To urge the International Olympic Committee Executive | 1 |
Board to reverse its decision to remove wrestling | 2 |
as an Olympic core sport and to urge the U.S. | 3 |
Olympic Committee to work actively to reverse the | 4 |
Board's decision to remove wrestling from the | 5 |
Summer Olympics beginning in 2020. | 6 |
WHEREAS, Wrestling is a sport that epitomizes the Olympic | 7 |
spirit of competitiveness and sportsmanship. Wrestling represents | 8 |
the determination and hard work that it takes to succeed in life | 9 |
as well as sports; and | 10 |
WHEREAS, Wrestling was one of the original sports in the | 11 |
ancient Greek Olympiads as well as the first modern Olympic Games | 12 |
in 1896. Because wrestling is recognized as one of the world's | 13 |
oldest competitive sports dating back to 3000 B.C., wrestling | 14 |
events deserve to be revered as a time-honored tradition at the | 15 |
international competition level; and | 16 |
WHEREAS, The sport of wrestling remains a significant | 17 |
component in the lives of many Ohioans. There are more than 11,000 | 18 |
high school wrestlers in the State of Ohio alone. In addition, | 19 |
four Ohio universities have NCAA Division 1 wrestling programs; | 20 |
and | 21 |
WHEREAS, The decision of the International Olympic Committee | 22 |
Executive Board to remove wrestling as an Olympic core sport and | 23 |
thus remove it from the Summer Olympic Games beginning in 2020 | 24 |
threatens the potential successes of young Ohio athletes who have | 25 |
trained their minds and bodies in the hopes of competing in the | 26 |
Olympic Games, a supreme achievement for athletes. Aspirations of | 27 |
wrestling on the Olympic stage are crucial to coaches and student | 28 |
athletes participating on school wrestling teams and in | 29 |
organizations such as the Ohio Regional Training Center; now | 30 |
therefore be it | 31 |
RESOLVED, That we, the members of the House of | 32 |
Representatives of the 130th General Assembly of the State of | 33 |
Ohio, in adopting this resolution, strongly urge the International | 34 |
Olympic Committee Executive Board to reverse its decision to | 35 |
eliminate wrestling from the Summer Olympic Games beginning in | 36 |
2020 and reinstate wrestling as a core sport of the Summer Olympic | 37 |
Games; and be it further | 38 |
RESOLVED, That we, the members of the House of | 39 |
Representatives of the 130th General Assembly of the State of | 40 |
Ohio, strongly urge the U.S. Olympic Committee to work actively to | 41 |
reverse the International Olympic Committee Executive Board's | 42 |
decision to remove wrestling from the Summer Olympic Games | 43 |
beginning in 2020; and be it further | 44 |
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the House of Representatives | 45 |
transmit duly authenticated copies of this resolution to the | 46 |
members of the International Olympic Committee Executive Board, | 47 |
the members of the U.S. Olympic Committee, and the news media of | 48 |
Ohio. | 49 |