To amend sections 1.02, 121.22, 121.37, 135.801, | 1 |
145.012, 145.298, 149.431, 152.04, 173.25, 305.07, | 2 |
307.02, 313.12, 325.07, 711.23, 1751.01, 1751.14, | 3 |
2101.17, 2101.24, 2108.521, 2109.01, 2111.01, | 4 |
2111.10, 2111.49, 2151.011, 2151.281, 2151.353, | 5 |
2151.414, 2151.415, 2151.421, 2151.425, 2151.651, | 6 |
2152.02, 2152.12, 2152.14, 2152.811, 2305.111, | 7 |
2311.14, 2317.021, 2503.37, 2721.05, 2744.01, | 8 |
2901.13, 2903.341, 2919.23, 2929.04, 2929.06, | 9 |
2930.061, 2930.16, 2945.37, 2945.371, 2945.38, | 10 |
2945.39, 2945.40, 2945.401, 2945.482, 2945.491, | 11 |
2949.29, 2967.22, 3107.02, 3301.52, 3301.53, | 12 |
3301.55, 3301.57, 3301.58, 3314.022, 3317.02, | 13 |
3317.024, 3317.03, 3317.032, 3317.07, 3317.15, | 14 |
3317.20, 3323.01, 3323.02, 3323.021, 3323.03, | 15 |
3323.04, 3323.05, 3323.09, 3323.091, 3323.12, | 16 |
3323.141, 3323.142, 3707.20, 3721.01, 3763.06, | 17 |
3791.031, 3923.24, 3923.241, 4112.01, 4303.272, | 18 |
4399.05, 4723.071, 4757.41, 4971.16, 5101.46, | 19 |
5101.611, 5103.02, 5119.44, 5120.051, 5120.11, | 20 |
5120.17, 5120.173, 5121.04, 5122.01, 5123.01, | 21 |
5123.012, 5123.014, 5123.02, 5123.03, 5123.033, | 22 |
5123.04, 5123.044, 5123.0410, 5123.0412, | 23 |
5123.0413, 5123.0418, 5123.081, 5123.092, | 24 |
5123.093, 5123.122, 5123.165, 5123.169, 5123.17, | 25 |
5123.171, 5123.18, 5123.19, 5123.196, 5123.20, | 26 |
5123.27, 5123.34, 5123.351, 5123.36, 5123.37, | 27 |
5123.374, 5123.375, 5123.40, 5123.41, 5123.42, | 28 |
5123.421, 5123.422, 5123.43, 5123.44, 5123.441, | 29 |
5123.45, 5123.451, 5123.47, 5123.50, 5123.51, | 30 |
5123.52, 5123.541, 5123.542, 5123.55, 5123.57, | 31 |
5123.58, 5123.601, 5123.61, 5123.611, 5123.612, | 32 |
5123.614, 5123.62, 5123.63, 5123.64, 5123.65, | 33 |
5123.651, 5123.67, 5123.69, 5123.701, 5123.71, | 34 |
5123.74, 5123.75, 5123.76, 5123.79, 5123.80, | 35 |
5123.81, 5123.82, 5123.83, 5123.84, 5123.85, | 36 |
5123.86, 5123.87, 5123.88, 5123.89, 5123.91, | 37 |
5123.92, 5123.93, 5123.95, 5123.96, 5123.99, | 38 |
5126.01, 5126.022, 5126.023, 5126.04, 5126.041, | 39 |
5126.042, 5126.043, 5126.046, 5126.05, 5126.051, | 40 |
5126.054, 5126.055, 5126.058, 5126.059, 5126.0510, | 41 |
5126.08, 5126.082, 5126.11, 5126.15, 5126.22, | 42 |
5126.25, 5126.30, 5126.31, 5126.33, 5126.333, | 43 |
5126.40, 5126.46, 5126.49, 5126.52, 5126.55, | 44 |
5126.58, 5139.06, 5139.08, 5139.27, 5139.39, | 45 |
5139.54, 5164.25, 5164.342, 5164.881, 5165.01, | 46 |
5166.20, 5166.22, 5168.68, 5301.22, 5305.17, | 47 |
5307.19, 5310.12, 5705.05, 5705.091, 5705.19, | 48 |
5705.222, 5709.40, 5709.73, 5709.78, 5711.07, | 49 |
5747.03, 5815.28, and 5815.35 of the Revised Code | 50 |
to replace "mental retardation" and similar terms | 51 |
with "intellectual disability" and similar terms, | 52 |
to specify that an intellectual disability is a | 53 |
form of developmental disability, and to amend the | 54 |
version of section 2101.24 of the Revised Code | 55 |
that is scheduled to take effect March 20, 2015, | 56 |
to continue the provisions of this act on and | 57 |
after that effective date. | 58 |
Section 1. That sections 1.02, 121.22, 121.37, 135.801, | 59 |
145.012, 145.298, 149.431, 152.04, 173.25, 305.07, 307.02, 313.12, | 60 |
325.07, 711.23, 1751.01, 1751.14, 2101.17, 2101.24, 2108.521, | 61 |
2109.01, 2111.01, 2111.10, 2111.49, 2151.011, 2151.281, 2151.353, | 62 |
2151.414, 2151.415, 2151.421, 2151.425, 2151.651, 2152.02, | 63 |
2152.12, 2152.14, 2152.811, 2305.111, 2311.14, 2317.021, 2503.37, | 64 |
2721.05, 2744.01, 2901.13, 2903.341, 2919.23, 2929.04, 2929.06, | 65 |
2930.061, 2930.16, 2945.37, 2945.371, 2945.38, 2945.39, 2945.40, | 66 |
2945.401, 2945.482, 2945.491, 2949.29, 2967.22, 3107.02, 3301.52, | 67 |
3301.53, 3301.55, 3301.57, 3301.58, 3314.022, 3317.02, 3317.024, | 68 |
3317.03, 3317.032, 3317.07, 3317.15, 3317.20, 3323.01, 3323.02, | 69 |
3323.021, 3323.03, 3323.04, 3323.05, 3323.09, 3323.091, 3323.12, | 70 |
3323.141, 3323.142, 3707.20, 3721.01, 3763.06, 3791.031, 3923.24, | 71 |
3923.241, 4112.01, 4303.272, 4399.05, 4723.071, 4757.41, 4971.16, | 72 |
5101.46, 5101.611, 5103.02, 5119.44, 5120.051, 5120.11, 5120.17, | 73 |
5120.173, 5121.04, 5122.01, 5123.01, 5123.012, 5123.014, 5123.02, | 74 |
5123.03, 5123.033, 5123.04, 5123.044, 5123.0410, 5123.0412, | 75 |
5123.0413, 5123.0418, 5123.081, 5123.092, 5123.093, 5123.122, | 76 |
5123.165, 5123.169, 5123.17, 5123.171, 5123.18, 5123.19, 5123.196, | 77 |
5123.20, 5123.27, 5123.34, 5123.351, 5123.36, 5123.37, 5123.374, | 78 |
5123.375, 5123.40, 5123.41, 5123.42, 5123.421, 5123.422, 5123.43, | 79 |
5123.44, 5123.441, 5123.45, 5123.451, 5123.47, 5123.50, 5123.51, | 80 |
5123.52, 5123.541, 5123.542, 5123.55, 5123.57, 5123.58, 5123.601, | 81 |
5123.61, 5123.611, 5123.612, 5123.614, 5123.62, 5123.63, 5123.64, | 82 |
5123.65, 5123.651, 5123.67, 5123.69, 5123.701, 5123.71, 5123.74, | 83 |
5123.75, 5123.76, 5123.79, 5123.80, 5123.81, 5123.82, 5123.83, | 84 |
5123.84, 5123.85, 5123.86, 5123.87, 5123.88, 5123.89, 5123.91, | 85 |
5123.92, 5123.93, 5123.95, 5123.96, 5123.99, 5126.01, 5126.022, | 86 |
5126.023, 5126.04, 5126.041, 5126.042, 5126.043, 5126.046, | 87 |
5126.05, 5126.051, 5126.054, 5126.055, 5126.058, 5126.059, | 88 |
5126.0510, 5126.08, 5126.082, 5126.11, 5126.15, 5126.22, 5126.25, | 89 |
5126.30, 5126.31, 5126.33, 5126.333, 5126.40, 5126.46, 5126.49, | 90 |
5126.52, 5126.55, 5126.58, 5139.06, 5139.08, 5139.27, 5139.39, | 91 |
5139.54, 5164.25, 5164.342, 5164.881, 5165.01, 5166.20, 5166.22, | 92 |
5168.68, 5301.22, 5305.17, 5307.19, 5310.12, 5705.05, 5705.091, | 93 |
5705.19, 5705.222, 5709.40, 5709.73, 5709.78, 5711.07, 5747.03, | 94 |
5815.28, and 5815.35 of the Revised Code be amended to read as | 95 |
follows: | 96 |
Sec. 1.02. As used in the Revised Code, unless the context | 97 |
otherwise requires: | 98 |
(A) "Whoever" includes all persons, natural and artificial; | 99 |
partners; principals, agents, and employees; and all officials, | 100 |
public or private. | 101 |
(B) "Another," when used to designate the owner of property | 102 |
which is the subject of an offense, includes not only natural | 103 |
persons but also every other owner of property. | 104 |
(C) "Of unsound mind" includes all forms of | 105 |
106 |
(D) "Bond" includes an undertaking. | 107 |
(E) "Undertaking" includes a bond. | 108 |
(F) "And" may be read "or," and "or" may be read "and" if the | 109 |
sense requires it. | 110 |
(G) "Registered mail" includes certified mail and "certified | 111 |
mail" includes registered mail. | 112 |
Sec. 121.22. (A) This section shall be liberally construed | 113 |
to require public officials to take official action and to conduct | 114 |
all deliberations upon official business only in open meetings | 115 |
unless the subject matter is specifically excepted by law. | 116 |
(B) As used in this section: | 117 |
(1) "Public body" means any of the following: | 118 |
(a) Any board, commission, committee, council, or similar | 119 |
decision-making body of a state agency, institution, or authority, | 120 |
and any legislative authority or board, commission, committee, | 121 |
council, agency, authority, or similar decision-making body of any | 122 |
county, township, municipal corporation, school district, or other | 123 |
political subdivision or local public institution; | 124 |
(b) Any committee or subcommittee of a body described in | 125 |
division (B)(1)(a) of this section; | 126 |
(c) A court of jurisdiction of a sanitary district organized | 127 |
wholly for the purpose of providing a water supply for domestic, | 128 |
municipal, and public use when meeting for the purpose of the | 129 |
appointment, removal, or reappointment of a member of the board of | 130 |
directors of such a district pursuant to section 6115.10 of the | 131 |
Revised Code, if applicable, or for any other matter related to | 132 |
such a district other than litigation involving the district. As | 133 |
used in division (B)(1)(c) of this section, "court of | 134 |
jurisdiction" has the same meaning as "court" in section 6115.01 | 135 |
of the Revised Code. | 136 |
(2) "Meeting" means any prearranged discussion of the public | 137 |
business of the public body by a majority of its members. | 138 |
(3) "Regulated individual" means either of the following: | 139 |
(a) A student in a state or local public educational | 140 |
institution; | 141 |
(b) A person who is, voluntarily or involuntarily, an inmate, | 142 |
patient, or resident of a state or local institution because of | 143 |
criminal behavior, mental illness | 144 |
disability that is an intellectual disability, disease, | 145 |
disability, age, or other condition requiring custodial care. | 146 |
(4) "Public office" has the same meaning as in section | 147 |
149.011 of the Revised Code. | 148 |
(C) All meetings of any public body are declared to be public | 149 |
meetings open to the public at all times. A member of a public | 150 |
body shall be present in person at a meeting open to the public to | 151 |
be considered present or to vote at the meeting and for purposes | 152 |
of determining whether a quorum is present at the meeting. | 153 |
The minutes of a regular or special meeting of any public | 154 |
body shall be promptly prepared, filed, and maintained and shall | 155 |
be open to public inspection. The minutes need only reflect the | 156 |
general subject matter of discussions in executive sessions | 157 |
authorized under division (G) or (J) of this section. | 158 |
(D) This section does not apply to any of the following: | 159 |
(1) A grand jury; | 160 |
(2) An audit conference conducted by the auditor of state or | 161 |
independent certified public accountants with officials of the | 162 |
public office that is the subject of the audit; | 163 |
(3) The adult parole authority when its hearings are | 164 |
conducted at a correctional institution for the sole purpose of | 165 |
interviewing inmates to determine parole or pardon; | 166 |
(4) The organized crime investigations commission established | 167 |
under section 177.01 of the Revised Code; | 168 |
(5) Meetings of a child fatality review board established | 169 |
under section 307.621 of the Revised Code and meetings conducted | 170 |
pursuant to sections 5153.171 to 5153.173 of the Revised Code; | 171 |
(6) The state medical board when determining whether to | 172 |
suspend a certificate without a prior hearing pursuant to division | 173 |
(G) of either section 4730.25 or 4731.22 of the Revised Code; | 174 |
(7) The board of nursing when determining whether to suspend | 175 |
a license or certificate without a prior hearing pursuant to | 176 |
division (B) of section 4723.281 of the Revised Code; | 177 |
(8) The state board of pharmacy when determining whether to | 178 |
suspend a license without a prior hearing pursuant to division (D) | 179 |
of section 4729.16 of the Revised Code; | 180 |
(9) The state chiropractic board when determining whether to | 181 |
suspend a license without a hearing pursuant to section 4734.37 of | 182 |
the Revised Code; | 183 |
(10) The executive committee of the emergency response | 184 |
commission when determining whether to issue an enforcement order | 185 |
or request that a civil action, civil penalty action, or criminal | 186 |
action be brought to enforce Chapter 3750. of the Revised Code; | 187 |
(11) The board of directors of the nonprofit corporation | 188 |
formed under section 187.01 of the Revised Code or any committee | 189 |
thereof, and the board of directors of any subsidiary of that | 190 |
corporation or a committee thereof; | 191 |
(12) An audit conference conducted by the audit staff of the | 192 |
department of job and family services with officials of the public | 193 |
office that is the subject of that audit under section 5101.37 of | 194 |
the Revised Code; | 195 |
(13) The occupational therapy section of the occupational | 196 |
therapy, physical therapy, and athletic trainers board when | 197 |
determining whether to suspend a license or limited permit without | 198 |
a hearing pursuant to division (D) of section 4755.11 of the | 199 |
Revised Code; | 200 |
(14) The physical therapy section of the occupational | 201 |
therapy, physical therapy, and athletic trainers board when | 202 |
determining whether to suspend a license without a hearing | 203 |
pursuant to division (E) of section 4755.47 of the Revised Code; | 204 |
(15) The athletic trainers section of the occupational | 205 |
therapy, physical therapy, and athletic trainers board when | 206 |
determining whether to suspend a license without a hearing | 207 |
pursuant to division (D) of section 4755.64 of the Revised Code. | 208 |
(E) The controlling board, the tax credit authority, or the | 209 |
minority development financing advisory board, when meeting to | 210 |
consider granting assistance pursuant to Chapter 122. or 166. of | 211 |
the Revised Code, in order to protect the interest of the | 212 |
applicant or the possible investment of public funds, by unanimous | 213 |
vote of all board or authority members present, may close the | 214 |
meeting during consideration of the following information | 215 |
confidentially received by the authority or board from the | 216 |
applicant: | 217 |
(1) Marketing plans; | 218 |
(2) Specific business strategy; | 219 |
(3) Production techniques and trade secrets; | 220 |
(4) Financial projections; | 221 |
(5) Personal financial statements of the applicant or members | 222 |
of the applicant's immediate family, including, but not limited | 223 |
to, tax records or other similar information not open to public | 224 |
inspection. | 225 |
The vote by the authority or board to accept or reject the | 226 |
application, as well as all proceedings of the authority or board | 227 |
not subject to this division, shall be open to the public and | 228 |
governed by this section. | 229 |
(F) Every public body, by rule, shall establish a reasonable | 230 |
method whereby any person may determine the time and place of all | 231 |
regularly scheduled meetings and the time, place, and purpose of | 232 |
all special meetings. A public body shall not hold a special | 233 |
meeting unless it gives at least twenty-four hours' advance notice | 234 |
to the news media that have requested notification, except in the | 235 |
event of an emergency requiring immediate official action. In the | 236 |
event of an emergency, the member or members calling the meeting | 237 |
shall notify the news media that have requested notification | 238 |
immediately of the time, place, and purpose of the meeting. | 239 |
The rule shall provide that any person, upon request and | 240 |
payment of a reasonable fee, may obtain reasonable advance | 241 |
notification of all meetings at which any specific type of public | 242 |
business is to be discussed. Provisions for advance notification | 243 |
may include, but are not limited to, mailing the agenda of | 244 |
meetings to all subscribers on a mailing list or mailing notices | 245 |
in self-addressed, stamped envelopes provided by the person. | 246 |
(G) Except as provided in divisions (G)(8) and (J) of this | 247 |
section, the members of a public body may hold an executive | 248 |
session only after a majority of a quorum of the public body | 249 |
determines, by a roll call vote, to hold an executive session and | 250 |
only at a regular or special meeting for the sole purpose of the | 251 |
consideration of any of the following matters: | 252 |
(1) To consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, | 253 |
discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public | 254 |
employee or official, or the investigation of charges or | 255 |
complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or | 256 |
regulated individual, unless the public employee, official, | 257 |
licensee, or regulated individual requests a public hearing. | 258 |
Except as otherwise provided by law, no public body shall hold an | 259 |
executive session for the discipline of an elected official for | 260 |
conduct related to the performance of the elected official's | 261 |
official duties or for the elected official's removal from office. | 262 |
If a public body holds an executive session pursuant to division | 263 |
(G)(1) of this section, the motion and vote to hold that executive | 264 |
session shall state which one or more of the approved purposes | 265 |
listed in division (G)(1) of this section are the purposes for | 266 |
which the executive session is to be held, but need not include | 267 |
the name of any person to be considered at the meeting. | 268 |
(2) To consider the purchase of property for public purposes, | 269 |
or for the sale of property at competitive bidding, if premature | 270 |
disclosure of information would give an unfair competitive or | 271 |
bargaining advantage to a person whose personal, private interest | 272 |
is adverse to the general public interest. No member of a public | 273 |
body shall use division (G)(2) of this section as a subterfuge for | 274 |
providing covert information to prospective buyers or sellers. A | 275 |
purchase or sale of public property is void if the seller or buyer | 276 |
of the public property has received covert information from a | 277 |
member of a public body that has not been disclosed to the general | 278 |
public in sufficient time for other prospective buyers and sellers | 279 |
to prepare and submit offers. | 280 |
If the minutes of the public body show that all meetings and | 281 |
deliberations of the public body have been conducted in compliance | 282 |
with this section, any instrument executed by the public body | 283 |
purporting to convey, lease, or otherwise dispose of any right, | 284 |
title, or interest in any public property shall be conclusively | 285 |
presumed to have been executed in compliance with this section | 286 |
insofar as title or other interest of any bona fide purchasers, | 287 |
lessees, or transferees of the property is concerned. | 288 |
(3) Conferences with an attorney for the public body | 289 |
concerning disputes involving the public body that are the subject | 290 |
of pending or imminent court action; | 291 |
(4) Preparing for, conducting, or reviewing negotiations or | 292 |
bargaining sessions with public employees concerning their | 293 |
compensation or other terms and conditions of their employment; | 294 |
(5) Matters required to be kept confidential by federal law | 295 |
or regulations or state statutes; | 296 |
(6) Details relative to the security arrangements and | 297 |
emergency response protocols for a public body or a public office, | 298 |
if disclosure of the matters discussed could reasonably be | 299 |
expected to jeopardize the security of the public body or public | 300 |
office; | 301 |
(7) In the case of a county hospital operated pursuant to | 302 |
Chapter 339. of the Revised Code, a joint township hospital | 303 |
operated pursuant to Chapter 513. of the Revised Code, or a | 304 |
municipal hospital operated pursuant to Chapter 749. of the | 305 |
Revised Code, to consider trade secrets, as defined in section | 306 |
1333.61 of the Revised Code; | 307 |
(8) To consider confidential information related to the | 308 |
marketing plans, specific business strategy, production | 309 |
techniques, trade secrets, or personal financial statements of an | 310 |
applicant for economic development assistance, or to negotiations | 311 |
with other political subdivisions respecting requests for economic | 312 |
development assistance, provided that both of the following | 313 |
conditions apply: | 314 |
| 315 |
economic development assistance that is to be provided or | 316 |
administered under any provision of Chapter 715., 725., 1724., or | 317 |
1728. or sections 701.07, 3735.67 to 3735.70, 5709.40 to 5709.43, | 318 |
5709.61 to 5709.69, 5709.73 to 5709.75, or 5709.77 to 5709.81 of | 319 |
the Revised Code, or that involves public infrastructure | 320 |
improvements or the extension of utility services that are | 321 |
directly related to an economic development project. | 322 |
| 323 |
roll call vote, that the executive session is necessary to protect | 324 |
the interests of the applicant or the possible investment or | 325 |
expenditure of public funds to be made in connection with the | 326 |
economic development project. | 327 |
If a public body holds an executive session to consider any | 328 |
of the matters listed in divisions (G)(2) to (8) of this section, | 329 |
the motion and vote to hold that executive session shall state | 330 |
which one or more of the approved matters listed in those | 331 |
divisions are to be considered at the executive session. | 332 |
A public body specified in division (B)(1)(c) of this section | 333 |
shall not hold an executive session when meeting for the purposes | 334 |
specified in that division. | 335 |
(H) A resolution, rule, or formal action of any kind is | 336 |
invalid unless adopted in an open meeting of the public body. A | 337 |
resolution, rule, or formal action adopted in an open meeting that | 338 |
results from deliberations in a meeting not open to the public is | 339 |
invalid unless the deliberations were for a purpose specifically | 340 |
authorized in division (G) or (J) of this section and conducted at | 341 |
an executive session held in compliance with this section. A | 342 |
resolution, rule, or formal action adopted in an open meeting is | 343 |
invalid if the public body that adopted the resolution, rule, or | 344 |
formal action violated division (F) of this section. | 345 |
(I)(1) Any person may bring an action to enforce this | 346 |
section. An action under division (I)(1) of this section shall be | 347 |
brought within two years after the date of the alleged violation | 348 |
or threatened violation. Upon proof of a violation or threatened | 349 |
violation of this section in an action brought by any person, the | 350 |
court of common pleas shall issue an injunction to compel the | 351 |
members of the public body to comply with its provisions. | 352 |
(2)(a) If the court of common pleas issues an injunction | 353 |
pursuant to division (I)(1) of this section, the court shall order | 354 |
the public body that it enjoins to pay a civil forfeiture of five | 355 |
hundred dollars to the party that sought the injunction and shall | 356 |
award to that party all court costs and, subject to reduction as | 357 |
described in division (I)(2) of this section, reasonable | 358 |
attorney's fees. The court, in its discretion, may reduce an award | 359 |
of attorney's fees to the party that sought the injunction or not | 360 |
award attorney's fees to that party if the court determines both | 361 |
of the following: | 362 |
(i) That, based on the ordinary application of statutory law | 363 |
and case law as it existed at the time of violation or threatened | 364 |
violation that was the basis of the injunction, a well-informed | 365 |
public body reasonably would believe that the public body was not | 366 |
violating or threatening to violate this section; | 367 |
(ii) That a well-informed public body reasonably would | 368 |
believe that the conduct or threatened conduct that was the basis | 369 |
of the injunction would serve the public policy that underlies the | 370 |
authority that is asserted as permitting that conduct or | 371 |
threatened conduct. | 372 |
(b) If the court of common pleas does not issue an injunction | 373 |
pursuant to division (I)(1) of this section and the court | 374 |
determines at that time that the bringing of the action was | 375 |
frivolous conduct, as defined in division (A) of section 2323.51 | 376 |
of the Revised Code, the court shall award to the public body all | 377 |
court costs and reasonable attorney's fees, as determined by the | 378 |
court. | 379 |
(3) Irreparable harm and prejudice to the party that sought | 380 |
the injunction shall be conclusively and irrebuttably presumed | 381 |
upon proof of a violation or threatened violation of this section. | 382 |
(4) A member of a public body who knowingly violates an | 383 |
injunction issued pursuant to division (I)(1) of this section may | 384 |
be removed from office by an action brought in the court of common | 385 |
pleas for that purpose by the prosecuting attorney or the attorney | 386 |
general. | 387 |
(J)(1) Pursuant to division (C) of section 5901.09 of the | 388 |
Revised Code, a veterans service commission shall hold an | 389 |
executive session for one or more of the following purposes unless | 390 |
an applicant requests a public hearing: | 391 |
(a) Interviewing an applicant for financial assistance under | 392 |
sections 5901.01 to 5901.15 of the Revised Code; | 393 |
(b) Discussing applications, statements, and other documents | 394 |
described in division (B) of section 5901.09 of the Revised Code; | 395 |
(c) Reviewing matters relating to an applicant's request for | 396 |
financial assistance under sections 5901.01 to 5901.15 of the | 397 |
Revised Code. | 398 |
(2) A veterans service commission shall not exclude an | 399 |
applicant for, recipient of, or former recipient of financial | 400 |
assistance under sections 5901.01 to 5901.15 of the Revised Code, | 401 |
and shall not exclude representatives selected by the applicant, | 402 |
recipient, or former recipient, from a meeting that the commission | 403 |
conducts as an executive session that pertains to the applicant's, | 404 |
recipient's, or former recipient's application for financial | 405 |
assistance. | 406 |
(3) A veterans service commission shall vote on the grant or | 407 |
denial of financial assistance under sections 5901.01 to 5901.15 | 408 |
of the Revised Code only in an open meeting of the commission. The | 409 |
minutes of the meeting shall indicate the name, address, and | 410 |
occupation of the applicant, whether the assistance was granted or | 411 |
denied, the amount of the assistance if assistance is granted, and | 412 |
the votes for and against the granting of assistance. | 413 |
Sec. 121.37. (A)(1) There is hereby created the Ohio family | 414 |
and children first cabinet council. The council shall be composed | 415 |
of the superintendent of public instruction, the executive | 416 |
director of the opportunities for Ohioans with disabilities | 417 |
agency, the medicaid director, and the directors of youth | 418 |
services, job and family services, mental health and addiction | 419 |
services, health, developmental disabilities, aging, | 420 |
rehabilitation and correction, and budget and management. The | 421 |
chairperson of the council shall be the governor or the governor's | 422 |
designee and shall establish procedures for the council's internal | 423 |
control and management. | 424 |
The purpose of the cabinet council is to help families | 425 |
seeking government services. This section shall not be interpreted | 426 |
or applied to usurp the role of parents, but solely to streamline | 427 |
and coordinate existing government services for families seeking | 428 |
assistance for their children. | 429 |
(2) In seeking to fulfill its purpose, the council may do any | 430 |
of the following: | 431 |
(a) Advise and make recommendations to the governor and | 432 |
general assembly regarding the provision of services to children; | 433 |
(b) Advise and assess local governments on the coordination | 434 |
of service delivery to children; | 435 |
(c) Hold meetings at such times and places as may be | 436 |
prescribed by the council's procedures and maintain records of the | 437 |
meetings, except that records identifying individual children are | 438 |
confidential and shall be disclosed only as provided by law; | 439 |
(d) Develop programs and projects, including pilot projects, | 440 |
to encourage coordinated efforts at the state and local level to | 441 |
improve the state's social service delivery system; | 442 |
(e) Enter into contracts with and administer grants to county | 443 |
family and children first councils, as well as other county or | 444 |
multicounty organizations to plan and coordinate service delivery | 445 |
between state agencies and local service providers for families | 446 |
and children; | 447 |
(f) Enter into contracts with and apply for grants from | 448 |
federal agencies or private organizations; | 449 |
(g) Enter into interagency agreements to encourage | 450 |
coordinated efforts at the state and local level to improve the | 451 |
state's social service delivery system. The agreements may include | 452 |
provisions regarding the receipt, transfer, and expenditure of | 453 |
funds; | 454 |
(h) Identify public and private funding sources for services | 455 |
provided to alleged or adjudicated unruly children and children | 456 |
who are at risk of being alleged or adjudicated unruly children, | 457 |
including regulations governing access to and use of the services; | 458 |
(i) Collect information provided by local communities | 459 |
regarding successful programs for prevention, intervention, and | 460 |
treatment of unruly behavior, including evaluations of the | 461 |
programs; | 462 |
(j) Identify and disseminate publications regarding alleged | 463 |
or adjudicated unruly children and children who are at risk of | 464 |
being alleged or adjudicated unruly children and regarding | 465 |
programs serving those types of children; | 466 |
(k) Maintain an inventory of strategic planning facilitators | 467 |
for use by government or nonprofit entities that serve alleged or | 468 |
adjudicated unruly children or children who are at risk of being | 469 |
alleged or adjudicated unruly children. | 470 |
(3) The cabinet council shall provide for the following: | 471 |
(a) Reviews of service and treatment plans for children for | 472 |
which such reviews are requested; | 473 |
(b) Assistance as the council determines to be necessary to | 474 |
meet the needs of children referred by county family and children | 475 |
first councils; | 476 |
(c) Monitoring and supervision of a statewide, comprehensive, | 477 |
coordinated, multi-disciplinary, interagency system for infants | 478 |
and toddlers with developmental disabilities or delays and their | 479 |
families, as established pursuant to federal grants received and | 480 |
administered by the department of health for early intervention | 481 |
services under the "Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of | 482 |
2004," 118 Stat. 2744, 20 U.S.C.A. 1400, as amended. | 483 |
(4) The cabinet council shall develop and implement the | 484 |
following: | 485 |
(a) An interagency process to select the indicators that will | 486 |
be used to measure progress toward increasing child well-being in | 487 |
the state and to update the indicators on an annual basis. The | 488 |
indicators shall focus on expectant parents and newborns thriving; | 489 |
infants and toddlers thriving; children being ready for school; | 490 |
children and youth succeeding in school; youth choosing healthy | 491 |
behaviors; and youth successfully transitioning into adulthood. | 492 |
(b) An interagency system to offer guidance and monitor | 493 |
progress toward increasing child well-being in the state and in | 494 |
each county; | 495 |
(c) An annual plan that identifies state-level agency efforts | 496 |
taken to ensure progress towards increasing child well-being in | 497 |
the state. | 498 |
On an annual basis, the cabinet council shall submit to the | 499 |
governor and the general assembly a report on the status of | 500 |
efforts to increase child well-being in the state. This report | 501 |
shall be made available to any other person on request. | 502 |
(B)(1) Each board of county commissioners shall establish a | 503 |
county family and children first council. The board may invite any | 504 |
local public or private agency or group that funds, advocates, or | 505 |
provides services to children and families to have a | 506 |
representative become a permanent or temporary member of its | 507 |
county council. Each county council must include the following | 508 |
individuals: | 509 |
(a) At least three individuals who are not employed by an | 510 |
agency represented on the council and whose families are or have | 511 |
received services from an agency represented on the council or | 512 |
another county's council. Where possible, the number of members | 513 |
representing families shall be equal to twenty per cent of the | 514 |
council's membership. | 515 |
(b) The director of the board of alcohol, drug addiction, and | 516 |
mental health services that serves the county, or, in the case of | 517 |
a county that has a board of alcohol and drug addiction services | 518 |
and a community mental health board, the directors of both boards. | 519 |
If a board of alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health services | 520 |
covers more than one county, the director may designate a person | 521 |
to participate on the county's council. | 522 |
(c) The health commissioner, or the commissioner's designee, | 523 |
of the board of health of each city and general health district in | 524 |
the county. If the county has two or more health districts, the | 525 |
health commissioner membership may be limited to the commissioners | 526 |
of the two districts with the largest populations. | 527 |
(d) The director of the county department of job and family | 528 |
services; | 529 |
(e) The executive director of the public children services | 530 |
agency; | 531 |
(f) The superintendent of the county board of developmental | 532 |
disabilities or, if the superintendent serves as superintendent of | 533 |
more than one county board of developmental disabilities, the | 534 |
superintendent's designee; | 535 |
(g) The superintendent of the city, exempted village, or | 536 |
local school district with the largest number of pupils residing | 537 |
in the county, as determined by the department of education, which | 538 |
shall notify each board of county commissioners of its | 539 |
determination at least biennially; | 540 |
(h) A school superintendent representing all other school | 541 |
districts with territory in the county, as designated at a | 542 |
biennial meeting of the superintendents of those districts; | 543 |
(i) A representative of the municipal corporation with the | 544 |
largest population in the county; | 545 |
(j) The president of the board of county commissioners or an | 546 |
individual designated by the board; | 547 |
(k) A representative of the regional office of the department | 548 |
of youth services; | 549 |
(l) A representative of the county's head start agencies, as | 550 |
defined in section 3301.32 of the Revised Code; | 551 |
(m) A representative of the county's early intervention | 552 |
collaborative established pursuant to the federal early | 553 |
intervention program operated under the "Individuals with | 554 |
Disabilities Education Act of 2004"; | 555 |
(n) A representative of a local nonprofit entity that funds, | 556 |
advocates, or provides services to children and families. | 557 |
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the public | 558 |
members of a county council are not prohibited from serving on the | 559 |
council and making decisions regarding the duties of the council, | 560 |
including those involving the funding of joint projects and those | 561 |
outlined in the county's service coordination mechanism | 562 |
implemented pursuant to division (C) of this section. | 563 |
The cabinet council shall establish a state appeals process | 564 |
to resolve disputes among the members of a county council | 565 |
concerning whether reasonable responsibilities as members are | 566 |
being shared. The appeals process may be accessed only by a | 567 |
majority vote of the council members who are required to serve on | 568 |
the council. Upon appeal, the cabinet council may order that state | 569 |
funds for services to children and families be redirected to a | 570 |
county's board of county commissioners. | 571 |
The county's juvenile court judge senior in service or | 572 |
another judge of the juvenile court designated by the | 573 |
administrative judge or, where there is no administrative judge, | 574 |
by the judge senior in service shall serve as the judicial advisor | 575 |
to the county family and children first council. The judge may | 576 |
advise the county council on the court's utilization of resources, | 577 |
services, or programs provided by the entities represented by the | 578 |
members of the county council and how those resources, services, | 579 |
or programs assist the court in its administration of justice. | 580 |
Service of a judge as a judicial advisor pursuant to this section | 581 |
is a judicial function. | 582 |
(2) The purpose of the county council is to streamline and | 583 |
coordinate existing government services for families seeking | 584 |
services for their children. In seeking to fulfill its purpose, a | 585 |
county council shall provide for the following: | 586 |
(a) Referrals to the cabinet council of those children for | 587 |
whom the county council cannot provide adequate services; | 588 |
(b) Development and implementation of a process that annually | 589 |
evaluates and prioritizes services, fills service gaps where | 590 |
possible, and invents new approaches to achieve better results for | 591 |
families and children; | 592 |
(c) Participation in the development of a countywide, | 593 |
comprehensive, coordinated, multi-disciplinary, interagency system | 594 |
for infants and toddlers with developmental disabilities or delays | 595 |
and their families, as established pursuant to federal grants | 596 |
received and administered by the department of health for early | 597 |
intervention services under the "Individuals with Disabilities | 598 |
Education Act of 2004"; | 599 |
(d) Maintenance of an accountability system to monitor the | 600 |
county council's progress in achieving results for families and | 601 |
children; | 602 |
(e) Establishment of a mechanism to ensure ongoing input from | 603 |
a broad representation of families who are receiving services | 604 |
within the county system. | 605 |
(3) A county council shall develop and implement the | 606 |
following: | 607 |
(a) An interagency process to establish local indicators and | 608 |
monitor the county's progress toward increasing child well-being | 609 |
in the county; | 610 |
(b) An interagency process to identify local priorities to | 611 |
increase child well-being. The local priorities shall focus on | 612 |
expectant parents and newborns thriving; infants and toddlers | 613 |
thriving; children being ready for school; children and youth | 614 |
succeeding in school; youth choosing healthy behaviors; and youth | 615 |
successfully transitioning into adulthood and take into account | 616 |
the indicators established by the cabinet council under division | 617 |
(A)(4)(a) of this section. | 618 |
(c) An annual plan that identifies the county's interagency | 619 |
efforts to increase child well-being in the county. | 620 |
On an annual basis, the county council shall submit a report | 621 |
on the status of efforts by the county to increase child | 622 |
well-being in the county to the county's board of county | 623 |
commissioners and the cabinet council. This report shall be made | 624 |
available to any other person on request. | 625 |
(4)(a) Except as provided in division (B)(4)(b) of this | 626 |
section, a county council shall comply with the policies, | 627 |
procedures, and activities prescribed by the rules or interagency | 628 |
agreements of a state department participating on the cabinet | 629 |
council whenever the county council performs a function subject to | 630 |
those rules or agreements. | 631 |
(b) On application of a county council, the cabinet council | 632 |
may grant an exemption from any rules or interagency agreements of | 633 |
a state department participating on the council if an exemption is | 634 |
necessary for the council to implement an alternative program or | 635 |
approach for service delivery to families and children. The | 636 |
application shall describe the proposed program or approach and | 637 |
specify the rules or interagency agreements from which an | 638 |
exemption is necessary. The cabinet council shall approve or | 639 |
disapprove the application in accordance with standards and | 640 |
procedures it shall adopt. If an application is approved, the | 641 |
exemption is effective only while the program or approach is being | 642 |
implemented, including a reasonable period during which the | 643 |
program or approach is being evaluated for effectiveness. | 644 |
(5)(a) Each county council shall designate an administrative | 645 |
agent for the council from among the following public entities: | 646 |
the board of alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health services, | 647 |
including a board of alcohol and drug addiction or a community | 648 |
mental health board if the county is served by separate boards; | 649 |
the board of county commissioners; any board of health of the | 650 |
county's city and general health districts; the county department | 651 |
of job and family services; the county agency responsible for the | 652 |
administration of children services pursuant to section 5153.15 of | 653 |
the Revised Code; the county board of developmental disabilities; | 654 |
any of the county's boards of education or governing boards of | 655 |
educational service centers; or the county's juvenile court. Any | 656 |
of the foregoing public entities, other than the board of county | 657 |
commissioners, may decline to serve as the council's | 658 |
administrative agent. | 659 |
A county council's administrative agent shall serve as the | 660 |
council's appointing authority for any employees of the council. | 661 |
The council shall file an annual budget with its administrative | 662 |
agent, with copies filed with the county auditor and with the | 663 |
board of county commissioners, unless the board is serving as the | 664 |
council's administrative agent. The council's administrative agent | 665 |
shall ensure that all expenditures are handled in accordance with | 666 |
policies, procedures, and activities prescribed by state | 667 |
departments in rules or interagency agreements that are applicable | 668 |
to the council's functions. | 669 |
The administrative agent of a county council shall send | 670 |
notice of a member's absence if a member listed in division (B)(1) | 671 |
of this section has been absent from either three consecutive | 672 |
meetings of the county council or a county council subcommittee, | 673 |
or from one-quarter of such meetings in a calendar year, whichever | 674 |
is less. The notice shall be sent to the board of county | 675 |
commissioners that establishes the county council and, for the | 676 |
members listed in divisions (B)(1)(b), (c), (e), and (l) of this | 677 |
section, to the governing board overseeing the respective entity; | 678 |
for the member listed in division (B)(1)(f) of this section, to | 679 |
the county board of developmental disabilities that employs the | 680 |
superintendent; for a member listed in division (B)(1)(g) or (h) | 681 |
of this section, to the school board that employs the | 682 |
superintendent; for the member listed in division (B)(1)(i) of | 683 |
this section, to the mayor of the municipal corporation; for the | 684 |
member listed in division (B)(1)(k) of this section, to the | 685 |
director of youth services; and for the member listed in division | 686 |
(B)(1)(n) of this section, to that member's board of trustees. | 687 |
The administrative agent for a county council may do any of | 688 |
the following on behalf of the council: | 689 |
(i) Enter into agreements or administer contracts with public | 690 |
or private entities to fulfill specific council business. Such | 691 |
agreements and contracts are exempt from the competitive bidding | 692 |
requirements of section 307.86 of the Revised Code if they have | 693 |
been approved by the county council and they are for the purchase | 694 |
of family and child welfare or child protection services or other | 695 |
social or job and family services for families and children. The | 696 |
approval of the county council is not required to exempt | 697 |
agreements or contracts entered into under section 5139.34, | 698 |
5139.41, or 5139.43 of the Revised Code from the competitive | 699 |
bidding requirements of section 307.86 of the Revised Code. | 700 |
(ii) As determined by the council, provide financial | 701 |
stipends, reimbursements, or both, to family representatives for | 702 |
expenses related to council activity; | 703 |
(iii) Receive by gift, grant, devise, or bequest any moneys, | 704 |
lands, or other property for the purposes for which the council is | 705 |
established. The agent shall hold, apply, and dispose of the | 706 |
moneys, lands, or other property according to the terms of the | 707 |
gift, grant, devise, or bequest. Any interest or earnings shall be | 708 |
treated in the same manner and are subject to the same terms as | 709 |
the gift, grant, devise, or bequest from which it accrues. | 710 |
(b)(i) If the county council designates the board of county | 711 |
commissioners as its administrative agent, the board may, by | 712 |
resolution, delegate any of its powers and duties as | 713 |
administrative agent to an executive committee the board | 714 |
establishes from the membership of the county council. The board | 715 |
shall name to the executive committee at least the individuals | 716 |
described in divisions (B)(1)(b) to (h) of this section and may | 717 |
appoint the president of the board or another individual as the | 718 |
chair of the executive committee. The executive committee must | 719 |
include at least one family county council representative who does | 720 |
not have a family member employed by an agency represented on the | 721 |
council. | 722 |
(ii) The executive committee may, with the approval of the | 723 |
board, hire an executive director to assist the county council in | 724 |
administering its powers and duties. The executive director shall | 725 |
serve in the unclassified civil service at the pleasure of the | 726 |
executive committee. The executive director may, with the approval | 727 |
of the executive committee, hire other employees as necessary to | 728 |
properly conduct the county council's business. | 729 |
(iii) The board may require the executive committee to submit | 730 |
an annual budget to the board for approval and may amend or repeal | 731 |
the resolution that delegated to the executive committee its | 732 |
authority as the county council's administrative agent. | 733 |
(6) Two or more county councils may enter into an agreement | 734 |
to administer their county councils jointly by creating a regional | 735 |
family and children first council. A regional council possesses | 736 |
the same duties and authority possessed by a county council, | 737 |
except that the duties and authority apply regionally rather than | 738 |
to individual counties. Prior to entering into an agreement to | 739 |
create a regional council, the members of each county council to | 740 |
be part of the regional council shall meet to determine whether | 741 |
all or part of the members of each county council will serve as | 742 |
members of the regional council. | 743 |
(7) A board of county commissioners may approve a resolution | 744 |
by a majority vote of the board's members that requires the county | 745 |
council to submit a statement to the board each time the council | 746 |
proposes to enter into an agreement, adopt a plan, or make a | 747 |
decision, other than a decision pursuant to section 121.38 of the | 748 |
Revised Code, that requires the expenditure of funds for two or | 749 |
more families. The statement shall describe the proposed | 750 |
agreement, plan, or decision. | 751 |
Not later than fifteen days after the board receives the | 752 |
statement, it shall, by resolution approved by a majority of its | 753 |
members, approve or disapprove the agreement, plan, or decision. | 754 |
Failure of the board to pass a resolution during that time period | 755 |
shall be considered approval of the agreement, plan, or decision. | 756 |
An agreement, plan, or decision for which a statement is | 757 |
required to be submitted to the board shall be implemented only if | 758 |
it is approved by the board. | 759 |
(C) Each county shall develop a county service coordination | 760 |
mechanism. The county service coordination mechanism shall serve | 761 |
as the guiding document for coordination of services in the | 762 |
county. For children who also receive services under the help me | 763 |
grow program, the service coordination mechanism shall be | 764 |
consistent with rules adopted by the department of health under | 765 |
section 3701.61 of the Revised Code. All family service | 766 |
coordination plans shall be developed in accordance with the | 767 |
county service coordination mechanism. The mechanism shall be | 768 |
developed and approved with the participation of the county | 769 |
entities representing child welfare; | 770 |
developmental disabilities; alcohol, drug addiction, and mental | 771 |
health services; health; juvenile judges; education; the county | 772 |
family and children first council; and the county early | 773 |
intervention collaborative established pursuant to the federal | 774 |
early intervention program operated under the "Individuals with | 775 |
Disabilities Education Act of 2004." The county shall establish an | 776 |
implementation schedule for the mechanism. The cabinet council may | 777 |
monitor the implementation and administration of each county's | 778 |
service coordination mechanism. | 779 |
Each mechanism shall include all of the following: | 780 |
(1) A procedure for an agency, including a juvenile court, or | 781 |
a family voluntarily seeking service coordination, to refer the | 782 |
child and family to the county council for service coordination in | 783 |
accordance with the mechanism; | 784 |
(2) A procedure ensuring that a family and all appropriate | 785 |
staff from involved agencies, including a representative from the | 786 |
appropriate school district, are notified of and invited to | 787 |
participate in all family service coordination plan meetings; | 788 |
(3) A procedure that permits a family to initiate a meeting | 789 |
to develop or review the family's service coordination plan and | 790 |
allows the family to invite a family advocate, mentor, or support | 791 |
person of the family's choice to participate in any such meeting; | 792 |
(4) A procedure for ensuring that a family service | 793 |
coordination plan meeting is conducted for each child who receives | 794 |
service coordination under the mechanism and for whom an emergency | 795 |
out-of-home placement has been made or for whom a nonemergency | 796 |
out-of-home placement is being considered. The meeting shall be | 797 |
conducted within ten days of an emergency out-of-home placement. | 798 |
The meeting shall be conducted before a nonemergency out-of-home | 799 |
placement. The family service coordination plan shall outline how | 800 |
the county council members will jointly pay for services, where | 801 |
applicable, and provide services in the least restrictive | 802 |
environment. | 803 |
(5) A procedure for monitoring the progress and tracking the | 804 |
outcomes of each service coordination plan requested in the county | 805 |
including monitoring and tracking children in out-of-home | 806 |
placements to assure continued progress, appropriateness of | 807 |
placement, and continuity of care after discharge from placement | 808 |
with appropriate arrangements for housing, treatment, and | 809 |
education; | 810 |
(6) A procedure for protecting the confidentiality of all | 811 |
personal family information disclosed during service coordination | 812 |
meetings or contained in the comprehensive family service | 813 |
coordination plan; | 814 |
(7) A procedure for assessing the needs and strengths of any | 815 |
child or family that has been referred to the council for service | 816 |
coordination, including a child whose parent or custodian is | 817 |
voluntarily seeking services, and for ensuring that parents and | 818 |
custodians are afforded the opportunity to participate; | 819 |
(8) A procedure for development of a family service | 820 |
coordination plan described in division (D) of this section; | 821 |
(9) A local dispute resolution process to serve as the | 822 |
process that must be used first to resolve disputes among the | 823 |
agencies represented on the county council concerning the | 824 |
provision of services to children, including children who are | 825 |
abused, neglected, dependent, unruly, alleged unruly, or | 826 |
delinquent children and under the jurisdiction of the juvenile | 827 |
court and children whose parents or custodians are voluntarily | 828 |
seeking services. The local dispute resolution process shall | 829 |
comply with sections 121.38, 121.381, and 121.382 of the Revised | 830 |
Code. The local dispute resolution process shall be used to | 831 |
resolve disputes between a child's parents or custodians and the | 832 |
county council regarding service coordination. The county council | 833 |
shall inform the parents or custodians of their right to use the | 834 |
dispute resolution process. Parents or custodians shall use | 835 |
existing local agency grievance procedures to address disputes not | 836 |
involving service coordination. The dispute resolution process is | 837 |
in addition to and does not replace other rights or procedures | 838 |
that parents or custodians may have under other sections of the | 839 |
Revised Code. | 840 |
The cabinet council shall adopt rules in accordance with | 841 |
Chapter 119. of the Revised Code establishing an administrative | 842 |
review process to address problems that arise concerning the | 843 |
operation of a local dispute resolution process. | 844 |
Nothing in division (C)(4) of this section shall be | 845 |
interpreted as overriding or affecting decisions of a juvenile | 846 |
court regarding an out-of-home placement, long-term placement, or | 847 |
emergency out-of-home placement. | 848 |
(D) Each county shall develop a family service coordination | 849 |
plan that does all of the following: | 850 |
(1) Designates service responsibilities among the various | 851 |
state and local agencies that provide services to children and | 852 |
their families, including children who are abused, neglected, | 853 |
dependent, unruly, or delinquent children and under the | 854 |
jurisdiction of the juvenile court and children whose parents or | 855 |
custodians are voluntarily seeking services; | 856 |
(2) Designates an individual, approved by the family, to | 857 |
track the progress of the family service coordination plan, | 858 |
schedule reviews as necessary, and facilitate the family service | 859 |
coordination plan meeting process; | 860 |
(3) Ensures that assistance and services to be provided are | 861 |
responsive to the strengths and needs of the family, as well as | 862 |
the family's culture, race, and ethnic group, by allowing the | 863 |
family to offer information and suggestions and participate in | 864 |
decisions. Identified assistance and services shall be provided in | 865 |
the least restrictive environment possible. | 866 |
(4) Includes a process for dealing with a child who is | 867 |
alleged to be an unruly child. The process shall include methods | 868 |
to divert the child from the juvenile court system; | 869 |
(5) Includes timelines for completion of goals specified in | 870 |
the plan with regular reviews scheduled to monitor progress toward | 871 |
those goals; | 872 |
(6) Includes a plan for dealing with short-term crisis | 873 |
situations and safety concerns. | 874 |
(E)(1) The process provided for under division (D)(4) of this | 875 |
section may include, but is not limited to, the following: | 876 |
(a) Designation of the person or agency to conduct the | 877 |
assessment of the child and the child's family as described in | 878 |
division (C)(7) of this section and designation of the instrument | 879 |
or instruments to be used to conduct the assessment; | 880 |
(b) An emphasis on the personal responsibilities of the child | 881 |
and the parental responsibilities of the parents, guardian, or | 882 |
custodian of the child; | 883 |
(c) Involvement of local law enforcement agencies and | 884 |
officials. | 885 |
(2) The method to divert a child from the juvenile court | 886 |
system that must be included in the service coordination process | 887 |
may include, but is not limited to, the following: | 888 |
(a) The preparation of a complaint under section 2151.27 of | 889 |
the Revised Code alleging that the child is an unruly child and | 890 |
notifying the child and the parents, guardian, or custodian that | 891 |
the complaint has been prepared to encourage the child and the | 892 |
parents, guardian, or custodian to comply with other methods to | 893 |
divert the child from the juvenile court system; | 894 |
(b) Conducting a meeting with the child, the parents, | 895 |
guardian, or custodian, and other interested parties to determine | 896 |
the appropriate methods to divert the child from the juvenile | 897 |
court system; | 898 |
(c) A method to provide to the child and the child's family a | 899 |
short-term respite from a short-term crisis situation involving a | 900 |
confrontation between the child and the parents, guardian, or | 901 |
custodian; | 902 |
(d) A program to provide a mentor to the child or the | 903 |
parents, guardian, or custodian; | 904 |
(e) A program to provide parenting education to the parents, | 905 |
guardian, or custodian; | 906 |
(f) An alternative school program for children who are truant | 907 |
from school, repeatedly disruptive in school, or suspended or | 908 |
expelled from school; | 909 |
(g) Other appropriate measures, including, but not limited | 910 |
to, any alternative methods to divert a child from the juvenile | 911 |
court system that are identified by the Ohio family and children | 912 |
first cabinet council. | 913 |
(F) Each county may review and revise the service | 914 |
coordination process described in division (D) of this section | 915 |
based on the availability of funds under Title IV-A of the "Social | 916 |
Security Act," 110 Stat. 2113 (1996), 42 U.S.C.A. 601, as amended, | 917 |
or to the extent resources are available from any other federal, | 918 |
state, or local funds. | 919 |
Sec. 135.801. (A) As used in sections 135.801 to 135.803 of | 920 |
the Revised Code, "eligible lending institution," "eligible | 921 |
organization," "investing authority," "residential facility," and | 922 |
"residential facility linked deposit program" have the same | 923 |
meanings as in section 5126.51 of the Revised Code. | 924 |
(B) The board of county commissioners may adopt a resolution | 925 |
implementing a residential facility linked deposit program under | 926 |
sections 5126.51 to 5126.62 of the Revised Code if it finds each | 927 |
of the following: | 928 |
(1) The county board of developmental disabilities has | 929 |
adopted a resolution under section 5126.49 of the Revised Code. | 930 |
(2) There is a shortage of residential facilities in the | 931 |
county for individuals with | 932 |
disabilities. | 933 |
(3) Eligible organizations, otherwise willing and able to | 934 |
develop residential facilities in the county, have been unable to | 935 |
do so because of high interest rates. | 936 |
(4) Placement of residential facility linked deposits will | 937 |
assist in financing the development of residential facilities in | 938 |
the county that otherwise would not be developed because of high | 939 |
interest rates. | 940 |
(5) Public moneys of the county are available for purposes of | 941 |
the residential facility linked deposit program. | 942 |
(6) At least one eligible lending institution has an office | 943 |
located within the territorial limits of the county into which the | 944 |
board may deposit the public moneys of the county. | 945 |
Sec. 145.012. (A) "Public employee," as defined in division | 946 |
(A) of section 145.01 of the Revised Code, does not include any | 947 |
person: | 948 |
(1) Who is employed by a private, temporary-help service and | 949 |
performs services under the direction of a public employer or is | 950 |
employed on a contractual basis as an independent contractor under | 951 |
a personal service contract with a public employer; | 952 |
(2) Who is an emergency employee serving on a temporary basis | 953 |
in case of fire, snow, earthquake, flood, or other similar | 954 |
emergency; | 955 |
(3) Who is employed in a program established pursuant to the | 956 |
"Job Training Partnership Act," 96 Stat. 1322 (1982), 29 U.S.C.A. | 957 |
1501; | 958 |
(4) Who is an appointed member of either the motor vehicle | 959 |
salvage dealers board or the motor vehicle dealer's board whose | 960 |
rate and method of payment are determined pursuant to division (J) | 961 |
of section 124.15 of the Revised Code; | 962 |
(5) Who is employed as an election worker and paid less than | 963 |
five hundred dollars per calendar year for that service; | 964 |
(6) Who is employed as a firefighter in a position requiring | 965 |
satisfactory completion of a firefighter training course approved | 966 |
under former section 3303.07 or section 4765.55 of the Revised | 967 |
Code or conducted under section 3737.33 of the Revised Code except | 968 |
for the following: | 969 |
(a) Any firefighter who has elected under section 145.013 of | 970 |
the Revised Code to remain a contributing member of the public | 971 |
employees retirement system; | 972 |
(b) Any firefighter who was eligible to transfer from the | 973 |
public employees retirement system to the Ohio police and fire | 974 |
pension fund under section 742.51 or 742.515 of the Revised Code | 975 |
and did not elect to transfer; | 976 |
(c) Any firefighter who has elected under section 742.516 of | 977 |
the Revised Code to transfer from the Ohio police and fire pension | 978 |
fund to the public employees retirement system. | 979 |
(7) Who is a member of the board of health of a city or | 980 |
general health district, which pursuant to sections 3709.051 and | 981 |
3709.07 of the Revised Code includes a combined health district, | 982 |
and whose compensation for attendance at meetings of the board is | 983 |
set forth in division (B) of section 3709.02 or division (B) of | 984 |
section 3709.05 of the Revised Code, as appropriate; | 985 |
(8) Who participates in an alternative retirement plan | 986 |
established under Chapter 3305. of the Revised Code; | 987 |
(9) Who is a member of the board of directors of a sanitary | 988 |
district established under Chapter 6115. of the Revised Code; | 989 |
(10) Who is a member of the unemployment compensation | 990 |
advisory council; | 991 |
(11) Who is an employee, officer, or governor-appointed | 992 |
member of the board of directors of the nonprofit corporation | 993 |
formed under section 187.01 of the Revised Code; | 994 |
(12) Who is employed by the nonprofit entity established to | 995 |
provide advocacy services and a client assistance program for | 996 |
people with disabilities under Section 319.20 of Am. Sub. H.B. 153 | 997 |
of the 129th general assembly and whose employment begins on or | 998 |
after October 1, 2012. | 999 |
(B) No inmate of a correctional institution operated by the | 1000 |
department of rehabilitation and correction, no patient in a | 1001 |
hospital for the mentally ill or criminally insane operated by the | 1002 |
department of mental health and addiction services, no resident in | 1003 |
an institution for | 1004 |
developmental disabilities that are intellectual disabilities | 1005 |
operated by the department of developmental disabilities, no | 1006 |
resident admitted as a patient of a veterans' home operated under | 1007 |
Chapter 5907. of the Revised Code, and no resident of a county | 1008 |
home shall be considered as a public employee for the purpose of | 1009 |
establishing membership or calculating service credit or benefits | 1010 |
under this chapter. Nothing in this division shall be construed to | 1011 |
affect any service credit attained by any person who was a public | 1012 |
employee before becoming an inmate, patient, or resident at any | 1013 |
institution listed in this division, or the payment of any benefit | 1014 |
for which such a person or such a person's beneficiaries otherwise | 1015 |
would be eligible. | 1016 |
Sec. 145.298. (A) As used in this section: | 1017 |
(1) "State employing unit" means an employing unit described | 1018 |
in division (A)(2) of section 145.297 of the Revised Code, except | 1019 |
that it does not mean an employing unit with fifty or fewer | 1020 |
employees. | 1021 |
(2) "State institution" means a state correctional facility, | 1022 |
a state institution for the mentally ill, or a state institution | 1023 |
for the care, treatment, and training of | 1024 |
persons with developmental disabilities that are intellectual | 1025 |
disabilities. | 1026 |
(B)(1) Prior to July 17, 2009, in the event of a proposal to | 1027 |
close a state institution or lay off, within a six-month period, a | 1028 |
number of persons employed at an institution that equals or | 1029 |
exceeds the lesser of fifty or ten per cent of the persons | 1030 |
employed at the institution, the employing unit responsible for | 1031 |
the institution's operation shall establish a retirement incentive | 1032 |
plan for persons employed at the institution. | 1033 |
(2) On and after July 17, 2009, in the event of a proposal to | 1034 |
close a state institution or lay off, within a six-month period, a | 1035 |
number of persons employed at an institution that equals or | 1036 |
exceeds the lesser of three hundred fifty or forty per cent of the | 1037 |
persons employed at the institution, the employing unit | 1038 |
responsible for the institution's operation shall establish a | 1039 |
retirement incentive plan for persons employed at the institution. | 1040 |
(C)(1) Prior to July 17, 2009, in the event of a proposal, | 1041 |
other than the proposals described in division (B) of this | 1042 |
section, to lay off, within a six-month period, a number of | 1043 |
employees of a state employing unit that equals or exceeds the | 1044 |
lesser of fifty or ten per cent of the employing unit's employees, | 1045 |
the employing unit shall establish a retirement incentive plan for | 1046 |
employees of the employing unit. | 1047 |
(2) On and after July 17, 2009, in the event of a proposal, | 1048 |
other than the proposals described in division (B) of this | 1049 |
section, to lay off, within a six-month period, a number of | 1050 |
employees of a state employing unit that equals or exceeds the | 1051 |
lesser of three hundred fifty or forty per cent of the employing | 1052 |
unit's employees, the employing unit shall establish a retirement | 1053 |
incentive plan for employees of the employing unit. | 1054 |
(D)(1) A retirement incentive plan established under this | 1055 |
section shall be consistent with the requirements of section | 1056 |
145.297 of the Revised Code, except that the plan shall go into | 1057 |
effect at the time the layoffs or proposed closings are announced | 1058 |
and shall remain in effect until the date of the layoffs or | 1059 |
closings. | 1060 |
(2) If the employing unit already has a retirement incentive | 1061 |
plan in effect, the plan shall remain in effect at least until the | 1062 |
date of the layoffs or closings. The employing unit may revise the | 1063 |
existing plan to provide greater benefits, but if it revises the | 1064 |
plan, it shall give written notice of the changes to all employees | 1065 |
who have elected to participate in the original plan, and it shall | 1066 |
provide the greater benefits to all employees who participate in | 1067 |
the plan, whether their elections to participate were made before | 1068 |
or after the date of the revision. | 1069 |
Sec. 149.431. (A) Except as provided in sections 9.833 and | 1070 |
2744.081 of the Revised Code, any governmental entity or agency | 1071 |
and any nonprofit corporation or association, except a corporation | 1072 |
organized pursuant to Chapter 1719. of the Revised Code prior to | 1073 |
January 1, 1980 or organized pursuant to Chapter 3941. of the | 1074 |
Revised Code, that enters into a contract or other agreement with | 1075 |
the federal government, a unit of state government, or a political | 1076 |
subdivision or taxing unit of this state for the provision of | 1077 |
services shall keep accurate and complete financial records of any | 1078 |
moneys expended in relation to the performance of the services | 1079 |
pursuant to such contract or agreement according to generally | 1080 |
accepted accounting principles. Such contract or agreement and | 1081 |
such financial records shall be deemed to be public records as | 1082 |
defined in division (A)(1) of section 149.43 of the Revised Code | 1083 |
and are subject to the requirements of division (B) of that | 1084 |
section, except that: | 1085 |
(1) Any information directly or indirectly identifying a | 1086 |
present or former individual patient or client or such an | 1087 |
individual patient's or client's diagnosis, prognosis, or medical | 1088 |
treatment, treatment for a mental or emotional disorder, treatment | 1089 |
for | 1090 |
for drug abuse or alcoholism, or counseling for personal or social | 1091 |
problems is not a public record; | 1092 |
(2) If disclosure of the contract or agreement or financial | 1093 |
records is requested at a time when confidential professional | 1094 |
services are being provided to a patient or client whose | 1095 |
confidentiality might be violated if disclosure were made at that | 1096 |
time, disclosure may be deferred if reasonable times are | 1097 |
established when the contract or agreement or financial records | 1098 |
will be disclosed. | 1099 |
(3) Any nonprofit corporation or association that receives | 1100 |
both public and private funds in fulfillment of any such contract | 1101 |
or other agreement is not required to keep as public records the | 1102 |
financial records of any private funds expended in relation to the | 1103 |
performance of services pursuant to the contract or agreement. | 1104 |
(B) Any nonprofit corporation or association that receives | 1105 |
more than fifty per cent of its gross receipts excluding moneys | 1106 |
received pursuant to Title XVIII of the "Social Security Act," 49 | 1107 |
Stat. 620 (1935), 42 U.S.C. 301, as amended, in a calendar year in | 1108 |
fulfillment of a contract or other agreement for services with a | 1109 |
governmental entity shall maintain information setting forth the | 1110 |
compensation of any individual serving the nonprofit corporation | 1111 |
or association in an executive or administrative capacity. Such | 1112 |
information shall be deemed to be public records as defined in | 1113 |
division (A)(1) of section 149.43 of the Revised Code and is | 1114 |
subject to the requirements of division (B) of that section. | 1115 |
Nothing in this section shall be construed to otherwise limit | 1116 |
the provisions of section 149.43 of the Revised Code. | 1117 |
Sec. 152.04. The Ohio building authority may purchase, | 1118 |
construct, reconstruct, equip, furnish, improve, alter, enlarge, | 1119 |
maintain, repair, and operate buildings, facilities, and other | 1120 |
properties on one or more sites within the state for use and | 1121 |
occupancy by persons who meet all the following conditions: | 1122 |
(A) Are eligible to receive old age, survivors', or | 1123 |
disability insurance payments under Title II of the "Social | 1124 |
Security Act," 49 Stat. 620 (1935), 42 U.S.C. 401, or under any | 1125 |
laws which may hereafter amend or supersede such chapters or | 1126 |
title; | 1127 |
(B) Have been, after September 27, 1963, discharged by the | 1128 |
head of a hospital pursuant to section 5122.21 of the Revised Code | 1129 |
or by the head of an institution pursuant to section 5123.79 of | 1130 |
the Revised Code; | 1131 |
(C) Are determined by the authority not to need the care and | 1132 |
treatment provided in a hospital or other institution; | 1133 |
(D) Are determined by the authority to be unable, as a result | 1134 |
of mental illness | 1135 |
disability, to provide complete care for themselves or obtain and | 1136 |
hold employment sufficient to provide the costs of living. | 1137 |
The authority may also provide living facilities for | 1138 |
administrative, professional, and other personnel and their | 1139 |
families necessary to maintain or operate the facilities and to | 1140 |
carry out the purposes of the authority. | 1141 |
Sec. 173.25. The office of the state long-term care | 1142 |
ombudsman program shall, in carrying out the provisions and | 1143 |
purposes of sections 173.14 to 173.26 of the Revised Code, advise, | 1144 |
consult, and cooperate with any agency, program, or other entity | 1145 |
related to the purposes of the office. Any agency, program, or | 1146 |
other entity related to the purposes of the office shall advise, | 1147 |
consult, and cooperate with the office. | 1148 |
The office shall attempt to establish effective coordination | 1149 |
with government-sponsored programs that provide legal services to | 1150 |
the elderly and with protective and advocacy programs for | 1151 |
individuals with developmental disabilities | 1152 |
or mental illness. | 1153 |
Sec. 305.07. (A) Special sessions of the board of county | 1154 |
commissioners may be held as often as the commissioners deem it | 1155 |
necessary. At a regular or special session, the board may make any | 1156 |
necessary order or contract in relation to the building, | 1157 |
furnishing, repairing, or insuring of public buildings or bridges; | 1158 |
the employment of janitors; the improvements or enclosure of | 1159 |
public grounds; the maintenance or support of
| 1160 |
1161 | |
or of the mentally ill; the expenditure of any fund; or the board | 1162 |
may provide for the reconstruction or repair of any bridge | 1163 |
destroyed by fire, flood, or otherwise. The board shall comply | 1164 |
with division (F) of section 121.22 of the Revised Code. The board | 1165 |
may do any other official act not, by law, restricted to a | 1166 |
particular regular session. | 1167 |
(B) The board of county commissioners may provide by | 1168 |
resolution for the holding of special sessions of the board at a | 1169 |
location in the county other than the usual office of the board at | 1170 |
the county seat. The adoption of the resolution and the location | 1171 |
where the sessions will be held shall be entered on the journal of | 1172 |
the board. The board shall give reasonable public notice of its | 1173 |
action taken pursuant to this division, in accordance with | 1174 |
division (F) of section 121.22 of the Revised Code. | 1175 |
Sec. 307.02. The board of county commissioners of any | 1176 |
county, in addition to its other powers, may purchase, for cash or | 1177 |
by installment payments, enter into lease-purchase agreements, | 1178 |
lease with option to purchase, lease, appropriate, construct, | 1179 |
enlarge, improve, rebuild, equip, and furnish a courthouse, county | 1180 |
offices, jail, county home, juvenile court building, detention | 1181 |
facility, public market houses, retail store rooms and offices, if | 1182 |
located in a building acquired to house county offices, for which | 1183 |
store rooms or offices the board of county commissioners may | 1184 |
establish and collect rents or enter into leases as provided in | 1185 |
section 307.09 of the Revised Code, county children's home, | 1186 |
community mental health facility, community
| 1187 |
developmental | 1188 |
senior citizens, alcohol treatment and control center, other | 1189 |
necessary buildings, public stadiums, public auditorium, | 1190 |
exhibition hall, zoological park, public library buildings, golf | 1191 |
courses, and off-street parking facilities determined by the board | 1192 |
of county commissioners to be so situated as to be useful for any | 1193 |
of such purposes or any combination of such purposes, for the use | 1194 |
of which parking facilities the board of county commissioners may | 1195 |
establish and collect rates, charges, or rents, and sites | 1196 |
therefor, such real estate adjoining an existing site as is | 1197 |
necessary for any of such purposes, including real estate | 1198 |
necessary to afford light, air, protection from fire, suitable | 1199 |
surroundings, ingress, and egress; such copies of any public | 1200 |
records of such county, made or reproduced by miniature | 1201 |
photography or microfilm, as are necessary for the protection and | 1202 |
preservation of public records of such county. | 1203 |
The board of county commissioners of any county may lease for | 1204 |
a period not to exceed forty years, pursuant to a contract | 1205 |
providing for the construction thereof under a lease-purchase | 1206 |
plan, those buildings, structures, and other improvements | 1207 |
enumerated in the first paragraph of this section, and in | 1208 |
conjunction therewith, may grant leases, easements, or licenses | 1209 |
for lands under the control of the county for a period not to | 1210 |
exceed forty years. Such lease-purchase plan shall provide that at | 1211 |
the end of the lease period such buildings, structures, and | 1212 |
related improvements, together with the land on which they are | 1213 |
situated, shall become the property of the county without cost. | 1214 |
Whenever any building, structure or other improvement is to | 1215 |
be so leased by a county, the board of county commissioners shall | 1216 |
file in the office of the board, if the board has a full-time | 1217 |
clerk, or in the office of the county auditor such basic plans, | 1218 |
specifications, bills of materials, and estimates of cost with | 1219 |
sufficient detail to afford bidders all needed information, or | 1220 |
alternatively, shall file the following plans, details, bills of | 1221 |
materials, and specifications: | 1222 |
(A) Full and accurate plans, suitable for the use of | 1223 |
mechanics and other builders in such construction, improvement, | 1224 |
addition, alteration, or installation; | 1225 |
(B) Details to scale and full sized, so drawn and represented | 1226 |
as to be easily understood; | 1227 |
(C) Accurate bills showing the exact quantity of different | 1228 |
kinds of material necessary to the construction; | 1229 |
(D) Definite and complete specifications of the work to be | 1230 |
performed, together with such directions as will enable a | 1231 |
competent mechanic or other builder to carry them out and afford | 1232 |
bidders all needed information; | 1233 |
(E) A full and accurate estimate of each item of expense and | 1234 |
of the aggregate cost thereof. | 1235 |
The board of county commissioners shall invite bids in the | 1236 |
manner prescribed in sections 307.86 to 307.92 of the Revised | 1237 |
Code. Such bids shall contain the terms upon which the builder | 1238 |
would propose to lease the building, structure, or other | 1239 |
improvement to the county. The form of the bid approved by the | 1240 |
board of county commissioners shall be used and a bid shall be | 1241 |
invalid and not considered unless such form is used without | 1242 |
change, alteration, or addition. | 1243 |
Before submitting bids pursuant to this section, any builder | 1244 |
shall have complied with sections 153.50 to 153.52 of the Revised | 1245 |
Code. | 1246 |
On the day and at the place named for receiving bids for | 1247 |
entering into lease agreements with the county, the board of | 1248 |
county commissioners shall open the bids, and shall publicly | 1249 |
proceed immediately to tabulate the bids. No such lease agreement | 1250 |
shall be entered into until the bureau of workers' compensation | 1251 |
has certified that the corporation, partnership, or person to be | 1252 |
awarded the lease agreement has complied with Chapter 4123. of the | 1253 |
Revised Code, and until, if the builder submitting the lowest and | 1254 |
best bid is a foreign corporation, the secretary of state has | 1255 |
certified that such corporation is authorized to do business in | 1256 |
this state, and until, if the builder submitting the lowest and | 1257 |
best bid is a person or partnership nonresident of this state, | 1258 |
such person or partnership has filed with the secretary of state a | 1259 |
power of attorney designating the secretary of state as its agent | 1260 |
for the purpose of accepting service of summons in any action | 1261 |
brought under Chapter 4123. of the Revised Code, and until the | 1262 |
agreement is submitted to the county prosecutor and the county | 1263 |
prosecutor's approval certified thereon. Within thirty days after | 1264 |
the day on which the bids are received, the board of county | 1265 |
commissioners shall investigate the bids received and shall | 1266 |
determine that the bureau and the secretary of state have made the | 1267 |
certifications required by this section of the builder who has | 1268 |
submitted the lowest and best bid. Within ten days of the | 1269 |
completion of the investigation of the bids the board of county | 1270 |
commissioners may award the lease agreement to the builder who has | 1271 |
submitted the lowest and best bid and who has been certified by | 1272 |
the bureau and secretary of state as required by this section. If | 1273 |
bidding for the lease agreement has been conducted upon the basis | 1274 |
of basic plans, specifications, bills of materials, and estimates | 1275 |
of costs, upon the award to the builder, the board of county | 1276 |
commissioners, or the builder with the approval of the board of | 1277 |
county commissioners, shall appoint an architect or engineer | 1278 |
licensed in Ohio to prepare such further detailed plans, | 1279 |
specifications, and bills of materials as are required to | 1280 |
construct the buildings, structures, and other improvements | 1281 |
enumerated in the first paragraph of this section. The board of | 1282 |
county commissioners may reject any bid. Where there is reason to | 1283 |
believe there is collusion or combination among the bidders, the | 1284 |
bids of those concerned therein shall be rejected. | 1285 |
Sec. 313.12. (A) When any person dies as a result of criminal | 1286 |
or other violent means, by casualty, by suicide, or in any | 1287 |
suspicious or unusual manner, when any person, including a child | 1288 |
under two years of age, dies suddenly when in apparent good | 1289 |
health, or when any | 1290 |
1291 | |
the circumstances, the physician called in attendance, or any | 1292 |
member of an ambulance service, emergency squad, or law | 1293 |
enforcement agency who obtains knowledge thereof arising from the | 1294 |
person's duties, shall immediately notify the office of the | 1295 |
coroner of the known facts concerning the time, place, manner, and | 1296 |
circumstances of the death, and any other information that is | 1297 |
required pursuant to sections 313.01 to 313.22 of the Revised | 1298 |
Code. In such cases, if a request is made for cremation, the | 1299 |
funeral director called in attendance shall immediately notify the | 1300 |
coroner. | 1301 |
(B) As used in this section, | 1302 |
" | 1303 |
1304 | |
Revised Code. | 1305 |
Sec. 325.07. In addition to the compensation and salary | 1306 |
provided by section 325.06 of the Revised Code, the board of | 1307 |
county commissioners shall make allowances monthly to each sheriff | 1308 |
for | 1309 |
the sheriff in pursuing within or without the state or | 1310 |
transporting persons accused or convicted of crimes and offenses, | 1311 |
for any expenses incurred in conveying and transferring persons to | 1312 |
or from any state hospital for the mentally ill, any institution | 1313 |
| 1314 |
that are intellectual disabilities, any institution operated by | 1315 |
the youth commission, children's homes, county homes, and all | 1316 |
similar institutions, and for all expenses of maintaining | 1317 |
transportation facilities necessary to the proper administration | 1318 |
of the duties of | 1319 |
The board shall allow the sheriff | 1320 |
transportation expense and telephone tolls expended by the sheriff | 1321 |
in serving civil processes and subpoenaing witnesses in civil and | 1322 |
criminal cases and before the grand jury, and it may allow any | 1323 |
other necessary transportation expense for the proper | 1324 |
administration of the duties of | 1325 |
sheriff shall file under oath a monthly report containing a full, | 1326 |
accurate, and itemized account of all | 1327 |
necessary expenses, including telephone tolls and any other | 1328 |
transportation expense mentioned in this section, before the | 1329 |
expense is allowed by the board. The statement shall show the | 1330 |
number of the case, the court in which the service was rendered, | 1331 |
and the point from which a transportation vehicle was used. | 1332 |
For the purpose of making available to the sheriff funds | 1333 |
necessary in the performance of the duties required | 1334 |
this section, the board may authorize, as an advancement to the | 1335 |
sheriff, a sum not exceeding fifty per cent of | 1336 |
annual salary, from appropriations made to | 1337 |
board for pursuing prisoners within or without the state or for | 1338 |
transporting the prisoners to correctional institutions, or both, | 1339 |
and for transporting persons to the institutions enumerated in | 1340 |
this section, from which sum of money so advanced the necessary | 1341 |
expenses for the transportation or pursuance may be paid by the | 1342 |
sheriff. The county auditor shall draw | 1343 |
county treasurer, in favor of the sheriff, as authorized by the | 1344 |
board. | 1345 |
After the itemized monthly report provided for in this | 1346 |
section has been filed by the sheriff and approved and allowed by | 1347 |
the board, the board shall restore to the fund the amount expended | 1348 |
and disbursed by the sheriff, as approved and allowed by the | 1349 |
board. | 1350 |
Any unexpended balance of such fund remaining in the hands of | 1351 |
the sheriff, at the end of each succeeding fiscal year, shall be | 1352 |
returned and paid into the county treasury by the sheriff. | 1353 |
Sec. 711.23. As used in this section, "incompetent person" | 1354 |
means a person who is so mentally impaired as a result of a mental | 1355 |
or physical illness or disability, or | 1356 |
developmental disability that is an intellectual disability, or as | 1357 |
a result of chronic substance abuse, that the person is incapable | 1358 |
of taking proper care of the person's self or property or fails to | 1359 |
provide for the person's family or other persons for whom the | 1360 |
person is charged by law to provide. | 1361 |
If the court of common pleas is of the opinion that any | 1362 |
person owning a lot in a plat, addition, or part thereof proposed | 1363 |
to be vacated or altered, and not assenting to such vacation or | 1364 |
alteration, will sustain damage thereby, it may proceed to hear | 1365 |
proof in reference thereto, and may render judgment against the | 1366 |
petitioners for such damages as it thinks proper and just, to be | 1367 |
assessed ratably against the petitioners by the court, according | 1368 |
to the value of the property owned by the petitioners as it stands | 1369 |
taxed on the tax list of the county. When necessary, the court | 1370 |
shall appoint a guardian ad litem for all minors or incompetent | 1371 |
persons interested in the premises. The judgment of the court | 1372 |
vacating such plat, addition, or parts thereof, shall be | 1373 |
conditioned upon the payment of the damages thus assessed. | 1374 |
Sec. 1751.01. As used in this chapter: | 1375 |
(A)(1) "Basic health care services" means the following | 1376 |
services when medically necessary: | 1377 |
(a) Physician's services, except when such services are | 1378 |
supplemental under division (B) of this section; | 1379 |
(b) Inpatient hospital services; | 1380 |
(c) Outpatient medical services; | 1381 |
(d) Emergency health services; | 1382 |
(e) Urgent care services; | 1383 |
(f) Diagnostic laboratory services and diagnostic and | 1384 |
therapeutic radiologic services; | 1385 |
(g) Diagnostic and treatment services, other than | 1386 |
prescription drug services, for biologically based mental | 1387 |
illnesses; | 1388 |
(h) Preventive health care services, including, but not | 1389 |
limited to, voluntary family planning services, infertility | 1390 |
services, periodic physical examinations, prenatal obstetrical | 1391 |
care, and well-child care; | 1392 |
(i) Routine patient care for patients enrolled in an eligible | 1393 |
cancer clinical trial pursuant to section 3923.80 of the Revised | 1394 |
Code. | 1395 |
"Basic health care services" does not include experimental | 1396 |
procedures. | 1397 |
Except as provided by divisions (A)(2) and (3) of this | 1398 |
section in connection with the offering of coverage for diagnostic | 1399 |
and treatment services for biologically based mental illnesses, a | 1400 |
health insuring corporation shall not offer coverage for a health | 1401 |
care service, defined as a basic health care service by this | 1402 |
division, unless it offers coverage for all listed basic health | 1403 |
care services. However, this requirement does not apply to the | 1404 |
coverage of beneficiaries enrolled in medicare pursuant to a | 1405 |
medicare contract, or to the coverage of beneficiaries enrolled in | 1406 |
the federal employee health benefits program pursuant to 5 | 1407 |
U.S.C.A. 8905, or to the coverage of medicaid recipients, or to | 1408 |
the coverage of beneficiaries under any federal health care | 1409 |
program regulated by a federal regulatory body, or to the coverage | 1410 |
of beneficiaries under any contract covering officers or employees | 1411 |
of the state that has been entered into by the department of | 1412 |
administrative services. | 1413 |
(2) A health insuring corporation may offer coverage for | 1414 |
diagnostic and treatment services for biologically based mental | 1415 |
illnesses without offering coverage for all other basic health | 1416 |
care services. A health insuring corporation may offer coverage | 1417 |
for diagnostic and treatment services for biologically based | 1418 |
mental illnesses alone or in combination with one or more | 1419 |
supplemental health care services. However, a health insuring | 1420 |
corporation that offers coverage for any other basic health care | 1421 |
service shall offer coverage for diagnostic and treatment services | 1422 |
for biologically based mental illnesses in combination with the | 1423 |
offer of coverage for all other listed basic health care services. | 1424 |
(3) A health insuring corporation that offers coverage for | 1425 |
basic health care services is not required to offer coverage for | 1426 |
diagnostic and treatment services for biologically based mental | 1427 |
illnesses in combination with the offer of coverage for all other | 1428 |
listed basic health care services if all of the following apply: | 1429 |
(a) The health insuring corporation submits documentation | 1430 |
certified by an independent member of the American academy of | 1431 |
actuaries to the superintendent of insurance showing that incurred | 1432 |
claims for diagnostic and treatment services for biologically | 1433 |
based mental illnesses for a period of at least six months | 1434 |
independently caused the health insuring corporation's costs for | 1435 |
claims and administrative expenses for the coverage of basic | 1436 |
health care services to increase by more than one per cent per | 1437 |
year. | 1438 |
(b) The health insuring corporation submits a signed letter | 1439 |
from an independent member of the American academy of actuaries to | 1440 |
the superintendent of insurance opining that the increase in costs | 1441 |
described in division (A)(3)(a) of this section could reasonably | 1442 |
justify an increase of more than one per cent in the annual | 1443 |
premiums or rates charged by the health insuring corporation for | 1444 |
the coverage of basic health care services. | 1445 |
(c) The superintendent of insurance makes the following | 1446 |
determinations from the documentation and opinion submitted | 1447 |
pursuant to divisions (A)(3)(a) and (b) of this section: | 1448 |
(i) Incurred claims for diagnostic and treatment services for | 1449 |
biologically based mental illnesses for a period of at least six | 1450 |
months independently caused the health insuring corporation's | 1451 |
costs for claims and administrative expenses for the coverage of | 1452 |
basic health care services to increase by more than one per cent | 1453 |
per year. | 1454 |
(ii) The increase in costs reasonably justifies an increase | 1455 |
of more than one per cent in the annual premiums or rates charged | 1456 |
by the health insuring corporation for the coverage of basic | 1457 |
health care services. | 1458 |
Any determination made by the superintendent under this | 1459 |
division is subject to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. | 1460 |
(B)(1) "Supplemental health care services" means any health | 1461 |
care services other than basic health care services that a health | 1462 |
insuring corporation may offer, alone or in combination with | 1463 |
either basic health care services or other supplemental health | 1464 |
care services, and includes: | 1465 |
(a) Services of facilities for intermediate or long-term | 1466 |
care, or both; | 1467 |
(b) Dental care services; | 1468 |
(c) Vision care and optometric services including lenses and | 1469 |
frames; | 1470 |
(d) Podiatric care or foot care services; | 1471 |
(e) Mental health services, excluding diagnostic and | 1472 |
treatment services for biologically based mental illnesses; | 1473 |
(f) Short-term outpatient evaluative and crisis-intervention | 1474 |
mental health services; | 1475 |
(g) Medical or psychological treatment and referral services | 1476 |
for alcohol and drug abuse or addiction; | 1477 |
(h) Home health services; | 1478 |
(i) Prescription drug services; | 1479 |
(j) Nursing services; | 1480 |
(k) Services of a dietitian licensed under Chapter 4759. of | 1481 |
the Revised Code; | 1482 |
(l) Physical therapy services; | 1483 |
(m) Chiropractic services; | 1484 |
(n) Any other category of services approved by the | 1485 |
superintendent of insurance. | 1486 |
(2) If a health insuring corporation offers prescription drug | 1487 |
services under this division, the coverage shall include | 1488 |
prescription drug services for the treatment of biologically based | 1489 |
mental illnesses on the same terms and conditions as other | 1490 |
physical diseases and disorders. | 1491 |
(C) "Specialty health care services" means one of the | 1492 |
supplemental health care services listed in division (B) of this | 1493 |
section, when provided by a health insuring corporation on an | 1494 |
outpatient-only basis and not in combination with other | 1495 |
supplemental health care services. | 1496 |
(D) "Biologically based mental illnesses" means | 1497 |
schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, major depressive | 1498 |
disorder, bipolar disorder, paranoia and other psychotic | 1499 |
disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and panic disorder, as | 1500 |
these terms are defined in the most recent edition of the | 1501 |
diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders published by | 1502 |
the American psychiatric association. | 1503 |
(E) "Closed panel plan" means a health care plan that | 1504 |
requires enrollees to use participating providers. | 1505 |
(F) "Compensation" means remuneration for the provision of | 1506 |
health care services, determined on other than a fee-for-service | 1507 |
or discounted-fee-for-service basis. | 1508 |
(G) "Contractual periodic prepayment" means the formula for | 1509 |
determining the premium rate for all subscribers of a health | 1510 |
insuring corporation. | 1511 |
(H) "Corporation" means a corporation formed under Chapter | 1512 |
1701. or 1702. of the Revised Code or the similar laws of another | 1513 |
state. | 1514 |
(I) "Emergency health services" means those health care | 1515 |
services that must be available on a seven-days-per-week, | 1516 |
twenty-four-hours-per-day basis in order to prevent jeopardy to an | 1517 |
enrollee's health status that would occur if such services were | 1518 |
not received as soon as possible, and includes, where appropriate, | 1519 |
provisions for transportation and indemnity payments or service | 1520 |
agreements for out-of-area coverage. | 1521 |
(J) "Enrollee" means any natural person who is entitled to | 1522 |
receive health care benefits provided by a health insuring | 1523 |
corporation. | 1524 |
(K) "Evidence of coverage" means any certificate, agreement, | 1525 |
policy, or contract issued to a subscriber that sets out the | 1526 |
coverage and other rights to which such person is entitled under a | 1527 |
health care plan. | 1528 |
(L) "Health care facility" means any facility, except a | 1529 |
health care practitioner's office, that provides preventive, | 1530 |
diagnostic, therapeutic, acute convalescent, rehabilitation, | 1531 |
mental health, | 1532 |
intermediate care, or skilled nursing services. | 1533 |
(M) "Health care services" means basic, supplemental, and | 1534 |
specialty health care services. | 1535 |
(N) "Health delivery network" means any group of providers or | 1536 |
health care facilities, or both, or any representative thereof, | 1537 |
that have entered into an agreement to offer health care services | 1538 |
in a panel rather than on an individual basis. | 1539 |
(O) "Health insuring corporation" means a corporation, as | 1540 |
defined in division (H) of this section, that, pursuant to a | 1541 |
policy, contract, certificate, or agreement, pays for, reimburses, | 1542 |
or provides, delivers, arranges for, or otherwise makes available, | 1543 |
basic health care services, supplemental health care services, or | 1544 |
specialty health care services, or a combination of basic health | 1545 |
care services and either supplemental health care services or | 1546 |
specialty health care services, through either an open panel plan | 1547 |
or a closed panel plan. | 1548 |
"Health insuring corporation" does not include a limited | 1549 |
liability company formed pursuant to Chapter 1705. of the Revised | 1550 |
Code, an insurer licensed under Title XXXIX of the Revised Code if | 1551 |
that insurer offers only open panel plans under which all | 1552 |
providers and health care facilities participating receive their | 1553 |
compensation directly from the insurer, a corporation formed by or | 1554 |
on behalf of a political subdivision or a department, office, or | 1555 |
institution of the state, or a public entity formed by or on | 1556 |
behalf of a board of county commissioners, a county board of | 1557 |
developmental disabilities, an alcohol and drug addiction services | 1558 |
board, a board of alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health | 1559 |
services, or a community mental health board, as those terms are | 1560 |
used in Chapters 340. and 5126. of the Revised Code. Except as | 1561 |
provided by division (D) of section 1751.02 of the Revised Code, | 1562 |
or as otherwise provided by law, no board, commission, agency, or | 1563 |
other entity under the control of a political subdivision may | 1564 |
accept insurance risk in providing for health care services. | 1565 |
However, nothing in this division shall be construed as | 1566 |
prohibiting such entities from purchasing the services of a health | 1567 |
insuring corporation or a third-party administrator licensed under | 1568 |
Chapter 3959. of the Revised Code. | 1569 |
(P) "Intermediary organization" means a health delivery | 1570 |
network or other entity that contracts with licensed health | 1571 |
insuring corporations or self-insured employers, or both, to | 1572 |
provide health care services, and that enters into contractual | 1573 |
arrangements with other entities for the provision of health care | 1574 |
services for the purpose of fulfilling the terms of its contracts | 1575 |
with the health insuring corporations and self-insured employers. | 1576 |
(Q) "Intermediate care" means residential care above the | 1577 |
level of room and board for patients who require personal | 1578 |
assistance and health-related services, but who do not require | 1579 |
skilled nursing care. | 1580 |
(R) "Medical record" means the personal information that | 1581 |
relates to an individual's physical or mental condition, medical | 1582 |
history, or medical treatment. | 1583 |
(S)(1) "Open panel plan" means a health care plan that | 1584 |
provides incentives for enrollees to use participating providers | 1585 |
and that also allows enrollees to use providers that are not | 1586 |
participating providers. | 1587 |
(2) No health insuring corporation may offer an open panel | 1588 |
plan, unless the health insuring corporation is also licensed as | 1589 |
an insurer under Title XXXIX of the Revised Code, the health | 1590 |
insuring corporation, on June 4, 1997, holds a certificate of | 1591 |
authority or license to operate under Chapter 1736. or 1740. of | 1592 |
the Revised Code, or an insurer licensed under Title XXXIX of the | 1593 |
Revised Code is responsible for the out-of-network risk as | 1594 |
evidenced by both an evidence of coverage filing under section | 1595 |
1751.11 of the Revised Code and a policy and certificate filing | 1596 |
under section 3923.02 of the Revised Code. | 1597 |
(T) "Osteopathic hospital" means a hospital registered under | 1598 |
section 3701.07 of the Revised Code that advocates osteopathic | 1599 |
principles and the practice and perpetuation of osteopathic | 1600 |
medicine by doing any of the following: | 1601 |
(1) Maintaining a department or service of osteopathic | 1602 |
medicine or a committee on the utilization of osteopathic | 1603 |
principles and methods, under the supervision of an osteopathic | 1604 |
physician; | 1605 |
(2) Maintaining an active medical staff, the majority of | 1606 |
which is comprised of osteopathic physicians; | 1607 |
(3) Maintaining a medical staff executive committee that has | 1608 |
osteopathic physicians as a majority of its members. | 1609 |
(U) "Panel" means a group of providers or health care | 1610 |
facilities that have joined together to deliver health care | 1611 |
services through a contractual arrangement with a health insuring | 1612 |
corporation, employer group, or other payor. | 1613 |
(V) "Person" has the same meaning as in section 1.59 of the | 1614 |
Revised Code, and, unless the context otherwise requires, includes | 1615 |
any insurance company holding a certificate of authority under | 1616 |
Title XXXIX of the Revised Code, any subsidiary and affiliate of | 1617 |
an insurance company, and any government agency. | 1618 |
(W) "Premium rate" means any set fee regularly paid by a | 1619 |
subscriber to a health insuring corporation. A "premium rate" does | 1620 |
not include a one-time membership fee, an annual administrative | 1621 |
fee, or a nominal access fee, paid to a managed health care system | 1622 |
under which the recipient of health care services remains solely | 1623 |
responsible for any charges accessed for those services by the | 1624 |
provider or health care facility. | 1625 |
(X) "Primary care provider" means a provider that is | 1626 |
designated by a health insuring corporation to supervise, | 1627 |
coordinate, or provide initial care or continuing care to an | 1628 |
enrollee, and that may be required by the health insuring | 1629 |
corporation to initiate a referral for specialty care and to | 1630 |
maintain supervision of the health care services rendered to the | 1631 |
enrollee. | 1632 |
(Y) "Provider" means any natural person or partnership of | 1633 |
natural persons who are licensed, certified, accredited, or | 1634 |
otherwise authorized in this state to furnish health care | 1635 |
services, or any professional association organized under Chapter | 1636 |
1785. of the Revised Code, provided that nothing in this chapter | 1637 |
or other provisions of law shall be construed to preclude a health | 1638 |
insuring corporation, health care practitioner, or organized | 1639 |
health care group associated with a health insuring corporation | 1640 |
from employing certified nurse practitioners, certified nurse | 1641 |
anesthetists, clinical nurse specialists, certified | 1642 |
nurse-midwives, dietitians, physician assistants, dental | 1643 |
assistants, dental hygienists, optometric technicians, or other | 1644 |
allied health personnel who are licensed, certified, accredited, | 1645 |
or otherwise authorized in this state to furnish health care | 1646 |
services. | 1647 |
(Z) "Provider sponsored organization" means a corporation, as | 1648 |
defined in division (H) of this section, that is at least eighty | 1649 |
per cent owned or controlled by one or more hospitals, as defined | 1650 |
in section 3727.01 of the Revised Code, or one or more physicians | 1651 |
licensed to practice medicine or surgery or osteopathic medicine | 1652 |
and surgery under Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code, or any | 1653 |
combination of such physicians and hospitals. Such control is | 1654 |
presumed to exist if at least eighty per cent of the voting rights | 1655 |
or governance rights of a provider sponsored organization are | 1656 |
directly or indirectly owned, controlled, or otherwise held by any | 1657 |
combination of the physicians and hospitals described in this | 1658 |
division. | 1659 |
(AA) "Solicitation document" means the written materials | 1660 |
provided to prospective subscribers or enrollees, or both, and | 1661 |
used for advertising and marketing to induce enrollment in the | 1662 |
health care plans of a health insuring corporation. | 1663 |
(BB) "Subscriber" means a person who is responsible for | 1664 |
making payments to a health insuring corporation for participation | 1665 |
in a health care plan, or an enrollee whose employment or other | 1666 |
status is the basis of eligibility for enrollment in a health | 1667 |
insuring corporation. | 1668 |
(CC) "Urgent care services" means those health care services | 1669 |
that are appropriately provided for an unforeseen condition of a | 1670 |
kind that usually requires medical attention without delay but | 1671 |
that does not pose a threat to the life, limb, or permanent health | 1672 |
of the injured or ill person, and may include such health care | 1673 |
services provided out of the health insuring corporation's | 1674 |
approved service area pursuant to indemnity payments or service | 1675 |
agreements. | 1676 |
Sec. 1751.14. (A) Notwithstanding section 3901.71 of the | 1677 |
Revised Code, any policy, contract, or agreement for health care | 1678 |
services authorized by this chapter that is issued, delivered, or | 1679 |
renewed in this state and that provides that coverage of an | 1680 |
unmarried dependent child will terminate upon attainment of the | 1681 |
limiting age for dependent children specified in the policy, | 1682 |
contract, or agreement, shall also provide in substance both of | 1683 |
the following: | 1684 |
(1) Once an unmarried child has attained the limiting age for | 1685 |
dependent children, as provided in the policy, contract, or | 1686 |
agreement, upon the request of the subscriber, the health insuring | 1687 |
corporation shall offer to cover the unmarried child until the | 1688 |
child attains twenty-eight years of age if all of the following | 1689 |
are true: | 1690 |
(a) The child is the natural child, stepchild, or adopted | 1691 |
child of the subscriber. | 1692 |
(b) The child is a resident of this state or a full-time | 1693 |
student at an accredited public or private institution of higher | 1694 |
education. | 1695 |
(c) The child is not employed by an employer that offers any | 1696 |
health benefit plan under which the child is eligible for | 1697 |
coverage. | 1698 |
(d) The child is not eligible for coverage under the medicaid | 1699 |
program or the medicare program. | 1700 |
(2) That attainment of the limiting age for dependent | 1701 |
children shall not operate to terminate the coverage of a | 1702 |
dependent child if the child is and continues to be both of the | 1703 |
following: | 1704 |
(a) Incapable of self-sustaining employment by reason of | 1705 |
1706 | |
disability that is an intellectual disability; | 1707 |
(b) Primarily dependent upon the subscriber for support and | 1708 |
maintenance. | 1709 |
(B) Proof of incapacity and dependence for purposes of | 1710 |
division (A)(2) of this section shall be furnished to the health | 1711 |
insuring corporation within thirty-one days of the child's | 1712 |
attainment of the limiting age. Upon request, but not more | 1713 |
frequently than annually, the health insuring corporation may | 1714 |
require proof satisfactory to it of the continuance of such | 1715 |
incapacity and dependency. | 1716 |
(C) Nothing in this section shall do any of the following: | 1717 |
(1) Require that any policy, contract, or agreement offer | 1718 |
coverage for dependent children or provide coverage for an | 1719 |
unmarried dependent child's children as dependents on the policy, | 1720 |
contract, or agreement; | 1721 |
(2) Require an employer to pay for any part of the premium | 1722 |
for an unmarried dependent child that has attained the limiting | 1723 |
age for dependents, as provided in the policy, contract, or | 1724 |
agreement; | 1725 |
(3) Require an employer to offer health insurance coverage to | 1726 |
the dependents of any employee. | 1727 |
(D) This section does not apply to any health insuring | 1728 |
corporation policy, contract, or agreement offering only | 1729 |
supplemental health care services or specialty health care | 1730 |
services. | 1731 |
(E) As used in this section, "health benefit plan" has the | 1732 |
same meaning as in section 3924.01 of the Revised Code and also | 1733 |
includes both of the following: | 1734 |
(1) A public employee benefit plan; | 1735 |
(2) A health benefit plan as regulated under the "Employee | 1736 |
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974," 29 U.S.C. 1001, et seq. | 1737 |
Sec. 2101.17. The fees enumerated in this section shall be | 1738 |
paid to the probate court from the county treasury upon the | 1739 |
warrant of the county auditor which shall issue upon the | 1740 |
certificate of the probate judge and shall be in full for all | 1741 |
services rendered in the respective proceedings as follows: | 1742 |
(A) | For each hearing to determine if a person is a mentally ill individual subject to hospitalization when the person is committed to a state hospital or to relatives | 1743 | |||||
$ | 12.00; | 1744 | |||||
(B) | When the person is discharged | 1745 | |||||
7.00; | 1746 | ||||||
(C) | For order of return of a mentally ill person to a state hospital or removal therefrom | 1747 | |||||
2.00; | 1748 | ||||||
(D) | For proceedings for committing a person to an institution for |
1749 | |||||
10.00; | 1750 | ||||||
(E) | For habeas corpus proceedings when a person is confined under color of proceedings in a criminal case and is discharged | 1751 | |||||
10.00; | 1752 | ||||||
(F) | When acting as a juvenile judge, for each case filed against a |
1753 | |||||
5.00; | 1754 | ||||||
(G) | For proceedings to take a child from parents or other persons having control thereof | 1755 | |||||
5.00. | 1756 |
Sec. 2101.24. (A)(1) Except as otherwise provided by law, | 1757 |
the probate court has exclusive jurisdiction: | 1758 |
(a) To take the proof of wills and to admit to record | 1759 |
authenticated copies of wills executed, proved, and allowed in the | 1760 |
courts of any other state, territory, or country. If the probate | 1761 |
judge is unavoidably absent, any judge of the court of common | 1762 |
pleas may take proof of wills and approve bonds to be given, but | 1763 |
the record of these acts shall be preserved in the usual records | 1764 |
of the probate court. | 1765 |
(b) To grant and revoke letters testamentary and of | 1766 |
administration; | 1767 |
(c) To direct and control the conduct and settle the accounts | 1768 |
of executors and administrators and order the distribution of | 1769 |
estates; | 1770 |
(d) To appoint the attorney general to serve as the | 1771 |
administrator of an estate pursuant to section 2113.06 of the | 1772 |
Revised Code; | 1773 |
(e) To appoint and remove guardians, conservators, and | 1774 |
testamentary trustees, direct and control their conduct, and | 1775 |
settle their accounts; | 1776 |
(f) To grant marriage licenses; | 1777 |
(g) To make inquests respecting persons who are so mentally | 1778 |
impaired as a result of a mental or physical illness or | 1779 |
disability, or | 1780 |
is an intellectual disability, or as a result of chronic substance | 1781 |
abuse, that they are unable to manage their property and affairs | 1782 |
effectively, subject to guardianship; | 1783 |
(h) To qualify assignees, appoint and qualify trustees and | 1784 |
commissioners of insolvents, control their conduct, and settle | 1785 |
their accounts; | 1786 |
(i) To authorize the sale of lands, equitable estates, or | 1787 |
interests in lands or equitable estates, and the assignments of | 1788 |
inchoate dower in such cases of sale, on petition by executors, | 1789 |
administrators, and guardians; | 1790 |
(j) To authorize the completion of real property contracts on | 1791 |
petition of executors and administrators; | 1792 |
(k) To construe wills; | 1793 |
(l) To render declaratory judgments, including, but not | 1794 |
limited to, those rendered pursuant to section 2107.084 of the | 1795 |
Revised Code; | 1796 |
(m) To direct and control the conduct of fiduciaries and | 1797 |
settle their accounts; | 1798 |
(n) To authorize the sale or lease of any estate created by | 1799 |
will if the estate is held in trust, on petition by the trustee; | 1800 |
(o) To terminate a testamentary trust in any case in which a | 1801 |
court of equity may do so; | 1802 |
(p) To hear and determine actions to contest the validity of | 1803 |
wills; | 1804 |
(q) To make a determination of the presumption of death of | 1805 |
missing persons and to adjudicate the property rights and | 1806 |
obligations of all parties affected by the presumption; | 1807 |
(r) To hear and determine an action commenced pursuant to | 1808 |
section 3107.41 of the Revised Code to obtain the release of | 1809 |
information pertaining to the birth name of the adopted person and | 1810 |
the identity of the adopted person's biological parents and | 1811 |
biological siblings; | 1812 |
(s) To act for and issue orders regarding wards pursuant to | 1813 |
section 2111.50 of the Revised Code; | 1814 |
(t) To hear and determine actions against sureties on the | 1815 |
bonds of fiduciaries appointed by the probate court; | 1816 |
(u) To hear and determine actions involving informed consent | 1817 |
for medication of persons hospitalized pursuant to section | 1818 |
5122.141 or 5122.15 of the Revised Code; | 1819 |
(v) To hear and determine actions relating to durable powers | 1820 |
of attorney for health care as described in division (D) of | 1821 |
section 1337.16 of the Revised Code; | 1822 |
(w) To hear and determine actions commenced by objecting | 1823 |
individuals, in accordance with section 2133.05 of the Revised | 1824 |
Code; | 1825 |
(x) To hear and determine complaints that pertain to the use | 1826 |
or continuation, or the withholding or withdrawal, of | 1827 |
life-sustaining treatment in connection with certain patients | 1828 |
allegedly in a terminal condition or in a permanently unconscious | 1829 |
state pursuant to division (E) of section 2133.08 of the Revised | 1830 |
Code, in accordance with that division; | 1831 |
(y) To hear and determine applications that pertain to the | 1832 |
withholding or withdrawal of nutrition and hydration from certain | 1833 |
patients allegedly in a permanently unconscious state pursuant to | 1834 |
section 2133.09 of the Revised Code, in accordance with that | 1835 |
section; | 1836 |
(z) To hear and determine applications of attending | 1837 |
physicians in accordance with division (B) of section 2133.15 of | 1838 |
the Revised Code; | 1839 |
(aa) To hear and determine actions relative to the use or | 1840 |
continuation of comfort care in connection with certain principals | 1841 |
under durable powers of attorney for health care, declarants under | 1842 |
declarations, or patients in accordance with division (E) of | 1843 |
either section 1337.16 or 2133.12 of the Revised Code; | 1844 |
(bb) To hear and determine applications for an order | 1845 |
relieving an estate from administration under section 2113.03 of | 1846 |
the Revised Code; | 1847 |
(cc) To hear and determine applications for an order granting | 1848 |
a summary release from administration under section 2113.031 of | 1849 |
the Revised Code; | 1850 |
(dd) To hear and determine actions relating to the exercise | 1851 |
of the right of disposition, in accordance with section 2108.90 of | 1852 |
the Revised Code; | 1853 |
(ee) To hear and determine actions relating to the | 1854 |
disinterment and reinterment of human remains under section 517.23 | 1855 |
of the Revised Code; | 1856 |
(ff) To hear and determine petitions for an order for | 1857 |
treatment of a person suffering from alcohol and other drug abuse | 1858 |
filed under section 5119.93 of the Revised Code and to order | 1859 |
treatment of that nature in accordance with, and take other | 1860 |
actions afforded to the court under, sections 5119.90 to 5119.98 | 1861 |
of the Revised Code. | 1862 |
(2) In addition to the exclusive jurisdiction conferred upon | 1863 |
the probate court by division (A)(1) of this section, the probate | 1864 |
court shall have exclusive jurisdiction over a particular subject | 1865 |
matter if both of the following apply: | 1866 |
(a) Another section of the Revised Code expressly confers | 1867 |
jurisdiction over that subject matter upon the probate court. | 1868 |
(b) No section of the Revised Code expressly confers | 1869 |
jurisdiction over that subject matter upon any other court or | 1870 |
agency. | 1871 |
(B)(1) The probate court has concurrent jurisdiction with, | 1872 |
and the same powers at law and in equity as, the general division | 1873 |
of the court of common pleas to issue writs and orders, and to | 1874 |
hear and determine actions as follows: | 1875 |
(a) If jurisdiction relative to a particular subject matter | 1876 |
is stated to be concurrent in a section of the Revised Code or has | 1877 |
been construed by judicial decision to be concurrent, any action | 1878 |
that involves that subject matter; | 1879 |
(b) Any action that involves an inter vivos trust; a trust | 1880 |
created pursuant to section 5815.28 of the Revised Code; a | 1881 |
charitable trust or foundation; subject to divisions (A)(1)(u) and | 1882 |
(z) of this section, a power of attorney, including, but not | 1883 |
limited to, a durable power of attorney; the medical treatment of | 1884 |
a competent adult; or a writ of habeas corpus; | 1885 |
(c) Subject to section 2101.31 of the Revised Code, any | 1886 |
action with respect to a probate estate, guardianship, trust, or | 1887 |
post-death dispute that involves any of the following: | 1888 |
(i) A designation or removal of a beneficiary of a life | 1889 |
insurance policy, annuity contract, retirement plan, brokerage | 1890 |
account, security account, bank account, real property, or | 1891 |
tangible personal property; | 1892 |
(ii) A designation or removal of a payable-on-death | 1893 |
beneficiary or transfer-on-death beneficiary; | 1894 |
(iii) A change in the title to any asset involving a joint | 1895 |
and survivorship interest; | 1896 |
(iv) An alleged gift; | 1897 |
(v) The passing of assets upon the death of an individual | 1898 |
otherwise than by will, intestate succession, or trust. | 1899 |
(2) Any action that involves a concurrent jurisdiction | 1900 |
subject matter and that is before the probate court may be | 1901 |
transferred by the probate court, on its order, to the general | 1902 |
division of the court of common pleas. | 1903 |
(C) The probate court has plenary power at law and in equity | 1904 |
to dispose fully of any matter that is properly before the court, | 1905 |
unless the power is expressly otherwise limited or denied by a | 1906 |
section of the Revised Code. | 1907 |
(D) The jurisdiction acquired by a probate court over a | 1908 |
matter or proceeding is exclusive of that of any other probate | 1909 |
court, except when otherwise provided by law. | 1910 |
Sec. 2108.521. (A) If a | 1911 |
1912 | |
dies, if the department of developmental disabilities or a county | 1913 |
board of developmental disabilities has a good faith reason to | 1914 |
believe that the deceased person's death occurred under suspicious | 1915 |
circumstances, if the coroner was apprised of the circumstances of | 1916 |
the death, and if the coroner after being so apprised of the | 1917 |
circumstances declines to conduct an autopsy, the department or | 1918 |
the board may file a petition in a court of common pleas seeking | 1919 |
an order authorizing an autopsy or post-mortem examination under | 1920 |
this section. | 1921 |
(B) Upon the filing of a petition under division (A) of this | 1922 |
section, the court may conduct, but is not required to conduct, a | 1923 |
hearing on the petition. The court may determine whether to grant | 1924 |
the petition without a hearing. The department or board, and all | 1925 |
other interested parties, may submit information and statements to | 1926 |
the court that are relevant to the petition, and, if the court | 1927 |
conducts a hearing, may present evidence and testimony at the | 1928 |
hearing. The court shall order the requested autopsy or | 1929 |
post-mortem examination if it finds that, under the circumstances, | 1930 |
the department or board has demonstrated a need for the autopsy or | 1931 |
post-mortem examination. The court shall order an autopsy or | 1932 |
post-mortem examination in the circumstances specified in this | 1933 |
division regardless of whether any consent has been given, or has | 1934 |
been given and withdrawn, under section 2108.50 of the Revised | 1935 |
Code, and regardless of whether any information was presented to | 1936 |
the coroner pursuant to section 313.131 of the Revised Code or to | 1937 |
the court under this section regarding an autopsy being contrary | 1938 |
to the deceased person's religious beliefs. | 1939 |
(C) An autopsy or post-mortem examination ordered under this | 1940 |
section may be performed upon the body of the deceased person by a | 1941 |
licensed physician or surgeon. The court may identify in the order | 1942 |
the person who is to perform the autopsy or post-mortem | 1943 |
examination. If an autopsy or post-mortem examination is ordered | 1944 |
under this section, the department or board that requested the | 1945 |
autopsy or examination shall pay the physician or surgeon who | 1946 |
performs the autopsy or examination for costs and expenses | 1947 |
incurred in performing the autopsy or examination. | 1948 |
Sec. 2109.01. "Fiduciary," as used in Chapters 2101. to | 1949 |
2131. of the Revised Code, means any person, other than an | 1950 |
assignee or trustee for an insolvent debtor or a guardian under | 1951 |
sections 5905.01 to 5905.19 of the Revised Code, appointed by and | 1952 |
accountable to the probate court and acting in a fiduciary | 1953 |
capacity for any person, or charged with duties in relation to any | 1954 |
property, interest, trust, or estate for the benefit of another; | 1955 |
and includes an agency under contract with the department of | 1956 |
developmental disabilities for the provision of protective service | 1957 |
under sections 5123.55 to 5123.59 of the Revised Code, appointed | 1958 |
by and accountable to the probate court as guardian or trustee | 1959 |
with respect to | 1960 |
persons with developmental disabilities. | 1961 |
Sec. 2111.01. As used in Chapters 2101. to 2131. of the | 1962 |
Revised Code: | 1963 |
(A) "Guardian," other than a guardian under sections 5905.01 | 1964 |
to 5905.19 of the Revised Code, means any person, association, or | 1965 |
corporation appointed by the probate court to have the care and | 1966 |
management of the person, the estate, or both of an incompetent or | 1967 |
minor. When applicable, "guardian" includes, but is not limited | 1968 |
to, a limited guardian, an interim guardian, a standby guardian, | 1969 |
and an emergency guardian appointed pursuant to division (B) of | 1970 |
section 2111.02 of the Revised Code. "Guardian" also includes an | 1971 |
agency under contract with the department of developmental | 1972 |
disabilities for the provision of protective service under | 1973 |
sections 5123.55 to 5123.59 of the Revised Code when appointed by | 1974 |
the probate court to have the care and management of the person of | 1975 |
an incompetent. | 1976 |
(B) "Ward" means any person for whom a guardian is acting or | 1977 |
for whom the probate court is acting pursuant to section 2111.50 | 1978 |
of the Revised Code. | 1979 |
(C) "Resident guardian" means a guardian appointed by a | 1980 |
probate court to have the care and management of property in this | 1981 |
state that belongs to a nonresident ward. | 1982 |
(D) "Incompetent" means any person who is so mentally | 1983 |
impaired as a result of a mental or physical illness or | 1984 |
disability, or | 1985 |
is an intellectual disability, or as a result of chronic substance | 1986 |
abuse, that the person is incapable of taking proper care of the | 1987 |
person's self or property or fails to provide for the person's | 1988 |
family or other persons for whom the person is charged by law to | 1989 |
provide, or any person confined to a correctional institution | 1990 |
within this state. | 1991 |
(E) "Next of kin" means any person who would be entitled to | 1992 |
inherit from a ward under Chapter 2105. of the Revised Code if the | 1993 |
ward dies intestate. | 1994 |
(F) "Conservator" means a conservator appointed by the | 1995 |
probate court in an order of conservatorship issued pursuant to | 1996 |
section 2111.021 of the Revised Code. | 1997 |
(G) "Parent" means a natural parent or adoptive parent of a | 1998 |
minor child whose parental rights and responsibilities have not | 1999 |
been terminated by a juvenile court or another court. | 2000 |
(H) "Financial harm" means impairment of an individual's | 2001 |
financial assets by unlawfully obtaining or exerting control over | 2002 |
the individual's real or personal property in any of the following | 2003 |
ways: | 2004 |
(1) Without the consent of the individual or the person | 2005 |
authorized to give consent on the individual's behalf; | 2006 |
(2) Beyond the scope of the express or implied consent of the | 2007 |
individual or the person authorized to give consent on the | 2008 |
individual's behalf; | 2009 |
(3) By deception; | 2010 |
(4) By threat; | 2011 |
(5) By intimidation; | 2012 |
(6) By fraud; | 2013 |
(7) By undue influence. | 2014 |
Sec. 2111.10. As used in this section, | 2015 |
2016 | |
disability" | 2017 |
5123.01 of the Revised Code. | 2018 |
Any appointment of a corporation as guardian shall apply to | 2019 |
the estate only and not to the person, except that a nonprofit | 2020 |
corporation organized under the laws of this state and entitled to | 2021 |
tax exempt status under section 501(a) of the "Internal Revenue | 2022 |
Code of 1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C.A. 501, as amended, that | 2023 |
has a contract with the department of developmental disabilities | 2024 |
to provide protective services may be appointed as a guardian of | 2025 |
2026 | |
person with a developmental disability and may serve as guardian | 2027 |
pursuant to sections 5123.55 to 5123.59 of the Revised Code. | 2028 |
Sec. 2111.49. (A)(1) Subject to division (A)(3) of this | 2029 |
section, the guardian of an incompetent person shall file a | 2030 |
guardian's report with the court two years after the date of the | 2031 |
issuance of the guardian's letters of appointment and biennially | 2032 |
after that time, or at any other time upon the motion or a rule of | 2033 |
the probate court. The report shall be in a form prescribed by the | 2034 |
court and shall include all of the following. | 2035 |
(a) The present address of the place of residence of the | 2036 |
ward; | 2037 |
(b) The present address of the guardian; | 2038 |
(c) If the place of residence of the ward is not the ward's | 2039 |
personal home, the name of the facility at which the ward resides | 2040 |
and the name of the person responsible for the ward's care; | 2041 |
(d) The approximate number of times during the period covered | 2042 |
by the report that the guardian has had contact with the ward, the | 2043 |
nature of those contacts, and the date that the ward was last seen | 2044 |
by the guardian; | 2045 |
(e) Any major changes in the physical or mental condition of | 2046 |
the ward observed by the guardian; | 2047 |
(f) The opinion of the guardian as to the necessity for the | 2048 |
continuation of the guardianship; | 2049 |
(g) The opinion of the guardian as to the adequacy of the | 2050 |
present care of the ward; | 2051 |
(h) The date that the ward was last examined or otherwise | 2052 |
seen by a physician and the purpose of that visit; | 2053 |
(i) A statement by a licensed physician, licensed clinical | 2054 |
psychologist, licensed independent social worker, licensed | 2055 |
professional clinical counselor, or
| 2056 |
intellectual disability team that has evaluated or examined the | 2057 |
ward within three months prior to the date of the report as to the | 2058 |
need for continuing the guardianship. | 2059 |
(2) The court shall review a report filed pursuant to | 2060 |
division (A)(1) of this section to determine if a continued | 2061 |
necessity for the guardianship exists. The court may direct a | 2062 |
probate court investigator to verify aspects of the report. | 2063 |
(3) Division (A)(1) of this section applies to guardians | 2064 |
appointed prior to, as well as on or after, the effective date of | 2065 |
this section. A guardian appointed prior to that date shall file | 2066 |
the first report in accordance with any applicable court rule or | 2067 |
motion, or, in the absence of such a rule or motion, upon the next | 2068 |
occurring date on which a report would have been due if division | 2069 |
(A)(1) of this section had been in effect on the date of | 2070 |
appointment as guardian, and shall file all subsequently due | 2071 |
reports biennially after that time. | 2072 |
(B) If, upon review of any report required by division (A)(1) | 2073 |
of this section, the court finds that it is necessary to intervene | 2074 |
in a guardianship, the court shall take any action that it | 2075 |
determines is necessary, including, but not limited to, | 2076 |
terminating or modifying the guardianship. | 2077 |
(C) Except as provided in this division, for any | 2078 |
guardianship, upon written request by the ward, the ward's | 2079 |
attorney, or any other interested party made at any time after the | 2080 |
expiration of one hundred twenty days from the date of the | 2081 |
original appointment of the guardian, a hearing shall be held in | 2082 |
accordance with section 2111.02 of the Revised Code to evaluate | 2083 |
the continued necessity of the guardianship. Upon written request, | 2084 |
the court shall conduct a minimum of one hearing under this | 2085 |
division in the calendar year in which the guardian was appointed, | 2086 |
and upon written request, shall conduct a minimum of one hearing | 2087 |
in each of the following calendar years. Upon its own motion or | 2088 |
upon written request, the court may, in its discretion, conduct a | 2089 |
hearing within the first one hundred twenty days after appointment | 2090 |
of the guardian or conduct more than one hearing in a calendar | 2091 |
year. If the ward alleges competence, the burden of proving | 2092 |
incompetence shall be upon the applicant for guardianship or the | 2093 |
guardian, by clear and convincing evidence. | 2094 |
Sec. 2151.011. (A) As used in the Revised Code: | 2095 |
(1) "Juvenile court" means whichever of the following is | 2096 |
applicable that has jurisdiction under this chapter and Chapter | 2097 |
2152. of the Revised Code: | 2098 |
(a) The division of the court of common pleas specified in | 2099 |
section 2101.022 or 2301.03 of the Revised Code as having | 2100 |
jurisdiction under this chapter and Chapter 2152. of the Revised | 2101 |
Code or as being the juvenile division or the juvenile division | 2102 |
combined with one or more other divisions; | 2103 |
(b) The juvenile court of Cuyahoga county or Hamilton county | 2104 |
that is separately and independently created by section 2151.08 or | 2105 |
Chapter 2153. of the Revised Code and that has jurisdiction under | 2106 |
this chapter and Chapter 2152. of the Revised Code; | 2107 |
(c) If division (A)(1)(a) or (b) of this section does not | 2108 |
apply, the probate division of the court of common pleas. | 2109 |
(2) "Juvenile judge" means a judge of a court having | 2110 |
jurisdiction under this chapter. | 2111 |
(3) "Private child placing agency" means any association, as | 2112 |
defined in section 5103.02 of the Revised Code, that is certified | 2113 |
under section 5103.03 of the Revised Code to accept temporary, | 2114 |
permanent, or legal custody of children and place the children for | 2115 |
either foster care or adoption. | 2116 |
(4) "Private noncustodial agency" means any person, | 2117 |
organization, association, or society certified by the department | 2118 |
of job and family services that does not accept temporary or | 2119 |
permanent legal custody of children, that is privately operated in | 2120 |
this state, and that does one or more of the following: | 2121 |
(a) Receives and cares for children for two or more | 2122 |
consecutive weeks; | 2123 |
(b) Participates in the placement of children in certified | 2124 |
foster homes; | 2125 |
(c) Provides adoption services in conjunction with a public | 2126 |
children services agency or private child placing agency. | 2127 |
(B) As used in this chapter: | 2128 |
(1) "Adequate parental care" means the provision by a child's | 2129 |
parent or parents, guardian, or custodian of adequate food, | 2130 |
clothing, and shelter to ensure the child's health and physical | 2131 |
safety and the provision by a child's parent or parents of | 2132 |
specialized services warranted by the child's physical or mental | 2133 |
needs. | 2134 |
(2) "Adult" means an individual who is eighteen years of age | 2135 |
or older. | 2136 |
(3) "Agreement for temporary custody" means a voluntary | 2137 |
agreement authorized by section 5103.15 of the Revised Code that | 2138 |
transfers the temporary custody of a child to a public children | 2139 |
services agency or a private child placing agency. | 2140 |
(4) "Alternative response" means the public children services | 2141 |
agency's response to a report of child abuse or neglect that | 2142 |
engages the family in a comprehensive evaluation of child safety, | 2143 |
risk of subsequent harm, and family strengths and needs and that | 2144 |
does not include a determination as to whether child abuse or | 2145 |
neglect occurred. | 2146 |
(5) "Certified foster home" means a foster home, as defined | 2147 |
in section 5103.02 of the Revised Code, certified under section | 2148 |
5103.03 of the Revised Code. | 2149 |
(6) "Child" means a person who is under eighteen years of | 2150 |
age, except that the juvenile court has jurisdiction over any | 2151 |
person who is adjudicated an unruly child prior to attaining | 2152 |
eighteen years of age until the person attains twenty-one years of | 2153 |
age, and, for purposes of that jurisdiction related to that | 2154 |
adjudication, a person who is so adjudicated an unruly child shall | 2155 |
be deemed a "child" until the person attains twenty-one years of | 2156 |
age. | 2157 |
(7) "Child day camp," "child care," "child day-care center," | 2158 |
"part-time child day-care center," "type A family day-care home," | 2159 |
"licensed type B family day-care home," "type B family day-care | 2160 |
home," "administrator of a child day-care center," "administrator | 2161 |
of a type A family day-care home," and "in-home aide" have the | 2162 |
same meanings as in section 5104.01 of the Revised Code. | 2163 |
(8) "Child care provider" means an individual who is a | 2164 |
child-care staff member or administrator of a child day-care | 2165 |
center, a type A family day-care home, or a type B family day-care | 2166 |
home, or an in-home aide or an individual who is licensed, is | 2167 |
regulated, is approved, operates under the direction of, or | 2168 |
otherwise is certified by the department of job and family | 2169 |
services, department of developmental disabilities, or the early | 2170 |
childhood programs of the department of education. | 2171 |
(9) "Chronic truant" has the same meaning as in section | 2172 |
2152.02 of the Revised Code. | 2173 |
(10) "Commit" means to vest custody as ordered by the court. | 2174 |
(11) "Counseling" includes both of the following: | 2175 |
(a) General counseling services performed by a public | 2176 |
children services agency or shelter for victims of domestic | 2177 |
violence to assist a child, a child's parents, and a child's | 2178 |
siblings in alleviating identified problems that may cause or have | 2179 |
caused the child to be an abused, neglected, or dependent child. | 2180 |
(b) Psychiatric or psychological therapeutic counseling | 2181 |
services provided to correct or alleviate any mental or emotional | 2182 |
illness or disorder and performed by a licensed psychiatrist, | 2183 |
licensed psychologist, or a person licensed under Chapter 4757. of | 2184 |
the Revised Code to engage in social work or professional | 2185 |
counseling. | 2186 |
(12) "Custodian" means a person who has legal custody of a | 2187 |
child or a public children services agency or private child | 2188 |
placing agency that has permanent, temporary, or legal custody of | 2189 |
a child. | 2190 |
(13) "Delinquent child" has the same meaning as in section | 2191 |
2152.02 of the Revised Code. | 2192 |
(14) "Detention" means the temporary care of children pending | 2193 |
court adjudication or disposition, or execution of a court order, | 2194 |
in a public or private facility designed to physically restrict | 2195 |
the movement and activities of children. | 2196 |
(15) "Developmental disability" has the same meaning as in | 2197 |
section 5123.01 of the Revised Code. | 2198 |
(16) "Differential response approach" means an approach that | 2199 |
a public children services agency may use to respond to accepted | 2200 |
reports of child abuse or neglect with either an alternative | 2201 |
response or a traditional response. | 2202 |
(17) "Foster caregiver" has the same meaning as in section | 2203 |
5103.02 of the Revised Code. | 2204 |
(18) "Guardian" means a person, association, or corporation | 2205 |
that is granted authority by a probate court pursuant to Chapter | 2206 |
2111. of the Revised Code to exercise parental rights over a child | 2207 |
to the extent provided in the court's order and subject to the | 2208 |
residual parental rights of the child's parents. | 2209 |
(19) "Habitual truant" means any child of compulsory school | 2210 |
age who is absent without legitimate excuse for absence from the | 2211 |
public school the child is supposed to attend for five or more | 2212 |
consecutive school days, seven or more school days in one school | 2213 |
month, or twelve or more school days in a school year. | 2214 |
(20) "Juvenile traffic offender" has the same meaning as in | 2215 |
section 2152.02 of the Revised Code. | 2216 |
(21) "Legal custody" means a legal status that vests in the | 2217 |
custodian the right to have physical care and control of the child | 2218 |
and to determine where and with whom the child shall live, and the | 2219 |
right and duty to protect, train, and discipline the child and to | 2220 |
provide the child with food, shelter, education, and medical care, | 2221 |
all subject to any residual parental rights, privileges, and | 2222 |
responsibilities. An individual granted legal custody shall | 2223 |
exercise the rights and responsibilities personally unless | 2224 |
otherwise authorized by any section of the Revised Code or by the | 2225 |
court. | 2226 |
(22) A "legitimate excuse for absence from the public school | 2227 |
the child is supposed to attend" includes, but is not limited to, | 2228 |
any of the following: | 2229 |
(a) The fact that the child in question has enrolled in and | 2230 |
is attending another public or nonpublic school in this or another | 2231 |
state; | 2232 |
(b) The fact that the child in question is excused from | 2233 |
attendance at school for any of the reasons specified in section | 2234 |
3321.04 of the Revised Code; | 2235 |
(c) The fact that the child in question has received an age | 2236 |
and schooling certificate in accordance with section 3331.01 of | 2237 |
the Revised Code. | 2238 |
(23) "Mental illness" and "mentally ill person subject to | 2239 |
hospitalization by court order" have the same meanings as in | 2240 |
section 5122.01 of the Revised Code. | 2241 |
(24) "Mental injury" means any behavioral, cognitive, | 2242 |
emotional, or mental disorder in a child caused by an act or | 2243 |
omission that is described in section 2919.22 of the Revised Code | 2244 |
and is committed by the parent or other person responsible for the | 2245 |
child's care. | 2246 |
(25) | 2247 |
2248 |
| 2249 |
supervision, or training of a child in a facility that does not | 2250 |
confine or prevent movement of the child within the facility or | 2251 |
from the facility. | 2252 |
| 2253 |
in section 3321.01 of the Revised Code. | 2254 |
| 2255 |
semipublic, or private, and any private association, society, or | 2256 |
agency located or operating in the state, incorporated or | 2257 |
unincorporated, having among its functions the furnishing of | 2258 |
protective services or care for children, or the placement of | 2259 |
children in certified foster homes or elsewhere. | 2260 |
| 2261 |
shelter facilities, certified children's crisis care facilities, | 2262 |
certified foster homes, placement in a prospective adoptive home | 2263 |
prior to the issuance of a final decree of adoption, | 2264 |
organizations, certified organizations, child day-care centers, | 2265 |
type A family day-care homes, type B family day-care homes, child | 2266 |
care provided by in-home aides, group home providers, group homes, | 2267 |
institutions, state institutions, residential facilities, | 2268 |
residential care facilities, residential camps, day camps, public | 2269 |
schools, chartered nonpublic schools, educational service centers, | 2270 |
hospitals, and medical clinics that are responsible for the care, | 2271 |
physical custody, or control of children. | 2272 |
| 2273 |
following when committed by a person responsible for the care of a | 2274 |
child in out-of-home care: | 2275 |
(a) Engaging in sexual activity with a child in the person's | 2276 |
care; | 2277 |
(b) Denial to a child, as a means of punishment, of proper or | 2278 |
necessary subsistence, education, medical care, or other care | 2279 |
necessary for a child's health; | 2280 |
(c) Use of restraint procedures on a child that cause injury | 2281 |
or pain; | 2282 |
(d) Administration of prescription drugs or psychotropic | 2283 |
medication to the child without the written approval and ongoing | 2284 |
supervision of a licensed physician; | 2285 |
(e) Commission of any act, other than by accidental means, | 2286 |
that results in any injury to or death of the child in out-of-home | 2287 |
care or commission of any act by accidental means that results in | 2288 |
an injury to or death of a child in out-of-home care and that is | 2289 |
at variance with the history given of the injury or death. | 2290 |
| 2291 |
following when committed by a person responsible for the care of a | 2292 |
child in out-of-home care: | 2293 |
(a) Failure to provide reasonable supervision according to | 2294 |
the standards of care appropriate to the age, mental and physical | 2295 |
condition, or other special needs of the child; | 2296 |
(b) Failure to provide reasonable supervision according to | 2297 |
the standards of care appropriate to the age, mental and physical | 2298 |
condition, or other special needs of the child, that results in | 2299 |
sexual or physical abuse of the child by any person; | 2300 |
(c) Failure to develop a process for all of the following: | 2301 |
(i) Administration of prescription drugs or psychotropic | 2302 |
drugs for the child; | 2303 |
(ii) Assuring that the instructions of the licensed physician | 2304 |
who prescribed a drug for the child are followed; | 2305 |
(iii) Reporting to the licensed physician who prescribed the | 2306 |
drug all unfavorable or dangerous side effects from the use of the | 2307 |
drug. | 2308 |
(d) Failure to provide proper or necessary subsistence, | 2309 |
education, medical care, or other individualized care necessary | 2310 |
for the health or well-being of the child; | 2311 |
(e) Confinement of the child to a locked room without | 2312 |
monitoring by staff; | 2313 |
(f) Failure to provide ongoing security for all prescription | 2314 |
and nonprescription medication; | 2315 |
(g) Isolation of a child for a period of time when there is | 2316 |
substantial risk that the isolation, if continued, will impair or | 2317 |
retard the mental health or physical well-being of the child. | 2318 |
| 2319 |
in a public children services agency or a private child placing | 2320 |
agency, all parental rights, duties, and obligations, including | 2321 |
the right to consent to adoption, and divests the natural parents | 2322 |
or adoptive parents of all parental rights, privileges, and | 2323 |
obligations, including all residual rights and obligations. | 2324 |
| 2325 |
or, if a child has only one parent, of the parent of a child, by a | 2326 |
voluntary agreement authorized by section 5103.15 of the Revised | 2327 |
Code, to transfer the permanent custody of the child to a public | 2328 |
children services agency or a private child placing agency. | 2329 |
| 2330 |
corporation, or partnership and the state or any of its political | 2331 |
subdivisions, departments, or agencies. | 2332 |
| 2333 |
out-of-home care" means any of the following: | 2334 |
(a) Any foster caregiver, in-home aide, or provider; | 2335 |
(b) Any administrator, employee, or agent of any of the | 2336 |
following: a public or private detention facility; shelter | 2337 |
facility; certified children's crisis care facility; organization; | 2338 |
certified organization; child day-care center; type A family | 2339 |
day-care home; licensed type B family day-care home; group home; | 2340 |
institution; state institution; residential facility; residential | 2341 |
care facility; residential camp; day camp; school district; | 2342 |
community school; chartered nonpublic school; educational service | 2343 |
center; hospital; or medical clinic; | 2344 |
(c) Any person who supervises or coaches children as part of | 2345 |
an extracurricular activity sponsored by a school district, public | 2346 |
school, or chartered nonpublic school; | 2347 |
(d) Any other person who performs a similar function with | 2348 |
respect to, or has a similar relationship to, children. | 2349 |
(35) "Person with an intellectual disability" has the same | 2350 |
meaning as in section 5123.01 of the Revised Code. | 2351 |
(36) "Physically impaired" means having one or more of the | 2352 |
following conditions that substantially limit one or more of an | 2353 |
individual's major life activities, including self-care, receptive | 2354 |
and expressive language, learning, mobility, and self-direction: | 2355 |
(a) A substantial impairment of vision, speech, or hearing; | 2356 |
(b) A congenital orthopedic impairment; | 2357 |
(c) An orthopedic impairment caused by disease, rheumatic | 2358 |
fever or any other similar chronic or acute health problem, or | 2359 |
amputation or another similar cause. | 2360 |
(37) "Placement for adoption" means the arrangement by a | 2361 |
public children services agency or a private child placing agency | 2362 |
with a person for the care and adoption by that person of a child | 2363 |
of whom the agency has permanent custody. | 2364 |
(38) "Placement in foster care" means the arrangement by a | 2365 |
public children services agency or a private child placing agency | 2366 |
for the out-of-home care of a child of whom the agency has | 2367 |
temporary custody or permanent custody. | 2368 |
(39) "Planned permanent living arrangement" means an order of | 2369 |
a juvenile court pursuant to which both of the following apply: | 2370 |
(a) The court gives legal custody of a child to a public | 2371 |
children services agency or a private child placing agency without | 2372 |
the termination of parental rights. | 2373 |
(b) The order permits the agency to make an appropriate | 2374 |
placement of the child and to enter into a written agreement with | 2375 |
a foster care provider or with another person or agency with whom | 2376 |
the child is placed. | 2377 |
(40) "Practice of social work" and "practice of professional | 2378 |
counseling" have the same meanings as in section 4757.01 of the | 2379 |
Revised Code. | 2380 |
(41) "Sanction, service, or condition" means a sanction, | 2381 |
service, or condition created by court order following an | 2382 |
adjudication that a child is an unruly child that is described in | 2383 |
division (A)(4) of section 2152.19 of the Revised Code. | 2384 |
(42) "Protective supervision" means an order of disposition | 2385 |
pursuant to which the court permits an abused, neglected, | 2386 |
dependent, or unruly child to remain in the custody of the child's | 2387 |
parents, guardian, or custodian and stay in the child's home, | 2388 |
subject to any conditions and limitations upon the child, the | 2389 |
child's parents, guardian, or custodian, or any other person that | 2390 |
the court prescribes, including supervision as directed by the | 2391 |
court for the protection of the child. | 2392 |
(43) "Psychiatrist" has the same meaning as in section | 2393 |
5122.01 of the Revised Code. | 2394 |
(44) "Psychologist" has the same meaning as in section | 2395 |
4732.01 of the Revised Code. | 2396 |
(45) "Residential camp" means a program in which the care, | 2397 |
physical custody, or control of children is accepted overnight for | 2398 |
recreational or recreational and educational purposes. | 2399 |
(46) "Residential care facility" means an institution, | 2400 |
residence, or facility that is licensed by the department of | 2401 |
mental health and addiction services under section 5119.34 of the | 2402 |
Revised Code and that provides care for a child. | 2403 |
(47) "Residential facility" means a home or facility that is | 2404 |
licensed by the department of developmental disabilities under | 2405 |
section 5123.19 of the Revised Code and in which a child with a | 2406 |
developmental disability resides. | 2407 |
(48) "Residual parental rights, privileges, and | 2408 |
responsibilities" means those rights, privileges, and | 2409 |
responsibilities remaining with the natural parent after the | 2410 |
transfer of legal custody of the child, including, but not | 2411 |
necessarily limited to, the privilege of reasonable visitation, | 2412 |
consent to adoption, the privilege to determine the child's | 2413 |
religious affiliation, and the responsibility for support. | 2414 |
(49) "School day" means the school day established by the | 2415 |
board of education of the applicable school district pursuant to | 2416 |
section 3313.481 of the Revised Code. | 2417 |
(50) "School year" has the same meaning as in section 3313.62 | 2418 |
of the Revised Code. | 2419 |
(51) "Secure correctional facility" means a facility under | 2420 |
the direction of the department of youth services that is designed | 2421 |
to physically restrict the movement and activities of children and | 2422 |
used for the placement of children after adjudication and | 2423 |
disposition. | 2424 |
(52) "Sexual activity" has the same meaning as in section | 2425 |
2907.01 of the Revised Code. | 2426 |
(53) "Shelter" means the temporary care of children in | 2427 |
physically unrestricted facilities pending court adjudication or | 2428 |
disposition. | 2429 |
(54) "Shelter for victims of domestic violence" has the same | 2430 |
meaning as in section 3113.33 of the Revised Code. | 2431 |
(55) "Temporary custody" means legal custody of a child who | 2432 |
is removed from the child's home, which custody may be terminated | 2433 |
at any time at the discretion of the court or, if the legal | 2434 |
custody is granted in an agreement for temporary custody, by the | 2435 |
person who executed the agreement. | 2436 |
(56) "Traditional response" means a public children services | 2437 |
agency's response to a report of child abuse or neglect that | 2438 |
encourages engagement of the family in a comprehensive evaluation | 2439 |
of the child's current and future safety needs and a fact-finding | 2440 |
process to determine whether child abuse or neglect occurred and | 2441 |
the circumstances surrounding the alleged harm or risk of harm. | 2442 |
(C) For the purposes of this chapter, a child shall be | 2443 |
presumed abandoned when the parents of the child have failed to | 2444 |
visit or maintain contact with the child for more than ninety | 2445 |
days, regardless of whether the parents resume contact with the | 2446 |
child after that period of ninety days. | 2447 |
Sec. 2151.281. (A) The court shall appoint a guardian ad | 2448 |
litem, subject to rules adopted by the supreme court, to protect | 2449 |
the interest of a child in any proceeding concerning an alleged or | 2450 |
adjudicated delinquent child or unruly child when either of the | 2451 |
following applies: | 2452 |
(1) The child has no parent, guardian, or legal custodian. | 2453 |
(2) The court finds that there is a conflict of interest | 2454 |
between the child and the child's parent, guardian, or legal | 2455 |
custodian. | 2456 |
(B)(1) The court shall appoint a guardian ad litem, subject | 2457 |
to rules adopted by the supreme court, to protect the interest of | 2458 |
a child in any proceeding concerning an alleged abused or | 2459 |
neglected child and in any proceeding held pursuant to section | 2460 |
2151.414 of the Revised Code. The guardian ad litem so appointed | 2461 |
shall not be the attorney responsible for presenting the evidence | 2462 |
alleging that the child is an abused or neglected child and shall | 2463 |
not be an employee of any party in the proceeding. | 2464 |
(2) The guardian ad litem appointed for an alleged or | 2465 |
adjudicated abused or neglected child may bring a civil action | 2466 |
against any person who is required by division (A)(1) or (4) of | 2467 |
section 2151.421 of the Revised Code to file a report of child | 2468 |
abuse or child neglect that is known or reasonably suspected or | 2469 |
believed to have occurred if that person knows, or has reasonable | 2470 |
cause to suspect or believe based on facts that would cause a | 2471 |
reasonable person in a similar position to suspect or believe, as | 2472 |
applicable, that the child for whom the guardian ad litem is | 2473 |
appointed is the subject of child abuse or child neglect and does | 2474 |
not file the required report and if the child suffers any injury | 2475 |
or harm as a result of the child abuse or child neglect that is | 2476 |
known or reasonably suspected or believed to have occurred or | 2477 |
suffers additional injury or harm after the failure to file the | 2478 |
report. | 2479 |
(C) In any proceeding concerning an alleged or adjudicated | 2480 |
delinquent, unruly, abused, neglected, or dependent child in which | 2481 |
the parent appears to be mentally incompetent or is under eighteen | 2482 |
years of age, the court shall appoint a guardian ad litem to | 2483 |
protect the interest of that parent. | 2484 |
(D) The court shall require the guardian ad litem to | 2485 |
faithfully discharge the guardian ad litem's duties and, upon the | 2486 |
guardian ad litem's failure to faithfully discharge the guardian | 2487 |
ad litem's duties, shall discharge the guardian ad litem and | 2488 |
appoint another guardian ad litem. The court may fix the | 2489 |
compensation for the service of the guardian ad litem, which | 2490 |
compensation shall be paid from the treasury of the county, | 2491 |
subject to rules adopted by the supreme court. | 2492 |
(E) A parent who is eighteen years of age or older and not | 2493 |
mentally incompetent shall be deemed sui juris for the purpose of | 2494 |
any proceeding relative to a child of the parent who is alleged or | 2495 |
adjudicated to be an abused, neglected, or dependent child. | 2496 |
(F) In any case in which a parent of a child alleged or | 2497 |
adjudicated to be an abused, neglected, or dependent child is | 2498 |
under eighteen years of age, the parents of that parent shall be | 2499 |
summoned to appear at any hearing respecting the child, who is | 2500 |
alleged or adjudicated to be an abused, neglected, or dependent | 2501 |
child. | 2502 |
(G) In any case involving an alleged or adjudicated abused | 2503 |
or neglected child or an agreement for the voluntary surrender of | 2504 |
temporary or permanent custody of a child that is made in | 2505 |
accordance with section 5103.15 of the Revised Code, the court | 2506 |
shall appoint the guardian ad litem in each case as soon as | 2507 |
possible after the complaint is filed, the request for an | 2508 |
extension of the temporary custody agreement is filed with the | 2509 |
court, or the request for court approval of the permanent custody | 2510 |
agreement is filed. In any case involving an alleged dependent | 2511 |
child in which the parent of the child appears to be mentally | 2512 |
incompetent or is under eighteen years of age, there is a conflict | 2513 |
of interest between the child and the child's parents, guardian, | 2514 |
or custodian, or the court believes that the parent of the child | 2515 |
is not capable of representing the best interest of the child, the | 2516 |
court shall appoint a guardian ad litem for the child. The | 2517 |
guardian ad litem or the guardian ad litem's replacement shall | 2518 |
continue to serve until any of the following occur: | 2519 |
(1) The complaint is dismissed or the request for an | 2520 |
extension of a temporary custody agreement or for court approval | 2521 |
of the permanent custody agreement is withdrawn or denied; | 2522 |
(2) All dispositional orders relative to the child have | 2523 |
