WHEREAS, From 2003 to 2008, the Office of Surface Mining, | 6 |
Reclamation, and Enforcement (OSM) in the United States Department | 7 |
of the Interior conducted a five-year review of its regulations | 8 |
related to stream buffer zones and surface mining. The process | 9 |
included public hearings, the submission of public comments, and | 10 |
the preparation of an environmental impact statement. The process | 11 |
culminated in final regulations that added significant new | 12 |
environmental protections regarding the placement of excess spoil | 13 |
and clarified OSM's regulations related to stream buffer zones | 14 |
pursuant to the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act | 15 |
(SMCRA); and | 16 |
WHEREAS, OSM's 2008 regulations were consistent with the | 17 |
decision from the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Kentuckians | 18 |
for the Commonwealth v. Rivenburgh, 317 F. 3d. 425, 443 (4th Cir. | 19 |
2003), in which the court held that it is "beyond dispute that | 20 |
SMCRA recognizes the possibility of placing excess spoil material | 21 |
in waters of the United States even though those materials do not | 22 |
have a beneficial purpose." In addition, the regulations helped to | 23 |
significantly reduce regulatory uncertainty brought on by earlier | 24 |
litigation that questioned the meaning of OSM's stream buffer zone | 25 |
rule and whether it prohibited valley fills in streams; and | 26 |
WHEREAS, The Secretary of the Interior attempted to avoid a | 27 |
public rulemaking process by asking a court to vacate the 2008 OSM | 28 |
stream buffer zone rule without public comment as required under | 29 |
the Administrative Procedures Act. However, the Secretary was | 30 |
rebuked by a federal court in National Parks Conservation | 31 |
Association v. Salazar, 660 F. Supp. 2d 3 (D.D.C. Aug. 12, 2009), | 32 |
which ruled that the Secretary may not repeal the stream buffer | 33 |
zone rule without following the statutory procedures for repealing | 34 |
a rule, including public notice and comment; and | 35 |
WHEREAS, On June 11, 2009, the Secretary of the Interior, the | 36 |
Army Corps of Engineers, and the United States Environmental | 37 |
Protection Agency entered into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) | 38 |
implementing an "interagency action plan." The plan was designed | 39 |
to "significantly reduce the harmful environmental consequences of | 40 |
surface mining coal mining in six Appalachian states...." In | 41 |
addition, it suggested that coal mining jobs that would be | 42 |
sacrificed should be replaced with "green" jobs promoted by the | 43 |
MOU. OSM further committed in the MOU to consider revisions to the | 44 |
2008 stream buffer zone rule; and | 45 |
WHEREAS, OSM is inappropriately rushing to complete the | 58 |
rulemaking because it has committed to a self-imposed deadline of | 59 |
February 28, 2011, to publish a proposed rule through a unilateral | 60 |
settlement agreement with environmental groups. In addition, OSM | 61 |
has limited public comment and participation by refusing to extend | 62 |
the comment period on their advanced notice of proposed | 63 |
rulemaking, by failing to adequately provide sufficient notice of | 64 |
the alternatives being considered, and by conducting sham | 65 |
"listening sessions" in which OSM has prohibited any public | 66 |
speaking by those concerned about the rule; and | 67 |
RESOLVED, That we, the members of the House of | 95 |
Representatives of the 129th General Assembly of the State of | 96 |
Ohio, request the Governor and the members of the Ohio | 97 |
Congressional delegation to oppose the unwarranted effort by OSM | 98 |
to implement the stream protection rule and the environmental | 99 |
impact statement and to call upon the Obama Administration to | 100 |
withhold funding for OSM until OSM justifies the need for the rule | 101 |
as described above; and be it further | 102 |
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the House of Representatives | 103 |
transmit duly authenticated copies of this resolution to the | 104 |
President of the United States, the Speaker and Clerk of the | 105 |
United States House of Representatives, the President Pro Tempore | 106 |
and Secretary of the United States Senate, the Secretary of the | 107 |
Interior, the members of the Ohio Congressional delegation, the | 108 |
Governor, and the news media of Ohio. | 109 |