                    IN SENATE
                                      June 4, 2018
        Introduced  by  Sen.  HANNON -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Rules
        AN ACT to amend the public health law, in relation to maternal mortality
          review boards and the maternal mortality and morbidity advisory  coun-
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Legislative findings and intent. The legislature finds that
     2  maternal mortality and morbidity is a serious public health concern  and
     3  has  a  serious family and societal impact. New York state has among the
     4  highest maternal mortality rates in the country and  racial  disparities
     5  remain  significant. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
     6  has determined that a regular process for professional,  multi-discipli-
     7  nary,  confidential  review of all maternal deaths can help identify the
     8  causes of maternal mortality, and those findings can  lead  to  clinical
     9  and  social change that can help prevent maternal mortality. The same is
    10  true for severe maternal  morbidity.  Confidentiality  is  important  to
    11  ensure  that full information is made available in the review process to
    12  maximize protection of maternal health.
    13    Section 3 of  article  17  of  the  state  constitution  states:  "The
    14  protection  and  promotion of the health of the inhabitants of the state
    15  are matters of public concern and provision therefor shall  be  made  by
    16  the  state  and  by  such of its subdivisions and in such manner, and by
    17  such means as the legislature shall from time to  time  determine."  The
    18  legislature finds that the creation of a state maternal mortality review
    19  board,  and  recognition  and  protection of a city of New York maternal
    20  mortality review board, are a matter of state concern and  an  important
    21  exercise  of  the  legislature's  constitutional  mandate to protect the
    22  public health.
    23    § 2. The public health law is amended by adding a new section 2509  to
    24  read as follows:
    25    § 2509. Maternal mortality review board. 1. (a) There is hereby estab-
    26  lished  in  the  department  the maternal mortality review board for the
    27  purpose of reviewing maternal deaths and maternal morbidity and develop-
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 8907                             2
     1  ing and disseminating findings, recommendations, and best  practices  to
     2  contribute  to  the prevention of maternal mortality and morbidity.  The
     3  board shall assess the cause of death,  factors  leading  to  death  and
     4  preventability  for  each maternal death reviewed and, in the discretion
     5  of the board, cases of severe maternal morbidity, and shall develop  and
     6  disseminate  strategies  for reducing the risk of maternal mortality and
     7  morbidity, including risk resulting  from  racial,  economic,  or  other
     8  disparities.    The  commissioner  may delegate the authority to conduct
     9  maternal mortality reviews.
    10    (b) The commissioner may enter into an agreement with the city of  New
    11  York providing:
    12    (i)  that the functions of the state board relating to maternal deaths
    13  and severe maternal morbidity occurring within  the  city  of  New  York
    14  shall be conducted by the city board;
    15    (ii)  the  city  board shall provide to the state board the results of
    16  its reviews, relevant information in the possession of the  city  board,
    17  and the recommendations of the city board; and
    18    (iii) the department and the state board shall provide information and
    19  assistance to the city board for the performance of its functions.
    20    (c)  Nothing  in  this section shall prevent the city of New York from
    21  establishing, without an agreement with the commissioner, a board relat-
    22  ing to maternal deaths and severe maternal  morbidity  occurring  within
    23  the city of New York.
    24    2. As used in this section, unless the context requires otherwise:
    25    (a)  "Advisory  council"  and  "council"  mean the advisory council on
    26  maternal mortality and morbidity, established under this section.
    27    (b) "Board" means a maternal mortality  review  board  established  by
    28  this  section,  referred  to  in this section as the "state board", or a
    29  board operating under this section established by the city of New  York,
    30  with  or without an agreement with the commissioner, referred to in this
    31  section as the "city board".
    32    (c) "Maternal death" means the death of a woman  during  pregnancy  or
    33  within a year from the end of pregnancy.
    34    (d)  "Severe maternal morbidity" means unexpected outcomes of pregnan-
    35  cy, labor, or delivery that result in significant  short-  or  long-term
    36  consequences to a woman's health.
    37    (e)  "City  commissioner"  means the commissioner of the New York city
    38  department of health and mental hygiene.
