which is not included in the gross
    51  income of the holders of the bonds and notes  under  the  United  States
    52  Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or any subsequent correspond-
    53  ing internal revenue law of the United States, in an aggregate principal
    54  amount exceeding ten billion two hundred twenty million dollars, exclud-
    55  ing  from  such  limitation  (a)  an  amount equal to any original issue
    56  discount from the principal amount of any bonds  or  notes  issued,  (b)

        S. 6975                             3

     1  bonds  and  notes  issued to refund outstanding bonds and notes, and (c)
     2  bonds and notes not described  in  paragraph  (b)  of  this  subdivision
     3  issued  to  refund  outstanding  bonds  and notes in accordance with the
     4  provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or the Tax Reform Act of
     5  1986,  as  amended,  where  such  bonds or notes are not included in the
     6  statewide volume cap on private purpose bonds under section 146 of  such
     7  code  provided,  however, that upon any refunding pursuant to this para-
     8  graph or paragraph (b) of this subdivision, such exclusion  shall  apply
     9  only  to the extent that the amount of the refunding bonds or notes does
    10  not exceed (i) the outstanding amount of the refunded  bonds  or  notes,
    11  plus  (ii)  to the extent permitted by applicable federal tax law, costs
    12  of issuance of the refunding bonds or notes  to  be  financed  from  the
    13  proceeds of the refunding bonds or notes.  No such bond or note shall be
    14  issued  by the agency on or after July twenty-third, two thousand [twen-
    15  ty-one]  twenty-three,  excluding  bonds  and  notes  issued  to  refund
    16  outstanding  bonds  and  notes.  No  more  than  one  billion dollars of
    17  proceeds of bonds or notes issued by the agency pursuant to this  subdi-
    18  vision  shall be used for mortgage purposes by blending with proceeds of
    19  bonds issued pursuant to subdivision two of this section.
    20    (2) In connection with the  issuance  of  bonds  for  the  purpose  of
    21  furthering programs described in this title, the agency is authorized to
    22  covenant  and  consent  that  the interest on any of its bonds, notes or
    23  other obligations shall be includable, under the United States  Internal
    24  Revenue  Code of 1986, as amended or any subsequent corresponding inter-
    25  nal revenue law of the United States, in the gross income of the holders
    26  of the bonds to the same extent and in the same manner that the interest
    27  on bills, bonds, notes or other obligations  of  the  United  States  is
    28  includable  in the gross income of the holders thereof under said Inter-
    29  nal Revenue Code or any such subsequent law. Pursuant to  this  subdivi-
    30  sion, the agency shall not issue bonds, notes or other obligations in an
    31  aggregate principal amount exceeding one billion dollars, excluding from
    32  such  limitation  bonds,  notes  or  other  obligations issued to refund
    33  outstanding bonds, notes or other obligations. No  such  bond,  note  or
    34  other  obligation shall be issued by the agency on or after July twenty-
    35  third, two thousand [twenty-one] twenty-three, excluding bonds, notes or
    36  other obligations issued to refund outstanding  bonds,  notes  or  other
    37  obligations  and  no  mortgages  shall be purchased with the proceeds of
    38  such bonds, notes or other obligations after such  date.  The  board  of
    39  directors  of the agency shall establish program guidelines for purposes
    40  of bonds, notes or other obligations issued pursuant  to  this  subdivi-
    41  sion.  The  board of directors shall establish from time to time maximum
    42  income limits of persons  eligible  to  receive  mortgages  financed  by
    43  bonds,  notes  or other obligations issued pursuant to this subdivision,
    44  which income limits with respect to one-third  of  the  total  principal
    45  amount  of  mortgages  authorized to be so financed shall not exceed one
    46  hundred twenty-five percent of the latest maximum income limits  permit-
    47  ted  under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, for mortgagors
    48  financed by mortgage revenue bonds, with respect to  one-third  of  such
    49  principal  amount  authorized  to  be  so financed, shall not exceed one
    50  hundred thirty-five percent of such income limits, and with  respect  to
    51  one-third  of  such principal amount authorized to be so financed, shall
    52  not exceed one hundred fifty  percent  of  such  limits,  provided  that
    53  notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the  maximum  income limits of persons
    54  eligible to receive mortgages financed by the agency under its neighbor-
    55  hood revitalization program (and any successor program) shall not exceed
    56  one hundred fifty percent of the latest maximum income limits  permitted

