To amend section 2919.121 of the Revised Code to | 1 |
revise the procedures governing a hearing by which | 2 |
a court may permit a pregnant minor to consent to | 3 |
an abortion or by which a court may give judicial | 4 |
consent for a pregnant minor to have an abortion | 5 |
and to require a court to make its findings with | 6 |
respect to such a hearing by clear and convincing | 7 |
evidence. | 8 |
Section 1. That section 2919.121 of the Revised Code be | 9 |
amended to read as follows: | 10 |
Sec. 2919.121. (A) For the purpose of this section, a minor | 11 |
shall be considered "emancipated" if the minor has married, | 12 |
entered the armed services of the United States, become employed | 13 |
and self-subsisting, or has otherwise become independent from the | 14 |
care and control of her parent, guardian, or custodian. | 15 |
(B) No person shall knowingly perform or induce an abortion | 16 |
upon a pregnant minor unless one of the following is the case: | 17 |
(1) The attending physician has secured the informed written | 18 |
consent of the minor and one parent, guardian, or custodian; | 19 |
(2) The minor is emancipated and the attending physician has | 20 |
received her written informed consent; | 21 |
(3) The minor has been authorized to consent to the abortion | 22 |
by a court order issued pursuant to division (C) of this section, | 23 |
and the attending physician has received her informed written | 24 |
consent; | 25 |
(4) The court has given its consent in accordance with | 26 |
division (C) of this section and the minor is having the abortion | 27 |
willingly. | 28 |
(C) The right of a minor to consent to an abortion under | 29 |
division (B)(3) of this section or judicial consent to obtain an | 30 |
abortion under division (B)(4) of this section may be granted by a | 31 |
court order pursuant to the following procedures: | 32 |
(1) The minor or next friend shall make an application to the | 33 |
juvenile court of the county in which the minor has a residence or | 34 |
legal settlement, the juvenile court of any county that borders | 35 |
the county in which she has a residence or legal settlement, or | 36 |
the juvenile court of the county in which the facility in which | 37 |
the abortion would be performed or induced is located. The | 38 |
juvenile court shall assist the minor or next friend in preparing | 39 |
the petition and notices required by this section. The minor or | 40 |
next friend shall thereafter file a petition setting forth all of | 41 |
the following: the initials of the minor; her age; the names and | 42 |
addresses of each parent, guardian, custodian, or, if the minor's | 43 |
parents are deceased and no guardian has been appointed, any other | 44 |
person standing in loco parentis of the minor; that the minor has | 45 |
been fully informed of the risks and consequences of the abortion; | 46 |
that the minor is of sound mind and has sufficient intellectual | 47 |
capacity to consent to the abortion; that the minor has not | 48 |
previously filed a petition under this section concerning the same | 49 |
pregnancy that was denied on the merits; that, if the court does | 50 |
not authorize the minor to consent to the abortion, the court | 51 |
should find that the abortion is in the best interests of the | 52 |
minor and give judicial consent to the abortion; that the court | 53 |
should appoint a guardian ad litem; and if the minor does not have | 54 |
private counsel, that the court should appoint counsel. The | 55 |
petition shall be signed by the minor or the next friend. | 56 |
(2)(a) A hearing on the merits shall be held on the record as | 57 |
soon as possible within five days of filing the petition. If the | 58 |
minor has not retained counsel, the court shall appoint counsel at | 59 |
least twenty-four hours prior to the hearing. The court shall | 60 |
appoint a guardian ad litem to protect the interests of the minor | 61 |
at the hearing. If the guardian ad litem is an attorney admitted | 62 |
to the practice of law in this state, the court may appoint the | 63 |
guardian ad litem to serve as the minor's counsel. At the hearing, | 64 |
the court shall | 65 |
(i) Hear evidence relating to the emotional development, | 66 |
maturity, intellect, and understanding of the minor; the nature, | 67 |
possible consequences, and alternatives to the abortion; and any | 68 |
other evidence that the court may find useful in determining | 69 |
whether the minor should be granted the right to consent to the | 70 |
abortion or whether the abortion is in the best interests of the | 71 |
