As Introduced

129th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. B. No. 200

Senator Hughes 

Cosponsor: Senator Cafaro 

To amend sections 184.19 and 184.191 and to enact 1
sections 122.09, 122.091, 122.092, 122.093, 2
122.094, and 122.095 of the Revised Code to create 3
the Edison Jobs Development Program within the 4
Department of Development and to make an 5


       Section 1. That sections 184.19 and 184.191 be amended and 7
sections 122.09, 122.091, 122.092, 122.093, 122.094, and 122.095 8
of the Revised Code be enacted to read as follows:9

       Sec. 122.09.  (A) As used in sections 122.09 to 122.095 of 10
the Revised Code:11

       (1) "Edison center" means a cooperative research and 12
development facility that receives funding through the Thomas Alva 13
Edison grant program under division (C) of section 122.33 of the 14
Revised Code.15

       (2) "Technologies or markets of interest" includes advanced 16
materials, manufacturing, bioscience, advanced energy, food 17
technology, aerospace, automotive, medical products and devices, 18
and instruments, controls, and electronics.19

       (B) There is hereby created the Edison jobs development 20
program to support Ohio companies in making a transition to, or 21
expanding their presence in, technologies or markets of interest 22
identified by the department of development for the purpose of 23
creating or retaining jobs in this state. The department shall 24
administer the program in accordance with sections 122.09 to 25
122.095 of the Revised Code. Under the program, eligible companies 26
may apply to the department for monetary assistance to be used for 27
product development, product testing or certification, process 28
improvement, workforce training, new market or new industry 29
transitioning, or existing market expansion.30

       (C) To qualify for assistance under the program, a company 31
shall meet the following requirements:32

       (1) The company is a manufacturing company based in Ohio.33

       (2) The company is seeking to convert its current 34
manufacturing capabilities to produce products or provide services 35
in a technology or market of interest identified by the 36

       (3) The company attends an outreach seminar as required by 38
section 122.091 of the Revised Code.39

       (4) The company is able to match the amount of the grant 40
offered pursuant to the program.41

       Sec. 122.091.  To participate in the Edison jobs development 42
program, a company shall first attend an outreach seminar offered 43
by the department of development in conjunction with the 44
appropriate Edison centers. The seminars shall include 45
presentations from industry experts that are designed to educate 46
attendees about opportunities in technologies or markets of 47
interest; what factors must be taken into consideration when 48
making the decision, such as business plan development, retooling 49
or purchasing equipment, retraining workers, gaining regulatory 50
approval to enter certain markets, and marketing and distribution 51
strategies; and how to proceed through the process. Seminars shall 52
be held at least monthly and in various regions of the state.53

       Sec. 122.092.  (A) The department of development shall 54
provide an application form to each company that attends an 55
outreach seminar. The application form shall be prescribed by the 56
director of development, in consultation with the appropriate 57
Edison centers, and shall, at a minimum, require information 58
regarding all of the following:59

       (1) The current financial condition of the company;60

       (2) Company leadership commitment to the creation or 61
retention of jobs;62

       (3) Company manufacturing capabilities and current capacity;63

       (4) Unique capabilities and experiences of the company;64

       (5) Condition and layout of the company's facilities;65

       (6) General company management of new opportunities.66

       (B) The department, in conjunction with the appropriate 67
Edison centers, shall review each submitted application to 68
determine grant eligibility and amount based on the company's 69
potential and current readiness. As part of the grant eligibility 70
assessment, the department and centers may hold discussions with 71
individual applicants or make site visits to explore their 72
applications further. 73

       (C) The department shall notify each company that has been 74
selected for a grant. A grant awarded under the Edison jobs 75
development program shall be at least ten thousand dollars but not 76
more than one hundred thousand dollars. The company shall be 77
required to match the amount of the grant dollar for dollar.78