terminated; | 2524 |
(3) The legal custody of the child is granted to a relative | 2525 |
of the child, or to another person; | 2526 |
(4) The child is placed in an adoptive home or, at the | 2527 |
court's discretion, a final decree of adoption is issued with | 2528 |
respect to the child; | 2529 |
(5) The child reaches the age of eighteen if the child | 2530 |
does not | 2531 |
developmental disability or | 2532 |
impairment or the child reaches the age of twenty-one if the child | 2533 |
2534 | |
developmental disability or | 2535 |
impairment; | 2536 |
(6) The guardian ad litem resigns or is removed by the court | 2537 |
and a replacement is appointed by the court. | 2538 |
If a guardian ad litem ceases to serve a child pursuant to | 2539 |
division (G)(4) of this section and the petition for adoption with | 2540 |
respect to the child is denied or withdrawn prior to the issuance | 2541 |
of a final decree of adoption or prior to the date an | 2542 |
interlocutory order of adoption becomes final, the juvenile court | 2543 |
shall reappoint a guardian ad litem for that child. The public | 2544 |
children services agency or private child placing agency with | 2545 |
permanent custody of the child shall notify the juvenile court if | 2546 |
the petition for adoption is denied or withdrawn. | 2547 |
(H) If the guardian ad litem for an alleged or adjudicated | 2548 |
abused, neglected, or dependent child is an attorney admitted to | 2549 |
the practice of law in this state, the guardian ad litem also may | 2550 |
serve as counsel to the ward. Until the supreme court adopts rules | 2551 |
regarding service as a guardian ad litem that regulate conflicts | 2552 |
between a person's role as guardian ad litem and as counsel, if a | 2553 |
person is serving as guardian ad litem and counsel for a child and | 2554 |
either that person or the court finds that a conflict may exist | 2555 |
between the person's roles as guardian ad litem and as counsel, | 2556 |
the court shall relieve the person of duties as guardian ad litem | 2557 |
and appoint someone else as guardian ad litem for the child. If | 2558 |
the court appoints a person who is not an attorney admitted to the | 2559 |
practice of law in this state to be a guardian ad litem, the court | 2560 |
also may appoint an attorney admitted to the practice of law in | 2561 |
this state to serve as counsel for the guardian ad litem. | 2562 |
(I) The guardian ad litem for an alleged or adjudicated | 2563 |
abused, neglected, or dependent child shall perform whatever | 2564 |
functions are necessary to protect the best interest of the child, | 2565 |
including, but not limited to, investigation, mediation, | 2566 |
monitoring court proceedings, and monitoring the services provided | 2567 |
the child by the public children services agency or private child | 2568 |
placing agency that has temporary or permanent custody of the | 2569 |
child, and shall file any motions and other court papers that are | 2570 |
in the best interest of the child. | 2571 |
The guardian ad litem shall be given notice of all hearings, | 2572 |
administrative reviews, and other proceedings in the same manner | 2573 |
as notice is given to parties to the action. | 2574 |
(J)(1) When the court appoints a guardian ad litem pursuant | 2575 |
to this section, it shall appoint a qualified volunteer or court | 2576 |
appointed special advocate whenever one is available and the | 2577 |
appointment is appropriate. | 2578 |
(2) Upon request, the department of job and family services | 2579 |
shall provide for the training of volunteer guardians ad litem. | 2580 |
Sec. 2151.353. (A) If a child is adjudicated an abused, | 2581 |
neglected, or dependent child, the court may make any of the | 2582 |
following orders of disposition: | 2583 |
(1) Place the child in protective supervision; | 2584 |
(2) Commit the child to the temporary custody of a public | 2585 |
children services agency, a private child placing agency, either | 2586 |
parent, a relative residing within or outside the state, or a | 2587 |
probation officer for placement in a certified foster home, or in | 2588 |
any other home approved by the court; | 2589 |
(3) Award legal custody of the child to either parent or to | 2590 |
any other person who, prior to the dispositional hearing, files a | 2591 |
motion requesting legal custody of the child or is identified as a | 2592 |
proposed legal custodian in a complaint or motion filed prior to | 2593 |
the dispositional hearing by any party to the proceedings. A | 2594 |
person identified in a complaint or motion filed by a party to the | 2595 |
proceedings as a proposed legal custodian shall be awarded legal | 2596 |
custody of the child only if the person identified signs a | 2597 |
statement of understanding for legal custody that contains at | 2598 |
least the following provisions: | 2599 |
(a) That it is the intent of the person to become the legal | 2600 |
custodian of the child and the person is able to assume legal | 2601 |
responsibility for the care and supervision of the child; | 2602 |
(b) That the person understands that legal custody of the | 2603 |
child in question is intended to be permanent in nature and that | 2604 |
the person will be responsible as the custodian for the child | 2605 |
until the child reaches the age of majority. Responsibility as | 2606 |
custodian for the child shall continue beyond the age of majority | 2607 |
if, at the time the child reaches the age of majority, the child | 2608 |
is pursuing a diploma granted by the board of education or other | 2609 |
governing authority, successful completion of the curriculum of | 2610 |
any high school, successful completion of an individualized | 2611 |
education program developed for the student by any high school, or | 2612 |
an age and schooling certificate. Responsibility beyond the age of | 2613 |
majority shall terminate when the child ceases to continuously | 2614 |
pursue such an education, completes such an education, or is | 2615 |
excused from such an education under standards adopted by the | 2616 |
state board of education, whichever occurs first. | 2617 |
(c) That the parents of the child have residual parental | 2618 |
rights, privileges, and responsibilities, including, but not | 2619 |
limited to, the privilege of reasonable visitation, consent to | 2620 |
adoption, the privilege to determine the child's religious | 2621 |
affiliation, and the responsibility for support; | 2622 |
(d) That the person understands that the person must be | 2623 |
present in court for the dispositional hearing in order to affirm | 2624 |
the person's intention to become legal custodian, to affirm that | 2625 |
the person understands the effect of the custodianship before the | 2626 |
court, and to answer any questions that the court or any parties | 2627 |
to the case may have. | 2628 |
(4) Commit the child to the permanent custody of a public | 2629 |
children services agency or private child placing agency, if the | 2630 |
court determines in accordance with division (E) of section | 2631 |
2151.414 of the Revised Code that the child cannot be placed with | 2632 |
one of the child's parents within a reasonable time or should not | 2633 |
be placed with either parent and determines in accordance with | 2634 |
division (D)(1) of section 2151.414 of the Revised Code that the | 2635 |
permanent commitment is in the best interest of the child. If the | 2636 |
court grants permanent custody under this division, the court, | 2637 |
upon the request of any party, shall file a written opinion | 2638 |
setting forth its findings of fact and conclusions of law in | 2639 |
relation to the proceeding. | 2640 |
(5) Place the child in a planned permanent living arrangement | 2641 |
with a public children services agency or private child placing | 2642 |
agency, if a public children services agency or private child | 2643 |
placing agency requests the court to place the child in a planned | 2644 |
permanent living arrangement and if the court finds, by clear and | 2645 |
convincing evidence, that a planned permanent living arrangement | 2646 |
is in the best interest of the child and that one of the following | 2647 |
exists: | 2648 |
(a) The child, because of physical, mental, or psychological | 2649 |
problems or needs, is unable to function in a family-like setting | 2650 |
and must remain in residential or institutional care now and for | 2651 |
the foreseeable future beyond the date of the dispositional | 2652 |
hearing held pursuant to section 2151.35 of the Revised Code. | 2653 |
(b) The parents of the child have significant physical, | 2654 |
mental, or psychological problems and are unable to care for the | 2655 |
child because of those problems, adoption is not in the best | 2656 |
interest of the child, as determined in accordance with division | 2657 |
(D)(1) of section 2151.414 of the Revised Code, and the child | 2658 |
retains a significant and positive relationship with a parent or | 2659 |
relative. | 2660 |
(c) The child is sixteen years of age or older, has been | 2661 |
counseled on the permanent placement options available to the | 2662 |
child, is unwilling to accept or unable to adapt to a permanent | 2663 |
placement, and is in an agency program preparing the child for | 2664 |
independent living. | 2665 |
(6) Order the removal from the child's home until further | 2666 |
order of the court of the person who committed abuse as described | 2667 |
in section 2151.031 of the Revised Code against the child, who | 2668 |
caused or allowed the child to suffer neglect as described in | 2669 |
section 2151.03 of the Revised Code, or who is the parent, | 2670 |
guardian, or custodian of a child who is adjudicated a dependent | 2671 |
child and order any person not to have contact with the child or | 2672 |
the child's siblings. | 2673 |
(B) No order for permanent custody or temporary custody of a | 2674 |
child or the placement of a child in a planned permanent living | 2675 |
arrangement shall be made pursuant to this section unless the | 2676 |
complaint alleging the abuse, neglect, or dependency contains a | 2677 |
prayer requesting permanent custody, temporary custody, or the | 2678 |
placement of the child in a planned permanent living arrangement | 2679 |
as desired, the summons served on the parents of the child | 2680 |
contains as is appropriate a full explanation that the granting of | 2681 |
an order for permanent custody permanently divests them of their | 2682 |
parental rights, a full explanation that an adjudication that the | 2683 |
child is an abused, neglected, or dependent child may result in an | 2684 |
order of temporary custody that will cause the removal of the | 2685 |
child from their legal custody until the court terminates the | 2686 |
order of temporary custody or permanently divests the parents of | 2687 |
their parental rights, or a full explanation that the granting of | 2688 |
an order for a planned permanent living arrangement will result in | 2689 |
the removal of the child from their legal custody if any of the | 2690 |
conditions listed in divisions (A)(5)(a) to (c) of this section | 2691 |
are found to exist, and the summons served on the parents contains | 2692 |
a full explanation of their right to be represented by counsel and | 2693 |
to have counsel appointed pursuant to Chapter 120. of the Revised | 2694 |
Code if they are indigent. | 2695 |
If after making disposition as authorized by division (A)(2) | 2696 |
of this section, a motion is filed that requests permanent custody | 2697 |
of the child, the court may grant permanent custody of the child | 2698 |
to the movant in accordance with section 2151.414 of the Revised | 2699 |
Code. | 2700 |
(C) If the court issues an order for protective supervision | 2701 |
pursuant to division (A)(1) of this section, the court may place | 2702 |
any reasonable restrictions upon the child, the child's parents, | 2703 |
guardian, or custodian, or any other person, including, but not | 2704 |
limited to, any of the following: | 2705 |
(1) Order a party, within forty-eight hours after the | 2706 |
issuance of the order, to vacate the child's home indefinitely or | 2707 |
for a specified period of time; | 2708 |
(2) Order a party, a parent of the child, or a physical | 2709 |
custodian of the child to prevent any particular person from | 2710 |
having contact with the child; | 2711 |
(3) Issue an order restraining or otherwise controlling the | 2712 |
conduct of any person which conduct would not be in the best | 2713 |
interest of the child. | 2714 |
(D) As part of its dispositional order, the court shall | 2715 |
journalize a case plan for the child. The journalized case plan | 2716 |
shall not be changed except as provided in section 2151.412 of the | 2717 |
Revised Code. | 2718 |
(E)(1) The court shall retain jurisdiction over any child for | 2719 |
whom the court issues an order of disposition pursuant to division | 2720 |
(A) of this section or pursuant to section 2151.414 or 2151.415 of | 2721 |
the Revised Code until the child attains the age of eighteen years | 2722 |
if the child | 2723 |
2724 | |
physical impairment, the child attains the age of twenty-one years | 2725 |
if the child | 2726 |
developmental disability or
| 2727 |
impairment, or the child is adopted and a final decree of adoption | 2728 |
is issued, except that the court may retain jurisdiction over the | 2729 |
child and continue any order of disposition under division (A) of | 2730 |
this section or under section 2151.414 or 2151.415 of the Revised | 2731 |
Code for a specified period of time to enable the child to | 2732 |
graduate from high school or vocational school. The court shall | 2733 |
make an entry continuing its jurisdiction under this division in | 2734 |
the journal. | 2735 |
(2) Any public children services agency, any private child | 2736 |
placing agency, the department of job and family services, or any | 2737 |
party, other than any parent whose parental rights with respect to | 2738 |
the child have been terminated pursuant to an order issued under | 2739 |
division (A)(4) of this section, by filing a motion with the | 2740 |
court, may at any time request the court to modify or terminate | 2741 |
any order of disposition issued pursuant to division (A) of this | 2742 |
section or section 2151.414 or 2151.415 of the Revised Code. The | 2743 |
court shall hold a hearing upon the motion as if the hearing were | 2744 |
the original dispositional hearing and shall give all parties to | 2745 |
the action and the guardian ad litem notice of the hearing | 2746 |
pursuant to the Juvenile Rules. If applicable, the court shall | 2747 |
comply with section 2151.42 of the Revised Code. | 2748 |
(F) Any temporary custody order issued pursuant to division | 2749 |
(A) of this section shall terminate one year after the earlier of | 2750 |
the date on which the complaint in the case was filed or the child | 2751 |
was first placed into shelter care, except that, upon the filing | 2752 |
of a motion pursuant to section 2151.415 of the Revised Code, the | 2753 |
temporary custody order shall continue and not terminate until the | 2754 |
court issues a dispositional order under that section. In | 2755 |
resolving the motion, the court shall not order an existing | 2756 |
temporary custody order to continue beyond two years after the | 2757 |
date on which the complaint was filed or the child was first | 2758 |
placed into shelter care, whichever date is earlier, regardless of | 2759 |
whether any extensions have been previously ordered pursuant to | 2760 |
division (D) of section 2151.415 of the Revised Code. | 2761 |
(G)(1) No later than one year after the earlier of the date | 2762 |
the complaint in the case was filed or the child was first placed | 2763 |
in shelter care, a party may ask the court to extend an order for | 2764 |
protective supervision for six months or to terminate the order. A | 2765 |
party requesting extension or termination of the order shall file | 2766 |
a written request for the extension or termination with the court | 2767 |
and give notice of the proposed extension or termination in | 2768 |
writing before the end of the day after the day of filing it to | 2769 |
all parties and the child's guardian ad litem. If a public | 2770 |
children services agency or private child placing agency requests | 2771 |
termination of the order, the agency shall file a written status | 2772 |
report setting out the facts supporting termination of the order | 2773 |
at the time it files the request with the court. If no party | 2774 |
requests extension or termination of the order, the court shall | 2775 |
notify the parties that the court will extend the order for six | 2776 |
months or terminate it and that it may do so without a hearing | 2777 |
unless one of the parties requests a hearing. All parties and the | 2778 |
guardian ad litem shall have seven days from the date a notice is | 2779 |
sent pursuant to this division to object to and request a hearing | 2780 |
on the proposed extension or termination. | 2781 |
(a) If it receives a timely request for a hearing, the court | 2782 |
shall schedule a hearing to be held no later than thirty days | 2783 |
after the request is received by the court. The court shall give | 2784 |
notice of the date, time, and location of the hearing to all | 2785 |
parties and the guardian ad litem. At the hearing, the court shall | 2786 |
determine whether extension or termination of the order is in the | 2787 |
child's best interest. If termination is in the child's best | 2788 |
interest, the court shall terminate the order. If extension is in | 2789 |
the child's best interest, the court shall extend the order for | 2790 |
six months. | 2791 |
(b) If it does not receive a timely request for a hearing, | 2792 |
the court may extend the order for six months or terminate it | 2793 |
without a hearing and shall journalize the order of extension or | 2794 |
termination not later than fourteen days after receiving the | 2795 |
request for extension or termination or after the date the court | 2796 |
notifies the parties that it will extend or terminate the order. | 2797 |
If the court does not extend or terminate the order, it shall | 2798 |
schedule a hearing to be held no later than thirty days after the | 2799 |
expiration of the applicable fourteen-day time period and give | 2800 |
notice of the date, time, and location of the hearing to all | 2801 |
parties and the child's guardian ad litem. At the hearing, the | 2802 |
court shall determine whether extension or termination of the | 2803 |
order is in the child's best interest. If termination is in the | 2804 |
child's best interest, the court shall terminate the order. If | 2805 |
extension is in the child's best interest, the court shall issue | 2806 |
an order extending the order for protective supervision six | 2807 |
months. | 2808 |
(2) If the court grants an extension of the order for | 2809 |
protective supervision pursuant to division (G)(1) of this | 2810 |
section, a party may, prior to termination of the extension, file | 2811 |
with the court a request for an additional extension of six months | 2812 |
or for termination of the order. The court and the parties shall | 2813 |
comply with division (G)(1) of this section with respect to | 2814 |
extending or terminating the order. | 2815 |
(3) If a court grants an extension pursuant to division | 2816 |
(G)(2) of this section, the court shall terminate the order for | 2817 |
protective supervision at the end of the extension. | 2818 |
(H) The court shall not issue a dispositional order pursuant | 2819 |
to division (A) of this section that removes a child from the | 2820 |
child's home unless the court complies with section 2151.419 of | 2821 |
the Revised Code and includes in the dispositional order the | 2822 |
findings of fact required by that section. | 2823 |
(I) If a motion or application for an order described in | 2824 |
division (A)(6) of this section is made, the court shall not issue | 2825 |
the order unless, prior to the issuance of the order, it provides | 2826 |
to the person all of the following: | 2827 |
(1) Notice and a copy of the motion or application; | 2828 |
(2) The grounds for the motion or application; | 2829 |
(3) An opportunity to present evidence and witnesses at a | 2830 |
hearing regarding the motion or application; | 2831 |
(4) An opportunity to be represented by counsel at the | 2832 |
hearing. | 2833 |
(J) The jurisdiction of the court shall terminate one year | 2834 |
after the date of the award or, if the court takes any further | 2835 |
action in the matter subsequent to the award, the date of the | 2836 |
latest further action subsequent to the award, if the court awards | 2837 |
legal custody of a child to either of the following: | 2838 |
(1) A legal custodian who, at the time of the award of legal | 2839 |
custody, resides in a county of this state other than the county | 2840 |
in which the court is located; | 2841 |
(2) A legal custodian who resides in the county in which the | 2842 |
court is located at the time of the award of legal custody, but | 2843 |
moves to a different county of this state prior to one year after | 2844 |
the date of the award or, if the court takes any further action in | 2845 |
the matter subsequent to the award, one year after the date of the | 2846 |
latest further action subsequent to the award. | 2847 |
The court in the county in which the legal custodian resides | 2848 |
then shall have jurisdiction in the matter. | 2849 |
Sec. 2151.414. (A)(1) Upon the filing of a motion pursuant | 2850 |
to section 2151.413 of the Revised Code for permanent custody of a | 2851 |
child, the court shall schedule a hearing and give notice of the | 2852 |
filing of the motion and of the hearing, in accordance with | 2853 |
section 2151.29 of the Revised Code, to all parties to the action | 2854 |
and to the child's guardian ad litem. The notice also shall | 2855 |
contain a full explanation that the granting of permanent custody | 2856 |
permanently divests the parents of their parental rights, a full | 2857 |
explanation of their right to be represented by counsel and to | 2858 |
have counsel appointed pursuant to Chapter 120. of the Revised | 2859 |
Code if they are indigent, and the name and telephone number of | 2860 |
the court employee designated by the court pursuant to section | 2861 |
2151.314 of the Revised Code to arrange for the prompt appointment | 2862 |
of counsel for indigent persons. | 2863 |
The court shall conduct a hearing in accordance with section | 2864 |
2151.35 of the Revised Code to determine if it is in the best | 2865 |
interest of the child to permanently terminate parental rights and | 2866 |
grant permanent custody to the agency that filed the motion. The | 2867 |
adjudication that the child is an abused, neglected, or dependent | 2868 |
child and any dispositional order that has been issued in the case | 2869 |
under section 2151.353 of the Revised Code pursuant to the | 2870 |
adjudication shall not be readjudicated at the hearing and shall | 2871 |
not be affected by a denial of the motion for permanent custody. | 2872 |
(2) The court shall hold the hearing scheduled pursuant to | 2873 |
division (A)(1) of this section not later than one hundred twenty | 2874 |
days after the agency files the motion for permanent custody, | 2875 |
except that, for good cause shown, the court may continue the | 2876 |
hearing for a reasonable period of time beyond the | 2877 |
one-hundred-twenty-day deadline. The court shall issue an order | 2878 |
that grants, denies, or otherwise disposes of the motion for | 2879 |
permanent custody, and journalize the order, not later than two | 2880 |
hundred days after the agency files the motion. | 2881 |
If a motion is made under division (D)(2) of section 2151.413 | 2882 |
of the Revised Code and no dispositional hearing has been held in | 2883 |
the case, the court may hear the motion in the dispositional | 2884 |
hearing required by division (B) of section 2151.35 of the Revised | 2885 |
Code. If the court issues an order pursuant to section 2151.353 of | 2886 |
the Revised Code granting permanent custody of the child to the | 2887 |
agency, the court shall immediately dismiss the motion made under | 2888 |
division (D)(2) of section 2151.413 of the Revised Code. | 2889 |
The failure of the court to comply with the time periods set | 2890 |
forth in division (A)(2) of this section does not affect the | 2891 |
authority of the court to issue any order under this chapter and | 2892 |
does not provide any basis for attacking the jurisdiction of the | 2893 |
court or the validity of any order of the court. | 2894 |
(B)(1) Except as provided in division (B)(2) of this section, | 2895 |
the court may grant permanent custody of a child to a movant if | 2896 |
the court determines at the hearing held pursuant to division (A) | 2897 |
of this section, by clear and convincing evidence, that it is in | 2898 |
the best interest of the child to grant permanent custody of the | 2899 |
child to the agency that filed the motion for permanent custody | 2900 |
and that any of the following apply: | 2901 |
(a) The child is not abandoned or orphaned, has not been in | 2902 |
the temporary custody of one or more public children services | 2903 |
agencies or private child placing agencies for twelve or more | 2904 |
months of a consecutive twenty-two-month period, or has not been | 2905 |
in the temporary custody of one or more public children services | 2906 |
agencies or private child placing agencies for twelve or more | 2907 |
months of a consecutive twenty-two-month period if, as described | 2908 |
in division (D)(1) of section 2151.413 of the Revised Code, the | 2909 |
child was previously in the temporary custody of an equivalent | 2910 |
agency in another state, and the child cannot be placed with | 2911 |
either of the child's parents within a reasonable time or should | 2912 |
not be placed with the child's parents. | 2913 |
(b) The child is abandoned. | 2914 |
(c) The child is orphaned, and there are no relatives of the | 2915 |
child who are able to take permanent custody. | 2916 |
(d) The child has been in the temporary custody of one or | 2917 |
more public children services agencies or private child placing | 2918 |
agencies for twelve or more months of a consecutive | 2919 |
twenty-two-month period, or the child has been in the temporary | 2920 |
custody of one or more public children services agencies or | 2921 |
private child placing agencies for twelve or more months of a | 2922 |
consecutive twenty-two-month period and, as described in division | 2923 |
(D)(1) of section 2151.413 of the Revised Code, the child was | 2924 |
previously in the temporary custody of an equivalent agency in | 2925 |
another state. | 2926 |
For the purposes of division (B)(1) of this section, a child | 2927 |
shall be considered to have entered the temporary custody of an | 2928 |
agency on the earlier of the date the child is adjudicated | 2929 |
pursuant to section 2151.28 of the Revised Code or the date that | 2930 |
is sixty days after the removal of the child from home. | 2931 |
(2) With respect to a motion made pursuant to division (D)(2) | 2932 |
of section 2151.413 of the Revised Code, the court shall grant | 2933 |
permanent custody of the child to the movant if the court | 2934 |
determines in accordance with division (E) of this section that | 2935 |
the child cannot be placed with one of the child's parents within | 2936 |
a reasonable time or should not be placed with either parent and | 2937 |
determines in accordance with division (D) of this section that | 2938 |
permanent custody is in the child's best interest. | 2939 |
(C) In making the determinations required by this section or | 2940 |
division (A)(4) of section 2151.353 of the Revised Code, a court | 2941 |
shall not consider the effect the granting of permanent custody to | 2942 |
the agency would have upon any parent of the child. A written | 2943 |
report of the guardian ad litem of the child shall be submitted to | 2944 |
the court prior to or at the time of the hearing held pursuant to | 2945 |
division (A) of this section or section 2151.35 of the Revised | 2946 |
Code but shall not be submitted under oath. | 2947 |
If the court grants permanent custody of a child to a movant | 2948 |
under this division, the court, upon the request of any party, | 2949 |
shall file a written opinion setting forth its findings of fact | 2950 |
and conclusions of law in relation to the proceeding. The court | 2951 |
shall not deny an agency's motion for permanent custody solely | 2952 |
because the agency failed to implement any particular aspect of | 2953 |
the child's case plan. | 2954 |
(D)(1) In determining the best interest of a child at a | 2955 |
hearing held pursuant to division (A) of this section or for the | 2956 |
purposes of division (A)(4) or (5) of section 2151.353 or division | 2957 |
(C) of section 2151.415 of the Revised Code, the court shall | 2958 |
consider all relevant factors, including, but not limited to, the | 2959 |
following: | 2960 |
(a) The interaction and interrelationship of the child with | 2961 |
the child's parents, siblings, relatives, foster caregivers and | 2962 |
out-of-home providers, and any other person who may significantly | 2963 |
affect the child; | 2964 |
(b) The wishes of the child, as expressed directly by the | 2965 |
child or through the child's guardian ad litem, with due regard | 2966 |
for the maturity of the child; | 2967 |
(c) The custodial history of the child, including whether the | 2968 |
child has been in the temporary custody of one or more public | 2969 |
children services agencies or private child placing agencies for | 2970 |
twelve or more months of a consecutive twenty-two-month period, or | 2971 |
the child has been in the temporary custody of one or more public | 2972 |
children services agencies or private child placing agencies for | 2973 |
twelve or more months of a consecutive twenty-two-month period | 2974 |
and, as described in division (D)(1) of section 2151.413 of the | 2975 |
Revised Code, the child was previously in the temporary custody of | 2976 |
an equivalent agency in another state; | 2977 |
(d) The child's need for a legally secure permanent placement | 2978 |
and whether that type of placement can be achieved without a grant | 2979 |
of permanent custody to the agency; | 2980 |
(e) Whether any of the factors in divisions (E)(7) to (11) of | 2981 |
this section apply in relation to the parents and child. | 2982 |
For the purposes of division (D)(1) of this section, a child | 2983 |
shall be considered to have entered the temporary custody of an | 2984 |
agency on the earlier of the date the child is adjudicated | 2985 |
pursuant to section 2151.28 of the Revised Code or the date that | 2986 |
is sixty days after the removal of the child from home. | 2987 |
(2) If all of the following apply, permanent custody is in | 2988 |
the best interest of the child and the court shall commit the | 2989 |
child to the permanent custody of a public children services | 2990 |
agency or private child placing agency: | 2991 |
(a) The court determines by clear and convincing evidence | 2992 |
that one or more of the factors in division (E) of this section | 2993 |
exist and the child cannot be placed with one of the child's | 2994 |
parents within a reasonable time or should not be placed with | 2995 |
either parent. | 2996 |
(b) The child has been in an agency's custody for two years | 2997 |
or longer, and no longer qualifies for temporary custody pursuant | 2998 |
to division (D) of section 2151.415 of the Revised Code. | 2999 |
(c) The child does not meet the requirements for a planned | 3000 |
permanent living arrangement pursuant to division (A)(5) of | 3001 |
section 2151.353 of the Revised Code. | 3002 |
(d) Prior to the dispositional hearing, no relative or other | 3003 |
interested person has filed, or has been identified in, a motion | 3004 |
for legal custody of the child. | 3005 |
(E) In determining at a hearing held pursuant to division (A) | 3006 |
of this section or for the purposes of division (A)(4) of section | 3007 |
2151.353 of the Revised Code whether a child cannot be placed with | 3008 |
either parent within a reasonable period of time or should not be | 3009 |
placed with the parents, the court shall consider all relevant | 3010 |
evidence. If the court determines, by clear and convincing | 3011 |
evidence, at a hearing held pursuant to division (A) of this | 3012 |
section or for the purposes of division (A)(4) of section 2151.353 | 3013 |
of the Revised Code that one or more of the following exist as to | 3014 |
each of the child's parents, the court shall enter a finding that | 3015 |
the child cannot be placed with either parent within a reasonable | 3016 |
time or should not be placed with either parent: | 3017 |
(1) Following the placement of the child outside the child's | 3018 |
home and notwithstanding reasonable case planning and diligent | 3019 |
efforts by the agency to assist the parents to remedy the problems | 3020 |
that initially caused the child to be placed outside the home, the | 3021 |
parent has failed continuously and repeatedly to substantially | 3022 |
remedy the conditions causing the child to be placed outside the | 3023 |
child's home. In determining whether the parents have | 3024 |
substantially remedied those conditions, the court shall consider | 3025 |
parental utilization of medical, psychiatric, psychological, and | 3026 |
other social and rehabilitative services and material resources | 3027 |
that were made available to the parents for the purpose of | 3028 |
changing parental conduct to allow them to resume and maintain | 3029 |
parental duties. | 3030 |
(2) Chronic mental illness, chronic emotional illness, | 3031 |
3032 | |
disability, physical disability, or chemical dependency of the | 3033 |
parent that is so severe that it makes the parent unable to | 3034 |
provide an adequate permanent home for the child at the present | 3035 |
time and, as anticipated, within one year after the court holds | 3036 |
the hearing pursuant to division (A) of this section or for the | 3037 |
purposes of division (A)(4) of section 2151.353 of the Revised | 3038 |
Code; | 3039 |
(3) The parent committed any abuse as described in section | 3040 |
2151.031 of the Revised Code against the child, caused the child | 3041 |
to suffer any neglect as described in section 2151.03 of the | 3042 |
Revised Code, or allowed the child to suffer any neglect as | 3043 |
described in section 2151.03 of the Revised Code between the date | 3044 |
that the original complaint alleging abuse or neglect was filed | 3045 |
and the date of the filing of the motion for permanent custody; | 3046 |
(4) The parent has demonstrated a lack of commitment toward | 3047 |
the child by failing to regularly support, visit, or communicate | 3048 |
with the child when able to do so, or by other actions showing an | 3049 |
unwillingness to provide an adequate permanent home for the child; | 3050 |
(5) The parent is incarcerated for an offense committed | 3051 |
against the child or a sibling of the child; | 3052 |
(6) The parent has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to an | 3053 |
offense under division (A) or (C) of section 2919.22 or under | 3054 |
section 2903.16, 2903.21, 2903.34, 2905.01, 2905.02, 2905.03, | 3055 |
2905.04, 2905.05, 2907.07, 2907.08, 2907.09, 2907.12, 2907.21, | 3056 |
2907.22, 2907.23, 2907.25, 2907.31, 2907.32, 2907.321, 2907.322, | 3057 |
2907.323, 2911.01, 2911.02, 2911.11, 2911.12, 2919.12, 2919.24, | 3058 |
2919.25, 2923.12, 2923.13, 2923.161, 2925.02, or 3716.11 of the | 3059 |
Revised Code and the child or a sibling of the child was a victim | 3060 |
of the offense or the parent has been convicted of or pleaded | 3061 |
guilty to an offense under section 2903.04 of the Revised Code, a | 3062 |
sibling of the child was the victim of the offense, and the parent | 3063 |
who committed the offense poses an ongoing danger to the child or | 3064 |
a sibling of the child. | 3065 |
(7) The parent has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to one | 3066 |
of the following: | 3067 |
(a) An offense under section 2903.01, 2903.02, or 2903.03 of | 3068 |
the Revised Code or under an existing or former law of this state, | 3069 |
any other state, or the United States that is substantially | 3070 |
equivalent to an offense described in those sections and the | 3071 |
victim of the offense was a sibling of the child or the victim was | 3072 |
another child who lived in the parent's household at the time of | 3073 |
the offense; | 3074 |
(b) An offense under section 2903.11, 2903.12, or 2903.13 of | 3075 |
the Revised Code or under an existing or former law of this state, | 3076 |
any other state, or the United States that is substantially | 3077 |
equivalent to an offense described in those sections and the | 3078 |
victim of the offense is the child, a sibling of the child, or | 3079 |
another child who lived in the parent's household at the time of | 3080 |
the offense; | 3081 |
(c) An offense under division (B)(2) of section 2919.22 of | 3082 |
the Revised Code or under an existing or former law of this state, | 3083 |
any other state, or the United States that is substantially | 3084 |
equivalent to the offense described in that section and the child, | 3085 |
a sibling of the child, or another child who lived in the parent's | 3086 |
household at the time of the offense is the victim of the offense; | 3087 |
(d) An offense under section 2907.02, 2907.03, 2907.04, | 3088 |
2907.05, or 2907.06 of the Revised Code or under an existing or | 3089 |
former law of this state, any other state, or the United States | 3090 |
that is substantially equivalent to an offense described in those | 3091 |
sections and the victim of the offense is the child, a sibling of | 3092 |
the child, or another child who lived in the parent's household at | 3093 |
the time of the offense; | 3094 |
(e) A conspiracy or attempt to commit, or complicity in | 3095 |
committing, an offense described in division (E)(7)(a) or (d) of | 3096 |
this section. | 3097 |
(8) The parent has repeatedly withheld medical treatment or | 3098 |
food from the child when the parent has the means to provide the | 3099 |
treatment or food, and, in the case of withheld medical treatment, | 3100 |
the parent withheld it for a purpose other than to treat the | 3101 |
physical or mental illness or defect of the child by spiritual | 3102 |
means through prayer alone in accordance with the tenets of a | 3103 |
recognized religious body. | 3104 |
(9) The parent has placed the child at substantial risk of | 3105 |
harm two or more times due to alcohol or drug abuse and has | 3106 |
rejected treatment two or more times or refused to participate in | 3107 |
further treatment two or more times after a case plan issued | 3108 |
pursuant to section 2151.412 of the Revised Code requiring | 3109 |
treatment of the parent was journalized as part of a dispositional | 3110 |
order issued with respect to the child or an order was issued by | 3111 |
any other court requiring treatment of the parent. | 3112 |
(10) The parent has abandoned the child. | 3113 |
(11) The parent has had parental rights involuntarily | 3114 |
terminated with respect to a sibling of the child pursuant to this | 3115 |
section or section 2151.353 or 2151.415 of the Revised Code, or | 3116 |
under an existing or former law of this state, any other state, or | 3117 |
the United States that is substantially equivalent to those | 3118 |
sections, and the parent has failed to provide clear and | 3119 |
convincing evidence to prove that, notwithstanding the prior | 3120 |
termination, the parent can provide a legally secure permanent | 3121 |
placement and adequate care for the health, welfare, and safety of | 3122 |
the child. | 3123 |
(12) The parent is incarcerated at the time of the filing of | 3124 |
the motion for permanent custody or the dispositional hearing of | 3125 |
the child and will not be available to care for the child for at | 3126 |
least eighteen months after the filing of the motion for permanent | 3127 |
custody or the dispositional hearing. | 3128 |
(13) The parent is repeatedly incarcerated, and the repeated | 3129 |
incarceration prevents the parent from providing care for the | 3130 |
child. | 3131 |
(14) The parent for any reason is unwilling to provide food, | 3132 |
clothing, shelter, and other basic necessities for the child or to | 3133 |
prevent the child from suffering physical, emotional, or sexual | 3134 |
abuse or physical, emotional, or mental neglect. | 3135 |
(15) The parent has committed abuse as described in section | 3136 |
2151.031 of the Revised Code against the child or caused or | 3137 |
allowed the child to suffer neglect as described in section | 3138 |
2151.03 of the Revised Code, and the court determines that the | 3139 |
seriousness, nature, or likelihood of recurrence of the abuse or | 3140 |
neglect makes the child's placement with the child's parent a | 3141 |
threat to the child's safety. | 3142 |
(16) Any other factor the court considers relevant. | 3143 |
(F) The parents of a child for whom the court has issued an | 3144 |
order granting permanent custody pursuant to this section, upon | 3145 |
the issuance of the order, cease to be parties to the action. This | 3146 |
division is not intended to eliminate or restrict any right of the | 3147 |
parents to appeal the granting of permanent custody of their child | 3148 |
to a movant pursuant to this section. | 3149 |
Sec. 2151.415. (A) Except for cases in which a motion for | 3150 |
permanent custody described in division (D)(1) of section 2151.413 | 3151 |
of the Revised Code is required to be made, a public children | 3152 |
services agency or private child placing agency that has been | 3153 |
given temporary custody of a child pursuant to section 2151.353 of | 3154 |
the Revised Code, not later than thirty days prior to the earlier | 3155 |
of the date for the termination of the custody order pursuant to | 3156 |
division (G) of section 2151.353 of the Revised Code or the date | 3157 |
set at the dispositional hearing for the hearing to be held | 3158 |
pursuant to this section, shall file a motion with the court that | 3159 |
issued the order of disposition requesting that any of the | 3160 |
following orders of disposition of the child be issued by the | 3161 |
court: | 3162 |
(1) An order that the child be returned home and the custody | 3163 |
of the child's parents, guardian, or custodian without any | 3164 |
restrictions; | 3165 |
(2) An order for protective supervision; | 3166 |
(3) An order that the child be placed in the legal custody of | 3167 |
a relative or other interested individual; | 3168 |
(4) An order permanently terminating the parental rights of | 3169 |
the child's parents; | 3170 |
(5) An order that the child be placed in a planned permanent | 3171 |
living arrangement; | 3172 |
(6) In accordance with division (D) of this section, an order | 3173 |
for the extension of temporary custody. | 3174 |
(B) Upon the filing of a motion pursuant to division (A) of | 3175 |
this section, the court shall hold a dispositional hearing on the | 3176 |
date set at the dispositional hearing held pursuant to section | 3177 |
2151.35 of the Revised Code, with notice to all parties to the | 3178 |
action in accordance with the Juvenile Rules. After the | 3179 |
dispositional hearing or at a date after the dispositional hearing | 3180 |
that is not later than one year after the earlier of the date on | 3181 |
which the complaint in the case was filed or the child was first | 3182 |
placed into shelter care, the court, in accordance with the best | 3183 |
interest of the child as supported by the evidence presented at | 3184 |
the dispositional hearing, shall issue an order of disposition as | 3185 |
set forth in division (A) of this section, except that all orders | 3186 |
for permanent custody shall be made in accordance with sections | 3187 |
2151.413 and 2151.414 of the Revised Code. In issuing an order of | 3188 |
disposition under this section, the court shall comply with | 3189 |
section 2151.42 of the Revised Code. | 3190 |
(C)(1) If an agency pursuant to division (A) of this section | 3191 |
requests the court to place a child into a planned permanent | 3192 |
living arrangement, the agency shall present evidence to indicate | 3193 |
why a planned permanent living arrangement is appropriate for the | 3194 |
child, including, but not limited to, evidence that the agency has | 3195 |
tried or considered all other possible dispositions for the child. | 3196 |
A court shall not place a child in a planned permanent living | 3197 |
arrangement, unless it finds, by clear and convincing evidence, | 3198 |
that a planned permanent living arrangement is in the best | 3199 |
interest of the child and that one of the following exists: | 3200 |
(a) The child, because of physical, mental, or psychological | 3201 |
problems or needs, is unable to function in a family-like setting | 3202 |
and must remain in residential or institutional care. | 3203 |
(b) The parents of the child have significant physical, | 3204 |
mental, or psychological problems and are unable to care for the | 3205 |
child because of those problems, adoption is not in the best | 3206 |
interest of the child, as determined in accordance with division | 3207 |
(D)(1) of section 2151.414 of the Revised Code, and the child | 3208 |
retains a significant and positive relationship with a parent or | 3209 |
relative; | 3210 |
(c) The child is sixteen years of age or older, has been | 3211 |
counseled on the permanent placement options available, is | 3212 |
unwilling to accept or unable to adapt to a permanent placement, | 3213 |
and is in an agency program preparing for independent living. | 3214 |
(2) If the court issues an order placing a child in a planned | 3215 |
permanent living arrangement, both of the following apply: | 3216 |
(a) The court shall issue a finding of fact setting forth the | 3217 |
reasons for its finding; | 3218 |
(b) The agency may make any appropriate placement for the | 3219 |
child and shall develop a case plan for the child that is designed | 3220 |
to assist the child in finding a permanent home outside of the | 3221 |
home of the parents. | 3222 |
(D)(1) If an agency pursuant to division (A) of this section | 3223 |
requests the court to grant an extension of temporary custody for | 3224 |
a period of up to six months, the agency shall include in the | 3225 |
motion an explanation of the progress on the case plan of the | 3226 |
child and of its expectations of reunifying the child with the | 3227 |
child's family, or placing the child in a permanent placement, | 3228 |
within the extension period. The court shall schedule a hearing on | 3229 |
the motion, give notice of its date, time, and location to all | 3230 |
parties and the guardian ad litem of the child, and at the hearing | 3231 |
consider the evidence presented by the parties and the guardian ad | 3232 |
litem. The court may extend the temporary custody order of the | 3233 |
child for a period of up to six months, if it determines at the | 3234 |
hearing, by clear and convincing evidence, that the extension is | 3235 |
in the best interest of the child, there has been significant | 3236 |
progress on the case plan of the child, and there is reasonable | 3237 |
cause to believe that the child will be reunified with one of the | 3238 |
parents or otherwise permanently placed within the period of | 3239 |
extension. In determining whether to extend the temporary custody | 3240 |
of the child pursuant to this division, the court shall comply | 3241 |
with section 2151.42 of the Revised Code. If the court extends the | 3242 |
temporary custody of the child pursuant to this division, upon | 3243 |
request it shall issue findings of fact. | 3244 |
(2) Prior to the end of the extension granted pursuant to | 3245 |
division (D)(1) of this section, the agency that received the | 3246 |
extension shall file a motion with the court requesting the | 3247 |
issuance of one of the orders of disposition set forth in | 3248 |
divisions (A)(1) to (5) of this section or requesting the court to | 3249 |
extend the temporary custody order of the child for an additional | 3250 |
period of up to six months. If the agency requests the issuance of | 3251 |
an order of disposition under divisions (A)(1) to (5) of this | 3252 |
section or does not file any motion prior to the expiration of the | 3253 |
extension period, the court shall conduct a hearing in accordance | 3254 |
with division (B) of this section and issue an appropriate order | 3255 |
of disposition. In issuing an order of disposition, the court | 3256 |
shall comply with section 2151.42 of the Revised Code. | 3257 |
If the agency requests an additional extension of up to six | 3258 |
months of the temporary custody order of the child, the court | 3259 |
shall schedule and conduct a hearing in the manner set forth in | 3260 |
division (D)(1) of this section. The court may extend the | 3261 |
temporary custody order of the child for an additional period of | 3262 |
up to six months if it determines at the hearing, by clear and | 3263 |
convincing evidence, that the additional extension is in the best | 3264 |
interest of the child, there has been substantial additional | 3265 |
progress since the original extension of temporary custody in the | 3266 |
case plan of the child, there has been substantial additional | 3267 |
progress since the original extension of temporary custody toward | 3268 |
reunifying the child with one of the parents or otherwise | 3269 |
permanently placing the child, and there is reasonable cause to | 3270 |
believe that the child will be reunified with one of the parents | 3271 |
or otherwise placed in a permanent setting before the expiration | 3272 |
of the additional extension period. In determining whether to | 3273 |
grant an additional extension, the court shall comply with section | 3274 |
2151.42 of the Revised Code. If the court extends the temporary | 3275 |
custody of the child for an additional period pursuant to this | 3276 |
division, upon request it shall issue findings of fact. | 3277 |
(3) Prior to the end of the extension of a temporary custody | 3278 |
order granted pursuant to division (D)(2) of this section, the | 3279 |
agency that received the extension shall file a motion with the | 3280 |
court requesting the issuance of one of the orders of disposition | 3281 |
set forth in divisions (A)(1) to (5) of this section. Upon the | 3282 |
filing of the motion by the agency or, if the agency does not file | 3283 |
the motion prior to the expiration of the extension period, upon | 3284 |
its own motion, the court, prior to the expiration of the | 3285 |
extension period, shall conduct a hearing in accordance with | 3286 |
division (B) of this section and issue an appropriate order of | 3287 |
disposition. In issuing an order of disposition, the court shall | 3288 |
comply with section 2151.42 of the Revised Code. | 3289 |
(4) No court shall grant an agency more than two extensions | 3290 |
of temporary custody pursuant to division (D) of this section and | 3291 |
the court shall not order an existing temporary custody order to | 3292 |
continue beyond two years after the date on which the complaint | 3293 |
was filed or the child was first placed into shelter care, | 3294 |
whichever date is earlier, regardless of whether any extensions | 3295 |
have been previously ordered pursuant to division (D) of this | 3296 |
section. | 3297 |
(E) After the issuance of an order pursuant to division (B) | 3298 |
of this section, the court shall retain jurisdiction over the | 3299 |
child until the child attains the age of eighteen if the child | 3300 |
does not | 3301 |
developmental disability or | 3302 |
impairment, the child attains the age of twenty-one if the child | 3303 |
3304 | |
developmental disability or | 3305 |
impairment, or the child is adopted and a final decree of adoption | 3306 |
is issued, unless the court's jurisdiction over the child is | 3307 |
extended pursuant to division (E) of section 2151.353 of the | 3308 |
Revised Code. | 3309 |
(F) The court, on its own motion or the motion of the agency | 3310 |
or person with legal custody of the child, the child's guardian ad | 3311 |
litem, or any other party to the action, may conduct a hearing | 3312 |
with notice to all parties to determine whether any order issued | 3313 |
pursuant to this section should be modified or terminated or | 3314 |
whether any other dispositional order set forth in divisions | 3315 |
(A)(1) to (5) of this section should be issued. After the hearing | 3316 |
and consideration of all the evidence presented, the court, in | 3317 |
accordance with the best interest of the child, may modify or | 3318 |
terminate any order issued pursuant to this section or issue any | 3319 |
dispositional order set forth in divisions (A)(1) to (5) of this | 3320 |
section. In rendering a decision under this division, the court | 3321 |
shall comply with section 2151.42 of the Revised Code. | 3322 |
(G) If the court places a child in a planned permanent living | 3323 |
arrangement with a public children services agency or a private | 3324 |
child placing agency pursuant to this section, the agency with | 3325 |
which the child is placed in a planned permanent living | 3326 |
arrangement shall not remove the child from the residential | 3327 |
placement in which the child is originally placed pursuant to the | 3328 |
case plan for the child or in which the child is placed with court | 3329 |
approval pursuant to this division, unless the court and the | 3330 |
guardian ad litem are given notice of the intended removal and the | 3331 |
court issues an order approving the removal or unless the removal | 3332 |
is necessary to protect the child from physical or emotional harm | 3333 |
and the agency gives the court notice of the removal and of the | 3334 |
reasons why the removal is necessary to protect the child from | 3335 |
physical or emotional harm immediately after the removal of the | 3336 |
child from the prior setting. | 3337 |
(H) If the hearing held under this section takes the place of | 3338 |
an administrative review that otherwise would have been held under | 3339 |
section 2151.416 of the Revised Code, the court at the hearing | 3340 |
held under this section shall do all of the following in addition | 3341 |
to any other requirements of this section: | 3342 |
(1) Determine the continued necessity for and the | 3343 |
appropriateness of the child's placement; | 3344 |
(2) Determine the extent of compliance with the child's case | 3345 |
plan; | 3346 |
(3) Determine the extent of progress that has been made | 3347 |
toward alleviating or mitigating the causes necessitating the | 3348 |
child's placement in foster care; | 3349 |
(4) Project a likely date by which the child may be returned | 3350 |
to the child's home or placed for adoption or legal guardianship; | 3351 |
(5) Approve the permanency plan for the child consistent with | 3352 |
section 2151.417 of the Revised Code. | 3353 |
Sec. 2151.421. (A)(1)(a) No person described in division | 3354 |
(A)(1)(b) of this section who is acting in an official or | 3355 |
professional capacity and knows, or has reasonable cause to | 3356 |
suspect based on facts that would cause a reasonable person in a | 3357 |
similar position to suspect, that a child under eighteen years of | 3358 |
age or a | 3359 |
3360 | |
or physical impairment under twenty-one years of age has suffered | 3361 |
or faces a threat of suffering any physical or mental wound, | 3362 |
injury, disability, or condition of a nature that reasonably | 3363 |
indicates abuse or neglect of the child shall fail to immediately | 3364 |
report that knowledge or reasonable cause to suspect to the entity | 3365 |
or persons specified in this division. Except as provided in | 3366 |
section 5120.173 of the Revised Code, the person making the report | 3367 |
shall make it to the public children services agency or a | 3368 |
municipal or county peace officer in the county in which the child | 3369 |
resides or in which the abuse or neglect is occurring or has | 3370 |
occurred. In the circumstances described in section 5120.173 of | 3371 |
the Revised Code, the person making the report shall make it to | 3372 |
the entity specified in that section. | 3373 |
(b) Division (A)(1)(a) of this section applies to any person | 3374 |
who is an attorney; physician, including a hospital intern or | 3375 |
resident; dentist; podiatrist; practitioner of a limited branch of | 3376 |
medicine as specified in section 4731.15 of the Revised Code; | 3377 |
registered nurse; licensed practical nurse; visiting nurse; other | 3378 |
health care professional; licensed psychologist; licensed school | 3379 |
psychologist; independent marriage and family therapist or | 3380 |
marriage and family therapist; speech pathologist or audiologist; | 3381 |
coroner; administrator or employee of a child day-care center; | 3382 |
administrator or employee of a residential camp or child day camp; | 3383 |
administrator or employee of a certified child care agency or | 3384 |
other public or private children services agency; school teacher; | 3385 |
school employee; school authority; person engaged in social work | 3386 |
or the practice of professional counseling; agent of a county | 3387 |
humane society; person, other than a cleric, rendering spiritual | 3388 |
treatment through prayer in accordance with the tenets of a | 3389 |
well-recognized religion; employee of a county department of job | 3390 |
and family services who is a professional and who works with | 3391 |
children and families; superintendent or regional administrator | 3392 |
employed by the department of youth services; superintendent, | 3393 |
board member, or employee of a county board of developmental | 3394 |
disabilities; investigative agent contracted with by a county | 3395 |
board of developmental disabilities; employee of the department of | 3396 |
developmental disabilities; employee of a facility or home that | 3397 |
provides respite care in accordance with section 5123.171 of the | 3398 |
Revised Code; employee of a home health agency; employee of an | 3399 |
entity that provides homemaker services; a person performing the | 3400 |
duties of an assessor pursuant to Chapter 3107. or 5103. of the | 3401 |
Revised Code; third party employed by a public children services | 3402 |
agency to assist in providing child or family related services; | 3403 |
court appointed special advocate; or guardian ad litem. | 3404 |
(2) Except as provided in division (A)(3) of this section, an | 3405 |
attorney or a physician is not required to make a report pursuant | 3406 |
to division (A)(1) of this section concerning any communication | 3407 |
the attorney or physician receives from a client or patient in an | 3408 |
attorney-client or physician-patient relationship, if, in | 3409 |
accordance with division (A) or (B) of section 2317.02 of the | 3410 |
Revised Code, the attorney or physician could not testify with | 3411 |
respect to that communication in a civil or criminal proceeding. | 3412 |
(3) The client or patient in an attorney-client or | 3413 |
physician-patient relationship described in division (A)(2) of | 3414 |
this section is deemed to have waived any testimonial privilege | 3415 |
under division (A) or (B) of section 2317.02 of the Revised Code | 3416 |
with respect to any communication the attorney or physician | 3417 |
receives from the client or patient in that attorney-client or | 3418 |
physician-patient relationship, and the attorney or physician | 3419 |
shall make a report pursuant to division (A)(1) of this section | 3420 |
with respect to that communication, if all of the following apply: | 3421 |
(a) The client or patient, at the time of the communication, | 3422 |
is either a child under eighteen years of age or a | 3423 |
3424 | |
with a developmental disability or physical impairment under | 3425 |
twenty-one years of age. | 3426 |
(b) The attorney or physician knows, or has reasonable cause | 3427 |
to suspect based on facts that would cause a reasonable person in | 3428 |
similar position to suspect, as a result of the communication or | 3429 |
any observations made during that communication, that the client | 3430 |
or patient has suffered or faces a threat of suffering any | 3431 |
physical or mental wound, injury, disability, or condition of a | 3432 |
nature that reasonably indicates abuse or neglect of the client or | 3433 |
patient. | 3434 |
(c) The abuse or neglect does not arise out of the client's | 3435 |
or patient's attempt to have an abortion without the notification | 3436 |
of her parents, guardian, or custodian in accordance with section | 3437 |
2151.85 of the Revised Code. | 3438 |
(4)(a) No cleric and no person, other than a volunteer, | 3439 |
designated by any church, religious society, or faith acting as a | 3440 |
leader, official, or delegate on behalf of the church, religious | 3441 |
society, or faith who is acting in an official or professional | 3442 |
capacity, who knows, or has reasonable cause to believe based on | 3443 |
facts that would cause a reasonable person in a similar position | 3444 |
to believe, that a child under eighteen years of age or a | 3445 |
3446 | |
person with a developmental disability or physical impairment | 3447 |
under twenty-one years of age has suffered or faces a threat of | 3448 |
suffering any physical or mental wound, injury, disability, or | 3449 |
condition of a nature that reasonably indicates abuse or neglect | 3450 |
of the child, and who knows, or has reasonable cause to believe | 3451 |
based on facts that would cause a reasonable person in a similar | 3452 |
position to believe, that another cleric or another person, other | 3453 |
than a volunteer, designated by a church, religious society, or | 3454 |
faith acting as a leader, official, or delegate on behalf of the | 3455 |
church, religious society, or faith caused, or poses the threat of | 3456 |
causing, the wound, injury, disability, or condition that | 3457 |
reasonably indicates abuse or neglect shall fail to immediately | 3458 |
report that knowledge or reasonable cause to believe to the entity | 3459 |
or persons specified in this division. Except as provided in | 3460 |
section 5120.173 of the Revised Code, the person making the report | 3461 |
shall make it to the public children services agency or a | 3462 |
municipal or county peace officer in the county in which the child | 3463 |
resides or in which the abuse or neglect is occurring or has | 3464 |
occurred. In the circumstances described in section 5120.173 of | 3465 |
the Revised Code, the person making the report shall make it to | 3466 |
the entity specified in that section. | 3467 |
(b) Except as provided in division (A)(4)(c) of this section, | 3468 |
a cleric is not required to make a report pursuant to division | 3469 |
(A)(4)(a) of this section concerning any communication the cleric | 3470 |
receives from a penitent in a cleric-penitent relationship, if, in | 3471 |
accordance with division (C) of section 2317.02 of the Revised | 3472 |
Code, the cleric could not testify with respect to that | 3473 |
communication in a civil or criminal proceeding. | 3474 |
(c) The penitent in a cleric-penitent relationship described | 3475 |
in division (A)(4)(b) of this section is deemed to have waived any | 3476 |
testimonial privilege under division (C) of section 2317.02 of the | 3477 |
Revised Code with respect to any communication the cleric receives | 3478 |
from the penitent in that cleric-penitent relationship, and the | 3479 |
cleric shall make a report pursuant to division (A)(4)(a) of this | 3480 |
section with respect to that communication, if all of the | 3481 |
following apply: | 3482 |
(i) The penitent, at the time of the communication, is either | 3483 |
a child under eighteen years of age or a | 3484 |
3485 | |
developmental disability or physical impairment under twenty-one | 3486 |
years of age. | 3487 |
(ii) The cleric knows, or has reasonable cause to believe | 3488 |
based on facts that would cause a reasonable person in a similar | 3489 |
position to believe, as a result of the communication or any | 3490 |
observations made during that communication, the penitent has | 3491 |
suffered or faces a threat of suffering any physical or mental | 3492 |
wound, injury, disability, or condition of a nature that | 3493 |
reasonably indicates abuse or neglect of the penitent. | 3494 |
(iii) The abuse or neglect does not arise out of the | 3495 |
penitent's attempt to have an abortion performed upon a child | 3496 |
under eighteen years of age or upon a | 3497 |
3498 | |
developmental disability or physical impairment under twenty-one | 3499 |
years of age without the notification of her parents, guardian, or | 3500 |
custodian in accordance with section 2151.85 of the Revised Code. | 3501 |
(d) Divisions (A)(4)(a) and (c) of this section do not apply | 3502 |
in a cleric-penitent relationship when the disclosure of any | 3503 |
communication the cleric receives from the penitent is in | 3504 |
violation of the sacred trust. | 3505 |
(e) As used in divisions (A)(1) and (4) of this section, | 3506 |
"cleric" and "sacred trust" have the same meanings as in section | 3507 |
2317.02 of the Revised Code. | 3508 |
(B) Anyone who knows, or has reasonable cause to suspect | 3509 |
based on facts that would cause a reasonable person in similar | 3510 |
circumstances to suspect, that a child under eighteen years of age | 3511 |
or a | 3512 |
3513 | |
impairment under twenty-one years of age has suffered or faces a | 3514 |
threat of suffering any physical or mental wound, injury, | 3515 |
disability, or other condition of a nature that reasonably | 3516 |
indicates abuse or neglect of the child may report or cause | 3517 |
reports to be made of that knowledge or reasonable cause to | 3518 |
suspect to the entity or persons specified in this division. | 3519 |
Except as provided in section 5120.173 of the Revised Code, a | 3520 |
person making a report or causing a report to be made under this | 3521 |
division shall make it or cause it to be made to the public | 3522 |
children services agency or to a municipal or county peace | 3523 |
officer. In the circumstances described in section 5120.173 of the | 3524 |
Revised Code, a person making a report or causing a report to be | 3525 |
made under this division shall make it or cause it to be made to | 3526 |
the entity specified in that section. | 3527 |
(C) Any report made pursuant to division (A) or (B) of this | 3528 |
section shall be made forthwith either by telephone or in person | 3529 |
and shall be followed by a written report, if requested by the | 3530 |
receiving agency or officer. The written report shall contain: | 3531 |
(1) The names and addresses of the child and the child's | 3532 |
parents or the person or persons having custody of the child, if | 3533 |
known; | 3534 |
(2) The child's age and the nature and extent of the child's | 3535 |
injuries, abuse, or neglect that is known or reasonably suspected | 3536 |
or believed, as applicable, to have occurred or of the threat of | 3537 |
injury, abuse, or neglect that is known or reasonably suspected or | 3538 |
believed, as applicable, to exist, including any evidence of | 3539 |
previous injuries, abuse, or neglect; | 3540 |
(3) Any other information that might be helpful in | 3541 |
establishing the cause of the injury, abuse, or neglect that is | 3542 |
known or reasonably suspected or believed, as applicable, to have | 3543 |
occurred or of the threat of injury, abuse, or neglect that is | 3544 |
known or reasonably suspected or believed, as applicable, to | 3545 |
exist. | 3546 |
Any person, who is required by division (A) of this section | 3547 |
to report child abuse or child neglect that is known or reasonably | 3548 |
suspected or believed to have occurred, may take or cause to be | 3549 |
taken color photographs of areas of trauma visible on a child and, | 3550 |
if medically indicated, cause to be performed radiological | 3551 |
examinations of the child. | 3552 |
(D) As used in this division, "children's advocacy center" | 3553 |
and "sexual abuse of a child" have the same meanings as in section | 3554 |
2151.425 of the Revised Code. | 3555 |
(1) When a municipal or county peace officer receives a | 3556 |
report concerning the possible abuse or neglect of a child or the | 3557 |
possible threat of abuse or neglect of a child, upon receipt of | 3558 |
the report, the municipal or county peace officer who receives the | 3559 |
report shall refer the report to the appropriate public children | 3560 |
services agency. | 3561 |
(2) When a public children services agency receives a report | 3562 |
pursuant to this division or division (A) or (B) of this section, | 3563 |
upon receipt of the report, the public children services agency | 3564 |
shall do both of the following: | 3565 |
(a) Comply with section 2151.422 of the Revised Code; | 3566 |
(b) If the county served by the agency is also served by a | 3567 |
children's advocacy center and the report alleges sexual abuse of | 3568 |
a child or another type of abuse of a child that is specified in | 3569 |
the memorandum of understanding that creates the center as being | 3570 |
within the center's jurisdiction, comply regarding the report with | 3571 |
the protocol and procedures for referrals and investigations, with | 3572 |
the coordinating activities, and with the authority or | 3573 |
responsibility for performing or providing functions, activities, | 3574 |
and services stipulated in the interagency agreement entered into | 3575 |
under section 2151.428 of the Revised Code relative to that | 3576 |
center. | 3577 |
(E) No township, municipal, or county peace officer shall | 3578 |
remove a child about whom a report is made pursuant to this | 3579 |
section from the child's parents, stepparents, or guardian or any | 3580 |
other persons having custody of the child without consultation | 3581 |
with the public children services agency, unless, in the judgment | 3582 |
of the officer, and, if the report was made by physician, the | 3583 |
physician, immediate removal is considered essential to protect | 3584 |
the child from further abuse or neglect. The agency that must be | 3585 |
consulted shall be the agency conducting the investigation of the | 3586 |
report as determined pursuant to section 2151.422 of the Revised | 3587 |
Code. | 3588 |
(F)(1) Except as provided in section 2151.422 of the Revised | 3589 |
Code or in an interagency agreement entered into under section | 3590 |
2151.428 of the Revised Code that applies to the particular | 3591 |
report, the public children services agency shall investigate, | 3592 |
within twenty-four hours, each report of child abuse or child | 3593 |
neglect that is known or reasonably suspected or believed to have | 3594 |
occurred and of a threat of child abuse or child neglect that is | 3595 |
known or reasonably suspected or believed to exist that is | 3596 |
referred to it under this section to determine the circumstances | 3597 |
surrounding the injuries, abuse, or neglect or the threat of | 3598 |
injury, abuse, or neglect, the cause of the injuries, abuse, | 3599 |
neglect, or threat, and the person or persons responsible. The | 3600 |
investigation shall be made in cooperation with the law | 3601 |
enforcement agency and in accordance with the memorandum of | 3602 |
understanding prepared under division (J) of this section. A | 3603 |
representative of the public children services agency shall, at | 3604 |
the time of initial contact with the person subject to the | 3605 |
investigation, inform the person of the specific complaints or | 3606 |
allegations made against the person. The information shall be | 3607 |
given in a manner that is consistent with division (H)(1) of this | 3608 |
section and protects the rights of the person making the report | 3609 |
under this section. | 3610 |
A failure to make the investigation in accordance with the | 3611 |
memorandum is not grounds for, and shall not result in, the | 3612 |
dismissal of any charges or complaint arising from the report or | 3613 |
the suppression of any evidence obtained as a result of the report | 3614 |
and does not give, and shall not be construed as giving, any | 3615 |
rights or any grounds for appeal or post-conviction relief to any | 3616 |
person. The public children services agency shall report each case | 3617 |
to the uniform statewide automated child welfare information | 3618 |
system that the department of job and family services shall | 3619 |
maintain in accordance with section 5101.13 of the Revised Code. | 3620 |
The public children services agency shall submit a report of its | 3621 |
investigation, in writing, to the law enforcement agency. | 3622 |
(2) The public children services agency shall make any | 3623 |
recommendations to the county prosecuting attorney or city | 3624 |
director of law that it considers necessary to protect any | 3625 |
children that are brought to its attention. | 3626 |
(G)(1)(a) Except as provided in division (H)(3) of this | 3627 |
section, anyone or any hospital, institution, school, health | 3628 |
department, or agency participating in the making of reports under | 3629 |
division (A) of this section, anyone or any hospital, institution, | 3630 |
school, health department, or agency participating in good faith | 3631 |
in the making of reports under division (B) of this section, and | 3632 |
anyone participating in good faith in a judicial proceeding | 3633 |
resulting from the reports, shall be immune from any civil or | 3634 |
criminal liability for injury, death, or loss to person or | 3635 |
property that otherwise might be incurred or imposed as a result | 3636 |
of the making of the reports or the participation in the judicial | 3637 |
proceeding. | 3638 |
(b) Notwithstanding section 4731.22 of the Revised Code, the | 3639 |
physician-patient privilege shall not be a ground for excluding | 3640 |
evidence regarding a child's injuries, abuse, or neglect, or the | 3641 |
cause of the injuries, abuse, or neglect in any judicial | 3642 |
proceeding resulting from a report submitted pursuant to this | 3643 |
section. | 3644 |
(2) In any civil or criminal action or proceeding in which it | 3645 |
is alleged and proved that participation in the making of a report | 3646 |
under this section was not in good faith or participation in a | 3647 |
judicial proceeding resulting from a report made under this | 3648 |
section was not in good faith, the court shall award the | 3649 |
prevailing party reasonable attorney's fees and costs and, if a | 3650 |
civil action or proceeding is voluntarily dismissed, may award | 3651 |
reasonable attorney's fees and costs to the party against whom the | 3652 |
civil action or proceeding is brought. | 3653 |
(H)(1) Except as provided in divisions (H)(4) and (N) of this | 3654 |
section, a report made under this section is confidential. The | 3655 |
information provided in a report made pursuant to this section and | 3656 |
the name of the person who made the report shall not be released | 3657 |
for use, and shall not be used, as evidence in any civil action or | 3658 |
proceeding brought against the person who made the report. Nothing | 3659 |
in this division shall preclude the use of reports of other | 3660 |
incidents of known or suspected abuse or neglect in a civil action | 3661 |
or proceeding brought pursuant to division (M) of this section | 3662 |
against a person who is alleged to have violated division (A)(1) | 3663 |
of this section, provided that any information in a report that | 3664 |
would identify the child who is the subject of the report or the | 3665 |
maker of the report, if the maker of the report is not the | 3666 |
defendant or an agent or employee of the defendant, has been | 3667 |
redacted. In a criminal proceeding, the report is admissible in | 3668 |
evidence in accordance with the Rules of Evidence and is subject | 3669 |
to discovery in accordance with the Rules of Criminal Procedure. | 3670 |
(2) No person shall permit or encourage the unauthorized | 3671 |
dissemination of the contents of any report made under this | 3672 |
section. | 3673 |
(3) A person who knowingly makes or causes another person to | 3674 |
make a false report under division (B) of this section that | 3675 |
alleges that any person has committed an act or omission that | 3676 |
resulted in a child being an abused child or a neglected child is | 3677 |
guilty of a violation of section 2921.14 of the Revised Code. | 3678 |
(4) If a report is made pursuant to division (A) or (B) of | 3679 |
this section and the child who is the subject of the report dies | 3680 |
for any reason at any time after the report is made, but before | 3681 |
the child attains eighteen years of age, the public children | 3682 |
services agency or municipal or county peace officer to which the | 3683 |
report was made or referred, on the request of the child fatality | 3684 |
review board, shall submit a summary sheet of information | 3685 |
providing a summary of the report to the review board of the | 3686 |
county in which the deceased child resided at the time of death. | 3687 |
On the request of the review board, the agency or peace officer | 3688 |
may, at its discretion, make the report available to the review | 3689 |
board. If the county served by the public children services agency | 3690 |
is also served by a children's advocacy center and the report of | 3691 |
alleged sexual abuse of a child or another type of abuse of a | 3692 |
child is specified in the memorandum of understanding that creates | 3693 |
the center as being within the center's jurisdiction, the agency | 3694 |
or center shall perform the duties and functions specified in this | 3695 |
division in accordance with the interagency agreement entered into | 3696 |
under section 2151.428 of the Revised Code relative to that | 3697 |
advocacy center. | 3698 |
(5) A public children services agency shall advise a person | 3699 |
alleged to have inflicted abuse or neglect on a child who is the | 3700 |
subject of a report made pursuant to this section, including a | 3701 |
report alleging sexual abuse of a child or another type of abuse | 3702 |
of a child referred to a children's advocacy center pursuant to an | 3703 |
interagency agreement entered into under section 2151.428 of the | 3704 |
Revised Code, in writing of the disposition of the investigation. | 3705 |
The agency shall not provide to the person any information that | 3706 |
identifies the person who made the report, statements of | 3707 |
witnesses, or police or other investigative reports. | 3708 |
(I) Any report that is required by this section, other than a | 3709 |
report that is made to the state highway patrol as described in | 3710 |
section 5120.173 of the Revised Code, shall result in protective | 3711 |
services and emergency supportive services being made available by | 3712 |
the public children services agency on behalf of the children | 3713 |
about whom the report is made, in an effort to prevent further | 3714 |
neglect or abuse, to enhance their welfare, and, whenever | 3715 |
possible, to preserve the family unit intact. The agency required | 3716 |
to provide the services shall be the agency conducting the | 3717 |
investigation of the report pursuant to section 2151.422 of the | 3718 |
Revised Code. | 3719 |
(J)(1) Each public children services agency shall prepare a | 3720 |
memorandum of understanding that is signed by all of the | 3721 |
following: | 3722 |
(a) If there is only one juvenile judge in the county, the | 3723 |
juvenile judge of the county or the juvenile judge's | 3724 |
representative; | 3725 |
(b) If there is more than one juvenile judge in the county, a | 3726 |
juvenile judge or the juvenile judges' representative selected by | 3727 |
the juvenile judges or, if they are unable to do so for any | 3728 |
reason, the juvenile judge who is senior in point of service or | 3729 |
the senior juvenile judge's representative; | 3730 |
(c) The county peace officer; | 3731 |
(d) All chief municipal peace officers within the county; | 3732 |
(e) Other law enforcement officers handling child abuse and | 3733 |
neglect cases in the county; | 3734 |
(f) The prosecuting attorney of the county; | 3735 |
(g) If the public children services agency is not the county | 3736 |
department of job and family services, the county department of | 3737 |
job and family services; | 3738 |
(h) The county humane society; | 3739 |
(i) If the public children services agency participated in | 3740 |
the execution of a memorandum of understanding under section | 3741 |
2151.426 of the Revised Code establishing a children's advocacy | 3742 |
center, each participating member of the children's advocacy | 3743 |
center established by the memorandum. | 3744 |
(2) A memorandum of understanding shall set forth the normal | 3745 |
operating procedure to be employed by all concerned officials in | 3746 |
the execution of their respective responsibilities under this | 3747 |
section and division (C) of section 2919.21, division (B)(1) of | 3748 |
section 2919.22, division (B) of section 2919.23, and section | 3749 |
2919.24 of the Revised Code and shall have as two of its primary | 3750 |
goals the elimination of all unnecessary interviews of children | 3751 |
who are the subject of reports made pursuant to division (A) or | 3752 |
(B) of this section and, when feasible, providing for only one | 3753 |
interview of a child who is the subject of any report made | 3754 |
pursuant to division (A) or (B) of this section. A failure to | 3755 |
follow the procedure set forth in the memorandum by the concerned | 3756 |
officials is not grounds for, and shall not result in, the | 3757 |
dismissal of any charges or complaint arising from any reported | 3758 |
case of abuse or neglect or the suppression of any evidence | 3759 |
obtained as a result of any reported child abuse or child neglect | 3760 |
and does not give, and shall not be construed as giving, any | 3761 |
rights or any grounds for appeal or post-conviction relief to any | 3762 |
person. | 3763 |
(3) A memorandum of understanding shall include all of the | 3764 |
following: | 3765 |
(a) The roles and responsibilities for handling emergency and | 3766 |
nonemergency cases of abuse and neglect; | 3767 |
(b) Standards and procedures to be used in handling and | 3768 |
coordinating investigations of reported cases of child abuse and | 3769 |
reported cases of child neglect, methods to be used in | 3770 |
interviewing the child who is the subject of the report and who | 3771 |
allegedly was abused or neglected, and standards and procedures | 3772 |
addressing the categories of persons who may interview the child | 3773 |
who is the subject of the report and who allegedly was abused or | 3774 |
neglected. | 3775 |
(4) If a public children services agency participated in the | 3776 |
execution of a memorandum of understanding under section 2151.426 | 3777 |
of the Revised Code establishing a children's advocacy center, the | 3778 |
agency shall incorporate the contents of that memorandum in the | 3779 |
memorandum prepared pursuant to this section. | 3780 |
(5) The clerk of the court of common pleas in the county may | 3781 |
sign the memorandum of understanding prepared under division | 3782 |
(J)(1) of this section. If the clerk signs the memorandum of | 3783 |
understanding, the clerk shall execute all relevant | 3784 |
responsibilities as required of officials specified in the | 3785 |
memorandum. | 3786 |
(K)(1) Except as provided in division (K)(4) of this section, | 3787 |
a person who is required to make a report pursuant to division (A) | 3788 |
of this section may make a reasonable number of requests of the | 3789 |
public children services agency that receives or is referred the | 3790 |
report, or of the children's advocacy center that is referred the | 3791 |
report if the report is referred to a children's advocacy center | 3792 |
pursuant to an interagency agreement entered into under section | 3793 |
2151.428 of the Revised Code, to be provided with the following | 3794 |
information: | 3795 |
(a) Whether the agency or center has initiated an | 3796 |
investigation of the report; | 3797 |
(b) Whether the agency or center is continuing to investigate | 3798 |
the report; | 3799 |
(c) Whether the agency or center is otherwise involved with | 3800 |
the child who is the subject of the report; | 3801 |
(d) The general status of the health and safety of the child | 3802 |
who is the subject of the report; | 3803 |
(e) Whether the report has resulted in the filing of a | 3804 |
complaint in juvenile court or of criminal charges in another | 3805 |
court. | 3806 |
(2) A person may request the information specified in | 3807 |
division (K)(1) of this section only if, at the time the report is | 3808 |
made, the person's name, address, and telephone number are | 3809 |
provided to the person who receives the report. | 3810 |
When a municipal or county peace officer or employee of a | 3811 |
public children services agency receives a report pursuant to | 3812 |
division (A) or (B) of this section the recipient of the report | 3813 |
shall inform the person of the right to request the information | 3814 |
described in division (K)(1) of this section. The recipient of the | 3815 |
report shall include in the initial child abuse or child neglect | 3816 |
report that the person making the report was so informed and, if | 3817 |
provided at the time of the making of the report, shall include | 3818 |
the person's name, address, and telephone number in the report. | 3819 |
Each request is subject to verification of the identity of | 3820 |
the person making the report. If that person's identity is | 3821 |
verified, the agency shall provide the person with the information | 3822 |
described in division (K)(1) of this section a reasonable number | 3823 |
of times, except that the agency shall not disclose any | 3824 |
confidential information regarding the child who is the subject of | 3825 |
the report other than the information described in those | 3826 |
divisions. | 3827 |
(3) A request made pursuant to division (K)(1) of this | 3828 |
section is not a substitute for any report required to be made | 3829 |
pursuant to division (A) of this section. | 3830 |
(4) If an agency other than the agency that received or was | 3831 |
referred the report is conducting the investigation of the report | 3832 |
pursuant to section 2151.422 of the Revised Code, the agency | 3833 |
conducting the investigation shall comply with the requirements of | 3834 |
division (K) of this section. | 3835 |
(L) The director of job and family services shall adopt rules | 3836 |
in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to implement | 3837 |
this section. The department of job and family services may enter | 3838 |
into a plan of cooperation with any other governmental entity to | 3839 |
aid in ensuring that children are protected from abuse and | 3840 |
neglect. The department shall make recommendations to the attorney | 3841 |
general that the department determines are necessary to protect | 3842 |
children from child abuse and child neglect. | 3843 |
(M) Whoever violates division (A) of this section is liable | 3844 |
for compensatory and exemplary damages to the child who would have | 3845 |
been the subject of the report that was not made. A person who | 3846 |
brings a civil action or proceeding pursuant to this division | 3847 |
against a person who is alleged to have violated division (A)(1) | 3848 |
of this section may use in the action or proceeding reports of | 3849 |
other incidents of known or suspected abuse or neglect, provided | 3850 |
that any information in a report that would identify the child who | 3851 |
is the subject of the report or the maker of the report, if the | 3852 |
maker is not the defendant or an agent or employee of the | 3853 |
defendant, has been redacted. | 3854 |
(N)(1) As used in this division: | 3855 |
(a) "Out-of-home care" includes a nonchartered nonpublic | 3856 |
school if the alleged child abuse or child neglect, or alleged | 3857 |
threat of child abuse or child neglect, described in a report | 3858 |
received by a public children services agency allegedly occurred | 3859 |
in or involved the nonchartered nonpublic school and the alleged | 3860 |
perpetrator named in the report holds a certificate, permit, or | 3861 |
license issued by the state board of education under section | 3862 |
3301.071 or Chapter 3319. of the Revised Code. | 3863 |
(b) "Administrator, director, or other chief administrative | 3864 |
officer" means the superintendent of the school district if the | 3865 |
out-of-home care entity subject to a report made pursuant to this | 3866 |
section is a school operated by the district. | 3867 |
(2) No later than the end of the day following the day on | 3868 |
which a public children services agency receives a report of | 3869 |
alleged child abuse or child neglect, or a report of an alleged | 3870 |
threat of child abuse or child neglect, that allegedly occurred in | 3871 |
or involved an out-of-home care entity, the agency shall provide | 3872 |
written notice of the allegations contained in and the person | 3873 |
named as the alleged perpetrator in the report to the | 3874 |
administrator, director, or other chief administrative officer of | 3875 |
the out-of-home care entity that is the subject of the report | 3876 |
unless the administrator, director, or other chief administrative | 3877 |
officer is named as an alleged perpetrator in the report. If the | 3878 |
administrator, director, or other chief administrative officer of | 3879 |
an out-of-home care entity is named as an alleged perpetrator in a | 3880 |
report of alleged child abuse or child neglect, or a report of an | 3881 |
alleged threat of child abuse or child neglect, that allegedly | 3882 |
occurred in or involved the out-of-home care entity, the agency | 3883 |
shall provide the written notice to the owner or governing board | 3884 |
of the out-of-home care entity that is the subject of the report. | 3885 |
The agency shall not provide witness statements or police or other | 3886 |
investigative reports. | 3887 |
(3) No later than three days after the day on which a public | 3888 |
children services agency that conducted the investigation as | 3889 |
determined pursuant to section 2151.422 of the Revised Code makes | 3890 |
a disposition of an investigation involving a report of alleged | 3891 |
child abuse or child neglect, or a report of an alleged threat of | 3892 |
child abuse or child neglect, that allegedly occurred in or | 3893 |
involved an out-of-home care entity, the agency shall send written | 3894 |
notice of the disposition of the investigation to the | 3895 |
administrator, director, or other chief administrative officer and | 3896 |
the owner or governing board of the out-of-home care entity. The | 3897 |
agency shall not provide witness statements or police or other | 3898 |
investigative reports. | 3899 |
(O) As used in this section, "investigation" means the public | 3900 |
children services agency's response to an accepted report of child | 3901 |
abuse or neglect through either an alternative response or a | 3902 |
traditional response. | 3903 |
Sec. 2151.425. As used in sections 2151.426 to 2151.428 of | 3904 |
the Revised Code: | 3905 |
(A) "Children's advocacy center" means a center operated by | 3906 |
participating entities within a county or two or more contiguous | 3907 |
counties to perform functions and activities and provide services, | 3908 |
in accordance with the interagency agreement entered into under | 3909 |
section 2151.428 of the Revised Code, regarding reports received | 3910 |
under section 2151.421 of the Revised Code of alleged sexual abuse | 3911 |
of a child or another type of abuse of a child that is specified | 3912 |
in the memorandum of understanding that creates the center as | 3913 |
being within the center's jurisdiction and regarding the children | 3914 |
who are the subjects of the report. | 3915 |
(B) "Sexual abuse of a child" means unlawful sexual conduct | 3916 |
or sexual contact, as those terms are defined in section 2907.01 | 3917 |
of the Revised Code, with a person under eighteen years of age or | 3918 |
a | 3919 |
3920 | |
disability or physical impairment. | 3921 |
Sec. 2151.651. The board of county commissioners of a county | 3922 |
which, either separately or as part of a district, is planning to | 3923 |
establish a school, forestry camp, or other facility under section | 3924 |
2151.65 of the Revised Code, to be used exclusively for the | 3925 |
rehabilitation of children between the ages of twelve to eighteen | 3926 |
years, other than psychotic children or | 3927 |
with developmental disabilities that are intellectual | 3928 |
disabilities, who are designated delinquent children, as defined | 3929 |
in section 2152.02 of the Revised Code, or unruly children, as | 3930 |
defined in section 2151.022 of the Revised Code, by order of a | 3931 |
juvenile court, may make application to the department of youth | 3932 |
services, created under section 5139.01 of the Revised Code, for | 3933 |
financial assistance in defraying the county's share of the cost | 3934 |
of acquisition or construction of such school, camp, or other | 3935 |
facility, as provided in section 5139.27 of the Revised Code. Such | 3936 |
application shall be made on forms prescribed and furnished by the | 3937 |
department. | 3938 |
Sec. 2152.02. As used in this chapter: | 3939 |
(A) "Act charged" means the act that is identified in a | 3940 |
complaint, indictment, or information alleging that a child is a | 3941 |
delinquent child. | 3942 |
(B) "Admitted to a department of youth services facility" | 3943 |
includes admission to a facility operated, or contracted for, by | 3944 |
the department and admission to a comparable facility outside this | 3945 |
state by another state or the United States. | 3946 |
(C)(1) "Child" means a person who is under eighteen years of | 3947 |
age, except as otherwise provided in divisions (C)(2) to (8) of | 3948 |
this section. | 3949 |
(2) Subject to division (C)(3) of this section, any person | 3950 |
who violates a federal or state law or a municipal ordinance prior | 3951 |
to attaining eighteen years of age shall be deemed a "child" | 3952 |
irrespective of that person's age at the time the complaint with | 3953 |
respect to that violation is filed or the hearing on the complaint | 3954 |
is held. | 3955 |
(3) Any person who, while under eighteen years of age, | 3956 |
commits an act that would be a felony if committed by an adult and | 3957 |
who is not taken into custody or apprehended for that act until | 3958 |
after the person attains twenty-one years of age is not a child in | 3959 |
relation to that act. | 3960 |
(4) Except as otherwise provided in divisions (C)(5) and (7) | 3961 |
of this section, any person whose case is transferred for criminal | 3962 |
prosecution pursuant to section 2152.12 of the Revised Code shall | 3963 |
be deemed after the transfer not to be a child in the transferred | 3964 |
case. | 3965 |
(5) Any person whose case is transferred for criminal | 3966 |
prosecution pursuant to section 2152.12 of the Revised Code and | 3967 |
who subsequently is convicted of or pleads guilty to a felony in | 3968 |
that case, unless a serious youthful offender dispositional | 3969 |
sentence is imposed on the child for that offense under division | 3970 |
(B)(2) or (3) of section 2152.121 of the Revised Code and the | 3971 |
adult portion of that sentence is not invoked pursuant to section | 3972 |
2152.14 of the Revised Code, and any person who is adjudicated a | 3973 |
delinquent child for the commission of an act, who has a serious | 3974 |
youthful offender dispositional sentence imposed for the act | 3975 |
pursuant to section 2152.13 of the Revised Code, and whose adult | 3976 |
portion of the dispositional sentence is invoked pursuant to | 3977 |
section 2152.14 of the Revised Code, shall be deemed after the | 3978 |
conviction, plea, or invocation not to be a child in any case in | 3979 |
which a complaint is filed against the person. | 3980 |
(6) The juvenile court has jurisdiction over a person who is | 3981 |
adjudicated a delinquent child or juvenile traffic offender prior | 3982 |
to attaining eighteen years of age until the person attains | 3983 |
twenty-one years of age, and, for purposes of that jurisdiction | 3984 |
related to that adjudication, except as otherwise provided in this | 3985 |
division, a person who is so adjudicated a delinquent child or | 3986 |
juvenile traffic offender shall be deemed a "child" until the | 3987 |
person attains twenty-one years of age. If a person is so | 3988 |
adjudicated a delinquent child or juvenile traffic offender and | 3989 |
the court makes a disposition of the person under this chapter, at | 3990 |
any time after the person attains twenty-one years of age, the | 3991 |
places at which the person may be held under that disposition are | 3992 |
not limited to places authorized under this chapter solely for | 3993 |
confinement of children, and the person may be confined under that | 3994 |
disposition, in accordance with division (F)(2) of section 2152.26 | 3995 |
of the Revised Code, in places other than those authorized under | 3996 |
this chapter solely for confinement of children. | 3997 |
(7) The juvenile court has jurisdiction over any person whose | 3998 |
case is transferred for criminal prosecution solely for the | 3999 |
purpose of detaining the person as authorized in division (F)(1) | 4000 |
or (4) of section 2152.26 of the Revised Code unless the person is | 4001 |
convicted of or pleads guilty to a felony in the adult court. | 4002 |
(8) Any person who, while eighteen years of age, violates | 4003 |
division (A)(1) or (2) of section 2919.27 of the Revised Code by | 4004 |
violating a protection order issued or consent agreement approved | 4005 |
under section 2151.34 or 3113.31 of the Revised Code shall be | 4006 |
considered a child for the purposes of that violation of section | 4007 |
2919.27 of the Revised Code. | 4008 |
(D) "Chronic truant" means any child of compulsory school age | 4009 |
who is absent without legitimate excuse for absence from the | 4010 |
public school the child is supposed to attend for seven or more | 4011 |
consecutive school days, ten or more school days in one school | 4012 |
month, or fifteen or more school days in a school year. | 4013 |
(E) "Community corrections facility," "public safety beds," | 4014 |
"release authority," and "supervised release" have the same | 4015 |
meanings as in section 5139.01 of the Revised Code. | 4016 |
(F) "Delinquent child" includes any of the following: | 4017 |
(1) Any child, except a juvenile traffic offender, who | 4018 |
violates any law of this state or the United States, or any | 4019 |
ordinance of a political subdivision of the state, that would be | 4020 |
an offense if committed by an adult; | 4021 |
(2) Any child who violates any lawful order of the court made | 4022 |
under this chapter or under Chapter 2151. of the Revised Code | 4023 |
other than an order issued under section 2151.87 of the Revised | 4024 |
Code; | 4025 |
(3) Any child who violates division (C) of section 2907.39, | 4026 |
division (A) of section 2923.211, or division (C)(1) or (D) of | 4027 |
section 2925.55 of the Revised Code; | 4028 |
(4) Any child who is a habitual truant and who previously has | 4029 |
been adjudicated an unruly child for being a habitual truant; | 4030 |
(5) Any child who is a chronic truant. | 4031 |
(G) "Discretionary serious youthful offender" means a person | 4032 |
who is eligible for a discretionary SYO and who is not transferred | 4033 |
to adult court under a mandatory or discretionary transfer. | 4034 |
(H) "Discretionary SYO" means a case in which the juvenile | 4035 |
court, in the juvenile court's discretion, may impose a serious | 4036 |
youthful offender disposition under section 2152.13 of the Revised | 4037 |
Code. | 4038 |
(I) "Discretionary transfer" means that the juvenile court | 4039 |
has discretion to transfer a case for criminal prosecution under | 4040 |
division (B) of section 2152.12 of the Revised Code. | 4041 |
(J) "Drug abuse offense," "felony drug abuse offense," and | 4042 |
"minor drug possession offense" have the same meanings as in | 4043 |
section 2925.01 of the Revised Code. | 4044 |
(K) "Electronic monitoring" and "electronic monitoring | 4045 |
device" have the same meanings as in section 2929.01 of the | 4046 |
Revised Code. | 4047 |
(L) "Economic loss" means any economic detriment suffered by | 4048 |
a victim of a delinquent act or juvenile traffic offense as a | 4049 |
direct and proximate result of the delinquent act or juvenile | 4050 |
traffic offense and includes any loss of income due to lost time | 4051 |
at work because of any injury caused to the victim and any | 4052 |
property loss, medical cost, or funeral expense incurred as a | 4053 |
result of the delinquent act or juvenile traffic offense. | 4054 |
"Economic loss" does not include non-economic loss or any punitive | 4055 |
or exemplary damages. | 4056 |
(M) "Firearm" has the same meaning as in section 2923.11 of | 4057 |
the Revised Code. | 4058 |
(N) "Juvenile traffic offender" means any child who violates | 4059 |
any traffic law, traffic ordinance, or traffic regulation of this | 4060 |
state, the United States, or any political subdivision of this | 4061 |
state, other than a resolution, ordinance, or regulation of a | 4062 |
political subdivision of this state the violation of which is | 4063 |
required to be handled by a parking violations bureau or a joint | 4064 |
parking violations bureau pursuant to Chapter 4521. of the Revised | 4065 |
Code. | 4066 |
(O) A "legitimate excuse for absence from the public school | 4067 |
the child is supposed to attend" has the same meaning as in | 4068 |
section 2151.011 of the Revised Code. | 4069 |
(P) "Mandatory serious youthful offender" means a person who | 4070 |
is eligible for a mandatory SYO and who is not transferred to | 4071 |
adult court under a mandatory or discretionary transfer and also | 4072 |
includes, for purposes of imposition of a mandatory serious | 4073 |
youthful dispositional sentence under section 2152.13 of the | 4074 |
Revised Code, a person upon whom a juvenile court is required to | 4075 |
impose such a sentence under division (B)(3) of section 2152.121 | 4076 |
of the Revised Code. | 4077 |
(Q) "Mandatory SYO" means a case in which the juvenile court | 4078 |
is required to impose a mandatory serious youthful offender | 4079 |
disposition under section 2152.13 of the Revised Code. | 4080 |
(R) "Mandatory transfer" means that a case is required to be | 4081 |
transferred for criminal prosecution under division (A) of section | 4082 |
2152.12 of the Revised Code. | 4083 |
(S) "Mental illness" has the same meaning as in section | 4084 |
5122.01 of the Revised Code. | 4085 |
(T) | 4086 |
4087 |
| 4088 |
same meanings as in section 2929.01 of the Revised Code. | 4089 |
| 4090 |
section 3321.01 of the Revised Code. | 4091 |
(V) "Person with an intellectual disability" has the same | 4092 |
meaning as in section 5123.01 of the Revised Code. | 4093 |
(W) "Public record" has the same meaning as in section 149.43 | 4094 |
of the Revised Code. | 4095 |
(X) "Serious youthful offender" means a person who is | 4096 |
eligible for a mandatory SYO or discretionary SYO but who is not | 4097 |
transferred to adult court under a mandatory or discretionary | 4098 |
transfer and also includes, for purposes of imposition of a | 4099 |
mandatory serious youthful dispositional sentence under section | 4100 |
2152.13 of the Revised Code, a person upon whom a juvenile court | 4101 |
is required to impose such a sentence under division (B)(3) of | 4102 |
section 2152.121 of the Revised Code. | 4103 |
(Y) "Sexually oriented offense," "juvenile offender | 4104 |
registrant," "child-victim oriented offense," "tier I sex | 4105 |
offender/child-victim offender," "tier II sex | 4106 |
offender/child-victim offender," "tier III sex | 4107 |
offender/child-victim offender," and "public registry-qualified | 4108 |
juvenile offender registrant" have the same meanings as in section | 4109 |
2950.01 of the Revised Code. | 4110 |
(Z) "Traditional juvenile" means a case that is not | 4111 |
transferred to adult court under a mandatory or discretionary | 4112 |
transfer, that is eligible for a disposition under sections | 4113 |
2152.16, 2152.17, 2152.19, and 2152.20 of the Revised Code, and | 4114 |
that is not eligible for a disposition under section 2152.13 of | 4115 |
the Revised Code. | 4116 |
(AA) "Transfer" means the transfer for criminal prosecution | 4117 |
of a case involving the alleged commission by a child of an act | 4118 |
that would be an offense if committed by an adult from the | 4119 |
juvenile court to the appropriate court that has jurisdiction of | 4120 |
the offense. | 4121 |
(BB) "Category one offense" means any of the following: | 4122 |
(1) A violation of section 2903.01 or 2903.02 of the Revised | 4123 |
Code; | 4124 |
(2) A violation of section 2923.02 of the Revised Code | 4125 |
involving an attempt to commit aggravated murder or murder. | 4126 |
(CC) "Category two offense" means any of the following: | 4127 |
(1) A violation of section 2903.03, 2905.01, 2907.02, | 4128 |
2909.02, 2911.01, or 2911.11 of the Revised Code; | 4129 |
(2) A violation of section 2903.04 of the Revised Code that | 4130 |
is a felony of the first degree; | 4131 |
(3) A violation of section 2907.12 of the Revised Code as it | 4132 |
existed prior to September 3, 1996. | 4133 |
(DD) "Non-economic loss" means nonpecuniary harm suffered by | 4134 |
a victim of a delinquent act or juvenile traffic offense as a | 4135 |
result of or related to the delinquent act or juvenile traffic | 4136 |
offense, including, but not limited to, pain and suffering; loss | 4137 |
of society, consortium, companionship, care, assistance, | 4138 |
attention, protection, advice, guidance, counsel, instruction, | 4139 |
training, or education; mental anguish; and any other intangible | 4140 |
loss. | 4141 |
Sec. 2152.12. (A)(1)(a) After a complaint has been filed | 4142 |
alleging that a child is a delinquent child for committing an act | 4143 |
that would be aggravated murder, murder, attempted aggravated | 4144 |
murder, or attempted murder if committed by an adult, the juvenile | 4145 |
court at a hearing shall transfer the case if either of the | 4146 |
following applies: | 4147 |
(i) The child was sixteen or seventeen years of age at the | 4148 |
time of the act charged and there is probable cause to believe | 4149 |
that the child committed the act charged. | 4150 |
(ii) The child was fourteen or fifteen years of age at the | 4151 |
time of the act charged, section 2152.10 of the Revised Code | 4152 |
provides that the child is eligible for mandatory transfer, and | 4153 |
there is probable cause to believe that the child committed the | 4154 |
act charged. | 4155 |
(b) After a complaint has been filed alleging that a child is | 4156 |
a delinquent child by reason of committing a category two offense, | 4157 |
the juvenile court at a hearing shall transfer the case if the | 4158 |
child was sixteen or seventeen years of age at the time of the act | 4159 |
charged and either of the following applies: | 4160 |
(i) Division (A)(2)(a) of section 2152.10 of the Revised Code | 4161 |
requires the mandatory transfer of the case, and there is probable | 4162 |
cause to believe that the child committed the act charged. | 4163 |
(ii) Division (A)(2)(b) of section 2152.10 of the Revised | 4164 |
Code requires the mandatory transfer of the case, and there is | 4165 |
probable cause to believe that the child committed the act | 4166 |
charged. | 4167 |
(2) The juvenile court also shall transfer a case in the | 4168 |
circumstances described in division (C)(5) of section 2152.02 of | 4169 |
the Revised Code or if either of the following applies: | 4170 |
(a) A complaint is filed against a child who is eligible for | 4171 |
a discretionary transfer under section 2152.10 of the Revised Code | 4172 |
and who previously was convicted of or pleaded guilty to a felony | 4173 |
in a case that was transferred to a criminal court. | 4174 |
(b) A complaint is filed against a child who is domiciled in | 4175 |
another state alleging that the child is a delinquent child for | 4176 |
committing an act that would be a felony if committed by an adult, | 4177 |
and, if the act charged had been committed in that other state, | 4178 |
the child would be subject to criminal prosecution as an adult | 4179 |
under the law of that other state without the need for a transfer | 4180 |
of jurisdiction from a juvenile, family, or similar noncriminal | 4181 |
court to a criminal court. | 4182 |
(3) If a complaint is filed against a child alleging that the | 4183 |
child is a delinquent child and the case is transferred pursuant | 4184 |
to division (A)(1)(a)(i) or (A)(1)(b)(ii) of this section and if | 4185 |
the child subsequently is convicted of or pleads guilty to an | 4186 |
offense in that case, the sentence to be imposed or disposition to | 4187 |
be made of the child shall be determined in accordance with | 4188 |
section 2152.121 of the Revised Code. | 4189 |
(B) Except as provided in division (A) of this section, after | 4190 |
a complaint has been filed alleging that a child is a delinquent | 4191 |
child for committing an act that would be a felony if committed by | 4192 |
an adult, the juvenile court at a hearing may transfer the case if | 4193 |
the court finds all of the following: | 4194 |
(1) The child was fourteen years of age or older at the time | 4195 |
of the act charged. | 4196 |
(2) There is probable cause to believe that the child | 4197 |
committed the act charged. | 4198 |
(3) The child is not amenable to care or rehabilitation | 4199 |
within the juvenile system, and the safety of the community may | 4200 |
require that the child be subject to adult sanctions. In making | 4201 |
its decision under this division, the court shall consider whether | 4202 |
the applicable factors under division (D) of this section | 4203 |
indicating that the case should be transferred outweigh the | 4204 |
applicable factors under division (E) of this section indicating | 4205 |
that the case should not be transferred. The record shall indicate | 4206 |
the specific factors that were applicable and that the court | 4207 |
weighed. | 4208 |
(C) Before considering a transfer under division (B) of this | 4209 |
section, the juvenile court shall order an investigation into the | 4210 |
child's social history, education, family situation, and any other | 4211 |
factor bearing on whether the child is amenable to juvenile | 4212 |
rehabilitation, including a mental examination of the child by a | 4213 |
public or private agency or a person qualified to make the | 4214 |
examination. The investigation shall be completed and a report on | 4215 |
the investigation shall be submitted to the court as soon as | 4216 |
possible but not more than forty-five calendar days after the | 4217 |
court orders the investigation. The court may grant one or more | 4218 |
extensions for a reasonable length of time. The child may waive | 4219 |
the examination required by this division if the court finds that | 4220 |
the waiver is competently and intelligently made. Refusal to | 4221 |
submit to a mental examination by the child constitutes a waiver | 4222 |
of the examination. | 4223 |
(D) In considering whether to transfer a child under division | 4224 |
(B) of this section, the juvenile court shall consider the | 4225 |
following relevant factors, and any other relevant factors, in | 4226 |
favor of a transfer under that division: | 4227 |
(1) The victim of the act charged suffered physical or | 4228 |
psychological harm, or serious economic harm, as a result of the | 4229 |
alleged act. | 4230 |
(2) The physical or psychological harm suffered by the victim | 4231 |
due to the alleged act of the child was exacerbated because of the | 4232 |
physical or psychological vulnerability or the age of the victim. | 4233 |
(3) The child's relationship with the victim facilitated the | 4234 |
act charged. | 4235 |
(4) The child allegedly committed the act charged for hire or | 4236 |
as a part of a gang or other organized criminal activity. | 4237 |
(5) The child had a firearm on or about the child's person or | 4238 |
under the child's control at the time of the act charged, the act | 4239 |
charged is not a violation of section 2923.12 of the Revised Code, | 4240 |
and the child, during the commission of the act charged, allegedly | 4241 |
used or displayed the firearm, brandished the firearm, or | 4242 |
indicated that the child possessed a firearm. | 4243 |
(6) At the time of the act charged, the child was awaiting | 4244 |
adjudication or disposition as a delinquent child, was under a | 4245 |
community control sanction, or was on parole for a prior | 4246 |
delinquent child adjudication or conviction. | 4247 |
(7) The results of any previous juvenile sanctions and | 4248 |
programs indicate that rehabilitation of the child will not occur | 4249 |
in the juvenile system. | 4250 |
(8) The child is emotionally, physically, or psychologically | 4251 |
mature enough for the transfer. | 4252 |
(9) There is not sufficient time to rehabilitate the child | 4253 |
within the juvenile system. | 4254 |
(E) In considering whether to transfer a child under division | 4255 |
(B) of this section, the juvenile court shall consider the | 4256 |
following relevant factors, and any other relevant factors, | 4257 |
against a transfer under that division: | 4258 |
(1) The victim induced or facilitated the act charged. | 4259 |
(2) The child acted under provocation in allegedly committing | 4260 |
the act charged. | 4261 |
(3) The child was not the principal actor in the act charged, | 4262 |
or, at the time of the act charged, the child was under the | 4263 |
negative influence or coercion of another person. | 4264 |
(4) The child did not cause physical harm to any person or | 4265 |
property, or have reasonable cause to believe that harm of that | 4266 |
nature would occur, in allegedly committing the act charged. | 4267 |
(5) The child previously has not been adjudicated a | 4268 |
delinquent child. | 4269 |
(6) The child is not emotionally, physically, or | 4270 |
psychologically mature enough for the transfer. | 4271 |
(7) The child has a mental illness or is a | 4272 |
person with a developmental disability that is an intellectual | 4273 |
disability. | 4274 |
(8) There is sufficient time to rehabilitate the child within | 4275 |
the juvenile system and the level of security available in the | 4276 |
juvenile system provides a reasonable assurance of public safety. | 4277 |
(F) If one or more complaints are filed alleging that a child | 4278 |
is a delinquent child for committing two or more acts that would | 4279 |
be offenses if committed by an adult, if a motion is made alleging | 4280 |
that division (A) of this section applies and requires that the | 4281 |
case or cases involving one or more of the acts charged be | 4282 |
transferred | 4283 |
case or cases involving one or more of the acts charged be | 4284 |
transferred pursuant to division (B) of this section, the juvenile | 4285 |
court, in deciding the motions, shall proceed in the following | 4286 |
manner: | 4287 |
(1) Initially, the court shall decide the motion alleging | 4288 |
that division (A) of this section applies and requires that the | 4289 |
case or cases involving one or more of the acts charged be | 4290 |
transferred. | 4291 |
(2) If the court determines that division (A) of this section | 4292 |
applies and requires that the case or cases involving one or more | 4293 |
of the acts charged be transferred, the court shall transfer the | 4294 |
case or cases in accordance with that division. After the transfer | 4295 |
pursuant to division (A) of this section, the court shall decide, | 4296 |
in accordance with division (B) of this section, whether to grant | 4297 |
the motion requesting that the case or cases involving one or more | 4298 |
of the acts charged be transferred pursuant to that division. | 4299 |
Notwithstanding division (B) of this section, prior to | 4300 |
transferring a case pursuant to division (A) of this section, the | 4301 |
court is not required to consider any factor specified in division | 4302 |
(D) or (E) of this section or to conduct an investigation under | 4303 |
division (C) of this section. | 4304 |
(3) If the court determines that division (A) of this section | 4305 |
does not require that the case or cases involving one or more of | 4306 |
the acts charged be transferred, the court shall decide in | 4307 |
accordance with division (B) of this section whether to grant the | 4308 |
motion requesting that the case or cases involving one or more of | 4309 |
the acts charged be transferred pursuant to that division. | 4310 |
(4) No report on an investigation conducted pursuant to | 4311 |
division (C) of this section shall include details of the alleged | 4312 |
offense as reported by the child. | 4313 |
(G) The court shall give notice in writing of the time, | 4314 |
place, and purpose of any hearing held pursuant to division (A) or | 4315 |
(B) of this section to the child's parents, guardian, or other | 4316 |
custodian and to the child's counsel at least three days prior to | 4317 |
the hearing. | 4318 |
(H) No person, either before or after reaching eighteen years | 4319 |
of age, shall be prosecuted as an adult for an offense committed | 4320 |
prior to becoming eighteen years of age, unless the person has | 4321 |
been transferred as provided in division (A) or (B) of this | 4322 |
section or unless division (J) of this section applies. Any | 4323 |
prosecution that is had in a criminal court on the mistaken belief | 4324 |
that the person who is the subject of the case was eighteen years | 4325 |
of age or older at the time of the commission of the offense shall | 4326 |
be deemed a nullity, and the person shall not be considered to | 4327 |
have been in jeopardy on the offense. | 4328 |
(I) Upon the transfer of a case under division (A) or (B) of | 4329 |
this section, the juvenile court shall state the reasons for the | 4330 |
transfer on the record, and shall order the child to enter into a | 4331 |
recognizance with good and sufficient surety for the child's | 4332 |
appearance before the appropriate court for any disposition that | 4333 |
the court is authorized to make for a similar act committed by an | 4334 |
adult. The transfer abates the jurisdiction of the juvenile court | 4335 |
with respect to the delinquent acts alleged in the complaint, and, | 4336 |
upon the transfer, all further proceedings pertaining to the act | 4337 |
charged shall be discontinued in the juvenile court, and the case | 4338 |
then shall be within the jurisdiction of the court to which it is | 4339 |
transferred as described in division (H) of section 2151.23 of the | 4340 |
Revised Code. | 4341 |
(J) If a person under eighteen years of age allegedly commits | 4342 |
an act that would be a felony if committed by an adult and if the | 4343 |
person is not taken into custody or apprehended for that act until | 4344 |
after the person attains twenty-one years of age, the juvenile | 4345 |
court does not have jurisdiction to hear or determine any portion | 4346 |
of the case charging the person with committing that act. In those | 4347 |
circumstances, divisions (A) and (B) of this section do not apply | 4348 |
regarding the act, and the case charging the person with | 4349 |
committing the act shall be a criminal prosecution commenced and | 4350 |
heard in the appropriate court having jurisdiction of the offense | 4351 |
as if the person had been eighteen years of age or older when the | 4352 |
person committed the act. All proceedings pertaining to the act | 4353 |
shall be within the jurisdiction of the court having jurisdiction | 4354 |
of the offense, and that court has all the authority and duties in | 4355 |
the case as it has in other criminal cases in that court. | 4356 |
Sec. 2152.14. (A)(1) The director of youth services may | 4357 |
request the prosecuting attorney of the county in which is located | 4358 |
the juvenile court that imposed a serious youthful offender | 4359 |
dispositional sentence upon a person under section 2152.121 or | 4360 |
2152.13 of the Revised Code to file a motion with that juvenile | 4361 |
court to invoke the adult portion of the dispositional sentence if | 4362 |
all of the following apply to the person: | 4363 |
(a) The person is at least fourteen years of age. | 4364 |
(b) The person is in the institutional custody, or an escapee | 4365 |
from the custody, of the department of youth services. | 4366 |
(c) The person is serving the juvenile portion of the serious | 4367 |
youthful offender dispositional sentence. | 4368 |
(2) The motion shall state that there is reasonable cause to | 4369 |
believe that either of the following misconduct has occurred and | 4370 |
shall state that at least one incident of misconduct of that | 4371 |
nature occurred after the person reached fourteen years of age: | 4372 |
(a) The person committed an act that is a violation of the | 4373 |
rules of the institution and that could be charged as any felony | 4374 |
or as a first degree misdemeanor offense of violence if committed | 4375 |
by an adult. | 4376 |
(b) The person has engaged in conduct that creates a | 4377 |
substantial risk to the safety or security of the institution, the | 4378 |
community, or the victim. | 4379 |
(B) If a person is at least fourteen years of age, is serving | 4380 |
the juvenile portion of a serious youthful offender dispositional | 4381 |
sentence imposed under section 2152.121 or 2152.13 of the Revised | 4382 |
Code, and is on parole or aftercare from a department of youth | 4383 |
services facility, or on community control, the director of youth | 4384 |
services, the juvenile court that imposed the serious youthful | 4385 |
offender dispositional sentence on the person, or the probation | 4386 |
department supervising the person may request the prosecuting | 4387 |
attorney of the county in which is located the juvenile court to | 4388 |
file a motion with the juvenile court to invoke the adult portion | 4389 |
of the dispositional sentence. The prosecuting attorney may file a | 4390 |
motion to invoke the adult portion of the dispositional sentence | 4391 |
even if no request is made. The motion shall state that there is | 4392 |
reasonable cause to believe that either of the following occurred | 4393 |
and shall state that at least one incident of misconduct of that | 4394 |
nature occurred after the person reached fourteen years of age: | 4395 |
(1) The person committed an act that is a violation of the | 4396 |
conditions of supervision and that could be charged as any felony | 4397 |
or as a first degree misdemeanor offense of violence if committed | 4398 |
by an adult. | 4399 |
(2) The person has engaged in conduct that creates a | 4400 |
substantial risk to the safety or security of the community or of | 4401 |
the victim. | 4402 |
(C) If the prosecuting attorney declines a request to file a | 4403 |
motion that was made by the department of youth services or the | 4404 |
supervising probation department under division (A) or (B) of this | 4405 |
section or fails to act on a request made under either division by | 4406 |
the department within a reasonable time, the department of youth | 4407 |
services or the supervising probation department may file a motion | 4408 |
of the type described in division (A) or (B) of this section with | 4409 |
the juvenile court to invoke the adult portion of the serious | 4410 |
youthful offender dispositional sentence. If the prosecuting | 4411 |
attorney declines a request to file a motion that was made by the | 4412 |
juvenile court under division (B) of this section or fails to act | 4413 |
on a request from the court under that division within a | 4414 |
reasonable time, the juvenile court may hold the hearing described | 4415 |
in division (D) of this section on its own motion. | 4416 |
(D) Upon the filing of a motion described in division (A), | 4417 |
(B), or (C) of this section, the juvenile court may hold a hearing | 4418 |
to determine whether to invoke the adult portion of a person's | 4419 |
serious juvenile offender dispositional sentence. The juvenile | 4420 |
court shall not invoke the adult portion of the dispositional | 4421 |
sentence without a hearing. At the hearing the person who is the | 4422 |
subject of the serious youthful offender disposition has the right | 4423 |
to be present, to receive notice of the grounds upon which the | 4424 |
adult sentence portion is sought to be invoked, to be represented | 4425 |
by counsel including counsel appointed under Juvenile Rule 4(A), | 4426 |
to be advised on the procedures and protections set forth in the | 4427 |
Juvenile Rules, and to present evidence on the person's own | 4428 |
behalf, including evidence that the person has a mental illness or | 4429 |
is a | 4430 |
is an intellectual disability. The person may not waive the right | 4431 |
to counsel. The hearing shall be open to the public. If the person | 4432 |
presents evidence that the person has a mental illness or is a | 4433 |
4434 | |
an intellectual disability, the juvenile court shall consider that | 4435 |
evidence in determining whether to invoke the adult portion of the | 4436 |
serious youthful offender dispositional sentence. | 4437 |
(E)(1) The juvenile court may invoke the adult portion of a | 4438 |
person's serious youthful offender dispositional sentence if the | 4439 |
juvenile court finds all of the following on the record by clear | 4440 |
and convincing evidence: | 4441 |
(a) The person is serving the juvenile portion of a serious | 4442 |
youthful offender dispositional sentence. | 4443 |
(b) The person is at least fourteen years of age and has been | 4444 |
admitted to a department of youth services facility, or criminal | 4445 |
charges are pending against the person. | 4446 |
(c) The person engaged in the conduct or acts charged under | 4447 |
division (A), (B), or (C) of this section, and the person's | 4448 |
conduct demonstrates that the person is unlikely to be | 4449 |
rehabilitated during the remaining period of juvenile | 4450 |
jurisdiction. | 4451 |
(2) The court may modify the adult sentence the court invokes | 4452 |
to consist of any lesser prison term that could be imposed for the | 4453 |
offense and, in addition to the prison term or in lieu of the | 4454 |
prison term if the prison term was not mandatory, any community | 4455 |
control sanction that the offender was eligible to receive at | 4456 |
sentencing. | 4457 |
(F) If a juvenile court issues an order invoking the adult | 4458 |
portion of a serious youthful offender dispositional sentence | 4459 |
under division (E) of this section, the juvenile portion of the | 4460 |
dispositional sentence shall terminate, and the department of | 4461 |
youth services shall transfer the person to the department of | 4462 |
rehabilitation and correction or place the person under another | 4463 |
sanction imposed as part of the sentence. The juvenile court shall | 4464 |
state in its order the total number of days that the person has | 4465 |
been held in detention or in a facility operated by, or under | 4466 |
contract with, the department of youth services under the juvenile | 4467 |
portion of the dispositional sentence. The time the person must | 4468 |
serve on a prison term imposed under the adult portion of the | 4469 |
dispositional sentence shall be reduced by the total number of | 4470 |
days specified in the order plus any additional days the person is | 4471 |
held in a juvenile facility or in detention after the order is | 4472 |
issued and before the person is transferred to the custody of the | 4473 |
department of rehabilitation and correction. In no case shall the | 4474 |
total prison term as calculated under this division exceed the | 4475 |
maximum prison term available for an adult who is convicted of | 4476 |
violating the same sections of the Revised Code. | 4477 |
Any community control imposed as part of the adult sentence | 4478 |
or as a condition of a judicial release from prison shall be under | 4479 |
the supervision of the entity that provides adult probation | 4480 |
services in the county. Any post-release control imposed after the | 4481 |
offender otherwise is released from prison shall be supervised by | 4482 |
the adult parole authority. | 4483 |
Sec. 2152.811. (A) As used in this section: | 4484 |
(1) " | 4485 |
4486 | |
4487 |
(2) " | 4488 |
Victim with a developmental disability" includes any of the | 4489 |
following persons: | 4490 |
(a) A | 4491 |
person with a developmental disability who was a victim of a | 4492 |
violation identified in division (B)(1) of this section or an act | 4493 |
that would be an offense of violence if committed by an adult; | 4494 |
(b) A | 4495 |
person with a developmental disability against whom was directed | 4496 |
any conduct that constitutes, or that is an element of, a | 4497 |
violation identified in division (B)(1) of this section or an act | 4498 |
that would be an offense of violence if committed by an adult. | 4499 |
(B)(1) In any proceeding in juvenile court involving a | 4500 |
complaint, indictment, or information in which a child is charged | 4501 |
with a violation of section 2903.16, 2903.34, 2903.341, 2907.02, | 4502 |
2907.03, 2907.05, 2907.21, 2907.23, 2907.24, 2907.32, 2907.321, | 4503 |
2907.322, or 2907.323 of the Revised Code or an act that would be | 4504 |
an offense of violence if committed by an adult and in which an | 4505 |
alleged victim of the violation or act was a | 4506 |
4507 | |
disability, the juvenile judge, upon motion of the prosecution, | 4508 |
shall order that the testimony of the | 4509 |
4510 | |
taken by deposition. The prosecution also may request that the | 4511 |
deposition be videotaped in accordance with division (B)(2) of | 4512 |
this section. The judge shall notify the | 4513 |
4514 | |
whose deposition is to be taken, the prosecution, and the attorney | 4515 |
for the child who is charged with the violation or act of the | 4516 |
date, time, and place for taking the deposition. The notice shall | 4517 |
identify the | 4518 |
with a developmental disability who is to be examined and shall | 4519 |
indicate whether a request that the deposition be videotaped has | 4520 |
been made. The child who is charged with the violation or act | 4521 |
shall have the right to attend the deposition and the right to be | 4522 |
represented by counsel. Depositions shall be taken in the manner | 4523 |
provided in civil cases, except that the judge in the proceeding | 4524 |
shall preside at the taking of the deposition and shall rule at | 4525 |
that time on any objections of the prosecution or the attorney for | 4526 |
the child charged with the violation or act. The prosecution and | 4527 |
the attorney for the child charged with the violation or act shall | 4528 |
have the right, as at an adjudication hearing, to full examination | 4529 |
and cross-examination of the | 4530 |
4531 | |
is to be taken. | 4532 |
If a deposition taken under this division is intended to be | 4533 |
offered as evidence in the proceeding, it shall be filed in the | 4534 |
juvenile court in which the action is pending and is admissible in | 4535 |
the manner described in division (C) of this section. If a | 4536 |
deposition of a | 4537 |
victim with a developmental disability taken under this division | 4538 |
is admitted as evidence at the proceeding under division (C) of | 4539 |
this section, the | 4540 |
victim with a developmental disability shall not be required to | 4541 |
testify in person at the proceeding. | 4542 |
At any time before the conclusion of the proceeding, the | 4543 |
attorney for the child charged with the violation or act may file | 4544 |
a motion with the judge requesting that another deposition of the | 4545 |
4546 | |
developmental disability be taken because new evidence material to | 4547 |
the defense of the child charged has been discovered that the | 4548 |
attorney for the child charged could not with reasonable diligence | 4549 |
have discovered prior to the taking of the admitted deposition. | 4550 |
Any motion requesting another deposition shall be accompanied by | 4551 |
supporting affidavits. Upon the filing of the motion and | 4552 |
affidavits, the court may order that additional testimony of the | 4553 |
4554 | |
developmental disability relative to the new evidence be taken by | 4555 |
another deposition. If the court orders the taking of another | 4556 |
deposition under this provision, the deposition shall be taken in | 4557 |
accordance with this division. If the admitted deposition was a | 4558 |
videotaped deposition taken in accordance with division (B)(2) of | 4559 |
this section, the new deposition also shall be videotaped in | 4560 |
accordance with that division. In other cases, the new deposition | 4561 |
may be videotaped in accordance with that division. | 4562 |
(2) If the prosecution requests that a deposition to be taken | 4563 |
under division (B)(1) of this section be videotaped, the juvenile | 4564 |
judge shall order that the deposition be videotaped in accordance | 4565 |
with this division. If a juvenile judge issues an order to video | 4566 |
tape the deposition, the judge shall exclude from the room in | 4567 |
which the deposition is to be taken every person except the | 4568 |
4569 | |
developmental disability giving the testimony, the judge, one or | 4570 |
more interpreters if needed, the attorneys for the prosecution and | 4571 |
the child who is charged with the violation or act, any person | 4572 |
needed to operate the equipment to be used, one person chosen by | 4573 |
the | 4574 |
developmental disability giving the deposition, and any person | 4575 |
whose presence the judge determines would contribute to the | 4576 |
welfare and well-being of the | 4577 |
4578 | |
deposition. The person chosen by the
| 4579 |
4580 | |
shall not be a witness in the proceeding and, both before and | 4581 |
during the deposition, shall not discuss the testimony of the | 4582 |
victim with any other witness in the proceeding. To the extent | 4583 |
feasible, any person operating the recording equipment shall be | 4584 |
restricted to a room adjacent to the room in which the deposition | 4585 |
is being taken, or to a location in the room in which the | 4586 |
deposition is being taken that is behind a screen or mirror so | 4587 |
that the person operating the recording equipment can see and | 4588 |
hear, but cannot be seen or heard by, the | 4589 |
4590 | |
giving the deposition during the deposition. | 4591 |
The child who is charged with the violation or act shall be | 4592 |
permitted to observe and hear the testimony of the | 4593 |
4594 | |
disability giving the deposition on a monitor, shall be provided | 4595 |
with an electronic means of immediate communication with the | 4596 |
attorney of the child who is charged with the violation or act | 4597 |
during the testimony, and shall be restricted to a location from | 4598 |
which the child who is charged with the violation or act cannot be | 4599 |
seen or heard by the | 4600 |
victim with a developmental disability giving the deposition, | 4601 |
except on a monitor provided for that purpose. The | 4602 |
4603 | |
disability giving the deposition shall be provided with a monitor | 4604 |
on which the | 4605 |
with a developmental disability can observe, while giving | 4606 |
testimony, the child who is charged with the violation or act. The | 4607 |
judge, at the judge's discretion, may preside at the deposition by | 4608 |
electronic means from outside the room in which the deposition is | 4609 |
to be taken; if the judge presides by electronic means, the judge | 4610 |
shall be provided with monitors on which the judge can see each | 4611 |
person in the room in which the deposition is to be taken and with | 4612 |
an electronic means of communication with each person in that | 4613 |
room, and each person in the room shall be provided with a monitor | 4614 |
on which that person can see the judge and with an electronic | 4615 |
means of communication with the judge. A deposition that is | 4616 |
videotaped under this division shall be taken and filed in the | 4617 |
manner described in division (B)(1) of this section and is | 4618 |
admissible in the manner described in this division and division | 4619 |
(C) of this section. If a deposition that is videotaped under this | 4620 |
division is admitted as evidence at the proceeding, the | 4621 |
4622 | |
disability shall not be required to testify in person at the | 4623 |
proceeding. No deposition videotaped under this division shall be | 4624 |
admitted as evidence at any proceeding unless division (C) of this | 4625 |
section is satisfied relative to the deposition and all of the | 4626 |
following apply relative to the recording: | 4627 |
(a) The recording is both aural and visual and is recorded on | 4628 |
film or videotape, or by other electronic means. | 4629 |
(b) The recording is authenticated under the Rules of | 4630 |
Evidence and the Rules of Criminal Procedure as a fair and | 4631 |
accurate representation of what occurred, and the recording is not | 4632 |
altered other than at the direction and under the supervision of | 4633 |
the judge in the proceeding. | 4634 |
(c) Each voice on the recording that is material to the | 4635 |
testimony on the recording or the making of the recording, as | 4636 |
determined by the judge, is identified. | 4637 |
(d) Both the prosecution and the child who is charged with | 4638 |
the violation or act are afforded an opportunity to view the | 4639 |
recording before it is shown in the proceeding. | 4640 |
(C)(1) At any proceeding in relation to which a deposition | 4641 |
was taken under division (B) of this section, the deposition or a | 4642 |
part of it is admissible in evidence upon motion of the | 4643 |
prosecution if the testimony in the deposition or the part to be | 4644 |
admitted is not excluded by the hearsay rule and if the deposition | 4645 |
or the part to be admitted otherwise is admissible under the Rules | 4646 |
of Evidence. For purposes of this division, testimony is not | 4647 |
excluded by the hearsay rule if the testimony is not hearsay under | 4648 |
Evidence Rule 801; the testimony is within an exception to the | 4649 |
hearsay rule set forth in Evidence Rule 803; the | 4650 |
4651 | |
who gave the testimony is unavailable as a witness, as defined in | 4652 |
Evidence Rule 804, and the testimony is admissible under that | 4653 |
rule; or both of the following apply: | 4654 |
(a) The child who is charged with the violation or act had an | 4655 |
opportunity and similar motive at the time of the taking of the | 4656 |
deposition to develop the testimony by direct, cross, or redirect | 4657 |
examination. | 4658 |
(b) The judge determines that there is reasonable cause to | 4659 |
believe that, if the | 4660 |
victim with a developmental disability who gave the testimony in | 4661 |
the deposition were to testify in person at the proceeding, the | 4662 |
4663 | |
developmental disability would experience serious emotional trauma | 4664 |
as a result of the | 4665 |
4666 | |
disability at the proceeding. | 4667 |
(2) Objections to receiving in evidence a deposition or a | 4668 |
part of it under division (C) of this section shall be made as | 4669 |
provided in civil actions. | 4670 |
(3) The provisions of divisions (B) and (C) of this section | 4671 |
are in addition to any other provisions of the Revised Code, the | 4672 |
Rules of Juvenile Procedure, the Rules of Criminal Procedure, or | 4673 |
the Rules of Evidence that pertain to the taking or admission of | 4674 |
depositions in a juvenile court proceeding and do not limit the | 4675 |
admissibility under any of those other provisions of any | 4676 |
deposition taken under division (B) of this section or otherwise | 4677 |
taken. | 4678 |
(D) In any proceeding in juvenile court involving a | 4679 |
complaint, indictment, or information in which a child is charged | 4680 |
with a violation listed in division (B)(1) of this section or an | 4681 |
act that would be an offense of violence if committed by an adult | 4682 |
and in which an alleged victim of the violation or offense was a | 4683 |
4684 | |
developmental disability, the prosecution may file a motion with | 4685 |
the juvenile judge requesting the judge to order the testimony of | 4686 |
the | 4687 |
developmental disability to be taken in a room other than the room | 4688 |
in which the proceeding is being conducted and be televised, by | 4689 |
closed circuit equipment, into the room in which the proceeding is | 4690 |
being conducted to be viewed by the child who is charged with the | 4691 |
violation or act and any other persons who are not permitted in | 4692 |
the room in which the testimony is to be taken but who would have | 4693 |
been present during the testimony of the
| 4694 |
4695 | |
had it been given in the room in which the proceeding is being | 4696 |
conducted. Except for good cause shown, the prosecution shall file | 4697 |
a motion under this division at least seven days before the date | 4698 |
of the proceeding. The juvenile judge may issue the order upon the | 4699 |
motion of the prosecution filed under this division, if the judge | 4700 |
determines that the | 4701 |
victim with a developmental disability is unavailable to testify | 4702 |
in the room in which the proceeding is being conducted in the | 4703 |
physical presence of the child charged with the violation or act | 4704 |
for one or more of the reasons set forth in division (F) of this | 4705 |
section. If a juvenile judge issues an order of that nature, the | 4706 |
judge shall exclude from the room in which the testimony is to be | 4707 |
taken every person except a person described in division (B)(2) of | 4708 |
this section. The judge, at the judge's discretion, may preside | 4709 |
during the giving of the testimony by electronic means from | 4710 |
outside the room in which it is being given, subject to the | 4711 |
limitations set forth in division (B)(2) of this section. To the | 4712 |
extent feasible, any person operating the televising equipment | 4713 |
shall be hidden from the sight and hearing of the | 4714 |
4715 | |
disability giving the testimony, in a manner similar to that | 4716 |
described in division (B)(2) of this section. The child who is | 4717 |
charged with the violation or act shall be permitted to observe | 4718 |
and hear the testimony of the | 4719 |
4720 | |
giving the testimony on a monitor, shall be provided with an | 4721 |
electronic means of immediate communication with the attorney of | 4722 |
the child who is charged with the violation or act during the | 4723 |
testimony, and shall be restricted to a location from which the | 4724 |
child who is charged with the violation or act cannot be seen or | 4725 |
heard by the | 4726 |
with a developmental disability giving the testimony, except on a | 4727 |
monitor provided for that purpose. The | 4728 |
4729 | |
giving the testimony shall be provided with a monitor on which the | 4730 |
4731 | |
developmental disability can observe, while giving testimony, the | 4732 |
child who is charged with the violation or act. | 4733 |
(E) In any proceeding in juvenile court involving a | 4734 |
complaint, indictment, or information in which a child is charged | 4735 |
with a violation listed in division (B)(1) of this section or an | 4736 |
act that would be an offense of violence if committed by an adult | 4737 |
and in which an alleged victim of the violation or offense was a | 4738 |
4739 | |
developmental disability, the prosecution may file a motion with | 4740 |
the juvenile judge requesting the judge to order the testimony of | 4741 |
the | 4742 |
developmental disability to be taken outside of the room in which | 4743 |
the proceeding is being conducted and be recorded for showing in | 4744 |
the room in which the proceeding is being conducted before the | 4745 |
judge, the child who is charged with the violation or act, and any | 4746 |
other persons who would have been present during the testimony of | 4747 |
the | 4748 |
developmental disability had it been given in the room in which | 4749 |
the proceeding is being conducted. Except for good cause shown, | 4750 |
the prosecution shall file a motion under this division at least | 4751 |
seven days before the date of the proceeding. The juvenile judge | 4752 |
may issue the order upon the motion of the prosecution filed under | 4753 |
this division, if the judge determines that the | 4754 |
4755 | |
is unavailable to testify in the room in which the proceeding is | 4756 |
being conducted in the physical presence of the child charged with | 4757 |
the violation or act, due to one or more of the reasons set forth | 4758 |
in division (F) of this section. If a juvenile judge issues an | 4759 |
order of that nature, the judge shall exclude from the room in | 4760 |
which the testimony is to be taken every person except a person | 4761 |
described in division (B)(2) of this section. To the extent | 4762 |
feasible, any person operating the recording equipment shall be | 4763 |
hidden from the sight and hearing of the | 4764 |
4765 | |
giving the testimony, in a manner similar to that described in | 4766 |
division (B)(2) of this section. The child who is charged with the | 4767 |
violation or act shall be permitted to observe and hear the | 4768 |
testimony of the | 4769 |
victim with a developmental disability giving the testimony on a | 4770 |
monitor, shall be provided with an electronic means of immediate | 4771 |
communication with the attorney of the child who is charged with | 4772 |
the violation or act during the testimony, and shall be restricted | 4773 |
to a location from which the child who is charged with the | 4774 |
violation or act cannot be seen or heard by the | 4775 |
4776 | |
giving the testimony, except on a monitor provided for that | 4777 |
purpose. The | 4778 |
with a developmental disability giving the testimony shall be | 4779 |
provided with a monitor on which the | 4780 |
4781 | |
can observe, while giving testimony, the child who is charged with | 4782 |
the violation or act. No order for the taking of testimony by | 4783 |
recording shall be issued under this division unless the | 4784 |
provisions set forth in divisions (B)(2)(a), (b), (c), and (d) of | 4785 |
this section apply to the recording of the testimony. | 4786 |
(F) For purposes of divisions (D) and (E) of this section, a | 4787 |
juvenile judge may order the testimony of a | 4788 |
4789 | |
be taken outside of the room in which a proceeding is being | 4790 |
conducted if the judge determines that the | 4791 |
4792 | |
unavailable to testify in the room in the physical presence of the | 4793 |
child charged with the violation or act due to one or more of the | 4794 |
following circumstances: | 4795 |
(1) The persistent refusal of the | 4796 |
4797 | |
testify despite judicial requests to do so; | 4798 |
(2) The inability of the | 4799 |
4800 | |
about the alleged violation or offense because of extreme fear, | 4801 |
failure of memory, or another similar reason; | 4802 |
(3) The substantial likelihood that the | 4803 |
4804 | |
will suffer serious emotional trauma from so testifying. | 4805 |
(G)(1) If a juvenile judge issues an order pursuant to | 4806 |
division (D) or (E) of this section that requires the testimony of | 4807 |
a | 4808 |
developmental disability in a juvenile court proceeding to be | 4809 |
taken outside of the room in which the proceeding is being | 4810 |
conducted, the order shall specifically identify the | 4811 |
4812 | |
disability to whose testimony it applies, the order applies only | 4813 |
during the testimony of the specified | 4814 |
4815 | |
and the | 4816 |
a developmental disability giving the testimony shall not be | 4817 |
required to testify at the proceeding other than in accordance | 4818 |
with the order. The authority of a judge to close the taking of a | 4819 |
deposition under division (B)(2) of this section or a proceeding | 4820 |
under division (D) or (E) of this section is in addition to the | 4821 |
authority of a judge to close a hearing pursuant to section | 4822 |
2151.35 of the Revised Code. | 4823 |
(2) A juvenile judge who makes any determination regarding | 4824 |
the admissibility of a deposition under divisions (B) and (C) of | 4825 |
this section, the videotaping of a deposition under division | 4826 |
(B)(2) of this section, or the taking of testimony outside of the | 4827 |
room in which a proceeding is being conducted under division (D) | 4828 |
or (E) of this section shall enter the determination and findings | 4829 |
on the record in the proceeding. | 4830 |
Sec. 2305.111. (A) As used in this section: | 4831 |
(1) "Childhood sexual abuse" means any conduct that | 4832 |
constitutes any of the violations identified in division (A)(1)(a) | 4833 |
or (b) of this section and would constitute a criminal offense | 4834 |
under the specified section or division of the Revised Code, if | 4835 |
the victim of the violation is at the time of the violation a | 4836 |
child under eighteen years of age or a | 4837 |
4838 | |
developmental disability or physical impairment under twenty-one | 4839 |
years of age. The court need not find that any person has been | 4840 |
convicted of or pleaded guilty to the offense under the specified | 4841 |
section or division of the Revised Code in order for the conduct | 4842 |
that is the violation constituting the offense to be childhood | 4843 |
sexual abuse for purposes of this division. This division applies | 4844 |
to any of the following violations committed in the following | 4845 |
specified circumstances: | 4846 |
(a) A violation of section 2907.02 or of division (A)(1), | 4847 |
(5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), or (12) of section 2907.03 of | 4848 |
the Revised Code; | 4849 |
(b) A violation of section 2907.05 or 2907.06 of the Revised | 4850 |
Code if, at the time of the violation, any of the following apply: | 4851 |
(i) The actor is the victim's natural parent, adoptive | 4852 |
parent, or stepparent or the guardian, custodian, or person in | 4853 |
loco parentis of the victim. | 4854 |
(ii) The victim is in custody of law or a patient in a | 4855 |
hospital or other institution, and the actor has supervisory or | 4856 |
disciplinary authority over the victim. | 4857 |
(iii) The actor is a teacher, administrator, coach, or other | 4858 |
person in authority employed by or serving in a school for which | 4859 |
the state board of education prescribes minimum standards pursuant | 4860 |
to division (D) of section 3301.07 of the Revised Code, the victim | 4861 |
is enrolled in or attends that school, and the actor is not | 4862 |
enrolled in and does not attend that school. | 4863 |
(iv) The actor is a teacher, administrator, coach, or other | 4864 |
person in authority employed by or serving in an institution of | 4865 |
higher education, and the victim is enrolled in or attends that | 4866 |
institution. | 4867 |
(v) The actor is the victim's athletic or other type of | 4868 |
coach, is the victim's instructor, is the leader of a scouting | 4869 |
troop of which the victim is a member, or is a person with | 4870 |
temporary or occasional disciplinary control over the victim. | 4871 |
(vi) The actor is a mental health professional, the victim is | 4872 |
a mental health client or patient of the actor, and the actor | 4873 |
induces the victim to submit by falsely representing to the victim | 4874 |
that the sexual contact involved in the violation is necessary for | 4875 |
mental health treatment purposes. | 4876 |
(vii) The victim is confined in a detention facility, and the | 4877 |
actor is an employee of that detention facility. | 4878 |
(viii) The actor is a cleric, and the victim is a member of, | 4879 |
or attends, the church or congregation served by the cleric. | 4880 |
(2) "Cleric" has the same meaning as in section 2317.02 of | 4881 |
the Revised Code. | 4882 |
(3) "Mental health client or patient" has the same meaning as | 4883 |
in section 2305.51 of the Revised Code. | 4884 |
(4) "Mental health professional" has the same meaning as in | 4885 |
section 2305.115 of the Revised Code. | 4886 |
(5) "Sexual contact" has the same meaning as in section | 4887 |
2907.01 of the Revised Code. | 4888 |
(6) "Victim" means, except as provided in division (B) of | 4889 |
this section, a victim of childhood sexual abuse. | 4890 |
(B) Except as provided in section 2305.115 of the Revised | 4891 |
Code and subject to division (C) of this section, an action for | 4892 |
assault or battery shall be brought within one year after the | 4893 |
cause of the action accrues. For purposes of this section, a cause | 4894 |
of action for assault or battery accrues upon the later of the | 4895 |
following: | 4896 |
(1) The date on which the alleged assault or battery | 4897 |
occurred; | 4898 |
(2) If the plaintiff did not know the identity of the person | 4899 |
who allegedly committed the assault or battery on the date on | 4900 |
which it allegedly occurred, the earlier of the following dates: | 4901 |
(a) The date on which the plaintiff learns the identity of | 4902 |
that person; | 4903 |
(b) The date on which, by the exercise of reasonable | 4904 |
diligence, the plaintiff should have learned the identity of that | 4905 |
person. | 4906 |
(C) An action for assault or battery brought by a victim of | 4907 |
childhood sexual abuse based on childhood sexual abuse, or an | 4908 |
action brought by a victim of childhood sexual abuse asserting any | 4909 |
claim resulting from childhood sexual abuse, shall be brought | 4910 |
within twelve years after the cause of action accrues. For | 4911 |
purposes of this section, a cause of action for assault or battery | 4912 |
based on childhood sexual abuse, or a cause of action for a claim | 4913 |
resulting from childhood sexual abuse, accrues upon the date on | 4914 |
which the victim reaches the age of majority. If the defendant in | 4915 |
an action brought by a victim of childhood sexual abuse asserting | 4916 |
a claim resulting from childhood sexual abuse that occurs on or | 4917 |
after | 4918 |
fraudulently concealed from the plaintiff facts that form the | 4919 |
basis of the claim, the running of the limitations period with | 4920 |
regard to that claim is tolled until the time when the plaintiff | 4921 |
discovers or in the exercise of due diligence should have | 4922 |
discovered those facts. | 4923 |
Sec. 2311.14. (A)(1) Whenever because of a hearing, speech, | 4924 |
or other impairment a party to or witness in a legal proceeding | 4925 |
cannot readily understand or communicate, the court shall appoint | 4926 |
a qualified interpreter to assist such person. | 4927 |
(2) This section is not limited to a person who speaks a | 4928 |
language other than English. It also applies to the language and | 4929 |
descriptions of any | 4930 |
4931 | |
reasonably understood, or who cannot understand questioning, | 4932 |
without the aid of an interpreter. The interpreter may aid the | 4933 |
parties in formulating methods of questioning the person with | 4934 |
4935 | |
interpreting the answers of the person. | 4936 |
(B) Before entering upon official duties, the interpreter | 4937 |
shall take an oath that the interpreter will make a true | 4938 |
interpretation of the proceedings to the party or witness, and | 4939 |
that the interpreter will truly repeat the statements made by such | 4940 |
party or witness to the court, to the best of the interpreter's | 4941 |
ability. If the interpreter is appointed to assist a | 4942 |
4943 | |
developmental disability as described in division (A)(2) of this | 4944 |
section, the oath also shall include an oath that the interpreter | 4945 |
will not prompt, lead, suggest, or otherwise improperly influence | 4946 |
the testimony of the witness or party. | 4947 |
(C) The court shall determine a reasonable fee for all such | 4948 |
interpreter service which shall be paid out of the same funds as | 4949 |
witness fees. If the party taxed with costs is indigent, the court | 4950 |
shall not tax the interpreter's fees as costs, and the county or, | 4951 |
if the court is a municipal court that is not a county-operated | 4952 |
municipal court, the municipal corporation in which the court is | 4953 |
located shall pay the interpreter's fees. | 4954 |
(D) As used in this section, " | 4955 |
4956 | |
4957 | |
Revised Code. | 4958 |
Sec. 2317.021. (A) As used in division (A) of section 2317.02 | 4959 |
of the Revised Code: | 4960 |
"Client" means a person, firm, partnership, corporation, or | 4961 |
other association that, directly or through any representative, | 4962 |
consults an attorney for the purpose of retaining the attorney or | 4963 |
securing legal service or advice from the attorney in the | 4964 |
attorney's professional capacity, or consults an attorney employee | 4965 |
for legal service or advice, and who communicates, either directly | 4966 |
or through an agent, employee, or other representative, with such | 4967 |
attorney; and includes an incompetent person whose guardian so | 4968 |
consults the attorney in behalf of the incompetent person. | 4969 |
Where a corporation or association is a client having the | 4970 |
privilege and it has been dissolved, the privilege shall extend to | 4971 |
the last board of directors, their successors or assigns, or to | 4972 |
the trustees, their successors or assigns. | 4973 |
This section shall be construed as in addition to, and not in | 4974 |
limitation of, other laws affording protection to communications | 4975 |
under the attorney-client privilege. | 4976 |
(B) As used in this section and in sections 2317.02 and | 4977 |
2317.03 of the Revised Code, "incompetent" or "incompetent person" | 4978 |
means a person who is so mentally impaired as a result of a mental | 4979 |
or physical illness or disability, or | 4980 |
developmental disability that is an intellectual disability, or as | 4981 |
a result of chronic substance abuse, that the person is incapable | 4982 |
of taking proper care of the person's self or property or fails to | 4983 |
provide for the person's family or other persons for whom the | 4984 |
person is charged by law to provide. | 4985 |
Sec. 2503.37. Cases commenced in or taken to the supreme | 4986 |
court shall be entered on the docket in the order in which they | 4987 |
are commenced, received, or filed. They shall be disposed of in | 4988 |
the same order, except that the court may dispose of the following | 4989 |
classes of cases in advance of their order on the docket: | 4990 |
(A) Proceedings in quo warranto, mandamus, procedendo, | 4991 |
prohibition, or habeas corpus; | 4992 |