    39    3. (a) The members of the state board shall be comprised of  multidis-
    40  ciplinary experts in the field of maternal mortality, women's health and
    41  public  health,  and  shall  include  health care professionals or other
    42  experts who serve and are representative of the diversity of  the  women
    43  and  mothers in medically underserved areas of the state or areas of the
    44  state with disproportionately high occurrences of maternal mortality  or
    45  morbidity.
    46    (b) The state board shall be composed of at least fifteen members, all
    47  of whom shall be appointed by the commissioner.
    48    (c)  The  terms  of  the state board members shall be three years. The
    49  commissioner may choose to reappoint state board members  to  additional
    50  three year terms.
    51    (d) A majority of the appointed membership of the state board, no less
    52  than three, shall constitute a quorum.
    53    (e)  When  any member of the state board fails to attend three consec-
    54  utive regular meetings, unless such absence  is  for  good  cause,  that
    55  membership  may  be  deemed  vacant for purposes of the appointment of a
    56  successor.

        S. 8907                             3
     1    (f) Meetings of the state board shall be held at least  twice  a  year
     2  but  may be held more frequently as deemed necessary, subject to request
     3  of the department.
     4    (g)  Members  of  the state and city boards shall be indemnified under
     5  section seventeen of the public officers law or section fifty-k  of  the
     6  general municipal law, as the case may be.
     7    (h)  Members  of  the  state  board shall not be compensated for their
     8  participation on the board but shall  receive  reimbursement  for  their
     9  ordinary and necessary expenses of participation.
    10    (i) Membership on a board shall not disqualify any person from holding
    11  any public office or employment.
    12    4. (a) The commissioner and the city commissioner, as the case may be,
    13  may  request  and  shall receive upon request from any department, divi-
    14  sion, board, bureau, commission, local health departments or other agen-
    15  cy of the state or political subdivision thereof or any public  authori-
    16  ty, as well as hospitals established pursuant to article twenty-eight of
    17  this  chapter,  birthing  facilities,  medical  examiners,  coroners and
    18  coroner physicians and any other facility providing services  associated
    19  with  maternal  mortality,  such information, including, but not limited
    20  to, death records, medical records, autopsy reports, toxicology reports,
    21  hospital discharge records, birth records and any other information that
    22  will help the department under this section to properly  carry  out  its
    23  functions, powers and duties.
    24    (b)  The  commissioner and the city commissioner shall receive and may
    25  solicit voluntary information, including  oral  or  written  statements,
    26  relating  to  any  maternal death and case of severe maternal morbidity,
    27  from any family member or other interested party (including the  patient
    28  in  a  case  of severe maternal morbidity) relating to any case that may
    29  come before the board. Oral statements  received  under  this  paragraph
    30  shall  be transcribed or summarized in writing. The commissioner and the
    31  city commissioner shall transmit that information to the board consider-
    32  ing the case.
    33    (c) Before transmitting any information to the board, the commissioner
    34  or the city commissioner shall remove all personal identifying  informa-
    35  tion  of  the woman, health care practitioner or practitioners or anyone
    36  else individually named in such information, as well as the hospital  or
    37  facility  that  treated  the  woman,  and  any other information such as
    38  geographic location that may inadvertently identify the  woman,  practi-
    39  tioner  or facility.  This paragraph shall not preclude the transmitting
    40  of information to the board that is reasonably necessary to  enable  the
    41  board to perform an appropriate review under this section.
    42    5. Each board:
    43    (a)  shall make and report findings and recommendations to the commis-
    44  sioner or city commissioner, as the case may be, regarding the cause  of
    45  death,  factors  leading  to  death, and preventability of each maternal
    46  death case, and each case of severe maternal morbidity reviewed  by  the
    47  board,  by  reviewing relevant information for each case in the state or
    48  the city of New York, as the case may be, and consulting with experts as
    49  needed to evaluate the information for each  death;  and  shall  provide
    50  such  findings and recommendations, including best practices and strate-
    51  gies for reducing the risk of maternal mortality and morbidity,  to  the
    52  advisory  council; provided that material provided to the advisory coun-
    53  cil shall not include any information that would be  confidential  under
    54  this section;
    55    (b)  shall develop recommendations to the commissioner or city commis-
    56  sioner, as the case may be, for areas  of  focus,  including  issues  of

        S. 8907                             4
     1  severe  maternal  morbidity  and  issues  of  racial,  economic or other
     2  disparities in maternal outcomes;
     3    (c)  may,  in  addition to the findings and recommendations made under
     4  this subdivision, and consistent  with  all  applicable  confidentiality
     5  protections, bring any particular matter to the attention of the commis-
     6  sioner or the city commissioner;
     7    (d) shall issue a report on its findings and recommendations every two
     8  years,  and may also issue reports more frequently. The reports shall be
     9  public documents; and
    10    (e) may request and shall receive the assistance of  the  commissioner
    11  and the city commissioner in carrying out its functions.
