To urge the Secretary and the Chief of Staff of the | 1 |
United States Air Force to give full consideration | 2 |
to Rickenbacker Air Guard Station in Columbus, | 3 |
Ohio as the location for the KC-46A Main Operating | 4 |
Base. | 5 |
WHEREAS, The United States Air Force currently is examining | 6 |
candidate bases for the initial fielding of twelve KC-46A | 7 |
aircraft; and | 8 |
WHEREAS, The proven performance of the Ohio Air National | 9 |
Guard's 121st Air Refueling Wing, based at Rickenbacker Air Guard | 10 |
Station in Columbus, Ohio, in combination with the location, | 11 |
infrastructure, and community associated with the site, would be | 12 |
of unique benefit to the Air Force; and | 13 |
WHEREAS, The men and women of the 121st Air Refueling Wing | 14 |
continue a lineage of proud service to our national defense that | 15 |
spans over seventy years; and | 16 |
WHEREAS, These Guardsmen stand ready to fulfill any mission | 17 |
assigned to them, and have a proven track record of exemplary | 18 |
performance in the air refueling mission; and | 19 |
WHEREAS, The 121st Air Refueling Wing has provided superior | 20 |
support to operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere around | 21 |
the world, and following the United Nations resolution concerning | 22 |
the Libya no-fly zone, was among the first units to respond within | 23 |
hours to rapidly developing tanker requirements; and | 24 |
WHEREAS, The KC-135 crews at Rickenbacker Air Guard Station | 25 |
consistently demonstrate their superior performance as the only | 26 |
Air National Guard unit to compete in the biannual Air Mobility | 27 |
Command Rodeo, winning multiple awards over the past five years | 28 |
for Best KC-135 Aircrew, Air Refueling, and Cargo Loading across | 29 |
the Air Force; and | 30 |
WHEREAS, Geographically, Rickenbacker Air Guard Station is | 31 |
well located to provide responsive support to the significant | 32 |
demand for aerial refueling in the eastern United States, | 33 |
particularly the heavy concentration of fighter and cargo aircraft | 34 |
in the southeastern states; and | 35 |
WHEREAS, With Rickenbacker Air Guard Station's infrastructure | 36 |
currently supporting eighteen KC-135R aircraft, the base is well | 37 |
positioned to accept twelve KC-46A aircraft; and | 38 |
WHEREAS, The local community is a strong supporter of the | 39 |
base and its resident Airmen, and low local area costs and the | 40 |
availability of community amenities make Rickenbacker Air Guard | 41 |
Station well suited to host an active association unit; and | 42 |
WHEREAS, The proven performance and wealth of experience of | 43 |
the 121st Air Refueling Wing, Rickenbacker Air Guard Station's | 44 |
outstanding facilities, and the strong local and statewide support | 45 |
the unit enjoys make Rickenbacker Air Guard Station an ideal | 46 |
location for a KC-46A Main Operating Base; now therefore be it | 47 |
RESOLVED, We, the members of the 130th General Assembly of | 48 |
the State of Ohio, urge the Honorable Michael B. Donley, the | 49 |
Secretary of the United States Air Force, and General Mark A. | 50 |
Welsh, the Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force, to give | 51 |
Rickenbacker Air Guard Station every consideration in selecting a | 52 |
location for the KC-46A Main Operating Base; and be it further | 53 |
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the House of Representatives | 54 |
transmit duly authenticated copies of this resolution to the | 55 |
Secretary of the United States Air Force, to the Chief of Staff of | 56 |
the United States Air Force, and to the news media of Ohio. | 57 |