(B) Cases in which the person seeking relief has been | 4993 |
convicted of felony; | 4994 |
(C) Cases involving the validity of a tax levy or assessment; | 4995 |
(D) Cases involving the construction or constitutionality of | 4996 |
a statute, or a question of practice, in which the questions | 4997 |
arising are of general public interest; | 4998 |
(E) Cases of general interest to the public, if two or more | 4999 |
of the courts of appeals have held the law directly opposite upon | 5000 |
like facts; | 5001 |
(F) Cases in which the relief sought is damages for personal | 5002 |
injury, or for death caused by negligence, and in which the person | 5003 |
injured makes affidavit that the person's livelihood is dependent | 5004 |
upon daily labor, or, in case of death, in which the surviving | 5005 |
spouse or any of the next of kin of the deceased makes an | 5006 |
affidavit that the surviving spouse or next of kin was dependent | 5007 |
for livelihood upon the person's or the decedent's daily labor; | 5008 |
(G) Cases in which a trust fund for the care, support, or | 5009 |
education of a minor, or care or support of a | 5010 |
person with a developmental disability that is an intellectual | 5011 |
disability, is in question; | 5012 |
(H) Cases involving controversies or questions arising in the | 5013 |
administration of the estate of a deceased person under the laws | 5014 |
of this state; | 5015 |
(I) Cases involving the construction of a statute for the | 5016 |
annexation of territory to a municipal corporation. | 5017 |
Sec. 2721.05. As used in this section, "incompetent person" | 5018 |
means a person who is so mentally impaired as a result of a mental | 5019 |
or physical illness or disability, or | 5020 |
developmental disability that is an intellectual disability, or as | 5021 |
a result of chronic substance abuse, that the person is incapable | 5022 |
of taking proper care of the person's self or property or fails to | 5023 |
provide for the person's family or other persons for whom the | 5024 |
person is charged by law to provide. | 5025 |
Any person interested as or through an executor, | 5026 |
administrator, trustee, guardian, or other fiduciary, creditor, | 5027 |
devisee, legatee, heir, next of kin, or cestui que trust, in the | 5028 |
administration of a trust, or of the estate of a decedent, an | 5029 |
infant, an incompetent person, or an insolvent person, may have a | 5030 |
declaration of rights or legal relations in respect thereto in any | 5031 |
of the following cases: | 5032 |
(A) To ascertain any class of creditors, devisees, legatees, | 5033 |
heirs, next of kin, or others; | 5034 |
(B) To direct the executors, administrators, trustees, or | 5035 |
other fiduciaries to do or abstain from doing any particular act | 5036 |
in their fiduciary capacity; | 5037 |
(C) To determine any question arising in the administration | 5038 |
of the estate or trust, including questions of construction of | 5039 |
wills and other writings. | 5040 |
Sec. 2744.01. As used in this chapter: | 5041 |
(A) "Emergency call" means a call to duty, including, but not | 5042 |
limited to, communications from citizens, police dispatches, and | 5043 |
personal observations by peace officers of inherently dangerous | 5044 |
situations that demand an immediate response on the part of a | 5045 |
peace officer. | 5046 |
(B) "Employee" means an officer, agent, employee, or servant, | 5047 |
whether or not compensated or full-time or part-time, who is | 5048 |
authorized to act and is acting within the scope of the officer's, | 5049 |
agent's, employee's, or servant's employment for a political | 5050 |
subdivision. "Employee" does not include an independent contractor | 5051 |
and does not include any individual engaged by a school district | 5052 |
pursuant to section 3319.301 of the Revised Code. "Employee" | 5053 |
includes any elected or appointed official of a political | 5054 |
subdivision. "Employee" also includes a person who has been | 5055 |
convicted of or pleaded guilty to a criminal offense and who has | 5056 |
been sentenced to perform community service work in a political | 5057 |
subdivision whether pursuant to section 2951.02 of the Revised | 5058 |
Code or otherwise, and a child who is found to be a delinquent | 5059 |
child and who is ordered by a juvenile court pursuant to section | 5060 |
2152.19 or 2152.20 of the Revised Code to perform community | 5061 |
service or community work in a political subdivision. | 5062 |
(C)(1) "Governmental function" means a function of a | 5063 |
political subdivision that is specified in division (C)(2) of this | 5064 |
section or that satisfies any of the following: | 5065 |
(a) A function that is imposed upon the state as an | 5066 |
obligation of sovereignty and that is performed by a political | 5067 |
subdivision voluntarily or pursuant to legislative requirement; | 5068 |
(b) A function that is for the common good of all citizens of | 5069 |
the state; | 5070 |
(c) A function that promotes or preserves the public peace, | 5071 |
health, safety, or welfare; that involves activities that are not | 5072 |
engaged in or not customarily engaged in by nongovernmental | 5073 |
persons; and that is not specified in division (G)(2) of this | 5074 |
section as a proprietary function. | 5075 |
(2) A "governmental function" includes, but is not limited | 5076 |
to, the following: | 5077 |
(a) The provision or nonprovision of police, fire, emergency | 5078 |
medical, ambulance, and rescue services or protection; | 5079 |
(b) The power to preserve the peace; to prevent and suppress | 5080 |
riots, disturbances, and disorderly assemblages; to prevent, | 5081 |
mitigate, and clean up releases of oil and hazardous and extremely | 5082 |
hazardous substances as defined in section 3750.01 of the Revised | 5083 |
Code; and to protect persons and property; | 5084 |
(c) The provision of a system of public education; | 5085 |
(d) The provision of a free public library system; | 5086 |
(e) The regulation of the use of, and the maintenance and | 5087 |
repair of, roads, highways, streets, avenues, alleys, sidewalks, | 5088 |
bridges, aqueducts, viaducts, and public grounds; | 5089 |
(f) Judicial, quasi-judicial, prosecutorial, legislative, and | 5090 |
quasi-legislative functions; | 5091 |
(g) The construction, reconstruction, repair, renovation, | 5092 |
maintenance, and operation of buildings that are used in | 5093 |
connection with the performance of a governmental function, | 5094 |
including, but not limited to, office buildings and courthouses; | 5095 |
(h) The design, construction, reconstruction, renovation, | 5096 |
repair, maintenance, and operation of jails, places of juvenile | 5097 |
detention, workhouses, or any other detention facility, as defined | 5098 |
in section 2921.01 of the Revised Code; | 5099 |
(i) The enforcement or nonperformance of any law; | 5100 |
(j) The regulation of traffic, and the erection or | 5101 |
nonerection of traffic signs, signals, or control devices; | 5102 |
(k) The collection and disposal of solid wastes, as defined | 5103 |
in section 3734.01 of the Revised Code, including, but not limited | 5104 |
to, the operation of solid waste disposal facilities, as | 5105 |
"facilities" is defined in that section, and the collection and | 5106 |
management of hazardous waste generated by households. As used in | 5107 |
division (C)(2)(k) of this section, "hazardous waste generated by | 5108 |
households" means solid waste originally generated by individual | 5109 |
households that is listed specifically as hazardous waste in or | 5110 |
exhibits one or more characteristics of hazardous waste as defined | 5111 |
by rules adopted under section 3734.12 of the Revised Code, but | 5112 |
that is excluded from regulation as a hazardous waste by those | 5113 |
rules. | 5114 |
(l) The provision or nonprovision, planning or design, | 5115 |
construction, or reconstruction of a public improvement, | 5116 |
including, but not limited to, a sewer system; | 5117 |
(m) The operation of a job and family services department or | 5118 |
agency, including, but not limited to, the provision of assistance | 5119 |
to aged and infirm persons and to persons who are indigent; | 5120 |
(n) The operation of a health board, department, or agency, | 5121 |
including, but not limited to, any statutorily required or | 5122 |
permissive program for the provision of immunizations or other | 5123 |
inoculations to all or some members of the public, provided that a | 5124 |
"governmental function" does not include the supply, manufacture, | 5125 |
distribution, or development of any drug or vaccine employed in | 5126 |
any such immunization or inoculation program by any supplier, | 5127 |
manufacturer, distributor, or developer of the drug or vaccine; | 5128 |
(o) The operation of mental health facilities, | 5129 |
5130 | |
treatment and control centers, and children's homes or agencies; | 5131 |
(p) The provision or nonprovision of inspection services of | 5132 |
all types, including, but not limited to, inspections in | 5133 |
connection with building, zoning, sanitation, fire, plumbing, and | 5134 |
electrical codes, and the taking of actions in connection with | 5135 |
those types of codes, including, but not limited to, the approval | 5136 |
of plans for the construction of buildings or structures and the | 5137 |
issuance or revocation of building permits or stop work orders in | 5138 |
connection with buildings or structures; | 5139 |
(q) Urban renewal projects and the elimination of slum | 5140 |
conditions, including the performance of any activity that a | 5141 |
county land reutilization corporation is authorized to perform | 5142 |
under Chapter 1724. or 5722. of the Revised Code; | 5143 |
(r) Flood control measures; | 5144 |
(s) The design, construction, reconstruction, renovation, | 5145 |
operation, care, repair, and maintenance of a township cemetery; | 5146 |
(t) The issuance of revenue obligations under section 140.06 | 5147 |
of the Revised Code; | 5148 |
(u) The design, construction, reconstruction, renovation, | 5149 |
repair, maintenance, and operation of any school athletic | 5150 |
facility, school auditorium, or gymnasium or any recreational area | 5151 |
or facility, including, but not limited to, any of the following: | 5152 |
(i) A park, playground, or playfield; | 5153 |
(ii) An indoor recreational facility; | 5154 |
(iii) A zoo or zoological park; | 5155 |
(iv) A bath, swimming pool, pond, water park, wading pool, | 5156 |
wave pool, water slide, or other type of aquatic facility; | 5157 |
(v) A golf course; | 5158 |
(vi) A bicycle motocross facility or other type of | 5159 |
recreational area or facility in which bicycling, skating, skate | 5160 |
boarding, or scooter riding is engaged; | 5161 |
(vii) A rope course or climbing walls; | 5162 |
(viii) An all-purpose vehicle facility in which all-purpose | 5163 |
vehicles, as defined in section 4519.01 of the Revised Code, are | 5164 |
contained, maintained, or operated for recreational activities. | 5165 |
(v) The provision of public defender services by a county or | 5166 |
joint county public defender's office pursuant to Chapter 120. of | 5167 |
the Revised Code; | 5168 |
(w)(i) At any time before regulations prescribed pursuant to | 5169 |
49 U.S.C.A 20153 become effective, the designation, establishment, | 5170 |
design, construction, implementation, operation, repair, or | 5171 |
maintenance of a public road rail crossing in a zone within a | 5172 |
municipal corporation in which, by ordinance, the legislative | 5173 |
authority of the municipal corporation regulates the sounding of | 5174 |
locomotive horns, whistles, or bells; | 5175 |
(ii) On and after the effective date of regulations | 5176 |
prescribed pursuant to 49 U.S.C.A. 20153, the designation, | 5177 |
establishment, design, construction, implementation, operation, | 5178 |
repair, or maintenance of a public road rail crossing in such a | 5179 |
zone or of a supplementary safety measure, as defined in 49 | 5180 |
U.S.C.A 20153, at or for a public road rail crossing, if and to | 5181 |
the extent that the public road rail crossing is excepted, | 5182 |
pursuant to subsection (c) of that section, from the requirement | 5183 |
of the regulations prescribed under subsection (b) of that | 5184 |
section. | 5185 |
(x) A function that the general assembly mandates a political | 5186 |
subdivision to perform. | 5187 |
(D) "Law" means any provision of the constitution, statutes, | 5188 |
or rules of the United States or of this state; provisions of | 5189 |
charters, ordinances, resolutions, and rules of political | 5190 |
subdivisions; and written policies adopted by boards of education. | 5191 |
When used in connection with the "common law," this definition | 5192 |
does not apply. | 5193 |
(E) "Motor vehicle" has the same meaning as in section | 5194 |
4511.01 of the Revised Code. | 5195 |
(F) "Political subdivision" or "subdivision" means a | 5196 |
municipal corporation, township, county, school district, or other | 5197 |
body corporate and politic responsible for governmental activities | 5198 |
in a geographic area smaller than that of the state. "Political | 5199 |
subdivision" includes, but is not limited to, a county hospital | 5200 |
commission appointed under section 339.14 of the Revised Code, | 5201 |
board of hospital commissioners appointed for a municipal hospital | 5202 |
under section 749.04 of the Revised Code, board of hospital | 5203 |
trustees appointed for a municipal hospital under section 749.22 | 5204 |
of the Revised Code, regional planning commission created pursuant | 5205 |
to section 713.21 of the Revised Code, county planning commission | 5206 |
created pursuant to section 713.22 of the Revised Code, joint | 5207 |
planning council created pursuant to section 713.231 of the | 5208 |
Revised Code, interstate regional planning commission created | 5209 |
pursuant to section 713.30 of the Revised Code, port authority | 5210 |
created pursuant to section 4582.02 or 4582.26 of the Revised Code | 5211 |
or in existence on December 16, 1964, regional council established | 5212 |
by political subdivisions pursuant to Chapter 167. of the Revised | 5213 |
Code, emergency planning district and joint emergency planning | 5214 |
district designated under section 3750.03 of the Revised Code, | 5215 |
joint emergency medical services district created pursuant to | 5216 |
section 307.052 of the Revised Code, fire and ambulance district | 5217 |
created pursuant to section 505.375 of the Revised Code, joint | 5218 |
interstate emergency planning district established by an agreement | 5219 |
entered into under that section, county solid waste management | 5220 |
district and joint solid waste management district established | 5221 |
under section 343.01 or 343.012 of the Revised Code, community | 5222 |
school established under Chapter 3314. of the Revised Code, county | 5223 |
land reutilization corporation organized under Chapter 1724. of | 5224 |
the Revised Code, the county or counties served by a | 5225 |
community-based correctional facility and program or district | 5226 |
community-based correctional facility and program established and | 5227 |
operated under sections 2301.51 to 2301.58 of the Revised Code, a | 5228 |
community-based correctional facility and program or district | 5229 |
community-based correctional facility and program that is so | 5230 |
established and operated, and the facility governing board of a | 5231 |
community-based correctional facility and program or district | 5232 |
community-based correctional facility and program that is so | 5233 |
established and operated. | 5234 |
(G)(1) "Proprietary function" means a function of a political | 5235 |
subdivision that is specified in division (G)(2) of this section | 5236 |
or that satisfies both of the following: | 5237 |
(a) The function is not one described in division (C)(1)(a) | 5238 |
or (b) of this section and is not one specified in division (C)(2) | 5239 |
of this section; | 5240 |
(b) The function is one that promotes or preserves the public | 5241 |
peace, health, safety, or welfare and that involves activities | 5242 |
that are customarily engaged in by nongovernmental persons. | 5243 |
(2) A "proprietary function" includes, but is not limited to, | 5244 |
the following: | 5245 |
(a) The operation of a hospital by one or more political | 5246 |
subdivisions; | 5247 |
(b) The design, construction, reconstruction, renovation, | 5248 |
repair, maintenance, and operation of a public cemetery other than | 5249 |
a township cemetery; | 5250 |
(c) The establishment, maintenance, and operation of a | 5251 |
utility, including, but not limited to, a light, gas, power, or | 5252 |
heat plant, a railroad, a busline or other transit company, an | 5253 |
airport, and a municipal corporation water supply system; | 5254 |
(d) The maintenance, destruction, operation, and upkeep of a | 5255 |
sewer system; | 5256 |
(e) The operation and control of a public stadium, | 5257 |
auditorium, civic or social center, exhibition hall, arts and | 5258 |
crafts center, band or orchestra, or off-street parking facility. | 5259 |
(H) "Public roads" means public roads, highways, streets, | 5260 |
avenues, alleys, and bridges within a political subdivision. | 5261 |
"Public roads" does not include berms, shoulders, rights-of-way, | 5262 |
or traffic control devices unless the traffic control devices are | 5263 |
mandated by the Ohio manual of uniform traffic control devices. | 5264 |
(I) "State" means the state of Ohio, including, but not | 5265 |
limited to, the general assembly, the supreme court, the offices | 5266 |
of all elected state officers, and all departments, boards, | 5267 |
offices, commissions, agencies, colleges and universities, | 5268 |
institutions, and other instrumentalities of the state of Ohio. | 5269 |
"State" does not include political subdivisions. | 5270 |
Sec. 2901.13. (A)(1) Except as provided in division (A)(2) | 5271 |
or (3) of this section or as otherwise provided in this section, a | 5272 |
prosecution shall be barred unless it is commenced within the | 5273 |
following periods after an offense is committed: | 5274 |
(a) For a felony, six years; | 5275 |
(b) For a misdemeanor other than a minor misdemeanor, two | 5276 |
years; | 5277 |
(c) For a minor misdemeanor, six months. | 5278 |
(2) There is no period of limitation for the prosecution of a | 5279 |
violation of section 2903.01 or 2903.02 of the Revised Code. | 5280 |
(3) Except as otherwise provided in divisions (B) to (H) of | 5281 |
this section, a prosecution of any of the following offenses shall | 5282 |
be barred unless it is commenced within twenty years after the | 5283 |
offense is committed: | 5284 |
(a) A violation of section 2903.03, 2903.04, 2905.01, | 5285 |
2905.32, 2907.02, 2907.03, 2907.04, 2907.05, 2907.21, 2909.02, | 5286 |
2909.22, 2909.23, 2909.24, 2909.26, 2909.27, 2909.28, 2909.29, | 5287 |
2911.01, 2911.02, 2911.11, 2911.12, or 2917.02 of the Revised | 5288 |
Code, a violation of section 2903.11 or 2903.12 of the Revised | 5289 |
Code if the victim is a peace officer, a violation of section | 5290 |
2903.13 of the Revised Code that is a felony, or a violation of | 5291 |
former section 2907.12 of the Revised Code; | 5292 |
(b) A conspiracy to commit, attempt to commit, or complicity | 5293 |
in committing a violation set forth in division (A)(3)(a) of this | 5294 |
section. | 5295 |
(B)(1) Except as otherwise provided in division (B)(2) of | 5296 |
this section, if the period of limitation provided in division | 5297 |
(A)(1) or (3) of this section has expired, prosecution shall be | 5298 |
commenced for an offense of which an element is fraud or breach of | 5299 |
a fiduciary duty, within one year after discovery of the offense | 5300 |
either by an aggrieved person, or by the aggrieved person's legal | 5301 |
representative who is not a party to the offense. | 5302 |
(2) If the period of limitation provided in division (A)(1) | 5303 |
or (3) of this section has expired, prosecution for a violation of | 5304 |
section 2913.49 of the Revised Code shall be commenced within five | 5305 |
years after discovery of the offense either by an aggrieved person | 5306 |
or the aggrieved person's legal representative who is not a party | 5307 |
to the offense. | 5308 |
(C)(1) If the period of limitation provided in division | 5309 |
(A)(1) or (3) of this section has expired, prosecution shall be | 5310 |
commenced for the following offenses during the following | 5311 |
specified periods of time: | 5312 |
(a) For an offense involving misconduct in office by a public | 5313 |
servant, at any time while the accused remains a public servant, | 5314 |
or within two years thereafter; | 5315 |
(b) For an offense by a person who is not a public servant | 5316 |
but whose offense is directly related to the misconduct in office | 5317 |
of a public servant, at any time while that public servant remains | 5318 |
a public servant, or within two years thereafter. | 5319 |
(2) As used in this division: | 5320 |
(a) An "offense is directly related to the misconduct in | 5321 |
office of a public servant" includes, but is not limited to, a | 5322 |
violation of section 101.71, 101.91, 121.61 or 2921.13, division | 5323 |
(F) or (H) of section 102.03, division (A) of section 2921.02, | 5324 |
division (A) or (B) of section 2921.43, or division (F) or (G) of | 5325 |
section 3517.13 of the Revised Code, that is directly related to | 5326 |
an offense involving misconduct in office of a public servant. | 5327 |
(b) "Public servant" has the same meaning as in section | 5328 |
2921.01 of the Revised Code. | 5329 |
(D) An offense is committed when every element of the offense | 5330 |
occurs. In the case of an offense of which an element is a | 5331 |
continuing course of conduct, the period of limitation does not | 5332 |
begin to run until such course of conduct or the accused's | 5333 |
accountability for it terminates, whichever occurs first. | 5334 |
(E) A prosecution is commenced on the date an indictment is | 5335 |
returned or an information filed, or on the date a lawful arrest | 5336 |
without a warrant is made, or on the date a warrant, summons, | 5337 |
citation, or other process is issued, whichever occurs first. A | 5338 |
prosecution is not commenced by the return of an indictment or the | 5339 |
filing of an information unless reasonable diligence is exercised | 5340 |
to issue and execute process on the same. A prosecution is not | 5341 |
commenced upon issuance of a warrant, summons, citation, or other | 5342 |
process, unless reasonable diligence is exercised to execute the | 5343 |
same. | 5344 |
(F) The period of limitation shall not run during any time | 5345 |
when the corpus delicti remains undiscovered. | 5346 |
(G) The period of limitation shall not run during any time | 5347 |
when the accused purposely avoids prosecution. Proof that the | 5348 |
accused departed this state or concealed the accused's identity or | 5349 |
whereabouts is prima-facie evidence of the accused's purpose to | 5350 |
avoid prosecution. | 5351 |
(H) The period of limitation shall not run during any time a | 5352 |
prosecution against the accused based on the same conduct is | 5353 |
pending in this state, even though the indictment, information, or | 5354 |
process that commenced the prosecution is quashed or the | 5355 |
proceedings on the indictment, information, or process are set | 5356 |
aside or reversed on appeal. | 5357 |
(I) The period of limitation for a violation of any provision | 5358 |
of Title XXIX of the Revised Code that involves a physical or | 5359 |
mental wound, injury, disability, or condition of a nature that | 5360 |
reasonably indicates abuse or neglect of a child under eighteen | 5361 |
years of age or of a | 5362 |
5363 | |
physical impairment under twenty-one years of age shall not begin | 5364 |
to run until either of the following occurs: | 5365 |
(1) The victim of the offense reaches the age of majority. | 5366 |
(2) A public children services agency, or a municipal or | 5367 |
county peace officer that is not the parent or guardian of the | 5368 |
child, in the county in which the child resides or in which the | 5369 |
abuse or neglect is occurring or has occurred has been notified | 5370 |
that abuse or neglect is known, suspected, or believed to have | 5371 |
occurred. | 5372 |
(J) As used in this section, "peace officer" has the same | 5373 |
meaning as in section 2935.01 of the Revised Code. | 5374 |
Sec. 2903.341. (A) As used in this section: | 5375 |
(1) " | 5376 |
5377 | |
assumes the duty to provide for the care and protection of a | 5378 |
5379 | |
a developmental disability on a voluntary basis, by contract, | 5380 |
through receipt of payment for care and protection, as a result of | 5381 |
a family relationship, or by order of a court of competent | 5382 |
jurisdiction. " | 5383 |
includes a person who is an employee of a care facility and a | 5384 |
person who is an employee of an entity under contract with a | 5385 |
provider. " | 5386 |
include a person who owns, operates, or administers a care | 5387 |
facility or who is an agent of a care facility unless that person | 5388 |
also personally provides care to persons with | 5389 |
5390 |
(2) " | 5391 |
5392 | |
5393 |
(3) " | 5394 |
meaning as in section 5123.50 of the Revised Code. | 5395 |
(B) No | 5396 |
create a substantial risk to the health or safety of a | 5397 |
5398 | |
developmental disability. | 5399 |
caretaker does not create a substantial risk to the health or | 5400 |
safety of a | 5401 |
person with a developmental disability under this division when | 5402 |
the | 5403 |
or mental illness or defect of the | 5404 |
5405 | |
spiritual means through prayer alone, in accordance with the | 5406 |
tenets of a recognized religious body. | 5407 |
(C) No person who owns, operates, or administers a care | 5408 |
facility or who is an agent of a care facility shall condone, or | 5409 |
knowingly permit, any conduct by | 5410 |
disabilities caretaker who is employed by or under the control of | 5411 |
the owner, operator, administrator, or agent that is in violation | 5412 |
of division (B) of this section and that involves a | 5413 |
5414 | |
developmental disability who is under the care of the owner, | 5415 |
operator, administrator, or agent. A person who relies upon | 5416 |
treatment by spiritual means through prayer alone, in accordance | 5417 |
with the tenets of a recognized religious denomination, shall not | 5418 |
be considered endangered under this division for that reason | 5419 |
alone. | 5420 |
(D)(1) It is an affirmative defense to a charge of a | 5421 |
violation of division (B) or (C) of this section that the actor's | 5422 |
conduct was committed in good faith solely because the actor was | 5423 |
ordered to commit the conduct by a person to whom one of the | 5424 |
following applies: | 5425 |
(a) The person has supervisory authority over the actor. | 5426 |
(b) The person has authority over the actor's conduct | 5427 |
pursuant to a contract for the provision of services. | 5428 |
(2) It is an affirmative defense to a charge of a violation | 5429 |
of division (C) of this section that the person who owns, | 5430 |
operates, or administers a care facility or who is an agent of a | 5431 |
care facility and who is charged with the violation is following | 5432 |
the individual service plan for the involved | 5433 |
5434 | |
disability or that the admission, discharge, and transfer rule set | 5435 |
forth in the Administrative Code is being followed. | 5436 |
(3) It is an affirmative defense to a charge of a violation | 5437 |
of division (C) of this section that the actor did not have | 5438 |
readily available a means to prevent either the harm to the person | 5439 |
with | 5440 |
of such a person and the actor took reasonable steps to summon | 5441 |
aid. | 5442 |
(E)(1) Except as provided in division (E)(2) or (E)(3) of | 5443 |
this section, whoever violates division (B) or (C) of this section | 5444 |
is guilty of patient endangerment, a misdemeanor of the first | 5445 |
degree. | 5446 |
(2) If the offender previously has been convicted of, or | 5447 |
pleaded guilty to, a violation of this section, patient | 5448 |
endangerment is a felony of the fourth degree. | 5449 |
(3) If the violation results in serious physical harm to the | 5450 |
person with | 5451 |
patient endangerment is a felony of the third degree. | 5452 |
Sec. 2919.23. (A) No person, knowing the person is without | 5453 |
privilege to do so or being reckless in that regard, shall entice, | 5454 |
take, keep, or harbor a person identified in division (A)(1), (2), | 5455 |
or (3) of this section from the parent, guardian, or custodian of | 5456 |
the person identified in division (A)(1), (2), or (3) of this | 5457 |
section: | 5458 |
(1) A child under the age of eighteen, or a mentally or | 5459 |
physically handicapped child under the age of twenty-one; | 5460 |
(2) A person committed by law to an institution for | 5461 |
delinquent, unruly, neglected, abused, or dependent children; | 5462 |
(3) A person committed by law to an institution for the | 5463 |
mentally ill or | 5464 |
developmental disabilities that are intellectual disabilities. | 5465 |
(B) No person shall aid, abet, induce, cause, or encourage a | 5466 |
child or a ward of the juvenile court who has been committed to | 5467 |
the custody of any person, department, or public or private | 5468 |
institution to leave the custody of that person, department, or | 5469 |
institution without legal consent. | 5470 |
(C) It is an affirmative defense to a charge of enticing or | 5471 |
taking under division (A)(1) of this section, that the actor | 5472 |
reasonably believed that the actor's conduct was necessary to | 5473 |
preserve the child's health or safety. It is an affirmative | 5474 |
defense to a charge of keeping or harboring under division (A) of | 5475 |
this section, that the actor in good faith gave notice to law | 5476 |
enforcement or judicial authorities within a reasonable time after | 5477 |
the child or committed person came under the actor's shelter, | 5478 |
protection, or influence. | 5479 |
(D)(1) Whoever violates this section is guilty of | 5480 |
interference with custody. | 5481 |
(2) Except as otherwise provided in this division, a | 5482 |
violation of division (A)(1) of this section is a misdemeanor of | 5483 |
the first degree. If the child who is the subject of a violation | 5484 |
of division (A)(1) of this section is removed from the state or if | 5485 |
the offender previously has been convicted of an offense under | 5486 |
this section, a violation of division (A)(1) of this section is a | 5487 |
felony of the fifth degree. If the child who is the subject of a | 5488 |
violation of division (A)(1) of this section suffers physical harm | 5489 |
as a result of the violation, a violation of division (A)(1) of | 5490 |
this section is a felony of the fourth degree. | 5491 |
(3) A violation of division (A)(2) or (3) of this section is | 5492 |
a misdemeanor of the third degree. | 5493 |
(4) A violation of division (B) of this section is a | 5494 |
misdemeanor of the first degree. Each day of violation of division | 5495 |
(B) of this section is a separate offense. | 5496 |
Sec. 2929.04. (A) Imposition of the death penalty for | 5497 |
aggravated murder is precluded unless one or more of the following | 5498 |
is specified in the indictment or count in the indictment pursuant | 5499 |
to section 2941.14 of the Revised Code and proved beyond a | 5500 |
reasonable doubt: | 5501 |
(1) The offense was the assassination of the president of the | 5502 |
United States or a person in line of succession to the presidency, | 5503 |
the governor or lieutenant governor of this state, the | 5504 |
president-elect or vice president-elect of the United States, the | 5505 |
governor-elect or lieutenant governor-elect of this state, or a | 5506 |
candidate for any of the offices described in this division. For | 5507 |
purposes of this division, a person is a candidate if the person | 5508 |
has been nominated for election according to law, if the person | 5509 |
has filed a petition or petitions according to law to have the | 5510 |
person's name placed on the ballot in a primary or general | 5511 |
election, or if the person campaigns as a write-in candidate in a | 5512 |
primary or general election. | 5513 |
(2) The offense was committed for hire. | 5514 |
(3) The offense was committed for the purpose of escaping | 5515 |
detection, apprehension, trial, or punishment for another offense | 5516 |
committed by the offender. | 5517 |
(4) The offense was committed while the offender was under | 5518 |
detention or while the offender was at large after having broken | 5519 |
detention. As used in division (A)(4) of this section, "detention" | 5520 |
has the same meaning as in section 2921.01 of the Revised Code, | 5521 |
except that detention does not include hospitalization, | 5522 |
institutionalization, or confinement in a mental health facility | 5523 |
or | 5524 |
disabilities facility unless at the time of the commission of the | 5525 |
offense either of the following circumstances apply: | 5526 |
(a) The offender was in the facility as a result of being | 5527 |
charged with a violation of a section of the Revised Code. | 5528 |
(b) The offender was under detention as a result of being | 5529 |
convicted of or pleading guilty to a violation of a section of the | 5530 |
Revised Code. | 5531 |
(5) Prior to the offense at bar, the offender was convicted | 5532 |
of an offense an essential element of which was the purposeful | 5533 |
killing of or attempt to kill another, or the offense at bar was | 5534 |
part of a course of conduct involving the purposeful killing of or | 5535 |
attempt to kill two or more persons by the offender. | 5536 |
(6) The victim of the offense was a law enforcement officer, | 5537 |
as defined in section 2911.01 of the Revised Code, whom the | 5538 |
offender had reasonable cause to know or knew to be a law | 5539 |
enforcement officer as so defined, and either the victim, at the | 5540 |
time of the commission of the offense, was engaged in the victim's | 5541 |
duties, or it was the offender's specific purpose to kill a law | 5542 |
enforcement officer as so defined. | 5543 |
(7) The offense was committed while the offender was | 5544 |
committing, attempting to commit, or fleeing immediately after | 5545 |
committing or attempting to commit kidnapping, rape, aggravated | 5546 |
arson, aggravated robbery, or aggravated burglary, and either the | 5547 |
offender was the principal offender in the commission of the | 5548 |
aggravated murder or, if not the principal offender, committed the | 5549 |
aggravated murder with prior calculation and design. | 5550 |
(8) The victim of the aggravated murder was a witness to an | 5551 |
offense who was purposely killed to prevent the victim's testimony | 5552 |
in any criminal proceeding and the aggravated murder was not | 5553 |
committed during the commission, attempted commission, or flight | 5554 |
immediately after the commission or attempted commission of the | 5555 |
offense to which the victim was a witness, or the victim of the | 5556 |
aggravated murder was a witness to an offense and was purposely | 5557 |
killed in retaliation for the victim's testimony in any criminal | 5558 |
proceeding. | 5559 |
(9) The offender, in the commission of the offense, | 5560 |
purposefully caused the death of another who was under thirteen | 5561 |
years of age at the time of the commission of the offense, and | 5562 |
either the offender was the principal offender in the commission | 5563 |
of the offense or, if not the principal offender, committed the | 5564 |
offense with prior calculation and design. | 5565 |
(10) The offense was committed while the offender was | 5566 |
committing, attempting to commit, or fleeing immediately after | 5567 |
committing or attempting to commit terrorism. | 5568 |
(B) If one or more of the aggravating circumstances listed in | 5569 |
division (A) of this section is specified in the indictment or | 5570 |
count in the indictment and proved beyond a reasonable doubt, and | 5571 |
if the offender did not raise the matter of age pursuant to | 5572 |
section 2929.023 of the Revised Code or if the offender, after | 5573 |
raising the matter of age, was found at trial to have been | 5574 |
eighteen years of age or older at the time of the commission of | 5575 |
the offense, the court, trial jury, or panel of three judges shall | 5576 |
consider, and weigh against the aggravating circumstances proved | 5577 |
beyond a reasonable doubt, the nature and circumstances of the | 5578 |
offense, the history, character, and background of the offender, | 5579 |
and all of the following factors: | 5580 |
(1) Whether the victim of the offense induced or facilitated | 5581 |
it; | 5582 |
(2) Whether it is unlikely that the offense would have been | 5583 |
committed, but for the fact that the offender was under duress, | 5584 |
coercion, or strong provocation; | 5585 |
(3) Whether, at the time of committing the offense, the | 5586 |
offender, because of a mental disease or defect, lacked | 5587 |
substantial capacity to appreciate the criminality of the | 5588 |
offender's conduct or to conform the offender's conduct to the | 5589 |
requirements of the law; | 5590 |
(4) The youth of the offender; | 5591 |
(5) The offender's lack of a significant history of prior | 5592 |
criminal convictions and delinquency adjudications; | 5593 |
(6) If the offender was a participant in the offense but not | 5594 |
the principal offender, the degree of the offender's participation | 5595 |
in the offense and the degree of the offender's participation in | 5596 |
the acts that led to the death of the victim; | 5597 |
(7) Any other factors that are relevant to the issue of | 5598 |
whether the offender should be sentenced to death. | 5599 |
(C) The defendant shall be given great latitude in the | 5600 |
presentation of evidence of the factors listed in division (B) of | 5601 |
this section and of any other factors in mitigation of the | 5602 |
imposition of the sentence of death. | 5603 |
The existence of any of the mitigating factors listed in | 5604 |
division (B) of this section does not preclude the imposition of a | 5605 |
sentence of death on the offender but shall be weighed pursuant to | 5606 |
divisions (D)(2) and (3) of section 2929.03 of the Revised Code by | 5607 |
the trial court, trial jury, or the panel of three judges against | 5608 |
the aggravating circumstances the offender was found guilty of | 5609 |
committing. | 5610 |
Sec. 2929.06. (A) If a sentence of death imposed upon an | 5611 |
offender is set aside, nullified, or vacated because the court of | 5612 |
appeals, in a case in which a sentence of death was imposed for an | 5613 |
offense committed before January 1, 1995, or the supreme court, in | 5614 |
cases in which the supreme court reviews the sentence upon appeal, | 5615 |
could not affirm the sentence of death under the standards imposed | 5616 |
by section 2929.05 of the Revised Code, is set aside, nullified, | 5617 |
or vacated for the sole reason that the statutory procedure for | 5618 |
imposing the sentence of death that is set forth in sections | 5619 |
2929.03 and 2929.04 of the Revised Code is unconstitutional, is | 5620 |
set aside, nullified, or vacated pursuant to division (C) of | 5621 |
section 2929.05 of the Revised Code, or is set aside, nullified, | 5622 |
or vacated because a court has determined that the offender is | 5623 |
5624 | |
an intellectual disability under standards set forth in decisions | 5625 |
of the supreme court of this state or the United States supreme | 5626 |
court, the trial court that sentenced the offender shall conduct a | 5627 |
hearing to resentence the offender. At the resentencing hearing, | 5628 |
the court shall impose upon the offender a sentence of life | 5629 |
imprisonment or an indefinite term consisting of a minimum term of | 5630 |
thirty years and a maximum term of life imprisonment that is | 5631 |
determined as specified in this division. If division (D) of | 5632 |
section 2929.03 of the Revised Code, at the time the offender | 5633 |
committed the aggravated murder for which the sentence of death | 5634 |
was imposed, required the imposition when a sentence of death was | 5635 |
not imposed of a sentence of life imprisonment without parole or a | 5636 |
sentence of an indefinite term consisting of a minimum term of | 5637 |
thirty years and a maximum term of life imprisonment to be imposed | 5638 |
pursuant to division (A) or (B)(3) of section 2971.03 of the | 5639 |
Revised Code and served pursuant to that section, the court shall | 5640 |
impose the sentence so required. In all other cases, the sentences | 5641 |
of life imprisonment that are available at the hearing, and from | 5642 |
which the court shall impose sentence, shall be the same sentences | 5643 |
of life imprisonment that were available under division (D) of | 5644 |
section 2929.03 or under section 2909.24 of the Revised Code at | 5645 |
the time the offender committed the offense for which the sentence | 5646 |
of death was imposed. Nothing in this division regarding the | 5647 |
resentencing of an offender shall affect the operation of section | 5648 |
2971.03 of the Revised Code. | 5649 |
(B) Whenever any court of this state or any federal court | 5650 |
sets aside, nullifies, or vacates a sentence of death imposed upon | 5651 |
an offender because of error that occurred in the sentencing phase | 5652 |
of the trial and if division (A) of this section does not apply, | 5653 |
the trial court that sentenced the offender shall conduct a new | 5654 |
hearing to resentence the offender. If the offender was tried by a | 5655 |
jury, the trial court shall impanel a new jury for the hearing. If | 5656 |
the offender was tried by a panel of three judges, that panel or, | 5657 |
if necessary, a new panel of three judges shall conduct the | 5658 |
hearing. At the hearing, the court or panel shall follow the | 5659 |
procedure set forth in division (D) of section 2929.03 of the | 5660 |
Revised Code in determining whether to impose upon the offender a | 5661 |
sentence of death, a sentence of life imprisonment, or an | 5662 |
indefinite term consisting of a minimum term of thirty years and a | 5663 |
maximum term of life imprisonment. If, pursuant to that procedure, | 5664 |
the court or panel determines that it will impose a sentence other | 5665 |
than a sentence of death, the court or panel shall impose upon the | 5666 |
offender one of the sentences of life imprisonment that could have | 5667 |
been imposed at the time the offender committed the offense for | 5668 |
which the sentence of death was imposed, determined as specified | 5669 |
in this division, or an indefinite term consisting of a minimum | 5670 |
term of thirty years and a maximum term of life imprisonment that | 5671 |
is determined as specified in this division. If division (D) of | 5672 |
section 2929.03 of the Revised Code, at the time the offender | 5673 |
committed the aggravated murder for which the sentence of death | 5674 |
was imposed, required the imposition when a sentence of death was | 5675 |
not imposed of a sentence of life imprisonment without parole or a | 5676 |
sentence of an indefinite term consisting of a minimum term of | 5677 |
thirty years and a maximum term of life imprisonment to be imposed | 5678 |
pursuant to division (A) or (B)(3) of section 2971.03 of the | 5679 |
Revised Code and served pursuant to that section, the court or | 5680 |
panel shall impose the sentence so required. In all other cases, | 5681 |
the sentences of life imprisonment that are available at the | 5682 |
hearing, and from which the court or panel shall impose sentence, | 5683 |
shall be the same sentences of life imprisonment that were | 5684 |
available under division (D) of section 2929.03 or under section | 5685 |
2909.24 of the Revised Code at the time the offender committed the | 5686 |
offense for which the sentence of death was imposed. | 5687 |
(C) If a sentence of life imprisonment without parole imposed | 5688 |
upon an offender pursuant to section 2929.021 or 2929.03 of the | 5689 |
Revised Code is set aside, nullified, or vacated for the sole | 5690 |
reason that the statutory procedure for imposing the sentence of | 5691 |
life imprisonment without parole that is set forth in sections | 5692 |
2929.03 and 2929.04 of the Revised Code is unconstitutional, the | 5693 |
trial court that sentenced the offender shall conduct a hearing to | 5694 |
resentence the offender to life imprisonment with parole | 5695 |
eligibility after serving twenty-five full years of imprisonment | 5696 |
or to life imprisonment with parole eligibility after serving | 5697 |
thirty full years of imprisonment. | 5698 |
(D) Nothing in this section limits or restricts the rights of | 5699 |
the state to appeal any order setting aside, nullifying, or | 5700 |
vacating a conviction or sentence of death, when an appeal of that | 5701 |
nature otherwise would be available. | 5702 |
(E) This section, as amended by H.B. 184 of the 125th general | 5703 |
assembly, shall apply to all offenders who have been sentenced to | 5704 |
death for an aggravated murder that was committed on or after | 5705 |
October 19, 1981, or for terrorism that was committed on or after | 5706 |
May 15, 2002. This section, as amended by H.B. 184 of the 125th | 5707 |
general assembly, shall apply equally to all such offenders | 5708 |
sentenced to death prior to, on, or after March 23, 2005, | 5709 |
including offenders who, on March 23, 2005, are challenging their | 5710 |
sentence of death and offenders whose sentence of death has been | 5711 |
set aside, nullified, or vacated by any court of this state or any | 5712 |
federal court but who, as of March 23, 2005, have not yet been | 5713 |
resentenced. | 5714 |
Sec. 2930.061. (A) If a person is charged in a complaint, | 5715 |
indictment, or information with any crime or specified delinquent | 5716 |
act or with any other violation of law, and if the case involves a | 5717 |
victim that the prosecutor in the case knows is a | 5718 |
5719 | |
developmental disability, in addition to any other notices | 5720 |
required under this chapter or under any other provision of law, | 5721 |
the prosecutor in the case shall send written notice of the | 5722 |
charges to the department of developmental disabilities. The | 5723 |
written notice shall specifically identify the person so charged. | 5724 |
(B) As used in this section, " | 5725 |
5726 | |
5727 | |
Revised Code. | 5728 |
Sec. 2930.16. (A) If a defendant is incarcerated, a victim | 5729 |
in a case who has requested to receive notice under this section | 5730 |
shall be given notice of the incarceration of the defendant. If an | 5731 |
alleged juvenile offender is committed to the temporary custody of | 5732 |
a school, camp, institution, or other facility operated for the | 5733 |
care of delinquent children or to the legal custody of the | 5734 |
department of youth services, a victim in a case who has requested | 5735 |
to receive notice under this section shall be given notice of the | 5736 |
commitment. Promptly after sentence is imposed upon the defendant | 5737 |
or the commitment of the alleged juvenile offender is ordered, the | 5738 |
prosecutor in the case shall notify the victim of the date on | 5739 |
which the defendant will be released from confinement or the | 5740 |
prosecutor's reasonable estimate of that date or the date on which | 5741 |
the alleged juvenile offender will have served the minimum period | 5742 |
of commitment or the prosecutor's reasonable estimate of that | 5743 |
date. The prosecutor also shall notify the victim of the name of | 5744 |
the custodial agency of the defendant or alleged juvenile offender | 5745 |
and tell the victim how to contact that custodial agency. If the | 5746 |
custodial agency is the department of rehabilitation and | 5747 |
correction, the prosecutor shall notify the victim of the services | 5748 |
offered by the office of victims' services pursuant to section | 5749 |
5120.60 of the Revised Code. If the custodial agency is the | 5750 |
department of youth services, the prosecutor shall notify the | 5751 |
victim of the services provided by the office of victims' services | 5752 |
within the release authority of the department pursuant to section | 5753 |
5139.55 of the Revised Code and the victim's right pursuant to | 5754 |
section 5139.56 of the Revised Code to submit a written request to | 5755 |
the release authority to be notified of actions the release | 5756 |
authority takes with respect to the alleged juvenile offender. The | 5757 |
victim shall keep the custodial agency informed of the victim's | 5758 |
current address and telephone number. | 5759 |
(B)(1) Upon the victim's request or in accordance with | 5760 |
division (D) of this section, the prosecutor promptly shall notify | 5761 |
the victim of any hearing for judicial release of the defendant | 5762 |
pursuant to section 2929.20 of the Revised Code, of any hearing | 5763 |
for release of the defendant pursuant to section 2967.19 of the | 5764 |
Revised Code, or of any hearing for judicial release or early | 5765 |
release of the alleged juvenile offender pursuant to section | 5766 |
2151.38 of the Revised Code and of the victim's right to make a | 5767 |
statement under those sections. The court shall notify the victim | 5768 |
of its ruling in each of those hearings and on each of those | 5769 |
applications. | 5770 |
(2) If an offender is sentenced to a prison term pursuant to | 5771 |
division (A)(3) or (B) of section 2971.03 of the Revised Code, | 5772 |
upon the request of the victim of the crime or in accordance with | 5773 |
division (D) of this section, the prosecutor promptly shall notify | 5774 |
the victim of any hearing to be conducted pursuant to section | 5775 |
2971.05 of the Revised Code to determine whether to modify the | 5776 |
requirement that the offender serve the entire prison term in a | 5777 |
state correctional facility in accordance with division (C) of | 5778 |
that section, whether to continue, revise, or revoke any existing | 5779 |
modification of that requirement, or whether to terminate the | 5780 |
prison term in accordance with division (D) of that section. The | 5781 |
court shall notify the victim of any order issued at the | 5782 |
conclusion of the hearing. | 5783 |
(C) Upon the victim's request made at any time before the | 5784 |
particular notice would be due or in accordance with division (D) | 5785 |
of this section, the custodial agency of a defendant or alleged | 5786 |
juvenile offender shall give the victim any of the following | 5787 |
notices that is applicable: | 5788 |
(1) At least sixty days before the adult parole authority | 5789 |
recommends a pardon or commutation of sentence for the defendant | 5790 |
or at least sixty days prior to a hearing before the adult parole | 5791 |
authority regarding a grant of parole to the defendant, notice of | 5792 |
the victim's right to submit a statement regarding the impact of | 5793 |
the defendant's release in accordance with section 2967.12 of the | 5794 |
Revised Code and, if applicable, of the victim's right to appear | 5795 |
at a full board hearing of the parole board to give testimony as | 5796 |
authorized by section 5149.101 of the Revised Code; | 5797 |
(2) At least sixty days before the defendant is transferred | 5798 |
to transitional control under section 2967.26 of the Revised Code, | 5799 |
notice of the pendency of the transfer and of the victim's right | 5800 |
under that section to submit a statement regarding the impact of | 5801 |
the transfer; | 5802 |
(3) At least sixty days before the release authority of the | 5803 |
department of youth services holds a release review, release | 5804 |
hearing, or discharge review for the alleged juvenile offender, | 5805 |
notice of the pendency of the review or hearing, of the victim's | 5806 |
right to make an oral or written statement regarding the impact of | 5807 |
the crime upon the victim or regarding the possible release or | 5808 |
discharge, and, if the notice pertains to a hearing, of the | 5809 |
victim's right to attend and make statements or comments at the | 5810 |
hearing as authorized by section 5139.56 of the Revised Code; | 5811 |
(4) Prompt notice of the defendant's or alleged juvenile | 5812 |
offender's escape from a facility of the custodial agency in which | 5813 |
the defendant was incarcerated or in which the alleged juvenile | 5814 |
offender was placed after commitment, of the defendant's or | 5815 |
alleged juvenile offender's absence without leave from a mental | 5816 |
health or | 5817 |
facility or from other custody, and of the capture of the | 5818 |
defendant or alleged juvenile offender after an escape or absence; | 5819 |
(5) Notice of the defendant's or alleged juvenile offender's | 5820 |
death while in confinement or custody; | 5821 |
(6) Notice of the filing of a petition by the director of | 5822 |
rehabilitation and correction pursuant to section 2967.19 of the | 5823 |
Revised Code requesting the early release under that section of | 5824 |
the defendant; | 5825 |
(7) Notice of the defendant's or alleged juvenile offender's | 5826 |
release from confinement or custody and the terms and conditions | 5827 |
of the release. | 5828 |
(D)(1) If a defendant is incarcerated for the commission of | 5829 |
aggravated murder, murder, or an offense of violence that is a | 5830 |
felony of the first, second, or third degree or is under a | 5831 |
sentence of life imprisonment or if an alleged juvenile offender | 5832 |
has been charged with the commission of an act that would be | 5833 |
aggravated murder, murder, or an offense of violence that is a | 5834 |
felony of the first, second, or third degree or be subject to a | 5835 |
sentence of life imprisonment if committed by an adult, except as | 5836 |
otherwise provided in this division, the notices described in | 5837 |
divisions (B) and (C) of this section shall be given regardless of | 5838 |
whether the victim has requested the notification. The notices | 5839 |
described in divisions (B) and (C) of this section shall not be | 5840 |
given under this division to a victim if the victim has requested | 5841 |
pursuant to division (B)(2) of section 2930.03 of the Revised Code | 5842 |
that the victim not be provided the notice. Regardless of whether | 5843 |
the victim has requested that the notices described in division | 5844 |
(C) of this section be provided or not be provided, the custodial | 5845 |
agency shall give notice similar to those notices to the | 5846 |
prosecutor in the case, to the sentencing court, to the law | 5847 |
enforcement agency that arrested the defendant or alleged juvenile | 5848 |
offender if any officer of that agency was a victim of the | 5849 |
offense, and to any member of the victim's immediate family who | 5850 |
requests notification. If the notice given under this division to | 5851 |
the victim is based on an offense committed prior to | 5852 |
5853 | |
custodial agency has not previously successfully provided any | 5854 |
notice to the victim under this division or division (B) or (C) of | 5855 |
this section with respect to that offense and the offender who | 5856 |
committed it, the notice also shall inform the victim that the | 5857 |
victim may request that the victim not be provided any further | 5858 |
notices with respect to that offense and the offender who | 5859 |
committed it and shall describe the procedure for making that | 5860 |
request. If the notice given under this division to the victim | 5861 |
pertains to a hearing regarding a grant of a parole to the | 5862 |
defendant, the notice also shall inform the victim that the | 5863 |
victim, a member of the victim's immediate family, or the victim's | 5864 |
representative may request a victim conference, as described in | 5865 |
division (E) of this section, and shall provide an explanation of | 5866 |
a victim conference. | 5867 |
The prosecutor or custodial agency may give the notices to | 5868 |
which this division applies by any reasonable means, including | 5869 |
regular mail, telephone, and electronic mail. If the prosecutor or | 5870 |
custodial agency attempts to provide notice to a victim under this | 5871 |
division but the attempt is unsuccessful because the prosecutor or | 5872 |
custodial agency is unable to locate the victim, is unable to | 5873 |
provide the notice by its chosen method because it cannot | 5874 |
determine the mailing address, telephone number, or electronic | 5875 |
mail address at which to provide the notice, or, if the notice is | 5876 |
sent by mail, the notice is returned, the prosecutor or custodial | 5877 |
agency shall make another attempt to provide the notice to the | 5878 |
victim. If the second attempt is unsuccessful, the prosecutor or | 5879 |
custodial agency shall make at least one more attempt to provide | 5880 |
the notice. If the notice is based on an offense committed prior | 5881 |
to | 5882 |
attempt to provide the notice to the victim, the notice shall | 5883 |
include the opt-out information described in the preceding | 5884 |
paragraph. The prosecutor or custodial agency, in accordance with | 5885 |
division (D)(2) of this section, shall keep a record of all | 5886 |
attempts to provide the notice, and of all notices provided, under | 5887 |
this division. | 5888 |
Division (D)(1) of this section, and the notice-related | 5889 |
provisions of divisions (E)(2) and (K) of section 2929.20, | 5890 |
division (H) of section 2967.12, division (E)(1)(b) of section | 5891 |
2967.19, division (A)(3)(b) of section 2967.26, division (D)(1) of | 5892 |
section 2967.28, and division (A)(2) of section 5149.101 of the | 5893 |
Revised Code enacted in the act in which division (D)(1) of this | 5894 |
section was enacted, shall be known as "Roberta's Law." | 5895 |
(2) Each prosecutor and custodial agency that attempts to | 5896 |
give any notice to which division (D)(1) of this section applies | 5897 |
shall keep a record of all attempts to give the notice. The record | 5898 |
shall indicate the person who was to be the recipient of the | 5899 |
notice, the date on which the attempt was made, the manner in | 5900 |
which the attempt was made, and the person who made the attempt. | 5901 |
If the attempt is successful and the notice is given, the record | 5902 |
shall indicate that fact. The record shall be kept in a manner | 5903 |
that allows public inspection of attempts and notices given to | 5904 |
persons other than victims without revealing the names, addresses, | 5905 |
or other identifying information relating to victims. The record | 5906 |
of attempts and notices given to victims is not a public record, | 5907 |
but the prosecutor or custodial agency shall provide upon request | 5908 |
a copy of that record to a prosecuting attorney, judge, law | 5909 |
enforcement agency, or member of the general assembly. The record | 5910 |
of attempts and notices given to persons other than victims is a | 5911 |
public record. A record kept under this division may be indexed by | 5912 |
offender name, or in any other manner determined by the prosecutor | 5913 |
or the custodial agency. Each prosecutor or custodial agency that | 5914 |
is required to keep a record under this division shall determine | 5915 |
the procedures for keeping the record and the manner in which it | 5916 |
is to be kept, subject to the requirements of this division. | 5917 |
(E) The adult parole authority shall adopt rules under | 5918 |
Chapter 119. of the Revised Code providing for a victim | 5919 |
conference, upon request of the victim, a member of the victim's | 5920 |
immediate family, or the victim's representative, prior to a | 5921 |
parole hearing in the case of a prisoner who is incarcerated for | 5922 |
the commission of aggravated murder, murder, or an offense of | 5923 |
violence that is a felony of the first, second, or third degree or | 5924 |
is under a sentence of life imprisonment. The rules shall provide | 5925 |
for, but not be limited to, all of the following: | 5926 |
(1) Subject to division (E)(3) of this section, attendance by | 5927 |
the victim, members of the victim's immediate family, the victim's | 5928 |
representative, and, if practicable, other individuals; | 5929 |
(2) Allotment of up to one hour for the conference; | 5930 |
(3) A specification of the number of persons specified in | 5931 |
division (E)(1) of this section who may be present at any single | 5932 |
victim conference, if limited by the department pursuant to | 5933 |
division (F) of this section. | 5934 |
(F) The department may limit the number of persons specified | 5935 |
in division (E)(1) of this section who may be present at any | 5936 |
single victim conference, provided that the department shall not | 5937 |
limit the number of persons who may be present at any single | 5938 |
conference to fewer than three. If the department limits the | 5939 |
number of persons who may be present at any single victim | 5940 |
conference, the department shall permit and schedule, upon request | 5941 |
of the victim, a member of the victim's immediate family, or the | 5942 |
victim's representative, multiple victim conferences for the | 5943 |
persons specified in division (E)(1) of this section. | 5944 |
(G) As used in this section, "victim's immediate family" has | 5945 |
the same meaning as in section 2967.12 of the Revised Code. | 5946 |
Sec. 2945.37. (A) As used in sections 2945.37 to 2945.402 of | 5947 |
the Revised Code: | 5948 |
(1) "Prosecutor" means a prosecuting attorney or a city | 5949 |
director of law, village solicitor, or similar chief legal officer | 5950 |
of a municipal corporation who has authority to prosecute a | 5951 |
criminal case that is before the court or the criminal case in | 5952 |
which a defendant in a criminal case has been found incompetent to | 5953 |
stand trial or not guilty by reason of insanity. | 5954 |
(2) "Examiner" means either of the following: | 5955 |
(a) A psychiatrist or a licensed clinical psychologist who | 5956 |
satisfies the criteria of division (I) of section 5122.01 of the | 5957 |
Revised Code or is employed by a certified forensic center | 5958 |
designated by the department of mental health and addiction | 5959 |
services to conduct examinations or evaluations. | 5960 |
(b) For purposes of a separate | 5961 |
intellectual disability evaluation that is ordered by a court | 5962 |
pursuant to division (H) of section 2945.371 of the Revised Code, | 5963 |
a psychologist designated by the director of developmental | 5964 |
disabilities pursuant to that section to conduct that separate | 5965 |
5966 |
(3) "Nonsecured status" means any unsupervised, off-grounds | 5967 |
movement or trial visit from a hospital or institution, or any | 5968 |
conditional release, that is granted to a person who is found | 5969 |
incompetent to stand trial and is committed pursuant to section | 5970 |
2945.39 of the Revised Code or to a person who is found not guilty | 5971 |
by reason of insanity and is committed pursuant to section 2945.40 | 5972 |
of the Revised Code. | 5973 |
(4) "Unsupervised, off-grounds movement" includes only | 5974 |
off-grounds privileges that are unsupervised and that have an | 5975 |
expectation of return to the hospital or institution on a daily | 5976 |
basis. | 5977 |
(5) "Trial visit" means a patient privilege of a longer | 5978 |
stated duration of unsupervised community contact with an | 5979 |
expectation of return to the hospital or institution at designated | 5980 |
times. | 5981 |
(6) "Conditional release" means a commitment status under | 5982 |
which the trial court at any time may revoke a person's | 5983 |
conditional release and order the rehospitalization or | 5984 |
reinstitutionalization of the person as described in division (A) | 5985 |
of section 2945.402 of the Revised Code and pursuant to which a | 5986 |
person who is found incompetent to stand trial or a person who is | 5987 |
found not guilty by reason of insanity lives and receives | 5988 |
treatment in the community for a period of time that does not | 5989 |
exceed the maximum prison term or term of imprisonment that the | 5990 |
person could have received for the offense in question had the | 5991 |
person been convicted of the offense instead of being found | 5992 |
incompetent to stand trial on the charge of the offense or being | 5993 |
found not guilty by reason of insanity relative to the offense. | 5994 |
(7) "Licensed clinical psychologist," "mentally ill person | 5995 |
subject to hospitalization by court order," and "psychiatrist" | 5996 |
have the same meanings as in section 5122.01 of the Revised Code. | 5997 |
(8) " | 5998 |
disability subject to institutionalization by court order" has the | 5999 |
same meaning as in section 5123.01 of the Revised Code. | 6000 |
(B) In a criminal action in a court of common pleas, a county | 6001 |
court, or a municipal court, the court, prosecutor, or defense may | 6002 |
raise the issue of the defendant's competence to stand trial. If | 6003 |
the issue is raised before the trial has commenced, the court | 6004 |
shall hold a hearing on the issue as provided in this section. If | 6005 |
the issue is raised after the trial has commenced, the court shall | 6006 |
hold a hearing on the issue only for good cause shown or on the | 6007 |
court's own motion. | 6008 |
(C) The court shall conduct the hearing required or | 6009 |
authorized under division (B) of this section within thirty days | 6010 |
after the issue is raised, unless the defendant has been referred | 6011 |
for evaluation in which case the court shall conduct the hearing | 6012 |
within ten days after the filing of the report of the evaluation | 6013 |
or, in the case of a defendant who is ordered by the court | 6014 |
pursuant to division (H) of section 2945.371 of the Revised Code | 6015 |
to undergo a separate | 6016 |
evaluation conducted by a psychologist designated by the director | 6017 |
of developmental disabilities, within ten days after the filing of | 6018 |
the report of the separate | 6019 |
disability evaluation under that division. A hearing may be | 6020 |
continued for good cause. | 6021 |
(D) The defendant shall be represented by counsel at the | 6022 |
hearing conducted under division (C) of this section. If the | 6023 |
defendant is unable to obtain counsel, the court shall appoint | 6024 |
counsel under Chapter 120. of the Revised Code or under the | 6025 |
authority recognized in division (C) of section 120.06, division | 6026 |
(E) of section 120.16, division (E) of section 120.26, or section | 6027 |
2941.51 of the Revised Code before proceeding with the hearing. | 6028 |
(E) The prosecutor and defense counsel may submit evidence on | 6029 |
the issue of the defendant's competence to stand trial. A written | 6030 |
report of the evaluation of the defendant may be admitted into | 6031 |
evidence at the hearing by stipulation, but, if either the | 6032 |
prosecution or defense objects to its admission, the report may be | 6033 |
admitted under sections 2317.36 to 2317.38 of the Revised Code or | 6034 |
any other applicable statute or rule. | 6035 |
(F) The court shall not find a defendant incompetent to stand | 6036 |
trial solely because the defendant is receiving or has received | 6037 |
treatment as a voluntary or involuntary mentally ill patient under | 6038 |
Chapter 5122. or a voluntary or involuntary | 6039 |
resident with a developmental disability that is an intellectual | 6040 |
disability under Chapter 5123. of the Revised Code or because the | 6041 |
defendant is receiving or has received psychotropic drugs or other | 6042 |
medication, even if the defendant might become incompetent to | 6043 |
stand trial without the drugs or medication. | 6044 |
(G) A defendant is presumed to be competent to stand trial. | 6045 |
If, after a hearing, the court finds by a preponderance of the | 6046 |
evidence that, because of the defendant's present mental | 6047 |
condition, the defendant is incapable of understanding the nature | 6048 |
and objective of the proceedings against the defendant or of | 6049 |
assisting in the defendant's defense, the court shall find the | 6050 |
defendant incompetent to stand trial and shall enter an order | 6051 |
authorized by section 2945.38 of the Revised Code. | 6052 |
(H) Municipal courts shall follow the procedures set forth in | 6053 |
sections 2945.37 to 2945.402 of the Revised Code. Except as | 6054 |
provided in section 2945.371 of the Revised Code, a municipal | 6055 |
court shall not order an evaluation of the defendant's competence | 6056 |
to stand trial or the defendant's mental condition at the time of | 6057 |
the commission of the offense to be conducted at any hospital | 6058 |
operated by the department of mental health and addiction | 6059 |
services. Those evaluations shall be performed through community | 6060 |
resources including, but not limited to, certified forensic | 6061 |
centers, court probation departments, and community mental health | 6062 |
services providers. All expenses of the evaluations shall be borne | 6063 |
by the legislative authority of the municipal court, as defined in | 6064 |
section 1901.03 of the Revised Code, and shall be taxed as costs | 6065 |
in the case. If a defendant is found incompetent to stand trial or | 6066 |
not guilty by reason of insanity, a municipal court may commit the | 6067 |
defendant as provided in sections 2945.38 to 2945.402 of the | 6068 |
Revised Code. | 6069 |
Sec. 2945.371. (A) If the issue of a defendant's competence | 6070 |
to stand trial is raised or if a defendant enters a plea of not | 6071 |
guilty by reason of insanity, the court may order one or more | 6072 |
evaluations of the defendant's present mental condition or, in the | 6073 |
case of a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity, of the | 6074 |
defendant's mental condition at the time of the offense charged. | 6075 |
An examiner shall conduct the evaluation. | 6076 |
(B) If the court orders more than one evaluation under | 6077 |
division (A) of this section, the prosecutor and the defendant may | 6078 |
recommend to the court an examiner whom each prefers to perform | 6079 |
one of the evaluations. If a defendant enters a plea of not guilty | 6080 |
by reason of insanity and if the court does not designate an | 6081 |
examiner recommended by the defendant, the court shall inform the | 6082 |
defendant that the defendant may have independent expert | 6083 |
evaluation and that, if the defendant is unable to obtain | 6084 |
independent expert evaluation, it will be obtained for the | 6085 |
defendant at public expense if the defendant is indigent. | 6086 |
(C) If the court orders an evaluation under division (A) of | 6087 |
this section, the defendant shall be available at the times and | 6088 |
places established by the examiners who are to conduct the | 6089 |
evaluation. The court may order a defendant who has been released | 6090 |
on bail or recognizance to submit to an evaluation under this | 6091 |
section. If a defendant who has been released on bail or | 6092 |
recognizance refuses to submit to a complete evaluation, the court | 6093 |
may amend the conditions of bail or recognizance and order the | 6094 |
sheriff to take the defendant into custody and deliver the | 6095 |
defendant to a center, program, or facility operated or certified | 6096 |
by the department of mental health and addiction services or the | 6097 |
department of developmental disabilities where the defendant may | 6098 |
be held for evaluation for a reasonable period of time not to | 6099 |
exceed twenty days. | 6100 |
(D) A defendant who has not been released on bail or | 6101 |
recognizance may be evaluated at the defendant's place of | 6102 |
detention. Upon the request of the examiner, the court may order | 6103 |
the sheriff to transport the defendant to a program or facility | 6104 |
operated or certified by the department of mental health and | 6105 |
addiction services or the department of developmental | 6106 |
disabilities, where the defendant may be held for evaluation for a | 6107 |
reasonable period of time not to exceed twenty days, and to return | 6108 |
the defendant to the place of detention after the evaluation. A | 6109 |
municipal court may make an order under this division only upon | 6110 |
the request of a certified forensic center examiner. | 6111 |
(E) If a court orders the evaluation to determine a | 6112 |
defendant's mental condition at the time of the offense charged, | 6113 |
the court shall inform the examiner of the offense with which the | 6114 |
defendant is charged. | 6115 |
(F) In conducting an evaluation of a defendant's mental | 6116 |
condition at the time of the offense charged, the examiner shall | 6117 |
consider all relevant evidence. If the offense charged involves | 6118 |
the use of force against another person, the relevant evidence to | 6119 |
be considered includes, but is not limited to, any evidence that | 6120 |
the defendant suffered, at the time of the commission of the | 6121 |
offense, from the "battered woman syndrome." | 6122 |
(G) The examiner shall file a written report with the court | 6123 |
within thirty days after entry of a court order for evaluation, | 6124 |
and the court shall provide copies of the report to the prosecutor | 6125 |
and defense counsel. The report shall include all of the | 6126 |
following: | 6127 |
(1) The examiner's findings; | 6128 |
(2) The facts in reasonable detail on which the findings are | 6129 |
based; | 6130 |
(3) If the evaluation was ordered to determine the | 6131 |
defendant's competence to stand trial, all of the following | 6132 |
findings or recommendations that are applicable: | 6133 |
(a) Whether the defendant is capable of understanding the | 6134 |
nature and objective of the proceedings against the defendant or | 6135 |
of assisting in the defendant's defense; | 6136 |
(b) If the examiner's opinion is that the defendant is | 6137 |
incapable of understanding the nature and objective of the | 6138 |
proceedings against the defendant or of assisting in the | 6139 |
defendant's defense, whether the defendant presently is mentally | 6140 |
ill or | 6141 |
intellectual disability and, if the examiner's opinion is that the | 6142 |
defendant presently | 6143 |
disability that is an intellectual disability, whether the | 6144 |
defendant appears to be a | 6145 |
intellectual disability subject to institutionalization by court | 6146 |
order; | 6147 |
(c) If the examiner's opinion is that the defendant is | 6148 |
incapable of understanding the nature and objective of the | 6149 |
proceedings against the defendant or of assisting in the | 6150 |
defendant's defense, the examiner's opinion as to the likelihood | 6151 |
of the defendant becoming capable of understanding the nature and | 6152 |
objective of the proceedings against the defendant and of | 6153 |
assisting in the defendant's defense within one year if the | 6154 |
defendant is provided with a course of treatment; | 6155 |
(d) If the examiner's opinion is that the defendant is | 6156 |
incapable of understanding the nature and objective of the | 6157 |
proceedings against the defendant or of assisting in the | 6158 |
defendant's defense and that the defendant presently is mentally | 6159 |
ill or | 6160 |
intellectual disability, the examiner's recommendation as to the | 6161 |
least restrictive placement or commitment alternative, consistent | 6162 |
with the defendant's treatment needs for restoration to competency | 6163 |
and with the safety of the community. | 6164 |
(4) If the evaluation was ordered to determine the | 6165 |
defendant's mental condition at the time of the offense charged, | 6166 |
the examiner's findings as to whether the defendant, at the time | 6167 |
of the offense charged, did not know, as a result of a severe | 6168 |
mental disease or defect, the wrongfulness of the defendant's acts | 6169 |
charged. | 6170 |
(H) If the examiner's report filed under division (G) of this | 6171 |
section indicates that in the examiner's opinion the defendant is | 6172 |
incapable of understanding the nature and objective of the | 6173 |
proceedings against the defendant or of assisting in the | 6174 |
defendant's defense and that in the examiner's opinion the | 6175 |
defendant appears to be a | 6176 |
intellectual disability subject to institutionalization by court | 6177 |
order, the court shall order the defendant to undergo a separate | 6178 |
6179 | |
a psychologist designated by the director of developmental | 6180 |
disabilities. Divisions (C) to (F) of this section apply in | 6181 |
relation to a separate | 6182 |
evaluation conducted under this division. The psychologist | 6183 |
appointed under this division to conduct the separate | 6184 |
6185 | |
written report with the court within thirty days after the entry | 6186 |
of the court order requiring the separate | 6187 |
intellectual disability evaluation, and the court shall provide | 6188 |
copies of the report to the prosecutor and defense counsel. The | 6189 |
report shall include all of the information described in divisions | 6190 |
(G)(1) to (4) of this section. If the court orders a separate | 6191 |
6192 | |
defendant under this division, the court shall not conduct a | 6193 |
hearing under divisions (B) to (H) of section 2945.37 of the | 6194 |
Revised Code regarding that defendant until a report of the | 6195 |
separate | 6196 |
conducted under this division has been filed. Upon the filing of | 6197 |
that report, the court shall conduct the hearing within the period | 6198 |
of time specified in division (C) of section 2945.37 of the | 6199 |
Revised Code. | 6200 |
(I) An examiner appointed under divisions (A) and (B) of this | 6201 |
section or under division (H) of this section to evaluate a | 6202 |
defendant to determine the defendant's competence to stand trial | 6203 |
also may be appointed to evaluate a defendant who has entered a | 6204 |
plea of not guilty by reason of insanity, but an examiner of that | 6205 |
nature shall prepare separate reports on the issue of competence | 6206 |
to stand trial and the defense of not guilty by reason of | 6207 |
insanity. | 6208 |
(J) No statement that a defendant makes in an evaluation or | 6209 |
hearing under divisions (A) to (H) of this section relating to the | 6210 |
defendant's competence to stand trial or to the defendant's mental | 6211 |
condition at the time of the offense charged shall be used against | 6212 |
the defendant on the issue of guilt in any criminal action or | 6213 |
proceeding, but, in a criminal action or proceeding, the | 6214 |
prosecutor or defense counsel may call as a witness any person who | 6215 |
evaluated the defendant or prepared a report pursuant to a | 6216 |
referral under this section. Neither the appointment nor the | 6217 |
testimony of an examiner appointed under this section precludes | 6218 |
the prosecutor or defense counsel from calling other witnesses or | 6219 |
presenting other evidence on competency or insanity issues. | 6220 |
(K) Persons appointed as examiners under divisions (A) and | 6221 |
(B) of this section or under division (H) of this section shall be | 6222 |
paid a reasonable amount for their services and expenses, as | 6223 |
certified by the court. The certified amount shall be paid by the | 6224 |
county in the case of county courts and courts of common pleas and | 6225 |
by the legislative authority, as defined in section 1901.03 of the | 6226 |
Revised Code, in the case of municipal courts. | 6227 |
Sec. 2945.38. (A) If the issue of a defendant's competence | 6228 |
to stand trial is raised and if the court, upon conducting the | 6229 |
hearing provided for in section 2945.37 of the Revised Code, finds | 6230 |
that the defendant is competent to stand trial, the defendant | 6231 |
shall be proceeded against as provided by law. If the court finds | 6232 |
the defendant competent to stand trial and the defendant is | 6233 |
receiving psychotropic drugs or other medication, the court may | 6234 |
authorize the continued administration of the drugs or medication | 6235 |
or other appropriate treatment in order to maintain the | 6236 |
defendant's competence to stand trial, unless the defendant's | 6237 |
attending physician advises the court against continuation of the | 6238 |
drugs, other medication, or treatment. | 6239 |
(B)(1)(a) If, after taking into consideration all relevant | 6240 |
reports, information, and other evidence, the court finds that the | 6241 |
defendant is incompetent to stand trial and that there is a | 6242 |
substantial probability that the defendant will become competent | 6243 |
to stand trial within one year if the defendant is provided with a | 6244 |
course of treatment, the court shall order the defendant to | 6245 |
undergo treatment. If the defendant has been charged with a felony | 6246 |
offense and if, after taking into consideration all relevant | 6247 |
reports, information, and other evidence, the court finds that the | 6248 |
defendant is incompetent to stand trial, but the court is unable | 6249 |
at that time to determine whether there is a substantial | 6250 |
probability that the defendant will become competent to stand | 6251 |
trial within one year if the defendant is provided with a course | 6252 |
of treatment, the court shall order continuing evaluation and | 6253 |
treatment of the defendant for a period not to exceed four months | 6254 |
to determine whether there is a substantial probability that the | 6255 |
defendant will become competent to stand trial within one year if | 6256 |
the defendant is provided with a course of treatment. | 6257 |
(b) The court order for the defendant to undergo treatment or | 6258 |
continuing evaluation and treatment under division (B)(1)(a) of | 6259 |
this section shall specify that the defendant, if determined to | 6260 |
require mental health treatment or continuing evaluation and | 6261 |
treatment, either shall be committed to the department of mental | 6262 |
health and addiction services for treatment or continuing | 6263 |
evaluation and treatment at a hospital, facility, or agency, as | 6264 |
determined to be clinically appropriate by the department of | 6265 |
mental health and addiction services or shall be committed to a | 6266 |
facility certified by the department of mental health and | 6267 |
addiction services as being qualified to treat mental illness, to | 6268 |
a public or community mental health facility, or to a psychiatrist | 6269 |
or another mental health professional for treatment or continuing | 6270 |
evaluation and treatment. Prior to placing the defendant, the | 6271 |
department of mental health and addiction services shall obtain | 6272 |
court approval for that placement following a hearing. The court | 6273 |
order for the defendant to undergo treatment or continuing | 6274 |
evaluation and treatment under division (B)(1)(a) of this section | 6275 |
shall specify that the defendant, if determined to require | 6276 |
treatment or continuing evaluation and treatment for | 6277 |
6278 | |
continuing evaluation and treatment at an institution or facility | 6279 |
operated by the department of developmental disabilities, at a | 6280 |
facility certified by the department of developmental disabilities | 6281 |
as being qualified to treat | 6282 |
disabilities, at a public or private | 6283 |
developmental disabilities facility, or by a psychiatrist or | 6284 |
another | 6285 |
In any case, the order may restrict the defendant's freedom of | 6286 |
movement as the court considers necessary. The prosecutor in the | 6287 |
defendant's case shall send to the chief clinical officer of the | 6288 |
hospital, facility, or agency where the defendant is placed by the | 6289 |
department of mental health and addiction services, or to the | 6290 |
managing officer of the institution, the director of the program | 6291 |
or facility, or the person to which the defendant is committed, | 6292 |
copies of relevant police reports and other background information | 6293 |
that pertains to the defendant and is available to the prosecutor | 6294 |
unless the prosecutor determines that the release of any of the | 6295 |
information in the police reports or any of the other background | 6296 |
information to unauthorized persons would interfere with the | 6297 |
effective prosecution of any person or would create a substantial | 6298 |
risk of harm to any person. | 6299 |
In determining the place of commitment, the court shall | 6300 |
consider the extent to which the person is a danger to the person | 6301 |
and to others, the need for security, and the type of crime | 6302 |
involved and shall order the least restrictive alternative | 6303 |
available that is consistent with public safety and treatment | 6304 |
goals. In weighing these factors, the court shall give preference | 6305 |
to protecting public safety. | 6306 |
(c) If the defendant is found incompetent to stand trial, if | 6307 |
the chief clinical officer of the hospital, facility, or agency | 6308 |
where the defendant is placed, or the managing officer of the | 6309 |
institution, the director of the program or facility, or the | 6310 |
person to which the defendant is committed for treatment or | 6311 |
continuing evaluation and treatment under division (B)(1)(b) of | 6312 |
this section determines that medication is necessary to restore | 6313 |
the defendant's competency to stand trial, and if the defendant | 6314 |
lacks the capacity to give informed consent or refuses medication, | 6315 |
the chief clinical officer of the hospital, facility, or agency | 6316 |
where the defendant is placed, or the managing officer of the | 6317 |
institution, the director of the program or facility, or the | 6318 |
person to which the defendant is committed for treatment or | 6319 |
continuing evaluation and treatment may petition the court for | 6320 |
authorization for the involuntary administration of medication. | 6321 |
The court shall hold a hearing on the petition within five days of | 6322 |
the filing of the petition if the petition was filed in a | 6323 |
municipal court or a county court regarding an incompetent | 6324 |
defendant charged with a misdemeanor or within ten days of the | 6325 |
filing of the petition if the petition was filed in a court of | 6326 |
common pleas regarding an incompetent defendant charged with a | 6327 |
felony offense. Following the hearing, the court may authorize the | 6328 |
involuntary administration of medication or may dismiss the | 6329 |
petition. | 6330 |
(2) If the court finds that the defendant is incompetent to | 6331 |
stand trial and that, even if the defendant is provided with a | 6332 |
course of treatment, there is not a substantial probability that | 6333 |
the defendant will become competent to stand trial within one | 6334 |
year, the court shall order the discharge of the defendant, unless | 6335 |
upon motion of the prosecutor or on its own motion, the court | 6336 |
either seeks to retain jurisdiction over the defendant pursuant to | 6337 |
section 2945.39 of the Revised Code or files an affidavit in the | 6338 |
probate court for the civil commitment of the defendant pursuant | 6339 |
to Chapter 5122. or 5123. of the Revised Code alleging that the | 6340 |
defendant is a mentally ill person subject to hospitalization by | 6341 |
court order or a | 6342 |
disability subject to institutionalization by court order. If an | 6343 |
affidavit is filed in the probate court, the trial court shall | 6344 |
send to the probate court copies of all written reports of the | 6345 |
defendant's mental condition that were prepared pursuant to | 6346 |
section 2945.371 of the Revised Code. | 6347 |
The trial court may issue the temporary order of detention | 6348 |
that a probate court may issue under section 5122.11 or 5123.71 of | 6349 |
the Revised Code, to remain in effect until the probable cause or | 6350 |
initial hearing in the probate court. Further proceedings in the | 6351 |
probate court are civil proceedings governed by Chapter 5122. or | 6352 |
5123. of the Revised Code. | 6353 |
(C) No defendant shall be required to undergo treatment, | 6354 |
including any continuing evaluation and treatment, under division | 6355 |
(B)(1) of this section for longer than whichever of the following | 6356 |
periods is applicable: | 6357 |
(1) One year, if the most serious offense with which the | 6358 |
defendant is charged is one of the following offenses: | 6359 |
(a) Aggravated murder, murder, or an offense of violence for | 6360 |
which a sentence of death or life imprisonment may be imposed; | 6361 |
(b) An offense of violence that is a felony of the first or | 6362 |
second degree; | 6363 |
(c) A conspiracy to commit, an attempt to commit, or | 6364 |
complicity in the commission of an offense described in division | 6365 |
(C)(1)(a) or (b) of this section if the conspiracy, attempt, or | 6366 |
complicity is a felony of the first or second degree. | 6367 |
(2) Six months, if the most serious offense with which the | 6368 |
defendant is charged is a felony other than a felony described in | 6369 |
division (C)(1) of this section; | 6370 |
(3) Sixty days, if the most serious offense with which the | 6371 |
defendant is charged is a misdemeanor of the first or second | 6372 |
degree; | 6373 |
(4) Thirty days, if the most serious offense with which the | 6374 |
defendant is charged is a misdemeanor of the third or fourth | 6375 |
degree, a minor misdemeanor, or an unclassified misdemeanor. | 6376 |
(D) Any defendant who is committed pursuant to this section | 6377 |
shall not voluntarily admit the defendant or be voluntarily | 6378 |
admitted to a hospital or institution pursuant to section 5122.02, | 6379 |
5122.15, 5123.69, or 5123.76 of the Revised Code. | 6380 |
(E) Except as otherwise provided in this division, a | 6381 |
defendant who is charged with an offense and is committed by the | 6382 |
court under this section to the department of mental health and | 6383 |
addiction services or is committed to an institution or facility | 6384 |
for the treatment of | 6385 |
shall not be granted unsupervised on-grounds movement, supervised | 6386 |
off-grounds movement, or nonsecured status except in accordance | 6387 |
with the court order. The court may grant a defendant supervised | 6388 |
off-grounds movement to obtain medical treatment or specialized | 6389 |
habilitation treatment services if the person who supervises the | 6390 |
treatment or the continuing evaluation and treatment of the | 6391 |
defendant ordered under division (B)(1)(a) of this section informs | 6392 |
the court that the treatment or continuing evaluation and | 6393 |
treatment cannot be provided at the hospital or facility where the | 6394 |
defendant is placed by the department of mental health and | 6395 |
addiction services or the institution or facility to which the | 6396 |
defendant is committed. The chief clinical officer of the hospital | 6397 |
or facility where the defendant is placed by the department of | 6398 |
mental health and addiction services or the managing officer of | 6399 |
the institution or director of the facility to which the defendant | 6400 |
is committed, or a designee of any of those persons, may grant a | 6401 |
defendant movement to a medical facility for an emergency medical | 6402 |
situation with appropriate supervision to ensure the safety of the | 6403 |
defendant, staff, and community during that emergency medical | 6404 |
situation. The chief clinical officer of the hospital or facility | 6405 |
where the defendant is placed by the department of mental health | 6406 |
and addiction services or the managing officer of the institution | 6407 |
or director of the facility to which the defendant is committed | 6408 |
shall notify the court within twenty-four hours of the defendant's | 6409 |
movement to the medical facility for an emergency medical | 6410 |
situation under this division. | 6411 |
(F) The person who supervises the treatment or continuing | 6412 |
evaluation and treatment of a defendant ordered to undergo | 6413 |
treatment or continuing evaluation and treatment under division | 6414 |
(B)(1)(a) of this section shall file a written report with the | 6415 |
court at the following times: | 6416 |
(1) Whenever the person believes the defendant is capable of | 6417 |
understanding the nature and objective of the proceedings against | 6418 |
the defendant and of assisting in the defendant's defense; | 6419 |
(2) For a felony offense, fourteen days before expiration of | 6420 |
the maximum time for treatment as specified in division (C) of | 6421 |
this section and fourteen days before the expiration of the | 6422 |
maximum time for continuing evaluation and treatment as specified | 6423 |
in division (B)(1)(a) of this section, and, for a misdemeanor | 6424 |
offense, ten days before the expiration of the maximum time for | 6425 |
treatment, as specified in division (C) of this section; | 6426 |
(3) At a minimum, after each six months of treatment; | 6427 |
(4) Whenever the person who supervises the treatment or | 6428 |
continuing evaluation and treatment of a defendant ordered under | 6429 |
division (B)(1)(a) of this section believes that there is not a | 6430 |
substantial probability that the defendant will become capable of | 6431 |
understanding the nature and objective of the proceedings against | 6432 |
the defendant or of assisting in the defendant's defense even if | 6433 |
the defendant is provided with a course of treatment. | 6434 |
(G) A report under division (F) of this section shall contain | 6435 |
the examiner's findings, the facts in reasonable detail on which | 6436 |
the findings are based, and the examiner's opinion as to the | 6437 |
defendant's capability of understanding the nature and objective | 6438 |
of the proceedings against the defendant and of assisting in the | 6439 |
defendant's defense. If, in the examiner's opinion, the defendant | 6440 |
remains incapable of understanding the nature and objective of the | 6441 |
proceedings against the defendant and of assisting in the | 6442 |
defendant's defense and there is a substantial probability that | 6443 |
the defendant will become capable of understanding the nature and | 6444 |
objective of the proceedings against the defendant and of | 6445 |
assisting in the defendant's defense if the defendant is provided | 6446 |
with a course of treatment, if in the examiner's opinion the | 6447 |
defendant remains mentally ill or | 6448 |
have a developmental disability that is an intellectual | 6449 |
disability, and if the maximum time for treatment as specified in | 6450 |
division (C) of this section has not expired, the report also | 6451 |
shall contain the examiner's recommendation as to the least | 6452 |
restrictive placement or commitment alternative that is consistent | 6453 |
with the defendant's treatment needs for restoration to competency | 6454 |
and with the safety of the community. The court shall provide | 6455 |
copies of the report to the prosecutor and defense counsel. | 6456 |
(H) If a defendant is committed pursuant to division (B)(1) | 6457 |
of this section, within ten days after the treating physician of | 6458 |
the defendant or the examiner of the defendant who is employed or | 6459 |
retained by the treating facility advises that there is not a | 6460 |
substantial probability that the defendant will become capable of | 6461 |
understanding the nature and objective of the proceedings against | 6462 |
the defendant or of assisting in the defendant's defense even if | 6463 |
the defendant is provided with a course of treatment, within ten | 6464 |
days after the expiration of the maximum time for treatment as | 6465 |
specified in division (C) of this section, within ten days after | 6466 |
the expiration of the maximum time for continuing evaluation and | 6467 |
treatment as specified in division (B)(1)(a) of this section, | 6468 |
within thirty days after a defendant's request for a hearing that | 6469 |
is made after six months of treatment, or within thirty days after | 6470 |
being advised by the treating physician or examiner that the | 6471 |
defendant is competent to stand trial, whichever is the earliest, | 6472 |
the court shall conduct another hearing to determine if the | 6473 |
defendant is competent to stand trial and shall do whichever of | 6474 |
the following is applicable: | 6475 |
(1) If the court finds that the defendant is competent to | 6476 |
stand trial, the defendant shall be proceeded against as provided | 6477 |
by law. | 6478 |
(2) If the court finds that the defendant is incompetent to | 6479 |
stand trial, but that there is a substantial probability that the | 6480 |
defendant will become competent to stand trial if the defendant is | 6481 |
provided with a course of treatment, and the maximum time for | 6482 |
treatment as specified in division (C) of this section has not | 6483 |
expired, the court, after consideration of the examiner's | 6484 |
recommendation, shall order that treatment be continued, may | 6485 |
change the facility or program at which the treatment is to be | 6486 |
continued, and shall specify whether the treatment is to be | 6487 |
continued at the same or a different facility or program. | 6488 |
(3) If the court finds that the defendant is incompetent to | 6489 |
stand trial, if the defendant is charged with an offense listed in | 6490 |
division (C)(1) of this section, and if the court finds that there | 6491 |
is not a substantial probability that the defendant will become | 6492 |
competent to stand trial even if the defendant is provided with a | 6493 |
course of treatment, or if the maximum time for treatment relative | 6494 |
to that offense as specified in division (C) of this section has | 6495 |
expired, further proceedings shall be as provided in sections | 6496 |
2945.39, 2945.401, and 2945.402 of the Revised Code. | 6497 |
(4) If the court finds that the defendant is incompetent to | 6498 |
stand trial, if the most serious offense with which the defendant | 6499 |
is charged is a misdemeanor or a felony other than a felony listed | 6500 |
in division (C)(1) of this section, and if the court finds that | 6501 |
there is not a substantial probability that the defendant will | 6502 |
become competent to stand trial even if the defendant is provided | 6503 |
with a course of treatment, or if the maximum time for treatment | 6504 |
relative to that offense as specified in division (C) of this | 6505 |
section has expired, the court shall dismiss the indictment, | 6506 |
information, or complaint against the defendant. A dismissal under | 6507 |
this division is not a bar to further prosecution based on the | 6508 |
same conduct. The court shall discharge the defendant unless the | 6509 |
court or prosecutor files an affidavit in probate court for civil | 6510 |
commitment pursuant to Chapter 5122. or 5123. of the Revised Code. | 6511 |
If an affidavit for civil commitment is filed, the court may | 6512 |
detain the defendant for ten days pending civil commitment. All of | 6513 |
the following provisions apply to persons charged with a | 6514 |
misdemeanor or a felony other than a felony listed in division | 6515 |
(C)(1) of this section who are committed by the probate court | 6516 |
subsequent to the court's or prosecutor's filing of an affidavit | 6517 |
for civil commitment under authority of this division: | 6518 |
(a) The chief clinical officer of the entity, hospital, or | 6519 |
facility, the managing officer of the institution, the director of | 6520 |
the program, or the person to which the defendant is committed or | 6521 |
admitted shall do all of the following: | 6522 |
(i) Notify the prosecutor, in writing, of the discharge of | 6523 |
the defendant, send the notice at least ten days prior to the | 6524 |
discharge unless the discharge is by the probate court, and state | 6525 |
in the notice the date on which the defendant will be discharged; | 6526 |
(ii) Notify the prosecutor, in writing, when the defendant is | 6527 |
absent without leave or is granted unsupervised, off-grounds | 6528 |
movement, and send this notice promptly after the discovery of the | 6529 |
absence without leave or prior to the granting of the | 6530 |
unsupervised, off-grounds movement, whichever is applicable; | 6531 |
(iii) Notify the prosecutor, in writing, of the change of the | 6532 |
defendant's commitment or admission to voluntary status, send the | 6533 |
notice promptly upon learning of the change to voluntary status, | 6534 |
and state in the notice the date on which the defendant was | 6535 |
committed or admitted on a voluntary status. | 6536 |
(b) Upon receiving notice that the defendant will be granted | 6537 |
unsupervised, off-grounds movement, the prosecutor either shall | 6538 |
re-indict the defendant or promptly notify the court that the | 6539 |
prosecutor does not intend to prosecute the charges against the | 6540 |
defendant. | 6541 |
(I) If a defendant is convicted of a crime and sentenced to a | 6542 |
jail or workhouse, the defendant's sentence shall be reduced by | 6543 |
the total number of days the defendant is confined for evaluation | 6544 |
to determine the defendant's competence to stand trial or | 6545 |
treatment under this section and sections 2945.37 and 2945.371 of | 6546 |
the Revised Code or by the total number of days the defendant is | 6547 |
confined for evaluation to determine the defendant's mental | 6548 |
condition at the time of the offense charged. | 6549 |
Sec. 2945.39. (A) If a defendant who is charged with an | 6550 |
offense described in division (C)(1) of section 2945.38 of the | 6551 |
Revised Code is found incompetent to stand trial, after the | 6552 |
expiration of the maximum time for treatment as specified in | 6553 |
division (C) of that section or after the court finds that there | 6554 |
is not a substantial probability that the defendant will become | 6555 |
competent to stand trial even if the defendant is provided with a | 6556 |
course of treatment, one of the following applies: | 6557 |
(1) The court or the prosecutor may file an affidavit in | 6558 |
probate court for civil commitment of the defendant in the manner | 6559 |
provided in Chapter 5122. or 5123. of the Revised Code. If the | 6560 |
court or prosecutor files an affidavit for civil commitment, the | 6561 |
court may detain the defendant for ten days pending civil | 6562 |
commitment. If the probate court commits the defendant subsequent | 6563 |
to the court's or prosecutor's filing of an affidavit for civil | 6564 |
commitment, the chief clinical officer of the entity, hospital, or | 6565 |
facility, the managing officer of the institution, the director of | 6566 |
the program, or the person to which the defendant is committed or | 6567 |
admitted shall send to the prosecutor the notices described in | 6568 |
divisions (H)(4)(a)(i) to (iii) of section 2945.38 of the Revised | 6569 |
Code within the periods of time and under the circumstances | 6570 |
specified in those divisions. | 6571 |
(2) On the motion of the prosecutor or on its own motion, the | 6572 |
court may retain jurisdiction over the defendant if, at a hearing, | 6573 |
the court finds both of the following by clear and convincing | 6574 |
evidence: | 6575 |
(a) The defendant committed the offense with which the | 6576 |
defendant is charged. | 6577 |
(b) The defendant is a mentally ill person subject to | 6578 |
hospitalization by court order or a | 6579 |
an intellectual disability subject to institutionalization by | 6580 |
court order. | 6581 |
(B) In making its determination under division (A)(2) of this | 6582 |
section as to whether to retain jurisdiction over the defendant, | 6583 |
the court may consider all relevant evidence, including, but not | 6584 |
limited to, any relevant psychiatric, psychological, or medical | 6585 |
testimony or reports, the acts constituting the offense charged, | 6586 |
and any history of the defendant that is relevant to the | 6587 |
defendant's ability to conform to the law. | 6588 |
(C) If the court conducts a hearing as described in division | 6589 |
(A)(2) of this section and if the court does not make both | 6590 |
findings described in divisions (A)(2)(a) and (b) of this section | 6591 |
by clear and convincing evidence, the court shall dismiss the | 6592 |
indictment, information, or complaint against the defendant. Upon | 6593 |
the dismissal, the court shall discharge the defendant unless the | 6594 |
court or prosecutor files an affidavit in probate court for civil | 6595 |
commitment of the defendant pursuant to Chapter 5122. or 5123. of | 6596 |
the Revised Code. If the court or prosecutor files an affidavit | 6597 |
for civil commitment, the court may order that the defendant be | 6598 |
detained for up to ten days pending the civil commitment. If the | 6599 |
probate court commits the defendant subsequent to the court's or | 6600 |
prosecutor's filing of an affidavit for civil commitment, the | 6601 |
chief clinical officer of the entity, hospital, or facility, the | 6602 |
managing officer of the institution, the director of the program, | 6603 |
or the person to which the defendant is committed or admitted | 6604 |
shall send to the prosecutor the notices described in divisions | 6605 |
(H)(4)(a)(i) to (iii) of section 2945.38 of the Revised Code | 6606 |
within the periods of time and under the circumstances specified | 6607 |
in those divisions. A dismissal of charges under this division is | 6608 |
not a bar to further criminal proceedings based on the same | 6609 |
conduct. | 6610 |
(D)(1) If the court conducts a hearing as described in | 6611 |
division (A)(2) of this section and if the court makes the | 6612 |
findings described in divisions (A)(2)(a) and (b) of this section | 6613 |
by clear and convincing evidence, the court shall commit the | 6614 |
defendant, if determined to require mental health treatment, | 6615 |
either to the department of mental health and addiction services | 6616 |
for treatment at a hospital, facility, or agency as determined | 6617 |
clinically appropriate by the department of mental health and | 6618 |
addiction services or to another medical or psychiatric facility, | 6619 |
as appropriate. Prior to placing the defendant, the department of | 6620 |
mental health and addiction services shall obtain court approval | 6621 |
for that placement. If the court conducts such a hearing and if it | 6622 |
makes those findings by clear and convincing evidence, the court | 6623 |
shall commit the defendant, if determined to require treatment for | 6624 |
6625 | |
operated by the department of developmental disabilities, or | 6626 |
another facility, as appropriate. In determining the place of | 6627 |
commitment, the court shall consider the extent to which the | 6628 |
person is a danger to the person and to others, the need for | 6629 |
security, and the type of crime involved and shall order the least | 6630 |
restrictive alternative available that is consistent with public | 6631 |
safety and the welfare of the defendant. In weighing these | 6632 |
factors, the court shall give preference to protecting public | 6633 |
safety. | 6634 |
(2) If a court makes a commitment of a defendant under | 6635 |
division (D)(1) of this section, the prosecutor shall send to the | 6636 |
hospital, facility, or agency where the defendant is placed by the | 6637 |
department of mental health and addiction services or to the | 6638 |
defendant's place of commitment all reports of the defendant's | 6639 |
current mental condition and, except as otherwise provided in this | 6640 |
division, any other relevant information, including, but not | 6641 |
limited to, a transcript of the hearing held pursuant to division | 6642 |
(A)(2) of this section, copies of relevant police reports, and | 6643 |
copies of any prior arrest and conviction records that pertain to | 6644 |
the defendant and that the prosecutor possesses. The prosecutor | 6645 |
shall send the reports of the defendant's current mental condition | 6646 |
in every case of commitment, and, unless the prosecutor determines | 6647 |
that the release of any of the other relevant information to | 6648 |
unauthorized persons would interfere with the effective | 6649 |
prosecution of any person or would create a substantial risk of | 6650 |
harm to any person, the prosecutor also shall send the other | 6651 |
relevant information. Upon admission of a defendant committed | 6652 |
under division (D)(1) of this section, the place of commitment | 6653 |
shall send to the board of alcohol, drug addiction, and mental | 6654 |
health services or the community mental health board serving the | 6655 |
county in which the charges against the defendant were filed a | 6656 |
copy of all reports of the defendant's current mental condition | 6657 |
and a copy of the other relevant information provided by the | 6658 |
prosecutor under this division, including, if provided, a | 6659 |
transcript of the hearing held pursuant to division (A)(2) of this | 6660 |
section, the relevant police reports, and the prior arrest and | 6661 |
conviction records that pertain to the defendant and that the | 6662 |
prosecutor possesses. | 6663 |
(3) If a court makes a commitment under division (D)(1) of | 6664 |
this section, all further proceedings shall be in accordance with | 6665 |
sections 2945.401 and 2945.402 of the Revised Code. | 6666 |
Sec. 2945.40. (A) If a person is found not guilty by reason | 6667 |
of insanity, the verdict shall state that finding, and the trial | 6668 |
court shall conduct a full hearing to determine whether the person | 6669 |
is a mentally ill person subject to hospitalization by court order | 6670 |
or a | 6671 |
subject to institutionalization by court order. Prior to the | 6672 |
hearing, if the trial judge believes that there is probable cause | 6673 |
that the person found not guilty by reason of insanity is a | 6674 |
mentally ill person subject to hospitalization by court order or | 6675 |
6676 | |
to institutionalization by court order, the trial judge may issue | 6677 |
a temporary order of detention for that person to remain in effect | 6678 |
for ten court days or until the hearing, whichever occurs first. | 6679 |
Any person detained pursuant to a temporary order of | 6680 |
detention issued under this division shall be held in a suitable | 6681 |
facility, taking into consideration the place and type of | 6682 |
confinement prior to and during trial. | 6683 |
(B) The court shall hold the hearing under division (A) of | 6684 |
this section to determine whether the person found not guilty by | 6685 |
reason of insanity is a mentally ill person subject to | 6686 |
hospitalization by court order or a | 6687 |
an intellectual disability subject to institutionalization by | 6688 |
court order within ten court days after the finding of not guilty | 6689 |
by reason of insanity. Failure to conduct the hearing within the | 6690 |
ten-day period shall cause the immediate discharge of the | 6691 |
respondent, unless the judge grants a continuance for not longer | 6692 |
than ten court days for good cause shown or for any period of time | 6693 |
upon motion of the respondent. | 6694 |
(C) If a person is found not guilty by reason of insanity, | 6695 |
the person has the right to attend all hearings conducted pursuant | 6696 |
to sections 2945.37 to 2945.402 of the Revised Code. At any | 6697 |
hearing conducted pursuant to one of those sections, the court | 6698 |
shall inform the person that the person has all of the following | 6699 |
rights: | 6700 |
(1) The right to be represented by counsel and to have that | 6701 |
counsel provided at public expense if the person is indigent, with | 6702 |
the counsel to be appointed by the court under Chapter 120. of the | 6703 |
Revised Code or under the authority recognized in division (C) of | 6704 |
section 120.06, division (E) of section 120.16, division (E) of | 6705 |
section 120.26, or section 2941.51 of the Revised Code; | 6706 |
(2) The right to have independent expert evaluation and to | 6707 |
have that independent expert evaluation provided at public expense | 6708 |
if the person is indigent; | 6709 |
(3) The right to subpoena witnesses and documents, to present | 6710 |
evidence on the person's behalf, and to cross-examine witnesses | 6711 |
against the person; | 6712 |
(4) The right to testify in the person's own behalf and to | 6713 |
not be compelled to testify; | 6714 |
(5) The right to have copies of any relevant medical or | 6715 |
mental health document in the custody of the state or of any place | 6716 |
of commitment other than a document for which the court finds that | 6717 |
the release to the person of information contained in the document | 6718 |
would create a substantial risk of harm to any person. | 6719 |
(D) The hearing under division (A) of this section shall be | 6720 |
open to the public, and the court shall conduct the hearing in | 6721 |
accordance with the Rules of Civil Procedure. The court shall make | 6722 |
and maintain a full transcript and record of the hearing | 6723 |
proceedings. The court may consider all relevant evidence, | 6724 |
including, but not limited to, any relevant psychiatric, | 6725 |
psychological, or medical testimony or reports, the acts | 6726 |
constituting the offense in relation to which the person was found | 6727 |
not guilty by reason of insanity, and any history of the person | 6728 |
that is relevant to the person's ability to conform to the law. | 6729 |
(E) Upon completion of the hearing under division (A) of this | 6730 |
section, if the court finds there is not clear and convincing | 6731 |
evidence that the person is a mentally ill person subject to | 6732 |
hospitalization by court order or a | 6733 |
an intellectual disability subject to institutionalization by | 6734 |
court order, the court shall discharge the person, unless a | 6735 |
detainer has been placed upon the person by the department of | 6736 |
rehabilitation and correction, in which case the person shall be | 6737 |
returned to that department. | 6738 |
(F) If, at the hearing under division (A) of this section, | 6739 |
the court finds by clear and convincing evidence that the person | 6740 |
is a mentally ill person subject to hospitalization by court | 6741 |
order, the court shall commit the person either to the department | 6742 |
of mental health and addiction services for treatment in a | 6743 |
hospital, facility, or agency as determined clinically appropriate | 6744 |
by the department of mental health and addiction services or to | 6745 |
another medical or psychiatric facility, as appropriate. Prior to | 6746 |
placing the defendant, the department of mental health and | 6747 |
addiction services shall obtain court approval for that placement. | 6748 |
If, at the hearing under division (A) of this section, the court | 6749 |
determines by clear and convincing evidence that the person | 6750 |
requires treatment for | 6751 |
disability, it shall commit the person to a facility operated by | 6752 |
the department of developmental disabilities or another facility, | 6753 |
as appropriate. Further proceedings shall be in accordance with | 6754 |
sections 2945.401 and 2945.402 of the Revised Code. In determining | 6755 |
the place of commitment, the court shall consider the extent to | 6756 |
which the person is a danger to the person and to others, the need | 6757 |
for security, and the type of crime involved and shall order the | 6758 |
least restrictive alternative available that is consistent with | 6759 |
public safety and the welfare of the person. In weighing these | 6760 |
factors, the court shall give preference to protecting public | 6761 |
safety. | 6762 |
(G) If a court makes a commitment of a person under division | 6763 |
(F) of this section, the prosecutor shall send to the hospital, | 6764 |
facility, or agency where the person is placed by the department | 6765 |
of mental health and addiction services or to the defendant's | 6766 |
place of commitment all reports of the person's current mental | 6767 |
condition, and, except as otherwise provided in this division, any | 6768 |
other relevant information, including, but not limited to, a | 6769 |
transcript of the hearing held pursuant to division (A) of this | 6770 |
section, copies of relevant police reports, and copies of any | 6771 |
prior arrest and conviction records that pertain to the person and | 6772 |
that the prosecutor possesses. The prosecutor shall send the | 6773 |
reports of the person's current mental condition in every case of | 6774 |
commitment, and, unless the prosecutor determines that the release | 6775 |
of any of the other relevant information to unauthorized persons | 6776 |
would interfere with the effective prosecution of any person or | 6777 |
would create a substantial risk of harm to any person, the | 6778 |
prosecutor also shall send the other relevant information. Upon | 6779 |
admission of a person committed under division (F) of this | 6780 |
section, the place of commitment shall send to the board of | 6781 |
alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health services or the | 6782 |
community mental health board serving the county in which the | 6783 |
charges against the person were filed a copy of all reports of the | 6784 |
person's current mental condition and a copy of the other relevant | 6785 |
information provided by the prosecutor under this division, | 6786 |
including, if provided, a transcript of the hearing held pursuant | 6787 |
to division (A) of this section, the relevant police reports, and | 6788 |
the prior arrest and conviction records that pertain to the person | 6789 |
and that the prosecutor possesses. | 6790 |
(H) A person who is committed pursuant to this section shall | 6791 |
not voluntarily admit the person or be voluntarily admitted to a | 6792 |
hospital or institution pursuant to section 5122.02, 5122.15, | 6793 |
5123.69, or 5123.76 of the Revised Code. | 6794 |
Sec. 2945.401. (A) A defendant found incompetent to stand | 6795 |
trial and committed pursuant to section 2945.39 of the Revised | 6796 |
Code or a person found not guilty by reason of insanity and | 6797 |
committed pursuant to section 2945.40 of the Revised Code shall | 6798 |
remain subject to the jurisdiction of the trial court pursuant to | 6799 |
that commitment, and to the provisions of this section, until the | 6800 |
final termination of the commitment as described in division | 6801 |
(J)(1) of this section. If the jurisdiction is terminated under | 6802 |
this division because of the final termination of the commitment | 6803 |
resulting from the expiration of the maximum prison term or term | 6804 |
of imprisonment described in division (J)(1)(b) of this section, | 6805 |
the court or prosecutor may file an affidavit for the civil | 6806 |
commitment of the defendant or person pursuant to Chapter 5122. or | 6807 |
5123. of the Revised Code. | 6808 |
(B) A hearing conducted under any provision of sections | 6809 |
2945.37 to 2945.402 of the Revised Code shall not be conducted in | 6810 |
accordance with Chapters 5122. and 5123. of the Revised Code. Any | 6811 |
person who is committed pursuant to section 2945.39 or 2945.40 of | 6812 |
the Revised Code shall not voluntarily admit the person or be | 6813 |
voluntarily admitted to a hospital or institution pursuant to | 6814 |
section 5122.02, 5122.15, 5123.69, or 5123.76 of the Revised Code. | 6815 |
All other provisions of Chapters 5122. and 5123. of the Revised | 6816 |
Code regarding hospitalization or institutionalization shall apply | 6817 |
to the extent they are not in conflict with this chapter. A | 6818 |
commitment under section 2945.39 or 2945.40 of the Revised Code | 6819 |
shall not be terminated and the conditions of the commitment shall | 6820 |
not be changed except as otherwise provided in division (D)(2) of | 6821 |
this section with respect to a | 6822 |
intellectual disability subject to institutionalization by court | 6823 |
order or except by order of the trial court. | 6824 |
(C) The department of mental health and addiction services or | 6825 |
the institution, facility, or program to which a defendant or | 6826 |
person has been committed under section 2945.39 or 2945.40 of the | 6827 |
Revised Code shall report in writing to the trial court, at the | 6828 |
times specified in this division, as to whether the defendant or | 6829 |
person remains a mentally ill person subject to hospitalization by | 6830 |
court order or a | 6831 |
disability subject to institutionalization by court order and, in | 6832 |
the case of a defendant committed under section 2945.39 of the | 6833 |
Revised Code, as to whether the defendant remains incompetent to | 6834 |
stand trial. The department, institution, facility, or program | 6835 |
shall make the reports after the initial six months of treatment | 6836 |
and every two years after the initial report is made. The trial | 6837 |
court shall provide copies of the reports to the prosecutor and to | 6838 |
the counsel for the defendant or person. Within thirty days after | 6839 |
its receipt pursuant to this division of a report from the | 6840 |
department, institution, facility, or program, the trial court | 6841 |
shall hold a hearing on the continued commitment of the defendant | 6842 |
or person or on any changes in the conditions of the commitment of | 6843 |
the defendant or person. The defendant or person may request a | 6844 |
change in the conditions of confinement, and the trial court shall | 6845 |
conduct a hearing on that request if six months or more have | 6846 |
elapsed since the most recent hearing was conducted under this | 6847 |
section. | 6848 |
(D)(1) Except as otherwise provided in division (D)(2) of | 6849 |
this section, when a defendant or person has been committed under | 6850 |
section 2945.39 or 2945.40 of the Revised Code, at any time after | 6851 |
evaluating the risks to public safety and the welfare of the | 6852 |
defendant or person, the designee of the department of mental | 6853 |
health and addiction services or the managing officer of the | 6854 |
institution or director of the facility or program to which the | 6855 |
defendant or person is committed may recommend a termination of | 6856 |
the defendant's or person's commitment or a change in the | 6857 |
conditions of the defendant's or person's commitment. | 6858 |
Except as otherwise provided in division (D)(2) of this | 6859 |
section, if the designee of the department of mental health and | 6860 |
addiction services recommends on-grounds unsupervised movement, | 6861 |
off-grounds supervised movement, or nonsecured status for the | 6862 |
defendant or person or termination of the defendant's or person's | 6863 |
commitment, the following provisions apply: | 6864 |
(a) If the department's designee recommends on-grounds | 6865 |
unsupervised movement or off-grounds supervised movement, the | 6866 |
department's designee shall file with the trial court an | 6867 |
application for approval of the movement and shall send a copy of | 6868 |
the application to the prosecutor. Within fifteen days after | 6869 |
receiving the application, the prosecutor may request a hearing on | 6870 |
the application and, if a hearing is requested, shall so inform | 6871 |
the department's designee. If the prosecutor does not request a | 6872 |
hearing within the fifteen-day period, the trial court shall | 6873 |
approve the application by entering its order approving the | 6874 |
requested movement or, within five days after the expiration of | 6875 |
the fifteen-day period, shall set a date for a hearing on the | 6876 |
application. If the prosecutor requests a hearing on the | 6877 |
application within the fifteen-day period, the trial court shall | 6878 |
hold a hearing on the application within thirty days after the | 6879 |
hearing is requested. If the trial court, within five days after | 6880 |
the expiration of the fifteen-day period, sets a date for a | 6881 |
hearing on the application, the trial court shall hold the hearing | 6882 |
within thirty days after setting the hearing date. At least | 6883 |
fifteen days before any hearing is held under this division, the | 6884 |
trial court shall give the prosecutor written notice of the date, | 6885 |
time, and place of the hearing. At the conclusion of each hearing | 6886 |
conducted under this division, the trial court either shall | 6887 |
approve or disapprove the application and shall enter its order | 6888 |
accordingly. | 6889 |
(b) If the department's designee recommends termination of | 6890 |
the defendant's or person's commitment at any time or if the | 6891 |
department's designee recommends the first of any nonsecured | 6892 |
status for the defendant or person, the department's designee | 6893 |
shall send written notice of this recommendation to the trial | 6894 |
court and to the local forensic center. The local forensic center | 6895 |
shall evaluate the committed defendant or person and, within | 6896 |
thirty days after its receipt of the written notice, shall submit | 6897 |
to the trial court and the department's designee a written report | 6898 |
of the evaluation. The trial court shall provide a copy of the | 6899 |
department's designee's written notice and of the local forensic | 6900 |
center's written report to the prosecutor and to the counsel for | 6901 |
the defendant or person. Upon the local forensic center's | 6902 |
submission of the report to the trial court and the department's | 6903 |
designee, all of the following apply: | 6904 |
(i) If the forensic center disagrees with the recommendation | 6905 |
of the department's designee, it shall inform the department's | 6906 |
designee and the trial court of its decision and the reasons for | 6907 |
the decision. The department's designee, after consideration of | 6908 |
the forensic center's decision, shall either withdraw, proceed | 6909 |
with, or modify and proceed with the recommendation. If the | 6910 |
department's designee proceeds with, or modifies and proceeds | 6911 |
with, the recommendation, the department's designee shall proceed | 6912 |
in accordance with division (D)(1)(b)(iii) of this section. | 6913 |
(ii) If the forensic center agrees with the recommendation of | 6914 |
the department's designee, it shall inform the department's | 6915 |
designee and the trial court of its decision and the reasons for | 6916 |
the decision, and the department's designee shall proceed in | 6917 |
accordance with division (D)(1)(b)(iii) of this section. | 6918 |
(iii) If the forensic center disagrees with the | 6919 |
recommendation of the department's designee and the department's | 6920 |
designee proceeds with, or modifies and proceeds with, the | 6921 |
recommendation or if the forensic center agrees with the | 6922 |
recommendation of the department's designee, the department's | 6923 |
designee shall work with community mental health services | 6924 |
providers, programs, facilities, or boards of alcohol, drug | 6925 |
addiction, and mental health services or community mental health | 6926 |
boards to develop a plan to implement the recommendation. If the | 6927 |
defendant or person is on medication, the plan shall include, but | 6928 |
shall not be limited to, a system to monitor the defendant's or | 6929 |
person's compliance with the prescribed medication treatment plan. | 6930 |
The system shall include a schedule that clearly states when the | 6931 |
defendant or person shall report for a medication compliance | 6932 |
check. The medication compliance checks shall be based upon the | 6933 |
effective duration of the prescribed medication, taking into | 6934 |
account the route by which it is taken, and shall be scheduled at | 6935 |
intervals sufficiently close together to detect a potential | 6936 |
increase in mental illness symptoms that the medication is | 6937 |
intended to prevent. | 6938 |
The department's designee, after consultation with the board | 6939 |
of alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health services or the | 6940 |
community mental health board serving the area, shall send the | 6941 |
recommendation and plan developed under division (D)(1)(b)(iii) of | 6942 |
this section, in writing, to the trial court, the prosecutor, and | 6943 |
the counsel for the committed defendant or person. The trial court | 6944 |
shall conduct a hearing on the recommendation and plan developed | 6945 |
under division (D)(1)(b)(iii) of this section. Divisions (D)(1)(c) | 6946 |
and (d) and (E) to (J) of this section apply regarding the | 6947 |
hearing. | 6948 |
(c) If the department's designee's recommendation is for | 6949 |
nonsecured status or termination of commitment, the prosecutor may | 6950 |
obtain an independent expert evaluation of the defendant's or | 6951 |
person's mental condition, and the trial court may continue the | 6952 |
hearing on the recommendation for a period of not more than thirty | 6953 |
days to permit time for the evaluation. | 6954 |
The prosecutor may introduce the evaluation report or present | 6955 |
other evidence at the hearing in accordance with the Rules of | 6956 |
Evidence. | 6957 |
(d) The trial court shall schedule the hearing on a | 6958 |
department's designee's recommendation for nonsecured status or | 6959 |
termination of commitment and shall give reasonable notice to the | 6960 |
prosecutor and the counsel for the defendant or person. Unless | 6961 |
continued for independent evaluation at the prosecutor's request | 6962 |
or for other good cause, the hearing shall be held within thirty | 6963 |
days after the trial court's receipt of the recommendation and | 6964 |
plan. | 6965 |
(2)(a) Division (D)(1) of this section does not apply to | 6966 |
on-grounds unsupervised movement of a defendant or person who has | 6967 |
been committed under section 2945.39 or 2945.40 of the Revised | 6968 |
Code, who is a | 6969 |
disability subject to institutionalization by court order, and who | 6970 |
is being provided residential habilitation, care, and treatment in | 6971 |
a facility operated by the department of developmental | 6972 |
disabilities. | 6973 |
(b) If, pursuant to section 2945.39 of the Revised Code, the | 6974 |
trial court commits a defendant who is found incompetent to stand | 6975 |
trial and who is a | 6976 |
disability subject to institutionalization by court order, if the | 6977 |
defendant is being provided residential habilitation, care, and | 6978 |
treatment in a facility operated by the department of | 6979 |
developmental disabilities, if an individual who is conducting a | 6980 |
survey for the department of health to determine the facility's | 6981 |
compliance with the certification requirements of the medicaid | 6982 |
program cites the defendant's receipt of the residential | 6983 |
habilitation, care, and treatment in the facility as being | 6984 |
inappropriate under the certification requirements, if the | 6985 |
defendant's receipt of the residential habilitation, care, and | 6986 |
treatment in the facility potentially jeopardizes the facility's | 6987 |
continued receipt of federal medicaid moneys, and if as a result | 6988 |
of the citation the chief clinical officer of the facility | 6989 |
determines that the conditions of the defendant's commitment | 6990 |
should be changed, the department of developmental disabilities | 6991 |
may cause the defendant to be removed from the particular facility | 6992 |
and, after evaluating the risks to public safety and the welfare | 6993 |
of the defendant and after determining whether another type of | 6994 |
placement is consistent with the certification requirements, may | 6995 |
place the defendant in another facility that the department | 6996 |
selects as an appropriate facility for the defendant's continued | 6997 |
receipt of residential habilitation, care, and treatment and that | 6998 |
is a no less secure setting than the facility in which the | 6999 |
defendant had been placed at the time of the citation. Within | 7000 |
three days after the defendant's removal and alternative placement | 7001 |
under the circumstances described in division (D)(2)(b) of this | 7002 |
section, the department of developmental disabilities shall notify | 7003 |
the trial court and the prosecutor in writing of the removal and | 7004 |
alternative placement. | 7005 |
The trial court shall set a date for a hearing on the removal | 7006 |
and alternative placement, and the hearing shall be held within | 7007 |
twenty-one days after the trial court's receipt of the notice from | 7008 |
the department of developmental disabilities. At least ten days | 7009 |
before the hearing is held, the trial court shall give the | 7010 |
prosecutor, the department of developmental disabilities, and the | 7011 |
counsel for the defendant written notice of the date, time, and | 7012 |
place of the hearing. At the hearing, the trial court shall | 7013 |
consider the citation issued by the individual who conducted the | 7014 |
survey for the department of health to be prima-facie evidence of | 7015 |
the fact that the defendant's commitment to the particular | 7016 |
facility was inappropriate under the certification requirements of | 7017 |
the medicaid program and potentially jeopardizes the particular | 7018 |
facility's continued receipt of federal medicaid moneys. At the | 7019 |
conclusion of the hearing, the trial court may approve or | 7020 |
disapprove the defendant's removal and alternative placement. If | 7021 |
the trial court approves the defendant's removal and alternative | 7022 |
placement, the department of developmental disabilities may | 7023 |
continue the defendant's alternative placement. If the trial court | 7024 |
disapproves the defendant's removal and alternative placement, it | 7025 |
shall enter an order modifying the defendant's removal and | 7026 |
alternative placement, but that order shall not require the | 7027 |
department of developmental disabilities to replace the defendant | 7028 |
for purposes of continued residential habilitation, care, and | 7029 |
treatment in the facility associated with the citation issued by | 7030 |
the individual who conducted the survey for the department of | 7031 |
health. | 7032 |
(E) In making a determination under this section regarding | 7033 |
nonsecured status or termination of commitment, the trial court | 7034 |
shall consider all relevant factors, including, but not limited | 7035 |
to, all of the following: | 7036 |
(1) Whether, in the trial court's view, the defendant or | 7037 |
person currently represents a substantial risk of physical harm to | 7038 |
the defendant or person or others; | 7039 |
(2) Psychiatric and medical testimony as to the current | 7040 |
mental and physical condition of the defendant or person; | 7041 |
(3) Whether the defendant or person has insight into the | 7042 |
defendant's or person's condition so that the defendant or person | 7043 |
will continue treatment as prescribed or seek professional | 7044 |
assistance as needed; | 7045 |
(4) The grounds upon which the state relies for the proposed | 7046 |
commitment; | 7047 |
(5) Any past history that is relevant to establish the | 7048 |
defendant's or person's degree of conformity to the laws, rules, | 7049 |
regulations, and values of society; | 7050 |
(6) If there is evidence that the defendant's or person's | 7051 |
mental illness is in a state of remission, the medically suggested | 7052 |
cause and degree of the remission and the probability that the | 7053 |
defendant or person will continue treatment to maintain the | 7054 |
remissive state of the defendant's or person's illness should the | 7055 |
defendant's or person's commitment conditions be altered. | 7056 |
(F) At any hearing held pursuant to division (C) or (D)(1) or | 7057 |
(2) of this section, the defendant or the person shall have all | 7058 |
the rights of a defendant or person at a commitment hearing as | 7059 |
described in section 2945.40 of the Revised Code. | 7060 |
(G) In a hearing held pursuant to division (C) or (D)(1) of | 7061 |
this section, the prosecutor has the burden of proof as follows: | 7062 |
(1) For a recommendation of termination of commitment, to | 7063 |
show by clear and convincing evidence that the defendant or person | 7064 |
remains a mentally ill person subject to hospitalization by court | 7065 |
order or a | 7066 |
disability subject to institutionalization by court order; | 7067 |
(2) For a recommendation for a change in the conditions of | 7068 |
the commitment to a less restrictive status, to show by clear and | 7069 |
convincing evidence that the proposed change represents a threat | 7070 |
to public safety or a threat to the safety of any person. | 7071 |
(H) In a hearing held pursuant to division (C) or (D)(1) or | 7072 |
(2) of this section, the prosecutor shall represent the state or | 7073 |
the public interest. | 7074 |
(I) At the conclusion of a hearing conducted under division | 7075 |
(D)(1) of this section regarding a recommendation from the | 7076 |
designee of the department of mental health and addiction | 7077 |
services, managing officer of the institution, or director of a | 7078 |
facility or program, the trial court may approve, disapprove, or | 7079 |
modify the recommendation and shall enter an order accordingly. | 7080 |
(J)(1) A defendant or person who has been committed pursuant | 7081 |
to section 2945.39 or 2945.40 of the Revised Code continues to be | 7082 |
under the jurisdiction of the trial court until the final | 7083 |
termination of the commitment. For purposes of division (J) of | 7084 |
this section, the final termination of a commitment occurs upon | 7085 |
the earlier of one of the following: | 7086 |
(a) The defendant or person no longer is a mentally ill | 7087 |
person subject to hospitalization by court order or a | 7088 |
7089 | |
institutionalization by court order, as determined by the trial | 7090 |
court; | 7091 |
(b) The expiration of the maximum prison term or term of | 7092 |
imprisonment that the defendant or person could have received if | 7093 |
the defendant or person had been convicted of the most serious | 7094 |
offense with which the defendant or person is charged or in | 7095 |
relation to which the defendant or person was found not guilty by | 7096 |
reason of insanity; | 7097 |
(c) The trial court enters an order terminating the | 7098 |
commitment under the circumstances described in division | 7099 |
(J)(2)(a)(ii) of this section. | 7100 |
(2)(a) If a defendant is found incompetent to stand trial and | 7101 |
committed pursuant to section 2945.39 of the Revised Code, if | 7102 |
neither of the circumstances described in divisions (J)(1)(a) and | 7103 |
(b) of this section applies to that defendant, and if a report | 7104 |
filed with the trial court pursuant to division (C) of this | 7105 |
section indicates that the defendant presently is competent to | 7106 |
stand trial or if, at any other time during the period of the | 7107 |
defendant's commitment, the prosecutor, the counsel for the | 7108 |
defendant, or the designee of the department of mental health and | 7109 |
addiction services or the managing officer of the institution or | 7110 |
director of the facility or program to which the defendant is | 7111 |
committed files an application with the trial court alleging that | 7112 |
the defendant presently is competent to stand trial and requesting | 7113 |
a hearing on the competency issue or the trial court otherwise has | 7114 |
reasonable cause to believe that the defendant presently is | 7115 |
competent to stand trial and determines on its own motion to hold | 7116 |
a hearing on the competency issue, the trial court shall schedule | 7117 |
a hearing on the competency of the defendant to stand trial, shall | 7118 |
give the prosecutor, the counsel for the defendant, and the | 7119 |
department's designee or the managing officer of the institution | 7120 |
or the director of the facility to which the defendant is | 7121 |
committed notice of the date, time, and place of the hearing at | 7122 |
least fifteen days before the hearing, and shall conduct the | 7123 |
hearing within thirty days of the filing of the application or of | 7124 |
its own motion. If, at the conclusion of the hearing, the trial | 7125 |
court determines that the defendant presently is capable of | 7126 |
understanding the nature and objective of the proceedings against | 7127 |
the defendant and of assisting in the defendant's defense, the | 7128 |
trial court shall order that the defendant is competent to stand | 7129 |
trial and shall be proceeded against as provided by law with | 7130 |
respect to the applicable offenses described in division (C)(1) of | 7131 |
section 2945.38 of the Revised Code and shall enter whichever of | 7132 |
the following additional orders is appropriate: | 7133 |
(i) If the trial court determines that the defendant remains | 7134 |
a mentally ill person subject to hospitalization by court order or | 7135 |
a | 7136 |
to institutionalization by court order, the trial court shall | 7137 |
order that the defendant's commitment to the department of mental | 7138 |
health and addiction services or to an institution, facility, or | 7139 |
program for the treatment of | 7140 |
disability be continued during the pendency of the trial on the | 7141 |
applicable offenses described in division (C)(1) of section | 7142 |
2945.38 of the Revised Code. | 7143 |
(ii) If the trial court determines that the defendant no | 7144 |
longer is a mentally ill person subject to hospitalization by | 7145 |
court order or a | 7146 |
disability subject to institutionalization by court order, the | 7147 |
trial court shall order that the defendant's commitment to the | 7148 |
department of mental health and addiction services or to an | 7149 |
institution, facility, or program for the treatment of | 7150 |
7151 | |
during the pendency of the trial on the applicable offenses | 7152 |
described in division (C)(1) of section 2945.38 of the Revised | 7153 |
Code. This order shall be a final termination of the commitment | 7154 |
for purposes of division (J)(1)(c) of this section. | 7155 |
(b) If, at the conclusion of the hearing described in | 7156 |
division (J)(2)(a) of this section, the trial court determines | 7157 |
that the defendant remains incapable of understanding the nature | 7158 |
and objective of the proceedings against the defendant or of | 7159 |
assisting in the defendant's defense, the trial court shall order | 7160 |
that the defendant continues to be incompetent to stand trial, | 7161 |
that the defendant's commitment to the department of mental health | 7162 |
and addiction services or to an institution, facility, or program | 7163 |
for the treatment of | 7164 |
shall be continued, and that the defendant remains subject to the | 7165 |
jurisdiction of the trial court pursuant to that commitment, and | 7166 |
to the provisions of this section, until the final termination of | 7167 |
the commitment as described in division (J)(1) of this section. | 7168 |
Sec. 2945.482. (A) As used in this section: | 7169 |
(1) " | 7170 |
7171 | |
7172 |
(2) " | 7173 |
Victim with a developmental disability" includes a | 7174 |
7175 | |
disability who was a victim of a violation identified in division | 7176 |
(B)(1) of this section or an offense of violence or against whom | 7177 |
was directed any conduct that constitutes, or that is an element | 7178 |
of, a violation identified in division (B)(1) of this section or | 7179 |
an offense of violence. | 7180 |
(B)(1) In any proceeding in the prosecution of a charge of a | 7181 |
violation of section 2903.16, 2903.34, 2903.341, 2905.03, 2907.02, | 7182 |
2907.03, 2907.05, 2907.06, 2907.09, 2907.21, 2907.23, 2907.24, | 7183 |
2907.32, 2907.321, 2907.322, or 2907.323 of the Revised Code or an | 7184 |
offense of violence and in which an alleged victim of the | 7185 |
violation or offense was a | 7186 |
7187 | |
court in which the prosecution is being conducted, upon motion of | 7188 |
an attorney for the prosecution, shall order that the testimony of | 7189 |
the | 7190 |
developmental disability be taken by deposition. The prosecution | 7191 |
also may request that the deposition be videotaped in accordance | 7192 |
with division (B)(2) of this section. The judge shall notify the | 7193 |
7194 | |
developmental disability whose deposition is to be taken, the | 7195 |
prosecution, and the defense of the date, time, and place for | 7196 |
taking the deposition. The notice shall identify the | 7197 |
7198 | |
disability who is to be examined and shall indicate whether a | 7199 |
request that the deposition be videotaped has been made. The | 7200 |
defendant shall have the right to attend the deposition and the | 7201 |
right to be represented by counsel. Depositions shall be taken in | 7202 |
the manner provided in civil cases, except that the judge shall | 7203 |
preside at the taking of the deposition and shall rule at the time | 7204 |
on any objections of the prosecution or the attorney for the | 7205 |
defense. The prosecution and the attorney for the defense shall | 7206 |
have the right, as at trial, to full examination and | 7207 |
cross-examination of the | 7208 |
7209 | |
is to be taken. If a deposition taken under this division is | 7210 |
intended to be offered as evidence in the proceeding, it shall be | 7211 |
filed in the court in which the action is pending and is | 7212 |
admissible in the manner described in division (C) of this | 7213 |
section. | 7214 |
If a deposition of a | 7215 |
7216 | |
division is admitted as evidence at the proceeding under division | 7217 |
(C) of this section, the | 7218 |
7219 | |
required to testify in person at the proceeding. | 7220 |
At any time before the conclusion of the proceeding, the | 7221 |
attorney for the defense may file a motion with the judge | 7222 |
requesting that another deposition of the | 7223 |
7224 | |
taken because new evidence material to the defense has been | 7225 |
discovered that the attorney for the defense could not with | 7226 |
reasonable diligence have discovered prior to the taking of the | 7227 |
admitted deposition. If the court orders the taking of another | 7228 |
deposition under this provision, the deposition shall be taken in | 7229 |
accordance with this division. If the admitted deposition was a | 7230 |
videotaped deposition taken in accordance with division (B)(2) of | 7231 |
this section, the new deposition shall be videotaped in accordance | 7232 |
with that division. In other cases, the new deposition may be | 7233 |
videotaped in accordance with that division. | 7234 |
(2) If the prosecution requests that a deposition to be taken | 7235 |
under division (B)(2) of this section be videotaped, the judge | 7236 |
shall order that the deposition be videotaped in accordance with | 7237 |
this division. If a judge issues an order that the deposition be | 7238 |
videotaped, the judge shall exclude from the room in which the | 7239 |
deposition is to be taken every person except the | 7240 |
7241 | |
disability giving the testimony, the judge, one or more | 7242 |
interpreters if needed, the attorneys for the prosecution and the | 7243 |
defense, any person needed to operate the equipment to be used, | 7244 |
one person chosen by the | 7245 |
7246 | |
deposition, and any person whose presence the judge determines | 7247 |
would contribute to the welfare and well-being of the | 7248 |
7249 | |
disability giving the deposition. The person chosen by the | 7250 |
7251 | |
developmental disability shall not be a witness in the proceeding | 7252 |
and, both before and during the deposition, shall not discuss the | 7253 |
testimony of the | 7254 |
victim with a developmental disability with any other witness in | 7255 |
the proceeding. To the extent feasible, any person operating the | 7256 |
recording equipment shall be restricted to a room adjacent to the | 7257 |
room in which the deposition is being taken, or to a location in | 7258 |
the room in which the deposition is being taken that is behind a | 7259 |
screen or mirror, so that the person operating the recording | 7260 |
equipment can see and hear, but cannot be seen or heard by, the | 7261 |
7262 | |
developmental disability giving the deposition during the | 7263 |
deposition. | 7264 |
The defendant shall be permitted to observe and hear the | 7265 |
testimony of the | 7266 |
victim with a developmental disability giving the deposition on a | 7267 |
monitor, shall be provided with an electronic means of immediate | 7268 |
communication with the defendant's attorney during the testimony, | 7269 |
and shall be restricted to a location from which the defendant | 7270 |
cannot be seen or heard by the | 7271 |
7272 | |
giving the deposition, except on a monitor provided for that | 7273 |
purpose. The | 7274 |
with a developmental disability giving the deposition shall be | 7275 |
provided with a monitor on which the victim can observe, during | 7276 |
the testimony, the defendant. The judge, at the judge's | 7277 |
discretion, may preside at the deposition by electronic means from | 7278 |
outside the room in which the deposition is to be taken. If the | 7279 |
judge presides by electronic means, the judge shall be provided | 7280 |
with monitors on which the judge can see each person in the room | 7281 |
in which the deposition is to be taken and with an electronic | 7282 |
means of communication with each person, and each person in the | 7283 |
room shall be provided with a monitor on which that person can see | 7284 |
the judge and with an electronic means of communication with the | 7285 |
judge. A deposition that is videotaped under this division shall | 7286 |
be taken and filed in the manner described in division (B)(1) of | 7287 |
this section and is admissible in the manner described in this | 7288 |
division and division (C) of this section, and, if a deposition | 7289 |
that is videotaped under this division is admitted as evidence at | 7290 |
the proceeding, the | 7291 |
victim with a developmental disability shall not be required to | 7292 |
testify in person at the proceeding. No deposition videotaped | 7293 |
under this division shall be admitted as evidence at any | 7294 |
proceeding unless division (C) of this section is satisfied | 7295 |
relative to the deposition and all of the following apply relative | 7296 |
to the recording: | 7297 |
(a) The recording is both aural and visual and is recorded on | 7298 |
film or videotape, or by other electronic means. | 7299 |
(b) The recording is authenticated under the Rules of | 7300 |
Evidence and the Rules of Criminal Procedure as a fair and | 7301 |
accurate representation of what occurred, and the recording is not | 7302 |
altered other than at the direction and under the supervision of | 7303 |
the judge in the proceeding. | 7304 |
(c) Each voice on the recording that is material to the | 7305 |
testimony on the recording or the making of the recording, as | 7306 |
determined by the judge, is identified. | 7307 |
(d) Both the prosecution and the defendant are afforded an | 7308 |
opportunity to view the recording before it is shown in the | 7309 |
proceeding. | 7310 |
(C)(1) At any proceeding in a prosecution in relation to | 7311 |
which a deposition was taken under division (B) of this section, | 7312 |
the deposition or a part of it is admissible in evidence upon | 7313 |
motion of the prosecution if the testimony in the deposition or | 7314 |
the part to be admitted is not excluded by the hearsay rule and if | 7315 |
the deposition or the part to be admitted otherwise is admissible | 7316 |
under the Rules of Evidence. For purposes of this division, | 7317 |
testimony is not excluded by the hearsay rule if the testimony is | 7318 |
not hearsay under Evidence Rule 801; the testimony is within an | 7319 |
exception to the hearsay rule set forth in Evidence Rule 803; the | 7320 |
7321 | |
developmental disability who gave the testimony is unavailable as | 7322 |
a witness, as defined in Evidence Rule 804, and the testimony is | 7323 |
admissible under that rule; or both of the following apply: | 7324 |
(a) The defendant had an opportunity and similar motive at | 7325 |
the time of the taking of the deposition to develop the testimony | 7326 |
by direct, cross, or redirect examination. | 7327 |
(b) The judge determines that there is reasonable cause to | 7328 |
believe that, if the | 7329 |
victim with a developmental disability who gave the testimony in | 7330 |
the deposition were to testify in person at the proceeding, the | 7331 |
7332 | |
developmental disability would experience serious emotional trauma | 7333 |
as a result of the | 7334 |
7335 | |
disability at the proceeding. | 7336 |
(2) Objections to receiving in evidence a deposition or a | 7337 |
part of it under division (C) of this section shall be made as | 7338 |
provided in civil actions. | 7339 |
(3) The provisions of divisions (B) and (C) of this section | 7340 |
are in addition to any other provisions of the Revised Code, the | 7341 |
Rules of Criminal Procedure, or the Rules of Evidence that pertain | 7342 |
to the taking or admission of depositions in a criminal proceeding | 7343 |
and do not limit the admissibility under any of those other | 7344 |
provisions of any deposition taken under division (B) of this | 7345 |
section or otherwise taken. | 7346 |
(D) In any proceeding in the prosecution of any charge of a | 7347 |
violation listed in division (B)(1) of this section or an offense | 7348 |
of violence and in which an alleged victim of the violation or | 7349 |
offense was a | 7350 |
with a developmental disability, the prosecution may file a motion | 7351 |
with the judge requesting the judge to order the testimony of the | 7352 |
7353 | |
developmental disability to be taken in a room other than the room | 7354 |
in which the proceeding is being conducted and be televised, by | 7355 |
closed circuit equipment, into the room in which the proceeding is | 7356 |
being conducted to be viewed by the jury, if applicable, the | 7357 |
defendant, and any other persons who are not permitted in the room | 7358 |
in which the testimony is to be taken but who would have been | 7359 |
present during the testimony of the | 7360 |
7361 | |
had it been given in the room in which the proceeding is being | 7362 |
conducted. Except for good cause shown, the prosecution shall file | 7363 |
a motion under this division at least seven days before the date | 7364 |
of the proceeding. The judge may issue the order upon the motion | 7365 |
of the prosecution filed under this section, if the judge | 7366 |
determines that the | 7367 |
victim with a developmental disability is unavailable to testify | 7368 |
in the room in which the proceeding is being conducted in the | 7369 |
physical presence of the defendant for one or more of the reasons | 7370 |
set forth in division (F) of this section. If a judge issues an | 7371 |
order of that nature, the judge shall exclude from the room in | 7372 |
which the testimony is to be taken every person except a person | 7373 |
described in division (B)(2) of this section. The judge, at the | 7374 |
judge's discretion, may preside during the giving of the testimony | 7375 |
by electronic means from outside the room in which it is being | 7376 |
given, subject to the limitations set forth in division (B)(2) of | 7377 |
this section. To the extent feasible, any person operating the | 7378 |
televising equipment shall be hidden from the sight and hearing of | 7379 |
the | 7380 |
developmental disability giving the testimony, in a manner similar | 7381 |
to that described in division (B)(2) of this section. The | 7382 |
defendant shall be permitted to observe and hear the testimony of | 7383 |
the | 7384 |
developmental disability giving the testimony on a monitor, shall | 7385 |
be provided with an electronic means of immediate communication | 7386 |
with the defendant's attorney during the testimony, and shall be | 7387 |
restricted to a location from which the defendant cannot be seen | 7388 |
or heard by the | 7389 |
victim with a developmental disability giving the testimony, | 7390 |
except on a monitor provided for that purpose. The | 7391 |
7392 | |
disability giving the testimony shall be provided with a monitor | 7393 |
on which the | 7394 |
with a developmental disability can observe, during the testimony, | 7395 |
the defendant. | 7396 |
(E) In any proceeding in the prosecution of any charge of a | 7397 |
violation listed in division (B)(1) of this section or an offense | 7398 |
of violence and in which an alleged victim of the violation or | 7399 |
offense was a | 7400 |
with a developmental disability, the prosecution may file a motion | 7401 |
with the judge requesting the judge to order the testimony of the | 7402 |
7403 | |
developmental disability to be taken outside of the room in which | 7404 |
the proceeding is being conducted and be recorded for showing in | 7405 |
the room in which the proceeding is being conducted before the | 7406 |
judge, the jury, if applicable, the defendant, and any other | 7407 |
persons who would have been present during the testimony of the | 7408 |
7409 | |
developmental disability had it been given in the room in which | 7410 |
the proceeding is being conducted. Except for good cause shown, | 7411 |
the prosecution shall file a motion under this division at least | 7412 |
seven days before the date of the proceeding. The judge may issue | 7413 |
the order upon the motion of the prosecution filed under this | 7414 |
division, if the judge determines that the | 7415 |
7416 | |
unavailable to testify in the room in which the proceeding is | 7417 |
being conducted in the physical presence of the defendant, for one | 7418 |
or more of the reasons set forth in division (F) of this section. | 7419 |
If a judge issues an order of that nature, the judge shall exclude | 7420 |
from the room in which the testimony is to be taken every person | 7421 |
except a person described in division (B)(2) of this section. To | 7422 |
the extent feasible, any person operating the recording equipment | 7423 |
shall be hidden from the sight and hearing of the | 7424 |
7425 | |
disability giving the testimony, in a manner similar to that | 7426 |
described in division (B)(2) of this section. The defendant shall | 7427 |
be permitted to observe and hear the testimony of the | 7428 |
7429 | |
disability who is giving the testimony on a monitor, shall be | 7430 |
provided with an electronic means of immediate communication with | 7431 |
the defendant's attorney during the testimony, and shall be | 7432 |
restricted to a location from which the defendant cannot be seen | 7433 |
or heard by the | 7434 |
victim with a developmental disability giving the testimony, | 7435 |
except on a monitor provided for that purpose. The | 7436 |
7437 | |
disability giving the testimony shall be provided with a monitor | 7438 |
on which the victim can observe, during the testimony, the | 7439 |
defendant. No order for the taking of testimony by recording shall | 7440 |
be issued under this division unless the provisions set forth in | 7441 |
divisions (B)(2)(a), (b), (c), and (d) of this section apply to | 7442 |
the recording of the testimony. | 7443 |
