

                    IN SENATE

                                    January 19, 2022

        Introduced  by  Sens. PALUMBO, JORDAN -- read twice and ordered printed,
          and when printed to be committed to  the  Committee  on  Children  and

        AN  ACT  to  amend  the  criminal procedure law, in relation to allowing
          lifetime orders of protection in certain cases

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. The opening paragraph of subdivision 5 of section 530.12 of
     2  the  criminal  procedure  law,  as amended by chapter 240 of the laws of
     3  2015, is amended to read as follows:
     4    Upon sentencing on a conviction for any  crime  or  violation  between
     5  spouses,  between  a  parent  and  child, or between members of the same
     6  family or household as defined in subdivision one of section  530.11  of
     7  this  article,  the  court  may  in  addition  to any other disposition,
     8  including a conditional discharge  or  youthful  offender  adjudication,
     9  enter  an order of protection. Where a temporary order of protection was
    10  issued, the court shall state on the record the reasons for  issuing  or
    11  not  issuing an order of protection. The duration of such an order shall
    12  be fixed by the court and: (A) in the case of a felony conviction, shall
    13  not exceed the greater of:  (i)  eight  years  from  the  date  of  such
    14  sentencing[,  except  where  the  sentence  is or includes a sentence of
    15  probation on a conviction for a felony sexual assault,  as  provided  in
    16  subparagraph  (iii)  of  paragraph  (a)  of subdivision three of section
    17  65.00 of the penal law, in which case, ten years from the date  of  such
    18  sentencing],  or (ii) eight years from the date of the expiration of the
    19  maximum term of an indeterminate or the term of a  determinate  sentence
    20  of imprisonment actually imposed, or (iii) the lifetime of the defendant
    21  or the victim, whichever is shorter, in the case of a conviction for any
    22  felony  under  article  one hundred twenty, one hundred twenty-five, one
    23  hundred thirty,  one hundred thirty-five or two hundred  sixty-three  or
    24  section  255.25,  255.26  or  255.27  of the penal law, or an attempt to
    25  commit any felony under such articles or sections; or (B) in the case of
    26  a conviction for a class A misdemeanor, shall not exceed the greater of:
    27  (i) five years from the  date  of  such  sentencing,  except  where  the

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 7908                             2