        S. 6975                             4

     1  under  the  Internal  Revenue  Code  of 1986, as amended, for mortgagors
     2  financed by mortgage revenue bonds.
     3    (3)  The fixing of the statutory maximums in this section shall not be
     4  construed as constituting a contract between the agency and the  holders
     5  of  its bonds or notes that additional bonds and notes may not be issued
     6  subsequently by the agency in the event  that  such  statutory  maximums
     7  shall subsequently be increased by law.
     8    § 6. Section 19 of chapter 555 of the laws of 1989 amending the public
     9  authorities law and other laws relating to establishing a New York state
    10  infrastructure  trust  fund,  as  amended  by chapter 127 of the laws of
    11  2019, is amended to read as follows:
    12    § 19. This act shall take effect immediately and shall  be  deemed  to
    13  have  been  in full force and effect on and after June 15, 1989 provided
    14  that the amendments to law effected by sections  six  and  nine  through
    15  seventeen of this act, as amended, shall cease to be of force and effect
    16  on  and  after July 23, [2021] 2023, on which date the provisions of the
    17  public authorities law amended by such sections shall be as they were in
    18  force and effect immediately  prior  to  this  act  taking  effect,  and
    19  provided however that the amendments to law effected by sections six and
    20  nine  through seventeen of this act, as amended, shall continue to apply
    21  to all commitments issued or policies or development corporation  credit
    22  support in force on or before July 23, [2021] 2023, and provided further
    23  that the amendments to section 2429-b of the public authorities law made
    24  by  section  13  of  chapter  3  of  the laws of 2004 which amended this
    25  section shall not cease to be of force and effect prior to the time that
    26  full payment of all development corporation credit  support  obligations
    27  has been made or provided for.
    28    §  7. Section 2 of chapter 172 of the laws of 2002 amending the public
    29  authorities law relating to the powers of the state of New York mortgage
    30  agency, as amended by chapter 127 of the laws of  2019,  is  amended  to
    31  read as follows:
    32    §  2.  This act shall take effect immediately and shall remain in full
    33  force and effect until July 23, [2021] 2023,  whereupon  such  date  the
    34  provisions of this act shall expire and be deemed repealed.
    35    §  8. Section 4 of chapter 208 of the laws of 2010 amending the public
    36  authorities law relating to the powers of the state of New York mortgage
    37  agency, as amended by chapter 127 of the laws of  2019,  is  amended  to
    38  read as follows:
    39    §  4. This act shall take effect immediately, provided that the amend-
    40  ments to subdivision 5 of section 2402 of  the  public  authorities  law
    41  made  by  section one of this act shall be subject to the expiration and
    42  reversion of such subdivision pursuant to section 16 of chapter  915  of
    43  the  laws  of  1982,  as  amended, when upon such date the provisions of
    44  section two of this act shall take effect; further  provided  that  this
    45  act shall expire and be deemed repealed July 23, [2021] 2023.
    46    §  9. Section 5 of chapter 246 of the laws of 2010 amending the public
    47  authorities law relating to the powers of the state of New York mortgage
    48  agency, as amended by chapter 127 of the laws of  2019,  is  amended  to
    49  read as follows:
    50    §  5.  This  act shall take effect immediately and shall expire and be
    51  deemed repealed  on and after July 23, [2021] 2023;  provided,  however,
    52  that the amendments to paragraph (c) of subdivision 8 of section 2428 of
    53  the  public  authorities  law  made by section two of this act shall not
    54  affect the expiration of such subdivision and shall be deemed to  expire
    55  therewith.
    56    § 10. This act shall take effect immediately.