(F) For purposes of divisions (D) and (E) of this section, a | 7444 |
judge may order the testimony of a | 7445 |
7446 | |
be taken outside the room in which the proceeding is being | 7447 |
conducted if the judge determines that the | 7448 |
7449 | |
unavailable to testify in the room in the physical presence of the | 7450 |
defendant due to one or more of the following: | 7451 |
(1) The persistent refusal of the | 7452 |
7453 | |
testify despite judicial requests to do so; | 7454 |
(2) The inability of the | 7455 |
7456 | |
about the alleged violation or offense because of extreme fear, | 7457 |
failure of memory, or another similar reason; | 7458 |
(3) The substantial likelihood that the | 7459 |
7460 | |
will suffer serious emotional trauma from so testifying. | 7461 |
(G)(1) If a judge issues an order pursuant to division (D) or | 7462 |
(E) of this section that requires the testimony of a | 7463 |
7464 | |
disability in a criminal proceeding to be taken outside of the | 7465 |
room in which the proceeding is being conducted, the order shall | 7466 |
specifically identify the | 7467 |
7468 | |
it applies, the order applies only during the testimony of the | 7469 |
specified | 7470 |
with a developmental disability, and the | 7471 |
7472 | |
giving the testimony shall not be required to testify at the | 7473 |
proceeding other than in accordance with the order. | 7474 |
(2) A judge who makes any determination regarding the | 7475 |
admissibility of a deposition under divisions (B) and (C) of this | 7476 |
section, the videotaping of a deposition under division (B)(2) of | 7477 |
this section, or the taking of testimony outside of the room in | 7478 |
which a proceeding is being conducted under division (D) or (E) of | 7479 |
this section shall enter the determination and findings on the | 7480 |
record in the proceeding. | 7481 |
Sec. 2945.491. (A) As used in this section: | 7482 |
(1) " | 7483 |
7484 | |
7485 |
(2) " | 7486 |
Victim with a developmental disability" includes a | 7487 |
7488 | |
disability who was a victim of a felony violation identified in | 7489 |
division (B)(1) of this section or a felony offense of violence or | 7490 |
against whom was directed any conduct that constitutes, or that is | 7491 |
an element of, a felony violation identified in division (B)(1) of | 7492 |
this section or a felony offense of violence. | 7493 |
(B)(1) At a trial on a charge of a felony violation of | 7494 |
section 2903.16, 2903.34, 2903.341, 2907.02, 2907.03, 2907.05, | 7495 |
2907.21, 2907.23, 2907.24, 2907.32, 2907.321, 2907.322, or | 7496 |
2907.323 of the Revised Code or an offense of violence and in | 7497 |
which an alleged victim of the violation or offense was a | 7498 |
7499 | |
disability, the court, upon motion of the prosecutor in the case, | 7500 |
may admit videotaped preliminary hearing testimony of the | 7501 |
7502 | |
disability as evidence at the trial, in lieu of the | 7503 |
7504 | |
disability appearing as a witness and testifying at trial, if all | 7505 |
of the following apply: | 7506 |
(a) The videotape of the testimony was made at the | 7507 |
preliminary hearing at which probable cause of the violation | 7508 |
charged was found. | 7509 |
(b) The videotape of the testimony was made in accordance | 7510 |
with division (C) of section 2937.11 of the Revised Code. | 7511 |
(c) The testimony in the videotape is not excluded by the | 7512 |
hearsay rule and otherwise is admissible under the Rules of | 7513 |
Evidence. For purposes of this division, testimony is not excluded | 7514 |
by the hearsay rule if the testimony is not hearsay under Evidence | 7515 |
Rule 801, the testimony is within an exception to the hearsay rule | 7516 |
set forth in Evidence Rule 803, the | 7517 |
7518 | |
who gave the testimony is unavailable as a witness, as defined in | 7519 |
Evidence Rule 804, and the testimony is admissible under that | 7520 |
rule, or both of the following apply: | 7521 |
(i) The accused had an opportunity and similar motive at the | 7522 |
preliminary hearing to develop the testimony of the | 7523 |
7524 | |
disability by direct, cross, or redirect examination. | 7525 |
(ii) The court determines that there is reasonable cause to | 7526 |
believe that if the | 7527 |
victim with a developmental disability who gave the testimony at | 7528 |
the preliminary hearing were to testify in person at the trial, | 7529 |
the | 7530 |
developmental disability would experience serious emotional trauma | 7531 |
as a result of the victim's participation at the trial. | 7532 |
(2) If a | 7533 |
with a developmental disability of an alleged felony violation of | 7534 |
section 2903.16, 2903.34, 2903.341, 2907.02, 2907.03, 2907.05, | 7535 |
2907.21, 2907.23, 2907.24, 2907.32, 2907.321, 2907.322, or | 7536 |
2907.323 of the Revised Code or an alleged felony offense of | 7537 |
violence testifies at the preliminary hearing in the case, if the | 7538 |
testimony of the | 7539 |
victim with a developmental disability at the preliminary hearing | 7540 |
was videotaped pursuant to division (C) of section 2937.11 of the | 7541 |
Revised Code, and if the defendant in the case files a written | 7542 |
objection to the use, pursuant to division (B)(1) of this section, | 7543 |
of the videotaped testimony at the trial, the court, immediately | 7544 |
after the filing of the objection, shall hold a hearing to | 7545 |
determine whether the videotaped testimony of the | 7546 |
7547 | |
disability should be admissible at trial under division (B)(1) of | 7548 |
this section and, if it is admissible, whether the | 7549 |
7550 | |
disability should be required to provide limited additional | 7551 |
testimony of the type described in this division. At the hearing | 7552 |
held pursuant to this division, the defendant and the prosecutor | 7553 |
in the case may present any evidence that is relevant to the | 7554 |
issues to be determined at the hearing, but the | 7555 |
7556 | |
shall not be required to testify at the hearing. | 7557 |
After the hearing, the court shall not require the | 7558 |
7559 | |
disability to testify at the trial, unless it determines that both | 7560 |
of the following apply: | 7561 |
(a) That the testimony of the | 7562 |
7563 | |
trial is necessary for one or more of the following reasons: | 7564 |
(i) Evidence that was not available at the time of the | 7565 |
testimony of the | 7566 |
victim with a developmental disability at the preliminary hearing | 7567 |
has been discovered. | 7568 |
(ii) The circumstances surrounding the case have changed | 7569 |
sufficiently to necessitate that the | 7570 |
7571 | |
testify at the trial. | 7572 |
(b) That the testimony of the | 7573 |
7574 | |
the trial is necessary to protect the right of the defendant to a | 7575 |
fair trial. | 7576 |
The court shall enter its finding and the reasons for it in | 7577 |
the journal. If the court requires the | 7578 |
7579 | |
testify at the trial, the testimony of the victim shall be limited | 7580 |
to the new evidence and changed circumstances, and the | 7581 |
7582 | |
disability shall not otherwise be required to testify at the | 7583 |
trial. The required testimony of the | 7584 |
7585 | |
may be given in person or, upon motion of the prosecution, may be | 7586 |
taken by deposition in accordance with division (B) of section | 7587 |
2945.482 of the Revised Code provided the deposition is admitted | 7588 |
as evidence under division (C) of that section, may be taken | 7589 |
outside of the courtroom and televised into the courtroom in | 7590 |
accordance with division (D) of that section, or may be taken | 7591 |
outside of the courtroom and recorded for showing in the courtroom | 7592 |
in accordance with division (E) of that section. | 7593 |
(3) If videotaped testimony of a | 7594 |
7595 | |
admitted at trial in accordance with division (B)(1) of this | 7596 |
section, the | 7597 |
with a developmental disability shall not be compelled in any way | 7598 |
to appear as a witness at the trial, except as provided in | 7599 |
division (B)(2) of this section. | 7600 |
(C) An order issued pursuant to division (B) of this section | 7601 |
shall specifically identify the | 7602 |
7603 | |
concerning whose testimony it pertains. The order shall apply only | 7604 |
during the testimony of the | 7605 |
7606 | |
identifies. | 7607 |
Sec. 2949.29. (A) The prosecuting attorney, the convict, and | 7608 |
the convict's counsel shall attend an inquiry commenced as | 7609 |
provided in section 2949.28 of the Revised Code. The prosecuting | 7610 |
attorney and the convict or the convict's counsel may produce, | 7611 |
examine, and cross-examine witnesses, and all findings shall be in | 7612 |
writing signed by the judge. If it is found that the convict is | 7613 |
not insane, the sentence shall be executed at the time previously | 7614 |
appointed, unless that time has passed pending completion of the | 7615 |
inquiry, in which case the judge conducting the inquiry, if | 7616 |
authorized by the supreme court, shall appoint a time for | 7617 |
execution of the sentence to be effective fifteen days from the | 7618 |
date of the entry of the judge's findings in the inquiry. | 7619 |
(B) If it is found that the convict is insane and if | 7620 |
authorized by the supreme court, the judge shall continue any stay | 7621 |
of execution of the sentence previously issued, order the convict | 7622 |
to be confined in the area at which other convicts sentenced to | 7623 |
death are confined or in a maximum security medical or psychiatric | 7624 |
facility operated by the department of rehabilitation and | 7625 |
correction, and order treatment of the convict. Thereafter, the | 7626 |
court at any time may conduct and, on motion of the prosecuting | 7627 |
attorney, shall conduct a hearing pursuant to division (A) of this | 7628 |
section to continue the inquiry into the convict's insanity and, | 7629 |
as provided in section 2949.28 of the Revised Code, may appoint | 7630 |
one or more psychiatrists or psychologists to make a further | 7631 |
examination of the convict and to submit a report to the court. If | 7632 |
the court finds at the hearing that the convict is not insane and | 7633 |
if the time previously appointed for execution of the sentence has | 7634 |
not passed, the sentence shall be executed at the previously | 7635 |
appointed time. If the court finds at the hearing that the convict | 7636 |
is not insane and if the time previously appointed for execution | 7637 |
of the sentence has passed, the judge who conducts the hearing, if | 7638 |
authorized by the supreme court, shall appoint a new time for | 7639 |
execution of the sentence to be effective fifteen days from the | 7640 |
date of the entry of the judge's findings in the hearing. | 7641 |
(C) In all proceedings under this section, the convict is | 7642 |
presumed not to be insane, and the court shall find that the | 7643 |
convict is not insane unless the court finds by a preponderance of | 7644 |
the evidence that the convict is insane. | 7645 |
(D) Proceedings for inquiry into the insanity of any convict | 7646 |
sentenced to death shall be exclusively pursuant to this section, | 7647 |
section 2949.28 of the Revised Code, and the Rules of Evidence. | 7648 |
Neither Chapter 5122. or 5123. of the Revised Code nor any other | 7649 |
provision of the Revised Code nor any other rule concerning | 7650 |
mentally ill persons, | 7651 |
disabilities that are intellectual disabilities, or insane persons | 7652 |
applies to any proceeding for inquiry into the insanity of any | 7653 |
convict sentenced to death. | 7654 |
Sec. 2967.22. Whenever it is brought to the attention of the | 7655 |
adult parole authority or a department of probation that a | 7656 |
parolee, person under a community control sanction, person under | 7657 |
transitional control, or releasee appears to be a mentally ill | 7658 |
person subject to hospitalization by court order, as defined in | 7659 |
section 5122.01 of the Revised Code, or a | 7660 |
with an intellectual disability subject to institutionalization by | 7661 |
court order, as defined in section 5123.01 of the Revised Code, | 7662 |
the parole or probation officer, subject to the approval of the | 7663 |
chief of the adult parole authority, the designee of the chief of | 7664 |
the adult parole authority, or the chief probation officer, may | 7665 |
file an affidavit under section 5122.11 or 5123.71 of the Revised | 7666 |
Code. A parolee, person under a community control sanction, or | 7667 |
releasee who is involuntarily detained under Chapter 5122. or | 7668 |
5123. of the Revised Code shall receive credit against the period | 7669 |
of parole or community control or the term of post-release control | 7670 |
for the period of involuntary detention. | 7671 |
If a parolee, person under a community control sanction, | 7672 |
person under transitional control, or releasee escapes from an | 7673 |
institution or facility within the department of mental health and | 7674 |
addiction services or the department of developmental | 7675 |
disabilities, the superintendent of the institution immediately | 7676 |
shall notify the chief of the adult parole authority or the chief | 7677 |
probation officer. Notwithstanding the provisions of section | 7678 |
5122.26 of the Revised Code, the procedure for the apprehension, | 7679 |
detention, and return of the parolee, person under a community | 7680 |
control sanction, person under transitional control, or releasee | 7681 |
is the same as that provided for the apprehension, detention, and | 7682 |
return of persons who escape from institutions operated by the | 7683 |
department of rehabilitation and correction. If the escaped | 7684 |
parolee, person under transitional control, or releasee is not | 7685 |
apprehended and returned to the custody of the department of | 7686 |
mental health and addiction services or the department of | 7687 |
developmental disabilities within ninety days after the escape, | 7688 |
the parolee, person under transitional control, or releasee shall | 7689 |
be discharged from the custody of the department of mental health | 7690 |
and addiction services or the department of developmental | 7691 |
disabilities and returned to the custody of the department of | 7692 |
rehabilitation and correction. If the escaped person under a | 7693 |
community control sanction is not apprehended and returned to the | 7694 |
custody of the department of mental health and addiction services | 7695 |
or the department of developmental disabilities within ninety days | 7696 |
after the escape, the person under a community control sanction | 7697 |
shall be discharged from the custody of the department of mental | 7698 |
health and addiction services or the department of developmental | 7699 |
disabilities and returned to the custody of the court that | 7700 |
sentenced that person. | 7701 |
Sec. 3107.02. (A) Any minor may be adopted. | 7702 |
(B) An adult may be adopted under any of the following | 7703 |
conditions: | 7704 |
(1) If the adult is totally or permanently disabled; | 7705 |
(2) If the adult is determined to be a | 7706 |
person with a developmental disability that is an intellectual | 7707 |
disability; | 7708 |
(3) If the adult had established a child-foster caregiver, | 7709 |
kinship caregiver, or child-stepparent relationship with the | 7710 |
petitioners as a minor, and the adult consents to the adoption; | 7711 |
(4) If the adult was, at the time of the adult's eighteenth | 7712 |
birthday, in the permanent custody of or in a planned permanent | 7713 |
living arrangement with a public children services agency or a | 7714 |
private child placing agency, and the adult consents to the | 7715 |
adoption; | 7716 |
(5) If the adult is the child of the spouse of the | 7717 |
petitioner, and the adult consents to the adoption. | 7718 |
(C) When proceedings to adopt a minor are initiated by the | 7719 |
filing of a petition, and the eighteenth birthday of the minor | 7720 |
occurs prior to the decision of the court, the court shall require | 7721 |
the person who is to be adopted to submit a written statement of | 7722 |
consent or objection to the adoption. If an objection is | 7723 |
submitted, the petition shall be dismissed, and if a consent is | 7724 |
submitted, the court shall proceed with the case, and may issue an | 7725 |
interlocutory order or final decree of adoption. | 7726 |
(D) Any physical examination of the individual to be adopted | 7727 |
as part of or in contemplation of a petition to adopt may be | 7728 |
conducted by any health professional authorized by the Revised | 7729 |
Code to perform physical examinations, including a physician | 7730 |
assistant, a clinical nurse specialist, a certified nurse | 7731 |
practitioner, or a certified nurse-midwife. Any written | 7732 |
documentation of the physical examination shall be completed by | 7733 |
the healthcare professional who conducted the examination. | 7734 |
(E) An adult who consents to an adoption pursuant to division | 7735 |
(B)(4) of this section shall provide the court with the name and | 7736 |
contact information of the public children services agency or | 7737 |
private child placing agency that had permanent custody of or a | 7738 |
planned permanent living arrangement with that adult. The | 7739 |
petitioner shall request verification from the agency as to | 7740 |
whether the adult was or was not in the permanent custody of or in | 7741 |
a planned permanent living arrangement with that agency at the | 7742 |
time of the adult's eighteenth birthday and provide the | 7743 |
verification to the court. | 7744 |
(F) As used in this section: | 7745 |
(1) "Kinship caregiver" has the same meaning as in section | 7746 |
5101.85 of the Revised Code. | 7747 |
(2) | 7748 |
7749 |
| 7750 |
arrangement" have the same meanings as in section 2151.011 of the | 7751 |
Revised Code. | 7752 |
(3) "Person with a developmental disability that is an | 7753 |
intellectual disability" has the same meaning as in section | 7754 |
5123.01 of the Revised Code. | 7755 |
Sec. 3301.52. As used in sections 3301.52 to 3301.59 of the | 7756 |
Revised Code: | 7757 |
(A) "Preschool program" means either of the following: | 7758 |
(1) A child care program for preschool children that is | 7759 |
operated by a school district board of education or an eligible | 7760 |
nonpublic school. | 7761 |
(2) A child care program for preschool children age three or | 7762 |
older that is operated by a county | 7763 |
board. | 7764 |
(B) "Preschool child" or "child" means a child who has not | 7765 |
entered kindergarten and is not of compulsory school age. | 7766 |
(C) "Parent, guardian, or custodian" means the person or | 7767 |
government agency that is or will be responsible for a child's | 7768 |
school attendance under section 3321.01 of the Revised Code. | 7769 |
(D) "Superintendent" means the superintendent of a school | 7770 |
district or the chief administrative officer of an eligible | 7771 |
nonpublic school. | 7772 |
(E) "Director" means the director, head teacher, elementary | 7773 |
principal, or site administrator who is the individual on site and | 7774 |
responsible for supervision of a preschool program. | 7775 |
(F) "Preschool staff member" means a preschool employee whose | 7776 |
primary responsibility is care, teaching, or supervision of | 7777 |
preschool children. | 7778 |
(G) "Nonteaching employee" means a preschool program or | 7779 |
school child program employee whose primary responsibilities are | 7780 |
duties other than care, teaching, and supervision of preschool | 7781 |
children or school children. | 7782 |
(H) "Eligible nonpublic school" means a nonpublic school | 7783 |
chartered as described in division (B)(8) of section 5104.02 of | 7784 |
the Revised Code or chartered by the state board of education for | 7785 |
any combination of grades one through twelve, regardless of | 7786 |
whether it also offers kindergarten. | 7787 |
(I) | 7788 |
7789 |
| 7790 |
only school children that is operated by a school district board | 7791 |
of education, county | 7792 |
eligible nonpublic school. | 7793 |
| 7794 |
eligible to be enrolled in a grade of kindergarten or above but is | 7795 |
less than fifteen years old. | 7796 |
| 7797 |
whose primary responsibility is the care, teaching, or supervision | 7798 |
of children in a school child program. | 7799 |
| 7800 |
infants, toddlers, preschool children, and school children outside | 7801 |
of school hours by persons other than their parents or guardians, | 7802 |
custodians, or relatives by blood, marriage, or adoption for any | 7803 |
part of the twenty-four-hour day in a place or residence other | 7804 |
than a child's own home. | 7805 |
| 7806 |
and "school-age child care center" have the same meanings as in | 7807 |
section 5104.01 of the Revised Code. | 7808 |
Sec. 3301.53. (A) The state board of education, in | 7809 |
consultation with the director of job and family services, shall | 7810 |
formulate and prescribe by rule adopted under Chapter 119. of the | 7811 |
Revised Code minimum standards to be applied to preschool programs | 7812 |
operated by school district boards of education, county | 7813 |
developmental disabilities boards, or eligible nonpublic schools. | 7814 |
The rules shall include the following: | 7815 |
(1) Standards ensuring that the preschool program is located | 7816 |
in a safe and convenient facility that accommodates the enrollment | 7817 |
of the program, is of the quality to support the growth and | 7818 |
development of the children according to the program objectives, | 7819 |
and meets the requirements of section 3301.55 of the Revised Code; | 7820 |
(2) Standards ensuring that supervision, discipline, and | 7821 |
programs will be administered according to established objectives | 7822 |
and procedures; | 7823 |
(3) Standards ensuring that preschool staff members and | 7824 |
nonteaching employees are recruited, employed, assigned, | 7825 |
evaluated, and provided inservice education without discrimination | 7826 |
on the basis of age, color, national origin, race, or sex; and | 7827 |
that preschool staff members and nonteaching employees are | 7828 |
assigned responsibilities in accordance with written position | 7829 |
descriptions commensurate with their training and experience; | 7830 |
(4) A requirement that boards of education intending to | 7831 |
establish a preschool program demonstrate a need for a preschool | 7832 |
program prior to establishing the program; | 7833 |
(5) Requirements that children participating in preschool | 7834 |
programs have been immunized to the extent considered appropriate | 7835 |
by the state board to prevent the spread of communicable disease; | 7836 |
(6) Requirements that the parents of preschool children | 7837 |
complete the emergency medical authorization form specified in | 7838 |
section 3313.712 of the Revised Code. | 7839 |
(B) The state board of education in consultation with the | 7840 |
director of job and family services shall ensure that the rules | 7841 |
adopted by the state board under sections 3301.52 to 3301.58 of | 7842 |
the Revised Code are consistent with and meet or exceed the | 7843 |
requirements of Chapter 5104. of the Revised Code with regard to | 7844 |
child day-care centers. The state board and the director of job | 7845 |
and family services shall review all such rules at least once | 7846 |
every five years. | 7847 |
(C) The state board of education, in consultation with the | 7848 |
director of job and family services, shall adopt rules for school | 7849 |
child programs that are consistent with and meet or exceed the | 7850 |
requirements of the rules adopted for school-age child care | 7851 |
centers under Chapter 5104. of the Revised Code. | 7852 |
Sec. 3301.55. (A) A school district, county | 7853 |
disabilities board, or eligible nonpublic school operating a | 7854 |
preschool program shall house the program in buildings that meet | 7855 |
the following requirements: | 7856 |
(1) The building is operated by the district, county | 7857 |
developmental disabilities board, or eligible nonpublic school and | 7858 |
has been approved by the division of industrial compliance in the | 7859 |
department of commerce or a certified municipal, township, or | 7860 |
county building department for the purpose of operating a program | 7861 |
for preschool children. Any such structure shall be constructed, | 7862 |
equipped, repaired, altered, and maintained in accordance with | 7863 |
applicable provisions of Chapters 3781. and 3791. and with rules | 7864 |
adopted by the board of building standards under Chapter 3781. of | 7865 |
the Revised Code for the safety and sanitation of structures | 7866 |
erected for this purpose. | 7867 |
(2) The building is in compliance with fire and safety laws | 7868 |
and regulations as evidenced by reports of annual school fire and | 7869 |
safety inspections as conducted by appropriate local authorities. | 7870 |
(3) The school is in compliance with rules established by the | 7871 |
state board of education regarding school food services. | 7872 |
(4) The facility includes not less than thirty-five square | 7873 |
feet of indoor space for each child in the program. Safe play | 7874 |
space, including both indoor and outdoor play space, totaling not | 7875 |
less than sixty square feet for each child using the space at any | 7876 |
one time, shall be regularly available and scheduled for use. | 7877 |
(5) First aid facilities and space for temporary placement or | 7878 |
isolation of injured or ill children are provided. | 7879 |
(B) Each school district, county | 7880 |
disabilities board, or eligible nonpublic school that operates, or | 7881 |
proposes to operate, a preschool program shall submit a building | 7882 |
plan including all information specified by the state board of | 7883 |
education to the board not later than the first day of September | 7884 |
of the school year in which the program is to be initiated. The | 7885 |
board shall determine whether the buildings meet the requirements | 7886 |
of this section and section 3301.53 of the Revised Code, and | 7887 |
notify the superintendent of its determination. If the board | 7888 |
determines, on the basis of the building plan or any other | 7889 |
information, that the buildings do not meet those requirements, it | 7890 |
shall cause the buildings to be inspected by the department of | 7891 |
education. The department shall make a report to the | 7892 |
superintendent specifying any aspects of the building that are not | 7893 |
in compliance with the requirements of this section and section | 7894 |
3301.53 of the Revised Code and the time period that will be | 7895 |
allowed the district, county | 7896 |
or school to meet the requirements. | 7897 |
Sec. 3301.57. (A) For the purpose of improving programs, | 7898 |
facilities, and implementation of the standards promulgated by the | 7899 |
state board of education under section 3301.53 of the Revised | 7900 |
Code, the state department of education shall provide consultation | 7901 |
and technical assistance to school districts, county | 7902 |
developmental disabilities boards, and eligible nonpublic schools | 7903 |
operating preschool programs or school child programs, and | 7904 |
inservice training to preschool staff members, school child | 7905 |
program staff members, and nonteaching employees. | 7906 |
(B) The department and the school district board of | 7907 |
education, county | 7908 |
nonpublic school shall jointly monitor each preschool program and | 7909 |
each school child program. | 7910 |
If the program receives any grant or other funding from the | 7911 |
state or federal government, the department annually shall monitor | 7912 |
all reports on attendance, financial support, and expenditures | 7913 |
according to provisions for use of the funds. | 7914 |
(C) The department of education, at least once during every | 7915 |
twelve-month period of operation of a preschool program or a | 7916 |
licensed school child program, shall inspect the program and | 7917 |
provide a written inspection report to the superintendent of the | 7918 |
school district, county | 7919 |
eligible nonpublic school. The department may inspect any program | 7920 |
more than once, as considered necessary by the department, during | 7921 |
any twelve-month period of operation. All inspections may be | 7922 |
unannounced. No person shall interfere with any inspection | 7923 |
conducted pursuant to this division or to the rules adopted | 7924 |
pursuant to sections 3301.52 to 3301.59 of the Revised Code. | 7925 |
Upon receipt of any complaint that a preschool program or a | 7926 |
licensed school child program is out of compliance with the | 7927 |
requirements in sections 3301.52 to 3301.59 of the Revised Code or | 7928 |
the rules adopted under those sections, the department shall | 7929 |
investigate and may inspect the program. | 7930 |
(D) If a preschool program or a licensed school child program | 7931 |
is determined to be out of compliance with the requirements of | 7932 |
sections 3301.52 to 3301.59 of the Revised Code or the rules | 7933 |
adopted under those sections, the department of education shall | 7934 |
notify the appropriate superintendent, county | 7935 |
disabilities board, or eligible nonpublic school in writing | 7936 |
regarding the nature of the violation, what must be done to | 7937 |
correct the violation, and by what date the correction must be | 7938 |
made. If the correction is not made by the date established by the | 7939 |
department, it may commence action under Chapter 119. of the | 7940 |
Revised Code to close the program or to revoke the license of the | 7941 |
program. If a program does not comply with an order to cease | 7942 |
operation issued in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised | 7943 |
Code, the department shall notify the attorney general, the | 7944 |
prosecuting attorney of the county in which the program is | 7945 |
located, or the city attorney, village solicitor, or other chief | 7946 |
legal officer of the municipal corporation in which the program is | 7947 |
located that the program is operating in violation of sections | 7948 |
3301.52 to 3301.59 of the Revised Code or the rules adopted under | 7949 |
those sections and in violation of an order to cease operation | 7950 |
issued in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. Upon | 7951 |
receipt of the notification, the attorney general, prosecuting | 7952 |
attorney, city attorney, village solicitor, or other chief legal | 7953 |
officer shall file a complaint in the court of common pleas of the | 7954 |
county in which the program is located requesting the court to | 7955 |
issue an order enjoining the program from operating. The court | 7956 |
shall grant the requested injunctive relief upon a showing that | 7957 |
the program named in the complaint is operating in violation of | 7958 |
sections 3301.52 to 3301.59 of the Revised Code or the rules | 7959 |
adopted under those sections and in violation of an order to cease | 7960 |
operation issued in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised | 7961 |
Code. | 7962 |
(E) The department of education shall prepare an annual | 7963 |
report on inspections conducted under this section. The report | 7964 |
shall include the number of inspections conducted, the number and | 7965 |
types of violations found, and the steps taken to address the | 7966 |
violations. The department shall file the report with the | 7967 |
governor, the president and minority leader of the senate, and the | 7968 |
speaker and minority leader of the house of representatives on or | 7969 |
before the first day of January of each year, beginning in 1999. | 7970 |
Sec. 3301.58. (A) The department of education is responsible | 7971 |
for the licensing of preschool programs and school child programs | 7972 |
and for the enforcement of sections 3301.52 to 3301.59 of the | 7973 |
Revised Code and of any rules adopted under those sections. No | 7974 |
school district board of education, county | 7975 |
disabilities board, or eligible nonpublic school shall operate, | 7976 |
establish, manage, conduct, or maintain a preschool program | 7977 |
without a license issued under this section. A school district | 7978 |
board of education, county | 7979 |
eligible nonpublic school may obtain a license under this section | 7980 |
for a school child program. The school district board of | 7981 |
education, county | 7982 |
nonpublic school shall post the license for each preschool program | 7983 |
and licensed school child program it operates, establishes, | 7984 |
manages, conducts, or maintains in a conspicuous place in the | 7985 |
preschool program or licensed school child program that is | 7986 |
accessible to parents, custodians, or guardians and employees and | 7987 |
staff members of the program at all times when the program is in | 7988 |
operation. | 7989 |
(B) Any school district board of education, county | 7990 |
developmental disabilities board, or eligible nonpublic school | 7991 |
that desires to operate, establish, manage, conduct, or maintain a | 7992 |
preschool program shall apply to the department of education for a | 7993 |
license on a form that the department shall prescribe by rule. Any | 7994 |
school district board of education, county | 7995 |
disabilities board, or eligible nonpublic school that desires to | 7996 |
obtain a license for a school child program shall apply to the | 7997 |
department for a license on a form that the department shall | 7998 |
prescribe by rule. The department shall provide at no charge to | 7999 |
each applicant for a license under this section a copy of the | 8000 |
requirements under sections 3301.52 to 3301.59 of the Revised Code | 8001 |
and any rules adopted under those sections. The department may | 8002 |
establish application fees by rule adopted under Chapter 119. of | 8003 |
the Revised Code, and all applicants for a license shall pay any | 8004 |
fee established by the department at the time of making an | 8005 |
application for a license. All fees collected pursuant to this | 8006 |
section shall be paid into the state treasury to the credit of the | 8007 |
general revenue fund. | 8008 |
(C) Upon the filing of an application for a license, the | 8009 |
department of education shall investigate and inspect the | 8010 |
preschool program or school child program to determine the license | 8011 |
capacity for each age category of children of the program and to | 8012 |
determine whether the program complies with sections 3301.52 to | 8013 |
3301.59 of the Revised Code and any rules adopted under those | 8014 |
sections. When, after investigation and inspection, the department | 8015 |
of education is satisfied that sections 3301.52 to 3301.59 of the | 8016 |
Revised Code and any rules adopted under those sections are | 8017 |
complied with by the applicant, the department of education shall | 8018 |
issue the program a provisional license as soon as practicable in | 8019 |
the form and manner prescribed by the rules of the department. The | 8020 |
provisional license shall be valid for one year from the date of | 8021 |
issuance unless revoked. | 8022 |
(D) The department of education shall investigate and inspect | 8023 |
a preschool program or school child program that has been issued a | 8024 |
provisional license at least once during operation under the | 8025 |
provisional license. If, after the investigation and inspection, | 8026 |
the department of education determines that the requirements of | 8027 |
sections 3301.52 to 3301.59 of the Revised Code and any rules | 8028 |
adopted under those sections are met by the provisional licensee, | 8029 |
the department of education shall issue the program a license. The | 8030 |
license shall remain valid unless revoked or the program ceases | 8031 |
operations. | 8032 |
(E) The department of education annually shall investigate | 8033 |
and inspect each preschool program or school child program | 8034 |
licensed under division (D) of this section to determine if the | 8035 |
requirements of sections 3301.52 to 3301.59 of the Revised Code | 8036 |
and any rules adopted under those sections are met by the program, | 8037 |
and shall notify the program of the results. | 8038 |
(F) The license or provisional license shall state the name | 8039 |
of the school district board of education, county | 8040 |
disabilities board, or eligible nonpublic school that operates the | 8041 |
preschool program or school child program and the license capacity | 8042 |
of the program. | 8043 |
(G) The department of education may revoke the license of any | 8044 |
preschool program or school child program that is not in | 8045 |
compliance with the requirements of sections 3301.52 to 3301.59 of | 8046 |
the Revised Code and any rules adopted under those sections. | 8047 |
(H) If the department of education revokes a license, the | 8048 |
department shall not issue a license to the program within two | 8049 |
years from the date of the revocation. All actions of the | 8050 |
department with respect to licensing preschool programs and school | 8051 |
child programs shall be in accordance with Chapter 119. of the | 8052 |
Revised Code. | 8053 |
Sec. 3314.022. The governing authority of any community | 8054 |
school established under this chapter may contract with the | 8055 |
governing authority of another community school, the board of | 8056 |
education of a school district, the governing board of an | 8057 |
educational service center, a county | 8058 |
board, or the administrative authority of a nonpublic school for | 8059 |
provision of services for any disabled student enrolled at the | 8060 |
school. Any school district board of education or educational | 8061 |
service center governing board shall negotiate with a community | 8062 |
school governing authority that seeks to contract for the | 8063 |
provision of services for a disabled student under this section in | 8064 |
the same manner as it would with the board of education of a | 8065 |
school district that seeks to contract for such services. | 8066 |
Sec. 3317.02. As used in this chapter: | 8067 |
(A)(1) "Category one career-technical education ADM" means | 8068 |
the enrollment of students during the school year on a full-time | 8069 |
equivalency basis in career-technical education programs described | 8070 |
in division (A) of section 3317.014 of the Revised Code and | 8071 |
certified under division (B)(11) or (D)(2)(h) of section 3317.03 | 8072 |
of the Revised Code. | 8073 |
(2) "Category two career-technical education ADM" means the | 8074 |
enrollment of students during the school year on a full-time | 8075 |
equivalency basis in career-technical education programs described | 8076 |
in division (B) of section 3317.014 of the Revised Code and | 8077 |
certified under division (B)(12) or (D)(2)(i) of section 3317.03 | 8078 |
of the Revised Code. | 8079 |
(3) "Category three career-technical education ADM" means the | 8080 |
enrollment of students during the school year on a full-time | 8081 |
equivalency basis in career-technical education programs described | 8082 |
in division (C) of section 3317.014 of the Revised Code and | 8083 |
certified under division (B)(13) or (D)(2)(j) of section 3317.03 | 8084 |
of the Revised Code. | 8085 |
(4) "Category four career-technical education ADM" means the | 8086 |
enrollment of students during the school year on a full-time | 8087 |
equivalency basis in career-technical education programs described | 8088 |
in division (D) of section 3317.014 of the Revised Code and | 8089 |
certified under division (B)(14) or (D)(2)(k) of section 3317.03 | 8090 |
of the Revised Code. | 8091 |
(5) "Category five career-technical education ADM" means the | 8092 |
enrollment of students during the school year on a full-time | 8093 |
equivalency basis in career-technical education programs described | 8094 |
in division (E) of section 3317.014 of the Revised Code and | 8095 |
certified under division (B)(15) or (D)(2)(l) of section 3317.03 | 8096 |
of the Revised Code. | 8097 |
(B)(1) "Category one limited English proficient ADM" means | 8098 |
the full-time equivalent number of limited English proficient | 8099 |
students described in division (A) of section 3317.016 of the | 8100 |
Revised Code and certified under division (B)(16) or (D)(2)(m) of | 8101 |
section 3317.03 of the Revised Code. | 8102 |
(2) "Category two limited English proficient ADM" means the | 8103 |
full-time equivalent number of limited English proficient students | 8104 |
described in division (B) of section 3317.016 of the Revised Code | 8105 |
and certified under division (B)(17) or (D)(2)(n) of section | 8106 |
3317.03 of the Revised Code. | 8107 |
(3) "Category three limited English proficient ADM" means the | 8108 |
full-time equivalent number of limited English proficient students | 8109 |
described in division (C) of section 3317.016 of the Revised Code | 8110 |
and certified under division (B)(18) or (D)(2)(o) of section | 8111 |
3317.03 of the Revised Code. | 8112 |
(C)(1) "Category one special education ADM" means the | 8113 |
full-time equivalent number of children with disabilities | 8114 |
receiving special education services for the disability specified | 8115 |
in division (A) of section 3317.013 of the Revised Code and | 8116 |
certified under division (B)(5) or (D)(2)(b) of section 3317.03 of | 8117 |
the Revised Code. | 8118 |
(2) "Category two special education ADM" means the full-time | 8119 |
equivalent number of children with disabilities receiving special | 8120 |
education services for those disabilities specified in division | 8121 |
(B) of section 3317.013 of the Revised Code and certified under | 8122 |
division (B)(6) or (D)(2)(c) of section 3317.03 of the Revised | 8123 |
Code. | 8124 |
(3) "Category three special education ADM" means the | 8125 |
full-time equivalent number of students receiving special | 8126 |
education services for those disabilities specified in division | 8127 |
(C) of section 3317.013 of the Revised Code, and certified under | 8128 |
division (B)(7) or (D)(2)(d) of section 3317.03 of the Revised | 8129 |
Code. | 8130 |
(4) "Category four special education ADM" means the full-time | 8131 |
equivalent number of students receiving special education services | 8132 |
for those disabilities specified in division (D) of section | 8133 |
3317.013 of the Revised Code and certified under division (B)(8) | 8134 |
or (D)(2)(e) of section 3317.03 of the Revised Code. | 8135 |
(5) "Category five special education ADM" means the full-time | 8136 |
equivalent number of students receiving special education services | 8137 |
for the disabilities specified in division (E) of section 3317.013 | 8138 |
of the Revised Code and certified under division (B)(9) or | 8139 |
(D)(2)(f) of section 3317.03 of the Revised Code. | 8140 |
(6) "Category six special education ADM" means the full-time | 8141 |
equivalent number of students receiving special education services | 8142 |
for the disabilities specified in division (F) of section 3317.013 | 8143 |
of the Revised Code and certified under division (B)(10) or | 8144 |
(D)(2)(g) of section 3317.03 of the Revised Code. | 8145 |
(D) | 8146 |
8147 |
| 8148 |
means the square of the quotient of that district's percentage of | 8149 |
students in its total ADM who are identified as economically | 8150 |
disadvantaged as defined by the department of education, divided | 8151 |
by the statewide percentage of students identified as economically | 8152 |
disadvantaged. | 8153 |
| 8154 |
village school district, the enrollment reported under division | 8155 |
(A) of section 3317.03 of the Revised Code, as verified by the | 8156 |
superintendent of public instruction and adjusted if so ordered | 8157 |
under division (K) of that section, and as further adjusted by the | 8158 |
department of education, as follows: | 8159 |
(a) Count only twenty per cent of the number of joint | 8160 |
vocational school district students counted under division (A)(3) | 8161 |
of section 3317.03 of the Revised Code; | 8162 |
(b) Add twenty per cent of the number of students who are | 8163 |
entitled to attend school in the district under section 3313.64 or | 8164 |
3313.65 of the Revised Code and are enrolled in another school | 8165 |
district under a career-technical education compact. | 8166 |
(2) "Formula ADM" means, for a joint vocational school | 8167 |
district, the final number verified by the superintendent of | 8168 |
public instruction, based on the enrollment reported and certified | 8169 |
under division (D) of section 3317.03 of the Revised Code, as | 8170 |
adjusted, if so ordered, under division (K) of that section. | 8171 |
| 8172 |
and $5,800, for fiscal year 2015. | 8173 |
| 8174 |
full-time equivalency, in accordance with rules adopted by the | 8175 |
department of education pursuant to section 3317.03 of the Revised | 8176 |
Code. In adopting its rules under this division, the department | 8177 |
shall provide for counting any student in category one, two, | 8178 |
three, four, five, or six special education ADM or in category | 8179 |
one, two, three, four, or five career technical education ADM in | 8180 |
the same proportion the student is counted in formula ADM. | 8181 |
| 8182 |
same meaning as in section 3314.02 of the Revised Code. | 8183 |
| 8184 |
the following apply: | 8185 |
(1) The child requires the services of a doctor of medicine | 8186 |
or osteopathic medicine at least once a week due to the | 8187 |
instability of the child's medical condition. | 8188 |
(2) The child requires the services of a registered nurse on | 8189 |
a daily basis. | 8190 |
(3) The child is at risk of institutionalization in a | 8191 |
hospital, skilled nursing facility, or intermediate care facility | 8192 |
for individuals with intellectual disabilities. | 8193 |
| 8194 |
health impairment-major" if the child's condition meets the | 8195 |
definition of "other health impaired" established in rules | 8196 |
previously adopted by the state board of education and if either | 8197 |
of the following apply: | 8198 |
(a) The child is identified as having a medical condition | 8199 |
that is among those listed by the superintendent of public | 8200 |
instruction as conditions where a substantial majority of cases | 8201 |
fall within the definition of "medically fragile child." | 8202 |
(b) The child is determined by the superintendent of public | 8203 |
instruction to be a medically fragile child. A school district | 8204 |
superintendent may petition the superintendent of public | 8205 |
instruction for a determination that a child is a medically | 8206 |
fragile child. | 8207 |
(2) A child may be identified as having an "other health | 8208 |
impairment-minor" if the child's condition meets the definition of | 8209 |
"other health impaired" established in rules previously adopted by | 8210 |
the state board of education but the child's condition does not | 8211 |
meet either of the conditions specified in division | 8212 |
or (b) of this section. | 8213 |
| 8214 |
a disability, as defined in section 3323.01 of the Revised Code, | 8215 |
who is at least age three but is not of compulsory school age, as | 8216 |
defined in section 3321.01 of the Revised Code, and who is not | 8217 |
currently enrolled in kindergarten. | 8218 |
| 8219 |
preschool children with disabilities certified under division | 8220 |
(B)(3)(h) of section 3317.03 of the Revised Code. | 8221 |
| 8222 |
(1) Child study, special education supervisors and | 8223 |
coordinators, speech and hearing services, adaptive physical | 8224 |
development services, occupational or physical therapy, teacher | 8225 |
assistants for children with disabilities whose disabilities are | 8226 |
described in division (B) of section 3317.013 or division (B)(3) | 8227 |
of this section, behavioral intervention, interpreter services, | 8228 |
work study, nursing services, and specialized integrative services | 8229 |
as those terms are defined by the department; | 8230 |
(2) Speech and language services provided to any student with | 8231 |
a disability, including any student whose primary or only | 8232 |
disability is a speech and language disability; | 8233 |
(3) Any related service not specifically covered by other | 8234 |
state funds but specified in federal law, including but not | 8235 |
limited to, audiology and school psychological services; | 8236 |
(4) Any service included in units funded under former | 8237 |
division (O)(1) of section 3317.024 of the Revised Code; | 8238 |
(5) Any other related service needed by children with | 8239 |
disabilities in accordance with their individualized education | 8240 |
programs. | 8241 |
| 8242 |
city, local, and exempted village school districts. | 8243 |
| 8244 |
section 5751.20 of the Revised Code. | 8245 |
| 8246 |
calculated for a district under section 3317.017 of the Revised | 8247 |
Code. | 8248 |
| 8249 |
and payable against real and public utility property after making | 8250 |
the reduction required by section 319.301 of the Revised Code, | 8251 |
plus the taxes levied against tangible personal property. | 8252 |
| 8253 |
village school district, the enrollment reported under division | 8254 |
(A) of section 3317.03 of the Revised Code, as verified by the | 8255 |
superintendent of public instruction and adjusted if so ordered | 8256 |
under division (K) of that section. | 8257 |
| 8258 |
categories one through six special education ADM. | 8259 |
| 8260 |
certified for a city, local, exempted village, or joint vocational | 8261 |
school district under divisions (A)(1) and (2) of section 3317.021 | 8262 |
of the Revised Code. | 8263 |
Sec. 3317.024. The following shall be distributed monthly, | 8264 |
quarterly, or annually as may be determined by the state board of | 8265 |
education: | 8266 |
(A) An amount for each island school district and each joint | 8267 |
state school district for the operation of each high school and | 8268 |
each elementary school maintained within such district and for | 8269 |
capital improvements for such schools. Such amounts shall be | 8270 |
determined on the basis of standards adopted by the state board of | 8271 |
education. However, for fiscal years 2012 and 2013, an island | 8272 |
district shall receive the lesser of its actual cost of operation, | 8273 |
as certified to the department of education, or ninety-three per | 8274 |
cent of the amount the district received in state operating | 8275 |
funding for fiscal year 2011. If an island district received no | 8276 |
funding for fiscal year 2011, it shall receive no funding for | 8277 |
either of fiscal year 2012 or 2013. | 8278 |
(B) An amount for each school district required to pay | 8279 |
tuition for a child in an institution maintained by the department | 8280 |
of youth services pursuant to section 3317.082 of the Revised | 8281 |
Code, provided the child was not included in the calculation of | 8282 |
the district's formula ADM, as that term is defined in section | 8283 |
3317.02 of the Revised Code, for the preceding school year. | 8284 |
(C) An amount for the approved cost of transporting eligible | 8285 |
pupils with disabilities attending a special education program | 8286 |
approved by the department of education whom it is impossible or | 8287 |
impractical to transport by regular school bus in the course of | 8288 |
regular route transportation provided by the school district or | 8289 |
educational service center. No district or service center is | 8290 |
eligible to receive a payment under this division for the cost of | 8291 |
transporting any pupil whom it transports by regular school bus | 8292 |
and who is included in the district's transportation ADM. The | 8293 |
state board of education shall establish standards and guidelines | 8294 |
for use by the department of education in determining the approved | 8295 |
cost of such transportation for each district or service center. | 8296 |
(D) An amount to each school district, including each | 8297 |
cooperative education school district, pursuant to section 3313.81 | 8298 |
of the Revised Code to assist in providing free lunches to needy | 8299 |
children. The amounts shall be determined on the basis of rules | 8300 |
adopted by the state board of education. | 8301 |
(E) An amount to each school district, for each pupil | 8302 |
attending a chartered nonpublic elementary or high school within | 8303 |
the district. The amount shall equal the amount appropriated for | 8304 |
the implementation of section 3317.06 of the Revised Code divided | 8305 |
by the average daily membership in grades kindergarten through | 8306 |
twelve in nonpublic elementary and high schools within the state | 8307 |
as determined as of the last day of October of each school year. | 8308 |
(F) An amount for each county | 8309 |
board, distributed on the basis of standards adopted by the state | 8310 |
board of education, for the approved cost of transportation | 8311 |
required for children attending special education programs | 8312 |
operated by the county | 8313 |
section 3323.09 of the Revised Code; | 8314 |
(G) An amount to each institution defined under section | 8315 |
3317.082 of the Revised Code providing elementary or secondary | 8316 |
education to children other than children receiving special | 8317 |
education under section 3323.091 of the Revised Code. This amount | 8318 |
for any institution in any fiscal year shall equal the total of | 8319 |
all tuition amounts required to be paid to the institution under | 8320 |
division (A)(1) of section 3317.082 of the Revised Code. | 8321 |
The state board of education or any other board of education | 8322 |
or governing board may provide for any resident of a district or | 8323 |
educational service center territory any educational service for | 8324 |
which funds are made available to the board by the United States | 8325 |
under the authority of public law, whether such funds come | 8326 |
directly or indirectly from the United States or any agency or | 8327 |
department thereof or through the state or any agency, department, | 8328 |
or political subdivision thereof. | 8329 |
Sec. 3317.03. (A) The superintendent of each city, local, | 8330 |
and exempted village school district shall report to the state | 8331 |
board of education as of the last day of October, March, and June | 8332 |
of each year the enrollment of students receiving services from | 8333 |
schools under the superintendent's supervision, and the numbers of | 8334 |
other students entitled to attend school in the district under | 8335 |
section 3313.64 or 3313.65 of the Revised Code the superintendent | 8336 |
is required to report under this section, so that the department | 8337 |
of education can calculate the district's formula ADM, total ADM, | 8338 |
category one through five career-technical education ADM, category | 8339 |
one through three limited English proficient ADM, category one | 8340 |
through six special education ADM, preschool scholarship ADM, | 8341 |
transportation ADM, and, for purposes of provisions of law outside | 8342 |
of Chapter 3317. of the Revised Code, average daily membership. | 8343 |
(1) The enrollment reported by the superintendent during the | 8344 |
reporting period shall consist of the number of students in grades | 8345 |
kindergarten through twelve receiving any educational services | 8346 |
from the district, except that the following categories of | 8347 |
students shall not be included in the determination: | 8348 |
(a) Students enrolled in adult education classes; | 8349 |
(b) Adjacent or other district students enrolled in the | 8350 |
district under an open enrollment policy pursuant to section | 8351 |
3313.98 of the Revised Code; | 8352 |
(c) Students receiving services in the district pursuant to a | 8353 |
compact, cooperative education agreement, or a contract, but who | 8354 |
are entitled to attend school in another district pursuant to | 8355 |
section 3313.64 or 3313.65 of the Revised Code; | 8356 |
(d) Students for whom tuition is payable pursuant to sections | 8357 |
3317.081 and 3323.141 of the Revised Code; | 8358 |
(e) Students receiving services in the district through a | 8359 |
scholarship awarded under either section 3310.41 or sections | 8360 |
3310.51 to 3310.64 of the Revised Code. | 8361 |
When reporting students under division (A)(1) of this | 8362 |
section, the superintendent also shall report the district where | 8363 |
each student is entitled to attend school pursuant to sections | 8364 |
3313.64 and 3313.65 of the Revised Code. | 8365 |
(2) The department of education shall compile a list of all | 8366 |
students reported to be enrolled in a district under division | 8367 |
(A)(1) of this section and of the students entitled to attend | 8368 |
school in the district pursuant to section 3313.64 or 3313.65 of | 8369 |
the Revised Code on an FTE basis but receiving educational | 8370 |
services in grades kindergarten through twelve from one or more of | 8371 |
the following entities: | 8372 |
(a) A community school pursuant to Chapter 3314. of the | 8373 |
Revised Code, including any participation in a college pursuant to | 8374 |
Chapter 3365. of the Revised Code while enrolled in such community | 8375 |
school; | 8376 |
(b) An alternative school pursuant to sections 3313.974 to | 8377 |
3313.979 of the Revised Code as described in division (I)(2)(a) or | 8378 |
(b) of this section; | 8379 |
(c) A college pursuant to Chapter 3365. of the Revised Code, | 8380 |
except when the student is enrolled in the college while also | 8381 |
enrolled in a community school pursuant to Chapter 3314., a | 8382 |
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics school | 8383 |
established under Chapter 3326., or a college-preparatory boarding | 8384 |
school established under Chapter 3328. of the Revised Code; | 8385 |
(d) An adjacent or other school district under an open | 8386 |
enrollment policy adopted pursuant to section 3313.98 of the | 8387 |
Revised Code; | 8388 |
(e) An educational service center or cooperative education | 8389 |
district; | 8390 |
(f) Another school district under a cooperative education | 8391 |
agreement, compact, or contract; | 8392 |
(g) A chartered nonpublic school with a scholarship paid | 8393 |
under section 3310.08 of the Revised Code, if the students | 8394 |
qualified for the scholarship under section 3310.03 of the Revised | 8395 |
Code; | 8396 |
(h) An alternative public provider or a registered private | 8397 |
provider with a scholarship awarded under either section 3310.41 | 8398 |
or sections 3310.51 to 3310.64 of the Revised Code. | 8399 |
As used in this section, "alternative public provider" and | 8400 |
"registered private provider" have the same meanings as in section | 8401 |
3310.41 or 3310.51 of the Revised Code, as applicable. | 8402 |
(i) A science, technology, engineering, and mathematics | 8403 |
school established under Chapter 3326. of the Revised Code, | 8404 |
including any participation in a college pursuant to Chapter 3365. | 8405 |
of the Revised Code while enrolled in the school; | 8406 |
(j) A college-preparatory boarding school established under | 8407 |
Chapter 3328. of the Revised Code, including any participation in | 8408 |
a college pursuant to Chapter 3365. of the Revised Code while | 8409 |
enrolled in the school. | 8410 |
(3) The department also shall compile a list of the students | 8411 |
entitled to attend school in the district under section 3313.64 or | 8412 |
3313.65 of the Revised Code who are enrolled in a joint vocational | 8413 |
school district or under a career-technical education compact, | 8414 |
excluding any students so entitled to attend school in the | 8415 |
district who are enrolled in another school district through an | 8416 |
open enrollment policy as reported under division (A)(2)(d) of | 8417 |
this section and then enroll in a joint vocational school district | 8418 |
or under a career-technical education compact. | 8419 |
The department shall provide each city, local, and exempted | 8420 |
village school district with an opportunity to review the list of | 8421 |
students compiled under divisions (A)(2) and (3) of this section | 8422 |
to ensure that the students reported accurately reflect the | 8423 |
enrollment of students in the district. | 8424 |
(B) To enable the department of education to obtain the data | 8425 |
needed to complete the calculation of payments pursuant to this | 8426 |
chapter, each superintendent shall certify from the reports | 8427 |
provided by the department under division (A) of this section all | 8428 |
of the following: | 8429 |
(1) The total student enrollment in regular learning day | 8430 |
classes included in the report under division (A)(1) or (2) of | 8431 |
this section for each of the individual grades kindergarten | 8432 |
through twelve in schools under the superintendent's supervision; | 8433 |
(2) The unduplicated count of the number of preschool | 8434 |
children with disabilities enrolled in the district for whom the | 8435 |
district is eligible to receive funding under section 3317.0213 of | 8436 |
the Revised Code adjusted for the portion of the year each child | 8437 |
is so enrolled, in accordance with the disability categories | 8438 |
prescribed in section 3317.013 of the Revised Code; | 8439 |
(3) The number of children entitled to attend school in the | 8440 |
district pursuant to section 3313.64 or 3313.65 of the Revised | 8441 |
Code who are: | 8442 |
(a) Participating in a pilot project scholarship program | 8443 |
established under sections 3313.974 to 3313.979 of the Revised | 8444 |
Code as described in division (I)(2)(a) or (b) of this section; | 8445 |
(b) Enrolled in a college under Chapter 3365. of the Revised | 8446 |
Code, except when the student is enrolled in the college while | 8447 |
also enrolled in a community school pursuant to Chapter 3314. of | 8448 |
the Revised Code, a science, technology, engineering, and | 8449 |
mathematics school established under Chapter 3326., or a | 8450 |
college-preparatory boarding school established under Chapter | 8451 |
3328. of the Revised Code; | 8452 |
(c) Enrolled in an adjacent or other school district under | 8453 |
section 3313.98 of the Revised Code; | 8454 |
(d) Enrolled in a community school established under Chapter | 8455 |
3314. of the Revised Code that is not an internet- or | 8456 |
computer-based community school as defined in section 3314.02 of | 8457 |
the Revised Code, including any participation in a college | 8458 |
pursuant to Chapter 3365. of the Revised Code while enrolled in | 8459 |
such community school; | 8460 |
(e) Enrolled in an internet- or computer-based community | 8461 |
school, as defined in section 3314.02 of the Revised Code, | 8462 |
including any participation in a college pursuant to Chapter 3365. | 8463 |
of the Revised Code while enrolled in the school; | 8464 |
(f) Enrolled in a chartered nonpublic school with a | 8465 |
scholarship paid under section 3310.08 of the Revised Code and who | 8466 |
qualified for the scholarship under section 3310.03 of the Revised | 8467 |
Code; | 8468 |
(g) Enrolled in kindergarten through grade twelve in an | 8469 |
alternative public provider or a registered private provider with | 8470 |
a scholarship awarded under section 3310.41 of the Revised Code; | 8471 |
(h) Enrolled as a preschool child with a disability in an | 8472 |
alternative public provider or a registered private provider with | 8473 |
a scholarship awarded under section 3310.41 of the Revised Code; | 8474 |
(i) Participating in a program operated by a county | 8475 |
developmental disabilities board or a state institution; | 8476 |
(j) Enrolled in a science, technology, engineering, and | 8477 |
mathematics school established under Chapter 3326. of the Revised | 8478 |
Code, including any participation in a college pursuant to Chapter | 8479 |
3365. of the Revised Code while enrolled in the school; | 8480 |
(k) Enrolled in a college-preparatory boarding school | 8481 |
established under Chapter 3328. of the Revised Code, including any | 8482 |
participation in a college pursuant to Chapter 3365. of the | 8483 |
Revised Code while enrolled in the school; | 8484 |
(l) Enrolled in an alternative public provider or a | 8485 |
registered private provider with a scholarship awarded under | 8486 |
sections 3310.51 to 3310.64 of the Revised Code. | 8487 |
(4) The total enrollment of pupils in joint vocational | 8488 |
schools; | 8489 |
(5) The combined enrollment of children with disabilities | 8490 |
reported under division (A)(1) or (2) of this section receiving | 8491 |
special education services for the category one disability | 8492 |
described in division (A) of section 3317.013 of the Revised Code, | 8493 |
including children attending a special education program operated | 8494 |
by an alternative public provider or a registered private provider | 8495 |
with a scholarship awarded under sections 3310.51 to 3310.64 of | 8496 |
the Revised Code; | 8497 |
(6) The combined enrollment of children with disabilities | 8498 |
reported under division (A)(1) or (2) of this section receiving | 8499 |
special education services for category two disabilities described | 8500 |
in division (B) of section 3317.013 of the Revised Code, including | 8501 |
children attending a special education program operated by an | 8502 |
alternative public provider or a registered private provider with | 8503 |
a scholarship awarded under sections 3310.51 to 3310.64 of the | 8504 |
Revised Code; | 8505 |
(7) The combined enrollment of children with disabilities | 8506 |
reported under division (A)(1) or (2) of this section receiving | 8507 |
special education services for category three disabilities | 8508 |
described in division (C) of section 3317.013 of the Revised Code, | 8509 |
including children attending a special education program operated | 8510 |
by an alternative public provider or a registered private provider | 8511 |
with a scholarship awarded under sections 3310.51 to 3310.64 of | 8512 |
the Revised Code; | 8513 |
(8) The combined enrollment of children with disabilities | 8514 |
reported under division (A)(1) or (2) of this section receiving | 8515 |
special education services for category four disabilities | 8516 |
described in division (D) of section 3317.013 of the Revised Code, | 8517 |
including children attending a special education program operated | 8518 |
by an alternative public provider or a registered private provider | 8519 |
with a scholarship awarded under sections 3310.51 to 3310.64 of | 8520 |
the Revised Code; | 8521 |
(9) The combined enrollment of children with disabilities | 8522 |
reported under division (A)(1) or (2) of this section receiving | 8523 |
special education services for the category five disabilities | 8524 |
described in division (E) of section 3317.013 of the Revised Code, | 8525 |
including children attending a special education program operated | 8526 |
by an alternative public provider or a registered private provider | 8527 |
with a scholarship awarded under sections 3310.51 to 3310.64 of | 8528 |
the Revised Code; | 8529 |
(10) The combined enrollment of children with disabilities | 8530 |
reported under division (A)(1) or (2) and under division (B)(3)(h) | 8531 |
of this section receiving special education services for category | 8532 |
six disabilities described in division (F) of section 3317.013 of | 8533 |
the Revised Code, including children attending a special education | 8534 |
program operated by an alternative public provider or a registered | 8535 |
private provider with a scholarship awarded under either section | 8536 |
3310.41 or sections 3310.51 to 3310.64 of the Revised Code; | 8537 |
(11) The enrollment of pupils reported under division (A)(1) | 8538 |
or (2) of this section on a full-time equivalency basis in | 8539 |
category one career-technical education programs or classes, | 8540 |
described in division (A) of section 3317.014 of the Revised Code, | 8541 |
operated by the school district or by another district that is a | 8542 |
member of the district's career-technical planning district, other | 8543 |
than a joint vocational school district, or by an educational | 8544 |
service center, notwithstanding division | 8545 |
of the Revised Code and division (C)(3) of this section; | 8546 |
(12) The enrollment of pupils reported under division (A)(1) | 8547 |
or (2) of this section on a full-time equivalency basis in | 8548 |
category two career-technical education programs or services, | 8549 |
described in division (B) of section 3317.014 of the Revised Code, | 8550 |
operated by the school district or another school district that is | 8551 |
a member of the district's career-technical planning district, | 8552 |
other than a joint vocational school district, or by an | 8553 |
educational service center, notwithstanding division | 8554 |
section 3317.02 of the Revised Code and division (C)(3) of this | 8555 |
section; | 8556 |
(13) The enrollment of pupils reported under division (A)(1) | 8557 |
or (2) of this section on a full-time equivalency basis in | 8558 |
category three career-technical education programs or services, | 8559 |
described in division (C) of section 3317.014 of the Revised Code, | 8560 |
operated by the school district or another school district that is | 8561 |
a member of the district's career-technical planning district, | 8562 |
other than a joint vocational school district, or by an | 8563 |
educational service center, notwithstanding division | 8564 |
section 3317.02 of the Revised Code and division (C)(3) of this | 8565 |
section; | 8566 |
(14) The enrollment of pupils reported under division (A)(1) | 8567 |
or (2) of this section on a full-time equivalency basis in | 8568 |
category four career-technical education programs or services, | 8569 |
described in division (D) of section 3317.014 of the Revised Code, | 8570 |
operated by the school district or another school district that is | 8571 |
a member of the district's career-technical planning district, | 8572 |
other than a joint vocational school district, or by an | 8573 |
educational service center, notwithstanding division | 8574 |
section 3317.02 of the Revised Code and division (C)(3) of this | 8575 |
section; | 8576 |
(15) The enrollment of pupils reported under division (A)(1) | 8577 |
or (2) of this section on a full-time equivalency basis in | 8578 |
category five career-technical education programs or services, | 8579 |
described in division (E) of section 3317.014 of the Revised Code, | 8580 |
operated by the school district or another school district that is | 8581 |
a member of the district's career-technical planning district, | 8582 |
other than a joint vocational school district, or by an | 8583 |
educational service center, notwithstanding division | 8584 |
section 3317.02 of the Revised Code and division (C)(3) of this | 8585 |
section; | 8586 |
(16) The enrollment of pupils reported under division (A)(1) | 8587 |
or (2) of this section who are limited English proficient students | 8588 |
described in division (A) of section 3317.016 of the Revised Code, | 8589 |
excluding any student reported under division (B)(3)(e) of this | 8590 |
section as enrolled in an internet- or computer-based community | 8591 |
school; | 8592 |
(17) The enrollment of pupils reported under division (A)(1) | 8593 |
or (2) of this section who are limited English proficient students | 8594 |
described in division (B) of section 3317.016 of the Revised Code, | 8595 |
excluding any student reported under division (B)(3)(e) of this | 8596 |
section as enrolled in an internet- or computer-based community | 8597 |
school; | 8598 |
(18) The enrollment of pupils reported under division (A)(1) | 8599 |
or (2) of this section who are limited English proficient students | 8600 |
described in division (C) of section 3317.016 of the Revised Code, | 8601 |
excluding any student reported under division (B)(3)(e) of this | 8602 |
section as enrolled in an internet- or computer-based community | 8603 |
school; | 8604 |
(19) The average number of children transported during the | 8605 |
reporting period by the school district on board-owned or | 8606 |
contractor-owned and -operated buses, reported in accordance with | 8607 |
rules adopted by the department of education; | 8608 |
(20)(a) The number of children, other than preschool children | 8609 |
with disabilities, the district placed with a county | 8610 |
developmental disabilities board in fiscal year 1998. Division | 8611 |
(B)(20)(a) of this section does not apply after fiscal year 2013. | 8612 |
(b) The number of children with disabilities, other than | 8613 |
preschool children with disabilities, placed with a county | 8614 |
developmental disabilities board in the current fiscal year to | 8615 |
receive special education services for the category one disability | 8616 |
described in division (A) of section 3317.013 of the Revised Code; | 8617 |
(c) The number of children with disabilities, other than | 8618 |
preschool children with disabilities, placed with a county | 8619 |
developmental disabilities board in the current fiscal year to | 8620 |
receive special education services for category two disabilities | 8621 |
described in division (B) of section 3317.013 of the Revised Code; | 8622 |
(d) The number of children with disabilities, other than | 8623 |
preschool children with disabilities, placed with a county | 8624 |
developmental disabilities board in the current fiscal year to | 8625 |
receive special education services for category three disabilities | 8626 |
described in division (C) of section 3317.013 of the Revised Code; | 8627 |
(e) The number of children with disabilities, other than | 8628 |
preschool children with disabilities, placed with a county | 8629 |
developmental disabilities board in the current fiscal year to | 8630 |
receive special education services for category four disabilities | 8631 |
described in division (D) of section 3317.013 of the Revised Code; | 8632 |
(f) The number of children with disabilities, other than | 8633 |
preschool children with disabilities, placed with a county | 8634 |
developmental disabilities board in the current fiscal year to | 8635 |
receive special education services for the category five | 8636 |
disabilities described in division (E) of section 3317.013 of the | 8637 |
Revised Code; | 8638 |
(g) The number of children with disabilities, other than | 8639 |
preschool children with disabilities, placed with a county | 8640 |
developmental disabilities board in the current fiscal year to | 8641 |
receive special education services for category six disabilities | 8642 |
described in division (F) of section 3317.013 of the Revised Code. | 8643 |
(21) The enrollment of students who are economically | 8644 |
disadvantaged, as defined by the department, excluding any student | 8645 |
reported under division (B)(3)(e) of this section as enrolled in | 8646 |
an internet- or computer-based community school. A student shall | 8647 |
not be categorically excluded from the number reported under | 8648 |
division (B)(21) of this section based on anything other than | 8649 |
family income. | 8650 |
(C)(1) The state board of education shall adopt rules | 8651 |
necessary for implementing divisions (A), (B), and (D) of this | 8652 |
section. | 8653 |
(2) A student enrolled in a community school established | 8654 |
under Chapter 3314., a science, technology, engineering, and | 8655 |
mathematics school established under Chapter 3326., or a | 8656 |
college-preparatory boarding school established under Chapter | 8657 |
3328. of the Revised Code shall be counted in the formula ADM and, | 8658 |
if applicable, the category one, two, three, four, five, or six | 8659 |
special education ADM of the school district in which the student | 8660 |
is entitled to attend school under section 3313.64 or 3313.65 of | 8661 |
the Revised Code for the same proportion of the school year that | 8662 |
the student is counted in the enrollment of the community school, | 8663 |
the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics school, or | 8664 |
the college-preparatory boarding school for purposes of section | 8665 |
3314.08, 3326.33, or 3328.24 of the Revised Code. Notwithstanding | 8666 |
the enrollment of students certified pursuant to division | 8667 |
(B)(3)(d), (e), (j), or (k) of this section, the department may | 8668 |
adjust the formula ADM of a school district to account for | 8669 |
students entitled to attend school in the district under section | 8670 |
3313.64 or 3313.65 of the Revised Code who are enrolled in a | 8671 |
community school, a science, technology, engineering, and | 8672 |
mathematics school, or a college-preparatory boarding school for | 8673 |
only a portion of the school year. | 8674 |
(3) No child shall be counted as more than a total of one | 8675 |
child in the sum of the enrollment of students of a school | 8676 |
district under division (A), divisions (B)(1) to (22), or division | 8677 |
(D) of this section, except as follows: | 8678 |
(a) A child with a disability described in section 3317.013 | 8679 |
of the Revised Code may be counted both in formula ADM and in | 8680 |
category one, two, three, four, five, or six special education ADM | 8681 |
and, if applicable, in category one, two, three, four, or five | 8682 |
career-technical education ADM. As provided in division | 8683 |
section 3317.02 of the Revised Code, such a child shall be counted | 8684 |
in category one, two, three, four, five, or six special education | 8685 |
ADM in the same proportion that the child is counted in formula | 8686 |
ADM. | 8687 |
(b) A child enrolled in career-technical education programs | 8688 |
or classes described in section 3317.014 of the Revised Code may | 8689 |
be counted both in formula ADM and category one, two, three, four, | 8690 |
or five career-technical education ADM and, if applicable, in | 8691 |
category one, two, three, four, five, or six special education | 8692 |
ADM. Such a child shall be counted in category one, two, three, | 8693 |
four, or five career-technical education ADM in the same | 8694 |
proportion as the percentage of time that the child spends in the | 8695 |
career-technical education programs or classes. | 8696 |
(4) Based on the information reported under this section, the | 8697 |
department of education shall determine the total student count, | 8698 |
as defined in section 3301.011 of the Revised Code, for each | 8699 |
school district. | 8700 |
(D)(1) The superintendent of each joint vocational school | 8701 |
district shall report and certify to the superintendent of public | 8702 |
instruction as of the last day of October, March, and June of each | 8703 |
year the enrollment of students receiving services from schools | 8704 |
under the superintendent's supervision so that the department can | 8705 |
calculate the district's formula ADM, total ADM, category one | 8706 |
through five career-technical education ADM, category one through | 8707 |
three limited English proficient ADM, category one through six | 8708 |
special education ADM, and for purposes of provisions of law | 8709 |
outside of Chapter 3317. of the Revised Code, average daily | 8710 |
membership. | 8711 |
The enrollment reported and certified by the superintendent, | 8712 |
except as otherwise provided in this division, shall consist of | 8713 |
the the number of students in grades six through twelve receiving | 8714 |
any educational services from the district, except that the | 8715 |
following categories of students shall not be included in the | 8716 |
determination: | 8717 |
(a) Students enrolled in adult education classes; | 8718 |
(b) Adjacent or other district joint vocational students | 8719 |
enrolled in the district under an open enrollment policy pursuant | 8720 |
to section 3313.98 of the Revised Code; | 8721 |
(c) Students receiving services in the district pursuant to a | 8722 |
compact, cooperative education agreement, or a contract, but who | 8723 |
are entitled to attend school in a city, local, or exempted | 8724 |
village school district whose territory is not part of the | 8725 |
territory of the joint vocational district; | 8726 |
(d) Students for whom tuition is payable pursuant to sections | 8727 |
3317.081 and 3323.141 of the Revised Code. | 8728 |
(2) To enable the department of education to obtain the data | 8729 |
needed to complete the calculation of payments pursuant to this | 8730 |
chapter, each superintendent shall certify from the report | 8731 |
provided under division (D)(1) of this section the enrollment for | 8732 |
each of the following categories of students: | 8733 |
(a) Students enrolled in each individual grade included in | 8734 |
the joint vocational district schools; | 8735 |
(b) Children with disabilities receiving special education | 8736 |
services for the category one disability described in division (A) | 8737 |
of section 3317.013 of the Revised Code; | 8738 |
(c) Children with disabilities receiving special education | 8739 |
services for the category two disabilities described in division | 8740 |
(B) of section 3317.013 of the Revised Code; | 8741 |
(d) Children with disabilities receiving special education | 8742 |
services for category three disabilities described in division (C) | 8743 |
of section 3317.013 of the Revised Code; | 8744 |
(e) Children with disabilities receiving special education | 8745 |
services for category four disabilities described in division (D) | 8746 |
of section 3317.013 of the Revised Code; | 8747 |
(f) Children with disabilities receiving special education | 8748 |
services for the category five disabilities described in division | 8749 |
(E) of section 3317.013 of the Revised Code; | 8750 |
(g) Children with disabilities receiving special education | 8751 |
services for category six disabilities described in division (F) | 8752 |
of section 3317.013 of the Revised Code; | 8753 |
(h) Students receiving category one career-technical | 8754 |
education services, described in division (A) of section 3317.014 | 8755 |
of the Revised Code; | 8756 |
(i) Students receiving category two career-technical | 8757 |
education services, described in division (B) of section 3317.014 | 8758 |
of the Revised Code; | 8759 |
(j) Students receiving category three career-technical | 8760 |
education services, described in division (C) of section 3317.014 | 8761 |
of the Revised Code; | 8762 |
(k) Students receiving category four career-technical | 8763 |
education services, described in division (D) of section 3317.014 | 8764 |
of the Revised Code; | 8765 |
(l) Students receiving category five career-technical | 8766 |
education services, described in division (E) of section 3317.014 | 8767 |
of the Revised Code; | 8768 |
(m) Limited English proficient students described in division | 8769 |
(A) of section 3317.016 of the Revised Code; | 8770 |
(n) Limited English proficient students described in division | 8771 |
(B) of section 3317.016 of the Revised Code; | 8772 |
(o) Limited English proficient students described in division | 8773 |
(C) of section 3317.016 of the Revised Code; | 8774 |
(p) Students who are economically disadvantaged, as defined | 8775 |
by the department. A student shall not be categorically excluded | 8776 |
from the number reported under division (D)(2)(p) of this section | 8777 |
based on anything other than family income. | 8778 |
The superintendent of each joint vocational school district | 8779 |
shall also indicate the city, local, or exempted village school | 8780 |
district in which each joint vocational district pupil is entitled | 8781 |
to attend school pursuant to section 3313.64 or 3313.65 of the | 8782 |
Revised Code. | 8783 |
(E) In each school of each city, local, exempted village, | 8784 |
joint vocational, and cooperative education school district there | 8785 |
shall be maintained a record of school enrollment, which record | 8786 |
shall accurately show, for each day the school is in session, the | 8787 |
actual enrollment in regular day classes. For the purpose of | 8788 |
determining the enrollment of students, the enrollment figure of | 8789 |
any school shall not include any pupils except those pupils | 8790 |
described by division (A) of this section. The record of | 8791 |
enrollment for each school shall be maintained in such manner that | 8792 |
no pupil shall be counted as enrolled prior to the actual date of | 8793 |
entry in the school and also in such manner that where for any | 8794 |
cause a pupil permanently withdraws from the school that pupil | 8795 |
shall not be counted as enrolled from and after the date of such | 8796 |
withdrawal. There shall not be included in the enrollment of any | 8797 |
school any of the following: | 8798 |
(1) Any pupil who has graduated from the twelfth grade of a | 8799 |
public or nonpublic high school; | 8800 |
(2) Any pupil who is not a resident of the state; | 8801 |
(3) Any pupil who was enrolled in the schools of the district | 8802 |
during the previous school year when assessments were administered | 8803 |
under section 3301.0711 of the Revised Code but did not take one | 8804 |
or more of the assessments required by that section and was not | 8805 |
excused pursuant to division (C)(1) or (3) of that section; | 8806 |
(4) Any pupil who has attained the age of twenty-two years, | 8807 |
except for veterans of the armed services whose attendance was | 8808 |
interrupted before completing the recognized twelve-year course of | 8809 |
the public schools by reason of induction or enlistment in the | 8810 |
armed forces and who apply for reenrollment in the public school | 8811 |
system of their residence not later than four years after | 8812 |
termination of war or their honorable discharge; | 8813 |
(5) Any pupil who has a high school equivalence diploma as | 8814 |
defined in section 5107.40 of the Revised Code. | 8815 |
If, however, any veteran described by division (E)(4) of this | 8816 |
section elects to enroll in special courses organized for veterans | 8817 |
for whom tuition is paid under the provisions of federal laws, or | 8818 |
otherwise, that veteran shall not be included in the enrollment of | 8819 |
students determined under this section. | 8820 |
Notwithstanding division (E)(3) of this section, the | 8821 |
enrollment of any school may include a pupil who did not take an | 8822 |
assessment required by section 3301.0711 of the Revised Code if | 8823 |
the superintendent of public instruction grants a waiver from the | 8824 |
requirement to take the assessment to the specific pupil and a | 8825 |
parent is not paying tuition for the pupil pursuant to section | 8826 |
3313.6410 of the Revised Code. The superintendent may grant such a | 8827 |
waiver only for good cause in accordance with rules adopted by the | 8828 |
state board of education. | 8829 |
The formula ADM, total ADM, category one through five | 8830 |
career-technical education ADM, category one through three limited | 8831 |
English proficient ADM, category one through six special education | 8832 |
ADM, preschool scholarship ADM, transportation ADM, and, for | 8833 |
purposes of provisions of law outside of Chapter 3317. of the | 8834 |
Revised Code, average daily membership of any school district | 8835 |
shall be determined in accordance with rules adopted by the state | 8836 |
board of education. | 8837 |
(F)(1) If a student attending a community school under | 8838 |
Chapter 3314., a science, technology, engineering, and mathematics | 8839 |
school established under Chapter 3326., or a college-preparatory | 8840 |
boarding school established under Chapter 3328. of the Revised | 8841 |
Code is not included in the formula ADM calculated for the school | 8842 |
district in which the student is entitled to attend school under | 8843 |
section 3313.64 or 3313.65 of the Revised Code, the department of | 8844 |
education shall adjust the formula ADM of that school district to | 8845 |
include the student in accordance with division (C)(2) of this | 8846 |
section, and shall recalculate the school district's payments | 8847 |
under this chapter for the entire fiscal year on the basis of that | 8848 |
adjusted formula ADM. | 8849 |
(2) If a student awarded an educational choice scholarship is | 8850 |
not included in the formula ADM of the school district from which | 8851 |
the department deducts funds for the scholarship under section | 8852 |
3310.08 of the Revised Code, the department shall adjust the | 8853 |
formula ADM of that school district to include the student to the | 8854 |
extent necessary to account for the deduction, and shall | 8855 |
recalculate the school district's payments under this chapter for | 8856 |
the entire fiscal year on the basis of that adjusted formula ADM. | 8857 |
(3) If a student awarded a scholarship under the Jon Peterson | 8858 |
special needs scholarship program is not included in the formula | 8859 |
ADM of the school district from which the department deducts funds | 8860 |
for the scholarship under section 3310.55 of the Revised Code, the | 8861 |
department shall adjust the formula ADM of that school district to | 8862 |
include the student to the extent necessary to account for the | 8863 |
deduction, and shall recalculate the school district's payments | 8864 |
under this chapter for the entire fiscal year on the basis of that | 8865 |
adjusted formula ADM. | 8866 |
(G)(1)(a) The superintendent of an institution operating a | 8867 |
special education program pursuant to section 3323.091 of the | 8868 |
Revised Code shall, for the programs under such superintendent's | 8869 |
supervision, certify to the state board of education, in the | 8870 |
manner prescribed by the superintendent of public instruction, | 8871 |
both of the following: | 8872 |
(i) The unduplicated count of the number of all children with | 8873 |
disabilities other than preschool children with disabilities | 8874 |
receiving services at the institution for each category of | 8875 |
disability described in divisions (A) to (F) of section 3317.013 | 8876 |
of the Revised Code adjusted for the portion of the year each | 8877 |
child is so enrolled; | 8878 |
(ii) The unduplicated count of the number of all preschool | 8879 |
children with disabilities in classes or programs for whom the | 8880 |
district is eligible to receive funding under section 3317.0213 of | 8881 |
the Revised Code adjusted for the portion of the year each child | 8882 |
is so enrolled, reported according to the categories prescribed in | 8883 |
section 3317.013 of the Revised Code. | 8884 |
(b) The superintendent of an institution with | 8885 |
career-technical education units approved under section 3317.05 of | 8886 |
the Revised Code shall, for the units under the superintendent's | 8887 |
supervision, certify to the state board of education the | 8888 |
enrollment in those units, in the manner prescribed by the | 8889 |
superintendent of public instruction. | 8890 |
(2) The superintendent of each county | 8891 |
disabilities board that maintains special education classes under | 8892 |
section 3317.20 of the Revised Code or provides services to | 8893 |
preschool children with disabilities pursuant to an agreement | 8894 |
between the | 8895 |
appropriate school district shall do both of the following: | 8896 |
(a) Certify to the state board, in the manner prescribed by | 8897 |
the board, the enrollment in classes under section 3317.20 of the | 8898 |
Revised Code for each school district that has placed children in | 8899 |
the classes; | 8900 |
(b) Certify to the state board, in the manner prescribed by | 8901 |
the board, the unduplicated count of the number of all preschool | 8902 |
children with disabilities enrolled in classes for which the | 8903 |
developmental disabilities board is eligible to receive funding | 8904 |
under section 3317.0213 of the Revised Code adjusted for the | 8905 |
portion of the year each child is so enrolled, reported according | 8906 |
to the categories prescribed in section 3317.013 of the Revised | 8907 |
Code, and the number of those classes. | 8908 |
(H) Except as provided in division (I) of this section, when | 8909 |
any city, local, or exempted village school district provides | 8910 |
instruction for a nonresident pupil whose attendance is | 8911 |
unauthorized attendance as defined in section 3327.06 of the | 8912 |
Revised Code, that pupil's enrollment shall not be included in | 8913 |
that district's enrollment figure used in calculating the | 8914 |
district's payments under this chapter. The reporting official | 8915 |
shall report separately the enrollment of all pupils whose | 8916 |
attendance in the district is unauthorized attendance, and the | 8917 |
enrollment of each such pupil shall be credited to the school | 8918 |
district in which the pupil is entitled to attend school under | 8919 |
division (B) of section 3313.64 or section 3313.65 of the Revised | 8920 |
Code as determined by the department of education. | 8921 |
(I)(1) A city, local, exempted village, or joint vocational | 8922 |
school district admitting a scholarship student of a pilot project | 8923 |
district pursuant to division (C) of section 3313.976 of the | 8924 |
Revised Code may count such student in its enrollment. | 8925 |
(2) In any year for which funds are appropriated for pilot | 8926 |
project scholarship programs, a school district implementing a | 8927 |
state-sponsored pilot project scholarship program that year | 8928 |
pursuant to sections 3313.974 to 3313.979 of the Revised Code may | 8929 |
count in its enrollment: | 8930 |
(a) All children residing in the district and utilizing a | 8931 |
scholarship to attend kindergarten in any alternative school, as | 8932 |
defined in section 3313.974 of the Revised Code; | 8933 |
(b) All children who were enrolled in the district in the | 8934 |
preceding year who are utilizing a scholarship to attend an | 8935 |
alternative school. | 8936 |
(J) The superintendent of each cooperative education school | 8937 |
district shall certify to the superintendent of public | 8938 |
instruction, in a manner prescribed by the state board of | 8939 |
education, the applicable enrollments for all students in the | 8940 |
cooperative education district, also indicating the city, local, | 8941 |
or exempted village district where each pupil is entitled to | 8942 |
attend school under section 3313.64 or 3313.65 of the Revised | 8943 |
Code. | 8944 |
(K) If the superintendent of public instruction determines | 8945 |
that a component of the enrollment certified or reported by a | 8946 |
district superintendent, or other reporting entity, is not | 8947 |
correct, the superintendent of public instruction may order that | 8948 |
the formula ADM used for the purposes of payments under any | 8949 |
section of Title XXXIII of the Revised Code be adjusted in the | 8950 |
amount of the error. | 8951 |
Sec. 3317.032. Each city, local, exempted village, and | 8952 |
cooperative education school district, each educational service | 8953 |
center, each county | 8954 |
institution operating a special education program pursuant to | 8955 |
section 3323.091 of the Revised Code shall, in accordance with | 8956 |
procedures adopted by the state board of education, maintain a | 8957 |
record of district membership of all preschool children with | 8958 |
disabilities who are served by a special education program. | 8959 |
Sec. 3317.07. If the department of education determines that | 8960 |
a county | 8961 |
school bus because the board no longer transports children to a | 8962 |
special education program operated by the board, or if the | 8963 |
department determines that a school district no longer needs a | 8964 |
school bus to transport pupils to a nonpublic school or special | 8965 |
education program, the department may reassign a bus that was | 8966 |
funded with payments provided pursuant to the version of this | 8967 |
section in effect prior to the effective date of this amendment | 8968 |
for the purpose of transporting such pupils. The department may | 8969 |
reassign a bus to a county | 8970 |
school district that transports children to a special education | 8971 |
program designated in the children's individualized education | 8972 |
plans, or to a school district that transports pupils to a | 8973 |
nonpublic school, and needs an additional school bus. | 8974 |
Sec. 3317.15. (A) As used in this section, "child with a | 8975 |
disability" has the same meaning as in section 3323.01 of the | 8976 |
Revised Code. | 8977 |
(B) Each city, exempted village, local, and joint vocational | 8978 |
school district shall continue to comply with all requirements of | 8979 |
federal statutes and regulations, the Revised Code, and rules | 8980 |
adopted by the state board of education governing education of | 8981 |
children with disabilities, including, but not limited to, | 8982 |
requirements that children with disabilities be served by | 8983 |
appropriately licensed or certificated education personnel. | 8984 |
(C) Each city, exempted village, local, and joint vocational | 8985 |
school district shall consult with the educational service center | 8986 |
serving the county in which the school district is located and, if | 8987 |
it elects to participate pursuant to section 5126.04 of the | 8988 |
Revised Code, the county | 8989 |
that county, in providing services that serve the best interests | 8990 |
of children with disabilities. | 8991 |
(D) Each school district shall annually provide documentation | 8992 |
to the department of education that it employs the appropriate | 8993 |
number of licensed or certificated personnel to serve the | 8994 |
district's students with disabilities. | 8995 |
(E) The department annually shall audit a sample of school | 8996 |
districts to ensure that children with disabilities are being | 8997 |
appropriately reported. | 8998 |
(F) Each school district shall provide speech-language | 8999 |
pathology services at a ratio of one speech-language pathologist | 9000 |
per two thousand students receiving any educational services from | 9001 |
the district other than adult education. Each district shall | 9002 |
provide school psychological services at a ratio of one school | 9003 |
psychologist per two thousand five hundred students receiving any | 9004 |
educational services from the district other than adult education. | 9005 |
A district may obtain the services of speech-language pathologists | 9006 |
and school psychologists by any means permitted by law, including | 9007 |
contracting with an educational service center. If, however, a | 9008 |
district is unable to obtain the services of the required number | 9009 |
of speech-language pathologists or school psychologists, the | 9010 |
district may request from the superintendent of public | 9011 |
instruction, and the superintendent may grant, a waiver of this | 9012 |
provision for a period of time established by the superintendent. | 9013 |
Sec. 3317.20. This section does not apply to preschool | 9014 |
children with disabilities. | 9015 |
(A) As used in this section: | 9016 |
(1) "Applicable special education amount" means the amount | 9017 |
specified in section 3317.013 of the Revised Code for a disability | 9018 |
described in that section. | 9019 |
(2) "Child's school district" means the school district in | 9020 |
which a child is entitled to attend school pursuant to section | 9021 |
3313.64 or 3313.65 of the Revised Code. | 9022 |
(3) "State share index" means the state share index of the | 9023 |
child's school district. | 9024 |
(B) The department shall annually pay each county | 9025 |
developmental disabilities board for each child with a disability, | 9026 |
other than a preschool child with a disability, for whom the | 9027 |
county | 9028 |
education and related services an amount equal to the formula | 9029 |
amount + (state share index X the applicable special education | 9030 |
amount). | 9031 |
(C) Each county | 9032 |
report to the department, in the manner specified by the | 9033 |
department, the name of each child for whom the county | 9034 |
developmental disabilities board provides special education and | 9035 |
related services and the child's school district. | 9036 |
(D)(1) For the purpose of verifying the accuracy of the | 9037 |
payments under this section, the department may request from | 9038 |
either of the following entities the data verification code | 9039 |
assigned under division (D)(2) of section 3301.0714 of the Revised | 9040 |
Code to any child who is placed with a county | 9041 |
disabilities board: | 9042 |
(a) The child's school district; | 9043 |
(b) The independent contractor engaged to create and maintain | 9044 |
data verification codes. | 9045 |
(2) Upon a request by the department under division (D)(1) of | 9046 |
this section for the data verification code of a child, the | 9047 |
child's school district shall submit that code to the department | 9048 |
in the manner specified by the department. If the child has not | 9049 |
been assigned a code, the district shall assign a code to that | 9050 |
child and submit the code to the department by a date specified by | 9051 |
the department. If the district does not assign a code to the | 9052 |
child by the specified date, the department shall assign a code to | 9053 |
the child. | 9054 |
The department annually shall submit to each school district | 9055 |
the name and data verification code of each child residing in the | 9056 |
district for whom the department has assigned a code under this | 9057 |
division. | 9058 |
(3) The department shall not release any data verification | 9059 |
code that it receives under division (D) of this section to any | 9060 |
person except as provided by law. | 9061 |
(E) Any document relative to special education and related | 9062 |
services provided by a county | 9063 |
that the department holds in its files that contains both a | 9064 |
student's name or other personally identifiable information and | 9065 |
the student's data verification code shall not be a public record | 9066 |
under section 149.43 of the Revised Code. | 9067 |
Sec. 3323.01. As used in this chapter: | 9068 |
(A) "Child with a disability" means a child who is at least | 9069 |
three years of age and less than twenty-two years of age; who has | 9070 |
9071 | |
intellectual disability, a hearing impairment (including | 9072 |
deafness), a speech or language impairment, a visual impairment | 9073 |
(including blindness), a serious emotional disturbance, an | 9074 |
orthopedic impairment, autism, traumatic brain injury, an other | 9075 |
health impairment, a specific learning disability (including | 9076 |
dyslexia), deaf-blindness, or multiple disabilities; and who, by | 9077 |
reason thereof, needs special education and related services. | 9078 |
A "child with a disability" may include a child who is at | 9079 |
least three years of age and less than six years of age; who is | 9080 |
experiencing developmental delays, as defined by standards adopted | 9081 |
by the state board of education and as measured by appropriate | 9082 |
diagnostic instruments and procedures in one or more of the | 9083 |
following areas: physical development, cognitive development, | 9084 |
communication development, social or emotional development, or | 9085 |
adaptive development; and who, by reason thereof, needs special | 9086 |
education and related services. | 9087 |
(B) | 9088 |
9089 |
| 9090 |
education and related services that meet all of the following: | 9091 |
(1) Are provided at public expense, under public supervision | 9092 |
and direction, and without charge; | 9093 |
(2) Meet the standards of the state board of education; | 9094 |
(3) Include an appropriate preschool, elementary, or | 9095 |
secondary education as otherwise provided by the law of this | 9096 |
state; | 9097 |
(4) Are provided for each child with a disability in | 9098 |
conformity with the child's individualized education program. | 9099 |
| 9100 |
youths" as defined in section 725 of the "McKinney-Vento Homeless | 9101 |
Assistance Act," 42 U.S.C. 11434a. | 9102 |
| 9103 |
written statement described in section 3323.011 of the Revised | 9104 |
Code. | 9105 |
| 9106 |
means a group of individuals composed of: | 9107 |
(1) The parents of a child with a disability; | 9108 |
(2) At least one regular education teacher of the child, if | 9109 |
the child is or may be participating in the regular education | 9110 |
environment; | 9111 |
(3) At least one special education teacher, or where | 9112 |
appropriate, at least one special education provider of the child; | 9113 |
(4) A representative of the school district who meets all of | 9114 |
the following: | 9115 |
(a) Is qualified to provide, or supervise the provision of, | 9116 |
specially designed instruction to meet the unique needs of | 9117 |
children with disabilities; | 9118 |
(b) Is knowledgeable about the general education curriculum; | 9119 |
(c) Is knowledgeable about the availability of resources of | 9120 |
the school district. | 9121 |
(5) An individual who can interpret the instructional | 9122 |
implications of evaluation results, who may be a member of the | 9123 |
team as described in divisions | 9124 |
(6) At the discretion of the parent or the school district, | 9125 |
other individuals who have knowledge or special expertise | 9126 |
regarding the child, including related services personnel as | 9127 |
appropriate; | 9128 |
(7) Whenever appropriate, the child with a disability. | 9129 |
| 9130 |
teaching of the system of reading and writing through touch | 9131 |
commonly known as standard English braille. | 9132 |
| 9133 |
division, bureau, office, institution, board, commission, | 9134 |
committee, authority, or other state or local agency, which is not | 9135 |
a city, local, or exempted village school district or an agency | 9136 |
administered by the department of developmental disabilities, that | 9137 |
provides or seeks to provide special education or related services | 9138 |
to children with disabilities. The term "other educational agency" | 9139 |
includes a joint vocational school district. | 9140 |
| 9141 |
in sections 3323.09 and 3323.141 of the Revised Code, means: | 9142 |
(1) A natural or adoptive parent of a child but not a foster | 9143 |
parent of a child; | 9144 |
(2) A guardian, but not the state if the child is a ward of | 9145 |
the state; | 9146 |
(3) An individual acting in the place of a natural or | 9147 |
adoptive parent, including a grandparent, stepparent, or other | 9148 |
relative, with whom the child lives, or an individual who is | 9149 |
legally responsible for the child's welfare; | 9150 |
(4) An individual assigned to be a surrogate parent, provided | 9151 |
the individual is not prohibited by this chapter from serving as a | 9152 |
surrogate parent for a child. | 9153 |
| 9154 |
a disability who is at least three years of age but is not of | 9155 |
compulsory school age, as defined under section 3321.01 of the | 9156 |
Revised Code, and who is not currently enrolled in kindergarten. | 9157 |
| 9158 |
developmental, corrective, and other supportive services | 9159 |
(including speech-language pathology and audiology services, | 9160 |
interpreting services, psychological services, physical and | 9161 |
occupational therapy, recreation, including therapeutic | 9162 |
recreation, school nurse services designed to enable a child with | 9163 |
a disability to receive a free appropriate public education as | 9164 |
described in the individualized education program of the child, | 9165 |
counseling services, including rehabilitation counseling, | 9166 |
orientation and mobility services, school health services, social | 9167 |
work services in schools, and parent counseling and training, and | 9168 |
medical services, except that such medical services shall be for | 9169 |
diagnostic and evaluation purposes only) as may be required to | 9170 |
assist a child with a disability to benefit from special | 9171 |
education, and includes the early identification and assessment of | 9172 |
disabling conditions in children. "Related services" does not | 9173 |
include a medical device that is surgically implanted, or the | 9174 |
replacement of such device. | 9175 |
| 9176 |
village school district. | 9177 |
| 9178 |
3323.09, 3323.091, 3323.13, and 3323.14 of the Revised Code, | 9179 |
means: | 9180 |
(1) The school district in which the child's natural or | 9181 |
adoptive parents reside; | 9182 |
(2) If the school district specified in division | 9183 |
this section cannot be determined, the last school district in | 9184 |
which the child's natural or adoptive parents are known to have | 9185 |
resided if the parents' whereabouts are unknown; | 9186 |
(3) If the school district specified in division | 9187 |
this section cannot be determined, the school district determined | 9188 |
under section 2151.362 of the Revised Code, or if no district has | 9189 |
been so determined, the school district as determined by the | 9190 |
probate court of the county in which the child resides. | 9191 |
(4) Notwithstanding divisions | 9192 |
section, if a school district is required by section 3313.65 of | 9193 |
the Revised Code to pay tuition for a child, that district shall | 9194 |
be the child's school district of residence. | 9195 |
| 9196 |
instruction, at no cost to parents, to meet the unique needs of a | 9197 |
child with a disability. "Special education" includes instruction | 9198 |
conducted in the classroom, in the home, in hospitals and | 9199 |
institutions, and in other settings, including an early childhood | 9200 |
education setting, and instruction in physical education. | 9201 |
| 9202 |
who is less than twenty-two years of age and who has a visual | 9203 |
impairment as that term is defined in this section. | 9204 |
| 9205 |
activities for a child with a disability that meet all of the | 9206 |
following: | 9207 |
(1) Is designed to be within a results-oriented process, that | 9208 |
is focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of | 9209 |
the child with a disability to facilitate the child's movement | 9210 |
from school to post-school activities, including post-secondary | 9211 |
education; vocational education; integrated employment (including | 9212 |
supported employment); continuing and adult education; adult | 9213 |
services; independent living; or community participation; | 9214 |
(2) Is based on the individual child's needs, taking into | 9215 |
account the child's strengths, preferences, and interests; | 9216 |
(3) Includes instruction, related services, community | 9217 |
experiences, the development of employment and other post-school | 9218 |
adult living objectives, and, when appropriate, acquisition of | 9219 |
daily living skills and functional vocational evaluation. | 9220 |
"Transition services" for children with disabilities may be | 9221 |
special education, if provided as specially designed instruction, | 9222 |
or may be a related service, if required to assist a child with a | 9223 |
disability to benefit from special education. | 9224 |
| 9225 |
of the following applies to the individual: | 9226 |
(1) The individual has a visual acuity of 20/200 or less in | 9227 |
the better eye with correcting lenses or has a limited field of | 9228 |
vision in the better eye such that the widest diameter subtends an | 9229 |
angular distance of no greater than twenty degrees. | 9230 |
(2) The individual has a medically indicated expectation of | 9231 |
meeting the requirements of division | 9232 |
over a period of time. | 9233 |
(3) The individual has a medically diagnosed and medically | 9234 |
uncorrectable limitation in visual functioning that adversely | 9235 |
affects the individual's ability to read and write standard print | 9236 |
at levels expected of the individual's peers of comparable ability | 9237 |
and grade level. | 9238 |
| 9239 |
602(36) of the "Individuals with Disabilities Education | 9240 |
Improvement Act of 2004," 20 U.S.C. 1401(36). | 9241 |
Sec. 3323.02. As used in this section, "IDEIA" means the | 9242 |
"Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004," | 9243 |
Pub. L. No. 108-446. | 9244 |
It is the purpose of this chapter to ensure that all children | 9245 |
with disabilities residing in this state who are at least three | 9246 |
years of age and less than twenty-two years of age, including | 9247 |
children with disabilities who have been suspended or expelled | 9248 |
from school, have available to them a free appropriate public | 9249 |
education. No school district, county | 9250 |
disabilities board, or other educational agency shall receive | 9251 |
state or federal funds for special education and related services | 9252 |
unless those services for children with disabilities are provided | 9253 |
in accordance with IDEIA and related provisions of the Code of | 9254 |
Federal Regulations, the provisions of this chapter, rules and | 9255 |
standards adopted by the state board of education, and any | 9256 |
procedures or guidelines issued by the superintendent of public | 9257 |
instruction. Any options or discretion provided to the state by | 9258 |
IDEIA may be exercised in state law or in rules or standards | 9259 |
adopted by the state board of education. | 9260 |
The state board of education shall establish rules or | 9261 |
standards for the provision of special education and related | 9262 |
services for all children with disabilities who are at least three | 9263 |
years of age and less than twenty-two years of age residing in the | 9264 |
state, regardless of the severity of their disabilities, including | 9265 |
children with disabilities who have been suspended or expelled | 9266 |
from school. The state law and the rules or standards of the state | 9267 |
board of education may impose requirements that are not required | 9268 |
by IDEIA or related provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations. | 9269 |
The school district of residence is responsible, in all instances, | 9270 |
for ensuring that the requirements of Part B of IDEIA are met for | 9271 |
every eligible child in its jurisdiction, regardless of whether | 9272 |
services are provided by another school district, other | 9273 |
educational agency, or other agency, department, or entity, unless | 9274 |
IDEIA or related provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations, | 9275 |
another section of this chapter, or a rule adopted by the state | 9276 |
board of education specifies that another school district, other | 9277 |
educational agency, or other agency, department, or entity is | 9278 |
responsible for ensuring compliance with Part B of IDEIA. | 9279 |
Notwithstanding division (A)(4) of section 3301.53 of the | 9280 |
Revised Code and any rules adopted pursuant to that section and | 9281 |
division (A) of section 3313.646 of the Revised Code, a board of | 9282 |
education of a school district may provide special education and | 9283 |
related services for preschool children with disabilities in | 9284 |
accordance with this chapter and section 3301.52, divisions (A)(1) | 9285 |
to (3) and (A)(5) and (6) of section 3301.53, and sections 3301.54 | 9286 |
to 3301.59 of the Revised Code. | 9287 |
The superintendent of public instruction may require any | 9288 |
state or local agency to provide documentation that special | 9289 |
education and related services for children with disabilities | 9290 |
provided by the agency are in compliance with the requirements of | 9291 |
this chapter. | 9292 |
Not later than the first day of February of each year the | 9293 |
superintendent of public instruction shall furnish the | 9294 |
chairpersons of the education committees of the house of | 9295 |
representatives and the senate with a report on the status of | 9296 |
implementation of special education and related services for | 9297 |
children with disabilities required by this chapter. The report | 9298 |
shall include but shall not be limited to the following items: the | 9299 |
most recent available figures on the number of children identified | 9300 |
as children with disabilities and the number of identified | 9301 |
children receiving special education and related services. The | 9302 |
information contained in these reports shall be public | 9303 |
information. | 9304 |
Sec. 3323.021. As used in this section, "participating | 9305 |
county | 9306 |
of developmental disabilities electing to participate in the | 9307 |
provision of or contracting for educational services for children | 9308 |
under division (D) of section 5126.05 of the Revised Code. | 9309 |
(A) When a school district, educational service center, or | 9310 |
participating county | 9311 |
into an agreement or contract with another school district, | 9312 |
educational service center, or participating county | 9313 |
developmental disabilities board to provide educational services | 9314 |
to a disabled child during a school year, both of the following | 9315 |
shall apply: | 9316 |
(1) Beginning with fiscal year 1999, if the provider of the | 9317 |
services intends to increase the amount it charges for some or all | 9318 |
of those services during the next school year or if the provider | 9319 |
intends to cease offering all or part of those services during the | 9320 |
next school year, the provider shall notify the entity for which | 9321 |
the services are provided of these intended changes no later than | 9322 |
the first day of March of the current fiscal year. | 9323 |
(2) Beginning with fiscal year 1999, if the entity for which | 9324 |
services are provided intends to cease obtaining those services | 9325 |
from the provider for the next school year or intends to change | 9326 |
the type or amount of services it obtains from the provider for | 9327 |
the next school year, the entity shall notify the service provider | 9328 |
of these intended changes no later than the first day of March of | 9329 |
the current fiscal year. | 9330 |
(B) School districts, educational service centers, | 9331 |
participating county | 9332 |
other applicable governmental entities shall collaborate where | 9333 |
possible to maximize federal sources of revenue to provide | 9334 |
additional funds for special education related services for | 9335 |
disabled children. Annually, each school district shall report to | 9336 |
the department of education any amounts of such federal revenue | 9337 |
the district received. | 9338 |
(C) The state board of education, the department of | 9339 |
developmental disabilities, and the department of medicaid shall | 9340 |
develop working agreements for pursuing additional funds for | 9341 |
services for disabled children. | 9342 |
Sec. 3323.03. The state board of education shall, in | 9343 |
consultation with the department of health, the department of | 9344 |
mental health and addiction services, and the department of | 9345 |
developmental disabilities, establish standards and procedures for | 9346 |
the identification, location, and evaluation of all children with | 9347 |
disabilities residing in the state, including children with | 9348 |
disabilities who are homeless children or are wards of the state | 9349 |
and children with disabilities attending nonpublic schools, | 9350 |
regardless of the severity of their disabilities, and who are in | 9351 |
need of special education and related services. The state board | 9352 |
shall develop and implement a practical method to determine which | 9353 |
children with disabilities are currently receiving needed special | 9354 |
education and related services. | 9355 |
In conducting the evaluation, the board of education of each | 9356 |
school district shall use a variety of assessment tools and | 9357 |
strategies to gather relevant functional, developmental, and | 9358 |
academic information about the child, including information | 9359 |
provided by the child's parent. The board of education of each | 9360 |
school district, in consultation with the county | 9361 |
disabilities board, the county family and children first council, | 9362 |
and the board of alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health | 9363 |
services of each county in which the school district has | 9364 |
territory, shall identify, locate, and evaluate all children with | 9365 |
disabilities residing within the district to determine which | 9366 |
children with disabilities are not receiving appropriate special | 9367 |
education and related services. In addition, the board of | 9368 |
education of each school district, in consultation with such | 9369 |
county boards or council, shall identify, locate, and evaluate all | 9370 |
children with disabilities who are enrolled by their parents in | 9371 |
nonpublic elementary and secondary schools located within the | 9372 |
public school district, without regard to where those children | 9373 |
reside in accordance with rules of the state board of education or | 9374 |
guidelines of the superintendent of public instruction. | 9375 |
Each county | 9376 |
family and children first council, and board of alcohol, drug | 9377 |
addiction, and mental health services and the board's or council's | 9378 |
contract agencies may transmit to boards of education the names | 9379 |
and addresses of children with disabilities who are not receiving | 9380 |
appropriate special education and related services. | 9381 |
Sec. 3323.04. The state board of education, in consultation | 9382 |
with the department of mental health and addiction services and | 9383 |
the department of developmental disabilities, shall establish | 9384 |
procedures and standards for the development of individualized | 9385 |
education programs for children with disabilities. | 9386 |
The state board shall require the board of education of each | 9387 |
school district to develop an individualized education program for | 9388 |
each child with a disability who is at least three years of age | 9389 |
and less than twenty-two years of age residing in the district in | 9390 |
a manner that is in accordance with rules of the state board. | 9391 |
Prior to the placement of a child with a disability in a | 9392 |
program operated under section 3323.09 of the Revised Code, the | 9393 |
district board of education shall consult the county | 9394 |
developmental disabilities board of the county in which the child | 9395 |
resides regarding the proposed placement. | 9396 |
A child with a disability enrolled in a nonpublic school or | 9397 |
facility shall be provided special education and related services, | 9398 |
in accordance with an individualized education program, at no cost | 9399 |
for those services, if the child is placed in, or referred to, | 9400 |
that nonpublic school or facility by the department of education | 9401 |
or a school district. | 9402 |
The IEP team shall review the individualized education | 9403 |
program of each child with a disability periodically, but at least | 9404 |
annually, to determine whether the annual goals for the child are | 9405 |
being achieved, and shall revise the individualized education | 9406 |
program as appropriate. | 9407 |
The state board shall establish procedures and standards to | 9408 |
assure that to the maximum extent appropriate, children with | 9409 |
disabilities, including children in public or private institutions | 9410 |
or other care facilities, shall be educated with children who are | 9411 |
not disabled. Special classes, separate schools, or other removal | 9412 |
of children with disabilities from the regular educational | 9413 |
environment shall be used only when the nature or severity of a | 9414 |
child's disability is such that education in regular classes with | 9415 |
supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily. | 9416 |
If an agency directly affected by a placement decision | 9417 |
objects to such decision, an impartial hearing officer, appointed | 9418 |
by the department of education from a list prepared by the | 9419 |
department, shall conduct a hearing to review the placement | 9420 |
decision. The agencies that are parties to a hearing shall divide | 9421 |
the costs of such hearing equally. The decision of the hearing | 9422 |
officer shall be final, except that any party to the hearing who | 9423 |
is aggrieved by the findings or the decision of the hearing | 9424 |
officer may appeal the findings or decision in accordance with | 9425 |
division (H) of section 3323.05 of the Revised Code or the parent | 9426 |
of any child affected by such decision may present a complaint in | 9427 |
accordance with that section. | 9428 |
Sec. 3323.05. The state board of education shall establish | 9429 |
procedures to ensure that children with disabilities and their | 9430 |
parents are guaranteed procedural safeguards under this chapter | 9431 |
with respect to a free appropriate public education. | 9432 |
The procedures shall include, but need not be limited to: | 9433 |
(A) An opportunity for the parents of a child with a | 9434 |
disability to examine all records related to the child and to | 9435 |
participate in meetings with respect to identification, | 9436 |
evaluation, and educational placement of the child, and to obtain | 9437 |
an independent educational evaluation of the child; | 9438 |
(B) Procedures to protect the rights of the child whenever | 9439 |
the parents of the child are not known, an agency after making | 9440 |
reasonable efforts cannot find the parents, or the child is a ward | 9441 |
of the state, including the assignment of an individual to act as | 9442 |
a surrogate for the parents made by the school district or other | 9443 |
educational agency responsible for educating the child or by the | 9444 |
court with jurisdiction over the child's custody. Such assignment | 9445 |
shall be made in accordance with section 3323.051 of the Revised | 9446 |
Code. | 9447 |
(C) Prior written notice to the child's parents of a school | 9448 |
district's proposal or refusal to initiate or change the | 9449 |
identification, evaluation, or educational placement of the child | 9450 |
or the provision of a free appropriate education for the child. | 9451 |
The procedures established under this division shall: | 9452 |
(1) Be designed to ensure that the written prior notice is in | 9453 |
the native language of the parents, unless it clearly is not | 9454 |
feasible to do so. | 9455 |
(2) Specify that the prior written notice shall include: | 9456 |
(a) A description of the action proposed or refused by the | 9457 |
district; | 9458 |
(b) An explanation of why the district proposes or refuses to | 9459 |
take the action and a description of each evaluation procedure, | 9460 |
assessment, record, or report the district used as a basis for the | 9461 |
proposed or refused action; | 9462 |
(c) A statement that the parents of a child with a disability | 9463 |
have protection under the procedural safeguards and, if the notice | 9464 |
is not in regard to an initial referral for evaluation, the means | 9465 |
by which a copy of a description of the procedural safeguards can | 9466 |
be obtained; | 9467 |
(d) Sources for parents to contact to obtain assistance in | 9468 |
understanding the provisions of Part B of the "Individuals with | 9469 |
Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004"; | 9470 |
(e) A description of other options considered by the IEP team | 9471 |
and the reason why those options were rejected; | 9472 |
(f) A description of the factors that are relevant to the | 9473 |
agency's proposal or refusal. | 9474 |
(D) An opportunity for the child's parents to present | 9475 |
complaints to the superintendent of the child's school district of | 9476 |
residence with respect to any matter relating to the | 9477 |
identification, evaluation, or educational placement of the child, | 9478 |
or the provision of a free appropriate public education under this | 9479 |
chapter. | 9480 |
Within twenty school days after receipt of a complaint, the | 9481 |
district superintendent or the superintendent's designee, without | 9482 |
undue delay and at a time and place convenient to all parties, | 9483 |
shall review the case, may conduct an administrative review, and | 9484 |
shall notify all parties in writing of the superintendent's or | 9485 |
designee's decision. Where the child is placed in a program | 9486 |
operated by a county | 9487 |
educational agency, the superintendent shall consult with the | 9488 |
administrator of that county
| 9489 |
or agency. | 9490 |
Any party aggrieved by the decision of the district | 9491 |
superintendent or the superintendent's designee may file a | 9492 |
complaint with the state board as provided under division (E) of | 9493 |
this section, request mediation as provided under division (F) of | 9494 |
this section, or present a due process complaint notice and | 9495 |
request for a due process hearing in writing to the superintendent | 9496 |
of the district, with a copy to the state board, as provided under | 9497 |
division (G) of this section. | 9498 |
(E) An opportunity for a party to file a complaint with the | 9499 |
state board of education with respect to the identification, | 9500 |
evaluation, or educational placement of the child, or the | 9501 |
provision of a free appropriate public education to such child. | 9502 |
The department of education shall review and, where appropriate, | 9503 |
investigate the complaint and issue findings. | 9504 |
(F) An opportunity for parents and a school district to | 9505 |
resolve through mediation disputes involving any matter. | 9506 |
(1) The procedures established under this section shall | 9507 |
ensure that the mediation process is voluntary on the part of the | 9508 |
parties, is not used to deny or delay a parent's right to a due | 9509 |
process hearing or to deny any other rights afforded under this | 9510 |
chapter, and is conducted by a qualified and impartial mediator | 9511 |
who is trained in effective mediation techniques. | 9512 |
(2) A school district may establish procedures to offer to | 9513 |
parents and schools that choose not to use the mediation process, | 9514 |
an opportunity to meet, at a time and location convenient to the | 9515 |
parents, with a disinterested party to encourage the use, and | 9516 |
explain the benefits, of the mediation process to the parents. The | 9517 |
disinterested party shall be an individual who is under contract | 9518 |
with a parent training and information center or community parent | 9519 |
resource center in the state or is under contract with an | 9520 |
appropriate alternative dispute resolution entity. | 9521 |
(3) The department shall maintain a list of individuals who | 9522 |
are qualified mediators and knowledgeable in laws and regulations | 9523 |
relating to the provision of special education and related | 9524 |
services. | 9525 |
(4) The department shall bear the cost of the mediation | 9526 |
process, including the costs of meetings described in division | 9527 |
(F)(2) of this section. | 9528 |
(5) Each session in the mediation process shall be scheduled | 9529 |
in a timely manner and shall be held in a location that is | 9530 |
convenient to the parties to the dispute. | 9531 |
(6) Discussions that occur during the mediation process shall | 9532 |
be confidential and shall not be used as evidence in any | 9533 |
subsequent due process hearing or civil proceeding. | 9534 |
(7) In the case that a resolution is reached to resolve the | 9535 |
complaint through the mediation process, the parties shall execute | 9536 |
a legally binding agreement that sets forth the resolution and | 9537 |
that: | 9538 |
(a) States that all discussions that occurred during the | 9539 |
mediation process shall be confidential and shall not be used as | 9540 |
evidence in any subsequent due process hearing or civil | 9541 |
proceeding; | 9542 |
(b) Is signed by both the parent and a representative for the | 9543 |
school district who has the authority to bind the district; | 9544 |
(c) Is enforceable in any state court of competent | 9545 |
jurisdiction or in a district court of the United States. | 9546 |
(G)(1) An opportunity for parents or a school district to | 9547 |
present a due process complaint and request for a due process | 9548 |
hearing to the superintendent of the school district of the | 9549 |
child's residence with respect to the identification, evaluation, | 9550 |
or educational placement of the child, or the provision of a free | 9551 |
appropriate public education to the child. The party presenting | 9552 |
the due process complaint and request for a due process hearing | 9553 |
shall provide due process complaint notice to the other party and | 9554 |
forward a copy of the notice to the state board. The due process | 9555 |
complaint notice shall include: | 9556 |
(a) The name of the child, the address of the residence of | 9557 |
the child, or the available contact information in the case of a | 9558 |
homeless child, and the name of the school the child is attending; | 9559 |
(b) A description of the nature of the problem of the child | 9560 |
relating to the proposed initiation or change, including facts | 9561 |
relating to the problem; | 9562 |
(c) A proposed resolution of the problem to the extent known | 9563 |
and available to the party at the time. | 9564 |
A party shall not have a due process hearing until the party, | 9565 |
or the attorney representing the party, files a notice that meets | 9566 |
the requirement for filing a due process complaint notice. | 9567 |
A due process hearing shall be conducted by an impartial | 9568 |
hearing officer in accordance with standards and procedures | 9569 |
adopted by the state board. A hearing officer shall not be an | 9570 |
employee of the state board or any agency involved in the | 9571 |
education or care of the child or a person having a personal or | 9572 |
professional interest that conflicts with the person's objectivity | 9573 |
in the hearing. A hearing officer shall possess knowledge of, and | 9574 |
the ability to understand, the provisions of the "Individuals with | 9575 |
Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004," federal and state | 9576 |
regulations pertaining to that act, and legal interpretations of | 9577 |
that act by federal and state courts; possess the knowledge and | 9578 |
ability to conduct hearings in accordance with appropriate | 9579 |
standard legal practice; and possess the knowledge and ability to | 9580 |
render and write decisions in accordance with appropriate standard | 9581 |
legal practice. The due process requirements of section 615 of the | 9582 |
"Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004," | 9583 |
20 U.S.C. 1415, apply to due process complaint notices and | 9584 |
requests for due process hearings and to due process hearings held | 9585 |
under division (G) of this section, including, but not limited to, | 9586 |
timelines for requesting hearings, requirements for sufficient | 9587 |
complaint notices, resolution sessions, and sufficiency and | 9588 |
hearing decisions. | 9589 |
(2) Discussions that occur during a resolution session shall | 9590 |
be confidential and shall not be used as evidence in any | 9591 |
subsequent due process hearing or civil proceeding. If a | 9592 |
resolution to the dispute is reached at a resolution session, the | 9593 |
parties must execute a legally binding written settlement | 9594 |
agreement which shall state that all discussions that occurred | 9595 |
during the resolution process shall be confidential and shall not | 9596 |
be used as evidence in any subsequent due process hearing or civil | 9597 |
proceeding. | 9598 |
(3) A party to a hearing under division (G) of this section | 9599 |
shall be accorded: | 9600 |
(a) The right to be accompanied and advised by counsel and by | 9601 |
individuals with special knowledge or training with respect to the | 9602 |
problems of children with disabilities; | 9603 |
(b) The right to present evidence and confront, | 9604 |
cross-examine, and compel the attendance of witnesses; | 9605 |
(c) The right to a written or electronic verbatim record of | 9606 |
the hearing; | 9607 |
(d) The right to written findings of fact and decisions, | 9608 |
which findings of fact and decisions shall be made available to | 9609 |
the public consistent with the requirements relating to the | 9610 |
confidentiality of personally identifiable data, information, and | 9611 |
records collected and maintained by state educational agencies and | 9612 |
local educational agencies; and shall be transmitted to the | 9613 |
advisory panel established and maintained by the department for | 9614 |
the purpose of providing policy guidance with respect to special | 9615 |
education and related services for children with disabilities in | 9616 |
the state. | 9617 |
(H) An opportunity for any party aggrieved by the findings | 9618 |
and decision rendered in a hearing under division (G) of this | 9619 |
section to appeal within forty-five days of notification of the | 9620 |
decision to the state board, which shall appoint a state level | 9621 |
officer who shall review the case and issue a final order. The | 9622 |
state level officer shall be appointed and shall review the case | 9623 |
in accordance with standards and procedures adopted by the state | 9624 |
board. | 9625 |
Any party aggrieved by the final order of the state level | 9626 |
officer may appeal the final order, in accordance with Chapter | 9627 |
119. of the Revised Code, within forty-five days after | 9628 |
notification of the order to the court of common pleas of the | 9629 |
county in which the child's school district of residence is | 9630 |
located, or to a district court of the United States within ninety | 9631 |
days after the date of the decision of the state level review | 9632 |
officer, as provided in section 615(i)(2) of the "Individuals with | 9633 |
Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004," 20 U.S.C. | 9634 |
1415(i)(2). | 9635 |
Sec. 3323.09. (A) As used in this section: | 9636 |
(1) "Home" has the meaning given in section 3313.64 of the | 9637 |
Revised Code. | 9638 |
(2) "Preschool child" means a child who is at least age three | 9639 |
but under age six on the thirtieth day of September of an academic | 9640 |
year. | 9641 |
(B) Each county | 9642 |
establish special education programs for all children with | 9643 |
disabilities who in accordance with section 3323.04 of the Revised | 9644 |
Code have been placed in special education programs operated by | 9645 |
the county board and for preschool children who are | 9646 |
developmentally delayed or at risk of being developmentally | 9647 |
delayed. The board annually shall submit to the department of | 9648 |
education a plan for the provision of these programs. The | 9649 |
superintendent of public instruction shall review the plan and | 9650 |
approve or modify it in accordance with rules adopted by the state | 9651 |
board of education under section 3301.07 of the Revised Code. The | 9652 |
superintendent of public instruction shall compile the plans | 9653 |
submitted by county boards and shall submit a comprehensive plan | 9654 |
to the state board. | 9655 |
A county | 9656 |
transportation for children enrolled in classes funded under | 9657 |
sections 3317.0213 or 3317.20 with transportation for children and | 9658 |
adults enrolled in programs and services offered by the board | 9659 |
under Chapter 5126. of the Revised Code. | 9660 |
(C) A county | 9661 |
the school year provided special education pursuant to this | 9662 |
section for any child with mental disabilities under twenty-two | 9663 |
years of age shall prepare and submit the following reports and | 9664 |
statements: | 9665 |
(1) The board shall prepare a statement for each child who at | 9666 |
the time of receiving such special education was a resident of a | 9667 |
home and was not in the legal or permanent custody of an Ohio | 9668 |
resident or a government agency in this state, and whose natural | 9669 |
or adoptive parents are not known to have been residents of this | 9670 |
state subsequent to the child's birth. The statement shall contain | 9671 |
the child's name, the name of the child's school district of | 9672 |
residence, the name of the county board providing the special | 9673 |
education, and the number of months, including any fraction of a | 9674 |
month, it was provided. Not later than the thirtieth day of June, | 9675 |
the board shall forward a certified copy of such statement to both | 9676 |
the director of developmental disabilities and to the home. | 9677 |
Within thirty days after its receipt of a statement, the home | 9678 |
shall pay tuition to the county board computed in the manner | 9679 |
prescribed by section 3323.141 of the Revised Code. | 9680 |
(2) The board shall prepare a report for each school district | 9681 |
that is the school district of residence of one or more of such | 9682 |
children for whom statements are not required by division (C)(1) | 9683 |
of this section. The report shall contain the name of the county | 9684 |
board providing special education, the name of each child | 9685 |
receiving special education, the number of months, including | 9686 |
fractions of a month, that the child received it, and the name of | 9687 |
the child's school district of residence. Not later than the | 9688 |
thirtieth day of June, the board shall forward certified copies of | 9689 |
each report to the school district named in the report, the | 9690 |
superintendent of public instruction, and the director of | 9691 |
developmental disabilities. | 9692 |
Sec. 3323.091. (A) The department of mental health and | 9693 |
addiction services, the department of developmental disabilities, | 9694 |
the department of youth services, and the department of | 9695 |
rehabilitation and correction shall establish and maintain special | 9696 |
education programs for children with disabilities in institutions | 9697 |
under their jurisdiction according to standards adopted by the | 9698 |
state board of education. | 9699 |
(B) The superintendent of each state institution required to | 9700 |
provide services under division (A) of this section may apply to | 9701 |
the department of education for special education and related | 9702 |
services funding for children with disabilities other than | 9703 |
preschool children with disabilities, calculated in accordance | 9704 |
with section 3317.201 of the Revised Code. | 9705 |
Each county | 9706 |
special education for children with disabilities other than | 9707 |
preschool children with disabilities may apply to the department | 9708 |
of education for opportunity funds and special education and | 9709 |
related services funding calculated in accordance with section | 9710 |
3317.20 of the Revised Code. | 9711 |
(C) In addition to the authorization to apply for state | 9712 |
funding described in division (B) of this section, each state | 9713 |
institution required to provide services under division (A) of | 9714 |
this section is entitled to tuition payments calculated in the | 9715 |
manner described in division (C) of this section. | 9716 |
On or before the thirtieth day of June of each year, the | 9717 |
superintendent of each institution that during the school year | 9718 |
provided special education pursuant to this section shall prepare | 9719 |
a statement for each child with a disability under twenty-two | 9720 |
years of age who has received special education. The statement | 9721 |
shall contain the child's data verification code assigned pursuant | 9722 |
to division (D)(2) of section 3301.0714 of the Revised Code and | 9723 |
the name of the child's school district of residence. Within sixty | 9724 |
days after receipt of such statement, the department of education | 9725 |
shall perform one of the following: | 9726 |
(1) For any child except a preschool child with a disability | 9727 |
described in division (C)(2) of this section, pay to the | 9728 |
institution submitting the statement an amount equal to the | 9729 |
tuition calculated under division (A) of section 3317.08 of the | 9730 |
Revised Code for the period covered by the statement, and deduct | 9731 |
the same from the amount of state funds, if any, payable under | 9732 |
Chapter 3317. of the Revised Code, to the child's school district | 9733 |
of residence or, if the amount of such state funds is | 9734 |
insufficient, require the child's school district of residence to | 9735 |
pay the institution submitting the statement an amount equal to | 9736 |
the amount determined under this division. | 9737 |
(2) For any preschool child with a disability, perform the | 9738 |
following: | 9739 |
(a) Pay to the institution submitting the statement an amount | 9740 |
equal to the tuition calculated under division (B) of section | 9741 |
3317.08 of the Revised Code for the period covered by the | 9742 |
statement, except that in calculating the tuition under that | 9743 |
section the operating expenses of the institution submitting the | 9744 |
statement under this section shall be used instead of the | 9745 |
operating expenses of the school district of residence; | 9746 |
(b) Deduct from the amount of state funds, if any, payable | 9747 |
under Chapter 3317. of the Revised Code to the child's school | 9748 |
district of residence an amount equal to the amount paid under | 9749 |
division (C)(2)(a) of this section. | 9750 |
Sec. 3323.12. The board of education of a school district | 9751 |
shall provide home instruction for children with disabilities who | 9752 |
are at least three years of age and less than twenty-two years of | 9753 |
age and who are unable to attend school, even with the help of | 9754 |
special transportation. The board may arrange for the provision of | 9755 |
home instruction for a child by a cooperative agreement or | 9756 |
contract with a county | 9757 |
other educational agency. For the purposes of determining formula | 9758 |
ADM under section 3317.03 of the Revised Code, five hours of home | 9759 |
instruction shall be equivalent to attendance for five school | 9760 |
days. | 9761 |
Sec. 3323.141. (A) When a child who is not in the legal or | 9762 |
permanent custody of an Ohio resident or a government agency in | 9763 |
this state and whose natural or adoptive parents are not known to | 9764 |
have been residents of this state subsequent to the child's birth | 9765 |
is a resident of a home as defined in section 3313.64 of the | 9766 |
Revised Code and receives special education and related services | 9767 |
from a school district or county | 9768 |
board, the home shall pay tuition to the board providing the | 9769 |
special education. | 9770 |
(B) In the case of a child described in division (A) of this | 9771 |
section who receives special education and related services from a | 9772 |
school district, tuition shall be the amount determined under | 9773 |
division (B)(1) or (2) of this section. | 9774 |
(1) For a child other than a child described in division | 9775 |
(B)(2) of this section the tuition shall be an amount equal to the | 9776 |
sum of the following: | 9777 |
(a) Tuition as determined in the manner provided for by | 9778 |
division (B) of section 3317.081 of the Revised Code for the | 9779 |
district that provides the special education; | 9780 |
(b) Such excess cost as is determined by using a formula | 9781 |
established by rule of the department of education. The excess | 9782 |
cost computed in this section shall not be used as excess cost | 9783 |
computed under section 3323.14 of the Revised Code. | 9784 |
(2) For a child who is a preschool child with a disability, | 9785 |
the tuition shall be computed as follows: | 9786 |
(a) Determine the amount of the tuition of the district | 9787 |
providing the education for the child as calculated under division | 9788 |
(B) of section 3317.08 of the Revised Code; | 9789 |
(b) For each type of special education service included in | 9790 |
the computation of the amount of tuition under division (B)(2)(a) | 9791 |
of this section, divide the amount determined for that computation | 9792 |
under division (B)(2) of section 3317.08 of the Revised Code by | 9793 |
the total number of preschool children with disabilities used for | 9794 |
that computation under division (B)(3) of section 3317.08 of the | 9795 |
Revised Code; | 9796 |
(c) Determine the sum of the quotients obtained under | 9797 |
division (B)(2)(b) of this section; | 9798 |
(d) Determine the sum of the amounts determined under | 9799 |
divisions (B)(2)(a) and (c) of this section. | 9800 |
(C) In the case of a child described in division (A) of this | 9801 |
section who receives special education and related services from a | 9802 |
county | 9803 |
amount determined under division (C)(1) or (2) of this section. | 9804 |
(1) For a child other than a child described in division | 9805 |
(C)(2) of this section, the tuition shall be an amount equal to | 9806 |
such board's per capita cost of providing special education and | 9807 |
related services for children at least three but less than | 9808 |
twenty-two years of age as determined by using a formula | 9809 |
established by rule of the department of developmental | 9810 |
disabilities. | 9811 |
(2) For a child who is a preschool child with a disability, | 9812 |
the tuition shall equal the sum of the amounts of each such | 9813 |
board's per capita cost of providing each of the special education | 9814 |
or related service that the child receives. The calculation of | 9815 |
tuition shall be made by using a formula established by rule of | 9816 |
the department of developmental disabilities. The formula for the | 9817 |
calculation of per capita costs under division (C)(2) of this | 9818 |
section shall be based only on each such | 9819 |
disabilities board's cost of providing each type of special | 9820 |
education or related service to preschool children with | 9821 |
disabilities. | 9822 |
(D) If a home fails to pay the tuition required under this | 9823 |
section, the board of education or county | 9824 |
disabilities board providing the education may recover in a civil | 9825 |
action the tuition and the expenses incurred in prosecuting the | 9826 |
action, including court costs and reasonable attorney's fees. If | 9827 |
the prosecuting attorney or city director of law represents the | 9828 |
board in such action, costs and reasonable attorney's fees awarded | 9829 |
by the court, based upon the time spent preparing and presenting | 9830 |
the case by the prosecuting attorney, director, or a designee of | 9831 |
either, shall be deposited in the county or city general fund. | 9832 |
Sec. 3323.142. As used in this section, "per pupil amount" | 9833 |
for a preschool child with a disability included in such an | 9834 |
approved unit means the amount determined by dividing the amount | 9835 |
received for the classroom unit in which the child has been placed | 9836 |
by the number of children in the unit. For any other child, "per | 9837 |
pupil amount" means the amount paid for the child under section | 9838 |
3317.20 of the Revised Code. | 9839 |
When a school district places or has placed a child with a | 9840 |
county | 9841 |
but another district is responsible for tuition under section | 9842 |
3313.64 or 3313.65 of the Revised Code and the child is not a | 9843 |
resident of the territory served by the county | 9844 |
disabilities board, the board may charge the district responsible | 9845 |
for tuition with the educational costs in excess of the per pupil | 9846 |
amount received by the board under Chapter 3317. of the Revised | 9847 |
Code. The amount of the excess cost shall be determined by the | 9848 |
formula established by rule of the department of education under | 9849 |
section 3323.14 of the Revised Code, and the payment for such | 9850 |
excess cost shall be made by the school district directly to the | 9851 |
county | 9852 |
A school district board of education and the county | 9853 |
developmental disabilities board that serves the school district | 9854 |
may negotiate and contract, at or after the time of placement, for | 9855 |
payments by the board of education to the county | 9856 |
disabilities board for additional services provided to a child | 9857 |
placed with the county | 9858 |
whose individualized education program established pursuant to | 9859 |
section 3323.08 of the Revised Code requires additional services | 9860 |
that are not routinely provided children in the county | 9861 |
developmental disabilities board's program but are necessary to | 9862 |
maintain the child's enrollment and participation in the program. | 9863 |
Additional services may include, but are not limited to, | 9864 |
specialized supplies and equipment for the benefit of the child | 9865 |
and instruction, training, or assistance provided by staff members | 9866 |
other than staff members for which funding is received under | 9867 |
Chapter 3317. of the Revised Code. | 9868 |
Sec. 3707.20. No person, who is suffering from a contagious | 9869 |
or infectious disease, or who has been exposed to a contagious or | 9870 |
infectious disease, may be sent or admitted to a prison, jail, | 9871 |
workhouse, infirmary, children's home, state hospital or | 9872 |
institution for the blind, the mentally ill, or | 9873 |
9874 | |
intellectual disabilities, or a school for the blind or deaf, or | 9875 |
other state or county benevolent institution without first making | 9876 |
known the facts concerning the illness or exposure to the | 9877 |
superintendent or other person in charge thereof. When a | 9878 |
dangerous, contagious, or infectious disease is in a jail or | 9879 |
prison and a prisoner in the jail or prison exposed to the disease | 9880 |
is sentenced to a state correctional institution, the prisoner | 9881 |
shall be confined and isolated in the jail or prison or other | 9882 |
proper place, upon the order of the proper court, for any time | 9883 |
that is necessary to establish the fact that | 9884 |
not contracted the disease. | 9885 |
Sec. 3721.01. (A) As used in sections 3721.01 to 3721.09 and | 9886 |
3721.99 of the Revised Code: | 9887 |
(1)(a) "Home" means an institution, residence, or facility | 9888 |
that provides, for a period of more than twenty-four hours, | 9889 |
whether for a consideration or not, accommodations to three or | 9890 |
more unrelated individuals who are dependent upon the services of | 9891 |
others, including a nursing home, residential care facility, home | 9892 |
for the aging, and a veterans' home operated under Chapter 5907. | 9893 |
of the Revised Code. | 9894 |
(b) "Home" also means both of the following: | 9895 |
(i) Any facility that a person, as defined in section 3702.51 | 9896 |
of the Revised Code, proposes for certification as a skilled | 9897 |
nursing facility or nursing facility under Title XVIII or XIX of | 9898 |
the "Social Security Act," 49 Stat. 620 (1935), 42 U.S.C.A. 301, | 9899 |
as amended, and for which a certificate of need, other than a | 9900 |
certificate to recategorize hospital beds as described in section | 9901 |
3702.521 of the Revised Code or division (R)(7)(d) of the version | 9902 |
of section 3702.51 of the Revised Code in effect immediately prior | 9903 |
to April 20, 1995, has been granted to the person under sections | 9904 |
3702.51 to 3702.62 of the Revised Code after August 5, 1989; | 9905 |
(ii) A county home or district home that is or has been | 9906 |
licensed as a residential care facility. | 9907 |
(c) "Home" does not mean any of the following: | 9908 |
(i) Except as provided in division (A)(1)(b) of this section, | 9909 |
a public hospital or hospital as defined in section 3701.01 or | 9910 |
5122.01 of the Revised Code; | 9911 |
(ii) A residential facility as defined in section 5119.34 of | 9912 |
the Revised Code; | 9913 |
(iii) A residential facility as defined in section 5123.19 of | 9914 |
the Revised Code; | 9915 |
(iv) A community addiction services provider as defined in | 9916 |
section 5119.01 of the Revised Code; | 9917 |
(v) A facility licensed to provide methadone treatment under | 9918 |
section 5119.391 of the Revised Code; | 9919 |
(vi) A facility providing services under contract with the | 9920 |
department of developmental disabilities under section 5123.18 of | 9921 |
the Revised Code; | 9922 |
(vii) A facility operated by a hospice care program licensed | 9923 |
under section 3712.04 of the Revised Code that is used exclusively | 9924 |
for care of hospice patients; | 9925 |
(viii) A facility operated by a pediatric respite care | 9926 |
program licensed under section 3712.041 of the Revised Code that | 9927 |
is used exclusively for care of pediatric respite care patients; | 9928 |
(ix) A facility, infirmary, or other entity that is operated | 9929 |
by a religious order, provides care exclusively to members of | 9930 |
religious orders who take vows of celibacy and live by virtue of | 9931 |
their vows within the orders as if related, and does not | 9932 |
participate in the medicare program or the medicaid program if on | 9933 |
January 1, 1994, the facility, infirmary, or entity was providing | 9934 |
care exclusively to members of the religious order; | 9935 |
(x) A county home or district home that has never been | 9936 |
licensed as a residential care facility. | 9937 |
(2) "Unrelated individual" means one who is not related to | 9938 |
the owner or operator of a home or to the spouse of the owner or | 9939 |
operator as a parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, brother, | 9940 |
sister, niece, nephew, aunt, uncle, or as the child of an aunt or | 9941 |
uncle. | 9942 |
(3) "Mental impairment" does not mean mental illness as | 9943 |
defined in section 5122.01 of the Revised Code or | 9944 |
9945 | |
of the Revised Code. | 9946 |
(4) "Skilled nursing care" means procedures that require | 9947 |
technical skills and knowledge beyond those the untrained person | 9948 |
possesses and that are commonly employed in providing for the | 9949 |
physical, mental, and emotional needs of the ill or otherwise | 9950 |
incapacitated. "Skilled nursing care" includes, but is not limited | 9951 |
to, the following: | 9952 |
(a) Irrigations, catheterizations, application of dressings, | 9953 |
and supervision of special diets; | 9954 |
(b) Objective observation of changes in the patient's | 9955 |
condition as a means of analyzing and determining the nursing care | 9956 |
required and the need for further medical diagnosis and treatment; | 9957 |
(c) Special procedures contributing to rehabilitation; | 9958 |
(d) Administration of medication by any method ordered by a | 9959 |
physician, such as hypodermically, rectally, or orally, including | 9960 |
observation of the patient after receipt of the medication; | 9961 |
(e) Carrying out other treatments prescribed by the physician | 9962 |
that involve a similar level of complexity and skill in | 9963 |
administration. | 9964 |
(5)(a) "Personal care services" means services including, but | 9965 |
not limited to, the following: | 9966 |
(i) Assisting residents with activities of daily living; | 9967 |
(ii) Assisting residents with self-administration of | 9968 |
medication, in accordance with rules adopted under section 3721.04 | 9969 |
of the Revised Code; | 9970 |
(iii) Preparing special diets, other than complex therapeutic | 9971 |
diets, for residents pursuant to the instructions of a physician | 9972 |
or a licensed dietitian, in accordance with rules adopted under | 9973 |
section 3721.04 of the Revised Code. | 9974 |