     1  sentence  is  or  includes a sentence of probation on a conviction for a
     2  misdemeanor sexual assault, as provided in subparagraph  (ii)  of  para-
     3  graph  (b)  of  subdivision  three of section 65.00 of the penal law, in
     4  which  case,  six  years  from the date of such sentencing, or (ii) five
     5  years from the date of the expiration of the maximum term of a  definite
     6  or  intermittent  term  actually  imposed;  or  (C)  in  the  case  of a
     7  conviction for any other offense, shall not exceed the greater  of:  (i)
     8  two  years  from the date of sentencing, or (ii) two years from the date
     9  of the expiration of the maximum term of a definite or intermittent term
    10  actually imposed. For purposes of determining the duration of  an  order
    11  of  protection  entered pursuant to this subdivision, a conviction shall
    12  be deemed to include a conviction that has been replaced by  a  youthful
    13  offender  adjudication.    In  addition to any other conditions, such an
    14  order may require the defendant:
    15    § 2. The opening paragraph of subdivision 5 of section 530.12  of  the
    16  criminal  procedure law, as amended by chapter 9 of the laws of 2011, is
    17  amended to read as follows:
    18    Upon sentencing on a conviction for any  crime  or  violation  between
    19  spouses,  between  a  parent  and  child, or between members of the same
    20  family or household as defined in subdivision one of section  530.11  of
    21  this  article,  the  court  may  in  addition  to any other disposition,
    22  including a conditional discharge  or  youthful  offender  adjudication,
    23  enter  an order of protection. Where a temporary order of protection was
    24  issued, the court shall state on the record the reasons for  issuing  or
    25  not  issuing an order of protection. The duration of such an order shall
    26  be fixed by the court and, in the case of a felony conviction, shall not
    27  exceed the greater of: (i) five years from the date of such  sentencing,
    28  or  (ii) three years from the date of the expiration of the maximum term
    29  of an indeterminate sentence of imprisonment actually imposed, or  (iii)
    30  the  lifetime  of  the defendant or the victim, whichever is shorter, in
    31  the case of a conviction for any felony under article one hundred  twen-
    32  ty, one hundred twenty-five, one hundred thirty, one hundred thirty-five
    33  or  two  hundred  sixty-three or section 255.25, 255.26 or 255.27 of the
    34  penal law, or an attempt to commit any felony  under  such  articles  or
    35  sections;  or  in  the  case  of a conviction for a class A misdemeanor,
    36  shall not exceed three years from the date of such sentencing; or in the
    37  case of a conviction for any other offense, shall not  exceed  one  year
    38  from the date of sentencing. For purposes of determining the duration of
    39  an   order  of  protection  entered  pursuant  to  this  subdivision,  a
    40  conviction shall be  deemed  to  include  a  conviction  that  has  been
    41  replaced  by  a youthful offender adjudication. In addition to any other
    42  conditions, such an order may require the defendant:
    43    § 3. The opening paragraph of subdivision 4 of section 530.13  of  the
    44  criminal  procedure  law, as amended by chapter 240 of the laws of 2015,
    45  is amended to read as follows:
    46    Upon sentencing on a conviction for any offense, where the  court  has
    47  not  issued  an  order  of protection pursuant to section 530.12 of this
    48  article, the court may, in addition to any other disposition,  including
    49  a  conditional  discharge  or  youthful  offender adjudication, enter an
    50  order of protection. Where a temporary order of protection  was  issued,
    51  the court shall state on the record the reasons for issuing or not issu-
    52  ing an order of protection. The duration of such an order shall be fixed
    53  by  the  court  and;  (A)  in the case of a felony conviction, shall not
    54  exceed the greater of: (i) eight years from the date  of  such  sentenc-
    55  ing[,  except  where the sentence is or includes a sentence of probation
    56  on a conviction for a felony sexual assault, as provided in subparagraph

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     1  (iii) of paragraph (a) of subdivision three  of  section  65.00  of  the
     2  penal  law,  in which case, ten years from the date of such sentencing],
     3  or (ii) eight years from the date of the expiration of the maximum  term
     4  of  an  indeterminate or the term of a determinate sentence of imprison-
     5  ment actually imposed, or (iii) the lifetime of  the  defendant  or  the
     6  victim, whichever is shorter, in the case of a conviction for any felony
     7  under  article  one hundred twenty, one hundred twenty-five, one hundred
     8  thirty, one hundred thirty-five or two hundred  sixty-three  or  section
     9  255.25,  255.26  or 255.27 of the penal law, or an attempt to commit any
    10  felony under such articles  or  sections;  or  (B)  in  the  case  of  a
    11  conviction  for  a class A misdemeanor, shall not exceed the greater of:
    12  (i) five years from the  date  of  such  sentencing,  except  where  the
    13  sentence  is  or  includes a sentence of probation on a conviction for a
    14  misdemeanor sexual assault, as provided in subparagraph  (ii)  of  para-
    15  graph  (b)  of  subdivision  three of section 65.00 of the penal law, in
    16  which case, six years from the date of  such  sentencing  or  (ii)  five
    17  years  from the date of the expiration of the maximum term of a definite
    18  or intermittent  term  actually  imposed;  or  (C)  in  the  case  of  a
    19  conviction  for  any other offense, shall not exceed the greater of: (i)
    20  two years from the date of sentencing, or (ii) two years from  the  date
    21  of the expiration of the maximum term of a definite or intermittent term
    22  actually  imposed.  For purposes of determining the duration of an order
    23  of protection entered pursuant to this subdivision, a  conviction  shall
    24  be  deemed  to include a conviction that has been replaced by a youthful
    25  offender adjudication.   In addition to any  other  conditions  such  an
    26  order may require that the defendant:
    27    §  4.  The opening paragraph of subdivision 4 of section 530.13 of the
    28  criminal procedure law, as amended by chapter 9 of the laws of 2011,  is
    29  amended to read as follows:
    30    Upon  sentencing  on a conviction for any offense, where the court has
    31  not issued an order of protection pursuant to  section  530.12  of  this
    32  article,  the court may, in addition to any other disposition, including
    33  a conditional discharge or  youthful  offender  adjudication,  enter  an
    34  order  of  protection. Where a temporary order of protection was issued,
    35  the court shall state on the record the reasons for issuing or not issu-
    36  ing an order of protection. The duration of such an order shall be fixed
    37  by the court and, in the case of a felony conviction, shall  not  exceed
    38  the greater of: (i) five years from the date of such sentencing, or (ii)
    39  three  years  from  the date of the expiration of the maximum term of an
    40  indeterminate sentence of imprisonment actually imposed,  or  (iii)  the
    41  lifetime  of  the  defendant or the victim, whichever is shorter, in the
    42  case of a conviction for any felony under article  one  hundred  twenty,
    43  one hundred twenty-five, one hundred thirty, one hundred thirty-five  or
    44  two hundred sixty-three or section 255.25, 255.26 or 255.27 of the penal
    45  law, or an attempt to commit any felony under such articles or sections;
    46  or  in  the  case  of  a conviction for a class A misdemeanor, shall not
    47  exceed three years from the date of such sentencing; or in the case of a
    48  conviction for any other offense, shall not exceed  one  year  from  the
    49  date of sentencing. For purposes of determining the duration of an order
    50  of  protection  entered pursuant to this subdivision, a conviction shall
    51  be deemed to include a conviction that has been replaced by  a  youthful
    52  offender adjudication. In addition to any other conditions such an order
    53  may require that the defendant:
    54    §  5.  The  criminal  procedure law is amended by adding a new section
    55  530.13-a to read as follows:
    56  § 530.13-a Lifetime orders of protection in certain cases.

