STATE OF NEW YORK ________________________________________________________________________ 8770 IN SENATE April 14, 2022 ___________ Introduced by Sen. MATTERA -- read twice and ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Cultural Affairs, Tourism, Parks and Recreation AN ACT to amend the parks, recreation and historic preservation law, in relation to establishing the Ashley Schiff state park preserve The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem- bly, do enact as follows: 1 Section 1. The parks, recreation and historic preservation law is 2 amended by adding a new section 20.05 to read as follows: 3 § 20.05 Ashley Schiff state park preserve. 1. Subject to the gift or 4 grant by the board of trustees of the state university of New York to 5 the office of the following parcel of land, the commissioner shall 6 establish thereon the Ashley Schiff state park preserve: 7 The area commonly known as the Ashley Schiff Park Preserve, commencing 8 at a point on the westerly boundary of the existing Nicolls Road, County 9 Road No. 97, at the intersection of said boundary line with the most 10 southerly boundary line of the old Nicolls Road; thence along said 11 existing westerly boundary of Nicolls Road the following two courses and 12 distances: (1) N 15° 25' 00" W, 103.66 feet, (2) N 23° 45' 50" W, 13 907.00 feet; thence still along westerly boundary of Nicolls Road, 14 120.79 feet along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 15 1,984.98 feet to the point and place of beginning; thence through the 16 property of the State of New York the following seventeen (17) courses: 17 (1) S 69° 27' 45" W, 900.86 feet, (2) N 73° 48' 24" W, 67.85 feet, (3) N 18 24° 42' 48" W, 69.35 feet, (4) N 29° 25' 42" W, 293.83 feet, (5) 576.34 19 feet along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 1,020.58 20 feet, (6) N 02° 55' 39" E, 164.76 feet, (7) 109.30 feet along the arc of 21 a curve to the left having a radius of 440.00 feet, (8) N 11° 18' 19" W, 22 44.11 feet, (9) N 59° 56' 08" E, 20.61 feet, (10) 264.52 feet along the 23 arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 360.00 feet, (11) S 77° 24 57' 55" E, 41.00 feet, (12) 461.94 feet along the arc of a curve to the 25 left having a radius of 2,200.00 feet, (13) S 82° 59' 45" E, 47.51 feet, 26 (14) 498.03 feet along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 27 290.00 feet, (15) N 08° 23' 13" W, 108.17 feet, (16) 288.96 feet along EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [] is old law to be omitted. LBD13826-01-1S. 8770 2 1 the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 447.67 feet, (17) S 2 59° 17' 10" E, 164.44 feet to the aforesaid westerly boundary line of 3 Nicolls Road, County Road 97; thence along said boundary line the 4 following nine (9) courses: (1) 288.16 feet along the arc of a curve to 5 the left having a radius of 1,984.98 feet, (2) N 73° 30' 31" W, 30.00 6 feet, (3) S 16° 07' 08" W, 26.38 feet, (4) S 74° 15' 29" E, 30.00 feet, 7 (5) 215.71 feet along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 8 1,984.98 feet, (6) S 49° 19' 53" W, 15.56 feet, (7) S 21° 47' 50" W, 9 139.31 feet, (8) S 09° 02' 08" E, 233.35 feet (9) 660.75 feet along the 10 arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 1,984.98 feet to the point 11 or place of beginning, containing 1,231,541 square feet or 28.273 acres, 12 more or less. 13 2. In recognition of its unique and significant ecosystem the Ashley 14 Schiff state park preserve shall be part of the state park preserve 15 system and shall be subject to the provisions of this article. 16 3. The Ashley Schiff state park preserve shall be administered and 17 maintained by a not-for-profit corporation affiliated with the state 18 university of New York at Stony Brook pursuant to a contract with the 19 office and subject to the rules of the office. 20 § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.