(b) "Personal care services" does not include "skilled | 9975 |
nursing care" as defined in division (A)(4) of this section. A | 9976 |
facility need not provide more than one of the services listed in | 9977 |
division (A)(5)(a) of this section to be considered to be | 9978 |
providing personal care services. | 9979 |
(6) "Nursing home" means a home used for the reception and | 9980 |
care of individuals who by reason of illness or physical or mental | 9981 |
impairment require skilled nursing care and of individuals who | 9982 |
require personal care services but not skilled nursing care. A | 9983 |
nursing home is licensed to provide personal care services and | 9984 |
skilled nursing care. | 9985 |
(7) "Residential care facility" means a home that provides | 9986 |
either of the following: | 9987 |
(a) Accommodations for seventeen or more unrelated | 9988 |
individuals and supervision and personal care services for three | 9989 |
or more of those individuals who are dependent on the services of | 9990 |
others by reason of age or physical or mental impairment; | 9991 |
(b) Accommodations for three or more unrelated individuals, | 9992 |
supervision and personal care services for at least three of those | 9993 |
individuals who are dependent on the services of others by reason | 9994 |
of age or physical or mental impairment, and, to at least one of | 9995 |
those individuals, any of the skilled nursing care authorized by | 9996 |
section 3721.011 of the Revised Code. | 9997 |
(8) "Home for the aging" means a home that provides services | 9998 |
as a residential care facility and a nursing home, except that the | 9999 |
home provides its services only to individuals who are dependent | 10000 |
on the services of others by reason of both age and physical or | 10001 |
mental impairment. | 10002 |
The part or unit of a home for the aging that provides | 10003 |
services only as a residential care facility is licensed as a | 10004 |
residential care facility. The part or unit that may provide | 10005 |
skilled nursing care beyond the extent authorized by section | 10006 |
3721.011 of the Revised Code is licensed as a nursing home. | 10007 |
(9) "County home" and "district home" mean a county home or | 10008 |
district home operated under Chapter 5155. of the Revised Code. | 10009 |
(B) The director of health may further classify homes. For | 10010 |
the purposes of this chapter, any residence, institution, hotel, | 10011 |
congregate housing project, or similar facility that meets the | 10012 |
definition of a home under this section is such a home regardless | 10013 |
of how the facility holds itself out to the public. | 10014 |
(C) For purposes of this chapter, personal care services or | 10015 |
skilled nursing care shall be considered to be provided by a | 10016 |
facility if they are provided by a person employed by or | 10017 |
associated with the facility or by another person pursuant to an | 10018 |
agreement to which neither the resident who receives the services | 10019 |
nor the resident's sponsor is a party. | 10020 |
(D) Nothing in division (A)(4) of this section shall be | 10021 |
construed to permit skilled nursing care to be imposed on an | 10022 |
individual who does not require skilled nursing care. | 10023 |
Nothing in division (A)(5) of this section shall be construed | 10024 |
to permit personal care services to be imposed on an individual | 10025 |
who is capable of performing the activity in question without | 10026 |
assistance. | 10027 |
(E) Division (A)(1)(c)(ix) of this section does not prohibit | 10028 |
a facility, infirmary, or other entity described in that division | 10029 |
from seeking licensure under sections 3721.01 to 3721.09 of the | 10030 |
Revised Code or certification under Title XVIII or XIX of the | 10031 |
"Social Security Act." However, such a facility, infirmary, or | 10032 |
entity that applies for licensure or certification must meet the | 10033 |
requirements of those sections or titles and the rules adopted | 10034 |
under them and obtain a certificate of need from the director of | 10035 |
health under section 3702.52 of the Revised Code. | 10036 |
(F) Nothing in this chapter, or rules adopted pursuant to it, | 10037 |
shall be construed as authorizing the supervision, regulation, or | 10038 |
control of the spiritual care or treatment of residents or | 10039 |
patients in any home who rely upon treatment by prayer or | 10040 |
spiritual means in accordance with the creed or tenets of any | 10041 |
recognized church or religious denomination. | 10042 |
Sec. 3763.06. As used in this section, "incompetent person" | 10043 |
means a person who is so mentally impaired as a result of a mental | 10044 |
or physical illness or disability, or | 10045 |
developmental disability that is an intellectual disability, or as | 10046 |
a result of chronic substance abuse, that the person is incapable | 10047 |
of taking proper care of the person's self or property or fails to | 10048 |
provide for the person's family or other persons for whom the | 10049 |
person is charged by law to provide. | 10050 |
The property, both real and personal, of a defendant against | 10051 |
whom a judgment is rendered under sections 3763.01 to 3763.08 of | 10052 |
the Revised Code, for fines, costs, or to recover money or any | 10053 |
other thing of value, lost or paid, shall be liable therefor | 10054 |
without exemption, and such judgment shall be a lien thereon until | 10055 |
paid. If the owner of the building in which the money was lost | 10056 |
knowingly permits it to be used for gaming purposes, such | 10057 |
building, and the real estate upon which it stands, shall be | 10058 |
liable therefor in a like manner. The guardian or trustee of a | 10059 |
minor or incompetent person, permitting property under the | 10060 |
guardian's or trustee's charge to be used for gaming purposes and | 10061 |
to become liable on account thereof, shall be liable to the | 10062 |
guardian's or trustee's ward for such amount. | 10063 |
Sec. 3791.031. (A) As used in this section, "place of public | 10064 |
assembly" means: | 10065 |
(1) Enclosed theatres, except the lobby; opera houses; | 10066 |
auditoriums; classrooms; elevators; rooms in which persons are | 10067 |
confined as a matter of health care, including but not limited to | 10068 |
a hospital room and a room in a residential care facility serving | 10069 |
as the residence of a person living in such residential care | 10070 |
facility; | 10071 |
(2) All buildings and other enclosed structures owned by the | 10072 |
state, its agencies, or political subdivisions, including but not | 10073 |
limited to hospitals and state institutions for | 10074 |
10075 | |
disabilities that are intellectual disabilities; university and | 10076 |
college buildings, except rooms within those buildings used | 10077 |
primarily as the residences of students or other persons | 10078 |
affiliated with the university or college; office buildings; | 10079 |
libraries; museums; and vehicles used in public transportation. | 10080 |
That portion of a building or other enclosed structure that is | 10081 |
owned by the state, a state agency, or a political subdivision and | 10082 |
that is used primarily as a food service establishment is not a | 10083 |
place of public assembly. | 10084 |
(3) Each portion of a building or enclosed structure that is | 10085 |
not included in division (A)(1) or (2) of this section is a place | 10086 |
of public assembly if it has a seating capacity of fifty or more | 10087 |
persons and is available to the public. Restaurants, food service | 10088 |
establishments, dining rooms, cafes, cafeterias, or other rooms | 10089 |
used primarily for the service of food, as well as bowling alleys | 10090 |
and places licensed by the division of liquor control to sell | 10091 |
intoxicating beverages for consumption on the premises, are not | 10092 |
places of public assembly. | 10093 |
(B) For the purpose of separating persons who smoke from | 10094 |
persons who do not smoke for the comfort and health of persons not | 10095 |
smoking, in every place of public assembly there shall be an area | 10096 |
where smoking is not permitted, which shall be designated a no | 10097 |
smoking area; provided that, no more than one-half of the rooms in | 10098 |
any health care facility in which persons are confined as a matter | 10099 |
of health care may be designated as smoking areas in their | 10100 |
entirety. The designation shall be made before the place of public | 10101 |
assembly is made available to the public. In places included in | 10102 |
division (A)(1) of this section, the local fire authority having | 10103 |
jurisdiction shall designate the no smoking area. In places | 10104 |
included in division (A)(2) of this section that are owned by the | 10105 |
state or its agencies, except the capitol square, the director of | 10106 |
administrative services shall designate the area, and if the place | 10107 |
is owned by a political subdivision, its legislative authority | 10108 |
shall designate an officer who shall designate the area. The house | 10109 |
rules committee shall designate the no smoking areas in all | 10110 |
capitol square spaces used by the house of representatives; the | 10111 |
senate rules committee shall designate the no smoking areas in all | 10112 |
capitol square spaces used by the senate and the legislative | 10113 |
service commission; the capitol square review and advisory board | 10114 |
shall designate the no smoking areas in all other spaces in the | 10115 |
capitol square. In places included in division (A)(3) of this | 10116 |
section, the person having control of the operations of the place | 10117 |
of public assembly shall designate the no smoking area. In places | 10118 |
included in division (A)(2) of this section which are also | 10119 |
included in division (A)(1) of this section, the officer who has | 10120 |
authority to designate the area in places in division (A)(2) of | 10121 |
this section shall designate the no smoking area. A no smoking | 10122 |
area may include the entire place of public assembly. Designations | 10123 |
shall be made by the placement of signs that are clearly visible | 10124 |
and that state "no smoking." No person shall remove signs from | 10125 |
areas designated as no smoking areas. | 10126 |
(C) This section does not affect or modify the prohibition | 10127 |
contained in division (B) of section 3313.751 of the Revised Code. | 10128 |
(D) No person shall smoke in any area designated as a no | 10129 |
smoking area in accordance with division (B) of this section. | 10130 |
(E) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor | 10131 |
misdemeanor. | 10132 |
Sec. 3923.24. (A) Notwithstanding section 3901.71 of the | 10133 |
Revised Code, every certificate furnished by an insurer in | 10134 |
connection with, or pursuant to any provision of, any group | 10135 |
sickness and accident insurance policy delivered, issued for | 10136 |
delivery, renewed, or used in this state on or after January 1, | 10137 |
1972, every policy of sickness and accident insurance delivered, | 10138 |
issued for delivery, renewed, or used in this state on or after | 10139 |
January 1, 1972, and every multiple employer welfare arrangement | 10140 |
offering an insurance program, which provides that coverage of an | 10141 |
unmarried dependent child of a parent or legal guardian will | 10142 |
terminate upon attainment of the limiting age for dependent | 10143 |
children specified in the contract shall also provide in substance | 10144 |
both of the following: | 10145 |
(1) Once an unmarried child has attained the limiting age for | 10146 |
dependent children, as provided in the policy, upon the request of | 10147 |
the insured, the insurer shall offer to cover the unmarried child | 10148 |
until the child attains twenty-eight years of age if all of the | 10149 |
following are true: | 10150 |
(a) The child is the natural child, stepchild, or adopted | 10151 |
child of the insured. | 10152 |
(b) The child is a resident of this state or a full-time | 10153 |
student at an accredited public or private institution of higher | 10154 |
education. | 10155 |
(c) The child is not employed by an employer that offers any | 10156 |
health benefit plan under which the child is eligible for | 10157 |
coverage. | 10158 |
(d) The child is not eligible for the medicaid program or the | 10159 |
medicare program. | 10160 |
(2) That attainment of the limiting age for dependent | 10161 |
children shall not operate to terminate the coverage of a | 10162 |
dependent child if the child is and continues to be both of the | 10163 |
following: | 10164 |
(a) Incapable of self-sustaining employment by reason of | 10165 |
10166 | |
disability that is an intellectual disability; | 10167 |
(b) Primarily dependent upon the policyholder or certificate | 10168 |
holder for support and maintenance. | 10169 |
(B) Proof of such incapacity and dependence for purposes of | 10170 |
division (A)(2) of this section shall be furnished by the | 10171 |
policyholder or by the certificate holder to the insurer within | 10172 |
thirty-one days of the child's attainment of the limiting age. | 10173 |
Upon request, but not more frequently than annually after the | 10174 |
two-year period following the child's attainment of the limiting | 10175 |
age, the insurer may require proof satisfactory to it of the | 10176 |
continuance of such incapacity and dependency. | 10177 |
(C) Nothing in this section shall require an insurer to cover | 10178 |
a dependent child who | 10179 |
10180 | |
that is an intellectual disability if the contract is underwritten | 10181 |
on evidence of insurability based on health factors set forth in | 10182 |
the application, or if such dependent child does not satisfy the | 10183 |
conditions of the contract as to any requirement for evidence of | 10184 |
insurability or other provision of the contract, satisfaction of | 10185 |
which is required for coverage thereunder to take effect. In any | 10186 |
such case, the terms of the contract shall apply with regard to | 10187 |
the coverage or exclusion of the dependent from such coverage. | 10188 |
Nothing in this section shall apply to accidental death or | 10189 |
dismemberment benefits provided by any such policy of sickness and | 10190 |
accident insurance. | 10191 |
(D) Nothing in this section shall do any of the following: | 10192 |
(1) Require that any policy offer coverage for dependent | 10193 |
children or provide coverage for an unmarried dependent child's | 10194 |
children as dependents on the policy; | 10195 |
(2) Require an employer to pay for any part of the premium | 10196 |
for an unmarried dependent child that has attained the limiting | 10197 |
age for dependents, as provided in the policy; | 10198 |
(3) Require an employer to offer health insurance coverage to | 10199 |
the dependents of any employee. | 10200 |
(E) This section does not apply to any policies or | 10201 |
certificates covering only accident, credit, dental, disability | 10202 |
income, long-term care, hospital indemnity, medicare supplement, | 10203 |
specified disease, or vision care; coverage under a | 10204 |
one-time-limited-duration policy of not longer than six months; | 10205 |
coverage issued as a supplement to liability insurance; insurance | 10206 |
arising out of a workers' compensation or similar law; automobile | 10207 |
medical-payment insurance; or insurance under which benefits are | 10208 |
payable with or without regard to fault and that is statutorily | 10209 |
required to be contained in any liability insurance policy or | 10210 |
equivalent self-insurance. | 10211 |
(F) As used in this section, "health benefit plan" has the | 10212 |
same meaning as in section 3924.01 of the Revised Code and also | 10213 |
includes both of the following: | 10214 |
(1) A public employee benefit plan; | 10215 |
(2) A health benefit plan as regulated under the "Employee | 10216 |
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974," 29 U.S.C. 1001, et seq. | 10217 |
Sec. 3923.241. (A) Notwithstanding section 3901.71 of the | 10218 |
Revised Code, any public employee benefit plan that provides that | 10219 |
coverage of an unmarried dependent child will terminate upon | 10220 |
attainment of the limiting age for dependent children specified in | 10221 |
the plan shall also provide in substance both of the following: | 10222 |
(1) Once an unmarried child has attained the limiting age for | 10223 |
dependent children, as provided in the plan, upon the request of | 10224 |
the employee, the public employee benefit plan shall offer to | 10225 |
cover the unmarried child until the child attains twenty-eight | 10226 |
years of age if all of the following are true: | 10227 |
(a) The child is the natural child, stepchild, or adopted | 10228 |
child of the employee. | 10229 |
(b) The child is a resident of this state or a full-time | 10230 |
student at an accredited public or private institution of higher | 10231 |
education. | 10232 |
(c) The child is not employed by an employer that offers any | 10233 |
health benefit plan under which the child is eligible for | 10234 |
coverage. | 10235 |
(d) The child is not eligible for the medicaid program or the | 10236 |
medicare program. | 10237 |
(2) That attainment of the limiting age for dependent | 10238 |
children shall not operate to terminate the coverage of a | 10239 |
dependent child if the child is and continues to be both of the | 10240 |
following: | 10241 |
(a) Incapable of self-sustaining employment by reason of | 10242 |
10243 | |
disability that is an intellectual disability; | 10244 |
(b) Primarily dependent upon the plan member for support and | 10245 |
maintenance. | 10246 |
(B) Proof of incapacity and dependence for purposes of | 10247 |
division (A)(2) of this section shall be furnished to the public | 10248 |
employee benefit plan within thirty-one days of the child's | 10249 |
attainment of the limiting age. Upon request, but not more | 10250 |
frequently than annually, the public employee benefit plan may | 10251 |
require proof satisfactory to it of the continuance of such | 10252 |
incapacity and dependency. | 10253 |
(C) Nothing in this section shall do any of the following: | 10254 |
(1) Require that any public employee benefit plan offer | 10255 |
coverage for dependent children or provide coverage for an | 10256 |
unmarried dependent child's children as dependents on the public | 10257 |
employee benefit plan; | 10258 |
(2) Require an employer to pay for any part of the premium | 10259 |
for an unmarried dependent child that has attained the limiting | 10260 |
age for dependents, as provided in the plan; | 10261 |
(3) Require an employer to offer health insurance coverage to | 10262 |
the dependents of any employee. | 10263 |
(D) This section does not apply to any public employee | 10264 |
benefit plan covering only accident, credit, dental, disability | 10265 |
income, long-term care, hospital indemnity, medicare supplement, | 10266 |
specified disease, or vision care; coverage under a | 10267 |
one-time-limited-duration policy of not longer than six months; | 10268 |
coverage issued as a supplement to liability insurance; insurance | 10269 |
arising out of a workers' compensation or similar law; automobile | 10270 |
medical-payment insurance; or insurance under which benefits are | 10271 |
payable with or without regard to fault and which is statutorily | 10272 |
required to be contained in any liability insurance policy or | 10273 |
equivalent self-insurance. | 10274 |
(E) As used in this section, "health benefit plan" has the | 10275 |
same meaning as in section 3924.01 of the Revised Code and also | 10276 |
includes both of the following: | 10277 |
(1) A public employee benefit plan; | 10278 |
(2) A health benefit plan as regulated under the "Employee | 10279 |
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974," 29 U.S.C. 1001, et seq. | 10280 |
Sec. 4112.01. (A) As used in this chapter: | 10281 |
(1) "Person" includes one or more individuals, partnerships, | 10282 |
associations, organizations, corporations, legal representatives, | 10283 |
trustees, trustees in bankruptcy, receivers, and other organized | 10284 |
groups of persons. "Person" also includes, but is not limited to, | 10285 |
any owner, lessor, assignor, builder, manager, broker, | 10286 |
salesperson, appraiser, agent, employee, lending institution, and | 10287 |
the state and all political subdivisions, authorities, agencies, | 10288 |
boards, and commissions of the state. | 10289 |
(2) "Employer" includes the state, any political subdivision | 10290 |
of the state, any person employing four or more persons within the | 10291 |
state, and any person acting directly or indirectly in the | 10292 |
interest of an employer. | 10293 |
(3) "Employee" means an individual employed by any employer | 10294 |
but does not include any individual employed in the domestic | 10295 |
service of any person. | 10296 |
(4) "Labor organization" includes any organization that | 10297 |
exists, in whole or in part, for the purpose of collective | 10298 |
bargaining or of dealing with employers concerning grievances, | 10299 |
terms or conditions of employment, or other mutual aid or | 10300 |
protection in relation to employment. | 10301 |
(5) "Employment agency" includes any person regularly | 10302 |
undertaking, with or without compensation, to procure | 10303 |
opportunities to work or to procure, recruit, refer, or place | 10304 |
employees. | 10305 |
(6) "Commission" means the Ohio civil rights commission | 10306 |
created by section 4112.03 of the Revised Code. | 10307 |
(7) "Discriminate" includes segregate or separate. | 10308 |
(8) "Unlawful discriminatory practice" means any act | 10309 |
prohibited by section 4112.02, 4112.021, or 4112.022 of the | 10310 |
Revised Code. | 10311 |
(9) "Place of public accommodation" means any inn, | 10312 |
restaurant, eating house, barbershop, public conveyance by air, | 10313 |
land, or water, theater, store, other place for the sale of | 10314 |
merchandise, or any other place of public accommodation or | 10315 |
amusement of which the accommodations, advantages, facilities, or | 10316 |
privileges are available to the public. | 10317 |
(10) "Housing accommodations" includes any building or | 10318 |
structure, or portion of a building or structure, that is used or | 10319 |
occupied or is intended, arranged, or designed to be used or | 10320 |
occupied as the home residence, dwelling, dwelling unit, or | 10321 |
sleeping place of one or more individuals, groups, or families | 10322 |
whether or not living independently of each other; and any vacant | 10323 |
land offered for sale or lease. "Housing accommodations" also | 10324 |
includes any housing accommodations held or offered for sale or | 10325 |
rent by a real estate broker, salesperson, or agent, by any other | 10326 |
person pursuant to authorization of the owner, by the owner, or by | 10327 |
the owner's legal representative. | 10328 |
(11) "Restrictive covenant" means any specification limiting | 10329 |
the transfer, rental, lease, or other use of any housing | 10330 |
accommodations because of race, color, religion, sex, military | 10331 |
status, familial status, national origin, disability, or ancestry, | 10332 |
or any limitation based upon affiliation with or approval by any | 10333 |
person, directly or indirectly, employing race, color, religion, | 10334 |
sex, military status, familial status, national origin, | 10335 |
disability, or ancestry as a condition of affiliation or approval. | 10336 |
(12) "Burial lot" means any lot for the burial of deceased | 10337 |
persons within any public burial ground or cemetery, including, | 10338 |
but not limited to, cemeteries owned and operated by municipal | 10339 |
corporations, townships, or companies or associations incorporated | 10340 |
for cemetery purposes. | 10341 |
(13) "Disability" means a physical or mental impairment that | 10342 |
substantially limits one or more major life activities, including | 10343 |
the functions of caring for one's self, performing manual tasks, | 10344 |
walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and | 10345 |
working; a record of a physical or mental impairment; or being | 10346 |
regarded as having a physical or mental impairment. | 10347 |
(14) Except as otherwise provided in section 4112.021 of the | 10348 |
Revised Code, "age" means at least forty years old. | 10349 |
(15) "Familial status" means either of the following: | 10350 |
(a) One or more individuals who are under eighteen years of | 10351 |
age and who are domiciled with a parent or guardian having legal | 10352 |
custody of the individual or domiciled, with the written | 10353 |
permission of the parent or guardian having legal custody, with a | 10354 |
designee of the parent or guardian; | 10355 |
(b) Any person who is pregnant or in the process of securing | 10356 |
legal custody of any individual who is under eighteen years of | 10357 |
age. | 10358 |
(16)(a) Except as provided in division (A)(16)(b) of this | 10359 |
section, "physical or mental impairment" includes any of the | 10360 |
following: | 10361 |
(i) Any physiological disorder or condition, cosmetic | 10362 |
disfigurement, or anatomical loss affecting one or more of the | 10363 |
following body systems: neurological; musculoskeletal; special | 10364 |
sense organs; respiratory, including speech organs; | 10365 |
cardiovascular; reproductive; digestive; genito-urinary; hemic and | 10366 |
lymphatic; skin; and endocrine; | 10367 |
(ii) Any mental or psychological disorder, including, but not | 10368 |
limited to, | 10369 |
intellectual disabilities, organic brain syndrome, emotional or | 10370 |
mental illness, and specific learning disabilities; | 10371 |
(iii) Diseases and conditions, including, but not limited to, | 10372 |
orthopedic, visual, speech, and hearing impairments, cerebral | 10373 |
palsy, autism, epilepsy, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, | 10374 |
cancer, heart disease, diabetes, human immunodeficiency virus | 10375 |
infection, | 10376 |
intellectual disabilities, emotional illness, drug addiction, and | 10377 |
alcoholism. | 10378 |
(b) "Physical or mental impairment" does not include any of | 10379 |
the following: | 10380 |
(i) Homosexuality and bisexuality; | 10381 |
(ii) Transvestism, transsexualism, pedophilia, exhibitionism, | 10382 |
voyeurism, gender identity disorders not resulting from physical | 10383 |
impairments, or other sexual behavior disorders; | 10384 |
(iii) Compulsive gambling, kleptomania, or pyromania; | 10385 |
(iv) Psychoactive substance use disorders resulting from the | 10386 |
current illegal use of a controlled substance or the current use | 10387 |
of alcoholic beverages. | 10388 |
(17) "Dwelling unit" means a single unit of residence for a | 10389 |
family of one or more persons. | 10390 |
(18) "Common use areas" means rooms, spaces, or elements | 10391 |
inside or outside a building that are made available for the use | 10392 |
of residents of the building or their guests, and includes, but is | 10393 |
not limited to, hallways, lounges, lobbies, laundry rooms, refuse | 10394 |
rooms, mail rooms, recreational areas, and passageways among and | 10395 |
between buildings. | 10396 |
(19) "Public use areas" means interior or exterior rooms or | 10397 |
spaces of a privately or publicly owned building that are made | 10398 |
available to the general public. | 10399 |
(20) "Controlled substance" has the same meaning as in | 10400 |
section 3719.01 of the Revised Code. | 10401 |
(21) "Disabled tenant" means a tenant or prospective tenant | 10402 |
who is a person with a disability. | 10403 |
(22) "Military status" means a person's status in "service in | 10404 |
the uniformed services" as defined in section 5923.05 of the | 10405 |
Revised Code. | 10406 |
(23) "Aggrieved person" includes both of the following: | 10407 |
(a) Any person who claims to have been injured by any | 10408 |
unlawful discriminatory practice described in division (H) of | 10409 |
section 4112.02 of the Revised Code; | 10410 |
(b) Any person who believes that the person will be injured | 10411 |
by, any unlawful discriminatory practice described in division (H) | 10412 |
of section 4112.02 of the Revised Code that is about to occur. | 10413 |
(B) For the purposes of divisions (A) to (F) of section | 10414 |
4112.02 of the Revised Code, the terms "because of sex" and "on | 10415 |
the basis of sex" include, but are not limited to, because of or | 10416 |
on the basis of pregnancy, any illness arising out of and | 10417 |
occurring during the course of a pregnancy, childbirth, or related | 10418 |
medical conditions. Women affected by pregnancy, childbirth, or | 10419 |
related medical conditions shall be treated the same for all | 10420 |
employment-related purposes, including receipt of benefits under | 10421 |
fringe benefit programs, as other persons not so affected but | 10422 |
similar in their ability or inability to work, and nothing in | 10423 |
division (B) of section 4111.17 of the Revised Code shall be | 10424 |
interpreted to permit otherwise. This division shall not be | 10425 |
construed to require an employer to pay for health insurance | 10426 |
benefits for abortion, except where the life of the mother would | 10427 |
be endangered if the fetus were carried to term or except where | 10428 |
medical complications have arisen from the abortion, provided that | 10429 |
nothing in this division precludes an employer from providing | 10430 |
abortion benefits or otherwise affects bargaining agreements in | 10431 |
regard to abortion. | 10432 |
Sec. 4303.272. As used in this section, "incompetent person" | 10433 |
means a person who is so mentally impaired as a result of a mental | 10434 |
or physical illness or disability, or | 10435 |
developmental disability that is an intellectual disability, or as | 10436 |
a result of chronic substance abuse, that the person is incapable | 10437 |
of taking proper care of the person's self or property or fails to | 10438 |
provide for the person's family or other persons for whom the | 10439 |
person is charged by law to provide. | 10440 |
Any permit holder whose permit premises are destroyed or made | 10441 |
unusable for any cause, or whose tenancy is terminated for any | 10442 |
cause, shall deliver the permit holder's permit to the division of | 10443 |
liquor control for safekeeping until such time as the original | 10444 |
permit premises are made available for occupancy or new premises | 10445 |
are secured by the permit holder or until new premises are secured | 10446 |
by the permit holder outside the precinct affected by a local | 10447 |
option election. | 10448 |
Unless the permit is to be cancelled as the result of a local | 10449 |
option election held pursuant to section 4301.352 of the Revised | 10450 |
Code, a permit holder whose permit is to be restricted or | 10451 |
cancelled as the result of a local option election pursuant to | 10452 |
sections 4301.32 to 4301.41 and 4305.14 of the Revised Code may, | 10453 |
within the thirty-day period after the certification of the | 10454 |
results of the election to the division, deliver the permit to the | 10455 |
division for safekeeping subject to the renewal and transfer | 10456 |
provision of this section. A permit holder whose permit is to be | 10457 |
cancelled as the result of a local option election held pursuant | 10458 |
to section 4301.352 of the Revised Code is not entitled to deliver | 10459 |
the permit to the division for safekeeping. | 10460 |
If, as the result of the election, the use of a permit is | 10461 |
made wholly unlawful and the permit holder does not deliver or is | 10462 |
not entitled to deliver the permit to the division for safekeeping | 10463 |
as provided in this section, the division shall forthwith cancel | 10464 |
and pick up the permit. | 10465 |
During the period of time that a permit is held in | 10466 |
safekeeping by the division, the permit holder shall be allowed to | 10467 |
transfer the permit to other premises, subject to the provisions | 10468 |
of Chapters 4301. and 4303. of the Revised Code. | 10469 |
If the expiration date of a permit occurs during the time it | 10470 |
is held in safekeeping, the permit shall be renewed by the | 10471 |
division if the permit holder complies with the other provisions | 10472 |
of Chapters 4301. and 4303. of the Revised Code, pertaining to the | 10473 |
renewal of a permit. The division shall issue and then retain the | 10474 |
renewed permit until the original permit premises become available | 10475 |
for occupancy by the permit holder or until the permit holder | 10476 |
secures other premises. The division shall return to the permit | 10477 |
holder a permit renewed while in safekeeping when the original | 10478 |
permit premises are made available for occupancy or new permit | 10479 |
premises are secured by the permit holder, if the premises meet | 10480 |
the requirements of Chapters 4301. and 4303. of the Revised Code. | 10481 |
A permit renewed while in safekeeping shall be considered in | 10482 |
full force and effect and may be transferred by the division. | 10483 |
Should the permit holder be adjudged an incompetent person or | 10484 |
die while the permit holder's permit is in safekeeping, the permit | 10485 |
shall be transferred, upon application, by the division to the | 10486 |
guardian, administrator, executor, or other fiduciary of the | 10487 |
permit holder who shall have the same rights to the transfer, | 10488 |
return, and renewal of the permit as is provided in this section | 10489 |
for the permit holder. | 10490 |
A permit held in safekeeping shall not be renewed more than | 10491 |
once while so held, unless the building from which the permit was | 10492 |
taken for safekeeping or the building to which the permit is to be | 10493 |
transferred is under construction or reconstruction, in which | 10494 |
event the permit shall be held in safekeeping and shall, upon the | 10495 |
application of the permit holder, be renewed at each expiration | 10496 |
date until the construction or reconstruction of the building is | 10497 |
completed. | 10498 |
Sec. 4399.05. As used in this section, "incompetent person" | 10499 |
means a person who is so mentally impaired as a result of a mental | 10500 |
or physical illness or disability, or | 10501 |
developmental disability that is an intellectual disability, or as | 10502 |
a result of chronic substance abuse, that the person is incapable | 10503 |
of taking proper care of the person's self or property or fails to | 10504 |
provide for the person's family or other persons for whom the | 10505 |
person is charged by law to provide. | 10506 |
If a person rents or leases to another a building or premises | 10507 |
to be used or occupied, in whole or in part, for the sale of | 10508 |
intoxicating liquors, or permits such building or premises to be | 10509 |
so used or occupied, such building or premises shall be liable for | 10510 |
and may be sold to pay all fines, costs, and damages assessed | 10511 |
against a person occupying them. Proceedings may be had to subject | 10512 |
them to the payment of such fine and costs assessed or judgment | 10513 |
recovered, or part remaining unpaid, either before or after | 10514 |
execution issues against the property of the person against whom | 10515 |
such fine and costs or judgment have been adjudged or assessed. | 10516 |
When execution issues against the property leased or rented, the | 10517 |
officer shall proceed to satisfy it out of the building or | 10518 |
premises so leased or occupied. | 10519 |
If such building or premises belong to a minor or incompetent | 10520 |
person, the guardian having control thereof shall be liable and | 10521 |
account to the guardian's ward for all damages on account of such | 10522 |
use and occupation, and the liabilities for such fines, costs, and | 10523 |
damages. | 10524 |
Sec. 4723.071. (A) As used in this section, "health-related | 10525 |
activities," " | 10526 |
"prescribed medication," and "tube feeding" have the same meanings | 10527 |
as in section 5123.41 of the Revised Code. | 10528 |
(B) The board of nursing shall adopt rules as it considers | 10529 |
necessary to govern nursing delegation as it applies to | 10530 |
developmental disabilities personnel who administer prescribed | 10531 |
medications, perform health-related activities, and perform tube | 10532 |
feedings pursuant to the authority granted under section 5123.42 | 10533 |
of the Revised Code. The board shall not establish in the rules | 10534 |
any requirement that is inconsistent with the authority of | 10535 |
developmental disabilities personnel granted under that section. | 10536 |
The rules shall be adopted in accordance with Chapter 119. of the | 10537 |
Revised Code. | 10538 |
(C) The board of nursing may accept complaints from any | 10539 |
person or government entity regarding the performance or | 10540 |
qualifications of
| 10541 |
administer prescribed medications, perform health-related | 10542 |
activities, and perform tube feedings pursuant to the authority | 10543 |
granted under section 5123.42 of the Revised Code. The board shall | 10544 |
refer all complaints received to the department of developmental | 10545 |
disabilities. The board may participate in an investigation of a | 10546 |
complaint being conducted by the department under section 5123.421 | 10547 |
of the Revised Code. | 10548 |
Sec. 4757.41. (A) This chapter shall not apply to the | 10549 |
following: | 10550 |
(1) A person certified by the state board of education under | 10551 |
Chapter 3319. of the Revised Code while performing any services | 10552 |
within the person's scope of employment by a board of education or | 10553 |
by a private school meeting the standards prescribed by the state | 10554 |
board of education under division (D) of section 3301.07 of the | 10555 |
Revised Code or in a program operated under Chapter 5126. of the | 10556 |
Revised Code for training individuals with | 10557 |
10558 |
(2) Psychologists or school psychologists licensed under | 10559 |
Chapter 4732. of the Revised Code; | 10560 |
(3) Members of other professions licensed, certified, or | 10561 |
registered by this state while performing services within the | 10562 |
recognized scope, standards, and ethics of their respective | 10563 |
professions; | 10564 |
(4) Rabbis, priests, Christian science practitioners, clergy, | 10565 |
or members of religious orders and other individuals participating | 10566 |
with them in pastoral counseling when the counseling activities | 10567 |
are within the scope of the performance of their regular or | 10568 |
specialized ministerial duties and are performed under the | 10569 |
auspices or sponsorship of an established and legally cognizable | 10570 |
church, denomination, or sect or an integrated auxiliary of a | 10571 |
church as defined in federal tax regulations, paragraph (g)(5) of | 10572 |
26 C.F.R. 1.6033-2 (1995), and when the individual rendering the | 10573 |
service remains accountable to the established authority of that | 10574 |
church, denomination, sect, or integrated auxiliary; | 10575 |
(5) Any person who is not licensed under this chapter as a | 10576 |
licensed professional clinical counselor, licensed professional | 10577 |
counselor, independent social worker, or social worker and is | 10578 |
employed in the civil service as defined in section 124.01 of the | 10579 |
Revised Code while engaging in professional counseling or social | 10580 |
work as a civil service employee, if on | 10581 |
10582 | |
service in that capacity; | 10583 |
(6) A student in an accredited educational institution while | 10584 |
carrying out activities that are part of the student's prescribed | 10585 |
course of study if the activities are supervised as required by | 10586 |
the educational institution and if the student does not hold | 10587 |
herself or himself out as a person licensed or registered under | 10588 |
this chapter; | 10589 |
(7) Individuals who hold a license or certificate under | 10590 |
Chapter 4758. of the Revised Code who are acting within the scope | 10591 |
of their license or certificate as members of the profession of | 10592 |
chemical dependency counseling or alcohol and other drug | 10593 |
prevention services; | 10594 |
(8) Any person employed by the American red cross while | 10595 |
engaging in activities relating to services for military families | 10596 |
and veterans and disaster relief, as described in the "American | 10597 |
National Red Cross Act," 33 Stat. 599 (1905), 36 U.S.C.A. 1, as | 10598 |
amended; | 10599 |
(9) Members of labor organizations who hold union counselor | 10600 |
certificates while performing services in their official capacity | 10601 |
as union counselors; | 10602 |
(10) Any person employed in a hospital as defined in section | 10603 |
3727.01 of the Revised Code or in a nursing home as defined in | 10604 |
section 3721.01 of the Revised Code while providing as a hospital | 10605 |
employee or nursing home employee, respectively, social services | 10606 |
other than counseling and the use of psychosocial interventions | 10607 |
and social psychotherapy; | 10608 |
(11) A vocational rehabilitation professional who is | 10609 |
providing rehabilitation services to individuals under section | 10610 |
3304.17 of the Revised Code, or holds certification by the | 10611 |
commission on rehabilitation counselor certification and is | 10612 |
providing rehabilitation counseling services consistent with the | 10613 |
commission's standards; | 10614 |
(12) A caseworker not licensed under this chapter as an | 10615 |
independent social worker or social worker who is employed by a | 10616 |
public children services agency under section 5153.112 of the | 10617 |
Revised Code. | 10618 |
(B) Divisions (A)(5) and (10) of this section do not prevent | 10619 |
a person described in those divisions from obtaining a license or | 10620 |
certificate of registration under this chapter. | 10621 |
(C) Except as provided in divisions (A) and (D) of this | 10622 |
section, no employee in the service of the state, including public | 10623 |
employees as defined by Chapter 4117. of the Revised Code, shall | 10624 |
engage in the practice of professional counseling, social work, or | 10625 |
marriage and family therapy without the appropriate license issued | 10626 |
by the board. Failure to comply with this division constitutes | 10627 |
nonfeasance under section 124.34 of the Revised Code or just cause | 10628 |
under a collective bargaining agreement. Nothing in this division | 10629 |
restricts the director of administrative services from developing | 10630 |
new classifications related to this division or from reassigning | 10631 |
affected employees to appropriate classifications based on the | 10632 |
employee's duties and qualifications. | 10633 |
(D) Except as provided in division (A) of this section, an | 10634 |
employee who was engaged in the practice of professional | 10635 |
counseling, social work, or marriage and family therapy in the | 10636 |
service of the state prior to | 10637 |
July 10, 2014, including public employees as defined by Chapter | 10638 |
4117. of the Revised Code, shall comply with division (C) of this | 10639 |
section within two years after | 10640 |
10641 | |
shall be removed from employment. | 10642 |
(E) Nothing in this chapter prevents a public children | 10643 |
services agency from employing as a caseworker a person not | 10644 |
licensed under this chapter as an independent social worker or | 10645 |
social worker who has the qualifications specified in section | 10646 |
5153.112 of the Revised Code. | 10647 |
Sec. 4971.16. As used in this section, "incompetent person" | 10648 |
means a person who is so mentally impaired as a result of a mental | 10649 |
or physical illness or disability, or | 10650 |
developmental disability that is an intellectual disability, or as | 10651 |
a result of chronic substance abuse, that the person is incapable | 10652 |
of taking proper care of the person's self or property or fails to | 10653 |
provide for the person's family or other persons for whom the | 10654 |
person is charged by law to provide. | 10655 |
Persons in interest who fail to become parties to the | 10656 |
agreement within the four-month period referred to in section | 10657 |
4971.14 of the Revised Code are entitled to the same rights, | 10658 |
interest, estate, remedy, liens, and action, and none other, which | 10659 |
parties in interest of like class and amount who signed the | 10660 |
agreement obtained by and under it. If a person in interest fails | 10661 |
for six years after the publication of the notice mentioned in | 10662 |
such section to apply at the principal office of the company, | 10663 |
either in person or by proxy, to become a party in interest in the | 10664 |
agreement, such person, unless an infant or incompetent person, | 10665 |
shall be barred of all interest, claim, right, or action under the | 10666 |
agreement or otherwise. In case of such disability such rights | 10667 |
shall be extended for two years after the termination of the | 10668 |
disability. | 10669 |
Sec. 5101.46. (A) As used in this section: | 10670 |
(1) "Title XX" means Title XX of the "Social Security Act," | 10671 |
88 Stat. 2337 (1974), 42 U.S.C.A. 1397, as amended. | 10672 |
(2) "Respective local agency" means, with respect to the | 10673 |
department of job and family services, a county department of job | 10674 |
and family services; with respect to the department of mental | 10675 |
health and addiction services, a board of alcohol, drug addiction, | 10676 |
and mental health services; and with respect to the department of | 10677 |
developmental disabilities, a county board of developmental | 10678 |
disabilities. | 10679 |
(3) "Federal poverty guidelines" means the poverty guidelines | 10680 |
as revised annually by the United States department of health and | 10681 |
human services in accordance with section 673(2) of the "Omnibus | 10682 |
Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981," 95 Stat. 511, 42 U.S.C.A. | 10683 |
9902, as amended, for a family size equal to the size of the | 10684 |
family of the person whose income is being determined. | 10685 |
(B) The departments of job and family services, mental | 10686 |
health, and developmental disabilities, with their respective | 10687 |
local agencies, shall administer the provision of social services | 10688 |
funded through grants made under Title XX. The social services | 10689 |
furnished with Title XX funds shall be directed at the following | 10690 |
goals: | 10691 |
(1) Achieving or maintaining economic self-support to | 10692 |
prevent, reduce, or eliminate dependency; | 10693 |
(2) Achieving or maintaining self-sufficiency, including | 10694 |
reduction or prevention of dependency; | 10695 |
(3) Preventing or remedying neglect, abuse, or exploitation | 10696 |
of children and adults unable to protect their own interests, or | 10697 |
preserving, rehabilitating, or reuniting families; | 10698 |
(4) Preventing or reducing inappropriate institutional care | 10699 |
by providing for community-based care, home-based care, or other | 10700 |
forms of less intensive care; | 10701 |
(5) Securing referral or admission for institutional care | 10702 |
when other forms of care are not appropriate, or providing | 10703 |
services to individuals in institutions. | 10704 |
(C)(1) All federal funds received under Title XX shall be | 10705 |
appropriated as follows: | 10706 |
(a) Seventy-two and one-half per cent to the department of | 10707 |
job and family services; | 10708 |
(b) Twelve and ninety-three one-hundredths per cent to the | 10709 |
department of mental health and addiction services; | 10710 |
(c) Fourteen and fifty-seven one-hundredths per cent to the | 10711 |
department of developmental disabilities. | 10712 |
(2) Each of the state departments shall, subject to the | 10713 |
approval of the controlling board, develop a formula for the | 10714 |
distribution of the Title XX funds appropriated to the department | 10715 |
to its respective local agencies. The formula developed by each | 10716 |
state department shall take into account all of the following for | 10717 |
each of its respective local agencies: | 10718 |
(a) The total population of the area that is served by the | 10719 |
respective local agency; | 10720 |
(b) The percentage of the population in the area served that | 10721 |
falls below the federal poverty guidelines; | 10722 |
(c) The respective local agency's history of and ability to | 10723 |
utilize Title XX funds. | 10724 |
(3) Each of the state departments shall expend for state | 10725 |
administrative costs not more than three per cent of the Title XX | 10726 |
funds appropriated to the department. | 10727 |
Each state department shall establish for each of its | 10728 |
respective local agencies the maximum percentage of the Title XX | 10729 |
funds distributed to the respective local agency that the | 10730 |
respective local agency may expend for local administrative costs. | 10731 |
The percentage shall be established by rule and shall comply with | 10732 |
federal law governing the use of Title XX funds. The rules shall | 10733 |
be adopted in accordance with section 111.15 of the Revised Code | 10734 |
as if they were internal management rules. | 10735 |
(4) The department of job and family services shall expend | 10736 |
for the training of the following not more than two per cent of | 10737 |
the Title XX funds appropriated to the department: | 10738 |
(a) Employees of county departments of job and family | 10739 |
services; | 10740 |
(b) Providers of services under contract with the state | 10741 |
departments' respective local agencies; | 10742 |
(c) Employees of a public children services agency directly | 10743 |
engaged in providing Title XX services. | 10744 |
(5) Title XX funds distributed for the purpose of providing | 10745 |
family planning services shall be distributed by the respective | 10746 |
local agencies according to the same order of priority that | 10747 |
applies to the department of job and family services under section | 10748 |
5101.101 of the Revised Code. | 10749 |
(D) The department of job and family services shall prepare | 10750 |
an annual comprehensive Title XX social services plan on the | 10751 |
intended use of Title XX funds. The department shall develop a | 10752 |
method for obtaining public comment during the development of the | 10753 |
plan and following its completion. | 10754 |
For each federal fiscal year, the department of job and | 10755 |
family services shall prepare a report on the actual use of Title | 10756 |
XX funds. The department shall make the annual report available | 10757 |
for public inspection. | 10758 |
The departments of mental health and addiction services and | 10759 |
developmental disabilities shall prepare and submit to the | 10760 |
department of job and family services the portions of each annual | 10761 |
plan and report that apply to services for mental health and | 10762 |
10763 | |
local agency of the three state departments shall submit | 10764 |
information as necessary for the preparation of annual plans and | 10765 |
reports. | 10766 |
(E) Each county department of job and family services shall | 10767 |
adopt a county profile for the administration and provision of | 10768 |
Title XX social services in the county. In developing its county | 10769 |
profile, the county department shall take into consideration the | 10770 |
comments and recommendations received from the public by the | 10771 |
county family services planning committee pursuant to section | 10772 |
329.06 of the Revised Code. As part of its preparation of the | 10773 |
county profile, the county department may prepare a local needs | 10774 |
report analyzing the need for Title XX social services. | 10775 |
The county department shall submit the county profile to the | 10776 |
board of county commissioners for its review. Once the county | 10777 |
profile has been approved by the board, the county department | 10778 |
shall file a copy of the county profile with the department of job | 10779 |
and family services. The department shall approve the county | 10780 |
profile if the department determines the profile provides for the | 10781 |
Title XX social services to meet the goals specified in division | 10782 |
(B) of this section. | 10783 |
(F) Any of the three state departments and their respective | 10784 |
local agencies may require that an entity under contract to | 10785 |
provide social services with Title XX funds submit to an audit on | 10786 |
the basis of alleged misuse or improper accounting of funds. If an | 10787 |
audit is required, the social services provider shall reimburse | 10788 |
the state department or respective local agency for the cost it | 10789 |
incurred in conducting the audit or having the audit conducted. | 10790 |
If an audit demonstrates that a social services provider is | 10791 |
responsible for one or more adverse findings, the provider shall | 10792 |
reimburse the appropriate state department or its respective local | 10793 |
agency the amount of the adverse findings. The amount shall not be | 10794 |
reimbursed with Title XX funds received under this section. The | 10795 |
three state departments and their respective local agencies may | 10796 |
terminate or refuse to enter into a Title XX contract with a | 10797 |
social services provider if there are adverse findings in an audit | 10798 |
that are the responsibility of the provider. | 10799 |
(G) Except with respect to the matters for which each of the | 10800 |
state departments must adopt rules under division (C)(3) of this | 10801 |
section, the department of job and family services may adopt any | 10802 |
rules it considers necessary to implement and carry out the | 10803 |
purposes of this section. Rules governing financial and | 10804 |
operational matters of the department or matters between the | 10805 |
department and county departments of job and family services shall | 10806 |
be adopted as internal management rules in accordance with section | 10807 |
111.15 of the Revised Code. Rules governing eligibility for | 10808 |
services, program participation, and other matters pertaining to | 10809 |
applicants and participants shall be adopted in accordance with | 10810 |
Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. | 10811 |
Sec. 5101.611. If a county department of job and family | 10812 |
services knows or has reasonable cause to believe that the subject | 10813 |
of a report made under section 5101.61 or of an investigation | 10814 |
conducted under sections 5101.62 to 5101.64 or on the initiative | 10815 |
of the department | 10816 |
has a developmental disability as defined in section 5126.01 of | 10817 |
the Revised Code, the department shall refer the case to the | 10818 |
county board of developmental disabilities of that county for | 10819 |
review pursuant to section 5126.31 of the Revised Code. | 10820 |
If a county board of developmental disabilities refers a case | 10821 |
to the county department of job and family services in accordance | 10822 |
with section 5126.31, the department shall proceed with the case | 10823 |
in accordance with sections 5101.60 to 5101.71 of the Revised | 10824 |
Code. | 10825 |
Sec. 5103.02. As used in sections 5103.03 to 5103.17 of the | 10826 |
Revised Code: | 10827 |
(A)(1) "Association" or "institution" includes all of the | 10828 |
following: | 10829 |
(a) Any incorporated or unincorporated organization, society, | 10830 |
association, or agency, public or private, that receives or cares | 10831 |
for children for two or more consecutive weeks; | 10832 |
(b) Any individual, including the operator of a foster home, | 10833 |
who, for hire, gain, or reward, receives or cares for children for | 10834 |
two or more consecutive weeks, unless the individual is related to | 10835 |
them by blood or marriage; | 10836 |
(c) Any individual not in the regular employ of a court, or | 10837 |
of an institution or association certified in accordance with | 10838 |
section 5103.03 of the Revised Code, who in any manner becomes a | 10839 |
party to the placing of children in foster homes, unless the | 10840 |
individual is related to such children by blood or marriage or is | 10841 |
the appointed guardian of such children. | 10842 |
(2) "Association" or "institution" does not include any of | 10843 |
the following: | 10844 |
(a) Any organization, society, association, school, agency, | 10845 |
child guidance center, detention or rehabilitation facility, or | 10846 |
children's clinic licensed, regulated, approved, operated under | 10847 |
the direction of, or otherwise certified by the department of | 10848 |
education, a local board of education, the department of youth | 10849 |
services, the department of mental health and addiction services, | 10850 |
or the department of developmental disabilities; | 10851 |
(b) Any individual who provides care for only a single-family | 10852 |
group, placed there by their parents or other relative having | 10853 |
custody. | 10854 |
(B) "Family foster home" means a foster home that is not a | 10855 |
specialized foster home. | 10856 |
(C) "Foster caregiver" means a person holding a valid foster | 10857 |
home certificate issued under section 5103.03 of the Revised Code. | 10858 |
(D) "Foster home" means a private residence in which children | 10859 |
are received apart from their parents, guardian, or legal | 10860 |
custodian, by an individual reimbursed for providing the children | 10861 |
nonsecure care, supervision, or training twenty-four hours a day. | 10862 |
"Foster home" does not include care provided for a child in the | 10863 |
home of a person other than the child's parent, guardian, or legal | 10864 |
custodian while the parent, guardian, or legal custodian is | 10865 |
temporarily away. Family foster homes and specialized foster homes | 10866 |
are types of foster homes. | 10867 |
(E) "Medically fragile foster home" means a foster home that | 10868 |
provides specialized medical services designed to meet the needs | 10869 |
of children with intensive health care needs who meet all of the | 10870 |
following criteria: | 10871 |
(1) Under rules adopted by the medicaid director governing | 10872 |
medicaid payments for long-term care services, the children | 10873 |
require a skilled level of care. | 10874 |
(2) The children require the services of a doctor of medicine | 10875 |
or osteopathic medicine at least once a week due to the | 10876 |
instability of their medical conditions. | 10877 |
(3) The children require the services of a registered nurse | 10878 |
on a daily basis. | 10879 |
(4) The children are at risk of institutionalization in a | 10880 |
hospital, skilled nursing facility, or intermediate care facility | 10881 |
for individuals with intellectual disabilities. | 10882 |
(F) "Recommending agency" means a public children services | 10883 |
agency, private child placing agency, or private noncustodial | 10884 |
agency that recommends that the department of job and family | 10885 |
services take any of the following actions under section 5103.03 | 10886 |
of the Revised Code regarding a foster home: | 10887 |
(1) Issue a certificate; | 10888 |
(2) Deny a certificate; | 10889 |
(3) Renew a certificate; | 10890 |
(4) Deny renewal of a certificate; | 10891 |
(5) Revoke a certificate. | 10892 |
(G) "Specialized foster home" means a medically fragile | 10893 |
foster home or a treatment foster home. | 10894 |
(H) "Treatment foster home" means a foster home that | 10895 |
incorporates special rehabilitative services designed to treat the | 10896 |
specific needs of the children received in the foster home and | 10897 |
that receives and cares for children who are emotionally or | 10898 |
behaviorally disturbed, who are chemically dependent, | 10899 |
10900 | |
disability, or who otherwise have exceptional needs. | 10901 |
Sec. 5119.44. As used in this section, "free clinic" has the | 10902 |
same meaning as in section 2305.2341 of the Revised Code. | 10903 |
(A) The department of mental health and addiction services | 10904 |
may provide certain goods and services for the department of | 10905 |
mental health and addiction services, the department of | 10906 |
developmental disabilities, the department of rehabilitation and | 10907 |
correction, the department of youth services, and other state, | 10908 |
county, or municipal agencies requesting such goods and services | 10909 |
when the department of mental health and addiction services | 10910 |
determines that it is in the public interest, and considers it | 10911 |
advisable, to provide these goods and services. The department of | 10912 |
mental health and addiction services also may provide goods and | 10913 |
services to agencies operated by the United States government and | 10914 |
to public or private nonprofit agencies, other than free clinics, | 10915 |
that are funded in whole or in part by the state if the public or | 10916 |
private nonprofit agencies are designated for participation in | 10917 |
this program by the director of mental health and addiction | 10918 |
services for community addiction services providers and community | 10919 |
mental health services providers, the director of developmental | 10920 |
disabilities for community | 10921 |
disabilities agencies, the director of rehabilitation and | 10922 |
correction for community rehabilitation and correction agencies, | 10923 |
or the director of youth services for community youth services | 10924 |
agencies. | 10925 |
Designated community agencies or services providers shall | 10926 |
receive goods and services through the department of mental health | 10927 |
and addiction services only in those cases where the designating | 10928 |
state agency certifies that providing such goods and services to | 10929 |
the agency or services provider will conserve public resources to | 10930 |
the benefit of the public and where the provision of such goods | 10931 |
and services is considered feasible by the department of mental | 10932 |
health and addiction services. | 10933 |
(B) The department of mental health and addiction services | 10934 |
may permit free clinics to purchase certain goods and services to | 10935 |
the extent the purchases fall within the exemption to the | 10936 |
Robinson-Patman Act, 15 U.S.C. 13 et seq., applicable to nonprofit | 10937 |
institutions, in 15 U.S.C. 13c, as amended. | 10938 |
(C) The goods and services that may be provided by the | 10939 |
department of mental health and addiction services under divisions | 10940 |
(A) and (B) of this section may include: | 10941 |
(1) Procurement, storage, processing, and distribution of | 10942 |
food and professional consultation on food operations; | 10943 |
(2) Procurement, storage, and distribution of medical and | 10944 |
laboratory supplies, dental supplies, medical records, forms, | 10945 |
optical supplies, and sundries, subject to section 5120.135 of the | 10946 |
Revised Code; | 10947 |
(3) Procurement, storage, repackaging, distribution, and | 10948 |
dispensing of drugs, the provision of professional pharmacy | 10949 |
consultation, and drug information services; | 10950 |
(4) Other goods and services. | 10951 |
(D) The department of mental health and addiction services | 10952 |
may provide the goods and services designated in division (C) of | 10953 |
this section to its institutions and to state-operated | 10954 |
community-based mental health or addiction services providers. | 10955 |
(E) After consultation with and advice from the director of | 10956 |
developmental disabilities, the director of rehabilitation and | 10957 |
correction, and the director of youth services, the department of | 10958 |
mental health and addiction services may provide the goods and | 10959 |
services designated in division (C) of this section to the | 10960 |
department of developmental disabilities, the department of | 10961 |
rehabilitation and correction, and the department of youth | 10962 |
services. | 10963 |
(F) The cost of administration of this section shall be | 10964 |
determined by the department of mental health and addiction | 10965 |
services and paid by the agencies, services providers, or free | 10966 |
clinics receiving the goods and services to the department for | 10967 |
deposit in the state treasury to the credit of the office of | 10968 |
support services fund, which is hereby created. The fund shall be | 10969 |
used to pay the cost of administration of this section to the | 10970 |
department. | 10971 |
(G) Whenever a state agency fails to make a payment for goods | 10972 |
and services provided under this section within thirty-one days | 10973 |
after the date the payment was due, the office of budget and | 10974 |
management may transfer moneys from the state agency to the | 10975 |
department of mental health and addiction services. The amount | 10976 |
transferred shall not exceed the amount of overdue payments. Prior | 10977 |
to making a transfer under this division, the office of budget and | 10978 |
management shall apply any credits the state agency has | 10979 |
accumulated in payments for goods and services provided under this | 10980 |
section. | 10981 |
(H) Purchases of goods and services under this section are | 10982 |
not subject to section 307.86 of the Revised Code. | 10983 |
Sec. 5120.051. The department of rehabilitation and | 10984 |
correction shall provide for the needs of mentally ill persons and | 10985 |
10986 | |
intellectual disabilities who are incarcerated in state | 10987 |
correctional institutions. The department may designate an | 10988 |
institution or a unit within an institution for the custody, care, | 10989 |
special training, treatment, and rehabilitation of mentally ill | 10990 |
persons or | 10991 |
disabilities that are intellectual disabilities. | 10992 |
Sec. 5120.11. Within the department of rehabilitation and | 10993 |
correction, there shall be established and maintained a bureau of | 10994 |
examination and classification. The bureau shall conduct or | 10995 |
provide for sociological, psychological, and psychiatric | 10996 |
examination of each inmate of the correctional institutions. The | 10997 |
examination shall be made as soon as possible after each inmate is | 10998 |
admitted to any of the institutions, and further examinations may | 10999 |
be made, if it is advisable. If the inmate is determined to be a | 11000 |
11001 | |
developmental disability, as defined in section 5123.01 of the | 11002 |
Revised Code, the bureau shall notify the sentencing court in | 11003 |
writing of its determination within forty-five days after | 11004 |
sentencing. | 11005 |
The bureau shall collect such social and other information as | 11006 |
will aid in the interpretation of its examinations. | 11007 |
Subject to division (C) of section 5120.21 of the Revised | 11008 |
Code, the bureau shall keep a record of the health, activities, | 11009 |
and behavior of each inmate while the inmate is in the custody of | 11010 |
the state. The records, including the findings and recommendations | 11011 |
of the bureau, shall be made available to the adult parole | 11012 |
authority for use in imposing post-release control sanctions under | 11013 |
section 2967.28 of the Revised Code or any other section of the | 11014 |
Revised Code, in granting parole, and in making parole, | 11015 |
post-release, and rehabilitation plans for the inmate when the | 11016 |
inmate leaves the institution, and to the department for its use | 11017 |
in approving transfers of inmates from one institution to another. | 11018 |
Sec. 5120.17. (A) As used in this section: | 11019 |
(1) "Mental illness" means a substantial disorder of thought, | 11020 |
mood, perception, orientation, or memory that grossly impairs | 11021 |
judgment, behavior, capacity to recognize reality, or ability to | 11022 |
meet the ordinary demands of life. | 11023 |
(2) "Mentally ill person subject to hospitalization" means a | 11024 |
mentally ill person to whom any of the following applies because | 11025 |
of the person's mental illness: | 11026 |
(a) The person represents a substantial risk of physical harm | 11027 |
to the person as manifested by evidence of threats of, or attempts | 11028 |
at, suicide or serious self-inflicted bodily harm. | 11029 |
(b) The person represents a substantial risk of physical harm | 11030 |
to others as manifested by evidence of recent homicidal or other | 11031 |
violent behavior, evidence of recent threats that place another in | 11032 |
reasonable fear of violent behavior and serious physical harm, or | 11033 |
other evidence of present dangerousness. | 11034 |
(c) The person represents a substantial and immediate risk of | 11035 |
serious physical impairment or injury to the person as manifested | 11036 |
by evidence that the person is unable to provide for and is not | 11037 |
providing for the person's basic physical needs because of the | 11038 |
person's mental illness and that appropriate provision for those | 11039 |
needs cannot be made immediately available in the correctional | 11040 |
institution in which the inmate is currently housed. | 11041 |
(d) The person would benefit from treatment in a hospital for | 11042 |
the person's mental illness and is in need of treatment in a | 11043 |
hospital as manifested by evidence of behavior that creates a | 11044 |
grave and imminent risk to substantial rights of others or the | 11045 |
person. | 11046 |
(3) "Psychiatric hospital" means all or part of a facility | 11047 |
that is operated and managed by the department of mental health | 11048 |
and addiction services to provide psychiatric hospitalization | 11049 |
services in accordance with the requirements of this section | 11050 |
pursuant to an agreement between the directors of rehabilitation | 11051 |
and correction and mental health and addiction services or, is | 11052 |
licensed by the department of mental health and addiction services | 11053 |
pursuant to section 5119.33 of the Revised Code as a psychiatric | 11054 |
hospital and is accredited by a health care accrediting | 11055 |
organization approved by the department of mental health and | 11056 |
addiction services and the psychiatric hospital is any of the | 11057 |
following: | 11058 |
(a) Operated and managed by the department of rehabilitation | 11059 |
and correction within a facility that is operated by the | 11060 |
department of rehabilitation and correction; | 11061 |
(b) Operated and managed by a contractor for the department | 11062 |
of rehabilitation and correction within a facility that is | 11063 |
operated by the department of rehabilitation and correction; | 11064 |
(c) Operated and managed in the community by an entity that | 11065 |
has contracted with the department of rehabilitation and | 11066 |
correction to provide psychiatric hospitalization services in | 11067 |
accordance with the requirements of this section. | 11068 |
(4) "Inmate patient" means an inmate who is admitted to a | 11069 |
psychiatric hospital. | 11070 |
(5) "Admitted" to a psychiatric hospital means being accepted | 11071 |
for and staying at least one night at the psychiatric hospital. | 11072 |
(6) "Treatment plan" means a written statement of reasonable | 11073 |
objectives and goals for an inmate patient that is based on the | 11074 |
needs of the inmate patient and that is established by the | 11075 |
treatment team, with the active participation of the inmate | 11076 |
patient and with documentation of that participation. "Treatment | 11077 |
plan" includes all of the following: | 11078 |
(a) The specific criteria to be used in evaluating progress | 11079 |
toward achieving the objectives and goals; | 11080 |
(b) The services to be provided to the inmate patient during | 11081 |
the inmate patient's hospitalization; | 11082 |
(c) The services to be provided to the inmate patient after | 11083 |
discharge from the hospital, including, but not limited to, | 11084 |
housing and mental health services provided at the state | 11085 |
correctional institution to which the inmate patient returns after | 11086 |
discharge or community mental health services. | 11087 |
(7) " | 11088 |
disability subject to institutionalization by court order" has the | 11089 |
same meaning as in section 5123.01 of the Revised Code. | 11090 |
(8) "Emergency transfer" means the transfer of a mentally ill | 11091 |
inmate to a psychiatric hospital when the inmate presents an | 11092 |
immediate danger to self or others and requires hospital-level | 11093 |
care. | 11094 |
(9) "Uncontested transfer" means the transfer of a mentally | 11095 |
ill inmate to a psychiatric hospital when the inmate has the | 11096 |
mental capacity to, and has waived, the hearing required by | 11097 |
division (B) of this section. | 11098 |
(10)(a) "Independent decision-maker" means a person who is | 11099 |
employed or retained by the department of rehabilitation and | 11100 |
correction and is appointed by the chief or chief clinical officer | 11101 |
of mental health services as a hospitalization hearing officer to | 11102 |
conduct due process hearings. | 11103 |
(b) An independent decision-maker who presides over any | 11104 |
hearing or issues any order pursuant to this section shall be a | 11105 |
psychiatrist, psychologist, or attorney, shall not be specifically | 11106 |
associated with the institution in which the inmate who is the | 11107 |
subject of the hearing or order resides at the time of the hearing | 11108 |
or order, and previously shall not have had any treatment | 11109 |
relationship with nor have represented in any legal proceeding the | 11110 |
inmate who is the subject of the order. | 11111 |
(B)(1) Except as provided in division (C) of this section, if | 11112 |
the warden of a state correctional institution or the warden's | 11113 |
designee believes that an inmate should be transferred from the | 11114 |
institution to a psychiatric hospital, the department shall hold a | 11115 |
hearing to determine whether the inmate is a mentally ill person | 11116 |
subject to hospitalization. The department shall conduct the | 11117 |
hearing at the state correctional institution in which the inmate | 11118 |
is confined, and the department shall provide qualified | 11119 |
independent assistance to the inmate for the hearing. An | 11120 |
independent decision-maker provided by the department shall | 11121 |
preside at the hearing and determine whether the inmate is a | 11122 |
mentally ill person subject to hospitalization. | 11123 |
(2) Except as provided in division (C) of this section, prior | 11124 |
to the hearing held pursuant to division (B)(1) of this section, | 11125 |
the warden or the warden's designee shall give written notice to | 11126 |
the inmate that the department is considering transferring the | 11127 |
inmate to a psychiatric hospital, that it will hold a hearing on | 11128 |
the proposed transfer at which the inmate may be present, that at | 11129 |
the hearing the inmate has the rights described in division (B)(3) | 11130 |
of this section, and that the department will provide qualified | 11131 |
independent assistance to the inmate with respect to the hearing. | 11132 |
The department shall not hold the hearing until the inmate has | 11133 |
received written notice of the proposed transfer and has had | 11134 |
sufficient time to consult with the person appointed by the | 11135 |
department to provide assistance to the inmate and to prepare for | 11136 |
a presentation at the hearing. | 11137 |
(3) At the hearing held pursuant to division (B)(1) of this | 11138 |
section, the department shall disclose to the inmate the evidence | 11139 |
that it relies upon for the transfer and shall give the inmate an | 11140 |
opportunity to be heard. Unless the independent decision-maker | 11141 |
finds good cause for not permitting it, the inmate may present | 11142 |
documentary evidence and the testimony of witnesses at the hearing | 11143 |
and may confront and cross-examine witnesses called by the | 11144 |
department. | 11145 |
(4) If the independent decision-maker does not find clear and | 11146 |
convincing evidence that the inmate is a mentally ill person | 11147 |
subject to hospitalization, the department shall not transfer the | 11148 |
inmate to a psychiatric hospital but shall continue to confine the | 11149 |
inmate in the same state correctional institution or in another | 11150 |
state correctional institution that the department considers | 11151 |
appropriate. If the independent decision-maker finds clear and | 11152 |
convincing evidence that the inmate is a mentally ill person | 11153 |
subject to hospitalization, the decision-maker shall order that | 11154 |
the inmate be transported to a psychiatric hospital for | 11155 |
observation and treatment for a period of not longer than thirty | 11156 |
days. After the hearing, the independent decision-maker shall | 11157 |
submit to the department a written decision that states one of the | 11158 |
findings described in division (B)(4) of this section, the | 11159 |
evidence that the decision-maker relied on in reaching that | 11160 |
conclusion, and, if the decision is that the inmate should be | 11161 |
transferred, the reasons for the transfer. | 11162 |
(C)(1) The department may transfer an inmate to a psychiatric | 11163 |
hospital under an emergency transfer order if the chief clinical | 11164 |
officer of mental health services of the department or that | 11165 |
officer's designee and either a psychiatrist employed or retained | 11166 |
by the department or, in the absence of a psychiatrist, a | 11167 |
psychologist employed or retained by the department determines | 11168 |
that the inmate is mentally ill, presents an immediate danger to | 11169 |
self or others, and requires hospital-level care. | 11170 |
(2) The department may transfer an inmate to a psychiatric | 11171 |
hospital under an uncontested transfer order if both of the | 11172 |
following apply: | 11173 |
(a) A psychiatrist employed or retained by the department | 11174 |
determines all of the following apply: | 11175 |
(i) The inmate has a mental illness or is a mentally ill | 11176 |
person subject to hospitalization. | 11177 |
(ii) The inmate requires hospital care to address the mental | 11178 |
illness. | 11179 |
(iii) The inmate has the mental capacity to make a reasoned | 11180 |
choice regarding the inmate's transfer to a hospital. | 11181 |
(b) The inmate agrees to a transfer to a hospital. | 11182 |
(3) The written notice and the hearing required under | 11183 |
divisions (B)(1) and (2) of this section are not required for an | 11184 |
emergency transfer or uncontested transfer under division (C)(1) | 11185 |
or (2) of this section. | 11186 |
(4) After an emergency transfer under division (C)(1) of this | 11187 |
section, the department shall hold a hearing for continued | 11188 |
hospitalization within five working days after admission of the | 11189 |
transferred inmate to the psychiatric hospital. The department | 11190 |
shall hold subsequent hearings pursuant to division (F) of this | 11191 |
section at the same intervals as required for inmate patients who | 11192 |
are transported to a psychiatric hospital under division (B)(4) of | 11193 |
this section. | 11194 |
(5) After an uncontested transfer under division (C)(2) of | 11195 |
this section, the inmate may withdraw consent to the transfer in | 11196 |
writing at any time. Upon the inmate's withdrawal of consent, the | 11197 |
hospital shall discharge the inmate, or, within five working days, | 11198 |
the department shall hold a hearing for continued hospitalization. | 11199 |
The department shall hold subsequent hearings pursuant to division | 11200 |
(F) of this section at the same time intervals as required for | 11201 |
inmate patients who are transported to a psychiatric hospital | 11202 |
under division (B)(4) of this section. | 11203 |
(D)(1) If an independent decision-maker, pursuant to division | 11204 |
(B)(4) of this section, orders an inmate transported to a | 11205 |
psychiatric hospital or if an inmate is transferred pursuant to | 11206 |
division (C)(1) or (2) of this section, the staff of the | 11207 |
psychiatric hospital shall examine the inmate patient when | 11208 |
admitted to the psychiatric hospital as soon as practicable after | 11209 |
the inmate patient arrives at the hospital and no later than | 11210 |
twenty-four hours after the time of arrival. The attending | 11211 |
physician responsible for the inmate patient's care shall give the | 11212 |
inmate patient all information necessary to enable the patient to | 11213 |
give a fully informed, intelligent, and knowing consent to the | 11214 |
treatment the inmate patient will receive in the hospital. The | 11215 |
attending physician shall tell the inmate patient the expected | 11216 |
physical and medical consequences of any proposed treatment and | 11217 |
shall give the inmate patient the opportunity to consult with | 11218 |
another psychiatrist at the hospital and with the inmate advisor. | 11219 |
(2) No inmate patient who is transported or transferred | 11220 |
pursuant to division (B)(4) or (C)(1) or (2) of this section to a | 11221 |
psychiatric hospital within a facility that is operated by the | 11222 |
department of rehabilitation and correction shall be subjected to | 11223 |
any of the following procedures: | 11224 |
(a) Convulsive therapy; | 11225 |
(b) Major aversive interventions; | 11226 |
(c) Any unusually hazardous treatment procedures; | 11227 |
(d) Psychosurgery. | 11228 |
(E) The department of rehabilitation and correction shall | 11229 |
ensure that an inmate patient hospitalized pursuant to this | 11230 |
section receives or has all of the following: | 11231 |
(1) Receives sufficient professional care within twenty days | 11232 |
of admission to ensure that an evaluation of the inmate patient's | 11233 |
current status, differential diagnosis, probable prognosis, and | 11234 |
description of the current treatment plan have been formulated and | 11235 |
are stated on the inmate patient's official chart; | 11236 |
(2) Has a written treatment plan consistent with the | 11237 |
evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis, and goals of treatment; | 11238 |
(3) Receives treatment consistent with the treatment plan; | 11239 |
(4) Receives periodic reevaluations of the treatment plan by | 11240 |
the professional staff at intervals not to exceed thirty days; | 11241 |
(5) Is provided with adequate medical treatment for physical | 11242 |
disease or injury; | 11243 |
(6) Receives humane care and treatment, including, without | 11244 |
being limited to, the following: | 11245 |
(a) Access to the facilities and personnel required by the | 11246 |
treatment plan; | 11247 |
(b) A humane psychological and physical environment; | 11248 |
(c) The right to obtain current information concerning the | 11249 |
treatment program, the expected outcomes of treatment, and the | 11250 |
expectations for the inmate patient's participation in the | 11251 |
treatment program in terms that the inmate patient reasonably can | 11252 |
understand; | 11253 |
(d) Opportunity for participation in programs designed to | 11254 |
help the inmate patient acquire the skills needed to work toward | 11255 |
discharge from the psychiatric hospital; | 11256 |
(e) The right to be free from unnecessary or excessive | 11257 |
medication and from unnecessary restraints or isolation; | 11258 |
(f) All other rights afforded inmates in the custody of the | 11259 |
department consistent with rules, policy, and procedure of the | 11260 |
department. | 11261 |
(F) The department shall hold a hearing for the continued | 11262 |
hospitalization of an inmate patient who is transported or | 11263 |
transferred to a psychiatric hospital pursuant to division (B)(4) | 11264 |
or (C)(1) of this section prior to the expiration of the initial | 11265 |
thirty-day period of hospitalization. The department shall hold | 11266 |
any subsequent hearings, if necessary, not later than ninety days | 11267 |
after the first thirty-day hearing and then not later than each | 11268 |
one hundred and eighty days after the immediately prior hearing. | 11269 |
An independent decision-maker shall conduct the hearings at the | 11270 |
psychiatric hospital in which the inmate patient is confined. The | 11271 |
inmate patient shall be afforded all of the rights set forth in | 11272 |
this section for the hearing prior to transfer to the psychiatric | 11273 |
hospital. The department may not waive a hearing for continued | 11274 |
commitment. A hearing for continued commitment is mandatory for an | 11275 |
inmate patient transported or transferred to a psychiatric | 11276 |
hospital pursuant to division (B)(4) or (C)(1) of this section | 11277 |
unless the inmate patient has the capacity to make a reasoned | 11278 |
choice to execute a waiver and waives the hearing in writing. An | 11279 |
inmate patient who is transferred to a psychiatric hospital | 11280 |
pursuant to an uncontested transfer under division (C)(2) of this | 11281 |
section and who has scheduled hearings after withdrawal of consent | 11282 |
for hospitalization may waive any of the scheduled hearings if the | 11283 |
inmate has the capacity to make a reasoned choice and executes a | 11284 |
written waiver of the hearing. | 11285 |
If upon completion of the hearing the independent | 11286 |
decision-maker does not find by clear and convincing evidence that | 11287 |
the inmate patient is a mentally ill person subject to | 11288 |
hospitalization, the independent decision-maker shall order the | 11289 |
inmate patient's discharge from the psychiatric hospital. If the | 11290 |
independent decision-maker finds by clear and convincing evidence | 11291 |
that the inmate patient is a mentally ill person subject to | 11292 |
hospitalization, the independent decision-maker shall order that | 11293 |
the inmate patient remain at the psychiatric hospital for | 11294 |
continued hospitalization until the next required hearing. | 11295 |
If at any time prior to the next required hearing for | 11296 |
continued hospitalization, the medical director of the hospital or | 11297 |
the attending physician determines that the treatment needs of the | 11298 |
inmate patient could be met equally well in an available and | 11299 |
appropriate less restrictive state correctional institution or | 11300 |
unit, the medical director or attending physician may discharge | 11301 |
the inmate to that facility. | 11302 |
(G) An inmate patient is entitled to the credits toward the | 11303 |
reduction of the inmate patient's stated prison term pursuant to | 11304 |
Chapters 2967. and 5120. of the Revised Code under the same terms | 11305 |
and conditions as if the inmate patient were in any other | 11306 |
institution of the department of rehabilitation and correction. | 11307 |
(H) The adult parole authority may place an inmate patient on | 11308 |
parole or under post-release control directly from a psychiatric | 11309 |
hospital. | 11310 |
(I) If an inmate patient who is a mentally ill person subject | 11311 |
to hospitalization is to be released from a psychiatric hospital | 11312 |
because of the expiration of the inmate patient's stated prison | 11313 |
term, the director of rehabilitation and correction or the | 11314 |
director's designee, at least fourteen days before the expiration | 11315 |
date, may file an affidavit under section 5122.11 or 5123.71 of | 11316 |
the Revised Code with the probate court in the county where the | 11317 |
psychiatric hospital is located or the probate court in the county | 11318 |
where the inmate will reside, alleging that the inmate patient is | 11319 |
a mentally ill person subject to hospitalization by court order or | 11320 |
a | 11321 |
to institutionalization by court order, whichever is applicable. | 11322 |
The proceedings in the probate court shall be conducted pursuant | 11323 |
to Chapter 5122. or 5123. of the Revised Code except as modified | 11324 |
by this division. | 11325 |
Upon the request of the inmate patient, the probate court | 11326 |
shall grant the inmate patient an initial hearing under section | 11327 |
5122.141 of the Revised Code or a probable cause hearing under | 11328 |
section 5123.75 of the Revised Code before the expiration of the | 11329 |
stated prison term. After holding a full hearing, the probate | 11330 |
court shall make a disposition authorized by section 5122.15 or | 11331 |
5123.76 of the Revised Code before the date of the expiration of | 11332 |
the stated prison term. No inmate patient shall be held in the | 11333 |
custody of the department of rehabilitation and correction past | 11334 |
the date of the expiration of the inmate patient's stated prison | 11335 |
term. | 11336 |
(J) The department of rehabilitation and correction shall set | 11337 |
standards for treatment provided to inmate patients. | 11338 |
(K) A certificate, application, record, or report that is | 11339 |
made in compliance with this section and that directly or | 11340 |
indirectly identifies an inmate or former inmate whose | 11341 |
hospitalization has been sought under this section is | 11342 |
confidential. No person shall disclose the contents of any | 11343 |
certificate, application, record, or report of that nature or any | 11344 |
other psychiatric or medical record or report regarding a mentally | 11345 |
ill inmate unless one of the following applies: | 11346 |
(1) The person identified, or the person's legal guardian, if | 11347 |
any, consents to disclosure, and the chief clinical officer or | 11348 |
designee of mental health services of the department of | 11349 |
rehabilitation and correction determines that disclosure is in the | 11350 |
best interests of the person. | 11351 |
(2) Disclosure is required by a court order signed by a | 11352 |
judge. | 11353 |
(3) An inmate patient seeks access to the inmate patient's | 11354 |
own psychiatric and medical records, unless access is specifically | 11355 |
restricted in the treatment plan for clear treatment reasons. | 11356 |
(4) Hospitals and other institutions and facilities within | 11357 |
the department of rehabilitation and correction may exchange | 11358 |
psychiatric records and other pertinent information with other | 11359 |
hospitals, institutions, and facilities of the department, but the | 11360 |
information that may be released about an inmate patient is | 11361 |
limited to medication history, physical health status and history, | 11362 |
summary of course of treatment in the hospital, summary of | 11363 |
treatment needs, and a discharge summary, if any. | 11364 |
(5) An inmate patient's family member who is involved in | 11365 |
planning, providing, and monitoring services to the inmate patient | 11366 |
may receive medication information, a summary of the inmate | 11367 |
patient's diagnosis and prognosis, and a list of the services and | 11368 |
personnel available to assist the inmate patient and family if the | 11369 |
attending physician determines that disclosure would be in the | 11370 |
best interest of the inmate patient. No disclosure shall be made | 11371 |
under this division unless the inmate patient is notified of the | 11372 |
possible disclosure, receives the information to be disclosed, and | 11373 |
does not object to the disclosure. | 11374 |
(6) The department of rehabilitation and correction may | 11375 |
exchange psychiatric hospitalization records, other mental health | 11376 |
treatment records, and other pertinent information with county | 11377 |
sheriffs' offices, hospitals, institutions, and facilities of the | 11378 |
department of mental health and addiction services and with | 11379 |
community mental health services providers and boards of alcohol, | 11380 |
drug addiction, and mental health services with which the | 11381 |
department of mental health and addiction services has a current | 11382 |
agreement for patient care or services to ensure continuity of | 11383 |
care. Disclosure under this division is limited to records | 11384 |
regarding a mentally ill inmate's medication history, physical | 11385 |
health status and history, summary of course of treatment, summary | 11386 |
of treatment needs, and a discharge summary, if any. No office, | 11387 |
department, agency, provider, or board shall disclose the records | 11388 |
and other information unless one of the following applies: | 11389 |
(a) The mentally ill inmate is notified of the possible | 11390 |
disclosure and consents to the disclosure. | 11391 |
(b) The mentally ill inmate is notified of the possible | 11392 |
disclosure, an attempt to gain the consent of the inmate is made, | 11393 |
and the office, department, agency, or board documents the attempt | 11394 |
to gain consent, the inmate's objections, if any, and the reasons | 11395 |
for disclosure in spite of the inmate's objections. | 11396 |
(7) Information may be disclosed to staff members designated | 11397 |
by the director of rehabilitation and correction for the purpose | 11398 |
of evaluating the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of | 11399 |
services and determining if the services meet minimum standards. | 11400 |
The name of an inmate patient shall not be retained with the | 11401 |
information obtained during the evaluations. | 11402 |
(L) The director of rehabilitation and correction may adopt | 11403 |
rules setting forth guidelines for the procedures required under | 11404 |
divisions (B), (C)(1), and (C)(2) of this section. | 11405 |
Sec. 5120.173. Any person who is required to report abuse or | 11406 |
neglect of a child under eighteen years of age that is reasonably | 11407 |
suspected or believed to have occurred or the threat of which is | 11408 |
reasonably suspected or believed to exist pursuant to division (A) | 11409 |
of section 2151.421 of the Revised Code, any person who is | 11410 |
permitted to report or cause a report to be made of reasonably | 11411 |
suspected abuse or neglect of a child under eighteen years of age | 11412 |
pursuant to division (B) of that section, any person who is | 11413 |
required to report suspected abuse or neglect of a person with | 11414 |
11415 | |
division (C) of section 5123.61 of the Revised Code, and any | 11416 |
person who is permitted to report suspected abuse or neglect of a | 11417 |
person with | 11418 |
pursuant to division (F) of that section and who makes or causes | 11419 |
the report to be made, shall direct that report to the state | 11420 |
highway patrol if the child or the person with | 11421 |
11422 | |
state correctional institution. If the state highway patrol | 11423 |
determines after receipt of the report that it is probable that | 11424 |
abuse or neglect of the inmate occurred, the patrol shall report | 11425 |
its findings to the department of rehabilitation and correction, | 11426 |
to the court that sentenced the inmate for the offense for which | 11427 |
the inmate is in the custody of the department, and to the | 11428 |
chairperson and vice-chairperson of the correctional institution | 11429 |
inspection committee established by section 103.71 of the Revised | 11430 |
Code. | 11431 |
Sec. 5121.04. (A) The department of developmental | 11432 |
disabilities shall investigate the financial condition of the | 11433 |
residents in institutions, residents whose care or treatment is | 11434 |
being paid for in a private facility or home under the control of | 11435 |
the department, and of the relatives named in section 5121.06 of | 11436 |
the Revised Code as liable for the support of such residents, in | 11437 |
order to determine the ability of any resident or liable relatives | 11438 |
to pay for the support of the resident and to provide suitable | 11439 |
clothing as required by the superintendent of the institution. | 11440 |
(B) The department shall follow the provisions of this | 11441 |
division in determining the ability to pay of a resident or the | 11442 |
resident's liable relatives and the amount to be charged such | 11443 |
resident or liable relatives. | 11444 |
(1) Subject to divisions (B)(10) and (11) of this section, a | 11445 |
resident without dependents shall be liable for the full | 11446 |
applicable cost. A resident without dependents who has a gross | 11447 |
annual income equal to or exceeding the sum of the full applicable | 11448 |
cost, plus fifty dollars per month, regardless of the source of | 11449 |
such income, shall pay currently the full amount of the applicable | 11450 |
cost; if the resident's gross annual income is less than such sum, | 11451 |
not more than fifty dollars per month shall be kept for personal | 11452 |
use by or on behalf of the resident, except as permitted in the | 11453 |
state plan for providing medical assistance under Title XIX of the | 11454 |
"Social Security Act," 49 Stat. 620 (1935), 42 U.S.C. 301, as | 11455 |
amended, and the balance shall be paid currently on the resident's | 11456 |
support. Subject to divisions (B)(10) and (11) of this section, | 11457 |
the estate of a resident without dependents shall pay currently | 11458 |
any remaining difference between the applicable cost and the | 11459 |
amounts prescribed in this section, or shall execute an agreement | 11460 |
with the department for payment to be made at some future date | 11461 |
under terms suitable to the department. However, no security | 11462 |
interest, mortgage, or lien shall be taken, granted, or charged | 11463 |
against any principal residence of a resident without dependents | 11464 |
under an agreement or otherwise to secure support payments, and no | 11465 |
foreclosure actions shall be taken on security interests, | 11466 |
mortgages, or liens taken, granted, or charged against principal | 11467 |
residences of residents prior to October 7, 1977. | 11468 |
(2) The ability to pay of a resident with dependents, or of a | 11469 |
liable relative of a resident either with or without dependents, | 11470 |
shall be determined in accordance with the resident's or liable | 11471 |
relative's income or other assets, the needs of others who are | 11472 |
dependent on such income and other assets for support, and, if | 11473 |
applicable, divisions (B)(10) and (11) of this section. | 11474 |
For the first thirty days of care and treatment of each | 11475 |
admission, but in no event for more than thirty days in any | 11476 |
calendar year, the resident with dependents or the liable relative | 11477 |
of a resident either with or without dependents shall be charged | 11478 |
an amount equal to the percentage of the average applicable cost | 11479 |
determined in accordance with the schedule of adjusted gross | 11480 |
annual income contained after this paragraph. After such first | 11481 |
thirty days of care and treatment, such resident or such liable | 11482 |
relative shall be charged an amount equal to the percentage of a | 11483 |
base support rate of four dollars per day for residents, as | 11484 |
determined in accordance with the schedule of gross annual income | 11485 |
contained after this paragraph, or in accordance with division | 11486 |
(B)(5) of this section. Beginning January 1, 1978, the department | 11487 |
shall increase the base rate when the consumer price index average | 11488 |
is more than 4.0 for the preceding calendar year by not more than | 11489 |
the average for such calendar year. | 11490 |
Adjusted Gross Annual | 11491 | ||
Income of Resident | 11492 | ||
or Liable Relative (FN a) | Number of Dependents (FN b) | 11493 |
8 or | 11494 | |||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | more | 11495 | ||
Rate of Support (In Percentages) | 11496 | |||||||||
$15,000 or less | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | 11497 | |
15,001 to 17,500 | 20 | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | 11498 | |
17,501 to 20,000 | 25 | 20 | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | 11499 | |
20,001 to 21,000 | 30 | 25 | 20 | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | 11500 | |
21,001 to 22,000 | 35 | 30 | 25 | 20 | -- | -- | -- | -- | 11501 | |
22,001 to 23,000 | 40 | 35 | 30 | 25 | 20 | -- | -- | -- | 11502 | |
23,001 to 24,000 | 45 | 40 | 35 | 30 | 25 | 20 | -- | -- | 11503 | |
24,001 to 25,000 | 50 | 45 | 40 | 35 | 30 | 25 | 20 | -- | 11504 | |
25,001 to 26,000 | 55 | 50 | 45 | 40 | 35 | 30 | 25 | 20 | 11505 | |
26,001 to 27,000 | 60 | 55 | 50 | 45 | 40 | 35 | 30 | 25 | 11506 | |
27,001 to 28,000 | 70 | 60 | 55 | 50 | 45 | 40 | 35 | 30 | 11507 | |
28,001 to 30,000 | 80 | 70 | 60 | 55 | 50 | 45 | 40 | 35 | 11508 | |
30,001 to 40,000 | 90 | 80 | 70 | 60 | 55 | 50 | 45 | 40 | 11509 | |
40,001 and over | 100 | 90 | 80 | 70 | 60 | 55 | 50 | 45 | 11510 |
Footnote a. The resident or relative shall furnish a copy of | 11511 |
the resident's or relative's federal income tax return as evidence | 11512 |
of gross annual income. | 11513 |
Footnote b. The number of dependents includes the liable | 11514 |
relative but excludes a resident in an institution. "Dependent" | 11515 |
includes any person who receives more than half the person's | 11516 |
support from the resident or the resident's liable relative. | 11517 |
(3) A resident or liable relative having medical, funeral, or | 11518 |
related expenses in excess of four per cent of the adjusted gross | 11519 |
annual income, which expenses were not covered by insurance, may | 11520 |
adjust such gross annual income by reducing the adjusted gross | 11521 |
annual income by the full amount of such expenses. Proof of such | 11522 |
expenses satisfactory to the department must be furnished. | 11523 |
(4) Additional dependencies may be claimed if: | 11524 |
(a) The liable relative is blind; | 11525 |
(b) The liable relative is over sixty-five; | 11526 |
(c) A child is a college student with expenses in excess of | 11527 |
fifty dollars per month; | 11528 |
(d) The services of a housekeeper, costing in excess of fifty | 11529 |
dollars per month, are required if the person who normally keeps | 11530 |
house for minor children is the resident. | 11531 |
(5) If with respect to any resident with dependents there is | 11532 |
chargeable under division (B)(2) of this section less than fifty | 11533 |
per cent of the applicable cost or, if the base support rate was | 11534 |
used, less than fifty per cent of the amount determined by use of | 11535 |
the base support rate, and if with respect to such resident there | 11536 |
is a liable relative who has an estate having a value in excess of | 11537 |
fifteen thousand dollars or if such resident has a dependent and | 11538 |
an estate having a value in excess of fifteen thousand dollars, | 11539 |
there shall be paid with respect to such resident a total of fifty | 11540 |
per cent of the applicable cost or the base support rate amount, | 11541 |
as the case may be, on a current basis or there shall be executed | 11542 |
with respect to such resident an agreement with the department for | 11543 |
payment to be made at some future date under terms suitable to the | 11544 |
department. | 11545 |
(6) When a person has been a resident for fifteen years and | 11546 |
the support charges for which a relative is liable have been paid | 11547 |
for the fifteen-year period, the liable relative shall be relieved | 11548 |
of any further support charges. | 11549 |
(7) The department shall accept voluntary payments from | 11550 |
residents or liable relatives whose incomes are below the minimum | 11551 |
shown in the schedule set forth in this division. The department | 11552 |
also shall accept voluntary payments in excess of required amounts | 11553 |
from both liable and nonliable relatives. | 11554 |
(8) If a resident is covered by an insurance policy, or other | 11555 |
contract that provides for payment of expenses for care and | 11556 |
treatment for | 11557 |
disability at or from an institution or facility (including a | 11558 |
community service unit under the jurisdiction of the department), | 11559 |
the other provisions of this section, except divisions (B)(8), | 11560 |
(10), and (11) of this section, and of section 5121.01 of the | 11561 |
Revised Code shall be suspended to the extent that such insurance | 11562 |
policy or other contract is in force, and such resident shall be | 11563 |
charged the full amount of the applicable cost. Any insurance | 11564 |
carrier or other third party payor providing coverage for such | 11565 |
care and treatment shall pay for this support obligation in an | 11566 |
amount equal to the lesser of either the applicable cost or the | 11567 |
benefits provided under the policy or other contract. Whether or | 11568 |
not an insured, owner of, or other person having an interest in | 11569 |
such policy or other contract is liable for support payments under | 11570 |
other provisions of this chapter, the insured, policy owner, or | 11571 |
other person shall assign payment directly to the department of | 11572 |
all assignable benefits under the policy or other contract and | 11573 |
shall pay over to the department, within ten days of receipt, all | 11574 |
insurance or other benefits received as reimbursement or payment | 11575 |
for expenses incurred by the resident or for any other reason. If | 11576 |
the insured, policy owner, or other person refuses to assign such | 11577 |
payment to the department or refuses to pay such received | 11578 |
reimbursements or payments over to the department within ten days | 11579 |
of receipt, the insured's, policy owners', or other person's total | 11580 |
liability for the services equals the applicable statutory | 11581 |
liability for payment for the services as determined under other | 11582 |
provisions of this chapter, plus the amounts payable under the | 11583 |
terms of the policy or other contract. In no event shall this | 11584 |
total liability exceed the full amount of the applicable cost. | 11585 |
Upon its request, the department is entitled to a court order that | 11586 |
compels the insured, owner of, or other person having an interest | 11587 |
in the policy or other contract to comply with the assignment | 11588 |
requirements of this division or that itself serves as a legally | 11589 |
sufficient assignment in compliance with such requirements. | 11590 |
Notwithstanding section 5123.89 of the Revised Code and any other | 11591 |
law relating to confidentiality of records, the managing officer | 11592 |
of the institution or facility where a person is or has been a | 11593 |
resident shall disclose pertinent medical information concerning | 11594 |
the resident to the insurance carrier or other third party payor | 11595 |
in question, in order to effect collection from the carrier or | 11596 |
payor of the state's claim for care and treatment under this | 11597 |
division. For such disclosure, the managing officer is not subject | 11598 |
to any civil or criminal liability. | 11599 |
(9) The rate to be charged for pre-admission care, | 11600 |
after-care, day-care, or routine consultation and treatment | 11601 |
services shall be based upon the ability of the resident or the | 11602 |
resident's liable relatives to pay. When it is determined by the | 11603 |
department that a charge shall be made, such charge shall be | 11604 |
computed as provided in divisions (B)(1) and (2) of this section. | 11605 |
(10) If a resident with or without dependents is the | 11606 |
beneficiary of a trust created pursuant to section 5815.28 of the | 11607 |
Revised Code, then, notwithstanding any contrary provision of this | 11608 |
chapter or of a rule adopted pursuant to this chapter, divisions | 11609 |
(C) and (D) of that section shall apply in determining the assets | 11610 |
or resources of the resident, the resident's estate, the settlor, | 11611 |
or the settlor's estate and to claims arising under this chapter | 11612 |
against the resident, the resident's estate, the settlor, or the | 11613 |
settlor's estate. | 11614 |
(11) If the department waives the liability of an individual | 11615 |
and the individual's liable relatives pursuant to section 5123.194 | 11616 |
of the Revised Code, the liability of the individual and relative | 11617 |
ceases in accordance with the waiver's terms. | 11618 |
(C) The department may enter into agreements with a resident | 11619 |
or a liable relative for support payments to be made in the | 11620 |
future. However, no security interest, mortgage, or lien shall be | 11621 |
taken, granted, or charged against any principal family residence | 11622 |
of a resident with dependents or a liable relative under an | 11623 |
agreement or otherwise to secure support payments, and no | 11624 |
foreclosure actions shall be taken on security interests, | 11625 |
mortgages or liens taken, granted, or charged against principal | 11626 |
residences of residents or liable relatives prior to October 7, | 11627 |
1977. | 11628 |
(D) The department shall make all investigations and | 11629 |
determinations required by this section within ninety days after a | 11630 |
resident is admitted to an institution under the department's | 11631 |
control and immediately shall notify by mail the persons liable of | 11632 |
the amount to be charged. | 11633 |
(E) All actions to enforce the collection of payments agreed | 11634 |
upon or charged by the department shall be commenced within six | 11635 |
years after the date of default of an agreement to pay support | 11636 |
charges or the date such payment becomes delinquent. If a payment | 11637 |
is made pursuant to an agreement which is in default, a new | 11638 |
six-year period for actions to enforce the collection of payments | 11639 |
under such agreement shall be computed from the date of such | 11640 |
payment. For purposes of this division an agreement is in default | 11641 |
or a payment is delinquent if a payment is not made within thirty | 11642 |
days after it is incurred or a payment, pursuant to an agreement, | 11643 |
is not made within thirty days after the date specified for such | 11644 |
payment. In all actions to enforce the collection of payment for | 11645 |
the liability for support, every court of record shall receive | 11646 |
into evidence the proof of claim made by the state together with | 11647 |
all debts and credits, and it shall be prima-facie evidence of the | 11648 |
facts contained in it. | 11649 |
Sec. 5122.01. As used in this chapter and Chapter 5119. of | 11650 |
the Revised Code: | 11651 |
(A) "Mental illness" means a substantial disorder of thought, | 11652 |
mood, perception, orientation, or memory that grossly impairs | 11653 |
judgment, behavior, capacity to recognize reality, or ability to | 11654 |
meet the ordinary demands of life. | 11655 |
(B) "Mentally ill person subject to court order" means a | 11656 |
mentally ill person who, because of the person's illness: | 11657 |
(1) Represents a substantial risk of physical harm to self as | 11658 |
manifested by evidence of threats of, or attempts at, suicide or | 11659 |
serious self-inflicted bodily harm; | 11660 |
(2) Represents a substantial risk of physical harm to others | 11661 |
as manifested by evidence of recent homicidal or other violent | 11662 |
behavior, evidence of recent threats that place another in | 11663 |
reasonable fear of violent behavior and serious physical harm, or | 11664 |
other evidence of present dangerousness; | 11665 |
(3) Represents a substantial and immediate risk of serious | 11666 |
physical impairment or injury to self as manifested by evidence | 11667 |
that the person is unable to provide for and is not providing for | 11668 |
the person's basic physical needs because of the person's mental | 11669 |
illness and that appropriate provision for those needs cannot be | 11670 |
made immediately available in the community; | 11671 |
(4) Would benefit from treatment for the person's mental | 11672 |
illness and is in need of such treatment as manifested by evidence | 11673 |
of behavior that creates a grave and imminent risk to substantial | 11674 |
rights of others or the person; | 11675 |
(5)(a) Would benefit from treatment as manifested by evidence | 11676 |
of behavior that indicates all of the following: | 11677 |
(i) The person is unlikely to survive safely in the community | 11678 |
without supervision, based on a clinical determination. | 11679 |
(ii) The person has a history of lack of compliance with | 11680 |
treatment for mental illness and one of the following applies: | 11681 |
(I) At least twice within the thirty-six months prior to the | 11682 |
filing of an affidavit seeking court-ordered treatment of the | 11683 |
person under section 5122.111 of the Revised Code, the lack of | 11684 |
compliance has been a significant factor in necessitating | 11685 |
hospitalization in a hospital or receipt of services in a forensic | 11686 |
or other mental health unit of a correctional facility, provided | 11687 |
that the thirty-six-month period shall be extended by the length | 11688 |
of any hospitalization or incarceration of the person that | 11689 |
occurred within the thirty-six-month period. | 11690 |
(II) Within the forty-eight months prior to the filing of an | 11691 |
affidavit seeking court-ordered treatment of the person under | 11692 |
section 5122.111 of the Revised Code, the lack of compliance | 11693 |
resulted in one or more acts of serious violent behavior toward | 11694 |
self or others or threats of, or attempts at, serious physical | 11695 |
harm to self or others, provided that the forty-eight-month period | 11696 |
shall be extended by the length of any hospitalization or | 11697 |
incarceration of the person that occurred within the | 11698 |
forty-eight-month period. | 11699 |
(iii) The person, as a result of the person's mental illness, | 11700 |
is unlikely to voluntarily participate in necessary treatment. | 11701 |
(iv) In view of the person's treatment history and current | 11702 |
behavior, the person is in need of treatment in order to prevent a | 11703 |
relapse or deterioration that would be likely to result in | 11704 |
substantial risk of serious harm to the person or others. | 11705 |
(b) An individual who meets only the criteria described in | 11706 |
division (B)(5)(a) of this section is not subject to | 11707 |
hospitalization. | 11708 |
(C)(1) "Patient" means, subject to division (C)(2) of this | 11709 |
section, a person who is admitted either voluntarily or | 11710 |
involuntarily to a hospital or other place under section 2945.39, | 11711 |
2945.40, 2945.401, or 2945.402 of the Revised Code subsequent to a | 11712 |
finding of not guilty by reason of insanity or incompetence to | 11713 |
stand trial or under this chapter, who is under observation or | 11714 |
receiving treatment in such place. | 11715 |
(2) "Patient" does not include a person admitted to a | 11716 |
hospital or other place under section 2945.39, 2945.40, 2945.401, | 11717 |
or 2945.402 of the Revised Code to the extent that the reference | 11718 |
in this chapter to patient, or the context in which the reference | 11719 |
occurs, is in conflict with any provision of sections 2945.37 to | 11720 |
2945.402 of the Revised Code. | 11721 |
(D) "Licensed physician" means a person licensed under the | 11722 |
laws of this state to practice medicine or a medical officer of | 11723 |
the government of the United States while in this state in the | 11724 |
performance of the person's official duties. | 11725 |
(E) "Psychiatrist" means a licensed physician who has | 11726 |
satisfactorily completed a residency training program in | 11727 |
psychiatry, as approved by the residency review committee of the | 11728 |
American medical association, the committee on post-graduate | 11729 |
education of the American osteopathic association, or the American | 11730 |
osteopathic board of neurology and psychiatry, or who on July 1, | 11731 |
1989, has been recognized as a psychiatrist by the Ohio state | 11732 |
medical association or the Ohio osteopathic association on the | 11733 |
basis of formal training and five or more years of medical | 11734 |
practice limited to psychiatry. | 11735 |
(F) "Hospital" means a hospital or inpatient unit licensed by | 11736 |
the department of mental health and addiction services under | 11737 |
section 5119.33 of the Revised Code, and any institution, | 11738 |
hospital, or other place established, controlled, or supervised by | 11739 |
the department under Chapter 5119. of the Revised Code. | 11740 |
(G) "Public hospital" means a facility that is tax-supported | 11741 |
and under the jurisdiction of the department of mental health and | 11742 |
addiction services. | 11743 |
(H) "Community mental health services provider" means an | 11744 |
agency, association, corporation, individual, or program that | 11745 |
provides community mental health services that are certified by | 11746 |
the director of mental health and addiction services under section | 11747 |
5119.36 of the Revised Code. | 11748 |
(I) "Licensed clinical psychologist" means a person who holds | 11749 |
a current valid psychologist license issued under section 4732.12 | 11750 |
of the Revised Code, and in addition, meets the educational | 11751 |
requirements set forth in division (B) of section 4732.10 of the | 11752 |
Revised Code and has a minimum of two years' full-time | 11753 |
professional experience, or the equivalent as determined by rule | 11754 |
of the state board of psychology, at least one year of which shall | 11755 |
be a predoctoral internship, in clinical psychological work in a | 11756 |
public or private hospital or clinic or in private practice, | 11757 |
diagnosing and treating problems of mental illness or | 11758 |
11759 | |
psychologist who is licensed or who holds a diploma issued by the | 11760 |
American board of professional psychology, or whose qualifications | 11761 |
are substantially similar to those required for licensure by the | 11762 |
state board of psychology when the supervision has occurred prior | 11763 |
to enactment of laws governing the practice of psychology. | 11764 |
(J) "Health officer" means any public health physician; | 11765 |
public health nurse; or other person authorized by or designated | 11766 |
by a city health district; a general health district; or a board | 11767 |
of alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health services to perform | 11768 |
the duties of a health officer under this chapter. | 11769 |
(K) "Chief clinical officer" means the medical director of a | 11770 |
hospital, or a community mental health services provider, or a | 11771 |
board of alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health services, or, | 11772 |
if there is no medical director, the licensed physician | 11773 |
responsible for the treatment a hospital or community mental | 11774 |
health services provider provides. The chief clinical officer may | 11775 |
delegate to the attending physician responsible for a patient's | 11776 |
care the duties imposed on the chief clinical officer by this | 11777 |
chapter. Within a community mental health services provider, the | 11778 |
chief clinical officer shall be designated by the governing body | 11779 |
of the services provider and shall be a licensed physician or | 11780 |
licensed clinical psychologist who supervises diagnostic and | 11781 |
treatment services. A licensed physician or licensed clinical | 11782 |
psychologist designated by the chief clinical officer may perform | 11783 |
the duties and accept the responsibilities of the chief clinical | 11784 |
officer in the chief clinical officer's absence. | 11785 |
(L) "Working day" or "court day" means Monday, Tuesday, | 11786 |
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, except when such day is a | 11787 |
holiday. | 11788 |
(M) "Indigent" means unable without deprivation of | 11789 |
satisfaction of basic needs to provide for the payment of an | 11790 |
attorney and other necessary expenses of legal representation, | 11791 |
including expert testimony. | 11792 |
(N) "Respondent" means the person whose detention, | 11793 |
commitment, hospitalization, continued hospitalization or | 11794 |
commitment, or discharge is being sought in any proceeding under | 11795 |
this chapter. | 11796 |
(O) "Ohio protection and advocacy system" has the same | 11797 |
meaning as in section 5123.60 of the Revised Code. | 11798 |
(P) "Independent expert evaluation" means an evaluation | 11799 |
conducted by a licensed clinical psychologist, psychiatrist, or | 11800 |
licensed physician who has been selected by the respondent or the | 11801 |
respondent's counsel and who consents to conducting the | 11802 |
evaluation. | 11803 |
(Q) "Court" means the probate division of the court of common | 11804 |
pleas. | 11805 |
(R) "Expunge" means: | 11806 |
(1) The removal and destruction of court files and records, | 11807 |
originals and copies, and the deletion of all index references; | 11808 |
(2) The reporting to the person of the nature and extent of | 11809 |
any information about the person transmitted to any other person | 11810 |
by the court; | 11811 |
(3) Otherwise insuring that any examination of court files | 11812 |
and records in question shall show no record whatever with respect | 11813 |
to the person; | 11814 |
(4) That all rights and privileges are restored, and that the | 11815 |
person, the court, and any other person may properly reply that no | 11816 |
such record exists, as to any matter expunged. | 11817 |
(S) "Residence" means a person's physical presence in a | 11818 |
county with intent to remain there, except that: | 11819 |
(1) If a person is receiving a mental health service at a | 11820 |
facility that includes nighttime sleeping accommodations, | 11821 |
residence means that county in which the person maintained the | 11822 |
person's primary place of residence at the time the person entered | 11823 |
the facility; | 11824 |
(2) If a person is committed pursuant to section 2945.38, | 11825 |
2945.39, 2945.40, 2945.401, or 2945.402 of the Revised Code, | 11826 |
residence means the county where the criminal charges were filed. | 11827 |
When the residence of a person is disputed, the matter of | 11828 |
residence shall be referred to the department of mental health and | 11829 |
addiction services for investigation and determination. Residence | 11830 |
shall not be a basis for a board's denying services to any person | 11831 |
present in the board's service district, and the board shall | 11832 |
provide services for a person whose residence is in dispute while | 11833 |
residence is being determined and for a person in an emergency | 11834 |
situation. | 11835 |
(T) "Admission" to a hospital or other place means that a | 11836 |
patient is accepted for and stays at least one night at the | 11837 |
hospital or other place. | 11838 |
(U) "Prosecutor" means the prosecuting attorney, village | 11839 |
solicitor, city director of law, or similar chief legal officer | 11840 |
who prosecuted a criminal case in which a person was found not | 11841 |
guilty by reason of insanity, who would have had the authority to | 11842 |
prosecute a criminal case against a person if the person had not | 11843 |
been found incompetent to stand trial, or who prosecuted a case in | 11844 |
which a person was found guilty. | 11845 |
(V)(1) "Treatment plan" means a written statement of | 11846 |
reasonable objectives and goals for an individual established by | 11847 |
the treatment team, with specific criteria to evaluate progress | 11848 |
towards achieving those objectives. | 11849 |
(2) The active participation of the patient in establishing | 11850 |
the objectives and goals shall be documented. The treatment plan | 11851 |
shall be based on patient needs and include services to be | 11852 |
provided to the patient while the patient is hospitalized, after | 11853 |
the patient is discharged, or in an outpatient setting. The | 11854 |
treatment plan shall address services to be provided. In the | 11855 |
establishment of the treatment plan, consideration should be given | 11856 |
to the availability of services, which may include but are not | 11857 |
limited to all of the following: | 11858 |
(a) Community psychiatric supportive treatment; | 11859 |
(b) Assertive community treatment; | 11860 |
(c) Medications; | 11861 |
(d) Individual or group therapy; | 11862 |
(e) Peer support services; | 11863 |
(f) Financial services; | 11864 |
(g) Housing or supervised living services; | 11865 |
(h) Alcohol or substance abuse treatment; | 11866 |
(i) Any other services prescribed to treat the patient's | 11867 |
mental illness and to either assist the patient in living and | 11868 |
functioning in the community or to help prevent a relapse or a | 11869 |
deterioration of the patient's current condition. | 11870 |
(3) If the person subject to the treatment plan has executed | 11871 |
an advanced directive for mental health treatment, the treatment | 11872 |
team shall consider any directions included in such advanced | 11873 |
directive in developing the treatment plan. | 11874 |
(W) "Community control sanction" has the same meaning as in | 11875 |
section 2929.01 of the Revised Code. | 11876 |
(X) "Post-release control sanction" has the same meaning as | 11877 |
in section 2967.01 of the Revised Code. | 11878 |
(Y) "Local correctional facility" has the same meaning as in | 11879 |
section 2903.13 of the Revised Code. | 11880 |
Sec. 5123.01. As used in this chapter: | 11881 |
(A) "Chief medical officer" means the licensed physician | 11882 |
appointed by the managing officer of an institution for | 11883 |
11884 | |
intellectual disabilities with the approval of the director of | 11885 |
developmental disabilities to provide medical treatment for | 11886 |
residents of the institution. | 11887 |
(B) "Chief program director" means a person with special | 11888 |
training and experience in the diagnosis and management of | 11889 |
11890 | |
intellectual disabilities, certified according to division (C) of | 11891 |
this section in at least one of the designated fields, and | 11892 |
appointed by the managing officer of an institution for | 11893 |
11894 | |
intellectual disabilities with the approval of the director to | 11895 |
provide habilitation and care for residents of the institution. | 11896 |
(C) "Comprehensive evaluation" means a study, including a | 11897 |
sequence of observations and examinations, of a person leading to | 11898 |
conclusions and recommendations formulated jointly, with | 11899 |
dissenting opinions if any, by a group of persons with special | 11900 |
training and experience in the diagnosis and management of persons | 11901 |
with | 11902 |
disabilities, which group shall include individuals who are | 11903 |
professionally qualified in the fields of medicine, psychology, | 11904 |
and social work, together with such other specialists as the | 11905 |
individual case may require. | 11906 |
(D) "Education" means the process of formal training and | 11907 |
instruction to facilitate the intellectual and emotional | 11908 |
development of residents. | 11909 |
(E) "Habilitation" means the process by which the staff of | 11910 |
the institution assists the resident in acquiring and maintaining | 11911 |
those life skills that enable the resident to cope more | 11912 |
effectively with the demands of the resident's own person and of | 11913 |
the resident's environment and in raising the level of the | 11914 |
resident's physical, mental, social, and vocational efficiency. | 11915 |
Habilitation includes but is not limited to programs of formal, | 11916 |
structured education and training. | 11917 |
(F) "Health officer" means any public health physician, | 11918 |
public health nurse, or other person authorized or designated by a | 11919 |
city or general health district. | 11920 |
(G) "Home and community-based services" means medicaid-funded | 11921 |
home and community-based services specified in division (A)(1) of | 11922 |
section 5166.20 of the Revised Code provided under the medicaid | 11923 |
waiver components the department of developmental disabilities | 11924 |
administers pursuant to section 5166.21 of the Revised Code. | 11925 |
Except as provided in section 5123.0412 of the Revised Code, home | 11926 |
and community-based services provided under the medicaid waiver | 11927 |
component known as the transitions developmental disabilities | 11928 |
waiver are to be considered to be home and community-based | 11929 |
services for the purposes of this chapter, and Chapters 5124. and | 11930 |
5126. of the Revised Code, only to the extent, if any, provided by | 11931 |
the contract required by section 5166.21 of the Revised Code | 11932 |
regarding the waiver. | 11933 |
(H) "ICF/IID" has the same meaning as in section 5124.01 of | 11934 |
the Revised Code. | 11935 |
(I) "Indigent person" means a person who is unable, without | 11936 |
substantial financial hardship, to provide for the payment of an | 11937 |
attorney and for other necessary expenses of legal representation, | 11938 |
including expert testimony. | 11939 |
(J) "Institution" means a public or private facility, or a | 11940 |
part of a public or private facility, that is licensed by the | 11941 |
appropriate state department and is equipped to provide | 11942 |
residential habilitation, care, and treatment for | 11943 |
11944 | |
intellectual disabilities. | 11945 |
(K) "Licensed physician" means a person who holds a valid | 11946 |
certificate issued under Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code | 11947 |
authorizing the person to practice medicine and surgery or | 11948 |
osteopathic medicine and surgery, or a medical officer of the | 11949 |
government of the United States while in the performance of the | 11950 |
officer's official duties. | 11951 |
(L) "Managing officer" means a person who is appointed by the | 11952 |
director of developmental disabilities to be in executive control | 11953 |
of an institution for | 11954 |
developmental disabilities that are intellectual disabilities | 11955 |
under the jurisdiction of the department. | 11956 |
(M) "Medicaid case management services" means case management | 11957 |
services provided to an individual with | 11958 |
11959 | |
requires. | 11960 |
(N) " | 11961 |
disability" means a person having significantly subaverage general | 11962 |
intellectual functioning existing concurrently with deficiencies | 11963 |
in adaptive behavior, manifested during the developmental period. | 11964 |
(O) " | 11965 |
disability subject to institutionalization by court order" means a | 11966 |
person eighteen years of age or older | 11967 |
11968 | |
diability and in relation to whom, because of the person's | 11969 |
11970 |
(1) The person represents a very substantial risk of physical | 11971 |
impairment or injury to self as manifested by evidence that the | 11972 |
person is unable to provide for and is not providing for the | 11973 |
person's most basic physical needs and that provision for those | 11974 |
needs is not available in the community; | 11975 |
(2) The person needs and is susceptible to significant | 11976 |
habilitation in an institution. | 11977 |
(P) "A person | 11978 |
11979 | |
person who is found, following a comprehensive evaluation, to be | 11980 |
impaired in adaptive behavior to a moderate degree and to be | 11981 |
functioning at the moderate level of intellectual functioning in | 11982 |
accordance with standard measurements as recorded in the most | 11983 |
current revision of the | 11984 |
11985 | |
classification, and systems of support manual or its successor | 11986 |
publication published by the American association on
| 11987 |
11988 | |
successor organization. | 11989 |
(Q) As used in this division, "substantial functional | 11990 |
limitation," "developmental delay," and "established risk" have | 11991 |
the meanings established pursuant to section 5123.011 of the | 11992 |
Revised Code. | 11993 |
"Developmental disability" means a severe, chronic disability | 11994 |
that is characterized by all of the following: | 11995 |
(1) It is attributable to a mental or physical impairment or | 11996 |
a combination of mental and physical impairments, other than a | 11997 |
mental or physical impairment solely caused by mental illness as | 11998 |
defined in division (A) of section 5122.01 of the Revised Code. | 11999 |
(2) It is manifested before age twenty-two. | 12000 |
(3) It is likely to continue indefinitely. | 12001 |
(4) It results in one of the following: | 12002 |
(a) In the case of a person under three years of age, at | 12003 |
least one developmental delay or an established risk; | 12004 |
(b) In the case of a person at least three years of age but | 12005 |
under six years of age, at least two developmental delays or an | 12006 |
established risk; | 12007 |
(c) In the case of a person six years of age or older, a | 12008 |
substantial functional limitation in at least three of the | 12009 |
following areas of major life activity, as appropriate for the | 12010 |
person's age: self-care, receptive and expressive language, | 12011 |
learning, mobility, self-direction, capacity for independent | 12012 |
living, and, if the person is at least sixteen years of age, | 12013 |
capacity for economic self-sufficiency. | 12014 |
(5) It causes the person to need a combination and sequence | 12015 |
of special, interdisciplinary, or other type of care, treatment, | 12016 |
or provision of services for an extended period of time that is | 12017 |
individually planned and coordinated for the person. | 12018 |
(R) " | 12019 |
disability" includes intellectual disability. Person with a | 12020 |
developmental disability means a person with a developmental | 12021 |
disability, including a person with an intellectual disability. | 12022 |
(S) "State institution" means an institution that is | 12023 |
tax-supported and under the jurisdiction of the department. | 12024 |
(T) "Residence" and "legal residence" have the same meaning | 12025 |
as "legal settlement," which is acquired by residing in Ohio for a | 12026 |
period of one year without receiving general assistance prior to | 12027 |
July 17, 1995, under former Chapter 5113. of the Revised Code, | 12028 |
financial assistance under Chapter 5115. of the Revised Code, or | 12029 |
assistance from a private agency that maintains records of | 12030 |
assistance given. A person having a legal settlement in the state | 12031 |
shall be considered as having legal settlement in the assistance | 12032 |
area in which the person resides. No adult person coming into this | 12033 |
state and having a spouse or minor children residing in another | 12034 |
state shall obtain a legal settlement in this state as long as the | 12035 |
spouse or minor children are receiving public assistance, care, or | 12036 |
support at the expense of the other state or its subdivisions. For | 12037 |
the purpose of determining the legal settlement of a person who is | 12038 |
living in a public or private institution or in a home subject to | 12039 |
licensing by the department of job and family services, the | 12040 |
department of mental health and addiction services, or the | 12041 |
department of developmental disabilities, the residence of the | 12042 |
person shall be considered as though the person were residing in | 12043 |
the county in which the person was living prior to the person's | 12044 |
entrance into the institution or home. Settlement once acquired | 12045 |
shall continue until a person has been continuously absent from | 12046 |
Ohio for a period of one year or has acquired a legal residence in | 12047 |
another state. A woman who marries a man with legal settlement in | 12048 |
any county immediately acquires the settlement of her husband. The | 12049 |
legal settlement of a minor is that of the parents, surviving | 12050 |
parent, sole parent, parent who is designated the residential | 12051 |
parent and legal custodian by a court, other adult having | 12052 |
permanent custody awarded by a court, or guardian of the person of | 12053 |
the minor, provided that: | 12054 |
(1) A minor female who marries shall be considered to have | 12055 |
the legal settlement of her husband and, in the case of death of | 12056 |
her husband or divorce, she shall not thereby lose her legal | 12057 |
settlement obtained by the marriage. | 12058 |
(2) A minor male who marries, establishes a home, and who has | 12059 |
resided in this state for one year without receiving general | 12060 |
assistance prior to July 17, 1995, under former Chapter 5113. of | 12061 |
the Revised Code, financial assistance under Chapter 5115. of the | 12062 |
Revised Code, or assistance from a private agency that maintains | 12063 |
records of assistance given shall be considered to have obtained a | 12064 |
legal settlement in this state. | 12065 |
(3) The legal settlement of a child under eighteen years of | 12066 |
age who is in the care or custody of a public or private child | 12067 |
caring agency shall not change if the legal settlement of the | 12068 |
parent changes until after the child has been in the home of the | 12069 |
parent for a period of one year. | 12070 |
No person, adult or minor, may establish a legal settlement | 12071 |
in this state for the purpose of gaining admission to any state | 12072 |
institution. | 12073 |
(U)(1) "Resident" means, subject to division (U)(2) of this | 12074 |
section, a person who is admitted either voluntarily or | 12075 |
involuntarily to an institution or other facility pursuant to | 12076 |
section 2945.39, 2945.40, 2945.401, or 2945.402 of the Revised | 12077 |
Code subsequent to a finding of not guilty by reason of insanity | 12078 |
or incompetence to stand trial or under this chapter who is under | 12079 |
observation or receiving habilitation and care in an institution. | 12080 |
(2) "Resident" does not include a person admitted to an | 12081 |
institution or other facility under section 2945.39, 2945.40, | 12082 |
2945.401, or 2945.402 of the Revised Code to the extent that the | 12083 |
reference in this chapter to resident, or the context in which the | 12084 |
reference occurs, is in conflict with any provision of sections | 12085 |
2945.37 to 2945.402 of the Revised Code. | 12086 |
(V) "Respondent" means the person whose detention, | 12087 |
commitment, or continued commitment is being sought in any | 12088 |
proceeding under this chapter. | 12089 |
(W) "Working day" and "court day" mean Monday, Tuesday, | 12090 |
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, except when such day is a legal | 12091 |
holiday. | 12092 |
(X) "Prosecutor" means the prosecuting attorney, village | 12093 |
solicitor, city director of law, or similar chief legal officer | 12094 |
who prosecuted a criminal case in which a person was found not | 12095 |
guilty by reason of insanity, who would have had the authority to | 12096 |
prosecute a criminal case against a person if the person had not | 12097 |
been found incompetent to stand trial, or who prosecuted a case in | 12098 |
which a person was found guilty. | 12099 |
(Y) "Court" means the probate division of the court of common | 12100 |
pleas. | 12101 |
(Z) "Supported living" and "residential services" have the | 12102 |
same meanings as in section 5126.01 of the Revised Code. | 12103 |
Sec. 5123.012. (A) As used in this section: | 12104 |
(1) "Biological risk" and "environmental risk" have the | 12105 |
meanings established pursuant to section 5123.011 of the Revised | 12106 |
Code. | 12107 |
(2) "Preschool child with a disability" has the same meaning | 12108 |
as in section 3323.01 of the Revised Code. | 12109 |
(B) Except as provided in division (C) of this section, the | 12110 |
department of developmental disabilities shall make eligibility | 12111 |
determinations in accordance with the definition of "developmental | 12112 |
disability" in section 5123.01 of the Revised Code. The department | 12113 |
may adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised | 12114 |
Code establishing eligibility for programs and services for either | 12115 |
of the following: | 12116 |
(1) Individuals under age six who have a biological risk or | 12117 |
environmental risk of a developmental delay; | 12118 |
(2) Any preschool child with a disability eligible for | 12119 |
services under section 3323.02 of the Revised Code whose | 12120 |
disability is not attributable solely to mental illness as defined | 12121 |
in section 5122.01 of the Revised Code. | 12122 |
(C)(1) The department shall make determinations of | 12123 |
eligibility for protective services in accordance with sections | 12124 |
5123.55 to 5123.59 of the Revised Code. | 12125 |
(2) Determinations of whether a | 12126 |
an intellectual disability is subject to institutionalization by | 12127 |
court order shall be made in accordance with sections 5123.71 to | 12128 |
5123.76 of the Revised Code and shall be based on the definition | 12129 |
of " | 12130 |
subject to institutionalization by court order" in section 5123.01 | 12131 |
of the Revised Code. | 12132 |
(3) All persons who were eligible for services and enrolled | 12133 |
in programs offered by the department of developmental | 12134 |
disabilities pursuant to this chapter on July 1, 1991, shall | 12135 |
continue to be eligible for those services and to be enrolled in | 12136 |
those programs as long as they are in need of services. | 12137 |
Sec. 5123.014. (A) Whenever the department or director of | 12138 |
mental retardation and developmental disabilities is referred to | 12139 |
or designated in any statute, rule, contract, grant, or other | 12140 |
document, the reference or designation shall be deemed to refer to | 12141 |
the department or director of developmental disabilities, as the | 12142 |
case may be. | 12143 |
(B) Whenever "person with an intellectual disability subject | 12144 |
to institutionalization by court order" is referred to or | 12145 |
designated in any statute, rule, contract, grant, or other | 12146 |
document, the reference or designation is deemed to have the same | 12147 |
meaning as "mentally retarded person subject to | 12148 |
institutionalization by court order," as defined in section | 12149 |
5123.01 of the Revised Code prior to the effective date of this | 12150 |
amendment. | 12151 |
Sec. 5123.02. The department of developmental disabilities | 12152 |
shall do the following: | 12153 |
(A) Promote comprehensive statewide programs and services for | 12154 |
persons with | 12155 |
disabilities and their families wherever they reside in the state. | 12156 |
These programs shall include public education, prevention, | 12157 |
diagnosis, treatment, training, and care. | 12158 |
(B) Provide administrative leadership for statewide services | 12159 |
which include residential facilities, evaluation centers, and | 12160 |
community classes which are wholly or in part financed by the | 12161 |
department of developmental disabilities as provided by section | 12162 |
5123.26 of the Revised Code; | 12163 |
(C) Develop and maintain, to the extent feasible, data on all | 12164 |
services and programs for persons with | 12165 |
developmental | 12166 |
governmental and private agencies; | 12167 |
(D) Make periodic determinations of the number of persons | 12168 |
with | 12169 |
requiring services in the state; | 12170 |
(E) Provide leadership to local authorities in planning and | 12171 |
developing community-wide services for persons with | 12172 |
12173 | |
families; | 12174 |
(F) Promote programs of professional training and research in | 12175 |
cooperation with other state departments, agencies, and | 12176 |
institutions of higher learning. | 12177 |
Sec. 5123.03. (A) The department of developmental | 12178 |
disabilities shall do all of the following: | 12179 |
(1) Maintain, operate, manage, and govern all state | 12180 |
institutions for the care, treatment, and training of | 12181 |
12182 | |
intellectual disabilities; | 12183 |
(2) Designate all such institutions by appropriate names; | 12184 |
(3) Provide and designate facilities for the custody, care, | 12185 |
and special treatment of persons of the following classes: | 12186 |
(a) Dangerous persons in state institutions for | 12187 |
12188 | |
intellectual disabilities who represent a serious threat to the | 12189 |
safety of the other patients of the institution; | 12190 |
(b) Persons charged with crimes who are found incompetent to | 12191 |
stand trial or not guilty by reason of insanity and who are also | 12192 |
12193 | |
to institutionalization by court order. | 12194 |
(4) Have control of all institutions maintained in part by | 12195 |
the state for the care, treatment, and training of | 12196 |
12197 | |
intellectual disabilities; | 12198 |
(5) Administer the laws relative to persons in such | 12199 |
institutions in an efficient, economical, and humane manner; | 12200 |
(6) Ascertain by actual examinations and inquiry whether | 12201 |
institutionalizations are made according to law. | 12202 |
(B) The department may do any of the following: | 12203 |
(1) Subject to section 5139.08 of the Revised Code, receive | 12204 |
from the department of youth services for observation, diagnosis, | 12205 |
care, habilitation, or placement of any children in the custody of | 12206 |
the department of youth services; | 12207 |
(2) Receive for observation any minor from a public | 12208 |
institution other than an institution under the jurisdiction of | 12209 |
the department of developmental disabilities, from a private | 12210 |
charitable institution, or from a person having legal custody of | 12211 |
such a minor, upon such terms as are proper; | 12212 |
(3) Receive from the department of mental health and | 12213 |
addiction services any patient in the custody of the department | 12214 |
who is transferred to the department of developmental disabilities | 12215 |
upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon by the two | 12216 |
departments. | 12217 |
(C) In addition to the powers and duties expressly conferred | 12218 |
by this section, the department may take any other action | 12219 |
necessary for the full and efficient executive, administrative, | 12220 |
and fiscal supervision of the state institutions described in this | 12221 |
section. | 12222 |
Sec. 5123.033. The program fee fund is hereby created in the | 12223 |
state treasury. All fees collected pursuant to sections 5123.161, | 12224 |
5123.164, and 5123.19 of the Revised Code shall be credited to the | 12225 |
fund. Money credited to the fund shall be used solely for the | 12226 |
department of developmental disabilities' duties under sections | 12227 |
5123.16 to 5123.1610, and 5123.19 of the Revised Code and to | 12228 |
provide continuing education and professional training to | 12229 |
providers of services to individuals with | 12230 |
developmental | 12231 |
the fund is inadequate to pay all of the department's costs in | 12232 |
performing those duties and providing the continuing education and | 12233 |
professional training, the department may use other available | 12234 |
funds appropriated to the department to pay the remaining costs of | 12235 |
performing those duties and providing the continuing education and | 12236 |
professional training. | 12237 |
Sec. 5123.04. (A) The director of developmental disabilities | 12238 |
is the executive head of the department of developmental | 12239 |
disabilities. All duties conferred on the department and its | 12240 |
institutions by law or by order of the director shall be performed | 12241 |
under such rules as the director prescribes, and shall be under | 12242 |
the director's control. The director shall establish bylaws for | 12243 |
the government of all institutions under the jurisdiction of the | 12244 |
department. Except as otherwise is provided as to appointments by | 12245 |
chiefs of divisions, the director shall appoint such employees as | 12246 |
are necessary for the efficient conduct of the department, and | 12247 |
shall prescribe their titles and duties. If the director is not a | 12248 |
licensed physician, decisions relating to medical diagnosis and | 12249 |
treatment shall be the responsibility of a licensed physician | 12250 |
appointed by the director. | 12251 |
(B) The director shall adopt rules for the proper execution | 12252 |
of the powers and duties of the department. | 12253 |
(C) The director shall adopt rules establishing standards | 12254 |
that | 12255 |
developmental disabilities that are intellectual disabilities | 12256 |
shall follow when performing evaluations of the mental condition | 12257 |
of defendants ordered by the court under section 2919.271 or | 12258 |
2945.371 of the Revised Code, and for the treatment of defendants | 12259 |
who have been found incompetent to stand trial under section | 12260 |
2945.38 of the Revised Code, and certify the compliance of such | 12261 |
programs and facilities with the standards. | 12262 |
(D) On behalf of the department, the director has the | 12263 |
authority to, and responsibility for, entering into contracts and | 12264 |
other agreements. | 12265 |
(E) The director shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter | 12266 |
119. of the Revised Code that do all of the following: | 12267 |
(1) Specify the supplemental services that may be provided | 12268 |
through a trust authorized by section 5815.28 of the Revised Code; | 12269 |
(2) Establish standards for the maintenance and distribution | 12270 |
to a beneficiary of assets of a trust authorized by section | 12271 |
5815.28 of the Revised Code. | 12272 |
(F) The director shall provide monitoring of county boards of | 12273 |
developmental disabilities. | 12274 |
Sec. 5123.044. The department of developmental disabilities | 12275 |
shall determine whether county boards of developmental | 12276 |
disabilities violate the rights that individuals with | 12277 |
12278 | |
5126.046 of the Revised Code to obtain home and community-based | 12279 |
services, nonmedicaid residential services, or nonmedicaid | 12280 |
supported living from qualified and willing providers. The | 12281 |
department shall provide assistance to an individual with | 12282 |
12283 | |
assistance with the individual's rights under that section if the | 12284 |
department is notified of a county board's alleged violation of | 12285 |
the individual's rights under that section. | 12286 |
Sec. 5123.0410. An individual with | 12287 |
12288 | |
state to another county in this state shall receive home and | 12289 |
community-based services in the new county that are comparable in | 12290 |
scope to the home and community-based services the individual | 12291 |
receives in the prior county at the time the individual moves. If | 12292 |
the county board serving the county to which the individual moves | 12293 |
determines under section 5126.041 of the Revised Code that the | 12294 |
individual is eligible for county board services, the county board | 12295 |
shall ensure that the individual receives the comparable services. | 12296 |
If the county board determines that the individual is not eligible | 12297 |
for county board services, the department of developmental | 12298 |
disabilities shall ensure that the individual receives the | 12299 |
comparable services. | 12300 |
If the home and community-based services that the individual | 12301 |
receives at the time the individual moves include supported living | 12302 |
or residential services, the department shall reduce the amount | 12303 |
the department allocates to the county board serving the county | 12304 |
the individual left for those supported living or residential | 12305 |
services by an amount that equals the payment the department | 12306 |
authorizes or projects, or both, for those supported living or | 12307 |
residential services from the last day the individual resides in | 12308 |
the county to the last day of the state fiscal year in which the | 12309 |
individual moves. The department shall increase the amount the | 12310 |
department allocates to the county board serving the county the | 12311 |
individual moves to by the same amount. The department shall make | 12312 |
the reduction and increase effective the day the department | 12313 |
determines the individual has residence in the new county. The | 12314 |
department shall determine the amount that is to be reduced and | 12315 |
increased in accordance with the department's rules for | 12316 |
authorizing payments for home and community-based services | 12317 |
established adopted under section 5123.049 of the Revised Code. | 12318 |
The department shall annualize the reduction and increase for the | 12319 |
subsequent state fiscal year as necessary. | 12320 |
Sec. 5123.0412. (A) The department of developmental | 12321 |
disabilities shall charge each county board of developmental | 12322 |
disabilities an annual fee equal to one and one-quarter per cent | 12323 |
of the total value of all medicaid paid claims for home and | 12324 |
community-based services provided during the year to an individual | 12325 |
eligible for services from the county board. However, the | 12326 |
department shall not charge the fee for home and community-based | 12327 |
services provided under the medicaid waiver component known as the | 12328 |
transitions developmental disabilities waiver. No county board | 12329 |
shall pass the cost of a fee charged to the county board under | 12330 |
this section on to another provider of these services. | 12331 |
(B) The fees collected under this section shall be deposited | 12332 |
into the | 12333 |
administration and oversight fund, which is hereby created in the | 12334 |
state treasury. The department shall use the money in the | 12335 |
department of developmental disabilities administration and | 12336 |
oversight fund for both of the following purposes: | 12337 |
(1) Medicaid administrative costs, including administrative | 12338 |
and oversight costs of medicaid case management services and home | 12339 |
and community-based services. The administrative and oversight | 12340 |
costs of medicaid case management services and home and | 12341 |
community-based services shall include costs for staff, systems, | 12342 |
and other resources the department needs and dedicates solely to | 12343 |
the following duties associated with the services: | 12344 |
(a) Eligibility determinations; | 12345 |
(b) Training; | 12346 |
(c) Fiscal management; | 12347 |
(d) Claims processing; | 12348 |
(e) Quality assurance oversight; | 12349 |
(f) Other duties the department identifies. | 12350 |
(2) Providing technical support to county boards' local | 12351 |
administrative authority under section 5126.055 of the Revised | 12352 |
Code for the services. | 12353 |
(C) The department shall submit an annual report to the | 12354 |
director of budget and management certifying how the department | 12355 |
spent the money in the | 12356 |
disabilities administration and oversight fund for the purposes | 12357 |
specified in division (B) of this section. | 12358 |
Sec. 5123.0413. The department of developmental | 12359 |
disabilities, in consultation with the department of job and | 12360 |
family services, office of budget and management, and county | 12361 |
boards of developmental disabilities, shall adopt rules in | 12362 |
accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to establish both | 12363 |
of the following in the event a county property tax levy for | 12364 |
services for individuals with | 12365 |
developmental | 12366 |
(A) A method of paying for home and community-based services; | 12367 |
(B) A method of reducing the number of individuals a county | 12368 |
board would otherwise be required by section 5126.0512 of the | 12369 |
Revised Code to ensure are enrolled in home and community-based | 12370 |
services. | 12371 |
Sec. 5123.0418. (A) In addition to other authority granted | 12372 |
the director of developmental disabilities for use of funds | 12373 |
appropriated to the department of developmental disabilities, the | 12374 |
director may use such funds for the following purposes: | 12375 |
(1) All of the following to assist persons with | 12376 |
12377 | |
the community and avoid institutionalization: | 12378 |
(a) Behavioral and short-term interventions; | 12379 |
(b) Residential services; | 12380 |
(c) Supported living. | 12381 |
(2) Respite care services; | 12382 |
(3) Staff training to help the following personnel serve | 12383 |
persons with | 12384 |
disabilities in the community: | 12385 |
(a) Employees of, and personnel under contract with, county | 12386 |
boards of developmental disabilities; | 12387 |
(b) Employees of providers of supported living; | 12388 |
(c) Employees of providers of residential services; | 12389 |
(d) Other personnel the director identifies. | 12390 |
(B) The director may establish priorities for using funds for | 12391 |
the purposes specified in division (A) of this section. The | 12392 |
director shall use the funds in a manner consistent with the | 12393 |
appropriations that authorize the director to use the funds and | 12394 |
all other state and federal laws governing the use of the funds. | 12395 |
Sec. 5123.081. (A) As used in this section: | 12396 |
(1)(a) "Applicant" means any of the following: | 12397 |
(i) A person who is under final consideration for appointment | 12398 |
to or employment with the department of developmental disabilities | 12399 |
or a county board of developmental disabilities; | 12400 |
(ii) A person who is being transferred to the department or a | 12401 |
county board; | 12402 |
(iii) An employee who is being recalled to or reemployed by | 12403 |
the department or a county board after a layoff; | 12404 |
(iv) A person under final consideration for a direct services | 12405 |
position with a provider or subcontractor. | 12406 |
(b) Neither of the following is an applicant: | 12407 |
(i) A person who is employed by a responsible entity in a | 12408 |
position for which a criminal records check is required by this | 12409 |
section and either is being considered for a different position | 12410 |
with the responsible entity or is returning after a leave of | 12411 |
absence or seasonal break in employment, unless the responsible | 12412 |
entity has reason to believe that the person has committed a | 12413 |
disqualifying offense; | 12414 |
(ii) A person who is to provide only respite care under a | 12415 |
family support services program established under section 5126.11 | 12416 |
of the Revised Code if a family member of the individual with | 12417 |
12418 | |
the respite care selects the person. | 12419 |
(2) "Criminal records check" has the same meaning as in | 12420 |
section 109.572 of the Revised Code. | 12421 |
(3) "Direct services position" means an employment position | 12422 |
in which the employee has the opportunity to be alone with or | 12423 |
exercises supervision or control over one or more individuals with | 12424 |
12425 |
(4) "Disqualifying offense" means any of the offenses listed | 12426 |
or described in divisions (A)(3)(a) to (e) of section 109.572 of | 12427 |
the Revised Code. | 12428 |
(5)(a) "Employee" means either of the following: | 12429 |
(i) A person appointed to or employed by the department of | 12430 |
developmental disabilities or a county board of developmental | 12431 |
disabilities; | 12432 |
(ii) A person employed in a direct services position by a | 12433 |
provider or subcontractor. | 12434 |