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     1    1. (a) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, a  victim
     2  of any felony under article one hundred twenty, one hundred twenty-five,
     3  one hundred thirty, or one hundred thirty-five or section 255.25, 255.26
     4  or  255.27  of  the  penal law, or any attempt to commit any such felony
     5  offense,  may file a petition for a lifetime order of protection against
     6  the offender who was convicted of such  crime  in  accordance  with  the
     7  procedures set forth in this section.
     8    (b)  A  petition  for  a lifetime order of protection pursuant to this
     9  section may be filed by an unemancipated person under eighteen years  of
    10  age.  Such petition shall be signed by one of the unemancipated person's
    11  parents or guardians. The petition may also be signed by a caseworker at
    12  a not-for-profit organization that receives funds  from  the  office  of
    13  children  and  family  services  for  family  violence  and  child abuse
    14  prevention and shelters; provided, however, that a petition signed by  a
    15  caseworker  may not be filed against the unemancipated minor's parent or
    16  legal guardian. In such case, unless the court  finds  that  the  action
    17  would  create a threat of serious harm to the minor, a copy of the peti-
    18  tion and notice of hearing shall also be served on the  parents  of  the
    19  minor  child,  or  if  the  parents  are not living together and jointly
    20  caring for the child, upon the primary custodial parent. In cases before
    21  the family court where the office of children and family services  is  a
    22  party  or  where a guardian ad litem has been appointed for the child by
    23  the family court, the petition may be filed by the office or the guardi-
    24  an ad litem.
    25    2. Venue for a petition for a lifetime order of protection under  this
    26  section  is  in the county where the respondent resides or the county in
    27  which the offense occurred. If the respondent is not a resident of  this
    28  state,  the  petition  may  be  filed in the county where the petitioner
    29  resides.
    30    3. The court shall cause a copy of the petition and notice of the date
    31  set for the hearing on such petition to be served upon the respondent at
    32  least five days prior to  the  hearing.  The  notice  shall  advise  the
    33  respondent  that he or she may be represented by counsel. In every case,
    34  unless the court finds that the action would create a threat of  serious
    35  harm  to  the minor, when a petitioner is under eighteen years of age, a
    36  copy of the petition, and notice of hearing shall also be served on  the
    37  parents  of  the  minor  child, or in the event that the parents are not
    38  living together and jointly caring for the child, upon the primary resi-
    39  dential parent, pursuant to the requirements of this section.
    40    4. At the hearing on the petition, the court shall, if the  petitioner
    41  has  proved the respondent was convicted of any felony under article one
    42  hundred twenty, one hundred twenty-five, one hundred thirty, one hundred
    43  thirty-five or two hundred sixty-three of the penal law, or  an  attempt
    44  to  commit  a felony under such articles and that the petitioner was the
    45  victim of the offense, issue a lifetime order of protection that remains
    46  in effect for the lifetime of the petitioner or the respondent whichever
    47  is shorter. If the petitioner has not provided proof that respondent was
    48  convicted of such an offense and that the petitioner was the  victim  of
    49  the offense, the court shall dismiss the petition.
    50    5. A lifetime order of protection granted under this section shall:
    51    (a)  prohibit  the respondent from coming about the petitioner for any
    52  purpose, from telephoning, contacting, or otherwise  communicating  with
    53  the petitioner, directly or indirectly;
    54    (b)  include  a  statement  of the maximum penalty that may be imposed
    55  pursuant to subdivision seven of this section for violating such  order;
    56  and