minor; | 72 |
(ii) Specifically inquire about the minor's understanding of | 73 |
the possible physical and emotional complications of abortion and | 74 |
how the minor would respond if the minor experienced those | 75 |
complications after the abortion; | 76 |
(iii) Specifically inquire about the extent to which anyone | 77 |
has instructed the minor on how to answer questions and on what | 78 |
testimony to give at the hearing. | 79 |
| 80 |
scheduled hearing, jurisdiction shall remain with the judge who | 81 |
would have presided at the hearing. | 82 |
(3) If the court finds by clear and convincing evidence that | 83 |
the minor is sufficiently mature and well enough informed to | 84 |
decide intelligently whether to have an abortion, the court shall | 85 |
grant the petition and permit the minor to consent to the | 86 |
abortion. | 87 |
If the court finds by clear and convincing evidence that the | 88 |
abortion is in the best interests of the minor, the court shall | 89 |
give judicial consent to the abortion, setting forth the grounds | 90 |
for its finding. | 91 |
If the court does not make either of the findings specified | 92 |
in division (C)(3) of this section, the court shall deny the | 93 |
petition, setting forth the grounds on which the petition is | 94 |
denied. | 95 |
The court shall issue its order not later than twenty-four | 96 |
hours after the end of the hearing. | 97 |
(4) No juvenile court shall have jurisdiction to rehear a | 98 |
petition concerning the same pregnancy once a juvenile court has | 99 |
granted or denied the petition. | 100 |
(5) If the petition is granted, the informed consent of the | 101 |
minor, pursuant to a court order authorizing the minor to consent | 102 |
to the abortion, or judicial consent to the abortion, shall bar an | 103 |
action by the parents, guardian, or custodian of the minor for | 104 |
battery of the minor against any person performing or inducing the | 105 |
abortion. The immunity granted shall only extend to the | 106 |
performance or inducement of the abortion in accordance with this | 107 |
section and to any accompanying services that are performed in a | 108 |
competent manner. | 109 |
(6) An appeal from an order issued under this section may be | 110 |
taken to the court of appeals by the minor. The record on appeal | 111 |
shall be completed and the appeal perfected within four days from | 112 |
the filing of the notice of appeal. Because the abortion may need | 113 |
to be performed in a timely manner, the supreme court shall, by | 114 |
rule, provide for expedited appellate review of cases appealed | 115 |
under this section. | 116 |
(7) All proceedings under this section shall be conducted in | 117 |
a confidential manner and shall be given such precedence over | 118 |
other pending matters as will ensure that the court will reach a | 119 |
decision promptly and without delay. | 120 |
The petition and all other papers and records that pertain to | 121 |
an action commenced under this section shall be kept confidential | 122 |
and are not public records under section 149.43 of the Revised | 123 |
Code. | 124 |
(8) No filing fee shall be required of or court costs | 125 |
assessed against a person filing a petition under this section or | 126 |
appealing an order issued under this section. | 127 |
(9) Nothing in division (C) of this section shall constitute | 128 |
a waiver of any testimonial privilege provided under the Revised | 129 |
Code or at common law. | 130 |
(D) It is an affirmative defense to any civil, criminal, or | 131 |
professional disciplinary claim brought under this section that | 132 |
compliance with the requirements of this section was not possible | 133 |
because an immediate threat of serious risk to the life or | 134 |
physical health of the minor from the continuation of her | 135 |
pregnancy created an emergency necessitating the immediate | 136 |
performance or inducement of an abortion. | 137 |
(E) Whoever violates division (B) of this section is guilty | 138 |
of unlawful abortion, a misdemeanor of the first degree. If the | 139 |
offender previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a | 140 |
violation of this section, unlawful abortion is a felony of the | 141 |
fourth degree. | 142 |
(F) Whoever violates division (B) of this section is liable | 143 |
to the pregnant minor and her parents, guardian, or custodian for | 144 |
civil, compensatory, and exemplary damages. | 145 |
Section 2. That existing section 2919.121 of the Revised Code | 146 |
is hereby repealed. | 147 |