(b) "Employee" does not mean a person who provides only | 12435 |
respite care under a family support services program established | 12436 |
under section 5126.11 of the Revised Code if a family member of | 12437 |
the individual with | 12438 |
disability who receives the respite care selected the person. | 12439 |
(6) "Minor drug possession offense" has the same meaning as | 12440 |
in section 2925.01 of the Revised Code. | 12441 |
(7) "Provider" means a person that provides specialized | 12442 |
services to individuals with | 12443 |
12444 | |
services positions. | 12445 |
(8) "Responsible entity" means the following: | 12446 |
(a) The department of developmental disabilities in the case | 12447 |
of either of the following: | 12448 |
(i) A person who is an applicant because the person is under | 12449 |
final consideration for appointment to or employment with the | 12450 |
department, being transferred to the department, or being recalled | 12451 |
to or reemployed by the department after a layoff; | 12452 |
(ii) A person who is an employee because the person is | 12453 |
appointed to or employed by the department. | 12454 |
(b) A county board of developmental disabilities in the case | 12455 |
of either of the following: | 12456 |
(i) A person who is an applicant because the person is under | 12457 |
final consideration for appointment to or employment with the | 12458 |
county board, being transferred to the county board, or being | 12459 |
recalled to or reemployed by the county board after a layoff; | 12460 |
(ii) A person who is an employee because the person is | 12461 |
appointed to or employed by the county board. | 12462 |
(c) A provider in the case of either of the following: | 12463 |
(i) A person who is an applicant because the person is under | 12464 |
final consideration for a direct services position with the | 12465 |
provider; | 12466 |
(ii) A person who is an employee because the person is | 12467 |
employed in a direct services position by the provider. | 12468 |
(d) A subcontractor in the case of either of the following: | 12469 |
(i) A person who is an applicant because the person is under | 12470 |
final consideration for a direct services position with the | 12471 |
subcontractor; | 12472 |
(ii) A person who is an employee because the person is | 12473 |
employed in a direct services position by the subcontractor. | 12474 |
(9) "Specialized services" means any program or service | 12475 |
designed and operated to serve primarily individuals with | 12476 |
12477 | |
a program or service provided by an entity licensed or certified | 12478 |
by the department of developmental disabilities. If there is a | 12479 |
question as to whether a provider or subcontractor is providing | 12480 |
specialized services, the provider or subcontractor may request | 12481 |
that the director of developmental disabilities make a | 12482 |
determination. The director's determination is final. | 12483 |
(10) "Subcontractor" means a person to which both of the | 12484 |
following apply: | 12485 |
(a) The person has either of the following: | 12486 |
(i) A subcontract with a provider to provide specialized | 12487 |
services included in the contract between the provider and the | 12488 |
department of developmental disabilities or a county board of | 12489 |
developmental disabilities; | 12490 |
(ii) A subcontract with another subcontractor to provide | 12491 |
specialized services included in a subcontract between the other | 12492 |
subcontractor and a provider or other subcontractor. | 12493 |
(b) The person employs one or more persons in direct services | 12494 |
positions. | 12495 |
(B) A responsible entity shall not employ an applicant or | 12496 |
continue to employ an employee if either of the following applies: | 12497 |
(1) The applicant or employee fails to comply with division | 12498 |
(D)(3) of this section. | 12499 |
(2) Except as provided in rules adopted under this section, | 12500 |
the applicant or employee is found by a criminal records check | 12501 |
required by this section to have been convicted of, pleaded guilty | 12502 |
to, or been found eligible for intervention in lieu of conviction | 12503 |
for a disqualifying offense. | 12504 |
(C) Before employing an applicant in a position for which a | 12505 |
criminal records check is required by this section, a responsible | 12506 |
entity shall require the applicant to submit a statement with the | 12507 |
applicant's signature attesting that the applicant has not been | 12508 |
convicted of, pleaded guilty to, or been found eligible for | 12509 |
intervention in lieu of conviction for a disqualifying offense. | 12510 |
The responsible entity also shall require the applicant to sign an | 12511 |
agreement under which the applicant agrees to notify the | 12512 |
responsible entity within fourteen calendar days if, while | 12513 |
employed by the responsible entity, the applicant is formally | 12514 |
charged with, is convicted of, pleads guilty to, or is found | 12515 |
eligible for intervention in lieu of conviction for a | 12516 |
disqualifying offense. The agreement shall provide that the | 12517 |
applicant's failure to provide the notification may result in | 12518 |
termination of the applicant's employment. | 12519 |
(D)(1) As a condition of employing any applicant in a | 12520 |
position for which a criminal records check is required by this | 12521 |
section, a responsible entity shall request the superintendent of | 12522 |
the bureau of criminal identification and investigation to conduct | 12523 |
a criminal records check of the applicant. If rules adopted under | 12524 |
this section require an employee to undergo a criminal records | 12525 |
check, a responsible entity shall request the superintendent to | 12526 |
conduct a criminal records check of the employee at times | 12527 |
specified in the rules as a condition of the responsible entity's | 12528 |
continuing to employ the employee in a position for which a | 12529 |
criminal records check is required by this section. If an | 12530 |
applicant or employee does not present proof that the applicant or | 12531 |
employee has been a resident of this state for the five-year | 12532 |
period immediately prior to the date upon which the criminal | 12533 |
records check is requested, the responsible entity shall request | 12534 |
that the superintendent obtain information from the federal bureau | 12535 |
of investigation as a part of the criminal records check. If the | 12536 |
applicant or employee presents proof that the applicant or | 12537 |
employee has been a resident of this state for that five-year | 12538 |
period, the responsible entity may request that the superintendent | 12539 |
include information from the federal bureau of investigation in | 12540 |
the criminal records check. For purposes of this division, an | 12541 |
applicant or employee may provide proof of residency in this state | 12542 |
by presenting, with a notarized statement asserting that the | 12543 |
applicant or employee has been a resident of this state for that | 12544 |
five-year period, a valid driver's license, notification of | 12545 |
registration as an elector, a copy of an officially filed federal | 12546 |
or state tax form identifying the applicant's or employee's | 12547 |
permanent residence, or any other document the responsible entity | 12548 |
considers acceptable. | 12549 |
(2) A responsible entity shall do all of the following: | 12550 |
(a) Provide to each applicant and employee for whom a | 12551 |
criminal records check is required by this section a copy of the | 12552 |
form prescribed pursuant to division (C)(1) of section 109.572 of | 12553 |
the Revised Code and a standard impression sheet to obtain | 12554 |
fingerprint impressions prescribed pursuant to division (C)(2) of | 12555 |
section 109.572 of the Revised Code; | 12556 |
(b) Obtain the completed form and standard impression sheet | 12557 |
from the applicant or employee; | 12558 |
(c) Forward the completed form and standard impression sheet | 12559 |
to the superintendent at the time the criminal records check is | 12560 |
requested. | 12561 |
(3) Any applicant or employee who receives pursuant to this | 12562 |
division a copy of the form prescribed pursuant to division (C)(1) | 12563 |
of section 109.572 of the Revised Code and a copy of the standard | 12564 |
impression sheet prescribed pursuant to division (C)(2) of that | 12565 |
section and who is requested to complete the form and provide a | 12566 |
set of the applicant's or employee's fingerprint impressions shall | 12567 |
complete the form or provide all the information necessary to | 12568 |
complete the form and shall provide the standard impression sheet | 12569 |
with the impressions of the applicant's or employee's | 12570 |
fingerprints. | 12571 |
(4) A responsible entity shall pay to the bureau of criminal | 12572 |
identification and investigation the fee prescribed pursuant to | 12573 |
division (C)(3) of section 109.572 of the Revised Code for each | 12574 |
criminal records check requested and conducted pursuant to this | 12575 |
section. | 12576 |
(E) A responsible entity may request any other state or | 12577 |
federal agency to supply the responsible entity with a written | 12578 |
report regarding the criminal record of an applicant or employee. | 12579 |
If an employee holds an occupational or professional license or | 12580 |
other credentials, the responsible entity may request that the | 12581 |
state or federal agency that regulates the employee's occupation | 12582 |
or profession supply the responsible entity with a written report | 12583 |
of any information pertaining to the employee's criminal record | 12584 |
that the agency obtains in the course of conducting an | 12585 |
investigation or in the process of renewing the employee's license | 12586 |
or other credentials. The responsible entity may consider the | 12587 |
reports when determining whether to employ the applicant or to | 12588 |
continue to employ the employee. | 12589 |
(F) As a condition of employing an applicant in a position | 12590 |
for which a criminal records check is required by this section and | 12591 |
that involves transporting individuals with | 12592 |
developmental disabilities or operating a responsible entity's | 12593 |
vehicles for any purpose, the responsible entity shall obtain the | 12594 |
applicant's driving record from the bureau of motor vehicles. If | 12595 |
rules adopted under this section require a responsible entity to | 12596 |
obtain an employee's driving record, the responsible entity shall | 12597 |
obtain the employee's driving record from the bureau at times | 12598 |
specified in the rules as a condition of continuing to employ the | 12599 |
employee. The responsible entity may consider the applicant's or | 12600 |
employee's driving record when determining whether to employ the | 12601 |
applicant or to continue to employ the employee. | 12602 |
(G) A responsible entity may employ an applicant | 12603 |
conditionally pending receipt of a report regarding the applicant | 12604 |
requested under this section. The responsible entity shall | 12605 |
terminate the applicant's employment if it is determined from a | 12606 |
report that the applicant failed to inform the responsible entity | 12607 |
that the applicant had been convicted of, pleaded guilty to, or | 12608 |
been found eligible for intervention in lieu of conviction for a | 12609 |
disqualifying offense. | 12610 |
(H) A responsible entity may charge an applicant a fee for | 12611 |
costs the responsible entity incurs in obtaining a report | 12612 |
regarding the applicant under this section if the responsible | 12613 |
entity notifies the applicant of the amount of the fee at the time | 12614 |
of the applicant's initial application for employment and that, | 12615 |
unless the fee is paid, the responsible entity will not consider | 12616 |
the applicant for employment. The fee shall not exceed the amount | 12617 |
of the fee, if any, the responsible entity pays for the report. | 12618 |
(I)(1) Any report obtained pursuant to this section is not a | 12619 |
public record for purposes of section 149.43 of the Revised Code | 12620 |
and shall not be made available to any person, other than the | 12621 |
following: | 12622 |
(a) The applicant or employee who is the subject of the | 12623 |
report or the applicant's or employee's representative; | 12624 |
(b) The responsible entity that requested the report or its | 12625 |
representative; | 12626 |
(c) The department if a county board, provider, or | 12627 |
subcontractor is the responsible entity that requested the report | 12628 |
and the department requests the responsible entity to provide a | 12629 |
copy of the report to the department; | 12630 |
(d) A county board if a provider or subcontractor is the | 12631 |
responsible entity that requested the report and the county board | 12632 |
requests the responsible entity to provide a copy of the report to | 12633 |
the county board; | 12634 |
(e) Any court, hearing officer, or other necessary individual | 12635 |
involved in a case dealing with any of the following: | 12636 |
(i) The denial of employment to the applicant or employee; | 12637 |
(ii) The denial, suspension, or revocation of a certificate | 12638 |
under section 5123.166 or 5123.45 of the Revised Code; | 12639 |
(iii) A civil or criminal action regarding the medicaid | 12640 |
program or a program the department administers. | 12641 |
(2) An applicant or employee for whom the responsible entity | 12642 |
has obtained reports under this section may submit a written | 12643 |
request to the responsible entity to have copies of the reports | 12644 |
sent to any state agency, entity of local government, or private | 12645 |
entity. The applicant or employee shall specify in the request the | 12646 |
agencies or entities to which the copies are to be sent. On | 12647 |
receiving the request, the responsible entity shall send copies of | 12648 |
the reports to the agencies or entities specified. | 12649 |
(3) A responsible entity may request that a state agency, | 12650 |
entity of local government, or private entity send copies to the | 12651 |
responsible entity of any report regarding a records check or | 12652 |
criminal records check that the agency or entity possesses, if the | 12653 |
responsible entity obtains the written consent of the individual | 12654 |
who is the subject of the report. | 12655 |
(4) A responsible entity shall provide each applicant and | 12656 |
employee with a copy of any report obtained about the applicant or | 12657 |
employee under this section. | 12658 |
(J) The director of developmental disabilities shall adopt | 12659 |
rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to | 12660 |
implement this section. | 12661 |
(1) The rules may do the following: | 12662 |
(a) Require employees to undergo criminal records checks | 12663 |
under this section; | 12664 |
(b) Require responsible entities to obtain the driving | 12665 |
records of employees under this section; | 12666 |
(c) If the rules require employees to undergo criminal | 12667 |
records checks, require responsible entities to obtain the driving | 12668 |
records of employees, or both, exempt one or more classes of | 12669 |
employees from the requirements. | 12670 |
(2) The rules shall do both of the following: | 12671 |
(a) If the rules require employees to undergo criminal | 12672 |
records checks, require responsible entities to obtain the driving | 12673 |
records of employees, or both, specify the times at which the | 12674 |
criminal records checks are to be conducted and the driving | 12675 |
records are to be obtained; | 12676 |
(b) Specify circumstances under which a responsible entity | 12677 |
may employ an applicant or employee who is found by a criminal | 12678 |
records check required by this section to have been convicted of, | 12679 |
pleaded guilty to, or been found eligible for intervention in lieu | 12680 |
of conviction for a disqualifying offense but meets standards in | 12681 |
regard to rehabilitation set by the director. | 12682 |
Sec. 5123.092. (A) There is hereby established at each | 12683 |
institution and branch institution under the control of the | 12684 |
department of developmental disabilities a citizen's advisory | 12685 |
council consisting of thirteen members. At least seven of the | 12686 |
members shall be persons who are not providers of | 12687 |
12688 | |
that are intellectual disabilities. Each council shall include | 12689 |
parents or other relatives of residents of institutions under the | 12690 |
control of the department, community leaders, professional persons | 12691 |
in relevant fields, and persons who have an interest in or | 12692 |
knowledge of | 12693 |
are intellectual disabilities. The managing officer of the | 12694 |
institution shall be a nonvoting member of the council. | 12695 |
(B) The director of developmental disabilities shall be the | 12696 |
appointing authority for the voting members of each citizen's | 12697 |
advisory council. Each time the term of a voting member expires, | 12698 |
the remaining members of the council shall recommend to the | 12699 |
director one or more persons to serve on the council. The director | 12700 |
may accept a nominee of the council or reject the nominee or | 12701 |
nominees. If the director rejects the nominee or nominees, the | 12702 |
remaining members of the advisory council shall further recommend | 12703 |
to the director one or more other persons to serve on the advisory | 12704 |
council. This procedure shall continue until a member is appointed | 12705 |
to the advisory council. | 12706 |
Each advisory council shall elect from its appointed members | 12707 |
a chairperson, vice-chairperson, and a secretary to serve for | 12708 |
terms of one year. Advisory council officers shall not serve for | 12709 |
more than two consecutive terms in the same office. A majority of | 12710 |
the advisory council members constitutes a quorum. | 12711 |
(C) Terms of office shall be for three years, each term | 12712 |
ending on the same day of the same month of the year as did the | 12713 |
term which it succeeds. No member shall serve more than two | 12714 |
consecutive terms, except that any former member may be appointed | 12715 |
if one year or longer has elapsed since the member served two | 12716 |
consecutive terms. Each member shall hold office from the date of | 12717 |
appointment until the end of the term for which the member was | 12718 |
appointed. Any vacancy shall be filled in the same manner in which | 12719 |
the original appointment was made, and the appointee to a vacancy | 12720 |
in an unexpired term shall serve the balance of the term of the | 12721 |
original appointee. Any member shall continue in office subsequent | 12722 |
to the expiration date of the member's term until the member's | 12723 |
successor takes office, or until a period of sixty days has | 12724 |
elapsed, whichever occurs first. | 12725 |
(D) Members shall be expected to attend all meetings of the | 12726 |
advisory council. Unexcused absence from two successive regularly | 12727 |
scheduled meetings shall be considered prima-facie evidence of | 12728 |
intent not to continue as a member. The chairperson of the board | 12729 |
shall, after a member has been absent for two successive regularly | 12730 |
scheduled meetings, direct a letter to the member asking if the | 12731 |
member wishes to remain in membership. If an affirmative reply is | 12732 |
received, the member shall be retained as a member except that, | 12733 |
if, after having expressed a desire to remain a member, the member | 12734 |
then misses a third successive regularly scheduled meeting without | 12735 |
being excused, the chairperson shall terminate the member's | 12736 |
membership. | 12737 |
(E) A citizen's advisory council shall meet six times | 12738 |
annually, or more frequently if three council members request the | 12739 |
chairperson to call a meeting. The council shall keep minutes of | 12740 |
each meeting and shall submit them to the managing officer of the | 12741 |
institution with which the council is associated and the | 12742 |
department of developmental disabilities. | 12743 |
(F) Members of citizen's advisory councils shall receive no | 12744 |
compensation for their services, except that they shall be | 12745 |
reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the | 12746 |
performance of their official duties by the institution with which | 12747 |
they are associated from funds allocated to it, provided that | 12748 |
reimbursement for those expenses shall not exceed limits imposed | 12749 |
upon the department of developmental disabilities by | 12750 |
administrative rules regulating travel within this state. | 12751 |
(G) The councils shall have reasonable access to all patient | 12752 |
treatment and living areas and records of the institution, except | 12753 |
those records of a strictly personal or confidential nature. The | 12754 |
councils shall have access to a patient's personal records with | 12755 |
the consent of the patient or the patient's legal guardian or, if | 12756 |
the patient is a minor, with the consent of the parent or legal | 12757 |
guardian of the patient. | 12758 |
(H) As used in this section, "branch institution" means a | 12759 |
facility that is located apart from an institution and is under | 12760 |
the control of the managing officer of the institution. | 12761 |
Sec. 5123.093. The citizen's advisory councils established | 12762 |
under section 5123.092 of the Revised Code shall: | 12763 |
(A) Transmit verbal or written information from any person or | 12764 |
organization associated with the institution or within the | 12765 |
community, that an advisory council considers important, to the | 12766 |
director of developmental disabilities; | 12767 |
(B) Review the records of all applicants to any unclassified | 12768 |
position at the institution, except for resident physician | 12769 |
positions filled under section 5123.11 of the Revised Code; | 12770 |
(C) Review and evaluate institutional employee training and | 12771 |
continuing education programs; | 12772 |
(D) On or before the thirty-first day of January of each | 12773 |
year, submit a written report to the director of developmental | 12774 |
disabilities regarding matters affecting the institution | 12775 |
including, but not limited to, allegations of dehumanizing | 12776 |
practices and violations of individual or legal rights; | 12777 |
(E) Review institutional budgets, programs, services, and | 12778 |
planning; | 12779 |
(F) Develop and maintain relationships within the community | 12780 |
with community | 12781 |
organizations; | 12782 |
(G) Participate in the formulation of the institution's | 12783 |
objectives, administrative procedures, program philosophy, and | 12784 |
long range goals; | 12785 |
(H) Bring any matter that an advisory council considers | 12786 |
important to the attention of the joint council on developmental | 12787 |
disabilities and the director of developmental disabilities; | 12788 |
(I) Recommend to the director of developmental disabilities | 12789 |
persons for appointment to citizen's advisory councils; | 12790 |
(J) Adopt any rules or procedures necessary to carry out this | 12791 |
section. | 12792 |
The chairperson of the advisory council or the chairperson's | 12793 |
designee shall be notified within twenty-four hours of any alleged | 12794 |
incident of abuse to a resident or staff member by anyone. | 12795 |
Incidents of resident or staff abuse shall include, but not be | 12796 |
limited to, sudden deaths, accidents, suicides, attempted | 12797 |
suicides, injury caused by other persons, alleged criminal acts, | 12798 |
errors in prescribing or administering medication, theft from | 12799 |
clients, fires, epidemic disease, administering unprescribed | 12800 |
drugs, unauthorized use of restraint, withholding of information | 12801 |
concerning alleged abuse, neglect, or any deprivation of rights as | 12802 |
defined in Chapter 5122. or 5123. of the Revised Code. | 12803 |
Sec. 5123.122. Notwithstanding section 5121.04 of the | 12804 |
Revised Code and except as provided in section 5123.194 of the | 12805 |
Revised Code, the liable relative of a | 12806 |
12807 | |
who is a minor receiving residential services pursuant to a | 12808 |
contract entered into with the department of developmental | 12809 |
disabilities under section 5123.18 of the Revised Code shall be | 12810 |
charged for the minor's support the percentage of a base support | 12811 |
rate determined in accordance with division (B)(2) of section | 12812 |
5121.04 of the Revised Code. | 12813 |
Sec. 5123.165. (A) Except as provided in division (B) of | 12814 |
this section, no person or government entity may provide supported | 12815 |
living to an individual with | 12816 |
disability if the person or government entity also provides the | 12817 |
individual a residence. | 12818 |
(B) A person may provide supported living to an individual | 12819 |
with | 12820 |
the person also provides the individual a residence if either of | 12821 |
the following apply: | 12822 |
(1) The person also resides in the residence with the | 12823 |
individual and does not provide at any one time supported living | 12824 |
to more than a total of three individuals with | 12825 |
12826 | |
residence; | 12827 |
(2) The person is an association of family members related to | 12828 |
two or more of the individuals with | 12829 |
developmental | 12830 |
and does not provide at any one time supported living to more than | 12831 |
a total of four individuals with | 12832 |
| 12833 |
residence. | 12834 |
Sec. 5123.169. (A) The director of developmental | 12835 |
disabilities shall not issue a supported living certificate to an | 12836 |
applicant or renew an applicant's supported living certificate if | 12837 |
either of the following applies: | 12838 |
(1) The applicant fails to comply with division (C)(2) of | 12839 |
this section; | 12840 |
(2) Except as provided in rules adopted under section | 12841 |
5123.1610 of the Revised Code, the applicant is found by a | 12842 |
criminal records check required by this section to have been | 12843 |
convicted of, pleaded guilty to, or been found eligible for | 12844 |
intervention in lieu of conviction for a disqualifying offense. | 12845 |
(B) Before issuing a supported living certificate to an | 12846 |
applicant or renewing an applicant's supported living certificate, | 12847 |
the director shall require the applicant to submit a statement | 12848 |
with the applicant's signature attesting that the applicant has | 12849 |
not been convicted of, pleaded guilty to, or been found eligible | 12850 |
for intervention in lieu of conviction for a disqualifying | 12851 |
offense. The director also shall require the applicant to sign an | 12852 |
agreement under which the applicant agrees to notify the director | 12853 |
within fourteen calendar days if, while holding a supported living | 12854 |
certificate, the applicant is formally charged with, is convicted | 12855 |
of, pleads guilty to, or is found eligible for intervention in | 12856 |
lieu of conviction for a disqualifying offense. The agreement | 12857 |
shall provide that the applicant's failure to provide the | 12858 |
notification may result in action being taken by the director | 12859 |
against the applicant under section 5123.166 of the Revised Code. | 12860 |
(C)(1) As a condition of receiving a supported living | 12861 |
certificate or having a supported living certificate renewed, an | 12862 |
applicant shall request the superintendent of the bureau of | 12863 |
criminal identification and investigation to conduct a criminal | 12864 |
records check of the applicant. If an applicant does not present | 12865 |
proof to the director that the applicant has been a resident of | 12866 |
this state for the five-year period immediately prior to the date | 12867 |
that the applicant applies for issuance or renewal of the | 12868 |
supported living certificate, the director shall require the | 12869 |
applicant to request that the superintendent obtain information | 12870 |
from the federal bureau of investigation as a part of the criminal | 12871 |
records check. If the applicant presents proof to the director | 12872 |
that the applicant has been a resident of this state for that | 12873 |
five-year period, the director may require the applicant to | 12874 |
request that the superintendent include information from the | 12875 |
federal bureau of investigation in the criminal records check. For | 12876 |
purposes of this division, an applicant may provide proof of | 12877 |
residency in this state by presenting, with a notarized statement | 12878 |
asserting that the applicant has been a resident of this state for | 12879 |
that five-year period, a valid driver's license, notification of | 12880 |
registration as an elector, a copy of an officially filed federal | 12881 |
or state tax form identifying the applicant's permanent residence, | 12882 |
or any other document the director considers acceptable. | 12883 |
(2) Each applicant shall do all of the following: | 12884 |
(a) Obtain a copy of the form prescribed pursuant to division | 12885 |
(C)(1) of section 109.572 of the Revised Code and a standard | 12886 |
impression sheet prescribed pursuant to division (C)(2) of section | 12887 |
109.572 of the Revised Code; | 12888 |
(b) Complete the form and provide the applicant's fingerprint | 12889 |
impressions on the standard impression sheet; | 12890 |
(c) Forward the completed form and standard impression sheet | 12891 |
to the superintendent at the time the criminal records check is | 12892 |
requested; | 12893 |
(d) Instruct the superintendent to submit the completed | 12894 |
report of the criminal records check directly to the director; | 12895 |
(e) Pay to the bureau of criminal identification and | 12896 |
investigation the fee prescribed pursuant to division (C)(3) of | 12897 |
section 109.572 of the Revised Code for each criminal records | 12898 |
check of the applicant requested and conducted pursuant to this | 12899 |
section. | 12900 |
(D) The director may request any other state or federal | 12901 |
agency to supply the director with a written report regarding the | 12902 |
criminal record of an applicant. The director may consider the | 12903 |
reports when determining whether to issue a supported living | 12904 |
certificate to the applicant or to renew an applicant's supported | 12905 |
living certificate. | 12906 |
(E) An applicant who seeks to be an independent provider or | 12907 |
is an independent provider seeking renewal of the applicant's | 12908 |
supported living certificate shall obtain the applicant's driving | 12909 |
record from the bureau of motor vehicles and provide a copy of the | 12910 |
record to the director if the supported living that the applicant | 12911 |
will provide involves transporting individuals with | 12912 |
12913 | |
consider the applicant's driving record when determining whether | 12914 |
to issue the applicant a supported living certificate or to renew | 12915 |
the applicant's supported living certificate. | 12916 |
(F)(1) A report obtained pursuant to this section is not a | 12917 |
public record for purposes of section 149.43 of the Revised Code | 12918 |
and shall not be made available to any person, other than the | 12919 |
following: | 12920 |
(a) The applicant who is the subject of the report or the | 12921 |
applicant's representative; | 12922 |
(b) The director or the director's representative; | 12923 |
(c) Any court, hearing officer, or other necessary individual | 12924 |
involved in a case dealing with any of the following: | 12925 |
(i) The denial of a supported living certificate or refusal | 12926 |
to renew a supported living certificate; | 12927 |
(ii) The denial, suspension, or revocation of a certificate | 12928 |
under section 5123.45 of the Revised Code; | 12929 |
(iii) A civil or criminal action regarding the medicaid | 12930 |
program. | 12931 |
(2) An applicant for whom the director has obtained reports | 12932 |
under this section may submit a written request to the director to | 12933 |
have copies of the reports sent to any person or state or local | 12934 |
government entity. The applicant shall specify in the request the | 12935 |
person or entities to which the copies are to be sent. On | 12936 |
receiving the request, the director shall send copies of the | 12937 |
reports to the persons or entities specified. | 12938 |
(3) The director may request that a person or state or local | 12939 |
government entity send copies to the director of any report | 12940 |
regarding a records check or criminal records check that the | 12941 |
person or entity possesses, if the director obtains the written | 12942 |
consent of the individual who is the subject of the report. | 12943 |
(4) The director shall provide each applicant with a copy of | 12944 |
any report obtained about the applicant under this section. | 12945 |
Sec. 5123.17. The department of developmental disabilities | 12946 |
may provide for the custody, supervision, control, treatment, and | 12947 |
training of persons with | 12948 |
12949 | |
institution under its jurisdiction, if the department so | 12950 |
determines with respect to any individual or group of individuals. | 12951 |
In all such cases, the department shall ensure adequate and proper | 12952 |
supervision for the protection of those persons and of the public. | 12953 |
Sec. 5123.171. As used in this section, "respite care" means | 12954 |
appropriate, short-term, temporary care provided to a | 12955 |
12956 | |
disability to sustain the family structure or to meet planned or | 12957 |
emergency needs of the family. | 12958 |
The department of developmental disabilities shall provide | 12959 |
respite care services to persons with | 12960 |
developmental | 12961 |
self-sufficiency and normalization, preventing or reducing | 12962 |
inappropriate institutional care, and furthering the unity of the | 12963 |
family by enabling the family to meet the special needs of a | 12964 |
12965 | |
developmental disability. | 12966 |
In order to be eligible for respite care services under this | 12967 |
section, the | 12968 |
with a developmental disability must be in need of habilitation | 12969 |
services as defined in section 5126.01 of the Revised Code. | 12970 |
Respite care may be provided in a residential facility | 12971 |
licensed under section 5123.19 of the Revised Code, including a | 12972 |
residential facility certified as an ICF/IID, and a respite care | 12973 |
home certified under section 5126.05 of the Revised Code. | 12974 |
The department shall develop a system for locating vacant | 12975 |
beds that are available for respite care and for making | 12976 |
information on vacant beds available to users of respite care | 12977 |
services. ICFs/IID shall report vacant beds to the department but | 12978 |
shall not be required to accept respite care clients. | 12979 |
The director of developmental disabilities shall adopt, and | 12980 |
may amend or rescind, rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the | 12981 |
Revised Code for both of the following: | 12982 |
(A) Certification by county boards of developmental | 12983 |
disabilities of respite care homes; | 12984 |
(B) Provision of respite care services authorized by this | 12985 |
section. Rules adopted under this division shall establish all of | 12986 |
the following: | 12987 |
(1) A formula for distributing funds appropriated for respite | 12988 |
care services; | 12989 |
(2) Standards for supervision, training, and quality control | 12990 |
in the provision of respite care services; | 12991 |
(3) Eligibility criteria for emergency respite care services. | 12992 |
Sec. 5123.18. | 12993 |
disabilities may enter into a contract with a person or government | 12994 |
agency to provide residential services to individuals with | 12995 |
12996 | |
services. To be eligible to enter into a contract with the | 12997 |
department under this section, a person or government entity and | 12998 |
the home in which the residential services are provided must meet | 12999 |
all applicable standards for licensing or certification by the | 13000 |
appropriate government entity. | 13001 |
Sec. 5123.19. (A) As used in sections 5123.19 to 5123.20 of | 13002 |
the Revised Code: | 13003 |
(1) "Independent living arrangement" means an arrangement in | 13004 |
which a | 13005 |
a developmental disability resides in an individualized setting | 13006 |
chosen by the person or the person's guardian, which is not | 13007 |
dedicated principally to the provision of residential services for | 13008 |
13009 | |
developmental disabilities, and for which no financial support is | 13010 |
received for rendering such service from any governmental agency | 13011 |
by a provider of residential services. | 13012 |
(2) "Licensee" means the person or government agency that has | 13013 |
applied for a license to operate a residential facility and to | 13014 |
which the license was issued under this section. | 13015 |
(3) "Political subdivision" means a municipal corporation, | 13016 |
county, or township. | 13017 |
(4) "Related party" has the same meaning as in section | 13018 |
5123.16 of the Revised Code except that "provider" as used in the | 13019 |
definition of "related party" means a person or government entity | 13020 |
that held or applied for a license to operate a residential | 13021 |
facility, rather than a person or government entity certified to | 13022 |
provide supported living. | 13023 |
(5)(a) Except as provided in division (A)(5)(b) of this | 13024 |
section, "residential facility" means a home or facility, | 13025 |
including an ICF/IID, in which an individual with | 13026 |
13027 |
(b) "Residential facility" does not mean any of the | 13028 |
following: | 13029 |
(i) The home of a relative or legal guardian in which an | 13030 |
individual with | 13031 |
resides; | 13032 |
(ii) A respite care home certified under section 5126.05 of | 13033 |
the Revised Code; | 13034 |
(iii) A county home or district home operated pursuant to | 13035 |
Chapter 5155. of the Revised Code; | 13036 |
(iv) A dwelling in which the only residents with | 13037 |
13038 | |
living arrangements or are being provided supported living. | 13039 |
(B) Every person or government agency desiring to operate a | 13040 |
residential facility shall apply for licensure of the facility to | 13041 |
the director of developmental disabilities unless the residential | 13042 |
facility is subject to section 3721.02, 5103.03, 5119.33, or | 13043 |
division (A)(9)(b) of section 5119.34 of the Revised Code. | 13044 |
(C) Subject to section 5123.196 of the Revised Code, the | 13045 |
director of developmental disabilities shall license the operation | 13046 |
of residential facilities. An initial license shall be issued for | 13047 |
a period that does not exceed one year, unless the director denies | 13048 |
the license under division (D) of this section. A license shall be | 13049 |
renewed for a period that does not exceed three years, unless the | 13050 |
director refuses to renew the license under division (D) of this | 13051 |
section. The director, when issuing or renewing a license, shall | 13052 |
specify the period for which the license is being issued or | 13053 |
renewed. A license remains valid for the length of the licensing | 13054 |
period specified by the director, unless the license is | 13055 |
terminated, revoked, or voluntarily surrendered. | 13056 |
(D) If it is determined that an applicant or licensee is not | 13057 |
in compliance with a provision of this chapter that applies to | 13058 |
residential facilities or the rules adopted under such a | 13059 |
provision, the director may deny issuance of a license, refuse to | 13060 |
renew a license, terminate a license, revoke a license, issue an | 13061 |
order for the suspension of admissions to a facility, issue an | 13062 |
order for the placement of a monitor at a facility, issue an order | 13063 |
for the immediate removal of residents, or take any other action | 13064 |
the director considers necessary consistent with the director's | 13065 |
authority under this chapter regarding residential facilities. In | 13066 |
the director's selection and administration of the sanction to be | 13067 |
imposed, all of the following apply: | 13068 |
(1) The director may deny, refuse to renew, or revoke a | 13069 |
license, if the director determines that the applicant or licensee | 13070 |
has demonstrated a pattern of serious noncompliance or that a | 13071 |
violation creates a substantial risk to the health and safety of | 13072 |
residents of a residential facility. | 13073 |
(2) The director may terminate a license if more than twelve | 13074 |
consecutive months have elapsed since the residential facility was | 13075 |
last occupied by a resident or a notice required by division (K) | 13076 |
of this section is not given. | 13077 |
(3) The director may issue an order for the suspension of | 13078 |
admissions to a facility for any violation that may result in | 13079 |
sanctions under division (D)(1) of this section and for any other | 13080 |
violation specified in rules adopted under division (H)(2) of this | 13081 |
section. If the suspension of admissions is imposed for a | 13082 |
violation that may result in sanctions under division (D)(1) of | 13083 |
this section, the director may impose the suspension before | 13084 |
providing an opportunity for an adjudication under Chapter 119. of | 13085 |
the Revised Code. The director shall lift an order for the | 13086 |
suspension of admissions when the director determines that the | 13087 |
violation that formed the basis for the order has been corrected. | 13088 |
(4) The director may order the placement of a monitor at a | 13089 |
residential facility for any violation specified in rules adopted | 13090 |
under division (H)(2) of this section. The director shall lift the | 13091 |
order when the director determines that the violation that formed | 13092 |
the basis for the order has been corrected. | 13093 |
(5) If the director determines that two or more residential | 13094 |
facilities owned or operated by the same person or government | 13095 |
entity are not being operated in compliance with a provision of | 13096 |
this chapter that applies to residential facilities or the rules | 13097 |
adopted under such a provision, and the director's findings are | 13098 |
based on the same or a substantially similar action, practice, | 13099 |
circumstance, or incident that creates a substantial risk to the | 13100 |
health and safety of the residents, the director shall conduct a | 13101 |
survey as soon as practicable at each residential facility owned | 13102 |
or operated by that person or government entity. The director may | 13103 |
take any action authorized by this section with respect to any | 13104 |
facility found to be operating in violation of a provision of this | 13105 |
chapter that applies to residential facilities or the rules | 13106 |
adopted under such a provision. | 13107 |
(6) When the director initiates license revocation | 13108 |
proceedings, no opportunity for submitting a plan of correction | 13109 |
shall be given. The director shall notify the licensee by letter | 13110 |
of the initiation of the proceedings. The letter shall list the | 13111 |
deficiencies of the residential facility and inform the licensee | 13112 |
that no plan of correction will be accepted. The director shall | 13113 |
also send a copy of the letter to the county board of | 13114 |
developmental disabilities. The county board shall send a copy of | 13115 |
the letter to each of the following: | 13116 |
(a) Each resident who receives services from the licensee; | 13117 |
(b) The guardian of each resident who receives services from | 13118 |
the licensee if the resident has a guardian; | 13119 |
(c) The parent or guardian of each resident who receives | 13120 |
services from the licensee if the resident is a minor. | 13121 |
(7) Pursuant to rules which shall be adopted in accordance | 13122 |
with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, the director may order the | 13123 |
immediate removal of residents from a residential facility | 13124 |
whenever conditions at the facility present an immediate danger of | 13125 |
physical or psychological harm to the residents. | 13126 |
(8) In determining whether a residential facility is being | 13127 |
operated in compliance with a provision of this chapter that | 13128 |
applies to residential facilities or the rules adopted under such | 13129 |
a provision, or whether conditions at a residential facility | 13130 |
present an immediate danger of physical or psychological harm to | 13131 |
the residents, the director may rely on information obtained by a | 13132 |
county board of developmental disabilities or other governmental | 13133 |
agencies. | 13134 |
(9) In proceedings initiated to deny, refuse to renew, or | 13135 |
revoke licenses, the director may deny, refuse to renew, or revoke | 13136 |
a license regardless of whether some or all of the deficiencies | 13137 |
that prompted the proceedings have been corrected at the time of | 13138 |
the hearing. | 13139 |
(E) The director shall establish a program under which public | 13140 |
notification may be made when the director has initiated license | 13141 |
revocation proceedings or has issued an order for the suspension | 13142 |
of admissions, placement of a monitor, or removal of residents. | 13143 |
The director shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of | 13144 |
the Revised Code to implement this division. The rules shall | 13145 |
establish the procedures by which the public notification will be | 13146 |
made and specify the circumstances for which the notification must | 13147 |
be made. The rules shall require that public notification be made | 13148 |
if the director has taken action against the facility in the | 13149 |
eighteen-month period immediately preceding the director's latest | 13150 |
action against the facility and the latest action is being taken | 13151 |
for the same or a substantially similar violation of a provision | 13152 |
of this chapter that applies to residential facilities or the | 13153 |
rules adopted under such a provision. The rules shall specify a | 13154 |
method for removing or amending the public notification if the | 13155 |
director's action is found to have been unjustified or the | 13156 |
violation at the residential facility has been corrected. | 13157 |
(F)(1) Except as provided in division (F)(2) of this section, | 13158 |
appeals from proceedings initiated to impose a sanction under | 13159 |
division (D) of this section shall be conducted in accordance with | 13160 |
Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. | 13161 |
(2) Appeals from proceedings initiated to order the | 13162 |
suspension of admissions to a facility shall be conducted in | 13163 |
accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, unless the order | 13164 |
was issued before providing an opportunity for an adjudication, in | 13165 |
which case all of the following apply: | 13166 |
(a) The licensee may request a hearing not later than ten | 13167 |
days after receiving the notice specified in section 119.07 of the | 13168 |
Revised Code. | 13169 |
(b) If a timely request for a hearing that includes the | 13170 |
licensee's current address is made, the hearing shall commence not | 13171 |
later than thirty days after the department receives the request. | 13172 |
(c) After commencing, the hearing shall continue | 13173 |
uninterrupted, except for Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, | 13174 |
unless other interruptions are agreed to by the licensee and the | 13175 |
director. | 13176 |
(d) If the hearing is conducted by a hearing examiner, the | 13177 |
hearing examiner shall file a report and recommendations not later | 13178 |
than ten days after the last of the following: | 13179 |
(i) The close of the hearing; | 13180 |
(ii) If a transcript of the proceedings is ordered, the | 13181 |
hearing examiner receives the transcript; | 13182 |
(iii) If post-hearing briefs are timely filed, the hearing | 13183 |
examiner receives the briefs. | 13184 |
(e) A copy of the written report and recommendation of the | 13185 |
hearing examiner shall be sent, by certified mail, to the licensee | 13186 |
and the licensee's attorney, if applicable, not later than five | 13187 |
days after the report is filed. | 13188 |
(f) Not later than five days after the hearing examiner files | 13189 |
the report and recommendations, the licensee may file objections | 13190 |
to the report and recommendations. | 13191 |
(g) Not later than fifteen days after the hearing examiner | 13192 |
files the report and recommendations, the director shall issue an | 13193 |
order approving, modifying, or disapproving the report and | 13194 |
recommendations. | 13195 |
(h) Notwithstanding the pendency of the hearing, the director | 13196 |
shall lift the order for the suspension of admissions when the | 13197 |
director determines that the violation that formed the basis for | 13198 |
the order has been corrected. | 13199 |
(G) Neither a person or government agency whose application | 13200 |
for a license to operate a residential facility is denied nor a | 13201 |
related party of the person or government agency may apply for a | 13202 |
license to operate a residential facility before the date that is | 13203 |
one year after the date of the denial. Neither a licensee whose | 13204 |
residential facility license is revoked nor a related party of the | 13205 |
licensee may apply for a residential facility license before the | 13206 |
date that is five years after the date of the revocation. | 13207 |
(H) In accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, the | 13208 |
director shall adopt and may amend and rescind rules for licensing | 13209 |
and regulating the operation of residential facilities. The rules | 13210 |
for residential facilities that are ICFs/IID may differ from those | 13211 |
for other residential facilities. The rules shall establish and | 13212 |
specify the following: | 13213 |
(1) Procedures and criteria for issuing and renewing | 13214 |
licenses, including procedures and criteria for determining the | 13215 |
length of the licensing period that the director must specify for | 13216 |
each license when it is issued or renewed; | 13217 |
(2) Procedures and criteria for denying, refusing to renew, | 13218 |
terminating, and revoking licenses and for ordering the suspension | 13219 |
of admissions to a facility, placement of a monitor at a facility, | 13220 |
and the immediate removal of residents from a facility; | 13221 |
(3) Fees for issuing and renewing licenses, which shall be | 13222 |
deposited into the program fee fund created under section 5123.033 | 13223 |
of the Revised Code; | 13224 |
(4) Procedures for surveying residential facilities; | 13225 |
(5) Requirements for the training of residential facility | 13226 |
personnel; | 13227 |
(6) Classifications for the various types of residential | 13228 |
facilities; | 13229 |
(7) Certification procedures for licensees and management | 13230 |
contractors that the director determines are necessary to ensure | 13231 |
that they have the skills and qualifications to properly operate | 13232 |
or manage residential facilities; | 13233 |
(8) The maximum number of persons who may be served in a | 13234 |
particular type of residential facility; | 13235 |
(9) Uniform procedures for admission of persons to and | 13236 |
transfers and discharges of persons from residential facilities; | 13237 |
(10) Other standards for the operation of residential | 13238 |
facilities and the services provided at residential facilities; | 13239 |
(11) Procedures for waiving any provision of any rule adopted | 13240 |
under this section. | 13241 |
(I) Before issuing a license, the director of the department | 13242 |
or the director's designee shall conduct a survey of the | 13243 |
residential facility for which application is made. The director | 13244 |
or the director's designee shall conduct a survey of each licensed | 13245 |
residential facility at least once during the period the license | 13246 |
is valid and may conduct additional inspections as needed. A | 13247 |
survey includes but is not limited to an on-site examination and | 13248 |
evaluation of the residential facility, its personnel, and the | 13249 |
services provided there. | 13250 |
In conducting surveys, the director or the director's | 13251 |
designee shall be given access to the residential facility; all | 13252 |
records, accounts, and any other documents related to the | 13253 |
operation of the facility; the licensee; the residents of the | 13254 |
facility; and all persons acting on behalf of, under the control | 13255 |
of, or in connection with the licensee. The licensee and all | 13256 |
persons on behalf of, under the control of, or in connection with | 13257 |
the licensee shall cooperate with the director or the director's | 13258 |
designee in conducting the survey. | 13259 |
Following each survey, unless the director initiates a | 13260 |
license revocation proceeding, the director or the director's | 13261 |
designee shall provide the licensee with a report listing any | 13262 |
deficiencies, specifying a timetable within which the licensee | 13263 |
shall submit a plan of correction describing how the deficiencies | 13264 |
will be corrected, and, when appropriate, specifying a timetable | 13265 |
within which the licensee must correct the deficiencies. After a | 13266 |
plan of correction is submitted, the director or the director's | 13267 |
designee shall approve or disapprove the plan. A copy of the | 13268 |
report and any approved plan of correction shall be provided to | 13269 |
any person who requests it. | 13270 |
The director shall initiate disciplinary action against any | 13271 |
department employee who notifies or causes the notification to any | 13272 |
unauthorized person of an unannounced survey of a residential | 13273 |
facility by an authorized representative of the department. | 13274 |
(J) In addition to any other information which may be | 13275 |
required of applicants for a license pursuant to this section, the | 13276 |
director shall require each applicant to provide a copy of an | 13277 |
approved plan for a proposed residential facility pursuant to | 13278 |
section 5123.042 of the Revised Code. This division does not apply | 13279 |
to renewal of a license or to an applicant for an initial or | 13280 |
modified license who meets the requirements of section 5123.197 of | 13281 |
the Revised Code. | 13282 |
(K) A licensee shall notify the owner of the building in | 13283 |
which the licensee's residential facility is located of any | 13284 |
significant change in the identity of the licensee or management | 13285 |
contractor before the effective date of the change if the licensee | 13286 |
is not the owner of the building. | 13287 |
Pursuant to rules which shall be adopted in accordance with | 13288 |
Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, the director may require | 13289 |
notification to the department of any significant change in the | 13290 |
ownership of a residential facility or in the identity of the | 13291 |
licensee or management contractor. If the director determines that | 13292 |
a significant change of ownership is proposed, the director shall | 13293 |
consider the proposed change to be an application for development | 13294 |
by a new operator pursuant to section 5123.042 of the Revised Code | 13295 |
and shall advise the applicant within sixty days of the | 13296 |
notification that the current license shall continue in effect or | 13297 |
a new license will be required pursuant to this section. If the | 13298 |
director requires a new license, the director shall permit the | 13299 |
facility to continue to operate under the current license until | 13300 |
the new license is issued, unless the current license is revoked, | 13301 |
refused to be renewed, or terminated in accordance with Chapter | 13302 |
119. of the Revised Code. | 13303 |
(L) A county board of developmental disabilities and any | 13304 |
interested person may file complaints alleging violations of | 13305 |
statute or department rule relating to residential facilities with | 13306 |
the department. All complaints shall be in writing and shall state | 13307 |
the facts constituting the basis of the allegation. The department | 13308 |
shall not reveal the source of any complaint unless the | 13309 |
complainant agrees in writing to waive the right to | 13310 |
confidentiality or until so ordered by a court of competent | 13311 |
jurisdiction. | 13312 |
The department shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter | 13313 |
119. of the Revised Code establishing procedures for the receipt, | 13314 |
referral, investigation, and disposition of complaints filed with | 13315 |
the department under this division. | 13316 |
(M) The department shall establish procedures for the | 13317 |
notification of interested parties of the transfer or interim care | 13318 |
of residents from residential facilities that are closing or are | 13319 |
losing their license. | 13320 |
(N) Before issuing a license under this section to a | 13321 |
residential facility that will accommodate at any time more than | 13322 |
one | 13323 |
a developmental disability, the director shall, by first class | 13324 |
mail, notify the following: | 13325 |
(1) If the facility will be located in a municipal | 13326 |
corporation, the clerk of the legislative authority of the | 13327 |
municipal corporation; | 13328 |
(2) If the facility will be located in unincorporated | 13329 |
territory, the clerk of the appropriate board of county | 13330 |
commissioners and the fiscal officer of the appropriate board of | 13331 |
township trustees. | 13332 |
The director shall not issue the license for ten days after | 13333 |
mailing the notice, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal | 13334 |
holidays, in order to give the notified local officials time in | 13335 |
which to comment on the proposed issuance. | 13336 |
Any legislative authority of a municipal corporation, board | 13337 |
of county commissioners, or board of township trustees that | 13338 |
receives notice under this division of the proposed issuance of a | 13339 |
license for a residential facility may comment on it in writing to | 13340 |
the director within ten days after the director mailed the notice, | 13341 |
excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. If the director | 13342 |
receives written comments from any notified officials within the | 13343 |
specified time, the director shall make written findings | 13344 |
concerning the comments and the director's decision on the | 13345 |
issuance of the license. If the director does not receive written | 13346 |
comments from any notified local officials within the specified | 13347 |
time, the director shall continue the process for issuance of the | 13348 |
license. | 13349 |
(O) Any person may operate a licensed residential facility | 13350 |
that provides room and board, personal care, habilitation | 13351 |
services, and supervision in a family setting for at least six but | 13352 |
not more than eight persons with | 13353 |
developmental | 13354 |
residential district or zone, including any single-family | 13355 |
residential district or zone, of any political subdivision. These | 13356 |
residential facilities may be required to comply with area, | 13357 |
height, yard, and architectural compatibility requirements that | 13358 |
are uniformly imposed upon all single-family residences within the | 13359 |
district or zone. | 13360 |
(P) Any person may operate a licensed residential facility | 13361 |
that provides room and board, personal care, habilitation | 13362 |
services, and supervision in a family setting for at least nine | 13363 |
but not more than sixteen persons with | 13364 |
developmental | 13365 |
multiple-family residential district or zone of any political | 13366 |
subdivision, except that a political subdivision that has enacted | 13367 |
a zoning ordinance or resolution establishing planned unit | 13368 |
development districts may exclude these residential facilities | 13369 |
from those districts, and a political subdivision that has enacted | 13370 |
a zoning ordinance or resolution may regulate these residential | 13371 |
facilities in multiple-family residential districts or zones as a | 13372 |
conditionally permitted use or special exception, in either case, | 13373 |
under reasonable and specific standards and conditions set out in | 13374 |
the zoning ordinance or resolution to: | 13375 |
(1) Require the architectural design and site layout of the | 13376 |
residential facility and the location, nature, and height of any | 13377 |
walls, screens, and fences to be compatible with adjoining land | 13378 |
uses and the residential character of the neighborhood; | 13379 |
(2) Require compliance with yard, parking, and sign | 13380 |
regulation; | 13381 |
(3) Limit excessive concentration of these residential | 13382 |
facilities. | 13383 |
(Q) This section does not prohibit a political subdivision | 13384 |
from applying to residential facilities nondiscriminatory | 13385 |
regulations requiring compliance with health, fire, and safety | 13386 |
regulations and building standards and regulations. | 13387 |
(R) Divisions (O) and (P) of this section are not applicable | 13388 |
to municipal corporations that had in effect on June 15, 1977, an | 13389 |
ordinance specifically permitting in residential zones licensed | 13390 |
residential facilities by means of permitted uses, conditional | 13391 |
uses, or special exception, so long as such ordinance remains in | 13392 |
effect without any substantive modification. | 13393 |
(S)(1) The director may issue an interim license to operate a | 13394 |
residential facility to an applicant for a license under this | 13395 |
section if either of the following is the case: | 13396 |
(a) The director determines that an emergency exists | 13397 |
requiring immediate placement of persons in a residential | 13398 |
facility, that insufficient licensed beds are available, and that | 13399 |
the residential facility is likely to receive a permanent license | 13400 |
under this section within thirty days after issuance of the | 13401 |
interim license. | 13402 |
(b) The director determines that the issuance of an interim | 13403 |
license is necessary to meet a temporary need for a residential | 13404 |
facility. | 13405 |
(2) To be eligible to receive an interim license, an | 13406 |
applicant must meet the same criteria that must be met to receive | 13407 |
a permanent license under this section, except for any differing | 13408 |
procedures and time frames that may apply to issuance of a | 13409 |
permanent license. | 13410 |
(3) An interim license shall be valid for thirty days and may | 13411 |
be renewed by the director for a period not to exceed one hundred | 13412 |
fifty days. | 13413 |
(4) The director shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter | 13414 |
119. of the Revised Code as the director considers necessary to | 13415 |
administer the issuance of interim licenses. | 13416 |
(T) Notwithstanding rules adopted pursuant to this section | 13417 |
establishing the maximum number of persons who may be served in a | 13418 |
particular type of residential facility, a residential facility | 13419 |
shall be permitted to serve the same number of persons being | 13420 |
served by the facility on the effective date of the rules or the | 13421 |
number of persons for which the facility is authorized pursuant to | 13422 |
a current application for a certificate of need with a letter of | 13423 |
support from the department of developmental disabilities and | 13424 |
which is in the review process prior to April 4, 1986. | 13425 |
(U) The director or the director's designee may enter at any | 13426 |
time, for purposes of investigation, any home, facility, or other | 13427 |
structure that has been reported to the director or that the | 13428 |
director has reasonable cause to believe is being operated as a | 13429 |
residential facility without a license issued under this section. | 13430 |
The director may petition the court of common pleas of the | 13431 |
county in which an unlicensed residential facility is located for | 13432 |
an order enjoining the person or governmental agency operating the | 13433 |
facility from continuing to operate without a license. The court | 13434 |
may grant the injunction on a showing that the person or | 13435 |
governmental agency named in the petition is operating a | 13436 |
residential facility without a license. The court may grant the | 13437 |
injunction, regardless of whether the residential facility meets | 13438 |
the requirements for receiving a license under this section. | 13439 |
Sec. 5123.196. (A) Except as provided in division (E) of this | 13440 |
section, the director of developmental disabilities shall not | 13441 |
issue a license under section 5123.19 of the Revised Code on or | 13442 |
after July 1, 2003, if issuance will result in there being more | 13443 |
beds in all residential facilities licensed under that section | 13444 |
than is permitted under division (B) of this section. | 13445 |
(B) The maximum number of beds for the purpose of division | 13446 |
(A) of this section shall not exceed ten thousand eight hundred | 13447 |
thirty-eight minus, except as provided in division (C) of this | 13448 |
section, both of the following: | 13449 |
(1) The number of such beds that cease to be residential | 13450 |
facility beds on or after July 1, 2003, because a residential | 13451 |
facility license is revoked, terminated, or not renewed for any | 13452 |
reason or is surrendered in accordance with section 5123.19 of the | 13453 |
Revised Code; | 13454 |
(2) The number of such beds for which a licensee voluntarily | 13455 |
converts to use for supported living on or after July 1, 2003. | 13456 |
(C) The director is not required to reduce the maximum number | 13457 |
of beds pursuant to division (B) of this section by a bed that | 13458 |
ceases to be a residential facility bed if the director determines | 13459 |
that the bed is needed to provide services to an individual with | 13460 |
13461 | |
the residential facility in which the bed was located. | 13462 |
(D) The director shall maintain an up-to-date written record | 13463 |
of the maximum number of residential facility beds provided for by | 13464 |
division (B) of this section. | 13465 |
(E) The director may issue an interim license under division | 13466 |
(S) of section 5123.19 of the Revised Code and issue, pursuant to | 13467 |
rules adopted under division (H)(11) of that section, a waiver | 13468 |
allowing a residential facility to admit more residents than the | 13469 |
facility is licensed to admit regardless of whether the interim | 13470 |
license or waiver will result in there being more beds in all | 13471 |
residential facilities licensed under that section than is | 13472 |
permitted under division (B) of this section. | 13473 |
Sec. 5123.20. No person or government agency shall operate a | 13474 |
residential facility or receive a | 13475 |
13476 | |
a resident of a residential facility unless the facility is | 13477 |
licensed under section 5123.19 of the Revised Code, and no person | 13478 |
or governmental agency shall operate a respite care home or | 13479 |
receive a | 13480 |
with a developmental disability in a respite care home unless the | 13481 |
home is certified under section 5126.05 of the Revised Code. | 13482 |
Sec. 5123.27. The director of developmental disabilities may | 13483 |
accept, hold, and administer in trust on behalf of the state, if | 13484 |
it is for the public interest, any grant, devise, gift, or bequest | 13485 |
of money or property made to the state for the use or benefit of | 13486 |
any institution under the jurisdiction of the department of | 13487 |
developmental disabilities or for the use and benefit of persons | 13488 |
with | 13489 |
under the control of the department. If the trust so provides, the | 13490 |
money or property may be used for any work which the department is | 13491 |
authorized to undertake. | 13492 |
The department shall keep such gift, grant, devise, or | 13493 |
bequest as a distinct property or fund and, if it is in money, | 13494 |
shall invest it in the manner provided by law. The department may | 13495 |
deposit in a proper trust company or savings bank any money left | 13496 |
in trust during a specified life or lives and shall adopt rules | 13497 |
governing the deposit, transfer, withdrawal, or investment of the | 13498 |
money and the income from it. | 13499 |
The department shall, in the manner prescribed by the | 13500 |
director of budget and management pursuant to section 126.21 of | 13501 |
the Revised Code, account for all money or property received or | 13502 |
expended under this section. The records, together with a | 13503 |
statement certified by the depository showing the money deposited | 13504 |
there to the credit of the trust, shall be open to public | 13505 |
inspection. The director of budget and management may require the | 13506 |
department to file a report with the director on any particular | 13507 |
portion, or the whole, of any trust property received or expended | 13508 |
by it. | 13509 |
The department shall, upon the expiration of any trust | 13510 |
according to its terms, dispose of the money or property held | 13511 |
under the trust in the manner provided in the instrument creating | 13512 |
the trust. If the instrument creating the trust failed to make any | 13513 |
terms of disposition, or if no trust was in evidence, the decedent | 13514 |
resident's money, saving or commercial deposits, dividends or | 13515 |
distributions, bonds, or any other interest-bearing debt | 13516 |
certificate or stamp issued by the United States government shall | 13517 |
escheat to the state. All such unclaimed intangible personal | 13518 |
property of a former resident shall be retained by the managing | 13519 |
officer in such institution for the period of one year, during | 13520 |
which time every possible effort shall be made to find the former | 13521 |
resident or the former resident's legal representative. | 13522 |
If after a period of one year from the time the resident has | 13523 |
left the institution or has died, the managing officer has been | 13524 |
unable to locate the person or the person's legal representative, | 13525 |
then, upon proper notice of that fact, the director shall at that | 13526 |
time formulate in writing a method of disposition on the minutes | 13527 |
of the department authorizing the managing officer to convert such | 13528 |
intangible personal property to cash to be paid into the state | 13529 |
treasury to the credit of the general revenue fund. | 13530 |
The department shall include in its annual report a statement | 13531 |
of all such money and property and the terms and conditions | 13532 |
relating to them. | 13533 |
Sec. 5123.34. This chapter attempts to do all of the | 13534 |
following: | 13535 |
(A) Provide humane and scientific treatment and care and the | 13536 |
highest attainable degree of individual development for persons | 13537 |
with | 13538 |
disabilities; | 13539 |
(B) Promote the study of the causes of | 13540 |
developmental disabilities, with a view to ultimate prevention; | 13541 |
(C) Secure by uniform and systematic management the highest | 13542 |
attainable degree of economy in the administration of the | 13543 |
institutions under the control of the department of developmental | 13544 |
disabilities. | 13545 |
Sections 5123.02 to 5123.04, 5123.042, 5123.043, 5123.10, | 13546 |
5123.21, 5123.221, 5123.25, and 5123.31 of the Revised Code shall | 13547 |
be liberally construed to attain these purposes. | 13548 |
Sec. 5123.351. The director of developmental disabilities, | 13549 |
with respect to the eligibility for state reimbursement of | 13550 |
expenses incurred by facilities and programs established and | 13551 |
operated under Chapter 5126. of the Revised Code for persons with | 13552 |
13553 | |
shall do all of the following: | 13554 |
(A) Make rules that may be necessary to carry out the | 13555 |
purposes of Chapter 5126. and sections 5123.35, 5123.351, and | 13556 |
5123.36 of the Revised Code; | 13557 |
(B) Define minimum standards for qualifications of personnel, | 13558 |
professional services, and in-service training and educational | 13559 |
leave programs; | 13560 |
(C) Review and evaluate community programs and make | 13561 |
recommendations for needed improvements to county boards of | 13562 |
developmental disabilities and to program directors; | 13563 |
(D) Withhold state reimbursement, in whole or in part, from | 13564 |
any county or combination of counties for failure to comply with | 13565 |
Chapter 5126. or section 5123.35 or 5123.351 of the Revised Code | 13566 |
or rules of the department of developmental disabilities; | 13567 |
(E) Withhold state funds from an agency, corporation, or | 13568 |
association denying or rendering service on the basis of race, | 13569 |
color, sex, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability as | 13570 |
defined in section 4112.01 of the Revised Code, or inability to | 13571 |
pay; | 13572 |
(F) Provide consultative staff service to communities to | 13573 |
assist in ascertaining needs and in planning and establishing | 13574 |
programs. | 13575 |
Sec. 5123.36. (A) To the extent funds are available and on | 13576 |
application by a county board of developmental disabilities or | 13577 |
private nonprofit agency incorporated to provide | 13578 |
13579 | |
developmental disabilities may enter into an agreement with the | 13580 |
county board or agency to assist the county board or agency with a | 13581 |
13582 | |
project. Except as provided by division (B) of this section, the | 13583 |
director may provide up to ninety per cent of the total project | 13584 |
cost where circumstances warrant. The director may, where | 13585 |
circumstances warrant, use existing facilities or other in-kind | 13586 |
match for the local share of the communities' share of the cost. | 13587 |
(B) Upon the recommendation of the director, for projects of | 13588 |
the highest priority of the department of developmental | 13589 |
disabilities, the controlling board may authorize the director to | 13590 |
provide more than ninety per cent of the total cost of a project | 13591 |
under this section. | 13592 |
(C) A county board is eligible for funds under this section | 13593 |
for a project bid on or after January 1, 1992, under either | 13594 |
section 153.07 or 307.86 of the Revised Code, as long as all other | 13595 |
applicable requirements were followed. | 13596 |
(D) A private nonprofit agency that receives funds pursuant | 13597 |
to this section for the construction of a single-family home, | 13598 |
including, where appropriate, the acquisition and installation of | 13599 |
a single-family home fabricated in an off-site facility, is not | 13600 |
subject to the requirements of Chapter 153. of the Revised Code | 13601 |
with respect to the construction project, notwithstanding any | 13602 |
provision of that chapter to the contrary. | 13603 |
(E) The director may not assist a project under this section | 13604 |
unless the controlling board or director of budget and management | 13605 |
also approves the project pursuant to section 126.14 of the | 13606 |
Revised Code. | 13607 |
Sec. 5123.37. A county board of developmental disabilities | 13608 |
or private, nonprofit agency that receives state funds pursuant to | 13609 |
an agreement with the director of developmental disabilities under | 13610 |
section 5123.36 of the Revised Code to acquire a facility may | 13611 |
apply to the director for approval to sell the facility before the | 13612 |
terms of the agreement expire for the purpose of acquiring a | 13613 |
replacement facility to be used to provide | 13614 |
developmental disability services to individuals the county board | 13615 |
or agency serves. The application shall be made on a form the | 13616 |
director shall prescribe. The county board or agency shall include | 13617 |
in the application the specific purpose for which the replacement | 13618 |
facility is to be used. The director may refuse to approve the | 13619 |
application if the director determines that any of the following | 13620 |
apply: | 13621 |
(A) The application is incomplete or indicates that the | 13622 |
county board or agency is unable to purchase a replacement | 13623 |
facility. | 13624 |
(B) The replacement facility would not be used to continue to | 13625 |
provide | 13626 |
that the director determines are appropriate for the individuals | 13627 |
the county board or agency serves. | 13628 |
(C) The county board or agency has failed to comply with a | 13629 |
provision of Chapter 5123. or 5126. of the Revised Code or a rule | 13630 |
adopted by the director. | 13631 |
(D) Approving the application would be inconsistent with the | 13632 |
plans and priorities of the department of developmental | 13633 |
disabilities. | 13634 |
Sec. 5123.374. (A) The director of developmental | 13635 |
disabilities may rescind approval of an application submitted | 13636 |
under section 5123.37 of the Revised Code if either of the | 13637 |
following occurs: | 13638 |
(1) The county board of developmental disabilities or | 13639 |
private, nonprofit agency that submitted the application fails, on | 13640 |
or before the deadline or, if any, the last extended deadline | 13641 |
established under section 5123.372 of the Revised Code for the | 13642 |
county board or agency, to notify the director that the county | 13643 |
board or agency is ready to acquire the replacement facility. | 13644 |
(2) The county board or agency at any time notifies the | 13645 |
director that the county board or agency no longer intends to | 13646 |
acquire a replacement facility. | 13647 |
(B) If the director rescinds approval of an application, the | 13648 |
director shall use any funds the county board or agency paid to | 13649 |
the director under section 5123.371 of the Revised Code to assist | 13650 |
13651 | |
projects under section 5123.36 of the Revised Code. | 13652 |
Sec. 5123.375. The developmental disabilities community | 13653 |
capital replacement facilities fund is hereby created in the state | 13654 |
treasury. The director of developmental disabilities shall credit | 13655 |
all amounts paid to the director under section 5123.371 of the | 13656 |
Revised Code to the fund. The director shall use the money in the | 13657 |
fund as follows: | 13658 |
(A) To make payments to county boards of developmental | 13659 |
disabilities and private, nonprofit agencies pursuant to | 13660 |
agreements entered into under section 5123.373 of the Revised | 13661 |
Code; | 13662 |
(B) To provide, pursuant to section 5123.374 of the Revised | 13663 |
Code, assistance for | 13664 |
disabilities construction projects under section 5123.36 of the | 13665 |
Revised Code. | 13666 |
Sec. 5123.40. There is hereby created in the state treasury | 13667 |
the services fund for individuals with | 13668 |
developmental disabilities. On the death of the beneficiary of a | 13669 |
trust created pursuant to section 5815.28 of the Revised Code, the | 13670 |
portion of the remaining assets of the trust specified in the | 13671 |
trust instrument shall be deposited to the credit of the fund. | 13672 |
Money credited to the fund shall be used for individuals with | 13673 |
13674 | |
with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, the department of | 13675 |
developmental disabilities may adopt any rules necessary to | 13676 |
implement this section. | 13677 |
Sec. 5123.41. As used in this section and sections 5123.42 | 13678 |
to 5123.47 of the Revised Code: | 13679 |
(A) "Adult services" has the same meaning as in section | 13680 |
5126.01 of the Revised Code. | 13681 |
(B) "Certified supported living provider" means a person or | 13682 |
government entity certified under section 5123.161 of the Revised | 13683 |
Code. | 13684 |
(C) "Drug" has the same meaning as in section 4729.01 of the | 13685 |
Revised Code. | 13686 |
(D) "Family support services" has the same meaning as in | 13687 |
section 5126.01 of the Revised Code. | 13688 |
(E) "Health-related activities" means the following: | 13689 |
(1) Taking vital signs; | 13690 |
(2) Application of clean dressings that do not require health | 13691 |
assessment; | 13692 |
(3) Basic measurement of bodily intake and output; | 13693 |
(4) Oral suctioning; | 13694 |
(5) Use of glucometers; | 13695 |
(6) External urinary catheter care; | 13696 |
(7) Emptying and replacing colostomy bags; | 13697 |
(8) Collection of specimens by noninvasive means. | 13698 |
(F) "Licensed health professional authorized to prescribe | 13699 |
drugs" has the same meaning as in section 4729.01 of the Revised | 13700 |
Code. | 13701 |
(G) " | 13702 |
employees and the workers under contract who provide specialized | 13703 |
services to individuals with | 13704 |
disabilities. " | 13705 |
includes those who provide the services as follows: | 13706 |
(1) Through direct employment with the department of | 13707 |
developmental disabilities or a county board of developmental | 13708 |
disabilities; | 13709 |
(2) Through an entity under contract with the department of | 13710 |
developmental disabilities or a county board of developmental | 13711 |
disabilities; | 13712 |
(3) Through direct employment or by being under contract with | 13713 |
private entities, including private entities that operate | 13714 |
residential facilities. | 13715 |
(H) "Nursing delegation" means the process established in | 13716 |
rules adopted by the board of nursing pursuant to Chapter 4723. of | 13717 |
the Revised Code under which a registered nurse or licensed | 13718 |
practical nurse acting at the direction of a registered nurse | 13719 |
transfers the performance of a particular nursing activity or task | 13720 |
to another person who is not otherwise authorized to perform the | 13721 |
activity or task. | 13722 |
(I) "Prescribed medication" means a drug that is to be | 13723 |
administered according to the instructions of a licensed health | 13724 |
professional authorized to prescribe drugs. | 13725 |
(J) "Residential facility" means a facility licensed under | 13726 |
section 5123.19 of the Revised Code. | 13727 |
(K) "Specialized services" has the same meaning as in section | 13728 |
5123.50 of the Revised Code. | 13729 |
(L) "Tube feeding" means the provision of nutrition to an | 13730 |
individual through a gastrostomy tube or a jejunostomy tube. | 13731 |
Sec. 5123.42. (A) Beginning nine months after March 31, 2003, | 13732 |
13733 | |
specifically authorized by other provisions of the Revised Code to | 13734 |
administer prescribed medications, perform health-related | 13735 |
activities, or perform tube feedings may do so pursuant to this | 13736 |
section as part of the specialized services the | 13737 |
developmental disabilities personnel provide to individuals with | 13738 |
13739 | |
categories: | 13740 |
(1) Recipients of early intervention, preschool, and | 13741 |
school-age services offered or provided pursuant to this chapter | 13742 |
or Chapter 5126. of the Revised Code; | 13743 |
(2) Recipients of adult services offered or provided pursuant | 13744 |
to this chapter or Chapter 5126. of the Revised Code; | 13745 |
(3) Recipients of family support services offered or provided | 13746 |
pursuant to this chapter or Chapter 5126. of the Revised Code; | 13747 |
(4) Recipients of services from certified supported living | 13748 |
providers, if the services are offered or provided pursuant to | 13749 |
this chapter or Chapter 5126. of the Revised Code; | 13750 |
(5) Recipients of residential support services from certified | 13751 |
home and community-based services providers, if the services are | 13752 |
received in a community living arrangement that includes not more | 13753 |
than four individuals with | 13754 |
disabilities and the services are offered or provided pursuant to | 13755 |
this chapter or Chapter 5126. of the Revised Code; | 13756 |
(6) Recipients of services not included in divisions (A)(1) | 13757 |
to (5) of this section that are offered or provided pursuant to | 13758 |
this chapter or Chapter 5126. of the Revised Code; | 13759 |
(7) Residents of a residential facility with five or fewer | 13760 |
resident beds; | 13761 |
(8) Residents of a residential facility with at least six but | 13762 |
not more than sixteen resident beds; | 13763 |
(9) Residents of a residential facility with seventeen or | 13764 |
more resident beds who are on a field trip from the facility, if | 13765 |
all of the following are the case: | 13766 |
(a) The field trip is sponsored by the facility for purposes | 13767 |
of complying with federal medicaid statutes and regulations, state | 13768 |
medicaid statutes and rules, or other federal or state statutes, | 13769 |
regulations, or rules that require the facility to provide | 13770 |
habilitation, community integration, or normalization services to | 13771 |
its residents. | 13772 |
(b) Not more than ten field trip participants are residents | 13773 |
who have health needs requiring the administration of prescribed | 13774 |
medications, excluding participants who self-administer prescribed | 13775 |
medications or receive assistance with self-administration of | 13776 |
prescribed medications. | 13777 |
(c) The facility staffs the field trip with | 13778 |
developmental disabilities personnel in such a manner that one | 13779 |
person will administer prescribed medications, perform | 13780 |
health-related activities, or perform tube feedings for not more | 13781 |
than four participants if one or more of those participants have | 13782 |
health needs requiring the person to administer prescribed | 13783 |
medications through a gastrostomy or jejunostomy tube. | 13784 |
(d) According to the instructions of a health care | 13785 |
professional acting within the scope of the professional's | 13786 |
practice, the health needs of the participants who require | 13787 |
administration of prescribed medications by | 13788 |
disabilities personnel are such that the participants must receive | 13789 |
the medications during the field trip to avoid jeopardizing their | 13790 |
health and safety. | 13791 |
(B)(1) In the case of recipients of early intervention, | 13792 |
preschool, and school-age services, as specified in division | 13793 |
(A)(1) of this section, all of the following apply: | 13794 |
(a) With nursing delegation, | 13795 |
personnel may perform health-related activities. | 13796 |
(b) With nursing delegation, | 13797 |
personnel may administer oral and topical prescribed medications. | 13798 |
(c) With nursing delegation, | 13799 |
personnel may administer prescribed medications through | 13800 |
gastrostomy and jejunostomy tubes, if the tubes being used are | 13801 |
stable and labeled. | 13802 |
(d) With nursing delegation, | 13803 |
personnel may perform routine tube feedings, if the gastrostomy | 13804 |
and jejunostomy tubes being used are stable and labeled. | 13805 |
(2) In the case of recipients of adult services, as specified | 13806 |
in division (A)(2) of this section, all of the following apply: | 13807 |
(a) With nursing delegation, | 13808 |
personnel may perform health-related activities. | 13809 |
(b) With nursing delegation, | 13810 |
personnel may administer oral and topical prescribed medications. | 13811 |
(c) With nursing delegation, | 13812 |
personnel may administer prescribed medications through | 13813 |
gastrostomy and jejunostomy tubes, if the tubes being used are | 13814 |
stable and labeled. | 13815 |
(d) With nursing delegation, | 13816 |
personnel may perform routine tube feedings, if the gastrostomy | 13817 |
and jejunostomy tubes being used are stable and labeled. | 13818 |
(3) In the case of recipients of family support services, as | 13819 |
specified in division (A)(3) of this section, all of the following | 13820 |
apply: | 13821 |
(a) Without nursing delegation, | 13822 |
disabilities personnel may perform health-related activities. | 13823 |
(b) Without nursing delegation, | 13824 |
disabilities personnel may administer oral and topical prescribed | 13825 |
medications. | 13826 |
(c) With nursing delegation, | 13827 |
personnel may administer prescribed medications through | 13828 |
gastrostomy and jejunostomy tubes, if the tubes being used are | 13829 |
stable and labeled. | 13830 |
(d) With nursing delegation, | 13831 |
personnel may perform routine tube feedings, if the gastrostomy | 13832 |
and jejunostomy tubes being used are stable and labeled. | 13833 |
(e) With nursing delegation, | 13834 |
personnel may administer routine doses of insulin through | 13835 |
subcutaneous injections and insulin pumps. | 13836 |
(4) In the case of recipients of services from certified | 13837 |
supported living providers, as specified in division (A)(4) of | 13838 |
this section, all of the following apply: | 13839 |
(a) Without nursing delegation, | 13840 |
disabilities personnel may perform health-related activities. | 13841 |
(b) Without nursing delegation, | 13842 |
disabilities personnel may administer oral and topical prescribed | 13843 |
medications. | 13844 |
(c) With nursing delegation, | 13845 |
personnel may administer prescribed medications through | 13846 |
gastrostomy and jejunostomy tubes, if the tubes being used are | 13847 |
stable and labeled. | 13848 |
(d) With nursing delegation, | 13849 |
personnel may perform routine tube feedings, if the gastrostomy | 13850 |
and jejunostomy tubes being used are stable and labeled. | 13851 |
(e) With nursing delegation, | 13852 |
personnel may administer routine doses of insulin through | 13853 |
subcutaneous injections and insulin pumps. | 13854 |
(5) In the case of recipients of residential support services | 13855 |
from certified home and community-based services providers, as | 13856 |
specified in division (A)(5) of this section, all of the following | 13857 |
apply: | 13858 |
(a) Without nursing delegation, | 13859 |
disabilities personnel may perform health-related activities. | 13860 |
(b) Without nursing delegation, | 13861 |
disabilities personnel may administer oral and topical prescribed | 13862 |
medications. | 13863 |
(c) With nursing delegation, | 13864 |
personnel may administer prescribed medications through | 13865 |
gastrostomy and jejunostomy tubes, if the tubes being used are | 13866 |
stable and labeled. | 13867 |
(d) With nursing delegation, | 13868 |
personnel may perform routine tube feedings, if the gastrostomy | 13869 |
and jejunostomy tubes being used are stable and labeled. | 13870 |
(e) With nursing delegation, | 13871 |
personnel may administer routine doses of insulin through | 13872 |
subcutaneous injections and insulin pumps. | 13873 |
(6) In the case of recipients of services not included in | 13874 |
divisions (A)(1) to (5) of this section, as specified in division | 13875 |
(A)(6) of this section, all of the following apply: | 13876 |
(a) With nursing delegation, | 13877 |
personnel may perform health-related activities. | 13878 |
(b) With nursing delegation, | 13879 |
personnel may administer oral and topical prescribed medications. | 13880 |
(c) With nursing delegation, | 13881 |
personnel may administer prescribed medications through | 13882 |
gastrostomy and jejunostomy tubes, if the tubes being used are | 13883 |
stable and labeled. | 13884 |
(d) With nursing delegation, | 13885 |
personnel may perform routine tube feedings, if the gastrostomy | 13886 |
and jejunostomy tubes being used are stable and labeled. | 13887 |
(7) In the case of residents of a residential facility with | 13888 |
five or fewer beds, as specified in division (A)(7) of this | 13889 |
section, all of the following apply: | 13890 |
(a) Without nursing delegation, | 13891 |
disabilities personnel may perform health-related activities. | 13892 |
(b) Without nursing delegation, | 13893 |
disabilities personnel may administer oral and topical prescribed | 13894 |
medications. | 13895 |
(c) With nursing delegation, | 13896 |
personnel may administer prescribed medications through | 13897 |
gastrostomy and jejunostomy tubes, if the tubes being used are | 13898 |
stable and labeled. | 13899 |
(d) With nursing delegation, | 13900 |
personnel may perform routine tube feedings, if the gastrostomy | 13901 |
and jejunostomy tubes being used are stable and labeled. | 13902 |
(e) With nursing delegation, | 13903 |
personnel may administer routine doses of insulin through | 13904 |
subcutaneous injections and insulin pumps. | 13905 |
(8) In the case of residents of a residential facility with | 13906 |
at least six but not more than sixteen resident beds, as specified | 13907 |
in division (A)(8) of this section, all of the following apply: | 13908 |
(a) With nursing delegation, | 13909 |
personnel may perform health-related activities. | 13910 |
(b) With nursing delegation, | 13911 |
personnel may administer oral and topical prescribed medications. | 13912 |
(c) With nursing delegation, | 13913 |
personnel may administer prescribed medications through | 13914 |
gastrostomy and jejunostomy tubes, if the tubes being used are | 13915 |
stable and labeled. | 13916 |
(d) With nursing delegation, | 13917 |
personnel may perform routine tube feedings, if the gastrostomy | 13918 |
and jejunostomy tubes being used are stable and labeled. | 13919 |
(9) In the case of residents of a residential facility with | 13920 |
seventeen or more resident beds who are on a field trip from the | 13921 |
facility, all of the following apply during the field trip, | 13922 |
subject to the limitations specified in division (A)(9) of this | 13923 |
section: | 13924 |
(a) With nursing delegation, | 13925 |
personnel may perform health-related activities. | 13926 |
(b) With nursing delegation, | 13927 |
personnel may administer oral and topical prescribed medications. | 13928 |
(c) With nursing delegation, | 13929 |
personnel may administer prescribed medications through | 13930 |
gastrostomy and jejunostomy tubes, if the tubes being used are | 13931 |
stable and labeled. | 13932 |
(d) With nursing delegation, | 13933 |
personnel may perform routine tube feedings, if the gastrostomy | 13934 |
and jejunostomy tubes being used are stable and labeled. | 13935 |
(C) The authority of | 13936 |
personnel to administer prescribed medications, perform | 13937 |
health-related activities, and perform tube feedings pursuant to | 13938 |
this section is subject to all of the following: | 13939 |
(1) To administer prescribed medications, perform | 13940 |
health-related activities, or perform tube feedings for | 13941 |
individuals in the categories specified under divisions (A)(1) to | 13942 |
(8) of this section, | 13943 |
shall obtain the certificate or certificates required by the | 13944 |
department of developmental disabilities and issued under section | 13945 |
5123.45 of the Revised Code.
| 13946 |
personnel shall administer prescribed medication, perform | 13947 |
health-related activities, and perform tube feedings only as | 13948 |
authorized by the certificate or certificates held. | 13949 |
(2) To administer prescribed medications, perform | 13950 |
health-related activities, or perform tube feedings for | 13951 |
individuals in the category specified under division (A)(9) of | 13952 |
this section, | 13953 |
successfully complete the training course or courses developed | 13954 |
under section 5123.43 of the Revised Code for the | 13955 |
developmental disabilities personnel. | 13956 |
disabilities personnel shall administer prescribed medication, | 13957 |
perform health-related activities, and perform tube feedings only | 13958 |
as authorized by the training completed. | 13959 |
(3) If nursing delegation is required under division (B) of | 13960 |
this section, | 13961 |
act without nursing delegation or in a manner that is inconsistent | 13962 |
with the delegation. | 13963 |
(4) The employer of | 13964 |
personnel shall ensure that | 13965 |
personnel have been trained specifically with respect to each | 13966 |
individual for whom they administer prescribed medications, | 13967 |
perform health-related activities, or perform tube feedings. | 13968 |
Developmental disabilities personnel shall not administer | 13969 |
prescribed medications, perform health-related activities, or | 13970 |
perform tube feedings for any individual for whom they have not | 13971 |
been specifically trained. | 13972 |
(5) If the employer of | 13973 |
personnel believes that | 13974 |
have not or will not safely administer prescribed medications, | 13975 |
perform health-related activities, or perform tube feedings, the | 13976 |
employer shall prohibit the action from continuing or commencing. | 13977 |
13978 | |
action or actions subject to an employer's prohibition. | 13979 |
(D) In accordance with section 5123.46 of the Revised Code, | 13980 |
the department of developmental disabilities shall adopt rules | 13981 |
governing its implementation of this section. The rules shall | 13982 |
include the following: | 13983 |
(1) Requirements for documentation of the administration of | 13984 |
prescribed medications, performance of health-related activities, | 13985 |
and performance of tube feedings by | 13986 |
disabilities personnel pursuant to the authority granted under | 13987 |
this section; | 13988 |
(2) Procedures for reporting errors that occur in the | 13989 |
administration of prescribed medications, performance of | 13990 |
health-related activities, and performance of tube feedings by | 13991 |
13992 | |
authority granted under this section; | 13993 |
(3) Other standards and procedures the department considers | 13994 |
necessary for implementation of this section. | 13995 |
Sec. 5123.421. The department of developmental disabilities | 13996 |
shall accept complaints from any person or government entity | 13997 |
regarding the administration of prescribed medications, | 13998 |
performance of health-related activities, and performance of tube | 13999 |
feedings by | 14000 |
the authority granted under section 5123.42 of the Revised Code. | 14001 |
The department shall conduct investigations of complaints as it | 14002 |
considers appropriate. The department shall adopt rules in | 14003 |
accordance with section 5123.46 of the Revised Code establishing | 14004 |
procedures for accepting complaints and conducting investigations | 14005 |
under this section. | 14006 |
Sec. 5123.422. | 14007 |
who administer prescribed medications, perform health-related | 14008 |
activities, or perform tube feedings pursuant to the authority | 14009 |
granted under section 5123.42 of the Revised Code are not liable | 14010 |
for any injury caused by administering the medications, performing | 14011 |
the health-related activities, or performing the tube feedings, if | 14012 |
both of the following apply: | 14013 |
(A) The
| 14014 |
accordance with the methods taught in training completed in | 14015 |
compliance with section 5123.42 of the Revised Code; | 14016 |
(B) The
| 14017 |
act in a manner that constitutes wanton or reckless misconduct. | 14018 |
Sec. 5123.43. (A) The department of developmental | 14019 |
disabilities shall develop courses for the training of | 14020 |
developmental disabilities personnel in the administration of | 14021 |
prescribed medications, performance of health-related activities, | 14022 |
and performance of tube feedings pursuant to the authority granted | 14023 |
under section 5123.42 of the Revised Code. The department may | 14024 |
develop separate or combined training courses for the | 14025 |
administration of prescribed medications, performance of | 14026 |
health-related activities, and performance of tube feedings. | 14027 |
Training in the administration of prescribed medications through | 14028 |
gastrostomy and jejunostomy tubes may be included in a course | 14029 |
providing training in tube feedings. Training in the | 14030 |
administration of insulin may be developed as a separate course or | 14031 |
included in a course providing training in the administration of | 14032 |
other prescribed medications. | 14033 |
(B)(1) The department shall adopt rules in accordance with | 14034 |
section 5123.46 of the Revised Code that specify the content and | 14035 |
length of the training courses developed under this section. The | 14036 |
rules may include any other standards the department considers | 14037 |
necessary for the training courses. | 14038 |
(2) In adopting rules that specify the content of a training | 14039 |
course or part of a training course that trains | 14040 |
developmental disabilities personnel in the administration of | 14041 |
prescribed medications, the department shall ensure that the | 14042 |
content includes all of the following: | 14043 |
(a) Infection control and universal precautions; | 14044 |
(b) Correct and safe practices, procedures, and techniques | 14045 |
for administering prescribed medication; | 14046 |
(c) Assessment of drug reaction, including known side | 14047 |
effects, interactions, and the proper course of action if a side | 14048 |
effect occurs; | 14049 |
(d) The requirements for documentation of medications | 14050 |
administered to each individual; | 14051 |
(e) The requirements for documentation and notification of | 14052 |
medication errors; | 14053 |
(f) Information regarding the proper storage and care of | 14054 |
medications; | 14055 |
(g) Information about proper receipt of prescriptions and | 14056 |
transcription of prescriptions into an individual's medication | 14057 |
administration record, except when the | 14058 |
disabilities personnel being trained will administer prescribed | 14059 |
medications only to residents of a residential facility with | 14060 |
seventeen or more resident beds who are participating in a field | 14061 |
trip, as specified in division (A)(9) of section 5123.42 of the | 14062 |
Revised Code; | 14063 |
(h) Course completion standards that require successful | 14064 |
demonstration of proficiency in administering prescribed | 14065 |
medications; | 14066 |
(i) Any other material or course completion standards that | 14067 |
the department considers relevant to the administration of | 14068 |
prescribed medications by | 14069 |
personnel. | 14070 |
Sec. 5123.44. The department of developmental disabilities | 14071 |
shall develop courses that train registered nurses to provide the | 14072 |
14073 | |
developed under section 5123.43 of the Revised Code. The | 14074 |
department may develop courses that train registered nurses to | 14075 |
provide all of the courses developed under section 5123.43 of the | 14076 |
Revised Code or any one or more of the courses developed under | 14077 |
that section. | 14078 |
The department shall adopt rules in accordance with section | 14079 |
5123.46 of the Revised Code that specify the content and length of | 14080 |
the training courses. The rules may include any other standards | 14081 |
the department considers necessary for the training courses. | 14082 |
Sec. 5123.441. (A) Each | 14083 |
personnel training course developed under section 5123.43 of the | 14084 |
Revised Code shall be provided by a registered nurse. | 14085 |
(B)(1) Except as provided in division (B)(2) of this section, | 14086 |
to provide a training course or courses to | 14087 |
disabilities personnel, a registered nurse shall obtain the | 14088 |
certificate or certificates required by the department and issued | 14089 |
under section 5123.45 of the Revised Code. The registered nurse | 14090 |
shall provide only the training course or courses authorized by | 14091 |
the certificate or certificates the registered nurse holds. | 14092 |
(2) A registered nurse is not required to obtain a | 14093 |
certificate to provide a training course to | 14094 |
disabilities personnel if the only | 14095 |
disabilities personnel to whom the course or courses are provided | 14096 |
are those who administer prescribed medications, perform | 14097 |
health-related activities, or perform tube feedings for residents | 14098 |
of a residential facility with seventeen or more resident beds who | 14099 |
are on a field trip from the facility, as specified in division | 14100 |
(A)(9) of section 5123.42 of the Revised Code. To provide the | 14101 |
training course or courses, the registered nurse shall | 14102 |
successfully complete the training required by the department | 14103 |
through the courses it develops under section 5123.44 of the | 14104 |
Revised Code. The registered nurse shall provide only the training | 14105 |
courses authorized by the training the registered nurse completes. | 14106 |
Sec. 5123.45. (A) The department of developmental | 14107 |
disabilities shall establish a program under which the department | 14108 |
issues certificates to the following: | 14109 |
(1) | 14110 |
of meeting the requirement of division (C)(1) of section 5123.42 | 14111 |
of the Revised Code to obtain a certificate or certificates to | 14112 |
administer prescribed medications, perform health-related | 14113 |
activities, and perform tube feedings; | 14114 |
(2) Registered nurses, for purposes of meeting the | 14115 |
requirement of division (B)(1) of section 5123.441 of the Revised | 14116 |
Code to obtain a certificate or certificates to provide the | 14117 |
developmental disabilities personnel training courses developed | 14118 |
under section 5123.43 of the Revised Code. | 14119 |
(B)(1) Except as provided in division (B)(2) of this section, | 14120 |
to receive a certificate issued under this section, | 14121 |
developmental disabilities personnel and registered nurses shall | 14122 |
successfully complete the applicable training course or courses | 14123 |
and meet all other applicable requirements established in rules | 14124 |
adopted pursuant to this section. The department shall issue the | 14125 |
appropriate certificate or certificates to | 14126 |
disabilities personnel and registered nurses who meet the | 14127 |
requirements for the certificate or certificates. | 14128 |
(2) The department shall include provisions in the program | 14129 |
for issuing certificates to | 14130 |
personnel and registered nurses who were required to be included | 14131 |
in the certificate program pursuant to division (B)(2) of this | 14132 |
section as that division existed immediately before | 14133 |
14134 | |
disabilities personnel who receive a certificate under division | 14135 |
(B)(2) of this section shall not administer insulin until they | 14136 |
have been trained by a registered nurse who has received a | 14137 |
certificate under this section that allows the registered nurse to | 14138 |
provide training courses to | 14139 |
personnel in the administration of insulin. A registered nurse who | 14140 |
receives a certificate under division (B)(2) of this section shall | 14141 |
not provide training courses to | 14142 |
personnel in the administration of insulin unless the registered | 14143 |
nurse completes a course developed under section 5123.44 of the | 14144 |
Revised Code that enables the registered nurse to receive a | 14145 |
certificate to provide training courses to | 14146 |
disabilities personnel in the administration of insulin. | 14147 |
(C) Certificates issued to | 14148 |
personnel are valid for one year and may be renewed. Certificates | 14149 |
issued to registered nurses are valid for two years and may be | 14150 |
renewed. | 14151 |
To be eligible for renewal, | 14152 |
personnel and registered nurses shall meet the applicable | 14153 |
continued competency requirements and continuing education | 14154 |
requirements specified in rules adopted under division (D) of this | 14155 |
section. In the case of registered nurses, continuing nursing | 14156 |
education completed in compliance with the license renewal | 14157 |
requirements established under Chapter 4723. of the Revised Code | 14158 |
may be counted toward meeting the continuing education | 14159 |
requirements established in the rules adopted under division (D) | 14160 |
of this section. | 14161 |
(D) In accordance with section 5123.46 of the Revised Code, | 14162 |
the department shall adopt rules that establish all of the | 14163 |
following: | 14164 |
(1) Requirements that | 14165 |
personnel and registered nurses must meet to be eligible to take a | 14166 |
training course; | 14167 |
(2) Standards that must be met to receive a certificate, | 14168 |
including requirements pertaining to an applicant's criminal | 14169 |
background; | 14170 |
(3) Procedures to be followed in applying for a certificate | 14171 |
and issuing a certificate; | 14172 |
(4) Standards and procedures for renewing a certificate, | 14173 |
including requirements for continuing education and, in the case | 14174 |
of | 14175 |
prescribed medications, standards that require successful | 14176 |
demonstration of proficiency in administering prescribed | 14177 |
medications; | 14178 |
(5) Standards and procedures for suspending or revoking a | 14179 |
certificate; | 14180 |
(6) Standards and procedures for suspending a certificate | 14181 |
without a hearing pending the outcome of an investigation; | 14182 |
(7) Any other standards or procedures the department | 14183 |
considers necessary to administer the certification program. | 14184 |
Sec. 5123.451. The department of developmental disabilities | 14185 |
shall establish and maintain a registry that lists all | 14186 |
developmental disabilities personnel and registered nurses holding | 14187 |
valid certificates issued under section 5123.45 of the Revised | 14188 |
Code. The registry shall specify the type of certificate held and | 14189 |
any limitations that apply to a certificate holder. The department | 14190 |
shall make the information in the registry available to the public | 14191 |
in computerized form or any other manner that provides continuous | 14192 |
access to the information in the registry. | 14193 |
Sec. 5123.47. (A) As used in this section: | 14194 |
(1) "In-home care" means the supportive services provided | 14195 |
within the home of an individual with | 14196 |
developmental disability who receives funding for the services | 14197 |
through a county board of developmental disabilities, including | 14198 |
any recipient of residential services funded as home and | 14199 |
community-based services, family support services provided under | 14200 |
section 5126.11 of the Revised Code, or supported living provided | 14201 |
in accordance with sections 5126.41 to 5126.47 of the Revised | 14202 |
Code. "In-home care" includes care that is provided outside an | 14203 |
individual's home in places incidental to the home, and while | 14204 |
traveling to places incidental to the home, except that "in-home | 14205 |
care" does not include care provided in the facilities of a county | 14206 |
board of developmental disabilities or care provided in schools. | 14207 |
(2) "Parent" means either parent of a child, including an | 14208 |
adoptive parent but not a foster parent. | 14209 |
(3) "Unlicensed in-home care worker" means an individual who | 14210 |
provides in-home care but is not a health care professional. | 14211 |
(4) "Family member" means a parent, sibling, spouse, son, | 14212 |
daughter, grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin, or guardian of the | 14213 |
individual with | 14214 |
if the individual with | 14215 |
14216 | |
the person to the extent that, if the supports were withdrawn, | 14217 |
another living arrangement would have to be found. | 14218 |
(5) "Health care professional" means any of the following: | 14219 |
(a) A dentist who holds a valid license issued under Chapter | 14220 |
4715. of the Revised Code; | 14221 |
(b) A registered or licensed practical nurse who holds a | 14222 |
valid license issued under Chapter 4723. of the Revised Code; | 14223 |
(c) An optometrist who holds a valid license issued under | 14224 |
Chapter 4725. of the Revised Code; | 14225 |
(d) A pharmacist who holds a valid license issued under | 14226 |
Chapter 4729. of the Revised Code; | 14227 |
(e) A person who holds a valid certificate issued under | 14228 |
Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code to practice medicine and | 14229 |
surgery, osteopathic medicine and surgery, podiatric medicine and | 14230 |
surgery, or a limited brand of medicine; | 14231 |
(f) A physician assistant who holds a valid certificate | 14232 |
issued under Chapter 4730. of the Revised Code; | 14233 |
(g) An occupational therapist or occupational therapy | 14234 |
assistant or a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant | 14235 |
who holds a valid license issued under Chapter 4755. of the | 14236 |
Revised Code; | 14237 |
(h) A respiratory care professional who holds a valid license | 14238 |
issued under Chapter 4761. of the Revised Code. | 14239 |
(6) "Health care task" means a task that is prescribed, | 14240 |
ordered, delegated, or otherwise directed by a health care | 14241 |
professional acting within the scope of the professional's | 14242 |
practice. | 14243 |
(B) Except as provided in division (E) of this section, a | 14244 |
family member of an individual with | 14245 |
developmental disability may authorize an unlicensed in-home care | 14246 |
worker to administer oral and topical prescribed medications or | 14247 |
perform other health care tasks as part of the in-home care the | 14248 |
worker provides to the individual, if all of the following apply: | 14249 |
(1) The family member is the primary supervisor of the care. | 14250 |
(2) The unlicensed in-home care worker has been selected by | 14251 |
the family member or the individual receiving care and is under | 14252 |
the direct supervision of the family member. | 14253 |
(3) The unlicensed in-home care worker is providing the care | 14254 |
through an employment or other arrangement entered into directly | 14255 |
with the family member and is not otherwise employed by or under | 14256 |
contract with a person or government entity to provide services to | 14257 |
individuals with | 14258 |
disabilities. | 14259 |
(C) A family member shall obtain a prescription, if | 14260 |
applicable, and written instructions from a health care | 14261 |
professional for the care to be provided to the individual. The | 14262 |
family member shall authorize the unlicensed in-home care worker | 14263 |
to provide the care by preparing a written document granting the | 14264 |
authority. The family member shall provide the unlicensed in-home | 14265 |
care worker with appropriate training and written instructions in | 14266 |
accordance with the instructions obtained from the health care | 14267 |
professional. | 14268 |
(D) A family member who authorizes an unlicensed in-home care | 14269 |
worker to administer oral and topical prescribed medications or | 14270 |
perform other health care tasks retains full responsibility for | 14271 |
the health and safety of the individual receiving the care and for | 14272 |
ensuring that the worker provides the care appropriately and | 14273 |
safely. No entity that funds or monitors the provision of in-home | 14274 |
care may be held liable for the results of the care provided under | 14275 |
this section by an unlicensed in-home care worker, including such | 14276 |
entities as the county board of developmental disabilities and the | 14277 |
department of developmental disabilities. | 14278 |
An unlicensed in-home care worker who is authorized under | 14279 |
this section by a family member to provide care to an individual | 14280 |
may not be held liable for any injury caused in providing the | 14281 |
care, unless the worker provides the care in a manner that is not | 14282 |
in accordance with the training and instructions received or the | 14283 |
worker acts in a manner that constitutes wanton or reckless | 14284 |
misconduct. | 14285 |
(E) A county board of developmental disabilities may evaluate | 14286 |
the authority granted by a family member under this section to an | 14287 |
unlicensed in-home care worker at any time it considers necessary | 14288 |
and shall evaluate the authority on receipt of a complaint. If the | 14289 |
board determines that a family member has acted in a manner that | 14290 |
is inappropriate for the health and safety of the individual | 14291 |
receiving the care, the authorization granted by the family member | 14292 |
to an unlicensed in-home care worker is void, and the family | 14293 |
member may not authorize other unlicensed in-home care workers to | 14294 |
provide the care. In making such a determination, the board shall | 14295 |
use appropriately licensed health care professionals and shall | 14296 |
provide the family member an opportunity to file a complaint under | 14297 |
section 5126.06 of the Revised Code. | 14298 |
Sec. 5123.50. As used in sections 5123.50 to 5123.542 of the | 14299 |
Revised Code: | 14300 |
(A) "Abuse" means all of the following: | 14301 |
(1) The use of physical force that can reasonably be expected | 14302 |
to result in physical harm or serious physical harm; | 14303 |
(2) Sexual abuse; | 14304 |
(3) Verbal abuse. | 14305 |
(B) "Misappropriation" means depriving, defrauding, or | 14306 |
otherwise obtaining the real or personal property of an individual | 14307 |
by any means prohibited by the Revised Code, including violations | 14308 |
of Chapter 2911. or 2913. of the Revised Code. | 14309 |
(C) " | 14310 |
the following: | 14311 |
(1) An employee of the department of developmental | 14312 |
disabilities; | 14313 |
(2) An employee of a county board of developmental | 14314 |
disabilities; | 14315 |
(3) An employee in a position that includes providing | 14316 |
specialized services to an individual with | 14317 |
14318 |
(4) An independent provider as defined in section 5123.16 of | 14319 |
the Revised Code. | 14320 |
(D) "Neglect" means, when there is a duty to do so, failing | 14321 |
to provide an individual with any treatment, care, goods, or | 14322 |
services that are necessary to maintain the health and safety of | 14323 |
the individual. | 14324 |
(E) "Offense of violence" has the same meaning as in section | 14325 |
2901.01 of the Revised Code. | 14326 |
(F) "Physical harm" and "serious physical harm" have the same | 14327 |
meanings as in section 2901.01 of the Revised Code. | 14328 |
(G) "Prescribed medication" has the same meaning as in | 14329 |
section 5123.41 of the Revised Code. | 14330 |
(H) "Sexual abuse" means unlawful sexual conduct or sexual | 14331 |
contact. | 14332 |
(I) "Specialized services" means any program or service | 14333 |
designed and operated to serve primarily individuals with | 14334 |
14335 | |
a program or service provided by an entity licensed or certified | 14336 |
by the department of developmental disabilities. A program or | 14337 |
service available to the general public is not a specialized | 14338 |
service. | 14339 |
(J) "Verbal abuse" means purposely using words to threaten, | 14340 |
coerce, intimidate, harass, or humiliate an individual. | 14341 |
(K) "Sexual conduct," "sexual contact," and "spouse" have the | 14342 |
same meanings as in section 2907.01 of the Revised Code. | 14343 |
Sec. 5123.51. (A) In addition to any other action required | 14344 |
by sections 5123.61 and 5126.31 of the Revised Code, the | 14345 |
department of developmental disabilities shall review each report | 14346 |
the department receives of abuse or neglect of an individual with | 14347 |
14348 | |
misappropriation of an individual's property that includes an | 14349 |
allegation that | 14350 |
committed or was responsible for the abuse, neglect, or | 14351 |
misappropriation. The department shall review a report it receives | 14352 |
from a public children services agency only after the agency | 14353 |
completes its investigation pursuant to section 2151.421 of the | 14354 |
Revised Code. On receipt of a notice under section 2930.061 or | 14355 |
5123.541 of the Revised Code, the department shall review the | 14356 |
notice. | 14357 |
(B) The department shall do both of the following: | 14358 |
(1) Investigate the allegation or adopt the findings of an | 14359 |
investigation or review of the allegation conducted by another | 14360 |
person or government entity and determine whether there is a | 14361 |
reasonable basis for the allegation; | 14362 |
(2) If the department determines that there is a reasonable | 14363 |
basis for the allegation, conduct an adjudication pursuant to | 14364 |
Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. | 14365 |
(C)(1) The department shall appoint an independent hearing | 14366 |
officer to conduct any hearing conducted pursuant to division | 14367 |
(B)(2) of this section, except that, if the hearing is regarding | 14368 |
an employee of the department who is represented by a union, the | 14369 |
department and a representative of the union shall jointly select | 14370 |
the hearing officer. | 14371 |
(2)(a) Except as provided in division (C)(2)(b) of this | 14372 |
section, no hearing shall be conducted under division (B)(2) of | 14373 |
this section until any criminal proceeding or collective | 14374 |
bargaining arbitration concerning the same allegation has | 14375 |
concluded. | 14376 |
(b) The department may conduct a hearing pursuant to division | 14377 |
(B)(2) of this section before a criminal proceeding concerning the | 14378 |
same allegation is concluded if both of the following are the | 14379 |
case: | 14380 |
(i) The department notifies the prosecutor responsible for | 14381 |
the criminal proceeding that the department proposes to conduct a | 14382 |
hearing. | 14383 |
(ii) The prosecutor consents to the hearing. | 14384 |
(3) In conducting a hearing pursuant to division (B)(2) of | 14385 |
this section, the hearing officer shall do all of the following: | 14386 |
(a) Determine whether there is clear and convincing evidence | 14387 |
that the | 14388 |
the following: | 14389 |
(i) Misappropriated property of one or more individuals with | 14390 |
14391 | |
has a value, either separately or taken together, of one hundred | 14392 |
dollars or more; | 14393 |
(ii) Misappropriated property of an individual with | 14394 |
14395 | |
used as a check, draft, negotiable instrument, credit card, charge | 14396 |
card, or device for initiating an electronic fund transfer at a | 14397 |
point of sale terminal, automated teller machine, or cash | 14398 |
dispensing machine; | 14399 |
(iii) Misappropriated prescribed medication of an individual | 14400 |
with | 14401 |
(iv) Knowingly abused such an individual; | 14402 |
(v) Recklessly abused or neglected such an individual, with | 14403 |
resulting physical harm; | 14404 |
(vi) Negligently abused or neglected such an individual, with | 14405 |
resulting serious physical harm; | 14406 |
(vii) Recklessly neglected such an individual, creating a | 14407 |
substantial risk of serious physical harm; | 14408 |
(viii) Engaged in sexual conduct or had sexual contact with | 14409 |
an individual with | 14410 |
disability who was not the | 14411 |
employee's spouse and for whom the | 14412 |
disabilities employee was employed or under a contract to provide | 14413 |
care; | 14414 |
(ix) Unreasonably failed to make a report pursuant to | 14415 |
division (C) of section 5123.61 of the Revised Code when the | 14416 |
employee knew or should have known that the failure would result | 14417 |
in a substantial risk of harm to an individual with | 14418 |
14419 |
(x) Been convicted of or entered a plea of guilty to any of | 14420 |
the following if the victim of the offense is an individual with | 14421 |
14422 | |
violence, a violation of a section contained in Chapter 2907. or | 14423 |
Chapter 2913. of the Revised Code, or a violation of section | 14424 |
2903.16, 2903.34, 2903.341, or 2919.22 of the Revised Code. | 14425 |
(b) Give weight to the decision in any collective bargaining | 14426 |
arbitration regarding the same allegation; | 14427 |
(c) Give weight to any relevant facts presented at the | 14428 |
hearing. | 14429 |
(D)(1) Unless the director of developmental disabilities | 14430 |
determines that there are extenuating circumstances and except as | 14431 |
provided in division (E) of this section, if the director, after | 14432 |
considering all of the factors listed in division (C)(3) of this | 14433 |
section, finds that there is clear and convincing evidence that | 14434 |
14435 | |
of the things described in division (C)(3)(a) of this section the | 14436 |
director shall include the name of the employee in the registry | 14437 |
established under section 5123.52 of the Revised Code. | 14438 |
(2) Extenuating circumstances the director must consider | 14439 |
include the use of physical force by | 14440 |
disabilities employee that was necessary as self-defense. | 14441 |
(3) If the director includes | 14442 |
disabilities employee in the registry established under section | 14443 |
5123.52 of the Revised Code, the director shall notify the | 14444 |
employee, the person or government entity that employs or | 14445 |
contracts with the employee, the individual with | 14446 |
14447 | |
the report and that individual's legal guardian, if any, the | 14448 |
attorney general, and the prosecuting attorney or other law | 14449 |
enforcement agency. If the | 14450 |
employee holds a license, certificate, registration, or other | 14451 |
authorization to engage in a profession issued pursuant to Title | 14452 |
XLVII of the Revised Code, the director shall notify the | 14453 |
appropriate agency, board, department, or other entity responsible | 14454 |
for regulating the employee's professional practice. | 14455 |
(4) If an individual whose name appears on the registry is | 14456 |
involved in a court proceeding or arbitration arising from the | 14457 |
same facts as the allegation resulting in the individual's | 14458 |
placement on the registry, the disposition of the proceeding or | 14459 |
arbitration shall be noted in the registry next to the | 14460 |
individual's name. | 14461 |
(E) In the case of an allegation concerning an employee of | 14462 |
the department, after the hearing conducted pursuant to division | 14463 |
(B)(2) of this section, the director of health or that director's | 14464 |
designee shall review the decision of the hearing officer to | 14465 |
determine whether the standard described in division (C)(3) of | 14466 |
this section has been met. If the director or designee determines | 14467 |
that the standard has been met and that no extenuating | 14468 |
circumstances exist, the director or designee shall notify the | 14469 |
director of developmental disabilities that the | 14470 |
developmental disabilities employee is to be included in the | 14471 |
registry established under section 5123.52 of the Revised Code. If | 14472 |
the director of developmental disabilities receives such | 14473 |
notification, the director shall include the | 14474 |
disabilities employee in the registry and shall provide the | 14475 |
notification described in division (D)(3) of this section. | 14476 |
(F) If the department is required by Chapter 119. of the | 14477 |
Revised Code to give notice of an opportunity for a hearing and | 14478 |
the | 14479 |
notice does not timely request a hearing in accordance with | 14480 |
section 119.07 or 5123.0414 of the Revised Code, the department is | 14481 |
not required to hold a hearing. | 14482 |
(G) Files and records of investigations conducted pursuant to | 14483 |
this section are not public records as defined in section 149.43 | 14484 |
of the Revised Code, but, on request, the department shall provide | 14485 |
copies of those files and records to the attorney general, a | 14486 |
prosecuting attorney, or a law enforcement agency. | 14487 |
Sec. 5123.52. (A) The department of developmental | 14488 |
disabilities shall establish a registry of | 14489 |
disabilities employees consisting of the names of | 14490 |
developmental disabilities employees included in the registry | 14491 |
pursuant to section 5123.51 of the Revised Code. | 14492 |
(B) Before a person or government entity hires, contracts | 14493 |
with, or employs an individual as | 14494 |
disabilities employee, the person or government entity shall | 14495 |
inquire whether the individual is included in the registry. | 14496 |
(C) When it receives an inquiry regarding whether an | 14497 |
individual is included in the registry, the department shall | 14498 |
inform the person making the inquiry whether the individual is | 14499 |
included in the registry. | 14500 |
(D)(1) Except as otherwise provided in a collective | 14501 |
bargaining agreement entered into under Chapter 4117. of the | 14502 |
Revised Code that is in effect on November 22, 2000, no person or | 14503 |
government entity shall hire, contract with, or employ as | 14504 |
a developmental disabilities employee an individual who is | 14505 |
included in the registry. Notwithstanding sections 4117.08 and | 14506 |
4117.10 of the Revised Code, no agreement entered into under | 14507 |
Chapter 4117. of the Revised Code after November 22, 2000, may | 14508 |
contain any provision that in any way limits the effect or | 14509 |
operation of this section. | 14510 |
(2) Neither the department nor any county board of | 14511 |
developmental disabilities may enter into a new contract or renew | 14512 |
a contract with a person or government entity that fails to comply | 14513 |
with division (D)(1) of this section until the department or board | 14514 |
is satisfied that the person or government entity will comply. | 14515 |
(3) A person or government entity that fails to hire or | 14516 |
retain as | 14517 |
because the person is included in the registry shall not be liable | 14518 |
in damages in a civil action brought by the employee or applicant | 14519 |
for employment. Termination of employment pursuant to division | 14520 |
(D)(1) of this section constitutes a discharge for just cause for | 14521 |
the purposes of section 4141.29 of the Revised Code. | 14522 |
(E) Information contained in the registry is a public record | 14523 |
for the purposes of section 149.43 of the Revised Code and is | 14524 |
subject to inspection and copying under section 1347.08 of the | 14525 |
Revised Code. | 14526 |
Sec. 5123.541. (A) No | 14527 |
employee shall engage in any sexual conduct or have any sexual | 14528 |
contact with an individual with
| 14529 |
developmental disability for whom the | 14530 |
disabilities employee is employed or under a contract to provide | 14531 |
care unless the individual is the | 14532 |
employee's spouse. | 14533 |
(B) Any | 14534 |
violates division (A) of this section shall be eligible to be | 14535 |
included in the registry regarding misappropriation, abuse, | 14536 |
neglect, or other specified misconduct by
| 14537 |
disabilities employees established under section 5123.52 of the | 14538 |
Revised Code, in addition to any other sanction or penalty | 14539 |
authorized or required by law. | 14540 |
(C)(1) Any person listed in division (C)(2) of section | 14541 |
5123.61 of the Revised Code who has reason to believe that an | 14542 |
14543 | |
(A) of this section shall immediately report that belief to the | 14544 |
department of developmental disabilities. | 14545 |
(2) Any person who has reason to believe that | 14546 |
developmental disabilities employee has violated division (A) of | 14547 |
this section may report that belief to the department of | 14548 |
developmental disabilities. | 14549 |
Sec. 5123.542. (A) Each of the following shall annually | 14550 |
provide a written notice to each of its | 14551 |
disabilities employees explaining the conduct for which | 14552 |
developmental disabilities employee may be included in the | 14553 |
registry established under section 5123.52 of the Revised Code: | 14554 |
(1) The department of developmental disabilities; | 14555 |
(2) Each county board of developmental disabilities; | 14556 |
(3) Each provider and subcontractor, as defined in section | 14557 |
5123.081 of the Revised Code; | 14558 |
(4) Each owner, operator, or administrator of a residential | 14559 |
facility, as defined in section 5123.19 of the Revised Code; | 14560 |
(5) Each owner, operator, or administrator of a program | 14561 |
certified by the department to provide supported living. | 14562 |
(B) The department of developmental disabilities or a county | 14563 |
board of developmental disabilities shall provide the notice | 14564 |
required by division (A) of this section to | 14565 |
developmental disabilities employee who is an independent provider | 14566 |
as defined in section 5123.16 of the Revised Code. | 14567 |
(C) The notice described in division (A) of this section | 14568 |
shall be in a form and provided in a manner prescribed by the | 14569 |
department of developmental disabilities. The form shall be the | 14570 |
same for all persons and entities required to provide notice under | 14571 |
division (A) of this section. | 14572 |
| 14573 |
employee does not receive the notice required by this section does | 14574 |
not exempt the employee from inclusion in the registry established | 14575 |
under section 5123.52 of the Revised Code. | 14576 |
Sec. 5123.55. As used in sections 5123.55 to 5123.59 of the | 14577 |
Revised Code: | 14578 |
(A) "Guardian" means a guardian of the person, limited | 14579 |
guardian, interim guardian, or emergency guardian pursuant to | 14580 |
appointment by the probate court under Chapter 2111. of the | 14581 |
Revised Code. | 14582 |
(B) "Trustee" means a trustee appointed by and accountable to | 14583 |
the probate court, in lieu of a guardian and without a judicial | 14584 |
determination of incompetency, with respect to an estate of ten | 14585 |
thousand dollars or less. | 14586 |
(C) "Protector" means an agency under contract with the | 14587 |
department of developmental disabilities acting with or without | 14588 |
court appointment to provide guidance, service, and encouragement | 14589 |
in the development of maximum self-reliance to a person with | 14590 |
14591 | |
any determination of incompetency. | 14592 |
(D) "Protective service" means performance of the duties of a | 14593 |
guardian, trustee, or conservator, or acting as a protector, with | 14594 |
respect to a person with | 14595 |
disability. | 14596 |
(E) "Conservator" means a conservator of the person pursuant | 14597 |
to an appointment by a probate court under Chapter 2111. of the | 14598 |
Revised Code. | 14599 |
Sec. 5123.57. No guardianship or trusteeship appointment | 14600 |
shall be made under sections 5123.55 to 5123.59 of the Revised | 14601 |
Code and no person shall be accepted for service by a protector | 14602 |
under those sections unless a comprehensive evaluation has been | 14603 |
made in a clinic or other facility approved by the department of | 14604 |
developmental disabilities. The evaluation shall include a | 14605 |
medical, psychological, social, and educational evaluation, and a | 14606 |
copy of the evaluation shall be filed with the department. | 14607 |
Any agency that is appointed as a guardian, trustee, or | 14608 |
conservator under sections 5123.55 to 5123.59 of the Revised Code | 14609 |
or accepted as a protector under those sections shall provide for | 14610 |
a review at least once each year in writing of the physical, | 14611 |
mental, and social condition of each | 14612 |
14613 | |
for whom it is acting as guardian, trustee, or protector. An | 14614 |
agency providing protective services under contract with the | 14615 |
department shall file these reports with the department of | 14616 |
developmental disabilities. Any record of the department or agency | 14617 |
pertaining to a | 14618 |
person with a developmental disability shall not be a public | 14619 |
record under section 149.43 of the Revised Code. Information | 14620 |
contained in those records shall not be disclosed publicly in such | 14621 |
a manner as to identify individuals, but may be made available to | 14622 |
persons approved by the director of developmental disabilities or | 14623 |
the court. | 14624 |
Sec. 5123.58. An agency providing protective services under | 14625 |
contract with the department of developmental disabilities may be | 14626 |
nominated under any of the following conditions as guardian, | 14627 |
trustee, protector, conservator, or as trustee and protector of a | 14628 |
14629 | |
developmental disability: | 14630 |
(A) The person who needs or believes the person needs | 14631 |
protective service may make application in writing. | 14632 |
(B) Any interested person may make application in writing on | 14633 |
behalf of a | 14634 |
with a developmental disability. | 14635 |
(C) A parent may name the department or agency as guardian or | 14636 |
successor guardian in a will. | 14637 |
(D) A parent may name the department or agency as guardian, | 14638 |
trustee, or protector, to assume such duties during the parent's | 14639 |
lifetime. | 14640 |
If the results of the comprehensive evaluation required under | 14641 |
section 5123.57 of the Revised Code indicate that the person named | 14642 |
in the nomination is in need of protective services, the agency or | 14643 |
service either shall reject or accept the nomination as guardian, | 14644 |
trustee, or conservator, subject to appointment by the probate | 14645 |
court, or reject or accept the nomination as protector, or trustee | 14646 |
and protector. | 14647 |
At the time the nomination is accepted or when an appointment | 14648 |
is made by the court, the | 14649 |
14650 | |
made application for service on the | 14651 |
14652 | |
developmental disability under this section shall be informed by | 14653 |
the agency, service, or court of the procedure for terminating the | 14654 |
appointment or service. The agency or service shall cease to | 14655 |
provide protective service as a protector pursuant to nomination | 14656 |
under division (A), (B), or (D) of this section when a written | 14657 |
request for termination is received by the agency from or on | 14658 |
behalf of the
| 14659 |
person with a developmental disability. If the agency or service | 14660 |
believes the person to be in need of protective service, the | 14661 |
agency or service may file an application for guardianship, | 14662 |
trusteeship, or protectorship with the probate court. Termination | 14663 |
of any court appointment as guardian, trustee, or protector shall | 14664 |
be by order of the probate court. | 14665 |
Sec. 5123.601. (A) The Ohio protection and advocacy system | 14666 |
staff, and attorneys designated by the system to represent persons | 14667 |
detained, hospitalized, or institutionalized under this chapter or | 14668 |
Chapter 5122. of the Revised Code shall have ready access to all | 14669 |
of the following: | 14670 |
(1) During normal business hours and at other reasonable | 14671 |
times, all records, except records of community residential | 14672 |
facilities and records of contract agencies of county boards of | 14673 |
developmental disabilities and boards of alcohol, drug addiction, | 14674 |
and mental health services, relating to expenditures of state and | 14675 |
federal funds or to the commitment, care, treatment, and | 14676 |
habilitation of all persons represented by the Ohio protection and | 14677 |
advocacy system, including those who may be represented pursuant | 14678 |
to division (D) of this section, or persons detained, | 14679 |
hospitalized, institutionalized, or receiving services under this | 14680 |
chapter or Chapter 340., 5119., 5122., or 5126. of the Revised | 14681 |
Code that are records maintained by the following entities | 14682 |
providing services for those persons: departments; institutions; | 14683 |
hospitals; boards of alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health | 14684 |
services; county boards of developmental disabilities; and any | 14685 |
other entity providing services to persons who may be represented | 14686 |
by the Ohio protection and advocacy system pursuant to division | 14687 |
(D) of this section; | 14688 |
(2) Any records maintained in computerized data banks of the | 14689 |
departments or boards or, in the case of persons who may be | 14690 |
represented by the Ohio protection and advocacy system pursuant to | 14691 |
division (D) of this section, any other entity that provides | 14692 |
services to those persons; | 14693 |
(3) During their normal working hours, personnel of the | 14694 |
departments, facilities, boards, agencies, institutions, | 14695 |
hospitals, and other service-providing entities; | 14696 |
(4) At any time, all persons detained, hospitalized, or | 14697 |
institutionalized; persons receiving services under this chapter | 14698 |
or Chapter 340., 5119., 5122., or 5126. of the Revised Code; and | 14699 |
persons who may be represented by the Ohio protection and advocacy | 14700 |
system pursuant to division (D) of this section. | 14701 |
(5) Records of a community residential facility, a contract | 14702 |
agency of a board of alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health | 14703 |
services, or a contract agency of a county board of developmental | 14704 |
disabilities with one of the following consents: | 14705 |
(a) The consent of the person, including when the person is a | 14706 |
minor or has been adjudicated incompetent; | 14707 |
(b) The consent of the person's guardian of the person, if | 14708 |
any, or the parent if the person is a minor; | 14709 |
(c) No consent, if the person is unable to consent for any | 14710 |
reason, and the guardian of the person, if any, or the parent of | 14711 |
the minor, has refused to consent or has not responded to a | 14712 |
request for consent and either of the following has occurred: | 14713 |
(i) A complaint regarding the person has been received by the | 14714 |
Ohio protection and advocacy system; | 14715 |
(ii) The Ohio protection and advocacy system has determined | 14716 |
that there is probable cause to believe that such person has been | 14717 |
subjected to abuse or neglect. | 14718 |
(B) All records received or maintained by the Ohio protection | 14719 |
and advocacy system in connection with any investigation, | 14720 |
representation, or other activity under this section shall be | 14721 |
confidential and shall not be disclosed except as authorized by | 14722 |
the person represented by the Ohio protection and advocacy system | 14723 |
or, subject to any privilege, a guardian of the person or parent | 14724 |
of the minor. Relationships between personnel and the agents of | 14725 |
the Ohio protection and advocacy system and its clients shall be | 14726 |
fiduciary relationships, and all communications shall be | 14727 |
privileged as if between attorney and client. | 14728 |
(C) The Ohio protection and advocacy system may compel by | 14729 |
subpoena the appearance and sworn testimony of any person the Ohio | 14730 |
protection and advocacy system reasonably believes may be able to | 14731 |
provide information or to produce any documents, books, records, | 14732 |
papers, or other information necessary to carry out its duties. On | 14733 |
the refusal of any person to produce or authenticate any requested | 14734 |
documents, the Ohio protection and advocacy system may apply to | 14735 |
the Franklin county court of common pleas to compel the production | 14736 |
or authentication of requested documents. If the court finds that | 14737 |
failure to produce or authenticate any requested documents was | 14738 |
improper, the court may hold the person in contempt as in the case | 14739 |
of disobedience of the requirements of a subpoena issued from the | 14740 |
court, or a refusal to testify in the court. | 14741 |
(D) In addition to providing services to mentally ill | 14742 |
14743 | |
with developmental disabilities, when a grant authorizing the | 14744 |
provision of services to other individuals is accepted by the Ohio | 14745 |
protection and advocacy system, the Ohio protection and advocacy | 14746 |
system may provide advocacy to those other individuals and | 14747 |
exercise any other authority granted by this section on behalf of | 14748 |
those individuals. Determinations of whether an individual is | 14749 |
eligible for services under this division shall be made by the | 14750 |
Ohio protection and advocacy system. | 14751 |
Sec. 5123.61. (A) As used in this section: | 14752 |
(1) "Law enforcement agency" means the state highway patrol, | 14753 |
the police department of a municipal corporation, or a county | 14754 |
sheriff. | 14755 |
(2) "Abuse" has the same meaning as in section 5123.50 of the | 14756 |
Revised Code, except that it includes a misappropriation, as | 14757 |
defined in that section. | 14758 |
(3) "Neglect" has the same meaning as in section 5123.50 of | 14759 |
the Revised Code. | 14760 |
(B) The department of developmental disabilities shall | 14761 |
establish a registry office for the purpose of maintaining reports | 14762 |
of abuse, neglect, and other major unusual incidents made to the | 14763 |
department under this section and reports received from county | 14764 |
boards of developmental disabilities under section 5126.31 of the | 14765 |
Revised Code. The department shall establish committees to review | 14766 |
reports of abuse, neglect, and other major unusual incidents. | 14767 |
(C)(1) Any person listed in division (C)(2) of this section, | 14768 |
having reason to believe that a person with | 14769 |
a developmental disability has suffered or faces a substantial | 14770 |
risk of suffering any wound, injury, disability, or condition of | 14771 |
such a nature as to reasonably indicate abuse or neglect of that | 14772 |
person, shall immediately report or cause reports to be made of | 14773 |
such information to the entity specified in this division. Except | 14774 |
as provided in section 5120.173 of the Revised Code or as | 14775 |
otherwise provided in this division, the person making the report | 14776 |
shall make it to a law enforcement agency or to the county board | 14777 |
of developmental disabilities. If the report concerns a resident | 14778 |
of a facility operated by the department of developmental | 14779 |
disabilities the report shall be made either to a law enforcement | 14780 |
agency or to the department. If the report concerns any act or | 14781 |
omission of an employee of a county board of developmental | 14782 |
disabilities, the report immediately shall be made to the | 14783 |
department and to the county board. | 14784 |
(2) All of the following persons are required to make a | 14785 |
report under division (C)(1) of this section: | 14786 |
(a) Any physician, including a hospital intern or resident, | 14787 |
any dentist, podiatrist, chiropractor, practitioner of a limited | 14788 |
branch of medicine as specified in section 4731.15 of the Revised | 14789 |
Code, hospital administrator or employee of a hospital, nurse | 14790 |
licensed under Chapter 4723. of the Revised Code, employee of an | 14791 |
ambulatory health facility as defined in section 5101.61 of the | 14792 |
Revised Code, employee of a home health agency, employee of a | 14793 |
residential facility licensed under section 5119.34 of the Revised | 14794 |
Code that provides accommodations, supervision, and person care | 14795 |
services for three to sixteen unrelated adults, or employee of a | 14796 |
community mental health facility; | 14797 |
(b) Any school teacher or school authority, licensed | 14798 |
professional clinical counselor, licensed professional counselor, | 14799 |
independent social worker, social worker, independent marriage and | 14800 |
family therapist, marriage and family therapist, psychologist, | 14801 |
attorney, peace officer, coroner, or residents' rights advocate as | 14802 |
defined in section 3721.10 of the Revised Code; | 14803 |
(c) A superintendent, board member, or employee of a county | 14804 |
board of developmental disabilities; an administrator, board | 14805 |
member, or employee of a residential facility licensed under | 14806 |
section 5123.19 of the Revised Code; an administrator, board | 14807 |
member, or employee of any other public or private provider of | 14808 |
services to a person with | 14809 |
disability, or any | 14810 |
defined in section 5123.50 of the Revised Code; | 14811 |
(d) A member of a citizen's advisory council established at | 14812 |
an institution or branch institution of the department of | 14813 |
developmental disabilities under section 5123.092 of the Revised | 14814 |
Code; | 14815 |
(e) A member of the clergy who is employed in a position that | 14816 |
includes providing specialized services to an individual with | 14817 |
14818 | |
acting in an official or professional capacity in that position, | 14819 |
or a person who is employed in a position that includes providing | 14820 |
specialized services to an individual with | 14821 |
14822 | |
official or professional capacity, renders spiritual treatment | 14823 |
through prayer in accordance with the tenets of an organized | 14824 |
religion. | 14825 |
(3)(a) The reporting requirements of this division do not | 14826 |
apply to employees of the Ohio protection and advocacy system. | 14827 |
(b) An attorney or physician is not required to make a report | 14828 |
pursuant to division (C)(1) of this section concerning any | 14829 |
communication the attorney or physician receives from a client or | 14830 |
patient in an attorney-client or physician-patient relationship, | 14831 |
if, in accordance with division (A) or (B) of section 2317.02 of | 14832 |
the Revised Code, the attorney or physician could not testify with | 14833 |
respect to that communication in a civil or criminal proceeding, | 14834 |
except that the client or patient is deemed to have waived any | 14835 |
testimonial privilege under division (A) or (B) of section 2317.02 | 14836 |
of the Revised Code with respect to that communication and the | 14837 |
attorney or physician shall make a report pursuant to division | 14838 |
(C)(1) of this section, if both of the following apply: | 14839 |
(i) The client or patient, at the time of the communication, | 14840 |
is a person with | 14841 |
(ii) The attorney or physician knows or suspects, as a result | 14842 |
of the communication or any observations made during that | 14843 |
communication, that the client or patient has suffered or faces a | 14844 |
substantial risk of suffering any wound, injury, disability, or | 14845 |
condition of a nature that reasonably indicates abuse or neglect | 14846 |
of the client or patient. | 14847 |
(4) Any person who fails to make a report required under | 14848 |
division (C) of this section and who is | 14849 |
disabilities employee, as defined in section 5123.50 of the | 14850 |
Revised Code, shall be eligible to be included in the registry | 14851 |
regarding misappropriation, abuse, neglect, or other specified | 14852 |
misconduct by | 14853 |
established under section 5123.52 of the Revised Code. | 14854 |
(D) The reports required under division (C) of this section | 14855 |
shall be made forthwith by telephone or in person and shall be | 14856 |
followed by a written report. The reports shall contain the | 14857 |
following: | 14858 |
(1) The names and addresses of the person with | 14859 |
14860 | |
custodian, if known; | 14861 |
(2) The age of the person with | 14862 |
developmental disability; | 14863 |
(3) Any other information that would assist in the | 14864 |
investigation of the report. | 14865 |
(E) When a physician performing services as a member of the | 14866 |
staff of a hospital or similar institution has reason to believe | 14867 |
that a person with | 14868 |
disability has suffered injury, abuse, or physical neglect, the | 14869 |
physician shall notify the person in charge of the institution or | 14870 |
that person's designated delegate, who shall make the necessary | 14871 |
reports. | 14872 |
(F) Any person having reasonable cause to believe that a | 14873 |
person with | 14874 |
suffered or faces a substantial risk of suffering abuse or neglect | 14875 |
may report or cause a report to be made of that belief to the | 14876 |
entity specified in this division. Except as provided in section | 14877 |
5120.173 of the Revised Code or as otherwise provided in this | 14878 |
division, the person making the report shall make it to a law | 14879 |
enforcement agency or the county board of developmental | 14880 |
disabilities. If the person is a resident of a facility operated | 14881 |
by the department of developmental disabilities, the report shall | 14882 |
be made to a law enforcement agency or to the department. If the | 14883 |
report concerns any act or omission of an employee of a county | 14884 |
board of developmental disabilities, the report immediately shall | 14885 |
be made to the department and to the county board. | 14886 |
(G)(1) Upon the receipt of a report concerning the possible | 14887 |
abuse or neglect of a person with | 14888 |
developmental disability, the law enforcement agency shall inform | 14889 |
the county board of developmental disabilities or, if the person | 14890 |
is a resident of a facility operated by the department of | 14891 |
developmental disabilities, the department. | 14892 |
(2) On receipt of a report under this section that includes | 14893 |
an allegation of action or inaction that may constitute a crime | 14894 |
under federal law or the law of this state, the department of | 14895 |
developmental disabilities shall notify the law enforcement | 14896 |
agency. | 14897 |
(3) When a county board of developmental disabilities | 14898 |
receives a report under this section that includes an allegation | 14899 |
of action or inaction that may constitute a crime under federal | 14900 |
law or the law of this state, the superintendent of the board or | 14901 |
an individual the superintendent designates under division (H) of | 14902 |
this section shall notify the law enforcement agency. The | 14903 |
superintendent or individual shall notify the department of | 14904 |
developmental disabilities when it receives any report under this | 14905 |
section. | 14906 |
(4) When a county board of developmental disabilities | 14907 |
receives a report under this section and believes that the degree | 14908 |
of risk to the person is such that the report is an emergency, the | 14909 |
superintendent of the board or an employee of the board the | 14910 |
superintendent designates shall attempt a face-to-face contact | 14911 |
with the person with | 14912 |
disability who allegedly is the victim within one hour of the | 14913 |
board's receipt of the report. | 14914 |
(H) The superintendent of the board may designate an | 14915 |
individual to be responsible for notifying the law enforcement | 14916 |
agency and the department when the county board receives a report | 14917 |
under this section. | 14918 |
(I) An adult with | 14919 |
disability about whom a report is made may be removed from the | 14920 |
adult's place of residence only by law enforcement officers who | 14921 |
consider that the adult's immediate removal is essential to | 14922 |
protect the adult from further injury or abuse or in accordance | 14923 |
with the order of a court made pursuant to section 5126.33 of the | 14924 |
Revised Code. | 14925 |
(J) A law enforcement agency shall investigate each report of | 14926 |
abuse or neglect it receives under this section. In addition, the | 14927 |
department, in cooperation with law enforcement officials, shall | 14928 |
investigate each report regarding a resident of a facility | 14929 |
operated by the department to determine the circumstances | 14930 |
surrounding the injury, the cause of the injury, and the person | 14931 |
responsible. The investigation shall be in accordance with the | 14932 |
memorandum of understanding prepared under section 5126.058 of the | 14933 |
Revised Code. The department shall determine, with the registry | 14934 |
office which shall be maintained by the department, whether prior | 14935 |
reports have been made concerning an adult with | 14936 |
14937 | |
the department finds that the report involves action or inaction | 14938 |
that may constitute a crime under federal law or the law of this | 14939 |
state, it shall submit a report of its investigation, in writing, | 14940 |
to the law enforcement agency. If the person with | 14941 |
14942 | |
consent of the adult, the department shall provide such protective | 14943 |
services as are necessary to protect the adult. The law | 14944 |
enforcement agency shall make a written report of its findings to | 14945 |
the department. | 14946 |
If the person is an adult and is not a resident of a facility | 14947 |
operated by the department, the county board of developmental | 14948 |
disabilities shall review the report of abuse or neglect in | 14949 |
accordance with sections 5126.30 to 5126.33 of the Revised Code | 14950 |
and the law enforcement agency shall make the written report of | 14951 |
its findings to the county board. | 14952 |
(K) Any person or any hospital, institution, school, health | 14953 |
department, or agency participating in the making of reports | 14954 |
pursuant to this section, any person participating as a witness in | 14955 |
an administrative or judicial proceeding resulting from the | 14956 |
reports, or any person or governmental entity that discharges | 14957 |
responsibilities under sections 5126.31 to 5126.33 of the Revised | 14958 |
Code shall be immune from any civil or criminal liability that | 14959 |
might otherwise be incurred or imposed as a result of such actions | 14960 |
except liability for perjury, unless the person or governmental | 14961 |
entity has acted in bad faith or with malicious purpose. | 14962 |
(L) No employer or any person with the authority to do so | 14963 |
shall discharge, demote, transfer, prepare a negative work | 14964 |
performance evaluation, reduce pay or benefits, terminate work | 14965 |
privileges, or take any other action detrimental to an employee or | 14966 |
retaliate against an employee as a result of the employee's having | 14967 |
made a report under this section. This division does not preclude | 14968 |
an employer or person with authority from taking action with | 14969 |
regard to an employee who has made a report under this section if | 14970 |
there is another reasonable basis for the action. | 14971 |
(M) Reports made under this section are not public records as | 14972 |
defined in section 149.43 of the Revised Code. Information | 14973 |
contained in the reports on request shall be made available to the | 14974 |
person who is the subject of the report, to the person's legal | 14975 |
counsel, and to agencies authorized to receive information in the | 14976 |
report by the department or by a county board of developmental | 14977 |
disabilities. | 14978 |
(N) Notwithstanding section 4731.22 of the Revised Code, the | 14979 |
physician-patient privilege shall not be a ground for excluding | 14980 |
evidence regarding the injuries or physical neglect of a person | 14981 |
with | 14982 |