       Sec. 122.093.  Each company that is awarded a grant under the 79
Edison jobs development program shall receive high quality 80
training and consulting services financed with the grant and the 81
company match. All such services shall be provided by industry 82
experts or contractors selected and managed by the appropriate 83
Edison centers. The centers shall consult with each grant 84
recipient to design a comprehensive program of services that best 85
serves the needs of that particular company. They shall also 86
assemble and make available to each company information as to the 87
availability of any other financial assistance offered by the 88
state for which the company may qualify.89

       Sec. 122.094.  The department of development may contract 90
with the appropriate Edison centers to facilitate the management 91
of the Edison jobs development program, including with respect to 92
grant administration and the collection and distribution of funds 93
from the state and each company match. During the period in which 94
a company is receiving assistance under the program, the centers 95
shall monitor the progress of the company with respect to jobs 96
created or retained, cost savings achieved, or increased company 97
revenue or capital investment and, on at least a quarterly basis, 98
submit their findings to the department. The centers shall also be 99
responsible for ensuring that companies comply with all grant 100

       Sec. 122.095.  The director of development shall, in 102
accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, adopt any rules 103
necessary for the implementation of the Edison jobs development 104

       Sec. 184.19.  The third frontier research and development 106
fund is hereby created in the state treasury. The fund shall 107
consist of the net proceeds of the obligations issued and sold by 108
the issuing authority pursuant to sections 151.01 and 151.10 of 109
the Revised Code. Investment earnings of the fund shall be 110
credited to the fund. Moneys in the fund shall be used in 111
accordance with sections 122.09 to 122.095 and sections 184.10 to 112
184.18 and 184.20 of the Revised Code and for associated 113
administrative expenses.114

       Sec. 184.191.  The third frontier research and development 115
taxable bond fund is hereby created in the state treasury. The 116
fund shall consist of the net proceeds of federally taxable 117
obligations issued and sold by the issuing authority pursuant to 118
sections 151.01 and 151.10 of the Revised Code. Investment 119
earnings of the fund shall be credited to the fund. Moneys in the 120
fund shall be used in accordance with sections 122.09 to 122.095 121
and sections 184.10 to 184.18 and 184.20 of the Revised Code and 122
for associated administrative expenses.123

       Section 2.  That existing sections 184.19 and 184.191 of the 124
Revised Code are hereby repealed.125

       Section 3. All items in this section are hereby appropriated 126
as designated out of any moneys in the state treasury to the 127
credit of the Third Frontier Research and Development Fund Group. 128
For all appropriations made in this act, those in the first column 129
are for fiscal year 2012 and those in the second column are for 130
fiscal year 2013. The appropriations made in this act are in 131
addition to any other appropriations made for the FY 2012-FY 2013 132


DEV Department of Development

Third Frontier Research and Development Fund Group135

7011 195687 Third Frontier Research & Development Projects $ 10,000,000 $ 10,000,000 136
TOTAL 011 Third Frontier Research and Development Fund Group $ 10,000,000 $ 10,000,000 137
TOTAL ALL BUDGET FUND GROUPS $ 10,000,000 $ 10,000,000 138


       The foregoing appropriation item 195687, Third Frontier 140
Research & Development Projects, shall be used to fund the Edison 141
Jobs Development Program created in section 122.09 of the Revised 142
Code. 143

       Within the limits set forth in this act, the Director of 144
Budget and Management shall establish accounts indicating the 145
source and amount of funds for each appropriation made in this 146
act, and shall determine the form and manner in which 147
appropriation accounts shall be maintained. Expenditures from 148
appropriations contained in this act shall be accounted for as 149
though made in the main operating appropriations act of the 129th 150
General Assembly.151

        The appropriations made in this act are subject to all 152
provisions of the main operating appropriations act of the 129th 153
General Assembly that are generally applicable to such 154
appropriations. 155

       Section 4. Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4 of this act are not 156
subject to the referendum under Ohio Constitution, Article II, 157
Section 1d, and section 1.471 of the Revised Code, and therefore 158
those sections take effect immediately when this act becomes law. 159