    12    6.  The  commissioner and the city commissioner and the state and city
    13  boards  shall  each  keep  confidential  any  information  collected  or
    14  received  under this section that includes personal identifying informa-
    15  tion of the woman, health care practitioner or practitioners  or  anyone
    16  else  individually named in such information, as well as the hospital or
    17  facility that treated the woman,  and  any  other  information  such  as
    18  geographic  location  that may inadvertently identify the woman, practi-
    19  tioner or facility, and shall use the information provided  or  received
    20  under this section solely for the purposes of improvement of the quality
    21  of health care of women and to prevent maternal mortality and morbidity.
    22  This  subdivision  shall not preclude the transmitting of information to
    23  the board that is reasonably necessary to enable the board to perform an
    24  appropriate review under this section.  All records  received,  meetings
    25  conducted,  reports  and  records  made and maintained and all books and
    26  papers obtained by the board shall be confidential and shall not be made
    27  open or available, including under article six of  the  public  officers
    28  law,  and  shall be limited to board members as well as those authorized
    29  by the commissioner or city commissioner.  Such information shall not be
    30  discoverable or admissible as evidence in any action  in  any  court  or
    31  before any other tribunal, board, agency or person.
    32    7. The commissioner and the city commissioner, within their respective
    33  legal  authority, may use the recommendations and findings of the boards
    34  to develop guidance and other actions relating to  best  practices,  and
    35  shall  disseminate  information  relating  to  that  guidance  and other
    36  actions to appropriate health care providers.
    37    8. (a) There is hereby established in the department an advisory coun-
    38  cil on maternal mortality and morbidity.
    39    (b) The advisory council:
    40    (i) may review the findings of the boards;
    41    (ii) may develop recommendations  on  policies,  best  practices,  and
    42  strategies to prevent maternal mortality and morbidity;
    43    (iii) may hold public hearings on those matters;
    44    (iv)  may make findings and issue reports, including an annual report,
    45  on such matters; and
    46    (v) may request and shall receive the assistance of the  commissioner,
    47  the city commissioner, and the boards in carrying out its functions.
    48    (c)  The advisory council shall consist of at least twenty members, to
    49  be determined by the commissioner. The commissioner and the city commis-
    50  sioner shall each appoint half  of  the  members  of  the  council.  The
    51  commissioner shall appoint the chair of the council.
    52    (d) The members of the council shall be comprised of multidisciplinary
    53  experts  and  lay persons knowledgeable in the field of maternal mortal-
    54  ity, women's health and public health  and  shall  include  members  who
    55  serve  and  are representative of the diversity of the women and mothers

        S. 8907                             5
     1  in medically underserved areas of the state or areas of the  state  with
     2  disproportionately high occurrences of maternal mortality or morbidity.
     3    (e)  The  terms  of  the  council  members  shall  be three years. The
     4  appointing official may choose to reappoint  council  members  to  addi-
     5  tional  three-year  terms.  Vacancies  on the council shall be filled by
     6  appointment by the appointing official.   A majority  of  the  appointed
     7  membership  of the council shall constitute a quorum. When any member of
     8  the council fails to attend three consecutive regular  meetings,  unless
     9  such absence is for good cause, that membership may be deemed vacant for
    10  purposes of the appointment of a successor.
    11    (f) Meetings of the council shall be held at least twice a year.
    12    (g)  Members  of the council shall be indemnified under section seven-
    13  teen of the public officers law. Members of the  council  shall  not  be
    14  compensated  for  their  participation  on the council but shall receive
    15  reimbursement for their  ordinary  and  necessary  expenses  of  partic-
    16  ipation.  Membership on the council shall not disqualify any person from
    17  holding any public office or employment.
    18    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.