thereof in any judicial proceeding resulting from a report | 14983 |
submitted pursuant to this section. | 14984 |
Sec. 5123.611. (A) As used in this section, " | 14985 |
developmental disabilities employee" means all of the following: | 14986 |
(1) An employee of the department of developmental | 14987 |
disabilities; | 14988 |
(2) An employee of a county board of developmental | 14989 |
disabilities; | 14990 |
(3) An employee in a position that includes providing | 14991 |
specialized services, as defined in section 5123.50 of the Revised | 14992 |
Code, to an individual with
| 14993 |
disability. | 14994 |
(B) At the conclusion of a review of a report of abuse, | 14995 |
neglect, or a major unusual incident that is conducted by a review | 14996 |
committee established pursuant to section 5123.61 of the Revised | 14997 |
Code, the committee shall issue recommendations to the department. | 14998 |
The department shall review the committee's recommendations and | 14999 |
issue a report of its findings. The department shall make the | 15000 |
report available to all of the following: | 15001 |
(1) The individual with | 15002 |
disability who is the subject of the report; | 15003 |
(2) That individual's guardian or legal counsel; | 15004 |
(3) The licensee, as defined in section 5123.19 of the | 15005 |
Revised Code, of a residential facility in which the individual | 15006 |
resides; | 15007 |
(4) The employer of any | 15008 |
employee who allegedly committed or was responsible for the abuse, | 15009 |
neglect, or major unusual incident. | 15010 |
(C) Except as provided in this section, the department shall | 15011 |
not disclose its report to any person or government entity that is | 15012 |
not authorized to investigate reports of abuse, neglect, or other | 15013 |
major unusual incidents, unless the individual with | 15014 |
15015 | |
the report or the individual's guardian gives the department | 15016 |
written consent. | 15017 |
Sec. 5123.612. The director of developmental disabilities | 15018 |
shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised | 15019 |
Code regarding the reporting of major unusual incidents and | 15020 |
unusual incidents concerning persons with
| 15021 |
developmental | 15022 |
what constitutes a major unusual incident or an unusual incident. | 15023 |
Sec. 5123.614. (A) Subject to division (B) of this section, | 15024 |
on receipt of a report of a major unusual incident made pursuant | 15025 |
to section 5123.61 or 5126.31 of the Revised Code or rules adopted | 15026 |
under section 5123.612 of the Revised Code, the department of | 15027 |
developmental disabilities may do either of the following: | 15028 |
(1) Conduct an independent review or investigation of the | 15029 |
incident; | 15030 |
(2) Request that an independent review or investigation of | 15031 |
the incident be conducted by a county board of developmental | 15032 |
disabilities that is not implicated in the report, a regional | 15033 |
council of government, or any other entity authorized to conduct | 15034 |
such investigations. | 15035 |
(B) If a report described in division (A) of this section | 15036 |
concerning the health or safety of a person with | 15037 |
15038 | |
that an employee of a county board of developmental disabilities | 15039 |
has created a substantial risk of serious physical harm to a | 15040 |
person with | 15041 |
department shall do one of the following: | 15042 |
(1) Conduct an independent investigation regarding the | 15043 |
incident; | 15044 |
(2) Request that an independent review or investigation of | 15045 |
the incident be conducted by a county board of developmental | 15046 |
disabilities that is not implicated in the report, a regional | 15047 |
council of government, or any other entity authorized to conduct | 15048 |
such investigations. | 15049 |
Sec. 5123.62. The rights of persons with | 15050 |
15051 | |
limited to, the following: | 15052 |
(A) The right to be treated at all times with courtesy and | 15053 |
respect and with full recognition of their dignity and | 15054 |
individuality; | 15055 |
(B) The right to an appropriate, safe, and sanitary living | 15056 |
environment that complies with local, state, and federal standards | 15057 |
and recognizes the persons' need for privacy and independence; | 15058 |
(C) The right to food adequate to meet accepted standards of | 15059 |
nutrition; | 15060 |
(D) The right to practice the religion of their choice or to | 15061 |
abstain from the practice of religion; | 15062 |
(E) The right of timely access to appropriate medical or | 15063 |
dental treatment; | 15064 |
(F) The right of access to necessary ancillary services, | 15065 |
including, but not limited to, occupational therapy, physical | 15066 |
therapy, speech therapy, and behavior modification and other | 15067 |
psychological services; | 15068 |
(G) The right to receive appropriate care and treatment in | 15069 |
the least intrusive manner; | 15070 |
(H) The right to privacy, including both periods of privacy | 15071 |
and places of privacy; | 15072 |
(I) The right to communicate freely with persons of their | 15073 |
choice in any reasonable manner they choose; | 15074 |
(J) The right to ownership and use of personal possessions so | 15075 |
as to maintain individuality and personal dignity; | 15076 |
(K) The right to social interaction with members of either | 15077 |
sex; | 15078 |
(L) The right of access to opportunities that enable | 15079 |
individuals to develop their full human potential; | 15080 |
(M) The right to pursue vocational opportunities that will | 15081 |
promote and enhance economic independence; | 15082 |
(N) The right to be treated equally as citizens under the | 15083 |
law; | 15084 |
(O) The right to be free from emotional, psychological, and | 15085 |
physical abuse; | 15086 |
(P) The right to participate in appropriate programs of | 15087 |
education, training, social development, and habilitation and in | 15088 |
programs of reasonable recreation; | 15089 |
(Q) The right to participate in decisions that affect their | 15090 |
lives; | 15091 |
(R) The right to select a parent or advocate to act on their | 15092 |
behalf; | 15093 |
(S) The right to manage their personal financial affairs, | 15094 |
based on individual ability to do so; | 15095 |
(T) The right to confidential treatment of all information in | 15096 |
their personal and medical records, except to the extent that | 15097 |
disclosure or release of records is permitted under sections | 15098 |
5123.89 and 5126.044 of the Revised Code; | 15099 |
(U) The right to voice grievances and recommend changes in | 15100 |
policies and services without restraint, interference, coercion, | 15101 |
discrimination, or reprisal; | 15102 |
(V) The right to be free from unnecessary chemical or | 15103 |
physical restraints; | 15104 |
(W) The right to participate in the political process; | 15105 |
(X) The right to refuse to participate in medical, | 15106 |
psychological, or other research or experiments. | 15107 |
Sec. 5123.63. Every state agency, county board of | 15108 |
developmental disabilities, or political subdivision that provides | 15109 |
services, either directly or through a contract, to persons with | 15110 |
15111 | |
shall give each provider a copy of the list of rights contained in | 15112 |
section 5123.62 of the Revised Code. Each public and private | 15113 |
provider of services shall carry out the requirements of this | 15114 |
section in addition to any other posting or notification | 15115 |
requirements imposed by local, state, or federal law or rules. | 15116 |
The provider shall make copies of the list of rights and | 15117 |
shall be responsible for an initial distribution of the list to | 15118 |
each individual receiving services from the provider. If the | 15119 |
individual is unable to read the list, the provider shall | 15120 |
communicate the contents of the list to the individual to the | 15121 |
extent practicable in a manner that the individual understands. | 15122 |
The individual receiving services or the parent, guardian, or | 15123 |
advocate of the individual shall sign an acknowledgement of | 15124 |
receipt of a copy of the list of rights, and a copy of the signed | 15125 |
acknowledgement shall be placed in the individual's file. The | 15126 |
provider shall also be responsible for answering any questions and | 15127 |
giving any explanations necessary to assist the individual to | 15128 |
understand the rights enumerated. Instruction in these rights | 15129 |
shall be documented. | 15130 |
Each provider shall make available to all persons receiving | 15131 |
services and all employees and visitors a copy of the list of | 15132 |
rights and the addresses and telephone numbers of the Ohio | 15133 |
protection and advocacy system, the department of developmental | 15134 |
disabilities, and the county board of developmental disabilities | 15135 |
of the county in which the provider provides services. | 15136 |
Sec. 5123.64. (A) Every provider of services to persons with | 15137 |
15138 | |
shall establish policies and programs to ensure that all staff | 15139 |
members are familiar with the rights enumerated in section 5123.62 | 15140 |
of the Revised Code and observe those rights in their contacts | 15141 |
with persons receiving services. Any policy, procedure, or rule of | 15142 |
the provider that conflicts with any of the rights enumerated | 15143 |
shall be null and void. Every provider shall establish written | 15144 |
procedures for resolving complaints of violations of those rights. | 15145 |
A copy of the procedures shall be provided to any person receiving | 15146 |
services or to any parent, guardian, or advocate of a person | 15147 |
receiving services. | 15148 |
(B) Any person with | 15149 |
disability who believes that the person's rights as enumerated in | 15150 |
section 5123.62 of the Revised Code have been violated may: | 15151 |
(1) Bring the violation to the attention of the provider for | 15152 |
resolution; | 15153 |
(2) Report the violation to the department of developmental | 15154 |
disabilities, the Ohio protection and advocacy system, or the | 15155 |
appropriate county board of developmental disabilities; | 15156 |
(3) Take any other appropriate action to ensure compliance | 15157 |
with sections 5123.61 to 5123.64 of the Revised Code, including | 15158 |
the filing of a legal action to enforce rights or to recover | 15159 |
damages for violation of rights. | 15160 |
Sec. 5123.65. In addition to the rights specified in section | 15161 |
5123.62 of the Revised Code, individuals with | 15162 |
15163 | |
medication or receive assistance with self-administration of | 15164 |
medication have the right to self-administer medication or receive | 15165 |
assistance with the self-administration of medication. The | 15166 |
department of developmental disabilities shall adopt rules as it | 15167 |
considers necessary to implement and enforce this section. The | 15168 |
rules shall be adopted in accordance with Chapter 119. of the | 15169 |
Revised Code. | 15170 |
Sec. 5123.651. (A) As used in this section, " | 15171 |
developmental disabilities personnel" and "prescribed medication" | 15172 |
have the same meanings as in section 5123.41 of the Revised Code. | 15173 |
(B) | 15174 |
specifically authorized by other provisions of the Revised Code to | 15175 |
provide assistance in the self-administration of prescribed | 15176 |
medication may, under this section, provide that assistance as | 15177 |
part of the services they provide to individuals with | 15178 |
15179 | |
with self-administration of prescribed medication, | 15180 |
developmental disabilities personnel are not required to be | 15181 |
trained or certified in accordance with section 5123.42 of the | 15182 |
Revised Code. | 15183 |
(C) When assisting in the self-administration of prescribed | 15184 |
| 15185 |
only the following actions: | 15186 |
(1) Remind an individual when to take the medication and | 15187 |
observe the individual to ensure that the individual follows the | 15188 |
directions on the container; | 15189 |
(2) Assist an individual by taking the medication in its | 15190 |
container from the area where it is stored, handing the container | 15191 |
with the medication in it to the individual, and opening the | 15192 |
container, if the individual is physically unable to open the | 15193 |
container; | 15194 |
(3) Assist, on request by or with the consent of, a | 15195 |
physically impaired but mentally alert individual, with removal of | 15196 |
oral or topical medication from the container and with the | 15197 |
individual's taking or applying of the medication. If an | 15198 |
individual is physically unable to place a dose of oral medication | 15199 |
to the individual's mouth without spilling or dropping it, | 15200 |
developmental disabilities personnel may place the dose in another | 15201 |
container and place that container to the individual's mouth. | 15202 |
Sec. 5123.67. This chapter shall be liberally interpreted to | 15203 |
accomplish the following purposes: | 15204 |
(A) To promote the human dignity and to protect the | 15205 |
constitutional rights of persons with | 15206 |
developmental | 15207 |
(B) To encourage the development of the ability and potential | 15208 |
of each person with | 15209 |
disability in the state to the fullest possible extent, no matter | 15210 |
how severe the degree of disability; | 15211 |
(C) To promote the economic security, standard of living, and | 15212 |
meaningful employment of persons with | 15213 |
developmental | 15214 |
(D) To maximize the assimilation of persons with | 15215 |
15216 | |
ordinary life of the communities in which they live; | 15217 |
(E) To promote opportunities for persons with
| 15218 |
15219 | |
surroundings or circumstances that are typical for other community | 15220 |
members; | 15221 |
(F) To promote the right of persons with | 15222 |
15223 | |
about the desired direction of their lives and to use available | 15224 |
resources in ways that further that direction. | 15225 |
Sec. 5123.69. (A) Except as provided in division (D) of this | 15226 |
section, any person who is eighteen years of age or older and who | 15227 |
is or believes self to be | 15228 |
developmental disability that is an intellectual disability may | 15229 |
make written application to the managing officer of any | 15230 |
institution for voluntary admission. Except as provided in | 15231 |
division (D) of this section, the application may be made on | 15232 |
behalf of a minor by a parent or guardian, and on behalf of an | 15233 |
adult adjudicated mentally incompetent by a guardian. | 15234 |
(B) The managing officer of an institution, with the | 15235 |
concurrence of the chief program director, may admit a person | 15236 |
applying pursuant to this section only after a comprehensive | 15237 |
evaluation has been made of the person and only if the | 15238 |
comprehensive evaluation concludes that the person | 15239 |
15240 | |
disability and would benefit significantly from admission. | 15241 |
(C) The managing officer shall discharge any voluntary | 15242 |
resident if, in the judgment of the chief program director, the | 15243 |
results of a comprehensive examination indicate that | 15244 |
institutionalization no longer is advisable. In light of the | 15245 |
results of the comprehensive evaluation, the managing officer also | 15246 |
may discharge any voluntary resident if, in the judgment of the | 15247 |
chief program director, the discharge would contribute to the most | 15248 |
effective use of the institution in the habilitation and care of | 15249 |
15250 | |
are intellectual disabilities. | 15251 |
(D) A person who is found incompetent to stand trial or not | 15252 |
guilty by reason of insanity and who is committed pursuant to | 15253 |
section 2945.39, 2945.40, 2945.401, or 2945.402 of the Revised | 15254 |
Code shall not voluntarily commit self pursuant to this section | 15255 |
until after the final termination of the commitment, as described | 15256 |
in division (J) of section 2945.401 of the Revised Code. | 15257 |
Sec. 5123.701. (A) Except as provided in division (D) of | 15258 |
this section, any person in the community who is eighteen years of | 15259 |
age or older and who is or believes self to be | 15260 |
person with a developmental disability that is an intellectual | 15261 |
disability may make written application to the managing officer of | 15262 |
any institution for temporary admission for short-term care. The | 15263 |
application may be made on behalf of a minor by a parent or | 15264 |
guardian, and on behalf of an adult adjudicated mentally | 15265 |
incompetent by a guardian. | 15266 |
(B) For purposes of this section, short-term care shall be | 15267 |
defined to mean appropriate services provided to a person with | 15268 |
15269 | |
intellectual disability for no more than fourteen consecutive days | 15270 |
and for no more than forty-two days in a fiscal year. When | 15271 |
circumstances warrant, the fourteen-day period may be extended at | 15272 |
the discretion of the managing officer. Short-term care is | 15273 |
provided in a developmental center to meet the family's or | 15274 |
caretaker's needs for separation from the person with | 15275 |
15276 | |
disability. | 15277 |
(C) The managing officer of an institution, with the | 15278 |
concurrence of the chief program director, may admit a person for | 15279 |
short-term care only after a medical examination has been made of | 15280 |
the person and only if the managing officer concludes that the | 15281 |
person | 15282 |
an intellectual disability. | 15283 |
(D) A person who is found not guilty by reason of insanity | 15284 |
shall not admit self to an institution for short-term care unless | 15285 |
a hearing was held regarding the person pursuant to division (A) | 15286 |
of section 2945.40 of the Revised Code and either of the following | 15287 |
applies: | 15288 |
(1) The person was found at the hearing not to be a | 15289 |
15290 | |
institutionalization by court order; | 15291 |
(2) The person was found at the hearing to be a | 15292 |
15293 | |
institutionalization by court order, was involuntarily committed, | 15294 |
and was finally discharged. | 15295 |
(E) The | 15296 |
disability that is an intellectual disability, liable relatives, | 15297 |
and guardians of | 15298 |
disabilities that are intellectual disabilities admitted for | 15299 |
respite care shall pay support charges in accordance with sections | 15300 |
5121.01 to 5121.21 of the Revised Code. | 15301 |
(F) At the conclusion of each period of short-term care, the | 15302 |
person shall return to the person's family or caretaker. Under no | 15303 |
circumstances shall a person admitted for short-term care | 15304 |
according to this section remain in the institution after the | 15305 |
period of short-term care unless the person is admitted according | 15306 |
to section 5123.70, sections 5123.71 to 5123.76, or section | 15307 |
2945.38, 2945.39, 2945.40, 2945.401, or 2945.402 of the Revised | 15308 |
Code. | 15309 |
Sec. 5123.71. (A)(1) Proceedings for the involuntary | 15310 |
institutionalization of a person pursuant to sections 5123.71 to | 15311 |
5123.76 of the Revised Code shall be commenced by the filing of an | 15312 |
affidavit with the probate division of the court of common pleas | 15313 |
of the county where the person resides or where the person is | 15314 |
institutionalized, in the manner and form prescribed by the | 15315 |
department of developmental disabilities either on information or | 15316 |
actual knowledge, whichever is determined to be proper by the | 15317 |
court. The affidavit may be filed only by a person who has custody | 15318 |
of the individual as a parent, guardian, or service provider or by | 15319 |
a person acting on behalf of the department or a county board of | 15320 |
developmental disabilities. This section does not apply regarding | 15321 |
the institutionalization of a person pursuant to section 2945.39, | 15322 |
2945.40, 2945.401, or 2945.402 of the Revised Code. | 15323 |
The affidavit shall contain an allegation setting forth the | 15324 |
specific category or categories under division (O) of section | 15325 |
5123.01 of the Revised Code upon which the commencement of | 15326 |
proceedings is based and a statement of the factual ground for the | 15327 |
belief that the person is a | 15328 |
intellectual disability subject to institutionalization by court | 15329 |
order. Except as provided in division (A)(2) of this section, the | 15330 |
affidavit shall be accompanied by both of the following: | 15331 |
(a) A comprehensive evaluation report prepared by the | 15332 |
person's evaluation team that includes a statement by the members | 15333 |
of the team certifying that they have performed a comprehensive | 15334 |
evaluation of the person and that they are of the opinion that the | 15335 |
person is a | 15336 |
disability subject to institutionalization by court order; | 15337 |
(b) An assessment report prepared by the county board of | 15338 |
developmental disabilities under section 5123.711 of the Revised | 15339 |
Code specifying that the individual is in need of services on an | 15340 |
emergency or priority basis. | 15341 |
(2) In lieu of the comprehensive evaluation report, the | 15342 |
affidavit may be accompanied by a written and sworn statement that | 15343 |
the person or the guardian of a person adjudicated incompetent has | 15344 |
refused to allow a comprehensive evaluation and county board | 15345 |
assessment and assessment reports. Immediately after accepting an | 15346 |
affidavit that is not accompanied by the reports of a | 15347 |
comprehensive evaluation and county board assessment, the court | 15348 |
shall cause a comprehensive evaluation and county board assessment | 15349 |
of the person named in the affidavit to be performed. The | 15350 |
evaluation shall be conducted in the least restrictive environment | 15351 |
possible and the assessment shall be conducted in the same manner | 15352 |
as assessments conducted under section 5123.711 of the Revised | 15353 |
Code. The evaluation and assessment must be completed before a | 15354 |
probable cause hearing or full hearing may be held under section | 15355 |
5123.75 or 5123.76 of the Revised Code. | 15356 |
A written report of the evaluation team's findings and the | 15357 |
county board's assessment shall be filed with the court. The | 15358 |
reports shall, consistent with the rules of evidence, be accepted | 15359 |
as probative evidence in any proceeding under section 5123.75 or | 15360 |
5123.76 of the Revised Code. If the counsel for the person who is | 15361 |
evaluated or assessed is known, the court shall send to the | 15362 |
counsel a copy of the reports as soon as possible after they are | 15363 |
filed and prior to any proceedings under section 5123.75 or | 15364 |
5123.76 of the Revised Code. | 15365 |
(B) Any person who is involuntarily detained in an | 15366 |
institution or otherwise is in custody under this chapter shall be | 15367 |
informed of the right to do the following: | 15368 |
(1) Immediately make a reasonable number of telephone calls | 15369 |
or use other reasonable means to contact an attorney, a physician, | 15370 |
or both, to contact any other person or persons to secure | 15371 |
representation by counsel, or to obtain medical assistance, and be | 15372 |
provided assistance in making calls if the assistance is needed | 15373 |
and requested; | 15374 |
(2) Retain counsel and have independent expert evaluation | 15375 |
and, if the person is an indigent person, be represented by | 15376 |
court-appointed counsel and have independent expert evaluation at | 15377 |
court expense; | 15378 |
(3) Upon request, have a hearing to determine whether there | 15379 |
is probable cause to believe that the person is a | 15380 |
15381 | |
institutionalization by court order. | 15382 |
(C) No person who is being treated by spiritual means through | 15383 |
prayer alone in accordance with a recognized religious method of | 15384 |
healing may be ordered detained or involuntarily committed unless | 15385 |
the court has determined that the person represents a very | 15386 |
substantial risk of self-impairment, self-injury, or impairment or | 15387 |
injury to others. | 15388 |
Sec. 5123.74. (A) On receipt of an affidavit under section | 15389 |
5123.71 of the Revised Code, the probate division of the court of | 15390 |
common pleas may, if it has probable cause to believe that the | 15391 |
person named in the affidavit is a | 15392 |
an intellectual disability subject to institutionalization by | 15393 |
court order and that emergency institutionalization is required, | 15394 |
do any of the following: | 15395 |
(1) Issue a temporary order of detention ordering any health | 15396 |
or police officer or sheriff to take into custody and transport | 15397 |
such person to an institution or other place as designated in | 15398 |
section 5123.77 of the Revised Code; | 15399 |
(2) Order the county board of developmental disabilities to | 15400 |
provide services to the individual in the community if the board's | 15401 |
assessment of the individual conducted under section 5123.711 of | 15402 |
the Revised Code identifies that resources are available to meet | 15403 |
the individual's needs in an appropriate manner within the | 15404 |
community as an alternative to institutionalization; | 15405 |
(3) Set the matter for further hearing. | 15406 |
(B) A managing officer of a nonpublic institution may, and | 15407 |
the managing officer of a public institution shall, receive for | 15408 |
observation, diagnosis, habilitation, and care any person whose | 15409 |
admission is ordered pursuant to division (A)(1) of this section. | 15410 |
The alternatives to institutionalization that may be ordered | 15411 |
under division (A)(2) of this section are limited to those that | 15412 |
are necessary to remediate the emergency condition; necessary for | 15413 |
the person's health, safety or welfare; and necessary for the | 15414 |
protection of society, if applicable. | 15415 |
(C) A person detained under this section may be observed and | 15416 |
habilitated until the probable cause hearing provided for in | 15417 |
section 5123.75 of the Revised Code. If no probable cause hearing | 15418 |
is requested or held, the person may be evaluated and shall be | 15419 |
provided with habilitative services until the full hearing is held | 15420 |
pursuant to section 5123.76 of the Revised Code. | 15421 |
Sec. 5123.75. A respondent who is involuntarily placed in an | 15422 |
institution or other place as designated in section 5123.77 of the | 15423 |
Revised Code or with respect to whom proceedings have been | 15424 |
instituted under section 5123.71 of the Revised Code shall, on | 15425 |
request of the respondent, the respondent's guardian, or the | 15426 |
respondent's counsel, or upon the court's own motion, be afforded | 15427 |
a hearing to determine whether there is probable cause to believe | 15428 |
that the respondent is a | 15429 |
intellectual disability subject to institutionalization by court | 15430 |
order. | 15431 |
(A) The probable cause hearing shall be conducted within two | 15432 |
court days from the day on which the request is made. Failure to | 15433 |
conduct the probable cause hearing within this time shall effect | 15434 |
an immediate discharge of the respondent. If the proceedings are | 15435 |
not reinstituted within thirty days, records of the proceedings | 15436 |
shall be expunged. | 15437 |
(B) The respondent shall be informed that the respondent may | 15438 |
retain counsel and have independent expert evaluation and, if the | 15439 |
respondent is an indigent person, be represented by court | 15440 |
appointed counsel and have independent expert evaluation at court | 15441 |
expense. | 15442 |
(C) The probable cause hearing shall be conducted in a manner | 15443 |
consistent with the procedures set forth in division (A) of | 15444 |
section 5123.76 of the Revised Code, except divisions (A)(10) and | 15445 |
(14) of that section, and the designee of the director of | 15446 |
developmental disabilities under section 5123.72 of the Revised | 15447 |
Code shall present evidence for the state. | 15448 |
(D) If the court does not find probable cause to believe that | 15449 |
the respondent is a | 15450 |
disability subject to institutionalization by court order, it | 15451 |
shall order immediate release of the respondent and dismiss and | 15452 |
expunge all record of the proceedings under this chapter. | 15453 |
(E) On motion of the respondent or the respondent's counsel | 15454 |
and for good cause shown, the court may order a continuance of the | 15455 |
hearing. | 15456 |
(F) If the court finds probable cause to believe that the | 15457 |
respondent is a | 15458 |
disability subject to institutionalization by court order, the | 15459 |
court may issue an interim order of placement and, where | 15460 |
proceedings under section 5123.71 of the Revised Code have been | 15461 |
instituted, shall order a full hearing as provided in section | 15462 |
5123.76 of the Revised Code to be held on the question of whether | 15463 |
the respondent is a | 15464 |
disability subject to institutionalization by court order. Unless | 15465 |
specifically waived by the respondent or the respondent's counsel, | 15466 |
the court shall schedule said hearing to be held as soon as | 15467 |
possible within ten days from the probable cause hearing. A waiver | 15468 |
of such full hearing at this point shall not preclude the | 15469 |
respondent from asserting the respondent's right to such hearing | 15470 |
under section 5123.76 of the Revised Code at any time prior to the | 15471 |
mandatory hearing provided in division (H) of section 5123.76 of | 15472 |
the Revised Code. In any case, if the respondent has waived the | 15473 |
right to the full hearing, a mandatory hearing shall be held under | 15474 |
division (H) of section 5123.76 of the Revised Code between the | 15475 |
ninetieth and the one hundredth day after the original involuntary | 15476 |
detention of the person unless the respondent has been discharged. | 15477 |
(G) Whenever possible, the probable cause hearing shall be | 15478 |
held before the respondent is taken into custody. | 15479 |
Sec. 5123.76. (A) The full hearing shall be conducted in a | 15480 |
manner consistent with the procedures outlined in this chapter and | 15481 |
with due process of law. The hearing shall be held by a judge of | 15482 |
the probate division or, upon transfer by the judge of the probate | 15483 |
division, by another judge of the court of common pleas, or a | 15484 |
referee designated by the judge of the probate division. Any | 15485 |
referee designated by the judge of the probate division must be an | 15486 |
attorney. | 15487 |
(1) The following shall be made available to counsel for the | 15488 |
respondent: | 15489 |
(a) All relevant documents, information, and evidence in the | 15490 |
custody or control of the state or prosecutor; | 15491 |
(b) All relevant documents, information, and evidence in the | 15492 |
custody or control of the institution, facility, or program in | 15493 |
which the respondent currently is held or in which the respondent | 15494 |
has been held pursuant to these proceedings; | 15495 |
(c) With the consent of the respondent, all relevant | 15496 |
documents, information, and evidence in the custody or control of | 15497 |
any institution or person other than the state. | 15498 |
(2) The respondent has the right to be represented by counsel | 15499 |
of the respondent's choice and has the right to attend the hearing | 15500 |
except if unusual circumstances of compelling medical necessity | 15501 |
exist that render the respondent unable to attend and the | 15502 |
respondent has not expressed a desire to attend. | 15503 |
(3) If the respondent is not represented by counsel and the | 15504 |
court determines that the conditions specified in division (A)(2) | 15505 |
of this section justify the respondent's absence and the right to | 15506 |
counsel has not been validly waived, the court shall appoint | 15507 |
counsel forthwith to represent the respondent at the hearing, | 15508 |
reserving the right to tax costs of appointed counsel to the | 15509 |
respondent unless it is shown that the respondent is indigent. If | 15510 |
the court appoints counsel, or if the court determines that the | 15511 |
evidence relevant to the respondent's absence does not justify the | 15512 |
absence, the court shall continue the case. | 15513 |
(4) The respondent shall be informed of the right to retain | 15514 |
counsel, to have independent expert evaluation, and, if an | 15515 |
indigent person, to be represented by court appointed counsel and | 15516 |
have expert independent evaluation at court expense. | 15517 |
(5) The hearing may be closed to the public unless counsel | 15518 |
for the respondent requests that the hearing be open to the | 15519 |
public. | 15520 |
(6) Unless objected to by the respondent, the respondent's | 15521 |
counsel, or the designee of the director of developmental | 15522 |
disabilities under section 5123.72 of the Revised Code, the court, | 15523 |
for good cause shown, may admit persons having a legitimate | 15524 |
interest in the proceedings. | 15525 |
(7) The affiant under section 5123.71 of the Revised Code | 15526 |
shall be subject to subpoena by either party. | 15527 |
(8) The court shall examine the sufficiency of all documents | 15528 |
filed and shall inform the respondent, if present, and the | 15529 |
respondent's counsel of the nature of the content of the documents | 15530 |
and the reason for which the respondent is being held or for which | 15531 |
the respondent's placement is being sought. | 15532 |
(9) The court shall receive only relevant, competent, and | 15533 |
material evidence. | 15534 |
(10) In accordance with section 5123.72 of the Revised Code, | 15535 |
the designee of the director shall present the evidence for the | 15536 |
state. In proceedings under this chapter, the attorney general | 15537 |
shall present the comprehensive evaluation, assessment, diagnosis, | 15538 |
prognosis, record of habilitation and care, if any, and less | 15539 |
restrictive habilitation plans, if any. The attorney general does | 15540 |
not have a similar presentation responsibility in connection with | 15541 |
a person who has been found not guilty by reason of insanity and | 15542 |
who is the subject of a hearing under section 2945.40 of the | 15543 |
Revised Code to determine whether the person is a | 15544 |
15545 | |
institutionalization by court order. | 15546 |
(11) The respondent has the right to testify and the | 15547 |
respondent or the respondent's counsel has the right to subpoena | 15548 |
witnesses and documents and to present and cross-examine | 15549 |
witnesses. | 15550 |
(12) The respondent shall not be compelled to testify and | 15551 |
shall be so advised by the court. | 15552 |
(13) On motion of the respondent or the respondent's counsel | 15553 |
for good cause shown, or upon the court's own motion, the court | 15554 |
may order a continuance of the hearing. | 15555 |
(14) To an extent not inconsistent with this chapter, the | 15556 |
Rules of Civil Procedure shall be applicable. | 15557 |
(B) Unless, upon completion of the hearing, the court finds | 15558 |
by clear and convincing evidence that the respondent named in the | 15559 |
affidavit is a | 15560 |
disability subject to institutionalization by court order, it | 15561 |
shall order the respondent's discharge forthwith. | 15562 |
(C) If, upon completion of the hearing, the court finds by | 15563 |
clear and convincing evidence that the respondent is a | 15564 |
15565 | |
institutionalization by court order, the court may order the | 15566 |
respondent's discharge or order the respondent, for a period not | 15567 |
to exceed ninety days, to any of the following: | 15568 |
(1) A public institution, provided that commitment of the | 15569 |
respondent to the institution will not cause the institution to | 15570 |
exceed its licensed capacity determined in accordance with section | 15571 |
5123.19 of the Revised Code and provided that such a placement is | 15572 |
indicated by the comprehensive evaluation report filed pursuant to | 15573 |
section 5123.71 of the Revised Code; | 15574 |
(2) A private institution; | 15575 |
(3) A county | 15576 |
developmental disabilities that are intellectual disabilities; | 15577 |
(4) Receive private habilitation and care; | 15578 |
(5) Any other suitable facility, program, or the care of any | 15579 |
person consistent with the comprehensive evaluation, assessment, | 15580 |
diagnosis, prognosis, and habilitation needs of the respondent. | 15581 |
(D) Any order made pursuant to division (C)(2), (4), or (5) | 15582 |
of this section shall be conditional upon the receipt by the court | 15583 |
of consent by the facility, program, or person to accept the | 15584 |
respondent. | 15585 |
(E) In determining the place to which, or the person with | 15586 |
whom, the respondent is to be committed, the court shall consider | 15587 |
the comprehensive evaluation, assessment, diagnosis, and projected | 15588 |
habilitation plan for the respondent, and shall order the | 15589 |
implementation of the least restrictive alternative available and | 15590 |
consistent with habilitation goals. | 15591 |
(F) If, at any time it is determined by the director of the | 15592 |
facility or program to which, or the person to whom, the | 15593 |
respondent is committed that the respondent could be equally well | 15594 |
habilitated in a less restrictive environment that is available, | 15595 |
the following shall occur: | 15596 |
(1) The respondent shall be released by the director of the | 15597 |
facility or program or by the person forthwith and referred to the | 15598 |
court together with a report of the findings and recommendations | 15599 |
of the facility, program, or person. | 15600 |
(2) The director of the facility or program or the person | 15601 |
shall notify the respondent's counsel and the designee of the | 15602 |
director of developmental disabilities. | 15603 |
(3) The court shall dismiss the case or order placement in | 15604 |
the less restrictive environment. | 15605 |
(G)(1) Except as provided in divisions (G)(2) and (3) of this | 15606 |
section, any person who has been committed under this section may | 15607 |
apply at any time during the ninety-day period for voluntary | 15608 |
admission to an institution under section 5123.69 of the Revised | 15609 |
Code. Upon admission of a voluntary resident, the managing officer | 15610 |
immediately shall notify the court, the respondent's counsel, and | 15611 |
the designee of the director in writing of that fact by mail or | 15612 |
otherwise, and, upon receipt of the notice, the court shall | 15613 |
dismiss the case. | 15614 |
(2) A person who is found incompetent to stand trial or not | 15615 |
guilty by reason of insanity and who is committed pursuant to | 15616 |
section 2945.39, 2945.40, 2945.401, or 2945.402 of the Revised | 15617 |
Code shall not be voluntarily admitted to an institution pursuant | 15618 |
to division (G)(1) of this section until after the termination of | 15619 |
the commitment, as described in division (J) of section 2945.401 | 15620 |
of the Revised Code. | 15621 |
(H) If, at the end of any commitment period, the respondent | 15622 |
has not already been discharged or has not requested voluntary | 15623 |
admission status, the director of the facility or program, or the | 15624 |
person to whose care the respondent has been committed, shall | 15625 |
discharge the respondent forthwith, unless at least ten days | 15626 |
before the expiration of that period the designee of the director | 15627 |
of developmental disabilities or the prosecutor files an | 15628 |
application with the court requesting continued commitment. | 15629 |
(1) An application for continued commitment shall include a | 15630 |
written report containing a current comprehensive evaluation and | 15631 |
assessment, a diagnosis, a prognosis, an account of progress and | 15632 |
past habilitation, and a description of alternative habilitation | 15633 |
settings and plans, including a habilitation setting that is the | 15634 |
least restrictive setting consistent with the need for | 15635 |
habilitation. A copy of the application shall be provided to | 15636 |
respondent's counsel. The requirements for notice under section | 15637 |
5123.73 of the Revised Code and the provisions of divisions (A) to | 15638 |
(E) of this section apply to all hearings on such applications. | 15639 |
(2) A hearing on the first application for continued | 15640 |
commitment shall be held at the expiration of the first ninety-day | 15641 |
period. The hearing shall be mandatory and may not be waived. | 15642 |
(3) Subsequent periods of commitment not to exceed one | 15643 |
hundred eighty days each may be ordered by the court if the | 15644 |
designee of the director of developmental disabilities files an | 15645 |
application for continued commitment, after a hearing is held on | 15646 |
the application or without a hearing if no hearing is requested | 15647 |
and no hearing required under division (H)(4) of this section is | 15648 |
waived. Upon the application of a person involuntarily committed | 15649 |
under this section, supported by an affidavit of a licensed | 15650 |
physician alleging that the person is no longer a | 15651 |
15652 | |
institutionalization by court order, the court for good cause | 15653 |
shown may hold a full hearing on the person's continued commitment | 15654 |
prior to the expiration of any subsequent period of commitment set | 15655 |
by the court. | 15656 |
(4) A mandatory hearing shall be held at least every two | 15657 |
years after the initial commitment. | 15658 |
(5) If the court, after a hearing upon a request to continue | 15659 |
commitment, finds that the respondent is a | 15660 |
person with an intellectual disability subject to | 15661 |
institutionalization by court order, the court may make an order | 15662 |
pursuant to divisions (C), (D), and (E) of this section. | 15663 |
(I) Notwithstanding the provisions of division (H) of this | 15664 |
section, no person who is found to be a | 15665 |
with an intellectual disability subject to institutionalization by | 15666 |
court order pursuant to division (O)(2) of section 5123.01 of the | 15667 |
Revised Code shall be held under involuntary commitment for more | 15668 |
than five years. | 15669 |
(J) The managing officer admitting a person pursuant to a | 15670 |
judicial proceeding, within ten working days of the admission, | 15671 |
shall make a report of the admission to the department. | 15672 |
Sec. 5123.79. (A) Notwithstanding a finding pursuant to | 15673 |
section 5123.76 of the Revised Code that a person is a | 15674 |
15675 | |
institutionalization by court order, the managing officer of an | 15676 |
institution, with the concurrence of the chief program director, | 15677 |
shall, except as provided in division (C) of this section, grant a | 15678 |
discharge without the consent or the authorization of any court | 15679 |
upon a determination that institutionalization no longer is | 15680 |
appropriate. Upon the discharge, the managing officer of the | 15681 |
institution shall notify the probate division of the court of | 15682 |
common pleas that made the involuntary commitment. | 15683 |
(B) Upon the request of the director of a private | 15684 |
institution, program, facility, or person having custody of a | 15685 |
resident institutionalized pursuant to section 5123.76 of the | 15686 |
Revised Code, or on the order of the probate division of the court | 15687 |
of common pleas, the resident may be called for a rehearing to | 15688 |
determine the advisability of continued institutionalization at a | 15689 |
place within the county of resident's residence or the county | 15690 |
where the resident is institutionalized as the probate division | 15691 |
designates. The hearing shall be held pursuant to section 5123.76 | 15692 |
of the Revised Code. | 15693 |
Sec. 5123.80. (A) When the chief program director of an | 15694 |
institution for | 15695 |
disabilities that are intellectual disabilities considers that it | 15696 |
is in the best interest of a resident, the managing officer may | 15697 |
permit the resident to leave the institution on a trial visit. The | 15698 |
trial visit shall be for the period of time the managing officer | 15699 |
determines. | 15700 |
(B) The managing officer, upon releasing a resident on trial | 15701 |
visit, may impose such requirements and conditions upon the | 15702 |
resident while the resident is absent from the institution as are | 15703 |
consistent with the habilitation plan. | 15704 |
(C) The managing officer of the institution from which an | 15705 |
involuntary resident is given trial visit status may at any time | 15706 |
revoke the trial visit if there is reason to believe that it is in | 15707 |
the best interests of the resident to be returned to the | 15708 |
institution. | 15709 |
(D) If the revocation is not voluntarily complied with the | 15710 |
managing officer, within five days, shall authorize any health or | 15711 |
police officer, or sheriff to take the resident into custody and | 15712 |
transport the resident to the institution. | 15713 |
(E) An involuntarily committed resident who has successfully | 15714 |
completed one year of continuous trial visit shall be | 15715 |
automatically discharged. | 15716 |
Sec. 5123.81. When an involuntarily committed resident of an | 15717 |
institution for | 15718 |
disabilities that are intellectual disabilities is absent without | 15719 |
leave, an order shall be issued within five days after the | 15720 |
resident's absence requiring the resident to be taken into custody | 15721 |
by any health or police officer, or sheriff and transported to the | 15722 |
institution from which the resident is absent. The order may be | 15723 |
issued by the director of developmental disabilities, the managing | 15724 |
officer of the institution from which the resident is absent, or | 15725 |
the probate judge of the county from which the resident was | 15726 |
ordered institutionalized or in which he is found. The officer who | 15727 |
takes the resident into custody shall immediately notify the | 15728 |
issuer of the order. | 15729 |
Sec. 5123.82. (A) Any person who has been institutionalized | 15730 |
under this chapter may, at any time after discharge from such | 15731 |
institution, make application to the managing officer of any | 15732 |
public institution for habilitation and care if such person feels | 15733 |
the person is in need of such services. If the chief program | 15734 |
director determines the applicant to be in need of such services, | 15735 |
the managing officer may provide such services as are required by | 15736 |
the applicant. | 15737 |
(B) Any person may apply to the managing officer of any | 15738 |
public institution for habilitation and care if such person feels | 15739 |
the person is in need of such services. If the person's condition | 15740 |
warrants, the | 15741 |
and, during such enrollment, the person may receive services | 15742 |
subject to Chapter 5121. of the Revised Code. | 15743 |
(C) The application prescribed in division (A) or (B) of this | 15744 |
section may also be made on behalf of a minor by a parent, | 15745 |
guardian, or custodian of a minor, and on behalf of an adult | 15746 |
adjudicated incompetent by the guardian or custodian of the adult. | 15747 |
(D) The managing officer of the public institution may refer | 15748 |
any discharged resident who makes an application under this | 15749 |
section to the director of any community | 15750 |
program for persons with developmental disabilities that are | 15751 |
intellectual disabilities serving the county in which such | 15752 |
resident resides, or to such other facility as the director of | 15753 |
developmental disabilities may designate. Upon notice of such | 15754 |
referral, the director of such program may provide the services | 15755 |
required by the applicant. | 15756 |
Sec. 5123.83. No person shall be deprived of any civil | 15757 |
right, or public or private employment, solely by reason of | 15758 |
the person's having received services, voluntarily or | 15759 |
involuntarily, for | 15760 |
disability. Any person in custody, voluntarily or involuntarily, | 15761 |
under the provisions of this chapter, retains all rights not | 15762 |
specifically denied
| 15763 |
of the Revised Code. | 15764 |
Sec. 5123.84. All residents of institutions for | 15765 |
15766 | |
intellectual disabilities shall be allowed to communicate freely | 15767 |
with others, including but not restricted to the following: | 15768 |
(A) Receiving visitors at reasonable times; | 15769 |
(B) Being visited by counsel or personal physician, or both, | 15770 |
at any reasonable time; | 15771 |
(C) Having reasonable access to telephones to make and | 15772 |
receive confidential calls, including a reasonable number of free | 15773 |
calls if unable to pay for them and assistance in calling if | 15774 |
requested and needed; | 15775 |
(D) Having ready access to letter writing materials and | 15776 |
stamps, including a reasonable number without cost if the resident | 15777 |
is unable to pay for them, to mailing and receiving unopened | 15778 |
correspondence, and to receiving assistance in writing if | 15779 |
requested and needed. | 15780 |
Sec. 5123.85. (A) All residents institutionalized pursuant | 15781 |
to this chapter shall receive, within thirty days of their | 15782 |
admission, a comprehensive evaluation, a diagnosis, a prognosis, | 15783 |
and a description of habilitation goals consistent therewith. | 15784 |
(B) All such residents shall have a written habilitation plan | 15785 |
consistent with the comprehensive evaluation, diagnosis, | 15786 |
prognosis, and goals which shall be provided, upon request of | 15787 |
resident or resident's counsel, to resident's counsel and to any | 15788 |
private physician designated by the resident or the resident's | 15789 |
counsel. | 15790 |
(C) All such residents shall receive habilitation and care | 15791 |
consistent with the habilitation plan. The department of | 15792 |
developmental disabilities shall set standards for habilitation | 15793 |
and care provided to such residents, consistent wherever possible | 15794 |
with standards set by the joint commission on accreditation of | 15795 |
facilities for | 15796 |
disabilities that are intellectual disabilities. | 15797 |
(D) All such residents shall receive periodic comprehensive | 15798 |
re-evaluations of the habilitation plan by the professional staff | 15799 |
of the institution at intervals not to exceed ninety days. | 15800 |
(E) All such residents shall be provided with prompt and | 15801 |
adequate medical treatment for any physical or mental disease or | 15802 |
injury. | 15803 |
Sec. 5123.86. (A) Except as provided in divisions (C), (D), | 15804 |
(E), and (F) of this section, the chief medical officer shall | 15805 |
provide all information, including expected physical and medical | 15806 |
consequences, necessary to enable any resident of an institution | 15807 |
for | 15808 |
that are intellectual disabilities to give a fully informed, | 15809 |
intelligent, and knowing consent if any of the following | 15810 |
procedures are proposed: | 15811 |
(1) Surgery; | 15812 |
(2) Convulsive therapy; | 15813 |
(3) Major aversive interventions; | 15814 |
(4) Sterilization; | 15815 |
(5) Experimental procedures; | 15816 |
(6) Any unusual or hazardous treatment procedures. | 15817 |
(B) No resident shall be subjected to any of the procedures | 15818 |
listed in division (A)(4), (5), or (6) of this section without the | 15819 |
resident's informed consent. | 15820 |
(C) If a resident is physically or mentally unable to receive | 15821 |
the information required for surgery under division (A)(1) of this | 15822 |
section, or has been adjudicated incompetent, the information may | 15823 |
be provided to the resident's natural or court-appointed guardian, | 15824 |
including an agency providing guardianship services under contract | 15825 |
with the department of developmental disabilities under sections | 15826 |
5123.55 to 5123.59 of the Revised Code, who may give the informed, | 15827 |
intelligent, and knowing written consent for surgery. Consent for | 15828 |
surgery shall not be provided by a guardian who is an officer or | 15829 |
employee of the department of mental health and addiction services | 15830 |
or the department of developmental disabilities. | 15831 |
If a resident is physically or mentally unable to receive the | 15832 |
information required for surgery under division (A)(1) of this | 15833 |
section and has no guardian, then the information, the | 15834 |
recommendation of the chief medical officer, and the concurring | 15835 |
judgment of a licensed physician who is not a full-time employee | 15836 |
of the state may be provided to the court in the county in which | 15837 |
the institution is located, which may approve the surgery. Before | 15838 |
approving the surgery, the court shall notify the Ohio protection | 15839 |
and advocacy system created by section 5123.60 of the Revised | 15840 |
Code, and shall notify the resident of the resident's rights to | 15841 |
consult with counsel, to have counsel appointed by the court if | 15842 |
the resident is indigent, and to contest the recommendation of the | 15843 |
chief medical officer. | 15844 |
(D) If, in the judgment of two licensed physicians, delay in | 15845 |
obtaining consent for surgery would create a grave danger to the | 15846 |
health of a resident, emergency surgery may be performed without | 15847 |
the consent of the resident if the necessary information is | 15848 |
provided to the resident's guardian, including an agency providing | 15849 |
guardianship services under contract with the department of | 15850 |
developmental disabilities under sections 5123.55 to 5123.59 of | 15851 |
the Revised Code, or to the resident's spouse or next of kin to | 15852 |
enable that person or agency to give an informed, intelligent, and | 15853 |
knowing written consent. | 15854 |
If the guardian, spouse, or next of kin cannot be contacted | 15855 |
through exercise of reasonable diligence, or if the guardian, | 15856 |
spouse, or next of kin is contacted, but refuses to consent, then | 15857 |
the emergency surgery may be performed upon the written | 15858 |
authorization of the chief medical officer and after court | 15859 |
approval has been obtained. However, if delay in obtaining court | 15860 |
approval would create a grave danger to the life of the resident, | 15861 |
the chief medical officer may authorize surgery, in writing, | 15862 |
without court approval. If the surgery is authorized without court | 15863 |
approval, the chief medical officer who made the authorization and | 15864 |
the physician who performed the surgery shall each execute an | 15865 |
affidavit describing the circumstances constituting the emergency | 15866 |
and warranting the surgery and the circumstances warranting their | 15867 |
not obtaining prior court approval. The affidavit shall be filed | 15868 |
with the court with which the request for prior approval would | 15869 |
have been filed within five court days after the surgery, and a | 15870 |
copy of the affidavit shall be placed in the resident's file and | 15871 |
shall be given to the guardian, spouse, or next of kin of the | 15872 |
resident, to the hospital at which the surgery was performed, and | 15873 |
to the Ohio protection and advocacy system created by section | 15874 |
5123.60 of the Revised Code. | 15875 |
(E)(1) If it is the judgment of two licensed physicians, as | 15876 |
described in division (E)(2) of this section, that a medical | 15877 |
emergency exists and delay in obtaining convulsive therapy creates | 15878 |
a grave danger to the life of a resident who is both | 15879 |
15880 | |
intellectual disability and a mentally ill person, convulsive | 15881 |
therapy may be administered without the consent of the resident if | 15882 |
the resident is physically or mentally unable to receive the | 15883 |
information required for convulsive therapy and if the necessary | 15884 |
information is provided to the resident's natural or | 15885 |
court-appointed guardian, including an agency providing | 15886 |
guardianship services under contract with the department of | 15887 |
developmental disabilities under sections 5123.55 to 5123.59 of | 15888 |
the Revised Code, or to the resident's spouse or next of kin to | 15889 |
enable that person or agency to give an informed, intelligent, and | 15890 |
knowing written consent. If neither the resident's guardian, | 15891 |
spouse, nor next of kin can be contacted through exercise of | 15892 |
reasonable diligence, or if the guardian, spouse, or next of kin | 15893 |
is contacted, but refuses to consent, then convulsive therapy may | 15894 |
be performed upon the written authorization of the chief medical | 15895 |
officer and after court approval has been obtained. | 15896 |
(2) The two licensed physicians referred to in division | 15897 |
(E)(1) of this section shall not be associated with each other in | 15898 |
the practice of medicine or surgery by means of a partnership or | 15899 |
corporate arrangement, other business arrangement, or employment. | 15900 |
At least one of the physicians shall be a psychiatrist as defined | 15901 |
in division (E) of section 5122.01 of the Revised Code. | 15902 |
(F) Major aversive interventions shall not be used unless a | 15903 |
resident continues to engage in behavior destructive to self or | 15904 |
others after other forms of therapy have been attempted. Major | 15905 |
aversive interventions shall not be applied to a voluntary | 15906 |
resident without the informed, intelligent, and knowing written | 15907 |
consent of the resident or the resident's guardian, including an | 15908 |
agency providing guardianship services under contract with the | 15909 |
department of developmental disabilities under sections 5123.55 to | 15910 |
5123.59 of the Revised Code. | 15911 |
(G)(1) This chapter does not authorize any form of compulsory | 15912 |
medical or psychiatric treatment of any resident who is being | 15913 |
treated by spiritual means through prayer alone in accordance with | 15914 |
a recognized religious method of healing. | 15915 |
(2) For purposes of this section, "convulsive therapy" does | 15916 |
not include defibrillation. | 15917 |
Sec. 5123.87. (A) No resident of an institution for | 15918 |
15919 | |
intellectual disabilities shall be compelled to perform labor | 15920 |
which involves the operation, support, or maintenance of the | 15921 |
institution or for which the institution is under contract with an | 15922 |
outside organization. Privileges or release from the institution | 15923 |
shall not be conditional upon the performance of such labor. | 15924 |
Residents who volunteer to perform such labor shall be compensated | 15925 |
at a rate derived from the value of the work performed, having | 15926 |
reference to the prevailing wage rate for comparable work or wage | 15927 |
rates established under section 4111.06 of the Revised Code. | 15928 |
(B) A resident may be required to perform habilitative tasks | 15929 |
which do not involve the operation, support, or maintenance of the | 15930 |
institution if those tasks are an integrated part of the | 15931 |
resident's habilitation plan and supervised by | 15932 |
15933 | |
the chief program director. | 15934 |
(C) A resident may be required to perform tasks of a personal | 15935 |
housekeeping nature. | 15936 |
Sec. 5123.88. Any person detained pursuant to this chapter | 15937 |
shall be entitled to the writ of habeas corpus upon proper | 15938 |
petition by | 15939 |
empowered to issue the writ of habeas corpus in the county in | 15940 |
which the person is detained. | 15941 |
No person may bring a petition for a writ of habeas corpus | 15942 |
that alleges that a person involuntarily detained pursuant to this | 15943 |
chapter is no longer | 15944 |
intellectual disability subject to institutionalization by court | 15945 |
order unless the person shows that the release procedures of | 15946 |
division (H) of section 5123.76 of the Revised Code are inadequate | 15947 |
or unavailable. | 15948 |
Sec. 5123.89. (A) As used in this section: | 15949 |
(1) "Family" means a parent, brother, sister, spouse, son, | 15950 |
daughter, grandparent, aunt, uncle, or cousin. | 15951 |
(2) "Payment" means activities undertaken by a service | 15952 |
provider or government entity to obtain or provide reimbursement | 15953 |
for services provided to a person. | 15954 |
(3) "Treatment" means the provision of services to a person, | 15955 |
including the coordination or management of services provided to | 15956 |
the person. | 15957 |
(B) All certificates, applications, records, and reports made | 15958 |
for the purpose of this chapter, other than court journal entries | 15959 |
or court docket entries, which directly or indirectly identify a | 15960 |
resident or former resident of an institution for | 15961 |
15962 | |
intellectual disabilities or person whose institutionalization has | 15963 |
been sought under this chapter shall be kept confidential and | 15964 |
shall not be disclosed by any person except in the following | 15965 |
situations: | 15966 |
(1) It is the judgment of the court for judicial records, and | 15967 |
the managing officer for institution records, that disclosure is | 15968 |
in the best interest of the person identified, and that person or | 15969 |
that person's guardian or, if that person is a minor, that | 15970 |
person's parent or guardian consents. | 15971 |
(2) Disclosure is provided for in other sections of this | 15972 |
chapter. | 15973 |
(3) It is the judgment of the managing officer for | 15974 |
institution records that disclosure to a mental health facility is | 15975 |
in the best interest of the person identified. | 15976 |
(4) Disclosure is of a record deposited with the Ohio | 15977 |
historical society pursuant to division (C) of section 5123.31 of | 15978 |
the Revised Code and the disclosure is made to the closest living | 15979 |
relative of the person identified, on the relative's request. | 15980 |
(5) Disclosure is needed for the treatment of a person who is | 15981 |
a resident or former resident of an institution for | 15982 |
15983 | |
intellectual disabilities or a person whose institutionalization | 15984 |
has been sought under this chapter or is needed for the payment of | 15985 |
services provided to the person. | 15986 |
(C) The department of developmental disabilities shall adopt | 15987 |
rules with respect to the systematic and periodic destruction of | 15988 |
residents' records. | 15989 |
(D) Upon the death of a resident or former resident of an | 15990 |
institution for | 15991 |
disabilities that are intellectual disabilities or a person whose | 15992 |
institutionalization was sought under this chapter, the managing | 15993 |
officer of an institution shall provide access to the | 15994 |
certificates, applications, records, and reports made for the | 15995 |
purposes of this chapter to the resident's, former resident's, or | 15996 |
person's guardian if the guardian makes a written request. If a | 15997 |
deceased resident, former resident, or person whose | 15998 |
institutionalization was sought under this chapter did not have a | 15999 |
guardian at the time of death, the managing officer shall provide | 16000 |
access to the certificates, applications, records, and reports | 16001 |
made for purposes of this chapter to a member of the person's | 16002 |
family, upon that family member's written request. | 16003 |
(E) No person shall reveal the contents of a record of a | 16004 |
resident except as authorized by this chapter. | 16005 |
Sec. 5123.91. All persons who are not subject to any | 16006 |
criminal provisions and who act reasonable and in good faith, | 16007 |
either upon actual knowledge or upon information reasonably | 16008 |
thought by them to be reliable, shall be free from any liability | 16009 |
to a person institutionalized in institutions for | 16010 |
16011 | |
intellectual disabilities or to any other person in their | 16012 |
procedural or physical assistance administered in the course of | 16013 |
the institutionalization or discharge of a person pursuant to the | 16014 |
provisions of this chapter. | 16015 |
Sec. 5123.92. If an affidavit alleging that a person | 16016 |
16017 | |
intellectual disability and is subject to institutionalization by | 16018 |
court order is filed, according to the provisions of section | 16019 |
5123.71 of the Revised Code, in the probate division of a county | 16020 |
within the institutional district but not in the county within | 16021 |
which the institution is located, and if such person is detained | 16022 |
in the institution, the probate division of the county in which | 16023 |
the institution is located shall, upon the request of the probate | 16024 |
division receiving the affidavit, hold a hearing and make a | 16025 |
disposition of the person in accordance with the procedures | 16026 |
prescribed by this chapter. | 16027 |
Sec. 5123.93. Minors with | 16028 |
disabilities that are intellectual disabilities shall remain under | 16029 |
the guardianship of their parents or of a guardian appointed | 16030 |
pursuant to Chapter 2111. of the Revised Code, notwithstanding | 16031 |
institutionalization pursuant to any section of this chapter, | 16032 |
unless parental rights have been terminated pursuant to a court | 16033 |
finding that the child is neglected, abused, or dependent pursuant | 16034 |
to Chapter 2151. of the Revised Code. If a minor with | 16035 |
16036 | |
disability has been found to be dependent, abused, or neglected, | 16037 |
the public children services agency to whom permanent custody has | 16038 |
been assigned pursuant to Chapter 2151. of the Revised Code shall | 16039 |
have the same authority and responsibility it would have if the | 16040 |
child were not | 16041 |
disability that is an intellectual disability and were not | 16042 |
institutionalized. In no case shall the guardianship of a person | 16043 |
with | 16044 |
intellectual disability be assigned to the managing officer or any | 16045 |
other employee of an institution in which the person is | 16046 |
institutionalized, or be assigned, unless there is a relationship | 16047 |
by blood or marriage or unless the service is a protective service | 16048 |
as defined in section 5123.55 of the Revised Code, to a person or | 16049 |
agency who provides services to the person with | 16050 |
a developmental disability that is an intellectual disability. | 16051 |
Sec. 5123.95. The probate judge, upon making an order | 16052 |
institutionalizing a person under this chapter, shall forthwith | 16053 |
transmit copies, under | 16054 |
papers in the case, including the certificate of the expert | 16055 |
witnesses, and of
| 16056 |
managing officer of the institution for | 16057 |
persons with developmental disabilities that are intellectual | 16058 |
disabilities. | 16059 |
If not otherwise furnished, the probate judge shall see that | 16060 |
each person institutionalized under section 5123.76 of the Revised | 16061 |
Code is properly attired for transportation and, in addition, the | 16062 |
institution shall be furnished a complete change of clothing for | 16063 |
such person, which shall be paid for on the certificate of the | 16064 |
probate judge and the order of the county auditor from the county | 16065 |
treasury. The clothing shall be new or as good as new. The | 16066 |
managing officer of the institution need not receive the person | 16067 |
without such clothing. | 16068 |
Upon institutionalization, the managing officer of the | 16069 |
institution to which the individual is admitted shall take | 16070 |
possession of all money and other valuables that may be upon the | 16071 |
person of the individual and shall, within ten days, file a list | 16072 |
thereof with the probate judge of the county of which the | 16073 |
individual is a resident. If the amount of money is fifty dollars | 16074 |
or less it shall be retained and expended by the managing officer | 16075 |
of the institution for the benefit of the individual. Unless a | 16076 |
guardian of the estate of the individual has already been | 16077 |
appointed, the probate judge may, upon | 16078 |
and without notice, appoint a special guardian of the estate of | 16079 |
the individual. Any special guardian, before being appointed, | 16080 |
shall file a bond approved by the probate judge in the same amount | 16081 |
as is required by section 2109.04 of the Revised Code. A special | 16082 |
guardian as provided for in this section, and while acting as | 16083 |
such, shall be governed by all laws applicable to guardians of the | 16084 |
estates of incompetents. The special guardian shall be allowed | 16085 |
such compensation for | 16086 |
court thinks reasonable, providing | 16087 |
forthwith performs all the duties incumbent upon | 16088 |
guardian. | 16089 |
Sec. 5123.96. Costs, fees, and expenses of all proceedings | 16090 |
held under this chapter shall be paid as follows: | 16091 |
(A) To police and health officers, other than sheriffs or | 16092 |
their deputies, the same fees allowed to constables, to be paid | 16093 |
upon the approval of the probate judge; | 16094 |
(B) To sheriffs or their deputies, the same fees allowed for | 16095 |
similar services in the court of common pleas; | 16096 |
(C) To physicians or licensed clinical psychologists acting | 16097 |
as expert witnesses and to other expert witnesses designated by | 16098 |
the court, an amount determined by the court; | 16099 |
(D) To witnesses in an administrative proceeding, the same | 16100 |
fees and mileage as are provided to witnesses by section 119.094 | 16101 |
of the Revised Code, and to witnesses in a judicial proceeding, | 16102 |
the same fees and mileage as are provided to witnesses by section | 16103 |
2335.06 of the Revised Code, to be paid upon the approval of the | 16104 |
probate judge; | 16105 |
(E) To a person, other than the sheriff or the sheriff's | 16106 |
deputies, for taking a | 16107 |
developmental disability that is an intellectual disability to an | 16108 |
institution or removing a | 16109 |
developmental disability that is an intellectual disability from | 16110 |
an institution, the actual necessary expenses incurred, | 16111 |
specifically itemized, and approved by the probate judge; | 16112 |
(F) To assistants who convey | 16113 |
developmental disabilities that are intellectual disabilities to | 16114 |
institutions when authorized by the probate judge, a fee set by | 16115 |
the probate court, provided the assistants are not drawing a | 16116 |
salary from the state or any political subdivision of the state, | 16117 |
and their actual necessary expenses incurred, provided that the | 16118 |
expenses are specifically itemized and approved by the probate | 16119 |
judge; | 16120 |
(G) To an attorney appointed by the probate division for an | 16121 |
indigent who allegedly is a | 16122 |
developmental disability that is an intellectual disability | 16123 |
pursuant to any section of this chapter, the fees that are | 16124 |
determined by the probate division. When those indigent persons | 16125 |
are before the court, all filing and recording fees shall be | 16126 |
waived. | 16127 |
(H) To a referee who is appointed to conduct proceedings | 16128 |
under this chapter that involve a respondent whose domicile is or, | 16129 |
before the respondent's institutionalization, was not the county | 16130 |
in which the proceedings are held, compensation as fixed by the | 16131 |
probate division, but not more than the compensation paid for | 16132 |
similar proceedings for respondents whose domicile is in the | 16133 |
county in which the proceedings are held; | 16134 |
(I) To a court reporter appointed to make a transcript of | 16135 |
proceedings under this chapter, the compensation and fees allowed | 16136 |
in other cases under section 2101.08 of the Revised Code. | 16137 |
All costs, fees, and expenses described in this section, | 16138 |
after payment by the county from appropriations pursuant to | 16139 |
section 2101.11 of the Revised Code, shall be certified by the | 16140 |
county auditor to the department of developmental disabilities | 16141 |
within two months of the date the costs, fees, and expenses are | 16142 |
incurred by the county. Payment shall be provided for by the | 16143 |
director of budget and management upon presentation of properly | 16144 |
verified vouchers. The director of developmental disabilities may | 16145 |
adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to | 16146 |
implement the payment of costs, fees, and expenses under this | 16147 |
section. | 16148 |
Sec. 5123.99. (A) Whoever violates section 5123.16 or | 16149 |
5123.20 of the Revised Code is guilty of a misdemeanor of the | 16150 |
first degree. | 16151 |
(B) Whoever violates division (C), (E), or (G)(3) of section | 16152 |
5123.61 of the Revised Code is guilty of a misdemeanor of the | 16153 |
fourth degree or, if the abuse or neglect constitutes a felony, a | 16154 |
misdemeanor of the second degree. In addition to any other | 16155 |
sanction or penalty authorized or required by law, if a person who | 16156 |
is convicted of or pleads guilty to a violation of division (C), | 16157 |
(E), or (G)(3) of section 5123.61 of the Revised Code is | 16158 |
a developmental disabilities employee, as defined in section | 16159 |
5123.50 of the Revised Code, the offender shall be eligible to be | 16160 |
included in the registry regarding misappropriation, abuse, | 16161 |
neglect, or other specified misconduct by | 16162 |
disabilities employees established under section 5123.52 of the | 16163 |
Revised Code. | 16164 |
Sec. 5126.01. As used in this chapter: | 16165 |
(A) As used in this division, "adult" means an individual who | 16166 |
is eighteen years of age or over and not enrolled in a program or | 16167 |
service under Chapter 3323. of the Revised Code and an individual | 16168 |
sixteen or seventeen years of age who is eligible for adult | 16169 |
services under rules adopted by the director of developmental | 16170 |
disabilities pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. | 16171 |
(1) "Adult services" means services provided to an adult | 16172 |
outside the home, except when they are provided within the home | 16173 |
according to an individual's assessed needs and identified in an | 16174 |
individual service plan, that support learning and assistance in | 16175 |
the area of self-care, sensory and motor development, | 16176 |
socialization, daily living skills, communication, community | 16177 |
living, social skills, or vocational skills. | 16178 |
(2) "Adult services" includes all of the following: | 16179 |
(a) Adult day habilitation services; | 16180 |
(b) Employment services; | 16181 |
(c) Educational experiences and training obtained through | 16182 |
entities and activities that are not expressly intended for | 16183 |
individuals with | 16184 |
disabilities, including trade schools, vocational or technical | 16185 |
schools, adult education, job exploration and sampling, unpaid | 16186 |
work experience in the community, volunteer activities, and | 16187 |
spectator sports. | 16188 |
(B)(1) "Adult day habilitation services" means adult services | 16189 |
that do the following: | 16190 |
(a) Provide access to and participation in typical activities | 16191 |
and functions of community life that are desired and chosen by the | 16192 |
general population, including such activities and functions as | 16193 |
opportunities to experience and participate in community | 16194 |
exploration, companionship with friends and peers, leisure | 16195 |
activities, hobbies, maintaining family contacts, community | 16196 |
events, and activities where individuals without disabilities are | 16197 |
involved; | 16198 |
(b) Provide supports or a combination of training and | 16199 |
supports that afford an individual a wide variety of opportunities | 16200 |
to facilitate and build relationships and social supports in the | 16201 |
community. | 16202 |
(2) "Adult day habilitation services" includes all of the | 16203 |
following: | 16204 |
(a) Personal care services needed to ensure an individual's | 16205 |
ability to experience and participate in vocational services, | 16206 |
educational services, community activities, and any other adult | 16207 |
day habilitation services; | 16208 |
(b) Skilled services provided while receiving adult day | 16209 |
habilitation services, including such skilled services as behavior | 16210 |
management intervention, occupational therapy, speech and language | 16211 |
therapy, physical therapy, and nursing services; | 16212 |
(c) Training and education in self-determination designed to | 16213 |
help the individual do one or more of the following: develop | 16214 |
self-advocacy skills, exercise the individual's civil rights, | 16215 |
acquire skills that enable the individual to exercise control and | 16216 |
responsibility over the services received, and acquire skills that | 16217 |
enable the individual to become more independent, integrated, or | 16218 |
productive in the community; | 16219 |
(d) Recreational and leisure activities identified in the | 16220 |
individual's service plan as therapeutic in nature or assistive in | 16221 |
developing or maintaining social supports; | 16222 |
(e) Transportation necessary to access adult day habilitation | 16223 |
services; | 16224 |
(f) Habilitation management, as described in section 5126.14 | 16225 |
of the Revised Code. | 16226 |
(3) "Adult day habilitation services" does not include | 16227 |
activities that are components of the provision of residential | 16228 |
services, family support services, or supported living services. | 16229 |
(C) "Appointing authority" means the following: | 16230 |
(1) In the case of a member of a county board of | 16231 |
developmental disabilities appointed by, or to be appointed by, a | 16232 |
board of county commissioners, the board of county commissioners; | 16233 |
(2) In the case of a member of a county board appointed by, | 16234 |
or to be appointed by, a senior probate judge, the senior probate | 16235 |
judge. | 16236 |
(D) "Community employment," "competitive employment," and | 16237 |
"integrated setting" have the same meanings as in section 5123.022 | 16238 |
of the Revised Code. | 16239 |
(E) "Supported employment services" means vocational | 16240 |
assessment, job training and coaching, job development and | 16241 |
placement, worksite accessibility, and other services related to | 16242 |
employment outside a sheltered workshop. "Supported employment | 16243 |
services" includes both of the following: | 16244 |
(1) Job training resulting in the attainment of community | 16245 |
employment, supported work in a typical work environment, or | 16246 |
self-employment; | 16247 |
(2) Support for ongoing community employment, supported work | 16248 |
at community-based sites, or self-employment. | 16249 |
(F) As used in this division, "developmental delay" has the | 16250 |
meaning established pursuant to section 5123.011 of the Revised | 16251 |
Code. | 16252 |
"Developmental disability" means a severe, chronic disability | 16253 |
that is characterized by all of the following: | 16254 |
(1) It is attributable to a mental or physical impairment or | 16255 |
a combination of mental and physical impairments, other than a | 16256 |
mental or physical impairment solely caused by mental illness as | 16257 |
defined in division (A) of section 5122.01 of the Revised Code; | 16258 |
(2) It is manifested before age twenty-two; | 16259 |
(3) It is likely to continue indefinitely; | 16260 |
(4) It results in one of the following: | 16261 |
(a) In the case of a person under age three, at least one | 16262 |
developmental delay or a diagnosed physical or mental condition | 16263 |
that has a high probability of resulting in a developmental delay; | 16264 |
(b) In the case of a person at least age three but under age | 16265 |
six, at least two developmental delays; | 16266 |
(c) In the case of a person age six or older, a substantial | 16267 |
functional limitation in at least three of the following areas of | 16268 |
major life activity, as appropriate for the person's age: | 16269 |
self-care, receptive and expressive language, learning, mobility, | 16270 |
self-direction, capacity for independent living, and, if the | 16271 |
person is at least age sixteen, capacity for economic | 16272 |
self-sufficiency. | 16273 |
(5) It causes the person to need a combination and sequence | 16274 |
of special, interdisciplinary, or other type of care, treatment, | 16275 |
or provision of services for an extended period of time that is | 16276 |
individually planned and coordinated for the person. | 16277 |
"Developmental disability" includes intellectual disability. | 16278 |
(G) "Early childhood services" means a planned program of | 16279 |
habilitation designed to meet the needs of individuals with | 16280 |
16281 | |
attained compulsory school age. | 16282 |
(H) "Employment services" means prevocational services or | 16283 |
supported employment services. | 16284 |
(I)(1) "Environmental modifications" means the physical | 16285 |
adaptations to an individual's home, specified in the individual's | 16286 |
service plan, that are necessary to ensure the individual's | 16287 |
health, safety, and welfare or that enable the individual to | 16288 |
function with greater independence in the home, and without which | 16289 |
the individual would require institutionalization. | 16290 |
(2) "Environmental modifications" includes such adaptations | 16291 |
as installation of ramps and grab-bars, widening of doorways, | 16292 |
modification of bathroom facilities, and installation of | 16293 |
specialized electric and plumbing systems necessary to accommodate | 16294 |
the individual's medical equipment and supplies. | 16295 |
(3) "Environmental modifications" does not include physical | 16296 |
adaptations or improvements to the home that are of general | 16297 |
utility or not of direct medical or remedial benefit to the | 16298 |
individual, including such adaptations or improvements as | 16299 |
carpeting, roof repair, and central air conditioning. | 16300 |
(J) "Family support services" means the services provided | 16301 |
under a family support services program operated under section | 16302 |
5126.11 of the Revised Code. | 16303 |
(K) "Habilitation" means the process by which the staff of | 16304 |
the facility or agency assists an individual with | 16305 |
16306 | |
maintaining those life skills that enable the individual to cope | 16307 |
more effectively with the demands of the individual's own person | 16308 |
and environment, and in raising the level of the individual's | 16309 |
personal, physical, mental, social, and vocational efficiency. | 16310 |
Habilitation includes, but is not limited to, programs of formal, | 16311 |
structured education and training. | 16312 |
(L) "Home and community-based services" has the same meaning | 16313 |
as in section 5123.01 of the Revised Code. | 16314 |
(M) "ICF/IID" has the same meaning as in section 5124.01 of | 16315 |
the Revised Code. | 16316 |
(N) "Immediate family" means parents, grandparents, brothers, | 16317 |
sisters, spouses, sons, daughters, aunts, uncles, mothers-in-law, | 16318 |
fathers-in-law, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, sons-in-law, and | 16319 |
daughters-in-law. | 16320 |
(O) "Intellectual disability" means a mental impairment | 16321 |
manifested during the developmental period characterized by | 16322 |
significantly subaverage general intellectual functioning existing | 16323 |
concurrently with deficiencies in the effectiveness or degree with | 16324 |
which an individual meets the standards of personal independence | 16325 |
and social responsibility expected of the individual's age and | 16326 |
cultural group. | 16327 |
(P) "Medicaid case management services" means case management | 16328 |
services provided to an individual with | 16329 |
16330 | |
requires. | 16331 |
| 16332 |
16333 | |
16334 | |
16335 | |
16336 | |
16337 | |
16338 |
(Q) "Prevocational services" means services that provide | 16339 |
learning and work experiences, including volunteer work | 16340 |
experiences, from which an individual can develop general | 16341 |
strengths and skills that are not specific to a particular task or | 16342 |
job but contribute to employability in community employment, | 16343 |
supported work at community-based sites, or self-employment. | 16344 |
(R) "Residential services" means services to individuals with | 16345 |
16346 | |
housing, food, clothing, habilitation, staff support, and related | 16347 |
support services necessary for the health, safety, and welfare of | 16348 |
the individuals and the advancement of their quality of life. | 16349 |
"Residential services" includes program management, as described | 16350 |
in section 5126.14 of the Revised Code. | 16351 |
(S) "Resources" means available capital and other assets, | 16352 |
including moneys received from the federal, state, and local | 16353 |
governments, private grants, and donations; appropriately | 16354 |
qualified personnel; and appropriate capital facilities and | 16355 |
equipment. | 16356 |
(T) "Senior probate judge" means the current probate judge of | 16357 |
a county who has served as probate judge of that county longer | 16358 |
than any of the other current probate judges of that county. If a | 16359 |
county has only one probate judge, "senior probate judge" means | 16360 |
that probate judge. | 16361 |
(U) "Service and support administration" means the duties | 16362 |
performed by a service and support administrator pursuant to | 16363 |
section 5126.15 of the Revised Code. | 16364 |
(V)(1) "Specialized medical, adaptive, and assistive | 16365 |
equipment, supplies, and supports" means equipment, supplies, and | 16366 |
supports that enable an individual to increase the ability to | 16367 |
perform activities of daily living or to perceive, control, or | 16368 |
communicate within the environment. | 16369 |
(2) "Specialized medical, adaptive, and assistive equipment, | 16370 |
supplies, and supports" includes the following: | 16371 |
(a) Eating utensils, adaptive feeding dishes, plate guards, | 16372 |
mylatex straps, hand splints, reaches, feeder seats, adjustable | 16373 |
pointer sticks, interpreter services, telecommunication devices | 16374 |
for the deaf, computerized communications boards, other | 16375 |
communication devices, support animals, veterinary care for | 16376 |
support animals, adaptive beds, supine boards, prone boards, | 16377 |
wedges, sand bags, sidelayers, bolsters, adaptive electrical | 16378 |
switches, hand-held shower heads, air conditioners, humidifiers, | 16379 |
emergency response systems, folding shopping carts, vehicle lifts, | 16380 |
vehicle hand controls, other adaptations of vehicles for | 16381 |
accessibility, and repair of the equipment received. | 16382 |
(b) Nondisposable items not covered by medicaid that are | 16383 |
intended to assist an individual in activities of daily living or | 16384 |
instrumental activities of daily living. | 16385 |
(W) "Supportive home services" means a range of services to | 16386 |
families of individuals with | 16387 |
developmental disabilities to develop and maintain increased | 16388 |
acceptance and understanding of such persons, increased ability of | 16389 |
family members to teach the person, better coordination between | 16390 |
school and home, skills in performing specific therapeutic and | 16391 |
management techniques, and ability to cope with specific | 16392 |
situations. | 16393 |
(X)(1) "Supported living" means services provided for as long | 16394 |
as twenty-four hours a day to an individual with | 16395 |
16396 | |
or private resources, including moneys from the individual, that | 16397 |
enhance the individual's reputation in community life and advance | 16398 |
the individual's quality of life by doing the following: | 16399 |
(a) Providing the support necessary to enable an individual | 16400 |
to live in a residence of the individual's choice, with any number | 16401 |
of individuals who are not disabled, or with not more than three | 16402 |
individuals with | 16403 |
unless the individuals are related by blood or marriage; | 16404 |
(b) Encouraging the individual's participation in the | 16405 |
community; | 16406 |
(c) Promoting the individual's rights and autonomy; | 16407 |
(d) Assisting the individual in acquiring, retaining, and | 16408 |
improving the skills and competence necessary to live successfully | 16409 |
in the individual's residence. | 16410 |
(2) "Supported living" includes the provision of all of the | 16411 |
following: | 16412 |
(a) Housing, food, clothing, habilitation, staff support, | 16413 |
professional services, and any related support services necessary | 16414 |
to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the individual | 16415 |
receiving the services; | 16416 |
(b) A combination of lifelong or extended-duration | 16417 |
supervision, training, and other services essential to daily | 16418 |
living, including assessment and evaluation and assistance with | 16419 |
the cost of training materials, transportation, fees, and | 16420 |
supplies; | 16421 |
(c) Personal care services and homemaker services; | 16422 |
(d) Household maintenance that does not include modifications | 16423 |
to the physical structure of the residence; | 16424 |
(e) Respite care services; | 16425 |
(f) Program management, as described in section 5126.14 of | 16426 |
the Revised Code. | 16427 |
Sec. 5126.022. When making appointments to a county board of | 16428 |
developmental disabilities, an appointing authority shall do all | 16429 |
of the following: | 16430 |
(A) Appoint only individuals who are residents of the county | 16431 |
the appointing authority serves, citizens of the United States, | 16432 |
and interested and knowledgeable in the field of | 16433 |
16434 |
(B) If the appointing authority is a board of county | 16435 |
commissioners, appoint at least two individuals who are eligible | 16436 |
for services provided by the county board or are immediate family | 16437 |
members of such individuals. The board of county commissioners | 16438 |
shall, whenever possible, ensure that one of those two members is | 16439 |
an individual eligible for adult services or an immediate family | 16440 |
member of an individual eligible for adult services and the other | 16441 |
is an immediate family member of an individual eligible for early | 16442 |
intervention services or services for preschool or school-age | 16443 |
children; | 16444 |
(C) If the appointing authority is a senior probate judge, | 16445 |
appoint at least one individual who is an immediate family member | 16446 |
of an individual eligible for residential services or supported | 16447 |
living; | 16448 |
(D) Appoint, to the maximum extent possible, individuals who | 16449 |
have professional training and experience in business management, | 16450 |
finance, law, health care practice, personnel administration, or | 16451 |
government service; | 16452 |
(E) Provide for the county board's membership to reflect, as | 16453 |
nearly as possible, the composition of the county that the county | 16454 |
board serves. | 16455 |
Sec. 5126.023. None of the following individuals may serve | 16456 |
as a member of a county board of developmental disabilities: | 16457 |
(A) An elected public official, except for a township | 16458 |
trustee, township fiscal officer, or individual excluded from the | 16459 |
definition of public official or employee in division (B) of | 16460 |
section 102.01 of the Revised Code; | 16461 |
(B) An immediate family member of a member of the same county | 16462 |
board; | 16463 |
(C) An employee of any county board; | 16464 |
(D) An immediate family member of an employee of the same | 16465 |
county board; | 16466 |
(E) A former employee of a county board whose employment | 16467 |
ceased less than four calendar years before the former employee | 16468 |
would begin to serve as a member of the same county board; | 16469 |
(F) A former employee of a county board whose employment | 16470 |
ceased less than two years before the former employee would begin | 16471 |
to serve as a member of a different county board; | 16472 |
(G) Unless there is no conflict of interest, an individual | 16473 |
who or whose immediate family member is a board member of an | 16474 |
agency licensed or certified by the department of developmental | 16475 |
disabilities to provide services to individuals with | 16476 |
16477 | |
whose immediate family member is an employee of such an agency; | 16478 |
(H) An individual with an immediate family member who serves | 16479 |
as a county commissioner of a county served by the county board | 16480 |
unless the individual was a member of the county board before | 16481 |
October 31, 1980. | 16482 |
Sec. 5126.04. (A) Each county board of developmental | 16483 |
disabilities shall plan and set priorities based on available | 16484 |
resources for the provision of facilities, programs, and other | 16485 |
services to meet the needs of county residents who are individuals | 16486 |
with | 16487 |
former residents of the county residing in state institutions or, | 16488 |
before | 16489 |
placed under purchase of service agreements under section 5123.18 | 16490 |
of the Revised Code, and children subject to a determination made | 16491 |
pursuant to section 121.38 of the Revised Code. | 16492 |
Each county board shall assess the facility and service needs | 16493 |
of the individuals with | 16494 |
disabilities who are residents of the county or former residents | 16495 |
of the county residing in state institutions or, before | 16496 |
16497 | |
purchase of service agreements under section 5123.18 of the | 16498 |
Revised Code. | 16499 |
Each county board shall require individual habilitation or | 16500 |
service plans for individuals with | 16501 |
developmental disabilities who are being served or who have been | 16502 |
determined eligible for services and are awaiting the provision of | 16503 |
services. Each board shall ensure that methods of having their | 16504 |
service needs evaluated are available. | 16505 |
(B)(1) If a foster child is in need of assessment for | 16506 |
eligible services or is receiving services from a county board of | 16507 |
developmental disabilities and that child is placed in a different | 16508 |
county, the agency that placed the child, immediately upon | 16509 |
placement, shall inform the county board in the new county all of | 16510 |
the following: | 16511 |
(a) That a foster child has been placed in that county; | 16512 |
(b) The name and other identifying information of the foster | 16513 |
child; | 16514 |
(c) The name of the foster child's previous county of | 16515 |
residence; | 16516 |
(d) That the foster child was in need of assessment for | 16517 |
eligible services or was receiving services from the county board | 16518 |
of developmental disabilities in the previous county. | 16519 |
(2) Upon receiving the notice described in division (B)(1) of | 16520 |
this section or otherwise learning that the child was in need of | 16521 |
assessment for eligible services or was receiving services from a | 16522 |
county board of developmental disabilities in the previous county, | 16523 |
the county board in the new county shall communicate with the | 16524 |
county board of the previous county to determine how services for | 16525 |
the foster child shall be provided in accordance with each board's | 16526 |
plan and priorities as described in division (A) of this section. | 16527 |
If the two county boards are unable to reach an agreement | 16528 |
within ten days of the child's placement, the county board in the | 16529 |
new county shall send notice to the Ohio department of | 16530 |
developmental disabilities of the failure to agree. The department | 16531 |
shall decide how services shall be provided for the foster child | 16532 |
within ten days of receiving notice that the county boards could | 16533 |
not reach an agreement. The department may decide that one, or | 16534 |
both, of the county boards shall provide services. The services | 16535 |
shall be provided in accordance with the board's plan and | 16536 |
priorities as described in division (A) of this section. | 16537 |
(C) The department of developmental disabilities may adopt | 16538 |
rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code as | 16539 |
necessary to implement this section. To the extent that rules | 16540 |
adopted under this section apply to the identification and | 16541 |
placement of children with disabilities under Chapter 3323. of the | 16542 |
Revised Code, the rules shall be consistent with the standards and | 16543 |
procedures established under sections 3323.03 to 3323.05 of the | 16544 |
Revised Code. | 16545 |
(D) The responsibility or authority of a county board to | 16546 |
provide services under this chapter does not affect the | 16547 |
responsibility of any other entity of state or local government to | 16548 |
provide services to individuals with | 16549 |
developmental disabilities. | 16550 |
(E) On or before the first day of February prior to a school | 16551 |
year, a county board of developmental disabilities may elect not | 16552 |
to participate during that school year in the provision of or | 16553 |
contracting for educational services for children ages six through | 16554 |
twenty-one years of age, provided that on or before that date the | 16555 |
board gives notice of this election to the superintendent of | 16556 |
public instruction, each school district in the county, and the | 16557 |
educational service center serving the county. If a board makes | 16558 |
this election, it shall not have any responsibility for or | 16559 |
authority to provide educational services that school year for | 16560 |
children ages six through twenty-one years of age. If a board does | 16561 |
not make an election for a school year in accordance with this | 16562 |
division, the board shall be deemed to have elected to participate | 16563 |
during that school year in the provision of or contracting for | 16564 |
educational services for children ages six through twenty-one | 16565 |
years of age. | 16566 |
(F) If a county board of developmental disabilities elects to | 16567 |
provide educational services during a school year to individuals | 16568 |
six through twenty-one years of age who have multiple | 16569 |
disabilities, the board may provide these services to individuals | 16570 |
who are appropriately identified and determined eligible pursuant | 16571 |
to Chapter 3323. of the Revised Code, and in accordance with | 16572 |
applicable rules of the state board of education. The county board | 16573 |
may also provide related services to individuals six through | 16574 |
twenty-one years of age who have one or more disabling conditions, | 16575 |
in accordance with section 3317.20 and Chapter 3323. of the | 16576 |
Revised Code and applicable rules of the state board of education. | 16577 |
Sec. 5126.041. (A) As used in this section: | 16578 |
(1) "Preschool child with a disability" has the same meaning | 16579 |
as in section 3323.01 of the Revised Code. | 16580 |
(2) "State institution" means all or part of an institution | 16581 |
under the control of the department of developmental disabilities | 16582 |
pursuant to section 5123.03 of the Revised Code and maintained for | 16583 |
the care, treatment, and training of | 16584 |
with developmental disabilities that are intellectual | 16585 |
disabilities. | 16586 |
(B) Except as provided in division (C) of this section, each | 16587 |
county board of developmental disabilities shall make eligibility | 16588 |
determinations in accordance with the definition of "developmental | 16589 |
disability" in section 5126.01 of the Revised Code. Pursuant to | 16590 |
rules adopted under section 5123.012 of the Revised Code, a county | 16591 |
board may establish eligibility for programs and services for any | 16592 |
preschool child with a disability eligible for services under | 16593 |
section 3323.02 of the Revised Code whose disability is not | 16594 |
attributable solely to mental illness as defined in section | 16595 |
5122.01 of the Revised Code. | 16596 |
(C)(1) A county board shall make determinations of | 16597 |
eligibility for service and support administration in accordance | 16598 |
with rules adopted under section 5126.08 of the Revised Code. | 16599 |
(2) All persons who were eligible for services and enrolled | 16600 |
in programs offered by a county board of developmental | 16601 |
disabilities pursuant to this chapter on July 1, 1991, shall | 16602 |
continue to be eligible for those services and to be enrolled in | 16603 |
those programs as long as they are in need of services. | 16604 |
(3) A person who resided in a state institution on or before | 16605 |
October 29, 1993, is eligible for programs and services offered by | 16606 |
a county board of developmental disabilities, unless the person is | 16607 |
determined by the county board not to be in need of those programs | 16608 |
and services. | 16609 |
(D) A county board shall refer a person who requests but is | 16610 |
not eligible for programs and services offered by the board to | 16611 |
other entities of state and local government or appropriate | 16612 |
private entities that provide services. | 16613 |
(E) Membership of a person on, or employment of a person by, | 16614 |
a county board of developmental disabilities does not affect the | 16615 |
eligibility of any member of that person's family for services | 16616 |
provided by the board or by any entity under contract with the | 16617 |
board. | 16618 |
Sec. 5126.042. (A) As used in this section, "emergency | 16619 |
status" means a status that an individual with | 16620 |
16621 | |
of substantial self-harm or substantial harm to others if action | 16622 |
is not taken within thirty days. An "emergency status" may include | 16623 |
a status resulting from one or more of the following situations: | 16624 |
(1) Loss of present residence for any reason, including legal | 16625 |
action; | 16626 |
(2) Loss of present caretaker for any reason, including | 16627 |
serious illness of the caretaker, change in the caretaker's | 16628 |
status, or inability of the caretaker to perform effectively for | 16629 |
the individual; | 16630 |
(3) Abuse, neglect, or exploitation of the individual; | 16631 |
(4) Health and safety conditions that pose a serious risk to | 16632 |
the individual or others of immediate harm or death; | 16633 |
(5) Change in the emotional or physical condition of the | 16634 |
individual that necessitates substantial accommodation that cannot | 16635 |
be reasonably provided by the individual's existing caretaker. | 16636 |
(B) If a county board of developmental disabilities | 16637 |
determines that available resources are not sufficient to meet the | 16638 |
needs of all individuals who request non-medicaid programs or | 16639 |
services, it shall establish one or more waiting lists for the | 16640 |
non-medicaid programs or services in accordance with its plan | 16641 |
developed under section 5126.04 of the Revised Code. The board may | 16642 |
establish priorities for making placements on its waiting lists | 16643 |
established under this division. Any such priorities shall be | 16644 |
consistent with the board's plan and applicable law. | 16645 |
(C) If a county board | 16646 |
are insufficient to meet the needs of all individuals who request | 16647 |
home and community-based services, it shall establish a waiting | 16648 |
list for the services. An individual's date of placement on the | 16649 |
waiting list shall be the date a request is made to the board for | 16650 |
the individual to receive the home and community-based services. | 16651 |
The board shall provide for an individual who has an emergency | 16652 |
status to receive priority status on the waiting list. The board | 16653 |
shall also provide for an individual to whom any of the following | 16654 |
apply to receive priority status on the waiting list in accordance | 16655 |
with rules adopted under division (E) of this section: | 16656 |
(1) The individual is receiving supported living, family | 16657 |
support services, or adult services for which no federal financial | 16658 |
participation is received under the medicaid program; | 16659 |
(2) The individual's primary caregiver is at least sixty | 16660 |
years of age; | 16661 |
(3) The individual has intensive needs as determined in | 16662 |
accordance with rules adopted under division (E) of this section. | 16663 |
(D) If two or more individuals on a waiting list established | 16664 |
under division (C) of this section for home and community-based | 16665 |
services have priority for the services pursuant to division | 16666 |
(C)(1), (2), or (3) of this section, a county board shall use | 16667 |
criteria specified in rules adopted under division (E) of this | 16668 |
section in determining the order in which the individuals with | 16669 |
priority will be offered the services. An individual who has | 16670 |
priority for home and community-based services because the | 16671 |
individual has an emergency status has priority for the services | 16672 |
over all other individuals on the waiting list who do not have | 16673 |
emergency status. | 16674 |
(E) The department of developmental disabilities shall adopt | 16675 |
rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code | 16676 |
governing waiting lists established under division (C) of this | 16677 |
section. The rules shall include procedures to be followed to | 16678 |
ensure that the due process rights of individuals placed on | 16679 |
waiting lists are not violated. As part of the rules adopted under | 16680 |
this division, the department shall adopt rules establishing | 16681 |
criteria a county board shall use under division (D) of this | 16682 |
section in determining the order in which individuals with | 16683 |
priority for home and community-based services pursuant to | 16684 |
division (C)(1), (2), or (3) of this section will be offered the | 16685 |
services. | 16686 |
(F) The following shall take precedence over the applicable | 16687 |
provisions of this section: | 16688 |
(1) Medicaid rules and regulations; | 16689 |
(2) Any specific requirements that may be contained within a | 16690 |
medicaid state plan amendment or waiver program that a county | 16691 |
board has authority to administer or with respect to which it has | 16692 |
authority to provide services, programs, or supports. | 16693 |
Sec. 5126.043. (A) Unless a guardian has been appointed for | 16694 |
the individual, when a decision regarding receipt of a service or | 16695 |
participation in a program provided for or funded under this | 16696 |
chapter or Chapter 5123. or 5124. of the Revised Code by an | 16697 |
individual with | 16698 |
disability must be made, the individual shall be permitted to make | 16699 |
the decision. The individual may obtain support and guidance from | 16700 |
an adult family member or other person, but doing so does not | 16701 |
affect the right of the individual to make the decision. | 16702 |
(B) An individual with | 16703 |
developmental disability may authorize an adult to make a decision | 16704 |
described in division (A) of this section on the individual's | 16705 |
behalf, as long as the adult does not have a financial interest in | 16706 |
the decision. The authorization shall be made in writing. | 16707 |
(C) If a guardian has been appointed for an individual with | 16708 |
16709 | |
guardian shall make any decision described in division (A) of this | 16710 |
section on behalf of the individual. This section does not require | 16711 |
appointment of a guardian. | 16712 |
(D) Individuals with | 16713 |
developmental disabilities, including those who have been | 16714 |
adjudicated incompetent pursuant to Chapter 2111. of the Revised | 16715 |
Code, have the right to participate in decisions that affect their | 16716 |
lives and to have their needs, desires, and preferences | 16717 |
considered. An adult or guardian who makes a decision pursuant to | 16718 |
division (B) or (C) of this section shall make a decision that is | 16719 |
in the best interests of the individual on whose behalf the | 16720 |
decision is made and that is consistent with the needs, desires, | 16721 |
and preferences of that individual. | 16722 |
Sec. 5126.046. (A) Except as otherwise provided by 42 C.F.R. | 16723 |
431.51, an individual with | 16724 |
developmental disability who is eligible for home and | 16725 |
community-based services has the right to obtain the services from | 16726 |
any provider of the services that is qualified to furnish the | 16727 |
services and is willing to furnish the services to the individual. | 16728 |
A county board of developmental disabilities that has medicaid | 16729 |
local administrative authority under division (A) of section | 16730 |
5126.055 of the Revised Code for home and community-based services | 16731 |
and refuses to permit an individual to obtain home and | 16732 |
community-based services from a qualified and willing provider | 16733 |
shall provide the individual timely notice that the individual may | 16734 |
appeal under section 5160.31 of the Revised Code. | 16735 |
(B) An individual with | 16736 |
developmental disability who is eligible for nonmedicaid | 16737 |
residential services or nonmedicaid supported living has the right | 16738 |
to obtain the services from any provider of the residential | 16739 |
services or supported living that is qualified to furnish the | 16740 |
residential services or supported living and is willing to furnish | 16741 |
the residential services or supported living to the individual. | 16742 |
(C) The department of developmental disabilities shall make | 16743 |
available to the public on its internet web site an up-to-date | 16744 |
list of all providers of home and community-based services, | 16745 |
nonmedicaid residential services, and nonmedicaid supported | 16746 |
living. County boards shall assist individuals with | 16747 |
16748 | |
of such individuals access the list on the department's internet | 16749 |
web site. | 16750 |
(D) The director of developmental disabilities shall adopt | 16751 |
rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code | 16752 |
governing the implementation of this section. The rules shall | 16753 |
include procedures for individuals to choose their providers. | 16754 |
Sec. 5126.05. (A) Subject to the rules established by the | 16755 |
director of developmental disabilities pursuant to Chapter 119. of | 16756 |
the Revised Code for programs and services offered pursuant to | 16757 |
this chapter, and subject to the rules established by the state | 16758 |
board of education pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code | 16759 |
for programs and services offered pursuant to Chapter 3323. of the | 16760 |
Revised Code, the county board of developmental disabilities | 16761 |
shall: | 16762 |
(1) Administer and operate facilities, programs, and services | 16763 |
as provided by this chapter and Chapter 3323. of the Revised Code | 16764 |
and establish policies for their administration and operation; | 16765 |
(2) Coordinate, monitor, and evaluate existing services and | 16766 |
facilities available to individuals with | 16767 |
developmental disabilities; | 16768 |
(3) Provide early childhood services, supportive home | 16769 |
services, and adult services, according to the plan and priorities | 16770 |
developed under section 5126.04 of the Revised Code; | 16771 |
(4) Provide or contract for special education services | 16772 |
pursuant to Chapters 3317. and 3323. of the Revised Code and | 16773 |
ensure that related services, as defined in section 3323.01 of the | 16774 |
Revised Code, are available according to the plan and priorities | 16775 |
developed under section 5126.04 of the Revised Code; | 16776 |
(5) Adopt a budget, authorize expenditures for the purposes | 16777 |
specified in this chapter and do so in accordance with section | 16778 |
319.16 of the Revised Code, approve attendance of board members | 16779 |
and employees at professional meetings and approve expenditures | 16780 |
for attendance, and exercise such powers and duties as are | 16781 |
prescribed by the director; | 16782 |
(6) Submit annual reports of its work and expenditures, | 16783 |
pursuant to sections 3323.09 and 5126.12 of the Revised Code, to | 16784 |
the director, the superintendent of public instruction, and the | 16785 |
board of county commissioners at the close of the fiscal year and | 16786 |
at such other times as may reasonably be requested; | 16787 |
(7) Authorize all positions of employment, establish | 16788 |
compensation, including but not limited to salary schedules and | 16789 |
fringe benefits for all board employees, approve contracts of | 16790 |
employment for management employees that are for a term of more | 16791 |
than one year, employ legal counsel under section 309.10 of the | 16792 |
Revised Code, and contract for employee benefits; | 16793 |
(8) Provide service and support administration in accordance | 16794 |
with section 5126.15 of the Revised Code; | 16795 |
(9) Certify respite care homes pursuant to rules adopted | 16796 |
under section 5123.171 of the Revised Code by the director of | 16797 |
developmental disabilities; | 16798 |
(10) Implement an employment first policy that clearly | 16799 |
identifies community employment as the desired outcome for every | 16800 |
individual of working age who receives services from the board; | 16801 |
(11) Set benchmarks for improving community employment | 16802 |
outcomes. | 16803 |
(B) To the extent that rules adopted under this section apply | 16804 |
to the identification and placement of children with disabilities | 16805 |
under Chapter 3323. of the Revised Code, they shall be consistent | 16806 |
with the standards and procedures established under sections | 16807 |
3323.03 to 3323.05 of the Revised Code. | 16808 |
(C) Any county board may enter into contracts with other such | 16809 |
boards and with public or private, nonprofit, or profit-making | 16810 |
agencies or organizations of the same or another county, to | 16811 |
provide the facilities, programs, and services authorized or | 16812 |
required, upon such terms as may be agreeable, and in accordance | 16813 |
with this chapter and Chapter 3323. of the Revised Code and rules | 16814 |
adopted thereunder and in accordance with sections 307.86 and | 16815 |
5126.071 of the Revised Code. | 16816 |
(D) A county board may combine transportation for children | 16817 |
and adults enrolled in programs and services offered under Chapter | 16818 |
5126. of the Revised Code with transportation for children | 16819 |
enrolled in classes funded under sections 3317.0213 and 3317.20 of | 16820 |
the Revised Code. | 16821 |
(E) A county board may purchase all necessary insurance | 16822 |
policies, may purchase equipment and supplies through the | 16823 |
department of administrative services or from other sources, and | 16824 |
may enter into agreements with public agencies or nonprofit | 16825 |
organizations for cooperative purchasing arrangements. | 16826 |
(F) A county board may receive by gift, grant, devise, or | 16827 |
bequest any moneys, lands, or property for the benefit of the | 16828 |
purposes for which the board is established and hold, apply, and | 16829 |
dispose of the moneys, lands, and property according to the terms | 16830 |
of the gift, grant, devise, or bequest. All money received by | 16831 |
gift, grant, bequest, or disposition of lands or property received | 16832 |
by gift, grant, devise, or bequest shall be deposited in the | 16833 |
county treasury to the credit of such board and shall be available | 16834 |
for use by the board for purposes determined or stated by the | 16835 |
donor or grantor, but may not be used for personal expenses of the | 16836 |
board members. Any interest or earnings accruing from such gift, | 16837 |
grant, devise, or bequest shall be treated in the same manner and | 16838 |
subject to the same provisions as such gift, grant, devise, or | 16839 |
bequest. | 16840 |
(G) The board of county commissioners shall levy taxes and | 16841 |
make appropriations sufficient to enable the county board of | 16842 |
developmental disabilities to perform its functions and duties, | 16843 |
and may utilize any available local, state, and federal funds for | 16844 |
such purpose. | 16845 |
Sec. 5126.051. (A) To the extent that resources are | 16846 |
available, a county board of developmental disabilities shall | 16847 |
provide for or arrange residential services and supported living | 16848 |
for individuals with | 16849 |
disabilities. | 16850 |
A county board may acquire, convey, lease, or sell property | 16851 |
for residential services and supported living and enter into loan | 16852 |
agreements, including mortgages, for the acquisition of such | 16853 |
property. A county board is not required to comply with provisions | 16854 |
of Chapter 307. of the Revised Code providing for competitive | 16855 |
bidding or sheriff sales in the acquisition, lease, conveyance, or | 16856 |
sale of property under this division, but the acquisition, lease, | 16857 |
conveyance, or sale must be at fair market value determined by | 16858 |
appraisal of one or more disinterested persons appointed by the | 16859 |
board. | 16860 |
Any action taken by a county board under this division that | 16861 |
will incur debt on the part of the county shall be taken in | 16862 |
accordance with Chapter 133. of the Revised Code. A county board | 16863 |
shall not incur any debt on the part of the county without the | 16864 |
prior approval of the board of county commissioners. | 16865 |
(B)(1) To the extent that resources are available, a county | 16866 |
board shall provide or arrange for the provision of adult services | 16867 |
to individuals who are age eighteen and older and not enrolled in | 16868 |
a program or service under Chapter 3323. of the Revised Code or | 16869 |
age sixteen or seventeen and eligible for adult services under | 16870 |
rules adopted by the director of developmental disabilities under | 16871 |
Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. These services shall be provided | 16872 |
in accordance with the individual's individual service plan and | 16873 |
shall include support services specified in the plan. | 16874 |
(2) Any prevocational services shall be provided in | 16875 |
accordance with the individual's individual service plan and occur | 16876 |
over a specified period of time with specific outcomes sought to | 16877 |
be achieved. | 16878 |
(3) A county board may, in cooperation with the opportunities | 16879 |
for Ohioans with disabilities agency, seek federal funds for job | 16880 |
training or other services directed at helping individuals obtain | 16881 |
community employment. | 16882 |
(4) A county board may contract with any agency, board, or | 16883 |
other entity that is accredited by the commission on accreditation | 16884 |
of rehabilitation facilities to provide services. A county board | 16885 |
that is accredited by the commission on accreditation of | 16886 |
rehabilitation facilities may provide services for which it is | 16887 |
certified by the commission. | 16888 |
(C) To the extent that resources are available, a county | 16889 |
board may provide services to an individual with | 16890 |
16891 | |
those provided pursuant to this section, section 5126.05 of the | 16892 |
Revised Code, or any other section of this chapter. The services | 16893 |
shall be provided in accordance with the individual's individual | 16894 |
service plan and may be provided in collaboration with other | 16895 |
entities of state or local government. | 16896 |
Sec. 5126.054. (A) Each county board of developmental | 16897 |
disabilities shall, by resolution, develop a three-calendar year | 16898 |
plan that includes the following three components: | 16899 |
(1) An assessment component that includes all of the | 16900 |
following: | 16901 |
(a) The number of individuals with | 16902 |
16903 | |
who need the level of care provided by an ICF/IID, may seek home | 16904 |
and community-based services, and are given priority on a waiting | 16905 |
list established for the services pursuant to section 5126.042 of | 16906 |
the Revised Code; the service needs of those individuals; and the | 16907 |
projected annualized cost for services; | 16908 |
(b) The source of funds available to the county board to pay | 16909 |
the nonfederal share of medicaid expenditures that the county | 16910 |
board is required by sections 5126.059 and 5126.0510 of the | 16911 |
Revised Code to pay; | 16912 |
(c) Any other applicable information or conditions that the | 16913 |
department of developmental disabilities requires as a condition | 16914 |
of approving the component under section 5123.046 of the Revised | 16915 |
Code. | 16916 |
(2) A preliminary implementation component that specifies the | 16917 |
number of individuals to be provided, during the first year that | 16918 |
the plan is in effect, home and community-based services pursuant | 16919 |
to the waiting list priority given to them under section 5126.042 | 16920 |
of the Revised Code and the types of home and community-based | 16921 |
services the individuals are to receive; | 16922 |
(3) A component that provides for the implementation of | 16923 |
medicaid case management services and home and community-based | 16924 |
services for individuals who begin to receive the services on or | 16925 |
after the date the plan is approved under section 5123.046 of the | 16926 |
Revised Code. A county board shall include all of the following in | 16927 |
the component: | 16928 |
(a) If the department of developmental disabilities or | 16929 |
department of medicaid requires, an agreement to pay the | 16930 |
nonfederal share of medicaid expenditures that the county board is | 16931 |
required by sections 5126.059 and 5126.0510 of the Revised Code to | 16932 |
pay; | 16933 |
(b) How the services are to be phased in over the period the | 16934 |
plan covers, including how the county board will serve individuals | 16935 |
who have priority on a waiting list established under section | 16936 |
5126.042 of the Revised Code; | 16937 |
(c) Any agreement or commitment regarding the county board's | 16938 |
funding of home and community-based services that the county board | 16939 |
has with the department at the time the county board develops the | 16940 |
component; | 16941 |
(d) Assurances adequate to the department that the county | 16942 |
board will comply with all of the following requirements: | 16943 |
(i) To provide the types of home and community-based services | 16944 |
specified in the preliminary implementation component required by | 16945 |
division (A)(2) of this section to at least the number of | 16946 |
individuals specified in that component; | 16947 |
(ii) To use any additional funds the county board receives | 16948 |
for the services to improve the county board's resource | 16949 |
capabilities for supporting such services available in the county | 16950 |
at the time the component is developed and to expand the services | 16951 |
to accommodate the unmet need for those services in the county; | 16952 |
(iii) To employ or contract with a business manager or enter | 16953 |
into an agreement with another county board of developmental | 16954 |
disabilities that employs or contracts with a business manager to | 16955 |
have the business manager serve both county boards. No | 16956 |
superintendent of a county board may serve as the county board's | 16957 |
business manager. | 16958 |
(iv) To employ or contract with a medicaid services manager | 16959 |
or enter into an agreement with another county board of | 16960 |
developmental disabilities that employs or contracts with a | 16961 |
medicaid services manager to have the medicaid services manager | 16962 |
serve both county boards. No superintendent of a county board may | 16963 |
serve as the county board's medicaid services manager. | 16964 |
(e) Programmatic and financial accountability measures and | 16965 |
projected outcomes expected from the implementation of the plan; | 16966 |
(f) Any other applicable information or conditions that the | 16967 |
department requires as a condition of approving the component | 16968 |
under section 5123.046 of the Revised Code. | 16969 |
(B) A county board whose plan developed under division (A) of | 16970 |
this section is approved by the department under section 5123.046 | 16971 |
of the Revised Code shall update and renew the plan in accordance | 16972 |
with a schedule the department shall develop. | 16973 |
Sec. 5126.055. (A) Except as provided in section 5126.056 of | 16974 |
the Revised Code, a county board of developmental disabilities has | 16975 |
medicaid local administrative authority to, and shall, do all of | 16976 |
the following for an individual with | 16977 |
developmental disability who resides in the county that the county | 16978 |
board serves and seeks or receives home and community-based | 16979 |
services: | 16980 |
(1) Perform assessments and evaluations of the individual. As | 16981 |
part of the assessment and evaluation process, the county board | 16982 |
shall do all of the following: | 16983 |
(a) Make a recommendation to the department of developmental | 16984 |
disabilities on whether the department should approve or deny the | 16985 |
individual's application for the services, including on the basis | 16986 |
of whether the individual needs the level of care an ICF/IID | 16987 |
provides; | 16988 |
(b) If the individual's application is denied because of the | 16989 |
county board's recommendation and the individual appeals pursuant | 16990 |
to section 5160.31 of the Revised Code, present, with the | 16991 |
department of developmental disabilities or department of | 16992 |
medicaid, whichever denies the application, the reasons for the | 16993 |
recommendation and denial at the hearing; | 16994 |
(c) If the individual's application is approved, recommend to | 16995 |
the departments of developmental disabilities and medicaid the | 16996 |
services that should be included in the individual's | 16997 |
individualized service plan and, if either department approves, | 16998 |
reduces, denies, or terminates a service included in the | 16999 |
individual's individualized service plan under section 5166.20 of | 17000 |
the Revised Code because of the county board's recommendation, | 17001 |
present, with the department that made the approval, reduction, | 17002 |
denial, or termination, the reasons for the recommendation and | 17003 |
approval, reduction, denial, or termination at a hearing held | 17004 |
pursuant to an appeal made under section 5160.31 of the Revised | 17005 |
Code. | 17006 |
(2) Perform any duties assigned to the county board in rules | 17007 |
adopted under section 5126.046 of the Revised Code regarding the | 17008 |
individual's right to choose a qualified and willing provider of | 17009 |
the services and, at a hearing held pursuant to an appeal made | 17010 |
under section 5160.31 of the Revised Code, present evidence of the | 17011 |
process for appropriate assistance in choosing providers; | 17012 |
(3) If the county board is certified under section 5123.161 | 17013 |
of the Revised Code to provide the services and agrees to provide | 17014 |
the services to the individual and the individual chooses the | 17015 |
county board to provide the services, furnish, in accordance with | 17016 |
the county board's medicaid provider agreement and for the | 17017 |
authorized reimbursement rate, the services the individual | 17018 |
requires; | 17019 |
(4) Monitor the services provided to the individual and | 17020 |
ensure the individual's health, safety, and welfare. The | 17021 |
monitoring shall include quality assurance activities. If the | 17022 |
county board provides the services, the department of | 17023 |
developmental disabilities shall also monitor the services. | 17024 |
(5) Develop, with the individual and the provider of the | 17025 |
individual's services, an effective individualized service plan | 17026 |
that includes coordination of services, recommend that the | 17027 |
departments of developmental disabilities and medicaid approve the | 17028 |
plan, and implement the plan unless either department disapproves | 17029 |
it. The individualized service plan shall include a summary page, | 17030 |
agreed to by the county board, provider, and individual receiving | 17031 |
services, that clearly outlines the amount, duration, and scope of | 17032 |
services to be provided under the plan. | 17033 |
(6) Have an investigative agent conduct investigations under | 17034 |
section 5126.313 of the Revised Code that concern the individual; | 17035 |
(7) Have a service and support administrator perform the | 17036 |
duties under division (B)(9) of section 5126.15 of the Revised | 17037 |
Code that concern the individual. | 17038 |
(B) A county board shall perform its medicaid local | 17039 |
administrative authority under this section in accordance with all | 17040 |
of the following: | 17041 |
(1) The county board's plan that the department of | 17042 |
developmental disabilities approves under section 5123.046 of the | 17043 |
Revised Code; | 17044 |
(2) All applicable federal and state laws; | 17045 |
(3) All applicable policies of the departments of | 17046 |
developmental disabilities and medicaid and the United States | 17047 |
department of health and human services; | 17048 |
(4) The department of medicaid's supervision under its | 17049 |
authority as the single state medicaid agency; | 17050 |
(5) The department of developmental disabilities' oversight. | 17051 |
(C) The departments of developmental disabilities and | 17052 |
medicaid shall communicate with and provide training to county | 17053 |
boards regarding medicaid local administrative authority granted | 17054 |
by this section. The communication and training shall include | 17055 |
issues regarding audit protocols and other standards established | 17056 |
by the United States department of health and human services that | 17057 |
the departments determine appropriate for communication and | 17058 |
training. County boards shall participate in the training. The | 17059 |
departments shall assess the county board's compliance against | 17060 |
uniform standards that the departments shall establish. | 17061 |
(D) A county board may not delegate its medicaid local | 17062 |
administrative authority granted under this section but may | 17063 |
contract with a person or government entity, including a council | 17064 |
of governments, for assistance with its medicaid local | 17065 |
administrative authority. A county board that enters into such a | 17066 |
contract shall notify the director of developmental disabilities. | 17067 |
The notice shall include the tasks and responsibilities that the | 17068 |
contract gives to the person or government entity. The person or | 17069 |
government entity shall comply in full with all requirements to | 17070 |
which the county board is subject regarding the person or | 17071 |
government entity's tasks and responsibilities under the contract. | 17072 |
The county board remains ultimately responsible for the tasks and | 17073 |
responsibilities. | 17074 |
(E) A county board that has medicaid local administrative | 17075 |
authority under this section shall, through the departments of | 17076 |
developmental disabilities and medicaid, reply to, and cooperate | 17077 |
in arranging compliance with, a program or fiscal audit or program | 17078 |
violation exception that a state or federal audit or review | 17079 |
discovers. The department of medicaid shall timely notify the | 17080 |
department of developmental disabilities and the county board of | 17081 |
any adverse findings. After receiving the notice, the county | 17082 |
board, in conjunction with the department of developmental | 17083 |
disabilities, shall cooperate fully with the department of | 17084 |
medicaid and timely prepare and send to the department a written | 17085 |
plan of correction or response to the adverse findings. The county | 17086 |
board is liable for any adverse findings that result from an | 17087 |
action it takes or fails to take in its implementation of medicaid | 17088 |
local administrative authority. | 17089 |
(F) If the department of developmental disabilities or | 17090 |
department of medicaid determines that a county board's | 17091 |
implementation of its medicaid local administrative authority | 17092 |
under this section is deficient, the department that makes the | 17093 |
determination shall require that county board do the following: | 17094 |
(1) If the deficiency affects the health, safety, or welfare | 17095 |
of an individual with | 17096 |
disability, correct the deficiency within twenty-four hours; | 17097 |
(2) If the deficiency does not affect the health, safety, or | 17098 |
welfare of an individual with | 17099 |
developmental disability, receive technical assistance from the | 17100 |
department or submit a plan of correction to the department that | 17101 |
is acceptable to the department within sixty days and correct the | 17102 |
deficiency within the time required by the plan of correction. | 17103 |
Sec. 5126.058. (A) Each county board of developmental | 17104 |
disabilities shall prepare a memorandum of understanding that is | 17105 |
developed by all of the following and that is signed by the | 17106 |
persons identified in divisions (A)(2) to (7) of this section: | 17107 |
(1) The senior probate judge of the county or the senior | 17108 |
probate judge's representative; | 17109 |
(2) The county peace officer; | 17110 |
(3) All chief municipal peace officers within the county; | 17111 |
(4) Other law enforcement officers handling abuse, neglect, | 17112 |
and exploitation of | 17113 |
persons with developmental disabilities in the county; | 17114 |
(5) The prosecuting attorney of the county; | 17115 |
(6) The public children services agency; | 17116 |
(7) The coroner of the county. | 17117 |
(B) A memorandum of understanding shall set forth the normal | 17118 |
operating procedure to be employed by all concerned officials in | 17119 |
the execution of their respective responsibilities under this | 17120 |
section and sections 313.12, 2151.421, 2903.16, 5126.31, and | 17121 |
5126.33 of the Revised Code and shall have as its primary goal the | 17122 |
elimination of all unnecessary interviews of persons who are the | 17123 |
subject of reports made pursuant to this section. A failure to | 17124 |
follow the procedure set forth in the memorandum by the concerned | 17125 |
officials is not grounds for, and shall not result in, the | 17126 |
dismissal of any charge or complaint arising from any reported | 17127 |
case of abuse, neglect, or exploitation or the suppression of any | 17128 |
evidence obtained as a result of any reported abuse, neglect, or | 17129 |
exploitation and does not give any rights or grounds for appeal or | 17130 |
post-conviction relief to any person. | 17131 |
(C) A memorandum of understanding shall include, but is not | 17132 |
limited to, all of the following: | 17133 |
(1) The roles and responsibilities for handling emergency and | 17134 |
nonemergency cases of abuse, neglect, or exploitation; | 17135 |
(2) The roles and responsibilities for handling and | 17136 |
coordinating investigations of reported cases of abuse, neglect, | 17137 |
or exploitation and methods to be used in interviewing the person | 17138 |
who is the subject of the report and who allegedly was abused, | 17139 |
neglected, or exploited; | 17140 |
(3) The roles and responsibilities for addressing the | 17141 |
categories of persons who may interview the person who is the | 17142 |
subject of the report and who allegedly was abused, neglected, or | 17143 |
exploited; | 17144 |
(4) The roles and responsibilities for providing victim | 17145 |
services to | 17146 |
with developmental disabilities pursuant to Chapter 2930. of the | 17147 |
Revised Code; | 17148 |
(5) The roles and responsibilities for the filing of criminal | 17149 |
charges against persons alleged to have abused, neglected, or | 17150 |
exploited | 17151 |
with developmental disabilities. | 17152 |
(D) A memorandum of understanding may be signed by victim | 17153 |
advocates, municipal court judges, municipal prosecutors, and any | 17154 |
other person whose participation furthers the goals of a | 17155 |
memorandum of understanding, as set forth in this section. | 17156 |
Sec. 5126.059. A county board of developmental disabilities | 17157 |
shall pay the nonfederal share of medicaid expenditures for | 17158 |
medicaid case management services the county board provides to an | 17159 |
individual with | 17160 |
disability who the county board determines under section 5126.041 | 17161 |
of the Revised Code is eligible for county board services. | 17162 |
Sec. 5126.0510. (A) Except as otherwise provided in an | 17163 |
agreement entered into under section 5123.048 of the Revised Code | 17164 |
and subject to divisions (B), (C), and (D) of this section, a | 17165 |
county board of developmental disabilities shall pay the | 17166 |
nonfederal share of medicaid expenditures for the following home | 17167 |
and community-based services provided to an individual with | 17168 |
17169 | |
board determines under section 5126.041 of the Revised Code is | 17170 |
eligible for county board services: | 17171 |
(1) Home and community-based services provided by the county | 17172 |
board to such an individual; | 17173 |
(2) Home and community-based services provided by a provider | 17174 |
other than the county board to such an individual who is enrolled | 17175 |
as of June 30, 2007, in the medicaid waiver component under which | 17176 |
the services are provided; | 17177 |
(3) Home and community-based services provided by a provider | 17178 |
other than the county board to such an individual who, pursuant to | 17179 |
a request the county board makes, enrolls in the medicaid waiver | 17180 |
component under which the services are provided after June 30, | 17181 |
2007; | 17182 |
(4) Home and community-based services provided by a provider | 17183 |
other than the county board to such an individual for whom there | 17184 |
is in effect an agreement entered into under division (E) of this | 17185 |
section between the county board and director of developmental | 17186 |
disabilities. | 17187 |
(B) In the case of medicaid expenditures for home and | 17188 |
community-based services for which division (A)(2) of this section | 17189 |
requires a county board to pay the nonfederal share, the following | 17190 |
shall apply to such services provided during fiscal year 2008 | 17191 |
under the individual options medicaid waiver component: | 17192 |
(1) The county board shall pay no less than the total amount | 17193 |
the county board paid as the nonfederal share for home and | 17194 |
community-based services provided in fiscal year 2007 under the | 17195 |
individual options medicaid waiver component; | 17196 |
(2) The county board shall pay no more than the sum of the | 17197 |
following: | 17198 |
(a) The total amount the county board paid as the nonfederal | 17199 |
share for home and community-based services provided in fiscal | 17200 |
year 2007 under the individual options medicaid waiver component; | 17201 |
(b) An amount equal to one per cent of the total amount the | 17202 |
department of developmental disabilities and county board paid as | 17203 |
the nonfederal share for home and community-based services | 17204 |
provided in fiscal year 2007 under the individual options medicaid | 17205 |
waiver component to individuals the county board determined under | 17206 |
section 5126.041 of the Revised Code are eligible for county board | 17207 |
services. | 17208 |
(C) A county board is not required to pay the nonfederal | 17209 |
share of home and community-based services provided after June 30, | 17210 |
2008, that the county board is otherwise required by division | 17211 |
(A)(2) of this section to pay if the department of developmental | 17212 |
disabilities fails to comply with division (A) of section | 17213 |
5123.0416 of the Revised Code. | 17214 |
(D) A county board is not required to pay the nonfederal | 17215 |
share of home and community-based services that the county board | 17216 |
is otherwise required by division (A)(3) of this section to pay if | 17217 |
both of the following apply: | 17218 |
(1) The services are provided to an individual who enrolls in | 17219 |
the medicaid waiver component under which the services are | 17220 |
provided as the result of an order issued following a state | 17221 |
hearing, administrative appeal, or appeal to a court of common | 17222 |
pleas made under section 5101.35 of the Revised Code; | 17223 |
(2) There are more individuals who are eligible for services | 17224 |
from the county board enrolled in home and community-based | 17225 |
services than is required by section 5126.0512 of the Revised | 17226 |
Code. | 17227 |
(E) A county board may enter into an agreement with the | 17228 |
director of developmental disabilities under which the county | 17229 |
board agrees to pay the nonfederal share of medicaid expenditures | 17230 |
for one or more home and community-based services that the county | 17231 |
board is not otherwise required by division (A)(1), (2), or (3) of | 17232 |
this section to pay and that are provided to an individual the | 17233 |
county board determines under section 5126.041 of the Revised Code | 17234 |
is eligible for county board services. The agreement shall specify | 17235 |
which home and community-based services the agreement covers. The | 17236 |
county board shall pay the nonfederal share of medicaid | 17237 |
expenditures for the home and community-based services that the | 17238 |
agreement covers as long as the agreement is in effect. | 17239 |
Sec. 5126.08. (A) The director of developmental disabilities | 17240 |
shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised | 17241 |
Code for all programs and services offered by a county board of | 17242 |
developmental disabilities. Such rules shall include, but are not | 17243 |
limited to, the following: | 17244 |
(1) Determination of what constitutes a program or service; | 17245 |
(2) Standards to be followed by a board in administering, | 17246 |
providing, arranging, or operating programs and services; | 17247 |
(3) Standards for determining the nature and degree of | 17248 |
17249 | |
disability; | 17250 |
(4) Standards and procedures for making eligibility | 17251 |
determinations for the programs and services; | 17252 |
(5) Procedures for obtaining consent for the arrangement of | 17253 |
services under section 5126.31 of the Revised Code and for | 17254 |
obtaining signatures on individual service plans under that | 17255 |
section; | 17256 |
(6) Specification of the service and support administration | 17257 |
to be provided by a county board and standards for resolving | 17258 |
grievances in connection with service and support administration. | 17259 |
(B) The director shall be the final authority in determining | 17260 |
the nature and degree of | 17261 |
disability. | 17262 |
Sec. 5126.082. (A) In addition to the rules adopted under | 17263 |
division (A)(2) of section 5126.08 of the Revised Code | 17264 |
establishing standards to be followed by county boards of | 17265 |
developmental disabilities in administering, providing, arranging, | 17266 |
and operating programs and services and in addition to the board | 17267 |
accreditation system established under section 5126.081 of the | 17268 |
Revised Code, the director of developmental disabilities shall | 17269 |
adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code | 17270 |
establishing standards for promoting and advancing the quality of | 17271 |
life of individuals with | 17272 |
disabilities receiving any of the following: | 17273 |
(1) Early childhood services pursuant to section 5126.05 of | 17274 |
the Revised Code for children under age three; | 17275 |
(2) Adult services pursuant to section 5126.05 and division | 17276 |
(B) of section 5126.051 of the Revised Code for individuals age | 17277 |
sixteen or older; | 17278 |
(3) Family support services pursuant to section 5126.11 of | 17279 |
the Revised Code. | 17280 |
(B) The rules adopted under this section shall specify the | 17281 |
actions county boards of developmental disabilities and the | 17282 |
agencies with which they contract should take to do the following: | 17283 |
(1) Offer individuals with | 17284 |
developmental disabilities, and their families when appropriate, | 17285 |
choices in programs and services that are centered on the needs | 17286 |
and desires of those individuals; | 17287 |
(2) Maintain infants with their families whenever possible by | 17288 |
collaborating with other agencies that provide services to infants | 17289 |
and their families and taking other appropriate actions; | 17290 |
(3) Provide families that have children with | 17291 |
17292 | |
residing in their homes the resources necessary to allow the | 17293 |
children to remain in their homes; | 17294 |
(4) Create and implement community employment services based | 17295 |
on the needs and desires of adults with | 17296 |
developmental disabilities; | 17297 |
(5) Create, in collaboration with other agencies, | 17298 |
transportation systems that provide safe and accessible | 17299 |
transportation within the county to individuals with disabilities; | 17300 |
(6) Provide services that allow individuals with disabilities | 17301 |
to be integrated into the community by engaging in educational, | 17302 |
vocational, and recreational activities with individuals who do | 17303 |
not have disabilities; | 17304 |
(7) Provide age-appropriate retirement services for | 17305 |
individuals age sixty-five and older with | 17306 |
developmental disabilities; | 17307 |
(8) Establish residential services and supported living for | 17308 |
individuals with | 17309 |
in accordance with their needs. | 17310 |
(C) To assist in funding programs and services that meet the | 17311 |
standards established under this section, each county board of | 17312 |
developmental disabilities shall make a good faith effort to | 17313 |
acquire available federal funds, including reimbursements under | 17314 |
Title XIX of the "Social Security Act," 79 Stat. 286 (1965), 42 | 17315 |
U.S.C.A. 1396, as amended. | 17316 |
(D) Each county board of developmental disabilities shall | 17317 |
work toward full compliance with the standards established under | 17318 |
this section, based on its available resources. Funds received | 17319 |
under this chapter shall be used to comply with the standards. | 17320 |
Annually, each board shall conduct a self audit to evaluate the | 17321 |
board's progress in complying fully with the standards. | 17322 |
(E) The department shall complete a program quality review of | 17323 |
each county board of developmental disabilities to determine the | 17324 |
extent to which the board has complied with the standards. The | 17325 |
review shall be conducted in conjunction with the comprehensive | 17326 |
accreditation review of the board that is conducted under section | 17327 |
5126.081 of the Revised Code. | 17328 |
Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter or Chapter | 17329 |
5123. of the Revised Code requiring the department to distribute | 17330 |
funds to county boards of developmental disabilities, the | 17331 |
department may withhold funds from a board if it finds that the | 17332 |
board is not in substantial compliance with the standards | 17333 |
established under this section. | 17334 |
(F) When the standards for accreditation from the commission | 17335 |
on accreditation of rehabilitation facilities, or another | 17336 |
accrediting agency, meet or exceed the standards established under | 17337 |
this section, the director may accept accreditation from the | 17338 |
commission or other agency as evidence that the board is in | 17339 |
compliance with all or part of the standards established under | 17340 |
this section. Programs and services accredited by the commission | 17341 |
or agency are exempt from the program quality reviews required by | 17342 |
division (E) of this section. | 17343 |
Sec. 5126.11. (A) As used in this section, "respite care" | 17344 |
means appropriate, short-term, temporary care that is provided to | 17345 |
a | 17346 |
developmental disability to sustain the family structure or to | 17347 |
meet planned or emergency needs of the family. | 17348 |
(B) Subject to rules adopted by the director of developmental | 17349 |
disabilities, and subject to the availability of money from state | 17350 |
and federal sources, the county board of developmental | 17351 |
disabilities shall establish a family support services program. | 17352 |
Under such a program, the board shall make payments to an | 17353 |
individual with | 17354 |
disability or the family of an individual with | 17355 |
17356 | |
be supported in the family home. Payments shall be made for all or | 17357 |
part of costs incurred or estimated to be incurred for services | 17358 |
that would promote self-sufficiency and normalization, prevent or | 17359 |
reduce inappropriate institutional care, and further the unity of | 17360 |
the family by enabling the family to meet the special needs of the | 17361 |
individual and to live as much like other families as possible. | 17362 |
Payments may be made in the form of reimbursement for expenditures | 17363 |
or in the form of vouchers to be used to purchase services. | 17364 |
(C) Payment shall not be made under this section to an | 17365 |
individual or the individual's family if the individual is living | 17366 |
in a residential facility that is providing residential services | 17367 |
under contract with the department of developmental disabilities | 17368 |
or a county board. | 17369 |
(D) Payments may be made for the following services: | 17370 |
(1) Respite care, in or out of the home; | 17371 |
(2) Counseling, supervision, training, and education of the | 17372 |
individual, the individual's caregivers, and members of the | 17373 |
individual's family that aid the family in providing proper care | 17374 |
for the individual, provide for the special needs of the family, | 17375 |
and assist in all aspects of the individual's daily living; | 17376 |
(3) Special diets, purchase or lease of special equipment, or | 17377 |
modifications of the home, if such diets, equipment, or | 17378 |
modifications are necessary to improve or facilitate the care and | 17379 |
living environment of the individual; | 17380 |
(4) Providing support necessary for the individual's | 17381 |
continued skill development, including such services as | 17382 |
development of interventions to cope with unique problems that may | 17383 |
occur within the complexity of the family, enrollment of the | 17384 |
individual in special summer programs, provision of appropriate | 17385 |
leisure activities, and other social skills development | 17386 |
activities; | 17387 |
(5) Any other services that are consistent with the purposes | 17388 |
specified in division (B) of this section and specified in the | 17389 |
individual's service plan. | 17390 |
(E) In order to be eligible for payments under a family | 17391 |
support services program, the individual or the individual's | 17392 |
family must reside in the county served by the county board, and | 17393 |
the individual must be in need of habilitation. Payments shall be | 17394 |
adjusted for income in accordance with the payment schedule | 17395 |
established in rules adopted under this section. Payments shall be | 17396 |
made only after the county board has taken into account all other | 17397 |
available assistance for which the individual or family is | 17398 |
eligible. | 17399 |
(F) Before incurring expenses for a service for which payment | 17400 |
will be sought under a family support services program, the | 17401 |
individual or family shall apply to the county board for a | 17402 |
determination of eligibility and approval of the service. The | 17403 |
service need not be provided in the county served by the county | 17404 |
board. After being determined eligible and receiving approval for | 17405 |
the service, the individual or family may incur expenses for the | 17406 |
service or use the vouchers received from the county board for the | 17407 |
purchase of the service. | 17408 |
If the county board refuses to approve a service, an appeal | 17409 |
may be made in accordance with rules adopted by the department | 17410 |
under this section. | 17411 |
(G) To be reimbursed for expenses incurred for approved | 17412 |
services, the individual or family shall submit to the county | 17413 |
board a statement of the expenses incurred accompanied by any | 17414 |
evidence required by the board. To redeem vouchers used to | 17415 |
purchase approved services, the entity that provided the service | 17416 |
shall submit to the county board evidence that the service was | 17417 |
provided and a statement of the charges. The county board shall | 17418 |
make reimbursements and redeem vouchers no later than forty-five | 17419 |
days after it receives the statements and evidence required by | 17420 |
this division. | 17421 |
(H) A county board shall consider the following objectives in | 17422 |
carrying out a family support services program: | 17423 |
(1) Enabling individuals to return to their families from an | 17424 |
institution under the jurisdiction of the department of | 17425 |
developmental disabilities; | 17426 |
(2) Enabling individuals found to be subject to | 17427 |
institutionalization by court order under section 5123.76 of the | 17428 |
Revised Code to remain with their families with the aid of | 17429 |
payments provided under this section; | 17430 |
(3) Providing services to eligible children and adults | 17431 |
currently residing in the community; | 17432 |
(4) Providing services to individuals with developmental | 17433 |
disabilities who are not receiving other services from the board. | 17434 |
(I) The director shall adopt, and may amend and rescind, | 17435 |
rules for the implementation of family support services programs | 17436 |
by county boards. Such rules shall include the following: | 17437 |
(1) A payment schedule adjusted for income; | 17438 |
(2) Standards for supervision, training, and quality control | 17439 |
in the provision of respite care services; | 17440 |
(3) Eligibility standards and procedures for providing | 17441 |
temporary emergency respite care; | 17442 |
(4) Procedures for hearing and deciding appeals made under | 17443 |
division (F) of this section. | 17444 |
Rules adopted under division (I)(1) of this section shall be | 17445 |
adopted in accordance with section 111.15 of the Revised Code. | 17446 |
Rules adopted under divisions (I)(2) to (4) of this section shall | 17447 |
be adopted in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. | 17448 |
(J) All individuals certified by the superintendent of the | 17449 |
county board as eligible for temporary emergency respite care in | 17450 |
accordance with rules adopted under this section shall be | 17451 |
considered eligible for temporary emergency respite care for not | 17452 |
more than five days to permit the determination of eligibility for | 17453 |
family support services. The requirements of divisions (E) and (F) | 17454 |
of this section do not apply to temporary emergency respite care. | 17455 |
(K) The county board shall not be required to make payments | 17456 |
for family support services at a level that exceeds available | 17457 |
state and federal funds for such payments. | 17458 |
Sec. 5126.15. (A) A county board of developmental | 17459 |
disabilities shall provide service and support administration to | 17460 |
each individual three years of age or older who is eligible for | 17461 |
service and support administration if the individual requests, or | 17462 |
a person on the individual's behalf requests, service and support | 17463 |
administration. A board shall provide service and support | 17464 |
administration to each individual receiving home and | 17465 |
community-based services. A board may provide, in accordance with | 17466 |
the service coordination requirements of 34 C.F.R. 303.23, service | 17467 |
and support administration to an individual under three years of | 17468 |
age eligible for early intervention services under 34 C.F.R. part | 17469 |
303. A board may provide service and support administration to an | 17470 |
individual who is not eligible for other services of the board. | 17471 |
Service and support administration shall be provided in accordance | 17472 |
with rules adopted under section 5126.08 of the Revised Code. | 17473 |
A board may provide service and support administration by | 17474 |
directly employing service and support administrators or by | 17475 |
contracting with entities for the performance of service and | 17476 |
support administration. Individuals employed or under contract as | 17477 |
service and support administrators shall not be in the same | 17478 |
collective bargaining unit as employees who perform duties that | 17479 |
are not administrative. | 17480 |
Individuals employed by a board as service and support | 17481 |
administrators shall not be assigned responsibilities for | 17482 |
implementing other services for individuals and shall not be | 17483 |
employed by or serve in a decision-making or policy-making | 17484 |
capacity for any other entity that provides programs or services | 17485 |
to individuals with | 17486 |
disabilities. An individual employed as a conditional status | 17487 |
service and support administrator shall perform the duties of | 17488 |
service and support administration only under the supervision of a | 17489 |
management employee who is a service and support administration | 17490 |
supervisor. | 17491 |
(B) The individuals employed by or under contract with a | 17492 |
board to provide service and support administration shall do all | 17493 |
of the following: | 17494 |
(1) Establish an individual's eligibility for the services of | 17495 |
the county board of developmental disabilities; | 17496 |
(2) Assess individual needs for services; | 17497 |
(3) Develop individual service plans with the active | 17498 |
participation of the individual to be served, other persons | 17499 |
selected by the individual, and, when applicable, the provider | 17500 |
selected by the individual, and recommend the plans for approval | 17501 |