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     1    (c) be valid and enforceable in any county of this state.
     2    6.  A lifetime order of protection is effective upon the date of issu-
     3  ance and shall be served within one year of such date.
     4    7. (a) Upon violation of a lifetime order of protection, the court may
     5  hold the defendant in civil or criminal contempt and punish the  defend-
     6  ant in accordance with the law.
     7    (b) In addition to the authorized punishments for contempt of court, a
     8  judge  may assess any person who violates a lifetime order of protection
     9  a civil penalty of fifty dollars. The judge may further order  that  any
    10  support  payment  made pursuant to an order of protection or a court-ap-
    11  proved consent agreement be made under an income assignment to the clerk
    12  of court. Upon collecting the civil penalty imposed by this subdivision,
    13  the clerk shall, on a monthly basis, send the money to the  state  comp-
    14  troller  who  shall  deposit  it in the domestic violence awareness fund
    15  pursuant to section ninety-seven-yyy of the state finance law  as  added
    16  by chapter 634 of the laws of 2002.
    17    8.  An  arrest  for violation of a lifetime order of protection issued
    18  pursuant to this section may be with or without warrant. A law  enforce-
    19  ment officer shall arrest the respondent without a warrant if:
    20    (a)  the  police officer or peace officer has proper jurisdiction over
    21  the area in which the violation occurred;
    22    (b) the police officer  or  peace  officer  has  reasonable  cause  to
    23  believe  the  respondent  has  violated or is in violation of a lifetime
    24  order of protection; and
    25    (c) the police officer or peace officer has verified whether  a  life-
    26  time  order of protection is in effect against the respondent. If neces-
    27  sary, the officer may verify  the  existence  of  a  lifetime  order  of
    28  protection  by telephone or radio communication with the appropriate law
    29  enforcement agency.
    30    § 6. This act shall take effect immediately; provided that the  amend-
    31  ments to the opening paragraph of subdivision 5 of section 530.12 of the
    32  criminal  procedure law made by section one of this act shall be subject
    33  to the expiration and reversion of such paragraph pursuant  to  subdivi-
    34  sion  d of section 74 of chapter 3 of the laws of 1995, as amended, when
    35  upon such date the provisions of section two  of  this  act  shall  take
    36  effect;  and  provided  further that the amendments to the opening para-
    37  graph of subdivision 4 of section 530.13 of the criminal  procedure  law
    38  made by section three of this act shall be subject to the expiration and
    39  reversion  of  such paragraph pursuant to subdivision d of section 74 of
    40  chapter 3 of the laws of 1995, as  amended,  when  upon  such  date  the
    41  provisions of section four of this act shall take effect.