by the department of developmental disabilities when services | 17502 |
included in the plans are funded through medicaid; | 17503 |
(4) Establish budgets for services based on the individual's | 17504 |
assessed needs and preferred ways of meeting those needs; | 17505 |
(5) Assist individuals in making selections from among the | 17506 |
providers they have chosen; | 17507 |
(6) Ensure that services are effectively coordinated and | 17508 |
provided by appropriate providers; | 17509 |
(7) Establish and implement an ongoing system of monitoring | 17510 |
the implementation of individual service plans to achieve | 17511 |
consistent implementation and the desired outcomes for the | 17512 |
individual; | 17513 |
(8) Perform quality assurance reviews as a distinct function | 17514 |
of service and support administration; | 17515 |
(9) Incorporate the results of quality assurance reviews and | 17516 |
identified trends and patterns of unusual incidents and major | 17517 |
unusual incidents into amendments of an individual's service plan | 17518 |
for the purpose of improving and enhancing the quality and | 17519 |
appropriateness of services rendered to the individual. | 17520 |
Sec. 5126.22. (A) Employees who hold the following positions | 17521 |
in a county board of developmental disabilities are management | 17522 |
employees: | 17523 |
assistant superintendent | 17524 |
director of business | 17525 |
director of personnel | 17526 |
adult services director | 17527 |
workshop director | 17528 |
habilitation manager | 17529 |
director of residential services | 17530 |
principal (director of children services) | 17531 |
program or service supervisor | 17532 |
plant manager | 17533 |
production manager | 17534 |
service and support administration supervisor | 17535 |
investigative agent | 17536 |
confidential employees as defined in section 4117.01 of the | 17537 |
Revised Code | 17538 |
positions designated by the director of developmental | 17539 |
disabilities as having managerial or supervisory responsibilities | 17540 |
and duties | 17541 |
positions designated by the county board in accordance with | 17542 |
division (D) of this section. | 17543 |
(B) Employees who hold the following positions in a board are | 17544 |
professional employees: | 17545 |
personnel licensed or certified pursuant to Chapter 3319. of | 17546 |
the Revised Code | 17547 |
early intervention specialist | 17548 |
physical development specialist | 17549 |
habilitation specialist | 17550 |
work adjustment specialist | 17551 |
placement specialist | 17552 |
vocational evaluator | 17553 |
psychologist | 17554 |
occupational therapist | 17555 |
speech and language pathologist | 17556 |
recreation specialist | 17557 |
behavior management specialist | 17558 |
physical therapist | 17559 |
supportive home services specialist | 17560 |
licensed practical nurse or registered nurse | 17561 |
rehabilitation counselor | 17562 |
doctor of medicine and surgery or of osteopathic medicine and | 17563 |
surgery | 17564 |
dentist | 17565 |
service and support administrator | 17566 |
conditional status service and support administrator | 17567 |
social worker | 17568 |
any position that is not a management position and for which | 17569 |
the standards for certification established by the director of | 17570 |
developmental disabilities under section 5126.25 of the Revised | 17571 |
Code require a bachelor's or higher degree | 17572 |
professional positions designated by the director | 17573 |
professional positions designated by the county board in | 17574 |
accordance with division (D) of this section. | 17575 |
(C) Employees who hold positions in a board that are neither | 17576 |
management positions nor professional positions are service | 17577 |
employees. Service employee positions include: | 17578 |
workshop specialist | 17579 |
workshop specialist assistant | 17580 |
contract procurement specialist | 17581 |
community employment specialist | 17582 |
any assistant to a professional employee certified to | 17583 |
provide, or supervise the provision of, adult services or service | 17584 |
and support administration | 17585 |
service positions designated by the director | 17586 |
service positions designated by a county board in accordance | 17587 |
with division (D) of this section. | 17588 |
(D) A county board may designate a position only if the | 17589 |
position does not include directly providing, or supervising | 17590 |
employees who directly provide, service or instruction to | 17591 |
individuals with | 17592 |
(E) If a county board desires to have a position established | 17593 |
that is not specifically listed in this section that includes | 17594 |
directly providing, or supervising employees who directly provide, | 17595 |
services or instruction to individuals with | 17596 |
developmental disabilities, the board shall submit to the director | 17597 |
a written description of the position and request that the | 17598 |
director designate the position as a management, professional, or | 17599 |
service position under this section. The director shall consider | 17600 |
each request submitted under this division and respond within | 17601 |
thirty days. If the director approves the request, the director | 17602 |
shall designate the position as a management, professional, or | 17603 |
service position. | 17604 |
(F) A county board shall not terminate its employment of any | 17605 |
management, professional, or service employee solely because a | 17606 |
position is added to or eliminated from those positions listed in | 17607 |
this section or because a position is designated or no longer | 17608 |
designated by the director or a county board. | 17609 |
Sec. 5126.25. (A) The director of developmental disabilities | 17610 |
shall adopt rules under division (C) of this section establishing | 17611 |
uniform standards and procedures for the certification and | 17612 |
registration of persons, other than the persons described in | 17613 |
division (I) of this section, who are seeking employment with or | 17614 |
are employed by either of the following: | 17615 |
(1) A county board of developmental disabilities; | 17616 |
(2) An entity that contracts with a county board to operate | 17617 |
programs and services for individuals with | 17618 |
developmental disabilities. | 17619 |
(B) No person shall be employed in a position for which | 17620 |
certification or registration is required pursuant to the rules | 17621 |
adopted under this section without the certification or | 17622 |
registration that is required for that position. The person shall | 17623 |
not be employed or shall not continue to be employed if the | 17624 |
required certification or registration is denied, revoked, or not | 17625 |
renewed. | 17626 |
(C) The director shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter | 17627 |
119. of the Revised Code as the director considers necessary to | 17628 |
implement and administer this section, including rules | 17629 |
establishing all of the following: | 17630 |
(1) Positions of employment that are subject to this section | 17631 |
and, for each position, whether a person must receive | 17632 |
certification or receive registration to be employed in that | 17633 |
position; | 17634 |
(2) Requirements that must be met to receive the | 17635 |
certification or registration required to be employed in a | 17636 |
particular position, including standards regarding education, | 17637 |
specialized training, and experience, taking into account the | 17638 |
needs of individuals with | 17639 |
disabilities and the specialized techniques needed to serve them, | 17640 |
except that the rules shall not require a person designated as a | 17641 |
service employee under section 5126.22 of the Revised Code to have | 17642 |
or obtain a bachelor's or higher degree; | 17643 |
(3) Procedures to be followed in applying for initial | 17644 |
certification or registration and for renewing the certification | 17645 |
or registration. | 17646 |
(4) Requirements that must be met for renewal of | 17647 |
certification or registration, which may include continuing | 17648 |
education and professional training requirements; | 17649 |
(5) Subject to section 5126.23 of the Revised Code, grounds | 17650 |
for which certification or registration may be denied, suspended, | 17651 |
or revoked and procedures for appealing the denial, suspension, or | 17652 |
revocation. | 17653 |
(D) Each person seeking certification or registration for | 17654 |
employment shall apply in the manner established in rules adopted | 17655 |
under this section. | 17656 |
(E)(1) Except as provided in division (E)(2) of this section, | 17657 |
the superintendent of each county board is responsible for taking | 17658 |
all actions regarding certification and registration of employees, | 17659 |
other than the position of superintendent, early intervention | 17660 |
supervisor, early intervention specialist, or investigative agent. | 17661 |
For the position of superintendent, early intervention supervisor, | 17662 |
early intervention specialist, or investigative agent, the | 17663 |
director of developmental disabilities is responsible for taking | 17664 |
all such actions. | 17665 |
Actions that may be taken by the superintendent or director | 17666 |
include issuing, renewing, denying, suspending, and revoking | 17667 |
certification and registration. All actions shall be taken in | 17668 |
accordance with the rules adopted under this section. | 17669 |
The superintendent may charge a fee to persons applying for | 17670 |
certification or registration. The superintendent shall establish | 17671 |
the amount of the fee according to the costs the county board | 17672 |
incurs in administering its program for certification and | 17673 |
registration of employees. | 17674 |
A person subject to the denial, suspension, or revocation of | 17675 |
certification or registration may appeal the decision. The appeal | 17676 |
shall be made in accordance with the rules adopted under this | 17677 |
section. | 17678 |
(2) Pursuant to division (C) of section 5126.05 of the | 17679 |
Revised Code, the superintendent may enter into a contract with | 17680 |
any other entity under which the entity is given authority to | 17681 |
carry out all or part of the superintendent's responsibilities | 17682 |
under division (E)(1) of this section. | 17683 |
(F) A person with valid certification or registration under | 17684 |
this section on the effective date of any rules adopted under this | 17685 |
section that increase the standards applicable to the | 17686 |
certification or registration shall have such period as the rules | 17687 |
prescribe, but not less than one year after the effective date of | 17688 |
the rules, to meet the new certification or registration | 17689 |
standards. | 17690 |
(G) A person with valid certification or registration is | 17691 |
qualified to be employed according to that certification or | 17692 |
registration by any county board or entity contracting with a | 17693 |
county board. | 17694 |
(H) The director shall monitor county boards to ensure that | 17695 |
their employees and the employees of their contracting entities | 17696 |
have the applicable certification or registration required under | 17697 |
this section and that the employees are performing only those | 17698 |
functions they are authorized to perform under the certification | 17699 |
or registration. The superintendent of each county board or the | 17700 |
superintendent's designee shall maintain in appropriate personnel | 17701 |
files evidence acceptable to the director that the employees have | 17702 |
met the requirements. On request, representatives of the | 17703 |
department of developmental disabilities shall be given access to | 17704 |
the evidence. | 17705 |
(I) The certification and registration requirements of this | 17706 |
section and the rules adopted under it do not apply to either of | 17707 |
the following: | 17708 |
(1) A person who holds a valid license issued or certificate | 17709 |
issued under Chapter 3319. of the Revised Code and performs no | 17710 |
duties other than teaching or supervision of a teaching program; | 17711 |
(2) A person who holds a valid license or certificate issued | 17712 |
under Title XLVII of the Revised Code and performs only those | 17713 |
duties governed by the license or certificate. | 17714 |
Sec. 5126.30. As used in sections 5126.30 to 5126.34 of the | 17715 |
Revised Code: | 17716 |
(A) "Adult" means a person eighteen years of age or older | 17717 |
with | 17718 |
(B) "Caretaker" means a person who is responsible for the | 17719 |
care of an adult by order of a court, including an order of | 17720 |
guardianship, or who assumes the responsibility for the care of an | 17721 |
adult as a volunteer, as a family member, by contract, or by the | 17722 |
acceptance of payment for care. | 17723 |
(C) "Abuse" has the same meaning as in section 5123.50 of the | 17724 |
Revised Code, except that it includes a misappropriation, as | 17725 |
defined in that section. | 17726 |
(D) "Neglect" has the same meaning as in section 5123.50 of | 17727 |
the Revised Code. | 17728 |
(E) "Exploitation" means the unlawful or improper act of a | 17729 |
caretaker using an adult or an adult's resources for monetary or | 17730 |
personal benefit, profit, or gain, including misappropriation, as | 17731 |
defined in section 5123.50 of the Revised Code, of an adult's | 17732 |
resources. | 17733 |
(F) "Working day" means Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, | 17734 |
or Friday, except when that day is a holiday as defined in section | 17735 |
1.14 of the Revised Code. | 17736 |
(G) "Incapacitated" means lacking understanding or capacity, | 17737 |
with or without the assistance of a caretaker, to make and carry | 17738 |
out decisions regarding food, clothing, shelter, health care, or | 17739 |
other necessities, but does not include mere refusal to consent to | 17740 |
the provision of services. | 17741 |
(H) "Emergency protective services" means protective services | 17742 |
furnished to a person with | 17743 |
disability to prevent immediate physical harm. | 17744 |
(I) "Protective services" means services provided by the | 17745 |
county board of developmental disabilities to an adult with | 17746 |
17747 | |
prevention, correction, or discontinuance of an act of as well as | 17748 |
conditions resulting from abuse, neglect, or exploitation. | 17749 |
(J) "Protective service plan" means an individualized plan | 17750 |
developed by the county board of developmental disabilities to | 17751 |
prevent the further abuse, neglect, or exploitation of an adult | 17752 |
with | 17753 |
(K) "Substantial risk" has the same meaning as in section | 17754 |
2901.01 of the Revised Code. | 17755 |
(L) "Party" means all of the following: | 17756 |
(1) An adult who is the subject of a probate proceeding under | 17757 |
sections 5126.30 to 5126.33 of the Revised Code; | 17758 |
(2) A caretaker, unless otherwise ordered by the probate | 17759 |
court; | 17760 |
(3) Any other person designated as a party by the probate | 17761 |
court including but not limited to, the adult's spouse, custodian, | 17762 |
guardian, or parent. | 17763 |
(M) "Board" means a county board of developmental | 17764 |
disabilities. | 17765 |
Sec. 5126.31. (A) A county board of developmental | 17766 |
disabilities shall review reports of abuse and neglect made under | 17767 |
section 5123.61 of the Revised Code and reports referred to it | 17768 |
under section 5101.611 of the Revised Code to determine whether | 17769 |
the person who is the subject of the report is an adult with | 17770 |
17771 | |
services to deal with the abuse or neglect. The board shall give | 17772 |
notice of each report to the registry office of the department of | 17773 |
developmental disabilities established pursuant to section 5123.61 | 17774 |
of the Revised Code on the first working day after receipt of the | 17775 |
report. If the report alleges that there is a substantial risk to | 17776 |
the adult of immediate physical harm or death, the board shall | 17777 |
initiate review within twenty-four hours of its receipt of the | 17778 |
report. If the board determines that the person is sixty years of | 17779 |
age or older but does not have | 17780 |
developmental disability, it shall refer the case to the county | 17781 |
department of job and family services. If the board determines | 17782 |
that the person is an adult with
| 17783 |
developmental disability, it shall continue its review of the | 17784 |
case. | 17785 |
(B) For each review over which the board retains | 17786 |
responsibility under division (A) of this section, it shall do all | 17787 |
of the following: | 17788 |
(1) Give both written and oral notice of the purpose of the | 17789 |
review to the adult and, if any, to the adult's legal counsel or | 17790 |
caretaker, in simple and clear language; | 17791 |
(2) Visit the adult, in the adult's residence if possible, | 17792 |
and explain the notice given under division (B)(1) of this | 17793 |
section; | 17794 |
(3) Request from the registry office any prior reports | 17795 |
concerning the adult or other principals in the case; | 17796 |
(4) Consult, if feasible, with the person who made the report | 17797 |
under section 5101.61 or 5123.61 of the Revised Code and with any | 17798 |
agencies or persons who have information about the alleged abuse | 17799 |
or neglect; | 17800 |
(5) Cooperate fully with the law enforcement agency | 17801 |
responsible for investigating the report and for filing any | 17802 |
resulting criminal charges and, on request, turn over evidence to | 17803 |
the agency; | 17804 |
(6) Determine whether the adult needs services, and prepare a | 17805 |
written report stating reasons for the determination. No adult | 17806 |
shall be determined to be abused, neglected, or in need of | 17807 |
services for the sole reason that, in lieu of medical treatment, | 17808 |
the adult relies on or is being furnished spiritual treatment | 17809 |
through prayer alone in accordance with the tenets and practices | 17810 |
of a church or religious denomination of which the adult is a | 17811 |
member or adherent. | 17812 |
(C) The board shall arrange for the provision of services for | 17813 |
the prevention, correction or discontinuance of abuse or neglect | 17814 |
or of a condition resulting from abuse or neglect for any adult | 17815 |
who has been determined to need the services and consents to | 17816 |
receive them. These services may include, but are not limited to, | 17817 |
service and support administration, fiscal management, medical, | 17818 |
mental health, home health care, homemaker, legal, and residential | 17819 |
services and the provision of temporary accommodations and | 17820 |
necessities such as food and clothing. The services do not include | 17821 |
acting as a guardian, trustee, or protector as defined in section | 17822 |
5123.55 of the Revised Code. If the provision of residential | 17823 |
services would require expenditures by the department of | 17824 |
developmental disabilities, the board shall obtain the approval of | 17825 |
the department prior to arranging the residential services. | 17826 |
To arrange services, the board shall: | 17827 |
(1) Develop an individualized service plan identifying the | 17828 |
types of services required for the adult, the goals for the | 17829 |
services, and the persons or agencies that will provide them; | 17830 |
(2) In accordance with rules established by the director of | 17831 |
developmental disabilities, obtain the consent of the adult or the | 17832 |
adult's guardian to the provision of any of these services and | 17833 |
obtain the signature of the adult or guardian on the individual | 17834 |
service plan. An adult who has been found incompetent under | 17835 |
Chapter 2111. of the Revised Code may consent to services. If the | 17836 |
board is unable to obtain consent, it may seek, if the adult is | 17837 |
incapacitated, a court order pursuant to section 5126.33 of the | 17838 |
Revised Code authorizing the board to arrange these services. | 17839 |
(D) The board shall ensure that the adult receives the | 17840 |
services arranged by the board from the provider and shall have | 17841 |
the services terminated if the adult withdraws consent. | 17842 |
(E) On completion of a review, the board shall submit a | 17843 |
written report to the registry office established under section | 17844 |
5123.61 of the Revised Code. If the report includes a finding that | 17845 |
a person with
| 17846 |
a victim of action or inaction that may constitute a crime under | 17847 |
federal law or the law of this state, the board shall submit the | 17848 |
report to the law enforcement agency responsible for investigating | 17849 |
the report. Reports prepared under this section are not public | 17850 |
records as defined in section 149.43 of the Revised Code. | 17851 |
Sec. 5126.33. (A) A county board of developmental | 17852 |
disabilities may file a complaint with the probate court of the | 17853 |
county in which an adult with | 17854 |
developmental disability resides for an order authorizing the | 17855 |
board to arrange services described in division (C) of section | 17856 |
5126.31 of the Revised Code for that adult if the adult is | 17857 |
eligible to receive services or support under section 5126.041 of | 17858 |
the Revised Code and the board has been unable to secure consent. | 17859 |
The complaint shall include: | 17860 |
(1) The name, age, and address of the adult; | 17861 |
(2) Facts describing the nature of the abuse, neglect, or | 17862 |
exploitation and supporting the board's belief that services are | 17863 |
needed; | 17864 |
(3) The types of services proposed by the board, as set forth | 17865 |
in the protective service plan described in division (J) of | 17866 |
section 5126.30 of the Revised Code and filed with the complaint; | 17867 |
(4) Facts showing the board's attempts to obtain the consent | 17868 |
of the adult or the adult's guardian to the services. | 17869 |
(B) The board shall give the adult notice of the filing of | 17870 |
the complaint and in simple and clear language shall inform the | 17871 |
adult of the adult's rights in the hearing under division (C) of | 17872 |
this section and explain the consequences of a court order. This | 17873 |
notice shall be personally served upon all parties, and also shall | 17874 |
be given to the adult's legal counsel, if any, and the legal | 17875 |
rights service. The notice shall be given at least twenty-four | 17876 |
hours prior to the hearing, although the court may waive this | 17877 |
requirement upon a showing that there is a substantial risk that | 17878 |
the adult will suffer immediate physical harm in the twenty-four | 17879 |
hour period and that the board has made reasonable attempts to | 17880 |
give the notice required by this division. | 17881 |
(C) Upon the filing of a complaint for an order under this | 17882 |
section, the court shall hold a hearing at least twenty-four hours | 17883 |
and no later than seventy-two hours after the notice under | 17884 |
division (B) of this section has been given unless the court has | 17885 |
waived the notice. All parties shall have the right to be present | 17886 |
at the hearing, present evidence, and examine and cross-examine | 17887 |
witnesses. The Ohio Rules of Evidence shall apply to a hearing | 17888 |
conducted pursuant to this division. The adult shall be | 17889 |
represented by counsel unless the court finds that the adult has | 17890 |
made a voluntary, informed, and knowing waiver of the right to | 17891 |
counsel. If the adult is indigent, the court shall appoint counsel | 17892 |
to represent the adult. The board shall be represented by the | 17893 |
county prosecutor or an attorney designated by the board. | 17894 |
(D)(1) The court shall issue an order authorizing the board | 17895 |
to arrange the protective services if it finds, on the basis of | 17896 |
clear and convincing evidence, all of the following: | 17897 |
(a) The adult has been abused, neglected, or exploited; | 17898 |
(b) The adult is incapacitated; | 17899 |
(c) There is a substantial risk to the adult of immediate | 17900 |
physical harm or death; | 17901 |
(d) The adult is in need of the services; | 17902 |
(e) No person authorized by law or court order to give | 17903 |
consent for the adult is available or willing to consent to the | 17904 |
services. | 17905 |
(2) The board shall develop a detailed protective service | 17906 |
plan describing the services that the board will provide, or | 17907 |
arrange for the provision of, to the adult to prevent further | 17908 |
abuse, neglect, or exploitation. The board shall submit the plan | 17909 |
to the court for approval. The protective service plan may be | 17910 |
changed only by court order. | 17911 |
(3) In formulating the order, the court shall consider the | 17912 |
individual protective service plan and shall specifically | 17913 |
designate the services that are necessary to deal with the abuse, | 17914 |
neglect, or exploitation or condition resulting from abuse, | 17915 |
neglect, or exploitation and that are available locally, and | 17916 |
authorize the board to arrange for these services only. The court | 17917 |
shall limit the provision of these services to a period not | 17918 |
exceeding six months, renewable for an additional six-month period | 17919 |
on a showing by the board that continuation of the order is | 17920 |
necessary. | 17921 |
(E) If the court finds that all other options for meeting the | 17922 |
adult's needs have been exhausted, it may order that the adult be | 17923 |
removed from the adult's place of residence and placed in another | 17924 |
residential setting. Before issuing that order, the court shall | 17925 |
consider the adult's choice of residence and shall determine that | 17926 |
the new residential setting is the least restrictive alternative | 17927 |
available for meeting the adult's needs and is a place where the | 17928 |
adult can obtain the necessary requirements for daily living in | 17929 |
safety. The court shall not order an adult to a hospital or public | 17930 |
hospital as defined in section 5122.01 or a state institution as | 17931 |
defined in section 5123.01 of the Revised Code. | 17932 |
(F) The court shall not authorize a change in an adult's | 17933 |
placement ordered under division (E) of this section unless it | 17934 |
finds compelling reasons to justify a change. The parties to whom | 17935 |
notice was given in division (B) of this section shall be given | 17936 |
notice of a proposed change at least five working days prior to | 17937 |
the change. | 17938 |
(G) The adult, the board, or any other person who received | 17939 |
notice of the petition may file a motion for modification of the | 17940 |
court order at any time. | 17941 |
(H) The county board shall pay court costs incurred in | 17942 |
proceedings brought pursuant to this section. The adult shall not | 17943 |
be required to pay for court-ordered services. | 17944 |
(I)(1) After the filing of a complaint for an order under | 17945 |
this section, the court, prior to the final disposition, may enter | 17946 |
any temporary order that the court finds necessary to protect the | 17947 |
adult with | 17948 |
abuse, neglect, or exploitation including, but not limited to, the | 17949 |
following: | 17950 |
(a) A temporary protection order; | 17951 |
(b) An order requiring the evaluation of the adult; | 17952 |
(c) An order requiring a party to vacate the adult's place of | 17953 |
residence or legal settlement, provided that, subject to division | 17954 |
(K)(1)(d) of this section, no operator of a residential facility | 17955 |
licensed by the department may be removed under this division; | 17956 |
(d) In the circumstances described in, and in accordance with | 17957 |
the procedures set forth in, section 5123.191 of the Revised Code, | 17958 |
an order of the type described in that section that appoints a | 17959 |
receiver to take possession of and operate a residential facility | 17960 |
licensed by the department. | 17961 |
(2) The court may grant an ex parte order pursuant to this | 17962 |
division on its own motion or if a party files a written motion or | 17963 |
makes an oral motion requesting the issuance of the order and | 17964 |
stating the reasons for it if it appears to the court that the | 17965 |
best interest and the welfare of the adult require that the court | 17966 |
issue the order immediately. The court, if acting on its own | 17967 |
motion, or the person requesting the granting of an ex parte | 17968 |
order, to the extent possible, shall give notice of its intent or | 17969 |
of the request to all parties, the adult's legal counsel, if any, | 17970 |
and the legal rights service. If the court issues an ex parte | 17971 |
order, the court shall hold a hearing to review the order within | 17972 |
seventy-two hours after it is issued or before the end of the next | 17973 |
day after the day on which it is issued, whichever occurs first. | 17974 |
The court shall give written notice of the hearing to all parties | 17975 |
to the action. | 17976 |
Sec. 5126.333. Any person who has reason to believe that | 17977 |
there is a substantial risk to an adult with | 17978 |
a developmental disability of immediate physical harm or death and | 17979 |
that the responsible county board of developmental disabilities | 17980 |
has failed to seek an order pursuant to section 5126.33 or | 17981 |
5126.331 of the Revised Code may notify the department of | 17982 |
developmental disabilities. Within twenty-four hours of receipt of | 17983 |
such notice, the department shall cause an investigation to be | 17984 |
conducted regarding the notice. The department shall provide | 17985 |
assistance to the county board to provide for the health and | 17986 |
safety of the adult as permitted by law. | 17987 |
Sec. 5126.40. (A) Sections 5126.40 to 5126.47 of the Revised | 17988 |
Code do not apply to medicaid-funded supported living. | 17989 |
(B) As used in sections 5126.40 to 5126.47 of the Revised | 17990 |
Code, "provider" means a person or government entity certified by | 17991 |
the director of developmental disabilities to provide supported | 17992 |
living for individuals with | 17993 |
disabilities. | 17994 |
(C) On and after July 1, 1995, each county board shall plan | 17995 |
and develop supported living for individuals with | 17996 |
17997 | |
the county in accordance with sections 5126.41 to 5126.47 of the | 17998 |
Revised Code. | 17999 |
Sec. 5126.46. (A) No county board of developmental | 18000 |
disabilities shall be obligated to use any money other than money | 18001 |
in the community developmental disabilities residential services | 18002 |
fund to furnish residential services. | 18003 |
(B) Except with respect to a child required to be provided | 18004 |
services pursuant to section 121.38 of the Revised Code, no court | 18005 |
or other entity of state or local government shall order or | 18006 |
otherwise require a county board of developmental disabilities to | 18007 |
use money from local sources for residential services for an | 18008 |
individual with
| 18009 |
18010 | |
for such an individual unless a vacancy exists in an appropriate | 18011 |
residential setting within the county. | 18012 |
Sec. 5126.49. The county board of developmental disabilities | 18013 |
may adopt a resolution requesting the board of county | 18014 |
commissioners to implement a residential facility linked deposit | 18015 |
program under sections 5126.51 to 5126.62 of the Revised Code if | 18016 |
the county board of developmental disabilities finds all of the | 18017 |
following: | 18018 |
(A) There is a shortage of residential facilities in the | 18019 |
county for individuals with | 18020 |
disabilities. | 18021 |
(B) Eligible organizations, otherwise willing and able to | 18022 |
develop residential facilities in the county, have been unable to | 18023 |
do so because of high interest rates. | 18024 |
(C) Placement of residential facility linked deposits will | 18025 |
assist in financing the development of residential facilities in | 18026 |
the county that otherwise would not be developed because of high | 18027 |
interest rates. | 18028 |
The board shall transmit a certified copy of the resolution | 18029 |
to the board of county commissioners. | 18030 |
Sec. 5126.52. The general assembly finds that individuals | 18031 |
with | 18032 |
the state face a shortage of suitable residential facilities; that | 18033 |
loans to finance the development of suitable residential | 18034 |
facilities are subject to high interest rates; that eligible | 18035 |
organizations, otherwise willing and able to develop suitable | 18036 |
residential facilities, are unable to do so because of the high | 18037 |
interest rates; and, consequently, that the shortage of suitable | 18038 |
residential facilities is likely to continue and worsen. | 18039 |
The residential facility linked deposit program, when | 18040 |
implemented in a county, is intended to provide low-cost funds for | 18041 |
lending purposes that will effectively reduce high interest rates | 18042 |
and materially contribute to remedying the shortage of suitable | 18043 |
residential facilities for individuals with | 18044 |
developmental disabilities who reside in the county. | 18045 |
Sec. 5126.55. The county board of developmental disabilities | 18046 |
shall review each application filed under section 5126.54 of the | 18047 |
Revised Code and adopt a resolution approving or disapproving | 18048 |
development of the proposed residential facility. The board shall | 18049 |
not approve development of the proposed residential facility | 18050 |
unless it finds, based upon the application and its evaluation of | 18051 |
the applicant, that development of the residential facility is | 18052 |
consistent with its plan and priorities, under section 5126.05 of | 18053 |
the Revised Code, for the provision of residential facilities for | 18054 |
individuals with | 18055 |
residing in the county. | 18056 |
The resolution shall include specific findings of fact | 18057 |
justifying the approval or disapproval. | 18058 |
The board shall transmit a certified copy of the resolution | 18059 |
to the applicant and to the board of county commissioners. | 18060 |
Sec. 5126.58. The county board of developmental disabilities | 18061 |
shall adopt a resolution approving or disapproving an eligible | 18062 |
organization's application for a residential facility linked | 18063 |
deposit loan. The board shall disapprove an application unless it | 18064 |
finds, based on the application and its evaluation of the | 18065 |
applicant, each of the following: | 18066 |
(A) The applicant has fully complied with sections 5126.54 | 18067 |
and 5126.56 of the Revised Code. | 18068 |
(B) Development of the residential facility will materially | 18069 |
contribute to alleviating the shortage of residential facilities | 18070 |
in the county for individuals with | 18071 |
developmental disabilities. | 18072 |
(C) The applicant is ready to proceed with development of the | 18073 |
residential facility, but is unable to do so because of high | 18074 |
interest rates. | 18075 |
(D) The board of county commissioners has certified that | 18076 |
public moneys of the county are currently available for placement | 18077 |
of the residential facility linked deposit necessary to provide | 18078 |
low-cost financing to the applicant. | 18079 |
(E) Placement of the residential facility linked deposit, | 18080 |
considered in the aggregate with all other residential facility | 18081 |
linked deposits under the county's residential facility linked | 18082 |
deposit program, will not cause the total amount of the county's | 18083 |
residential facility linked deposits to exceed an amount equal to | 18084 |
ten per cent of the operating budget of the county board of | 18085 |
developmental disabilities for the current year. If placement of | 18086 |
the residential facility linked deposit would cause the total | 18087 |
amount of the county's residential facility linked deposits to | 18088 |
exceed the maximum established by this division, the board may | 18089 |
accept the application but limit the amount of the residential | 18090 |
facility linked deposit accordingly. | 18091 |
The resolution shall include specific findings of fact | 18092 |
justifying acceptance or rejection of the application. If the | 18093 |
board accepts the application, it shall specify the amount of the | 18094 |
residential facility linked deposit in the resolution. | 18095 |
The board shall transmit a certified copy of the resolution | 18096 |
to the applicant, the eligible lending institution, and the | 18097 |
county's investing authority. | 18098 |
Sec. 5139.06. (A) When a child has been committed to the | 18099 |
department of youth services, the department shall do both of the | 18100 |
following: | 18101 |
(1) Place the child in an appropriate institution under the | 18102 |
condition that it considers best designed for the training and | 18103 |
rehabilitation of the child and the protection of the public, | 18104 |
provided that the institutional placement shall be consistent with | 18105 |
the order committing the child to its custody; | 18106 |
(2) Maintain the child in institutional care or institutional | 18107 |
care in a secure facility for the required period of | 18108 |
institutionalization in a manner consistent with division (A)(1) | 18109 |
of section 2152.16 and divisions (A) to (F) of section 2152.17 of | 18110 |
the Revised Code, whichever are applicable, and with section | 18111 |
5139.38 or division (B), (C), or (D) of section 2152.22 of the | 18112 |
Revised Code. | 18113 |
(B) When a child has been committed to the department of | 18114 |
youth services and has not been institutionalized or | 18115 |
institutionalized in a secure facility for the prescribed minimum | 18116 |
period of time, including, but not limited to, a prescribed period | 18117 |
of time under division (A)(1)(a) of section 2152.16 of the Revised | 18118 |
Code, the department, the child, or the child's parent may request | 18119 |
the court that committed the child to order a judicial release to | 18120 |
court supervision or a judicial release to department of youth | 18121 |
services supervision in accordance with division (B), (C), or (D) | 18122 |
of section 2152.22 of the Revised Code, and the child may be | 18123 |
released from institutionalization or institutionalization in a | 18124 |
secure facility in accordance with the applicable division. A | 18125 |
child in those circumstances shall not be released from | 18126 |
institutionalization or institutionalization in a secure facility | 18127 |
except in accordance with section 2152.22 or 5139.38 of the | 18128 |
Revised Code. When a child is released pursuant to a judicial | 18129 |
release to court supervision under division (B) or (D) of section | 18130 |
2152.22 of the Revised Code, the department shall comply with | 18131 |
division (B)(3) of that section and, if the court requests, shall | 18132 |
send the committing court a report on the child's progress in the | 18133 |
institution and recommendations for conditions of supervision by | 18134 |
the court after release. When a child is released pursuant to a | 18135 |
judicial release to department of youth services supervision under | 18136 |
division (C) or (D) of section 2152.22 of the Revised Code, the | 18137 |
department shall comply with division (C)(3) of that section | 18138 |
relative to the child and shall send the committing court and the | 18139 |
juvenile court of the county in which the child is placed a copy | 18140 |
of the treatment and rehabilitation plan described in that | 18141 |
division and the conditions that it fixed. The court of the county | 18142 |
in which the child is placed may adopt the conditions as an order | 18143 |
of the court and may add any additional consistent conditions it | 18144 |
considers appropriate, provided that the court may not add any | 18145 |
condition that decreases the level or degree of supervision | 18146 |
specified by the department in its plan, that substantially | 18147 |
increases the financial burden of supervision that will be | 18148 |
experienced by the department, or that alters the placement | 18149 |
specified by the department in its plan. Any violations of the | 18150 |
conditions of the child's judicial release or early release shall | 18151 |
be handled pursuant to division (E) of section 2152.22 of the | 18152 |
Revised Code. | 18153 |
(C) When a child has been committed to the department of | 18154 |
youth services, the department may do any of the following: | 18155 |
(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter, Chapter | 18156 |
2151., or Chapter 2152. of the Revised Code that prescribe | 18157 |
required periods of institutionalization, transfer the child to | 18158 |
any other state institution, whenever it appears that the child by | 18159 |
reason of mental illness | 18160 |
developmental disability ought to be in another state institution. | 18161 |
Before transferring a child to any other state institution, the | 18162 |
department shall include in the minutes a record of the order of | 18163 |
transfer and the reason for the transfer and, at least seven days | 18164 |
prior to the transfer, shall send a certified copy of the order to | 18165 |
the person shown by its record to have had the care or custody of | 18166 |
the child immediately prior to the child's commitment. Except as | 18167 |
provided in division (C)(2) of this section, no person shall be | 18168 |
transferred from a benevolent institution to a correctional | 18169 |
institution or to a facility or institution operated by the | 18170 |
department of youth services. | 18171 |
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter, Chapter | 18172 |
2151., or Chapter 2152. of the Revised Code that prescribe | 18173 |
required periods of institutionalization, transfer the child under | 18174 |
section 5120.162 of the Revised Code to a correctional medical | 18175 |
center established by the department of rehabilitation and | 18176 |
correction, whenever the child has an illness, physical condition, | 18177 |
or other medical problem and it appears that the child would | 18178 |
benefit from diagnosis or treatment at the center for that | 18179 |
illness, condition, or problem. Before transferring a child to a | 18180 |
center, the department of youth services shall include in the | 18181 |
minutes a record of the order of transfer and the reason for the | 18182 |
transfer and, except in emergency situations, at least seven days | 18183 |
prior to the transfer, shall send a certified copy of the order to | 18184 |
the person shown by its records to have had the care or custody of | 18185 |
the child immediately prior to the child's commitment. If the | 18186 |
transfer of the child occurs in an emergency situation, as soon as | 18187 |
possible after the decision is made to make the transfer, the | 18188 |
department of youth services shall send a certified copy of the | 18189 |
order to the person shown by its records to have had the care or | 18190 |
custody of the child immediately prior to the child's commitment. | 18191 |
A transfer under this division shall be in accordance with the | 18192 |
terms of the agreement the department of youth services enters | 18193 |
into with the department of rehabilitation and correction under | 18194 |
section 5120.162 of the Revised Code and shall continue only as | 18195 |
long as the child reasonably appears to receive benefit from | 18196 |
diagnosis or treatment at the center for an illness, physical | 18197 |
condition, or other medical problem. | 18198 |
(3) Revoke or modify any order of the department except an | 18199 |
order of discharge as often as conditions indicate it to be | 18200 |
desirable; | 18201 |
(4) If the child was committed pursuant to division | 18202 |
(A)(1)(b), (c), (d), or (e) of section 2152.16 of the Revised Code | 18203 |
and has been institutionalized or institutionalized in a secure | 18204 |
facility for the prescribed minimum periods of time under the | 18205 |
division pursuant to which the commitment was made, assign the | 18206 |
child to a family home, a group care facility, or other place | 18207 |
maintained under public or private auspices, within or without | 18208 |
this state, for necessary treatment and rehabilitation, the costs | 18209 |
of which may be paid by the department, provided that the | 18210 |
department shall notify the committing court, in writing, of the | 18211 |
place and terms of the assignment at least fifteen days prior to | 18212 |
the scheduled date of the assignment; | 18213 |
(5) Release the child from an institution in accordance with | 18214 |
sections 5139.51 to 5139.54 of the Revised Code in the | 18215 |
circumstances described in those sections. | 18216 |
(D) The department of youth services shall notify the | 18217 |
committing court of any order transferring the physical location | 18218 |
of any child committed to it in accordance with section 5139.35 of | 18219 |
the Revised Code. Upon the discharge from its custody and control, | 18220 |
the department may petition the court for an order terminating its | 18221 |
custody and control. | 18222 |
Sec. 5139.08. The department of youth services may enter | 18223 |
into an agreement with the director of rehabilitation and | 18224 |
correction pursuant to which the department of youth services, in | 18225 |
accordance with division (C)(2) of section 5139.06 and section | 18226 |
5120.162 of the Revised Code, may transfer to a correctional | 18227 |
medical center established by the department of rehabilitation and | 18228 |
correction, children who are within its custody for diagnosis or | 18229 |
treatment of an illness, physical condition, or other medical | 18230 |
problem. The department of youth services may enter into any other | 18231 |
agreements with the director of job and family services, the | 18232 |
director of mental health and addiction services, the director of | 18233 |
developmental disabilities, the director of rehabilitation and | 18234 |
correction, with the courts having probation officers or other | 18235 |
public officials, and with private agencies or institutions for | 18236 |
separate care or special treatment of children subject to the | 18237 |
control of the department of youth services. The department of | 18238 |
youth services may, upon the request of a juvenile court not | 18239 |
having a regular probation officer, provide probation services for | 18240 |
such court. | 18241 |
Upon request by the department of youth services, any public | 18242 |
agency or group care facility established or administered by the | 18243 |
state for the care and treatment of children and youth shall, | 18244 |
consistent with its functions, accept and care for any child whose | 18245 |
custody is vested in the department in the same manner as it would | 18246 |
be required to do if custody had been vested by a court in such | 18247 |
agency or group care facility. If the department has reasonable | 18248 |
grounds to believe that any child or youth whose custody is vested | 18249 |
in it is mentally ill or | 18250 |
disability that is an intellectual disability, the department may | 18251 |
file an affidavit under section 5122.11 or 5123.76 of the Revised | 18252 |
Code. The department's affidavit for admission of a child or youth | 18253 |
to such institution shall be filed with the probate court of the | 18254 |
county from which the child was committed to the department. Such | 18255 |
court may request the probate court of the county in which the | 18256 |
child is held to conduct the hearing on the application, in which | 18257 |
case the court making such request shall bear the expenses of the | 18258 |
proceeding. If the department files such an affidavit, the child | 18259 |
or youth may be kept in such institution until a final decision on | 18260 |
the affidavit is made by the appropriate court. | 18261 |
Sec. 5139.27. The department of youth services shall adopt | 18262 |
rules prescribing the minimum standards of construction for a | 18263 |
school, forestry camp, or other facility established under section | 18264 |
2151.65 of the Revised Code for which financial assistance may be | 18265 |
granted to assist in defraying the cost of the construction of the | 18266 |
school, forestry camp, or other facility. If an application for | 18267 |
that financial assistance is filed with the department under | 18268 |
section 2151.651 of the Revised Code, and the department finds | 18269 |
that the application is in proper form and the specifications for | 18270 |
the construction of the school, forestry camp, or other facility | 18271 |
meet the minimum standards set forth in the rules adopted by the | 18272 |
department, the department may, from moneys available to it for | 18273 |
granting financial assistance for the construction of schools, | 18274 |
forestry camps, or other facilities established under section | 18275 |
2151.65 of the Revised Code, grant financial assistance to the | 18276 |
county making the application, subject to the approval of the | 18277 |
controlling board, in an amount not to exceed one-half of the | 18278 |
county's share of the cost of construction of the school, forestry | 18279 |
camp, or other facility but not to exceed six thousand five | 18280 |
hundred dollars for each bed unit provided for in the school, | 18281 |
forestry camp, or other facility. As used in this section, | 18282 |
"construction" means the building and the initial equipping of new | 18283 |
structures and, to the extent provided for in rules adopted by the | 18284 |
department, the acquisition, remodeling, and initial equipping of | 18285 |
existing structures, excluding architect's fees and the cost of | 18286 |
land acquisition. | 18287 |
A county that receives financial assistance under this | 18288 |
section shall not be obligated to repay the assistance to the | 18289 |
state unless the school, forestry camp, or other facility for | 18290 |
which the assistance is granted is used within the ten-year period | 18291 |
immediately following its establishment for other than the purpose | 18292 |
of rehabilitating children between the ages of twelve to eighteen | 18293 |
years, other than psychotic | 18294 |
children with developmental disabilities that are intellectual | 18295 |
disabilities, who are designated delinquent children, as defined | 18296 |
in section 2152.02 of the Revised Code, or unruly, as defined in | 18297 |
section 2151.022 of the Revised Code, by order of a juvenile | 18298 |
court. If the department of youth services finds that the school, | 18299 |
forestry camp, or other facility is used for other than that | 18300 |
purpose within that ten-year period, the county shall be obligated | 18301 |
to repay the assistance to the state and, through its board of | 18302 |
county commissioners, may enter into an agreement with the | 18303 |
director of budget and management for the discharge of that | 18304 |
obligation over a period not to exceed ten years in duration. | 18305 |
Whenever a county is obligated to repay that assistance to the | 18306 |
state and its board of county commissioners fails to enter into or | 18307 |
fails to comply with an agreement for the discharge of that | 18308 |
obligation, the tax commissioner, pursuant to section 5747.54 of | 18309 |
the Revised Code, shall withhold from distribution to the county | 18310 |
from the local government fund an amount sufficient to discharge | 18311 |
the county from that obligation to the state. | 18312 |
Sec. 5139.39. The department of youth services, in the | 18313 |
manner provided in this chapter and Chapter 2151. of the Revised | 18314 |
Code, may transfer to a foster care facility certified by the | 18315 |
department of job and family services under section 5103.03 of the | 18316 |
Revised Code, any child committed to it and, in the event of a | 18317 |
transfer of that nature, unless otherwise mutually agreed, the | 18318 |
department of youth services shall bear the cost of care and | 18319 |
services provided for the child in the foster care facility. A | 18320 |
juvenile court may transfer to any foster facility certified by | 18321 |
the department of job and family services any child between twelve | 18322 |
and eighteen years of age, other than a psychotic | 18323 |
18324 | |
an intellectual disability, who has been designated a delinquent | 18325 |
child and placed on probation by order of the juvenile court as a | 18326 |
result of having violated any law of this state or the United | 18327 |
States or any ordinance of a political subdivision of this state. | 18328 |
Sec. 5139.54. (A) Notwithstanding any other provision for | 18329 |
determining when a child shall be released or discharged from the | 18330 |
legal custody of the department of youth services, including | 18331 |
jurisdictional provisions in section 2152.22 of the Revised Code, | 18332 |
the release authority, for medical reasons, may release a child | 18333 |
upon supervised release or discharge the child from the custody of | 18334 |
the department when any of the following applies: | 18335 |
(1) The child is terminally ill or otherwise in imminent | 18336 |
danger of death. | 18337 |
(2) The child is incapacitated due to injury, disease, | 18338 |
illness, or other medical condition and is no longer a threat to | 18339 |
public safety. | 18340 |
(3) The child appears to be a mentally ill person subject to | 18341 |
court order, as defined in section 5122.01 of the Revised Code, or | 18342 |
a | 18343 |
to institutionalization by court order, as defined in section | 18344 |
5123.01 of the Revised Code. | 18345 |
(B) When considering whether to release or discharge a child | 18346 |
under this section for medical reasons, the release authority may | 18347 |
request additional medical information about the child or may ask | 18348 |
the department to conduct additional medical examinations. | 18349 |
(C) The release authority shall determine the appropriate | 18350 |
level of supervised release for a child released under this | 18351 |
section. The terms and conditions of the release may require | 18352 |
periodic medical reevaluations as appropriate. Upon granting a | 18353 |
release or discharge under this section, the release authority | 18354 |
shall give notice of the release and its terms and conditions or | 18355 |
of the discharge to the court that committed the child to the | 18356 |
custody of the department. | 18357 |
(D) The release authority shall submit annually to the | 18358 |
director of youth services a report that includes all of the | 18359 |
following information for the previous calendar year: | 18360 |
(1) The number of children the release authority considered | 18361 |
for medical release or discharge; | 18362 |
(2) The nature of the injury, disease, illness, or other | 18363 |
medical condition of each child considered for medical release or | 18364 |
discharge; | 18365 |
(3) The decision made by the release authority for each | 18366 |
child, including the reasons for denying medical release or | 18367 |
discharge or for granting it; | 18368 |
(4) The number of children on medical release who were | 18369 |
returned to a secure facility or whose supervised release was | 18370 |
revoked. | 18371 |
Sec. 5164.25. The departments of developmental disabilities | 18372 |
and medicaid may approve, reduce, deny, or terminate a medicaid | 18373 |
service included in the individualized service plan developed for | 18374 |
a medicaid recipient with | 18375 |
developmental disability who is eligible for medicaid case | 18376 |
management services. If either department approves, reduces, | 18377 |
denies, or terminates a service, that department shall timely | 18378 |
notify the medicaid recipient that the recipient may appeal | 18379 |
pursuant to section 5160.31 of the Revised Code. | 18380 |
Sec. 5164.342. (A) As used in this section: | 18381 |
"Applicant" means a person who is under final consideration | 18382 |
for employment with a waiver agency in a full-time, part-time, or | 18383 |
temporary position that involves providing home and | 18384 |
community-based services. | 18385 |
"Community-based long-term care provider" means a provider as | 18386 |
defined in section 173.39 of the Revised Code. | 18387 |
"Community-based long-term care subcontractor" means a | 18388 |
subcontractor as defined in section 173.38 of the Revised Code. | 18389 |
"Criminal records check" has the same meaning as in section | 18390 |
109.572 of the Revised Code. | 18391 |
"Disqualifying offense" means any of the offenses listed or | 18392 |
described in divisions (A)(3)(a) to (e) of section 109.572 of the | 18393 |
Revised Code. | 18394 |
"Employee" means a person employed by a waiver agency in a | 18395 |
full-time, part-time, or temporary position that involves | 18396 |
providing home and community-based services. | 18397 |
"Waiver agency" means a person or government entity that | 18398 |
provides home and community-based services under a home and | 18399 |
community-based services medicaid waiver component administered by | 18400 |
the department of medicaid, other than such a person or government | 18401 |
entity that is certified under the medicare program. "Waiver | 18402 |
agency" does not mean an independent provider as defined in | 18403 |
section 5164.341 of the Revised Code. | 18404 |
(B) This section does not apply to any individual who is | 18405 |
subject to a database review or criminal records check under | 18406 |
section 3701.881 of the Revised Code. If a waiver agency also is a | 18407 |
community-based long-term care provider or community-based | 18408 |
long-term care subcontractor, the waiver agency may provide for | 18409 |
applicants and employees to undergo database reviews and criminal | 18410 |
records checks in accordance with section 173.38 of the Revised | 18411 |
Code rather than this section. | 18412 |
(C) No waiver agency shall employ an applicant or continue to | 18413 |
employ an employee in a position that involves providing home and | 18414 |
community-based services if any of the following apply: | 18415 |
(1) A review of the databases listed in division (E) of this | 18416 |
section reveals any of the following: | 18417 |
(a) That the applicant or employee is included in one or more | 18418 |
of the databases listed in divisions (E)(1) to (5) of this | 18419 |
section; | 18420 |
(b) That there is in the state nurse aide registry | 18421 |
established under section 3721.32 of the Revised Code a statement | 18422 |
detailing findings by the director of health that the applicant or | 18423 |
employee neglected or abused a long-term care facility or | 18424 |
residential care facility resident or misappropriated property of | 18425 |
such a resident; | 18426 |
(c) That the applicant or employee is included in one or more | 18427 |
of the databases, if any, specified in rules authorized by this | 18428 |
section and the rules prohibit the waiver agency from employing an | 18429 |
applicant or continuing to employ an employee included in such a | 18430 |
database in a position that involves providing home and | 18431 |
community-based services. | 18432 |
(2) After the applicant or employee is given the information | 18433 |
and notification required by divisions (F)(2)(a) and (b) of this | 18434 |
section, the applicant or employee fails to do either of the | 18435 |
following: | 18436 |
(a) Access, complete, or forward to the superintendent of the | 18437 |
bureau of criminal identification and investigation the form | 18438 |
prescribed to division (C)(1) of section 109.572 of the Revised | 18439 |
Code or the standard impression sheet prescribed pursuant to | 18440 |
division (C)(2) of that section; | 18441 |
(b) Instruct the superintendent to submit the completed | 18442 |
report of the criminal records check required by this section | 18443 |
directly to the chief administrator of the waiver agency. | 18444 |
(3) Except as provided in rules authorized by this section, | 18445 |
the applicant or employee is found by a criminal records check | 18446 |
required by this section to have been convicted of or have pleaded | 18447 |
guilty to a disqualifying offense, regardless of the date of the | 18448 |
conviction or date of entry of the guilty plea. | 18449 |
(D) At the time of each applicant's initial application for | 18450 |
employment in a position that involves providing home and | 18451 |
community-based services, the chief administrator of a waiver | 18452 |
agency shall inform the applicant of both of the following: | 18453 |
(1) That a review of the databases listed in division (E) of | 18454 |
this section will be conducted to determine whether the waiver | 18455 |
agency is prohibited by division (C)(1) of this section from | 18456 |
employing the applicant in the position; | 18457 |
(2) That, unless the database review reveals that the | 18458 |
applicant may not be employed in the position, a criminal records | 18459 |
check of the applicant will be conducted and the applicant is | 18460 |
required to provide a set of the applicant's fingerprint | 18461 |
impressions as part of the criminal records check. | 18462 |
(E) As a condition of employing any applicant in a position | 18463 |
that involves providing home and community-based services, the | 18464 |
chief administrator of a waiver agency shall conduct a database | 18465 |
review of the applicant in accordance with rules authorized by | 18466 |
this section. If rules authorized by this section so require, the | 18467 |
chief administrator of a waiver agency shall conduct a database | 18468 |
review of an employee in accordance with the rules as a condition | 18469 |
of continuing to employ the employee in a position that involves | 18470 |
providing home and community-based services. A database review | 18471 |
shall determine whether the applicant or employee is included in | 18472 |
any of the following: | 18473 |
(1) The excluded parties list system that is maintained by | 18474 |
the United States general services administration pursuant to | 18475 |
subpart 9.4 of the federal acquisition regulation and available at | 18476 |
the federal web site known as the system for award management; | 18477 |
(2) The list of excluded individuals and entities maintained | 18478 |
by the office of inspector general in the United States department | 18479 |
of health and human services pursuant to the "Social Security | 18480 |
Act," sections 1128 and 1156, 42 U.S.C. 1320a-7 and 1320c-5; | 18481 |
(3) The registry of | 18482 |
employees established under section 5123.52 of the Revised Code; | 18483 |
(4) The internet-based sex offender and child-victim offender | 18484 |
database established under division (A)(11) of section 2950.13 of | 18485 |
the Revised Code; | 18486 |
(5) The internet-based database of inmates established under | 18487 |
section 5120.66 of the Revised Code; | 18488 |
(6) The state nurse aide registry established under section | 18489 |
3721.32 of the Revised Code; | 18490 |
(7) Any other database, if any, specified in rules authorized | 18491 |
by this section. | 18492 |
(F)(1) As a condition of employing any applicant in a | 18493 |
position that involves providing home and community-based | 18494 |
services, the chief administrator of a waiver agency shall require | 18495 |
the applicant to request that the superintendent of the bureau of | 18496 |
criminal identification and investigation conduct a criminal | 18497 |
records check of the applicant. If rules authorized by this | 18498 |
section so require, the chief administrator of a waiver agency | 18499 |
shall require an employee to request that the superintendent | 18500 |
conduct a criminal records check of the employee at times | 18501 |
specified in the rules as a condition of continuing to employ the | 18502 |
employee in a position that involves providing home and | 18503 |
community-based services. However, a criminal records check is not | 18504 |
required for an applicant or employee if the waiver agency is | 18505 |
prohibited by division (C)(1) of this section from employing the | 18506 |
applicant or continuing to employ the employee in a position that | 18507 |
involves providing home and community-based services. If an | 18508 |
applicant or employee for whom a criminal records check request is | 18509 |
required by this section does not present proof of having been a | 18510 |
resident of this state for the five-year period immediately prior | 18511 |
to the date the criminal records check is requested or provide | 18512 |
evidence that within that five-year period the superintendent has | 18513 |
requested information about the applicant or employee from the | 18514 |
federal bureau of investigation in a criminal records check, the | 18515 |
chief administrator shall require the applicant or employee to | 18516 |
request that the superintendent obtain information from the | 18517 |
federal bureau of investigation as part of the criminal records | 18518 |
check. Even if an applicant or employee for whom a criminal | 18519 |
records check request is required by this section presents proof | 18520 |
of having been a resident of this state for the five-year period, | 18521 |
the chief administrator may require the applicant or employee to | 18522 |
request that the superintendent include information from the | 18523 |
federal bureau of investigation in the criminal records check. | 18524 |
(2) The chief administrator shall provide the following to | 18525 |
each applicant and employee for whom a criminal records check is | 18526 |
required by this section: | 18527 |
(a) Information about accessing, completing, and forwarding | 18528 |
to the superintendent of the bureau of criminal identification and | 18529 |
investigation the form prescribed pursuant to division (C)(1) of | 18530 |
section 109.572 of the Revised Code and the standard impression | 18531 |
sheet prescribed pursuant to division (C)(2) of that section; | 18532 |
(b) Written notification that the applicant or employee is to | 18533 |
instruct the superintendent to submit the completed report of the | 18534 |
criminal records check directly to the chief administrator. | 18535 |
(3) A waiver agency shall pay to the bureau of criminal | 18536 |
identification and investigation the fee prescribed pursuant to | 18537 |
division (C)(3) of section 109.572 of the Revised Code for any | 18538 |
criminal records check required by this section. However, a waiver | 18539 |
agency may require an applicant to pay to the bureau the fee for a | 18540 |
criminal records check of the applicant. If the waiver agency pays | 18541 |
the fee for an applicant, it may charge the applicant a fee not | 18542 |
exceeding the amount the waiver agency pays to the bureau under | 18543 |
this section if the waiver agency notifies the applicant at the | 18544 |
time of initial application for employment of the amount of the | 18545 |
fee and that, unless the fee is paid, the applicant will not be | 18546 |
considered for employment. | 18547 |
(G)(1) A waiver agency may employ conditionally an applicant | 18548 |
for whom a criminal records check is required by this section | 18549 |
prior to obtaining the results of the criminal records check if | 18550 |
both of the following apply: | 18551 |
(a) The waiver agency is not prohibited by division (C)(1) of | 18552 |
this section from employing the applicant in a position that | 18553 |
involves providing home and community-based services. | 18554 |
(b) The chief administrator of the waiver agency requires the | 18555 |
applicant to request a criminal records check regarding the | 18556 |
applicant in accordance with division (F)(1) of this section not | 18557 |
later than five business days after the applicant begins | 18558 |
conditional employment. | 18559 |
(2) A waiver agency that employs an applicant conditionally | 18560 |
under division (G)(1) of this section shall terminate the | 18561 |
applicant's employment if the results of the criminal records | 18562 |
check, other than the results of any request for information from | 18563 |
the federal bureau of investigation, are not obtained within the | 18564 |
period ending sixty days after the date the request for the | 18565 |
criminal records check is made. Regardless of when the results of | 18566 |
the criminal records check are obtained, if the results indicate | 18567 |
that the applicant has been convicted of or has pleaded guilty to | 18568 |
a disqualifying offense, the waiver agency shall terminate the | 18569 |
applicant's employment unless circumstances specified in rules | 18570 |
authorized by this section exist that permit the waiver agency to | 18571 |
employ the applicant and the waiver agency chooses to employ the | 18572 |
applicant. | 18573 |
(H) The report of any criminal records check conducted | 18574 |
pursuant to a request made under this section is not a public | 18575 |
record for the purposes of section 149.43 of the Revised Code and | 18576 |
shall not be made available to any person other than the | 18577 |
following: | 18578 |
(1) The applicant or employee who is the subject of the | 18579 |
criminal records check or the representative of the applicant or | 18580 |
employee; | 18581 |
(2) The chief administrator of the waiver agency that | 18582 |
requires the applicant or employee to request the criminal records | 18583 |
check or the administrator's representative; | 18584 |
(3) The medicaid director and the staff of the department who | 18585 |
are involved in the administration of the medicaid program; | 18586 |
(4) The director of aging or the director's designee if the | 18587 |
waiver agency also is a community-based long-term care provider or | 18588 |
community-based long-term care subcontractor; | 18589 |
(5) An individual receiving or deciding whether to receive | 18590 |
home and community-based services from the subject of the criminal | 18591 |
records check; | 18592 |
(6) A court, hearing officer, or other necessary individual | 18593 |
involved in a case dealing with any of the following: | 18594 |
(a) A denial of employment of the applicant or employee; | 18595 |
(b) Employment or unemployment benefits of the applicant or | 18596 |
employee; | 18597 |
(c) A civil or criminal action regarding the medicaid | 18598 |
program. | 18599 |
(I) The medicaid director shall adopt rules under section | 18600 |
5164.02 of the Revised Code to implement this section. | 18601 |
(1) The rules may do the following: | 18602 |
(a) Require employees to undergo database reviews and | 18603 |
criminal records checks under this section; | 18604 |
(b) If the rules require employees to undergo database | 18605 |
reviews and criminal records checks under this section, exempt one | 18606 |
or more classes of employees from the requirements; | 18607 |
(c) For the purpose of division (E)(7) of this section, | 18608 |
specify other databases that are to be checked as part of a | 18609 |
database review conducted under this section. | 18610 |
(2) The rules shall specify all of the following: | 18611 |
(a) The procedures for conducting a database review under | 18612 |
this section; | 18613 |
(b) If the rules require employees to undergo database | 18614 |
reviews and criminal records checks under this section, the times | 18615 |
at which the database reviews and criminal records checks are to | 18616 |
be conducted; | 18617 |
(c) If the rules specify other databases to be checked as | 18618 |
part of a database review, the circumstances under which a waiver | 18619 |
agency is prohibited from employing an applicant or continuing to | 18620 |
employ an employee who is found by the database review to be | 18621 |
included in one or more of those databases; | 18622 |
(d) The circumstances under which a waiver agency may employ | 18623 |
an applicant or employee who is found by a criminal records check | 18624 |
required by this section to have been convicted of or have pleaded | 18625 |
guilty to a disqualifying offense. | 18626 |
(J) The amendments made by H.B. 487 of the 129th general | 18627 |
assembly to this section do not preclude the department of | 18628 |
medicaid from taking action against a person for failure to comply | 18629 |
with former division (H) of this section as that division existed | 18630 |
on the day preceding January 1, 2013. | 18631 |
Sec. 5164.881. The medicaid director, in consultation with | 18632 |
the director of developmental disabilities, may develop and | 18633 |
implement within the medicaid program a system under which | 18634 |
eligible individuals with chronic conditions, as defined in the | 18635 |
"Social Security Act," section 1945 (h)(1), 42 U.S.C. | 18636 |
1396w-4(h)(1), who also have | 18637 |
developmental disabilities may receive health home services, as | 18638 |
defined in the "Social Security Act," section 1945 (h)(4), 42 | 18639 |
U.S.C. 1396w-4(h)(4). Any such system shall focus on the needs of | 18640 |
individuals and have as its goal improving services and outcomes | 18641 |
under the medicaid program by improving integration of long-term | 18642 |
care services and supportive services with primary and acute | 18643 |
health care services. | 18644 |
In developing any system under this section, the directors | 18645 |
shall consult with representatives of county boards of | 18646 |
developmental disabilities, the Ohio provider resource | 18647 |
association, and the arc of Ohio. The directors may consult with | 18648 |
any other individuals or entities that have an interest in the | 18649 |
well being of individuals with developmental disabilities. | 18650 |
Sec. 5165.01. As used in this chapter: | 18651 |
(A) "Affiliated operator" means an operator affiliated with | 18652 |
either of the following: | 18653 |
(1) The exiting operator for whom the affiliated operator is | 18654 |
to assume liability for the entire amount of the exiting | 18655 |
operator's debt under the medicaid program or the portion of the | 18656 |
debt that represents the franchise permit fee the exiting operator | 18657 |
owes; | 18658 |
(2) The entering operator involved in the change of operator | 18659 |
with the exiting operator specified in division (A)(1) of this | 18660 |
section. | 18661 |
(B) "Allowable costs" are a nursing facility's costs that the | 18662 |
department of medicaid determines are reasonable. Fines paid under | 18663 |
sections 5165.60 to 5165.89 and section 5165.99 of the Revised | 18664 |
Code are not allowable costs. | 18665 |
(C) "Ancillary and support costs" means all reasonable costs | 18666 |
incurred by a nursing facility other than direct care costs, tax | 18667 |
costs, or capital costs. "Ancillary and support costs" includes, | 18668 |
but is not limited to, costs of activities, social services, | 18669 |
pharmacy consultants, habilitation supervisors, qualified | 18670 |
18671 | |
directors, medical and habilitation records, program supplies, | 18672 |
incontinence supplies, food, enterals, dietary supplies and | 18673 |
personnel, laundry, housekeeping, security, administration, | 18674 |
medical equipment, utilities, liability insurance, bookkeeping, | 18675 |
purchasing department, human resources, communications, travel, | 18676 |
dues, license fees, subscriptions, home office costs not otherwise | 18677 |
allocated, legal services, accounting services, minor equipment, | 18678 |
maintenance and repairs, help-wanted advertising, informational | 18679 |
advertising, start-up costs, organizational expenses, other | 18680 |
interest, property insurance, employee training and staff | 18681 |
development, employee benefits, payroll taxes, and workers' | 18682 |
compensation premiums or costs for self-insurance claims and | 18683 |
related costs as specified in rules adopted under section 5165.02 | 18684 |
of the Revised Code, for personnel listed in this division. | 18685 |
"Ancillary and support costs" also means the cost of equipment, | 18686 |
including vehicles, acquired by operating lease executed before | 18687 |
December 1, 1992, if the costs are reported as administrative and | 18688 |
general costs on the nursing facility's cost report for the cost | 18689 |
reporting period ending December 31, 1992. | 18690 |
(D)(1) "Capital costs" means the actual expense incurred by a | 18691 |
nursing facility for all of the following: | 18692 |
(a) Depreciation and interest on any capital assets that cost | 18693 |
five hundred dollars or more per item, including the following: | 18694 |
(i) Buildings; | 18695 |
(ii) Building improvements; | 18696 |
(iii) Except as provided in division (C) of this section, | 18697 |
equipment; | 18698 |
(iv) Transportation equipment. | 18699 |
(b) Amortization and interest on land improvements and | 18700 |
leasehold improvements; | 18701 |
(c) Amortization of financing costs; | 18702 |
(d) Lease and rent of land, buildings, and equipment. | 18703 |
(2) The costs of capital assets of less than five hundred | 18704 |
dollars per item may be considered capital costs in accordance | 18705 |
with a provider's practice. | 18706 |
(E) "Capital lease" and "operating lease" shall be construed | 18707 |
in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. | 18708 |
(F) "Case-mix score" means a measure determined under section | 18709 |
5165.192 of the Revised Code of the relative direct-care resources | 18710 |
needed to provide care and habilitation to a nursing facility | 18711 |
resident. | 18712 |
(G) "Change of operator" means an entering operator becoming | 18713 |
the operator of a nursing facility in the place of the exiting | 18714 |
operator. | 18715 |
(1) Actions that constitute a change of operator include the | 18716 |
following: | 18717 |
(a) A change in an exiting operator's form of legal | 18718 |
organization, including the formation of a partnership or | 18719 |
corporation from a sole proprietorship; | 18720 |
(b) A transfer of all the exiting operator's ownership | 18721 |
interest in the operation of the nursing facility to the entering | 18722 |
operator, regardless of whether ownership of any or all of the | 18723 |
real property or personal property associated with the nursing | 18724 |
facility is also transferred; | 18725 |
(c) A lease of the nursing facility to the entering operator | 18726 |
or the exiting operator's termination of the exiting operator's | 18727 |
lease; | 18728 |
(d) If the exiting operator is a partnership, dissolution of | 18729 |
the partnership; | 18730 |
(e) If the exiting operator is a partnership, a change in | 18731 |
composition of the partnership unless both of the following apply: | 18732 |
(i) The change in composition does not cause the | 18733 |
partnership's dissolution under state law. | 18734 |
(ii) The partners agree that the change in composition does | 18735 |
not constitute a change in operator. | 18736 |
(f) If the operator is a corporation, dissolution of the | 18737 |
corporation, a merger of the corporation into another corporation | 18738 |
that is the survivor of the merger, or a consolidation of one or | 18739 |
more other corporations to form a new corporation. | 18740 |
(2) The following, alone, do not constitute a change of | 18741 |
operator: | 18742 |
(a) A contract for an entity to manage a nursing facility as | 18743 |
the operator's agent, subject to the operator's approval of daily | 18744 |
operating and management decisions; | 18745 |
(b) A change of ownership, lease, or termination of a lease | 18746 |
of real property or personal property associated with a nursing | 18747 |
facility if an entering operator does not become the operator in | 18748 |
place of an exiting operator; | 18749 |
(c) If the operator is a corporation, a change of one or more | 18750 |
members of the corporation's governing body or transfer of | 18751 |
ownership of one or more shares of the corporation's stock, if the | 18752 |
same corporation continues to be the operator. | 18753 |
(H) "Cost center" means the following: | 18754 |
(1) Ancillary and support costs; | 18755 |
(2) Capital costs; | 18756 |
(3) Direct care costs; | 18757 |
(4) Tax costs. | 18758 |
(I) "Custom wheelchair" means a wheelchair to which both of | 18759 |
the following apply: | 18760 |
(1) It has been measured, fitted, or adapted in consideration | 18761 |
of either of the following: | 18762 |
(a) The body size or disability of the individual who is to | 18763 |
use the wheelchair; | 18764 |
(b) The individual's period of need for, or intended use of, | 18765 |
the wheelchair. | 18766 |
(2) It has customized features, modifications, or components, | 18767 |
such as adaptive seating and positioning systems, that the | 18768 |
supplier who assembled the wheelchair, or the manufacturer from | 18769 |
which the wheelchair was ordered, added or made in accordance with | 18770 |
the instructions of the physician of the individual who is to use | 18771 |
the wheelchair. | 18772 |
(J)(1) "Date of licensure" means the following: | 18773 |
(a) In the case of a nursing facility that was required by | 18774 |
law to be licensed as a nursing home under Chapter 3721. of the | 18775 |
Revised Code when it originally began to be operated as a nursing | 18776 |
home, the date the nursing facility was originally so licensed; | 18777 |
(b) In the case of a nursing facility that was not required | 18778 |
by law to be licensed as a nursing home when it originally began | 18779 |
to be operated as a nursing home, the date it first began to be | 18780 |
operated as a nursing home, regardless of the date the nursing | 18781 |
facility was first licensed as a nursing home. | 18782 |
(2) If, after a nursing facility's original date of | 18783 |
licensure, more nursing home beds are added to the nursing | 18784 |
facility, the nursing facility has a different date of licensure | 18785 |
for the additional beds. This does not apply, however, to | 18786 |
additional beds when both of the following apply: | 18787 |
(a) The additional beds are located in a part of the nursing | 18788 |
facility that was constructed at the same time as the continuing | 18789 |
beds already located in that part of the nursing facility; | 18790 |
(b) The part of the nursing facility in which the additional | 18791 |
beds are located was constructed as part of the nursing facility | 18792 |
at a time when the nursing facility was not required by law to be | 18793 |
licensed as a nursing home. | 18794 |
(3) The definition of "date of licensure" in this section | 18795 |
applies in determinations of nursing facilities' medicaid payment | 18796 |
rates but does not apply in determinations of nursing facilities' | 18797 |
franchise permit fees. | 18798 |
(K) "Desk-reviewed" means that a nursing facility's costs as | 18799 |
reported on a cost report submitted under section 5165.10 of the | 18800 |
Revised Code have been subjected to a desk review under section | 18801 |
5165.108 of the Revised Code and preliminarily determined to be | 18802 |
allowable costs. | 18803 |
(L) "Direct care costs" means all of the following costs | 18804 |
incurred by a nursing facility: | 18805 |
(1) Costs for registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, | 18806 |
and nurse aides employed by the nursing facility; | 18807 |
(2) Costs for direct care staff, administrative nursing | 18808 |
staff, medical directors, respiratory therapists, and except as | 18809 |
provided in division (L)(8) of this section, other persons holding | 18810 |
degrees qualifying them to provide therapy; | 18811 |
(3) Costs of purchased nursing services; | 18812 |
(4) Costs of quality assurance; | 18813 |
(5) Costs of training and staff development, employee | 18814 |
benefits, payroll taxes, and workers' compensation premiums or | 18815 |
costs for self-insurance claims and related costs as specified in | 18816 |
rules adopted under section 5165.02 of the Revised Code, for | 18817 |
personnel listed in divisions (L)(1), (2), (4), and (8) of this | 18818 |
section; | 18819 |
(6) Costs of consulting and management fees related to direct | 18820 |
care; | 18821 |
(7) Allocated direct care home office costs; | 18822 |
(8) Costs of habilitation staff (other than habilitation | 18823 |
supervisors), medical supplies, emergency oxygen, over-the-counter | 18824 |
pharmacy products, behavioral and mental health services, physical | 18825 |
therapists, physical therapy assistants, occupational therapists, | 18826 |
occupational therapy assistants, speech therapists, audiologists, | 18827 |
habilitation supplies, and universal precautions supplies; | 18828 |
(9) Until January 1, 2014, costs of oxygen, wheelchairs, and | 18829 |
resident transportation; | 18830 |
(10) Beginning January 1, 2014, costs of both of the | 18831 |
following: | 18832 |
(a) Emergency oxygen; | 18833 |
(b) Wheelchairs other than the following: | 18834 |
(i) Custom wheelchairs; | 18835 |
(ii) Repairs to and replacements of custom wheelchairs and | 18836 |
parts that are made in accordance with the instructions of the | 18837 |
physician of the individual who uses the custom wheelchair. | 18838 |
(11) Costs of other direct-care resources that are specified | 18839 |
as direct care costs in rules adopted under section 5165.02 of the | 18840 |
Revised Code. | 18841 |
(M) "Dual eligible individual" has the same meaning as in | 18842 |
section 5160.01 of the Revised Code. | 18843 |
(N) "Effective date of a change of operator" means the day | 18844 |
the entering operator becomes the operator of the nursing | 18845 |
facility. | 18846 |
(O) "Effective date of a facility closure" means the last day | 18847 |
that the last of the residents of the nursing facility resides in | 18848 |
the nursing facility. | 18849 |
(P) "Effective date of an involuntary termination" means the | 18850 |
date the department of medicaid terminates the operator's provider | 18851 |
agreement for the nursing facility. | 18852 |
(Q) "Effective date of a voluntary withdrawal of | 18853 |
participation" means the day the nursing facility ceases to accept | 18854 |
new medicaid residents other than the individuals who reside in | 18855 |
the nursing facility on the day before the effective date of the | 18856 |
voluntary withdrawal of participation. | 18857 |
(R) "Entering operator" means the person or government entity | 18858 |
that will become the operator of a nursing facility when a change | 18859 |
of operator occurs or following an involuntary termination. | 18860 |
(S) "Exiting operator" means any of the following: | 18861 |
(1) An operator that will cease to be the operator of a | 18862 |
nursing facility on the effective date of a change of operator; | 18863 |
(2) An operator that will cease to be the operator of a | 18864 |
nursing facility on the effective date of a facility closure; | 18865 |
(3) An operator of a nursing facility that is undergoing or | 18866 |
has undergone a voluntary withdrawal of participation; | 18867 |
(4) An operator of a nursing facility that is undergoing or | 18868 |
has undergone an involuntary termination. | 18869 |
(T)(1) Subject to divisions (T)(2) and (3) of this section, | 18870 |
"facility closure" means either of the following: | 18871 |
(a) Discontinuance of the use of the building, or part of the | 18872 |
building, that houses the facility as a nursing facility that | 18873 |
results in the relocation of all of the nursing facility's | 18874 |
residents; | 18875 |
(b) Conversion of the building, or part of the building, that | 18876 |
houses a nursing facility to a different use with any necessary | 18877 |
license or other approval needed for that use being obtained and | 18878 |
one or more of the nursing facility's residents remaining in the | 18879 |
building, or part of the building, to receive services under the | 18880 |
new use. | 18881 |
(2) A facility closure occurs regardless of any of the | 18882 |
following: | 18883 |
(a) The operator completely or partially replacing the | 18884 |
nursing facility by constructing a new nursing facility or | 18885 |
transferring the nursing facility's license to another nursing | 18886 |
facility; | 18887 |
(b) The nursing facility's residents relocating to another of | 18888 |
the operator's nursing facilities; | 18889 |
(c) Any action the department of health takes regarding the | 18890 |
nursing facility's medicaid certification that may result in the | 18891 |
transfer of part of the nursing facility's survey findings to | 18892 |
another of the operator's nursing facilities; | 18893 |
(d) Any action the department of health takes regarding the | 18894 |
nursing facility's license under Chapter 3721. of the Revised | 18895 |
Code. | 18896 |
(3) A facility closure does not occur if all of the nursing | 18897 |
facility's residents are relocated due to an emergency evacuation | 18898 |
and one or more of the residents return to a medicaid-certified | 18899 |
bed in the nursing facility not later than thirty days after the | 18900 |
evacuation occurs. | 18901 |
(U) "Fiscal year" means the fiscal year of this state, as | 18902 |
specified in section 9.34 of the Revised Code. | 18903 |
(V) "Franchise permit fee" means the fee imposed by sections | 18904 |
5168.40 to 5168.56 of the Revised Code. | 18905 |
(W) "Inpatient days" means both of the following: | 18906 |
(1) All days during which a resident, regardless of payment | 18907 |
source, occupies a bed in a nursing facility that is included in | 18908 |
the nursing facility's medicaid-certified capacity; | 18909 |
(2) Fifty per cent of the days for which payment is made | 18910 |
under section 5165.34 of the Revised Code. | 18911 |
(X) "Involuntary termination" means the department of | 18912 |
medicaid's termination of the operator's provider agreement for | 18913 |
the nursing facility when the termination is not taken at the | 18914 |
operator's request. | 18915 |
(Y) "Low resource utilization resident" means a medicaid | 18916 |
recipient residing in a nursing facility who, for purposes of | 18917 |
calculating the nursing facility's medicaid payment rate for | 18918 |
direct care costs, is placed in either of the two lowest resource | 18919 |
utilization groups, excluding any resource utilization group that | 18920 |
is a default group used for residents with incomplete assessment | 18921 |
data. | 18922 |
(Z) "Maintenance and repair expenses" means a nursing | 18923 |
facility's expenditures that are necessary and proper to maintain | 18924 |
an asset in a normally efficient working condition and that do not | 18925 |
extend the useful life of the asset two years or more. | 18926 |
"Maintenance and repair expenses" includes but is not limited to | 18927 |
the costs of ordinary repairs such as painting and wallpapering. | 18928 |
(AA) "Medicaid-certified capacity" means the number of a | 18929 |
nursing facility's beds that are certified for participation in | 18930 |
medicaid as nursing facility beds. | 18931 |
(BB) "Medicaid days" means both of the following: | 18932 |
(1) All days during which a resident who is a medicaid | 18933 |
recipient eligible for nursing facility services occupies a bed in | 18934 |
a nursing facility that is included in the nursing facility's | 18935 |
medicaid-certified capacity; | 18936 |
(2) Fifty per cent of the days for which payment is made | 18937 |
under section 5165.34 of the Revised Code. | 18938 |
(CC)(1) "New nursing facility" means a nursing facility for | 18939 |
which the provider obtains an initial provider agreement following | 18940 |
medicaid certification of the nursing facility by the director of | 18941 |
health, including such a nursing facility that replaces one or | 18942 |
more nursing facilities for which a provider previously held a | 18943 |
provider agreement. | 18944 |
(2) "New nursing facility" does not mean a nursing facility | 18945 |
for which the entering operator seeks a provider agreement | 18946 |
pursuant to section 5165.511 or 5165.512 or (pursuant to section | 18947 |
5165.515) section 5165.07 of the Revised Code. | 18948 |
(DD) "Nursing facility" has the same meaning as in the | 18949 |
"Social Security Act," section 1919(a), 42 U.S.C. 1396r(a). | 18950 |
(EE) "Nursing facility services" has the same meaning as in | 18951 |
the "Social Security Act," section 1905(f), 42 U.S.C. 1396d(f). | 18952 |
(FF) "Nursing home" has the same meaning as in section | 18953 |
3721.01 of the Revised Code. | 18954 |
(GG) "Operator" means the person or government entity | 18955 |
responsible for the daily operating and management decisions for a | 18956 |
nursing facility. | 18957 |
(HH)(1) "Owner" means any person or government entity that | 18958 |
has at least five per cent ownership or interest, either directly, | 18959 |
indirectly, or in any combination, in any of the following | 18960 |
regarding a nursing facility: | 18961 |
(a) The land on which the nursing facility is located; | 18962 |
(b) The structure in which the nursing facility is located; | 18963 |
(c) Any mortgage, contract for deed, or other obligation | 18964 |
secured in whole or in part by the land or structure on or in | 18965 |
which the nursing facility is located; | 18966 |
(d) Any lease or sublease of the land or structure on or in | 18967 |
which the nursing facility is located. | 18968 |
(2) "Owner" does not mean a holder of a debenture or bond | 18969 |
related to the nursing facility and purchased at public issue or a | 18970 |
regulated lender that has made a loan related to the nursing | 18971 |
facility unless the holder or lender operates the nursing facility | 18972 |
directly or through a subsidiary. | 18973 |
(II) "Per diem" means a nursing facility's actual, allowable | 18974 |
costs in a given cost center in a cost reporting period, divided | 18975 |
by the nursing facility's inpatient days for that cost reporting | 18976 |
period. | 18977 |
(JJ) "Provider" means an operator with a provider agreement. | 18978 |
(KK) "Provider agreement" means a provider agreement, as | 18979 |
defined in section 5164.01 of the Revised Code, that is between | 18980 |
the department of medicaid and the operator of a nursing facility | 18981 |
for the provision of nursing facility services under the medicaid | 18982 |
program. | 18983 |
(LL) "Purchased nursing services" means services that are | 18984 |
provided in a nursing facility by registered nurses, licensed | 18985 |
practical nurses, or nurse aides who are not employees of the | 18986 |
nursing facility. | 18987 |
(MM) "Reasonable" means that a cost is an actual cost that is | 18988 |
appropriate and helpful to develop and maintain the operation of | 18989 |
patient care facilities and activities, including normal standby | 18990 |
costs, and that does not exceed what a prudent buyer pays for a | 18991 |
given item or services. Reasonable costs may vary from provider to | 18992 |
provider and from time to time for the same provider. | 18993 |
(NN) "Related party" means an individual or organization | 18994 |
that, to a significant extent, has common ownership with, is | 18995 |
associated or affiliated with, has control of, or is controlled | 18996 |
by, the provider. | 18997 |
(1) An individual who is a relative of an owner is a related | 18998 |
party. | 18999 |
(2) Common ownership exists when an individual or individuals | 19000 |
possess significant ownership or equity in both the provider and | 19001 |
the other organization. Significant ownership or equity exists | 19002 |
when an individual or individuals possess five per cent ownership | 19003 |
or equity in both the provider and a supplier. Significant | 19004 |
ownership or equity is presumed to exist when an individual or | 19005 |
individuals possess ten per cent ownership or equity in both the | 19006 |
provider and another organization from which the provider | 19007 |
purchases or leases real property. | 19008 |
(3) Control exists when an individual or organization has the | 19009 |
power, directly or indirectly, to significantly influence or | 19010 |
direct the actions or policies of an organization. | 19011 |
(4) An individual or organization that supplies goods or | 19012 |
services to a provider shall not be considered a related party if | 19013 |
all of the following conditions are met: | 19014 |
(a) The supplier is a separate bona fide organization. | 19015 |
(b) A substantial part of the supplier's business activity of | 19016 |
the type carried on with the provider is transacted with others | 19017 |
than the provider and there is an open, competitive market for the | 19018 |
types of goods or services the supplier furnishes. | 19019 |
(c) The types of goods or services are commonly obtained by | 19020 |
other nursing facilities from outside organizations and are not a | 19021 |
basic element of patient care ordinarily furnished directly to | 19022 |
patients by nursing facilities. | 19023 |
(d) The charge to the provider is in line with the charge for | 19024 |
the goods or services in the open market and no more than the | 19025 |
charge made under comparable circumstances to others by the | 19026 |
supplier. | 19027 |
(OO) "Relative of owner" means an individual who is related | 19028 |
to an owner of a nursing facility by one of the following | 19029 |
relationships: | 19030 |
(1) Spouse; | 19031 |
(2) Natural parent, child, or sibling; | 19032 |
(3) Adopted parent, child, or sibling; | 19033 |
(4) Stepparent, stepchild, stepbrother, or stepsister; | 19034 |
(5) Father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, | 19035 |
daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law; | 19036 |
(6) Grandparent or grandchild; | 19037 |
(7) Foster caregiver, foster child, foster brother, or foster | 19038 |
sister. | 19039 |
(PP) "Residents' rights advocate" has the same meaning as in | 19040 |
section 3721.10 of the Revised Code. | 19041 |
(QQ) "Skilled nursing facility" has the same meaning as in | 19042 |
the "Social Security Act," section 1819(a), 42 U.S.C. 1395i-3(a). | 19043 |
(RR) "Sponsor" has the same meaning as in section 3721.10 of | 19044 |
the Revised Code. | 19045 |
(SS) "Tax costs" means the costs of taxes imposed under | 19046 |
Chapter 5751. of the Revised Code, real estate taxes, personal | 19047 |
property taxes, and corporate franchise taxes. | 19048 |
(TT) "Title XIX" means Title XIX of the "Social Security | 19049 |
Act," 42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq. | 19050 |
(UU) "Title XVIII" means Title XVIII of the "Social Security | 19051 |
Act," 42 U.S.C. 1395 et seq. | 19052 |
(VV) "Voluntary withdrawal of participation" means an | 19053 |
operator's voluntary election to terminate the participation of a | 19054 |
nursing facility in the medicaid program but to continue to | 19055 |
provide service of the type provided by a nursing facility. | 19056 |
Sec. 5166.20. (A) The department of medicaid may create the | 19057 |
following: | 19058 |
(1) One or more medicaid waiver components under which home | 19059 |
and community-based services are provided to individuals with | 19060 |
19061 | |
as an alternative to placement in ICFs/IID; | 19062 |
(2) One or more medicaid waiver components under which home | 19063 |
and community-based services are provided in the form of any of | 19064 |
the following: | 19065 |
(a) Early intervention and supportive services for children | 19066 |
under three years of age who have developmental delays or | 19067 |
disabilities the department determines are significant; | 19068 |
(b) Therapeutic services for children who have autism; | 19069 |
(c) Specialized habilitative services for individuals who are | 19070 |
eighteen years of age or older and have autism. | 19071 |
(B) No medicaid waiver component created pursuant to division | 19072 |
(A)(2)(b) or (c) of this section shall provide services that are | 19073 |
available under another medicaid waiver component. No medicaid | 19074 |
waiver component created pursuant to division (A)(2)(b) of this | 19075 |
section shall provide services to an individual that the | 19076 |
individual is eligible to receive through an individualized | 19077 |
education program as defined in section 3323.01 of the Revised | 19078 |
Code. | 19079 |
(C) The director of developmental disabilities and director | 19080 |
of health may request that the department of medicaid create one | 19081 |
or more medicaid waiver components under this section. | 19082 |
(D) Before creating a medicaid waiver component under this | 19083 |
section, the department of medicaid shall seek, accept, and | 19084 |
consider public comments. | 19085 |
Sec. 5166.22. (A) Subject to division (B) of this section, | 19086 |
when the department of developmental disabilities allocates | 19087 |
enrollment numbers to a county board of developmental disabilities | 19088 |
for home and community-based services specified in division (A)(1) | 19089 |
of section 5166.20 of the Revised Code and provided under any of | 19090 |
the medicaid waiver components that the department administers | 19091 |
under section 5166.21 of the Revised Code, the department shall | 19092 |
consider all of the following: | 19093 |
(1) The number of individuals with | 19094 |
19095 | |
list the county board establishes under section 5126.042 of the | 19096 |
Revised Code for those services and are given priority on the | 19097 |
waiting list; | 19098 |
(2) The implementation component required by division (A)(3) | 19099 |
of section 5126.054 of the Revised Code of the county board's plan | 19100 |
approved under section 5123.046 of the Revised Code; | 19101 |
(3) Anything else the department considers necessary to | 19102 |
enable county boards to provide those services to individuals in | 19103 |
accordance with the priority requirements for waiting lists | 19104 |
established under section 5126.042 of the Revised Code for those | 19105 |
services. | 19106 |
(B) Division (A) of this section applies to home and | 19107 |
community-based services provided under the medicaid waiver | 19108 |
component known as the transitions developmental disabilities | 19109 |
waiver only to the extent, if any, provided by the contract | 19110 |
required by section 5166.21 of the Revised Code regarding the | 19111 |
component. | 19112 |
Sec. 5168.68. There is hereby created in the state treasury | 19113 |
the home and community-based services for the | 19114 |
19115 | |
penalties paid by an ICF/IID under sections 5168.63 and 5168.65 of | 19116 |
the Revised Code shall be deposited into the fund. As soon as | 19117 |
possible after the end of each quarter, the medicaid director | 19118 |
shall certify to the director of budget and management the amount | 19119 |
of money that is in the fund as of the last day of that quarter. | 19120 |
On receipt of a certification, the director of budget and | 19121 |
management shall transfer the amount so certified from the home | 19122 |
and community-based services for the | 19123 |
developmentally disabled fund to the department of developmental | 19124 |
disabilities operating and services fund created under section | 19125 |
5168.69 of the Revised Code. | 19126 |
Sec. 5301.22. As used in this section, "incompetent person" | 19127 |
means a person who is so mentally impaired as a result of a mental | 19128 |
or physical illness or disability, or | 19129 |
developmental disability that is an intellectual disability, or as | 19130 |
a result of chronic substance abuse, that the person is incapable | 19131 |
of taking proper care of the person's self or property or fails to | 19132 |
provide for the person's family or other persons for whom the | 19133 |
person is charged by law to provide. | 19134 |
No agreement described in section 5301.21 of the Revised Code | 19135 |
shall be executed by a minor or incompetent person, but it may be | 19136 |
executed and delivered for record, on such a person's behalf, by | 19137 |
the person's guardian. When executed, acknowledged, delivered for | 19138 |
record, and recorded, such agreement shall be as effectual against | 19139 |
such minor or incompetent person, as if the person had been under | 19140 |
no disability, and had performed such acts personally. An owner, | 19141 |
not under any of such disabilities, may perform all such acts by | 19142 |
an attorney in fact. The power of such attorney must be in writing | 19143 |
and first recorded in the county recorder's office. | 19144 |
Sec. 5305.17. As used in this section and sections 5305.18 | 19145 |
to 5305.22 of the Revised Code, "incompetent person" means a | 19146 |
person who is so mentally impaired as a result of a mental or | 19147 |
physical illness or disability, or | 19148 |
developmental disability that is an intellectual disability, or as | 19149 |
a result of chronic substance abuse, that the person is incapable | 19150 |
of taking proper care of the person's self or property or fails to | 19151 |
provide for the person's family or other persons for whom the | 19152 |
person is charged by law to provide. | 19153 |
The guardian of a surviving spouse who has been adjudged to | 19154 |
be an incompetent person may appear and answer for such | 19155 |
incompetent person in an action under section 5305.15 of the | 19156 |
Revised Code, subject to the approval of the court in which it is | 19157 |
pending. Such answer has the same effect as if such spouse | 19158 |
answered personally. The guardian shall be liable to such spouse, | 19159 |
or the heirs, for all damage or loss sustained by the guardian's | 19160 |
fraud or collusion, notwithstanding the approval of the court. | 19161 |
Sec. 5307.19. As used in this section and section 5307.20 of | 19162 |
the Revised Code, "incompetent person" means a person who is so | 19163 |
mentally impaired as a result of a mental or physical illness or | 19164 |
disability, or | 19165 |
is an intellectual disability, or as a result of chronic substance | 19166 |
abuse, that the person is incapable of taking proper care of the | 19167 |
person's self or property or fails to provide for the person's | 19168 |
family or other persons for whom the person is charged by law to | 19169 |
provide. | 19170 |
The guardian of a minor or incompetent person, on behalf of | 19171 |
the guardian's ward, may perform any act, matter, or thing | 19172 |
respecting the partition of an estate which such ward could do | 19173 |
under sections 5307.01 to 5307.25 of the Revised Code, if the ward | 19174 |
were of age and of sound mind. On behalf of such ward, the | 19175 |
guardian may elect to take the estate, when it cannot be divided | 19176 |
without injury, and make payments therefor on the ward's behalf. | 19177 |
Sec. 5310.12. As used in this section, "incompetent person" | 19178 |
means a person who is so mentally impaired as a result of a mental | 19179 |
or physical illness or disability, or | 19180 |
developmental disability that is an intellectual disability, or as | 19181 |
a result of chronic substance abuse, that the person is incapable | 19182 |
of taking proper care of the person's self or property or fails to | 19183 |
provide for the person's family or other persons for whom the | 19184 |
person is charged by law to provide. | 19185 |
No action or proceeding for compensation from the assurance | 19186 |
fund provided for in section 5310.05 of the Revised Code for, or | 19187 |
by reason of, any deprivation, loss, or damage shall be made, | 19188 |
brought or taken, except within a period of six years from the | 19189 |
time when the right to bring such action or proceeding first | 19190 |
accrued. If at the time when such right of action first accrues | 19191 |
the person entitled to bring such action or take such proceedings | 19192 |
is within the age of eighteen years, an incompetent person, | 19193 |
imprisoned, or absent from the United States in the service of the | 19194 |
United States or of this state, such person or anyone claiming | 19195 |
from, by, or under the person, may bring the action at any time | 19196 |
within two years after such disability is removed. | 19197 |
Sec. 5705.05. The purpose and intent of the general levy for | 19198 |
current expenses is to provide one general operating fund derived | 19199 |
from taxation from which any expenditures for current expenses of | 19200 |
any kind may be made. The taxing authority of a political | 19201 |
subdivision may include in such levy the amounts required for | 19202 |
carrying into effect any of the general or special powers granted | 19203 |
by law to such subdivision, including the acquisition or | 19204 |
construction of permanent improvements and the payment of | 19205 |
judgments, but excluding the payment of debt charges and, in the | 19206 |
case of counties, the construction, reconstruction, resurfacing, | 19207 |
or repair of roads and bridges. The power to include in the | 19208 |
general levy for current expenses additional amounts for purposes | 19209 |
for which a special tax is authorized shall not affect the right | 19210 |
or obligation to levy such special tax. Without prejudice to the | 19211 |
generality of the authority to levy a general tax for any current | 19212 |
expense, such general levy shall include: | 19213 |
(A) The amounts certified to be necessary for the payment of | 19214 |
final judgments; | 19215 |
(B) The amounts necessary for general, special, and primary | 19216 |
elections; | 19217 |
(C) The amounts necessary for boards and commissioners of | 19218 |
health, and other special or district appropriating authorities | 19219 |
deriving their revenue in whole or part from the subdivision; | 19220 |
(D) In the case of municipal corporations, the amounts | 19221 |
necessary for the maintenance, operation, and repair of public | 19222 |
buildings, wharves, bridges, parks, and streets, for the | 19223 |
prevention, control, and abatement of air pollution, and for a | 19224 |
sanitary fund; | 19225 |
(E) In the case of counties, the amounts necessary for the | 19226 |
maintenance, operation, and repair of public buildings, for | 19227 |
providing or maintaining senior citizens services or facilities, | 19228 |
for the relief and support of the poor, for the relief of needy | 19229 |
blind, for the support of mental health | 19230 |
developmental disability services, for the relief of honorably | 19231 |
discharged soldiers, indigent soldiers, sailors, and marines, for | 19232 |
the operation and maintenance and the acquisition, construction, | 19233 |
or improvement of permanent improvements, including, without | 19234 |
limitation, the acquisition and improvement of land and buildings | 19235 |
owned or used by a county land reutilization corporation organized | 19236 |
under Chapter 1724. of the Revised Code, for mothers' pension | 19237 |
fund, support of soil and water conservation districts, watershed | 19238 |
conservancy districts, and educational television, for the | 19239 |
prevention, control, and abatement of air pollution, and for the | 19240 |
county's share of the compensation paid judges; | 19241 |
(F) In the case of a school district, the amounts necessary | 19242 |
for tuition, the state teachers retirement system, and the | 19243 |
maintenance, operation, and repair of schools; | 19244 |
(G) In the case of a township, the amounts necessary for the | 19245 |
relief of the poor and for the prevention, control, and abatement | 19246 |
of air pollution. | 19247 |
This section does not require the inclusion within the | 19248 |
general levy of amounts for any purpose for which a special levy | 19249 |
is authorized by section 5705.06 of the Revised Code. | 19250 |
Sec. 5705.091. The board of county commissioners of each | 19251 |
county shall establish a county developmental disabilities general | 19252 |
fund. Notwithstanding section 5705.10 of the Revised Code, | 19253 |
proceeds from levies under section 5705.222 and division (L) of | 19254 |
section 5705.19 of the Revised Code shall be deposited to the | 19255 |
credit of the county developmental disabilities general fund. | 19256 |
Accounts shall be established within the county developmental | 19257 |
disabilities general fund for each of the several particular | 19258 |
purposes of the levies as specified in the resolutions under which | 19259 |
the levies were approved, and proceeds from different levies that | 19260 |
were approved for the same particular purpose shall be credited to | 19261 |
accounts for that purpose. Other money received by the county for | 19262 |
the purposes of Chapters 3323. and 5126. of the Revised Code and | 19263 |
not required by state or federal law to be deposited to the credit | 19264 |
of a different fund shall also be deposited to the credit of the | 19265 |
county developmental disabilities general fund, in an account | 19266 |
appropriate to the particular purpose for which the money was | 19267 |
received. Unless otherwise provided by law, an unexpended balance | 19268 |
at the end of a fiscal year in any account in the county | 19269 |
developmental disabilities general fund shall be appropriated the | 19270 |
next fiscal year to the same fund. | 19271 |
A county board of developmental disabilities may request, by | 19272 |
resolution, that the board of county commissioners establish a | 19273 |
county developmental disabilities capital fund for money to be | 19274 |
used for acquisition, construction, or improvement of capital | 19275 |
facilities or acquisition of capital equipment used in providing | 19276 |
services to | 19277 |
with developmental disabilities. The county board of developmental | 19278 |
disabilities shall transmit a certified copy of the resolution to | 19279 |
the board of county commissioners. Upon receiving the resolution, | 19280 |
the board of county commissioners shall establish a county | 19281 |
developmental disabilities capital fund. | 19282 |
Sec. 5705.19. This section does not apply to school | 19283 |
districts, county school financing districts, or lake facilities | 19284 |
authorities. | 19285 |
The taxing authority of any subdivision at any time and in | 19286 |
any year, by vote of two-thirds of all the members of the taxing | 19287 |
authority, may declare by resolution and certify the resolution to | 19288 |
the board of elections not less than ninety days before the | 19289 |
election upon which it will be voted that the amount of taxes that | 19290 |
may be raised within the ten-mill limitation will be insufficient | 19291 |
to provide for the necessary requirements of the subdivision and | 19292 |
that it is necessary to levy a tax in excess of that limitation | 19293 |
for any of the following purposes: | 19294 |
(A) For current expenses of the subdivision, except that the | 19295 |
total levy for current expenses of a detention facility district | 19296 |
or district organized under section 2151.65 of the Revised Code | 19297 |
shall not exceed two mills and that the total levy for current | 19298 |
expenses of a combined district organized under sections 2151.65 | 19299 |
and 2152.41 of the Revised Code shall not exceed four mills; | 19300 |
(B) For the payment of debt charges on certain described | 19301 |
bonds, notes, or certificates of indebtedness of the subdivision | 19302 |
issued subsequent to January 1, 1925; | 19303 |
(C) For the debt charges on all bonds, notes, and | 19304 |
certificates of indebtedness issued and authorized to be issued | 19305 |
prior to January 1, 1925; | 19306 |
(D) For a public library of, or supported by, the subdivision | 19307 |
under whatever law organized or authorized to be supported; | 19308 |
(E) For a municipal university, not to exceed two mills over | 19309 |
the limitation of one mill prescribed in section 3349.13 of the | 19310 |
Revised Code; | 19311 |
(F) For the construction or acquisition of any specific | 19312 |
permanent improvement or class of improvements that the taxing | 19313 |
authority of the subdivision may include in a single bond issue; | 19314 |
(G) For the general construction, reconstruction, | 19315 |
resurfacing, and repair of streets, roads, and bridges in | 19316 |
municipal corporations, counties, or townships; | 19317 |
(H) For parks and recreational purposes; | 19318 |
(I) For the purpose of providing and maintaining fire | 19319 |
apparatus, appliances, buildings, or sites therefor, or sources of | 19320 |
water supply and materials therefor, or the establishment and | 19321 |
maintenance of lines of fire alarm telegraph, or the payment of | 19322 |
firefighting companies or permanent, part-time, or volunteer | 19323 |
firefighting, emergency medical service, administrative, or | 19324 |
communications personnel to operate the same, including the | 19325 |
payment of any employer contributions required for such personnel | 19326 |
under section 145.48 or 742.34 of the Revised Code, or the | 19327 |
purchase of ambulance equipment, or the provision of ambulance, | 19328 |
paramedic, or other emergency medical services operated by a fire | 19329 |
department or firefighting company; | 19330 |
(J) For the purpose of providing and maintaining motor | 19331 |
vehicles, communications, other equipment, buildings, and sites | 19332 |
for such buildings used directly in the operation of a police | 19333 |
department, or the payment of salaries of permanent or part-time | 19334 |
police, communications, or administrative personnel to operate the | 19335 |
same, including the payment of any employer contributions required | 19336 |
for such personnel under section 145.48 or 742.33 of the Revised | 19337 |
Code, or the payment of the costs incurred by townships as a | 19338 |
result of contracts made with other political subdivisions in | 19339 |
order to obtain police protection, or the provision of ambulance | 19340 |
or emergency medical services operated by a police department; | 19341 |
(K) For the maintenance and operation of a county home or | 19342 |
detention facility; | 19343 |
(L) For community | 19344 |
disabilities programs and services pursuant to Chapter 5126. of | 19345 |
the Revised Code, except that the procedure for such levies shall | 19346 |
be as provided in section 5705.222 of the Revised Code; | 19347 |
(M) For regional planning; | 19348 |
(N) For a county's share of the cost of maintaining and | 19349 |
operating schools, district detention facilities, forestry camps, | 19350 |
or other facilities, or any combination thereof, established under | 19351 |
section 2151.65 or 2152.41 of the Revised Code or both of those | 19352 |
sections; | 19353 |
(O) For providing for flood defense, providing and | 19354 |
maintaining a flood wall or pumps, and other purposes to prevent | 19355 |
floods; | 19356 |
(P) For maintaining and operating sewage disposal plants and | 19357 |
facilities; | 19358 |
(Q) For the purpose of purchasing, acquiring, constructing, | 19359 |
enlarging, improving, equipping, repairing, maintaining, or | 19360 |
operating, or any combination of the foregoing, a county transit | 19361 |
system pursuant to sections 306.01 to 306.13 of the Revised Code, | 19362 |
or of making any payment to a board of county commissioners | 19363 |
operating a transit system or a county transit board pursuant to | 19364 |
section 306.06 of the Revised Code; | 19365 |
(R) For the subdivision's share of the cost of acquiring or | 19366 |
constructing any schools, forestry camps, detention facilities, or | 19367 |
other facilities, or any combination thereof, under section | 19368 |
2151.65 or 2152.41 of the Revised Code or both of those sections; | 19369 |
(S) For the prevention, control, and abatement of air | 19370 |
pollution; | 19371 |
(T) For maintaining and operating cemeteries; | 19372 |
(U) For providing ambulance service, emergency medical | 19373 |
service, or both; | 19374 |
(V) For providing for the collection and disposal of garbage | 19375 |
or refuse, including yard waste; | 19376 |
(W) For the payment of the police officer employers' | 19377 |
contribution or the firefighter employers' contribution required | 19378 |
under sections 742.33 and 742.34 of the Revised Code; | 19379 |
(X) For the construction and maintenance of a drainage | 19380 |
improvement pursuant to section 6131.52 of the Revised Code; | 19381 |
(Y) For providing or maintaining senior citizens services or | 19382 |
facilities as authorized by section 307.694, 307.85, 505.70, or | 19383 |
505.706 or division (EE) of section 717.01 of the Revised Code; | 19384 |
(Z) For the provision and maintenance of zoological park | 19385 |
services and facilities as authorized under section 307.76 of the | 19386 |
Revised Code; | 19387 |
(AA) For the maintenance and operation of a free public | 19388 |
museum of art, science, or history; | 19389 |
(BB) For the establishment and operation of a 9-1-1 system, | 19390 |
as defined in section 128.01 of the Revised Code; | 19391 |
(CC) For the purpose of acquiring, rehabilitating, or | 19392 |
developing rail property or rail service. As used in this | 19393 |
division, "rail property" and "rail service" have the same | 19394 |
meanings as in section 4981.01 of the Revised Code. This division | 19395 |
applies only to a county, township, or municipal corporation. | 19396 |
(DD) For the purpose of acquiring property for, constructing, | 19397 |
operating, and maintaining community centers as provided for in | 19398 |
section 755.16 of the Revised Code; | 19399 |
(EE) For the creation and operation of an office or joint | 19400 |
office of economic development, for any economic development | 19401 |
purpose of the office, and to otherwise provide for the | 19402 |
establishment and operation of a program of economic development | 19403 |
pursuant to sections 307.07 and 307.64 of the Revised Code, or to | 19404 |
the extent that the expenses of a county land reutilization | 19405 |
corporation organized under Chapter 1724. of the Revised Code are | 19406 |
found by the board of county commissioners to constitute the | 19407 |
promotion of economic development, for the payment of such | 19408 |
operations and expenses; | 19409 |
(FF) For the purpose of acquiring, establishing, | 19410 |
constructing, improving, equipping, maintaining, or operating, or | 19411 |
any combination of the foregoing, a township airport, landing | 19412 |
field, or other air navigation facility pursuant to section 505.15 | 19413 |
of the Revised Code; | 19414 |
(GG) For the payment of costs incurred by a township as a | 19415 |
result of a contract made with a county pursuant to section | 19416 |
505.263 of the Revised Code in order to pay all or any part of the | 19417 |
cost of constructing, maintaining, repairing, or operating a water | 19418 |
supply improvement; | 19419 |
(HH) For a board of township trustees to acquire, other than | 19420 |
by appropriation, an ownership interest in land, water, or | 19421 |
wetlands, or to restore or maintain land, water, or wetlands in | 19422 |
which the board has an ownership interest, not for purposes of | 19423 |
recreation, but for the purposes of protecting and preserving the | 19424 |
natural, scenic, open, or wooded condition of the land, water, or | 19425 |
wetlands against modification or encroachment resulting from | 19426 |
occupation, development, or other use, which may be styled as | 19427 |
protecting or preserving "greenspace" in the resolution, notice of | 19428 |
election, or ballot form. Except as otherwise provided in this | 19429 |
division, land is not acquired for purposes of recreation, even if | 19430 |
the land is used for recreational purposes, so long as no | 19431 |
building, structure, or fixture used for recreational purposes is | 19432 |
permanently attached or affixed to the land. Except as otherwise | 19433 |
provided in this division, land that previously has been acquired | 19434 |
in a township for these greenspace purposes may subsequently be | 19435 |
used for recreational purposes if the board of township trustees | 19436 |
adopts a resolution approving that use and no building, structure, | 19437 |
or fixture used for recreational purposes is permanently attached | 19438 |
or affixed to the land. The authorization to use greenspace land | 19439 |
for recreational use does not apply to land located in a township | 19440 |
that had a population, at the time it passed its first greenspace | 19441 |
levy, of more than thirty-eight thousand within a county that had | 19442 |
a population, at that time, of at least eight hundred sixty | 19443 |
thousand. | 19444 |
(II) For the support by a county of a crime victim assistance | 19445 |
program that is provided and maintained by a county agency or a | 19446 |
private, nonprofit corporation or association under section 307.62 | 19447 |
of the Revised Code; | 19448 |
(JJ) For any or all of the purposes set forth in divisions | 19449 |
(I) and (J) of this section. This division applies only to a | 19450 |
township. | 19451 |
(KK) For a countywide public safety communications system | 19452 |
under section 307.63 of the Revised Code. This division applies | 19453 |
only to counties. | 19454 |
(LL) For the support by a county of criminal justice services | 19455 |
under section 307.45 of the Revised Code; | 19456 |
(MM) For the purpose of maintaining and operating a jail or | 19457 |
other detention facility as defined in section 2921.01 of the | 19458 |
Revised Code; | 19459 |
(NN) For purchasing, maintaining, or improving, or any | 19460 |
combination of the foregoing, real estate on which to hold, and | 19461 |
the operating expenses of, agricultural fairs operated by a county | 19462 |
agricultural society or independent agricultural society under | 19463 |
Chapter 1711. of the Revised Code. This division applies only to a | 19464 |
county. | 19465 |
(OO) For constructing, rehabilitating, repairing, or | 19466 |
maintaining sidewalks, walkways, trails, bicycle pathways, or | 19467 |
similar improvements, or acquiring ownership interests in land | 19468 |
necessary for the foregoing improvements; | 19469 |
(PP) For both of the purposes set forth in divisions (G) and | 19470 |
(OO) of this section. | 19471 |
(QQ) For both of the purposes set forth in divisions (H) and | 19472 |
(HH) of this section. This division applies only to a township. | 19473 |
(RR) For the legislative authority of a municipal | 19474 |
corporation, board of county commissioners of a county, or board | 19475 |
of township trustees of a township to acquire agricultural | 19476 |
easements, as defined in section 5301.67 of the Revised Code, and | 19477 |
to supervise and enforce the easements. | 19478 |
(SS) For both of the purposes set forth in divisions (BB) and | 19479 |
(KK) of this section. This division applies only to a county. | 19480 |
(TT) For the maintenance and operation of a facility that is | 19481 |
organized in whole or in part to promote the sciences and natural | 19482 |
history under section 307.761 of the Revised Code. | 19483 |
(UU) For the creation and operation of a county land | 19484 |
reutilization corporation and for any programs or activities of | 19485 |
the corporation found by the board of directors of the corporation | 19486 |
to be consistent with the purposes for which the corporation is | 19487 |
organized; | 19488 |
(VV) For construction and maintenance of improvements and | 19489 |
expenses of soil and water conservation district programs under | 19490 |
Chapter 1515. of the Revised Code; | 19491 |
(WW) For the OSU extension fund created under section 3335.35 | 19492 |
of the Revised Code for the purposes prescribed under section | 19493 |
3335.36 of the Revised Code for the benefit of the citizens of a | 19494 |
county. This division applies only to a county. | 19495 |
(XX) For a municipal corporation that withdraws or proposes | 19496 |
by resolution to withdraw from a regional transit authority under | 19497 |
section 306.55 of the Revised Code to provide transportation | 19498 |
services for the movement of persons within, from, or to the | 19499 |
municipal corporation; | 19500 |
(YY) For any combination of the purposes specified in | 19501 |
divisions (NN), (VV), and (WW) of this section. This division | 19502 |
applies only to a county. | 19503 |
The resolution shall be confined to the purpose or purposes | 19504 |
described in one division of this section, to which the revenue | 19505 |
derived therefrom shall be applied. The existence in any other | 19506 |
division of this section of authority to levy a tax for any part | 19507 |
or all of the same purpose or purposes does not preclude the use | 19508 |
of such revenues for any part of the purpose or purposes of the | 19509 |
division under which the resolution is adopted. | 19510 |
The resolution shall specify the amount of the increase in | 19511 |
rate that it is necessary to levy, the purpose of that increase in | 19512 |
rate, and the number of years during which the increase in rate | 19513 |
shall be in effect, which may or may not include a levy upon the | 19514 |
duplicate of the current year. The number of years may be any | 19515 |
number not exceeding five, except as follows: | 19516 |
(1) When the additional rate is for the payment of debt | 19517 |
charges, the increased rate shall be for the life of the | 19518 |
indebtedness. | 19519 |
(2) When the additional rate is for any of the following, the | 19520 |
increased rate shall be for a continuing period of time: | 19521 |
(a) For the current expenses for a detention facility | 19522 |
district, a district organized under section 2151.65 of the | 19523 |
Revised Code, or a combined district organized under sections | 19524 |
2151.65 and 2152.41 of the Revised Code; | 19525 |
(b) For providing a county's share of the cost of maintaining | 19526 |
and operating schools, district detention facilities, forestry | 19527 |
camps, or other facilities, or any combination thereof, | 19528 |
established under section 2151.65 or 2152.41 of the Revised Code | 19529 |
or under both of those sections. | 19530 |
(3) When the additional rate is for either of the following, | 19531 |
the increased rate may be for a continuing period of time: | 19532 |
(a) For the purposes set forth in division (I), (J), (U), or | 19533 |
(KK) of this section; | 19534 |
(b) For the maintenance and operation of a joint recreation | 19535 |
district. | 19536 |
(4) When the increase is for the purpose or purposes set | 19537 |
forth in division (D), (G), (H), (Z), (CC), or (PP) of this | 19538 |
section, the tax levy may be for any specified number of years or | 19539 |
for a continuing period of time, as set forth in the resolution. | 19540 |
A levy for one of the purposes set forth in division (G), | 19541 |
(I), (J), or (U) of this section may be reduced pursuant to | 19542 |
section 5705.261 or 5705.31 of the Revised Code. A levy for one of | 19543 |
the purposes set forth in division (G), (I), (J), or (U) of this | 19544 |
section may also be terminated or permanently reduced by the | 19545 |
taxing authority if it adopts a resolution stating that the | 19546 |
continuance of the levy is unnecessary and the levy shall be | 19547 |
terminated or that the millage is excessive and the levy shall be | 19548 |
decreased by a designated amount. | 19549 |
A resolution of a detention facility district, a district | 19550 |
organized under section 2151.65 of the Revised Code, or a combined | 19551 |
district organized under both sections 2151.65 and 2152.41 of the | 19552 |
Revised Code may include both current expenses and other purposes, | 19553 |
provided that the resolution shall apportion the annual rate of | 19554 |
levy between the current expenses and the other purpose or | 19555 |
purposes. The apportionment need not be the same for each year of | 19556 |
the levy, but the respective portions of the rate actually levied | 19557 |
each year for the current expenses and the other purpose or | 19558 |
purposes shall be limited by the apportionment. | 19559 |
Whenever a board of county commissioners, acting either as | 19560 |
the taxing authority of its county or as the taxing authority of a | 19561 |
sewer district or subdistrict created under Chapter 6117. of the | 19562 |
Revised Code, by resolution declares it necessary to levy a tax in | 19563 |
excess of the ten-mill limitation for the purpose of constructing, | 19564 |
improving, or extending sewage disposal plants or sewage systems, | 19565 |
the tax may be in effect for any number of years not exceeding | 19566 |
twenty, and the proceeds of the tax, notwithstanding the general | 19567 |
provisions of this section, may be used to pay debt charges on any | 19568 |
obligations issued and outstanding on behalf of the subdivision | 19569 |
for the purposes enumerated in this paragraph, provided that any | 19570 |
such obligations have been specifically described in the | 19571 |
resolution. | 19572 |
A resolution adopted by the legislative authority of a | 19573 |
municipal corporation that is for the purpose in division (XX) of | 19574 |
this section may be combined with the purpose provided in section | 19575 |
306.55 of the Revised Code, by vote of two-thirds of all members | 19576 |
of the legislative authority. The legislative authority may | 19577 |
certify the resolution to the board of elections as a combined | 19578 |
question. The question appearing on the ballot shall be as | 19579 |
provided in section 5705.252 of the Revised Code. | 19580 |
The resolution shall go into immediate effect upon its | 19581 |
passage, and no publication of the resolution is necessary other | 19582 |
than that provided for in the notice of election. | 19583 |
When the electors of a subdivision or, in the case of a | 19584 |
qualifying library levy for the support of a library association | 19585 |
or private corporation, the electors of the association library | 19586 |
district, have approved a tax levy under this section, the taxing | 19587 |
authority of the subdivision may anticipate a fraction of the | 19588 |
proceeds of the levy and issue anticipation notes in accordance | 19589 |
with section 5705.191 or 5705.193 of the Revised Code. | 19590 |
Sec. 5705.222. (A) At any time the board of county | 19591 |
commissioners of any county by a majority vote of the full | 19592 |
membership may declare by resolution and certify to the board of | 19593 |
elections of the county that the amount of taxes which may be | 19594 |
raised within the ten-mill limitation by levies on the current tax | 19595 |
duplicate will be insufficient to provide the necessary | 19596 |
requirements of the county board of developmental disabilities | 19597 |
established pursuant to Chapter 5126. of the Revised Code and that | 19598 |
it is necessary to levy a tax in excess of such limitation for the | 19599 |
operation of programs and services by county boards of | 19600 |
developmental disabilities and for the acquisition, construction, | 19601 |
renovation, financing, maintenance, and operation of | 19602 |
19603 |
Such resolution shall conform to section 5705.19 of the | 19604 |
Revised Code, except that the increased rate may be in effect for | 19605 |
any number of years not exceeding ten or for a continuing period | 19606 |
of time. | 19607 |
The resolution shall be certified and submitted in the manner | 19608 |
provided in section 5705.25 of the Revised Code, except that it | 19609 |
may be placed on the ballot in any election, and shall be | 19610 |
certified to the board of elections not less than ninety days | 19611 |
before the election at which it will be voted upon. | 19612 |
If the majority of the electors voting on a levy for the | 19613 |
support of the programs and services of the county board of | 19614 |
developmental disabilities vote in favor of the levy, the board of | 19615 |
county commissioners may levy a tax within the county at the | 19616 |
additional rate outside the ten-mill limitation during the | 19617 |
specified or continuing period, for the purpose stated in the | 19618 |
resolution. The county board of developmental disabilities, within | 19619 |
its budget and with the approval of the board of county | 19620 |
commissioners through annual appropriations, shall use the | 19621 |
proceeds of a levy approved under this section solely for the | 19622 |
purposes authorized by this section. | 19623 |
(B) When electors have approved a tax levy under this | 19624 |
section, the county commissioners may anticipate a fraction of the | 19625 |
proceeds of the levy and issue anticipation notes in accordance | 19626 |
with section 5705.191 or 5705.193 of the Revised Code. | 19627 |
(C) The county auditor, upon receipt of a resolution from the | 19628 |
county board of developmental disabilities, shall establish a | 19629 |
capital improvements account or a reserve balance account, or | 19630 |
both, as specified in the resolution. The capital improvements | 19631 |
account shall be a contingency account for the necessary | 19632 |
acquisition, replacement, renovation, or construction of | 19633 |
facilities and movable and fixed equipment. Upon the request of | 19634 |
the county board of developmental disabilities, moneys not needed | 19635 |
to pay for current expenses may be appropriated to this account, | 19636 |
in amounts such that this account does not exceed twenty-five per | 19637 |
cent of the replacement value of all capital facilities and | 19638 |
equipment currently used by the county board of developmental | 19639 |
disabilities for | 19640 |
programs and services. Other moneys available for current capital | 19641 |
expenses from federal, state, or local sources may also be | 19642 |
appropriated to this account. | 19643 |
The reserve balance account shall contain those moneys that | 19644 |
are not needed to pay for current operating expenses and not | 19645 |
deposited in the capital improvements account but that will be | 19646 |
needed to pay for operating expenses in the future. Upon the | 19647 |
request of a county board of developmental disabilities, the board | 19648 |
of county commissioners may appropriate moneys to the reserve | 19649 |
balance account. | 19650 |
Sec. 5709.40. (A) As used in this section: | 19651 |
(1) "Blighted area" and "impacted city" have the same | 19652 |
meanings as in section 1728.01 of the Revised Code. | 19653 |
(2) "Business day" means a day of the week excluding | 19654 |
Saturday, Sunday, and a legal holiday as defined under section | 19655 |
1.14 of the Revised Code. | 19656 |
(3) "Housing renovation" means a project carried out for | 19657 |
residential purposes. | 19658 |
(4) "Improvement" means the increase in the assessed value of | 19659 |
any real property that would first appear on the tax list and | 19660 |
duplicate of real and public utility property after the effective | 19661 |
date of an ordinance adopted under this section were it not for | 19662 |
the exemption granted by that ordinance. | 19663 |
(5) "Incentive district" means an area not more than three | 19664 |
hundred acres in size enclosed by a continuous boundary in which a | 19665 |
project is being, or will be, undertaken and having one or more of | 19666 |
the following distress characteristics: | 19667 |
(a) At least fifty-one per cent of the residents of the | 19668 |
district have incomes of less than eighty per cent of the median | 19669 |
income of residents of the political subdivision in which the | 19670 |
district is located, as determined in the same manner specified | 19671 |
under section 119(b) of the "Housing and Community Development Act | 19672 |
of 1974," 88 Stat. 633, 42 U.S.C. 5318, as amended; | 19673 |
(b) The average rate of unemployment in the district during | 19674 |
the most recent twelve-month period for which data are available | 19675 |
is equal to at least one hundred fifty per cent of the average | 19676 |
rate of unemployment for this state for the same period. | 19677 |
(c) At least twenty per cent of the people residing in the | 19678 |
district live at or below the poverty level as defined in the | 19679 |
federal Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, 42 U.S.C. | 19680 |
5301, as amended, and regulations adopted pursuant to that act. | 19681 |
(d) The district is a blighted area. | 19682 |
(e) The district is in a situational distress area as | 19683 |
designated by the director of development services under division | 19684 |
(F) of section 122.23 of the Revised Code. | 19685 |
(f) As certified by the engineer for the political | 19686 |
subdivision, the public infrastructure serving the district is | 19687 |
inadequate to meet the development needs of the district as | 19688 |
evidenced by a written economic development plan or urban renewal | 19689 |
plan for the district that has been adopted by the legislative | 19690 |
authority of the subdivision. | 19691 |
(g) The district is comprised entirely of unimproved land | 19692 |
that is located in a distressed area as defined in section 122.23 | 19693 |
of the Revised Code. | 19694 |
(6) "Project" means development activities undertaken on one | 19695 |
or more parcels, including, but not limited to, construction, | 19696 |
expansion, and alteration of buildings or structures, demolition, | 19697 |
remediation, and site development, and any building or structure | 19698 |
that results from those activities. | 19699 |
(7) "Public infrastructure improvement" includes, but is not | 19700 |
limited to, public roads and highways; water and sewer lines; | 19701 |
environmental remediation; land acquisition, including acquisition | 19702 |
in aid of industry, commerce, distribution, or research; | 19703 |
demolition, including demolition on private property when | 19704 |
determined to be necessary for economic development purposes; | 19705 |
stormwater and flood remediation projects, including such projects | 19706 |
on private property when determined to be necessary for public | 19707 |
health, safety, and welfare; the provision of gas, electric, and | 19708 |
communications service facilities, including the provision of gas | 19709 |
or electric service facilities owned by nongovernmental entities | 19710 |
when such improvements are determined to be necessary for economic | 19711 |
development purposes; and the enhancement of public waterways | 19712 |
through improvements that allow for greater public access. | 19713 |
(B) The legislative authority of a municipal corporation, by | 19714 |
ordinance, may declare improvements to certain parcels of real | 19715 |
property located in the municipal corporation to be a public | 19716 |
purpose. Improvements with respect to a parcel that is used or to | 19717 |
be used for residential purposes may be declared a public purpose | 19718 |
under this division only if the parcel is located in a blighted | 19719 |
area of an impacted city. For this purpose, "parcel that is used | 19720 |
or to be used for residential purposes" means a parcel that, as | 19721 |
improved, is used or to be used for purposes that would cause the | 19722 |
tax commissioner to classify the parcel as residential property in | 19723 |
accordance with rules adopted by the commissioner under section | 19724 |
5713.041 of the Revised Code. Except with the approval under | 19725 |
division (D) of this section of the board of education of each | 19726 |
city, local, or exempted village school district within which the | 19727 |
improvements are located, not more than seventy-five per cent of | 19728 |
an improvement thus declared to be a public purpose may be | 19729 |
exempted from real property taxation for a period of not more than | 19730 |
ten years. The ordinance shall specify the percentage of the | 19731 |
improvement to be exempted from taxation and the life of the | 19732 |
exemption. | 19733 |
An ordinance adopted or amended under this division shall | 19734 |
designate the specific public infrastructure improvements made, to | 19735 |
be made, or in the process of being made by the municipal | 19736 |
corporation that directly benefit, or that once made will directly | 19737 |
benefit, the parcels for which improvements are declared to be a | 19738 |
public purpose. The service payments provided for in section | 19739 |
5709.42 of the Revised Code shall be used to finance the public | 19740 |
infrastructure improvements designated in the ordinance, for the | 19741 |
purpose described in division (D)(1) of this section or as | 19742 |
provided in section 5709.43 of the Revised Code. | 19743 |
(C)(1) The legislative authority of a municipal corporation | 19744 |
may adopt an ordinance creating an incentive district and | 19745 |
declaring improvements to parcels within the district to be a | 19746 |
public purpose and, except as provided in division (F) of this | 19747 |
section, exempt from taxation as provided in this section, but no | 19748 |
legislative authority of a municipal corporation that has a | 19749 |
population that exceeds twenty-five thousand, as shown by the most | 19750 |
recent federal decennial census, shall adopt an ordinance that | 19751 |
creates an incentive district if the sum of the taxable value of | 19752 |
real property in the proposed district for the preceding tax year | 19753 |
and the taxable value of all real property in the municipal | 19754 |
corporation that would have been taxable in the preceding year | 19755 |
were it not for the fact that the property was in an existing | 19756 |
incentive district and therefore exempt from taxation exceeds | 19757 |
twenty-five per cent of the taxable value of real property in the | 19758 |
municipal corporation for the preceding tax year. The ordinance | 19759 |
shall delineate the boundary of the district and specifically | 19760 |
identify each parcel within the district. A district may not | 19761 |
include any parcel that is or has been exempted from taxation | 19762 |
under division (B) of this section or that is or has been within | 19763 |
another district created under this division. An ordinance may | 19764 |
create more than one such district, and more than one ordinance | 19765 |
may be adopted under division (C)(1) of this section. | 19766 |
(2) Not later than thirty days prior to adopting an ordinance | 19767 |
under division (C)(1) of this section, if the municipal | 19768 |
corporation intends to apply for exemptions from taxation under | 19769 |
section 5709.911 of the Revised Code on behalf of owners of real | 19770 |
property located within the proposed incentive district, the | 19771 |
legislative authority of a municipal corporation shall conduct a | 19772 |
public hearing on the proposed ordinance. Not later than thirty | 19773 |
days prior to the public hearing, the legislative authority shall | 19774 |
give notice of the public hearing and the proposed ordinance by | 19775 |
first class mail to every real property owner whose property is | 19776 |
located within the boundaries of the proposed incentive district | 19777 |
that is the subject of the proposed ordinance. | 19778 |
(3)(a) An ordinance adopted under division (C)(1) of this | 19779 |
section shall specify the life of the incentive district and the | 19780 |
percentage of the improvements to be exempted, shall designate the | 19781 |
public infrastructure improvements made, to be made, or in the | 19782 |
process of being made, that benefit or serve, or, once made, will | 19783 |
benefit or serve parcels in the district. The ordinance also shall | 19784 |
identify one or more specific projects being, or to be, undertaken | 19785 |
in the district that place additional demand on the public | 19786 |
infrastructure improvements designated in the ordinance. The | 19787 |
project identified may, but need not be, the project under | 19788 |
division (C)(3)(b) of this section that places real property in | 19789 |
use for commercial or industrial purposes. Except as otherwise | 19790 |
permitted under that division, the service payments provided for | 19791 |
in section 5709.42 of the Revised Code shall be used to finance | 19792 |
the designated public infrastructure improvements, for the purpose | 19793 |
described in division (D)(1) or (E) of this section, or as | 19794 |
provided in section 5709.43 of the Revised Code. | 19795 |
An ordinance adopted under division (C)(1) of this section on | 19796 |
or after March 30, 2006, shall not designate police or fire | 19797 |
equipment as public infrastructure improvements, and no service | 19798 |
payment provided for in section 5709.42 of the Revised Code and | 19799 |
received by the municipal corporation under the ordinance shall be | 19800 |
used for police or fire equipment. | 19801 |
(b) An ordinance adopted under division (C)(1) of this | 19802 |
section may authorize the use of service payments provided for in | 19803 |
section 5709.42 of the Revised Code for the purpose of housing | 19804 |
renovations within the incentive district, provided that the | 19805 |
ordinance also designates public infrastructure improvements that | 19806 |
benefit or serve the district, and that a project within the | 19807 |
district places real property in use for commercial or industrial | 19808 |
purposes. Service payments may be used to finance or support | 19809 |
loans, deferred loans, and grants to persons for the purpose of | 19810 |
housing renovations within the district. The ordinance shall | 19811 |
designate the parcels within the district that are eligible for | 19812 |
housing renovation. The ordinance shall state separately the | 19813 |
amounts or the percentages of the expected aggregate service | 19814 |
payments that are designated for each public infrastructure | 19815 |
improvement and for the general purpose of housing renovations. | 19816 |
(4) Except with the approval of the board of education of | 19817 |
each city, local, or exempted village school district within the | 19818 |
territory of which the incentive district is or will be located, | 19819 |
and subject to division (E) of this section, the life of an | 19820 |
incentive district shall not exceed ten years, and the percentage | 19821 |
of improvements to be exempted shall not exceed seventy-five per | 19822 |
cent. With approval of the board of education, the life of a | 19823 |
district may be not more than thirty years, and the percentage of | 19824 |
improvements to be exempted may be not more than one hundred per | 19825 |
cent. The approval of a board of education shall be obtained in | 19826 |
the manner provided in division (D) of this section. | 19827 |
(D)(1) If the ordinance declaring improvements to a parcel to | 19828 |
be a public purpose or creating an incentive district specifies | 19829 |
that payments in lieu of taxes provided for in section 5709.42 of | 19830 |
the Revised Code shall be paid to the city, local, or exempted | 19831 |
village, and joint vocational school district in which the parcel | 19832 |
or incentive district is located in the amount of the taxes that | 19833 |
would have been payable to the school district if the improvements | 19834 |
had not been exempted from taxation, the percentage of the | 19835 |
improvement that may be exempted from taxation may exceed | 19836 |
seventy-five per cent, and the exemption may be granted for up to | 19837 |
thirty years, without the approval of the board of education as | 19838 |
otherwise required under division (D)(2) of this section. | 19839 |
(2) Improvements with respect to a parcel may be exempted | 19840 |
from taxation under division (B) of this section, and improvements | 19841 |
to parcels within an incentive district may be exempted from | 19842 |
taxation under division (C) of this section, for up to ten years | 19843 |
or, with the approval under this paragraph of the board of | 19844 |
education of the city, local, or exempted village school district | 19845 |
within which the parcel or district is located, for up to thirty | 19846 |
years. The percentage of the improvement exempted from taxation | 19847 |
may, with such approval, exceed seventy-five per cent, but shall | 19848 |
not exceed one hundred per cent. Not later than forty-five | 19849 |
business days prior to adopting an ordinance under this section | 19850 |
declaring improvements to be a public purpose that is subject to | 19851 |
approval by a board of education under this division, the | 19852 |
legislative authority shall deliver to the board of education a | 19853 |
notice stating its intent to adopt an ordinance making that | 19854 |
declaration. The notice regarding improvements with respect to a | 19855 |
parcel under division (B) of this section shall identify the | 19856 |
parcels for which improvements are to be exempted from taxation, | 19857 |
provide an estimate of the true value in money of the | 19858 |
improvements, specify the period for which the improvements would | 19859 |
be exempted from taxation and the percentage of the improvement | 19860 |
that would be exempted, and indicate the date on which the | 19861 |
legislative authority intends to adopt the ordinance. The notice | 19862 |
regarding improvements to parcels within an incentive district | 19863 |
under division (C) of this section shall delineate the boundaries | 19864 |
of the district, specifically identify each parcel within the | 19865 |
district, identify each anticipated improvement in the district, | 19866 |
provide an estimate of the true value in money of each such | 19867 |
improvement, specify the life of the district and the percentage | 19868 |
of improvements that would be exempted, and indicate the date on | 19869 |
which the legislative authority intends to adopt the ordinance. | 19870 |
The board of education, by resolution adopted by a majority of the | 19871 |
board, may approve the exemption for the period or for the | 19872 |
exemption percentage specified in the notice; may disapprove the | 19873 |
exemption for the number of years in excess of ten, may disapprove | 19874 |
the exemption for the percentage of the improvement to be exempted | 19875 |
in excess of seventy-five per cent, or both; or may approve the | 19876 |
exemption on the condition that the legislative authority and the | 19877 |
board negotiate an agreement providing for compensation to the | 19878 |
school district equal in value to a percentage of the amount of | 19879 |
taxes exempted in the eleventh and subsequent years of the | 19880 |
exemption period or, in the case of exemption percentages in | 19881 |
excess of seventy-five per cent, compensation equal in value to a | 19882 |
percentage of the taxes that would be payable on the portion of | 19883 |
the improvement in excess of seventy-five per cent were that | 19884 |
portion to be subject to taxation, or other mutually agreeable | 19885 |
compensation. If an agreement is negotiated between the | 19886 |
legislative authority and the board to compensate the school | 19887 |
district for all or part of the taxes exempted, including | 19888 |
agreements for payments in lieu of taxes under section 5709.42 of | 19889 |
the Revised Code, the legislative authority shall compensate the | 19890 |
joint vocational school district within which the parcel or | 19891 |
district is located at the same rate and under the same terms | 19892 |
received by the city, local, or exempted village school district. | 19893 |
(3) The board of education shall certify its resolution to | 19894 |
the legislative authority not later than fourteen days prior to | 19895 |
the date the legislative authority intends to adopt the ordinance | 19896 |
as indicated in the notice. If the board of education and the | 19897 |
legislative authority negotiate a mutually acceptable compensation | 19898 |
agreement, the ordinance may declare the improvements a public | 19899 |
purpose for the number of years specified in the ordinance or, in | 19900 |
the case of exemption percentages in excess of seventy-five per | 19901 |
cent, for the exemption percentage specified in the ordinance. In | 19902 |
either case, if the board and the legislative authority fail to | 19903 |
negotiate a mutually acceptable compensation agreement, the | 19904 |
ordinance may declare the improvements a public purpose for not | 19905 |
more than ten years, and shall not exempt more than seventy-five | 19906 |
per cent of the improvements from taxation. If the board fails to | 19907 |
certify a resolution to the legislative authority within the time | 19908 |
prescribed by this division, the legislative authority thereupon | 19909 |
may adopt the ordinance and may declare the improvements a public | 19910 |
purpose for up to thirty years, or, in the case of exemption | 19911 |
percentages proposed in excess of seventy-five per cent, for the | 19912 |
exemption percentage specified in the ordinance. The legislative | 19913 |
authority may adopt the ordinance at any time after the board of | 19914 |
education certifies its resolution approving the exemption to the | 19915 |
legislative authority, or, if the board approves the exemption on | 19916 |
the condition that a mutually acceptable compensation agreement be | 19917 |
negotiated, at any time after the compensation agreement is agreed | 19918 |
to by the board and the legislative authority. | 19919 |
(4) If a board of education has adopted a resolution waiving | 19920 |
its right to approve exemptions from taxation under this section | 19921 |
and the resolution remains in effect, approval of exemptions by | 19922 |
the board is not required under division (D) of this section. If a | 19923 |
board of education has adopted a resolution allowing a legislative | 19924 |
authority to deliver the notice required under division (D) of | 19925 |
this section fewer than forty-five business days prior to the | 19926 |
legislative authority's adoption of the ordinance, the legislative | 19927 |
authority shall deliver the notice to the board not later than the | 19928 |
number of days prior to such adoption as prescribed by the board | 19929 |
in its resolution. If a board of education adopts a resolution | 19930 |
waiving its right to approve agreements or shortening the | 19931 |
notification period, the board shall certify a copy of the | 19932 |
resolution to the legislative authority. If the board of education | 19933 |
rescinds such a resolution, it shall certify notice of the | 19934 |
rescission to the legislative authority. | 19935 |
(5) If the legislative authority is not required by division | 19936 |
(D) of this section to notify the board of education of the | 19937 |
legislative authority's intent to declare improvements to be a | 19938 |
public purpose, the legislative authority shall comply with the | 19939 |
notice requirements imposed under section 5709.83 of the Revised | 19940 |
Code, unless the board has adopted a resolution under that section | 19941 |
waiving its right to receive such a notice. | 19942 |
(E)(1) If a proposed ordinance under division (C)(1) of this | 19943 |
section exempts improvements with respect to a parcel within an | 19944 |
incentive district for more than ten years, or the percentage of | 19945 |
the improvement exempted from taxation exceeds seventy-five per | 19946 |
cent, not later than forty-five business days prior to adopting | 19947 |
the ordinance the legislative authority of the municipal | 19948 |
corporation shall deliver to the board of county commissioners of | 19949 |
the county within which the incentive district will be located a | 19950 |
notice that states its intent to adopt an ordinance creating an | 19951 |
incentive district. The notice shall include a copy of the | 19952 |
proposed ordinance, identify the parcels for which improvements | 19953 |
are to be exempted from taxation, provide an estimate of the true | 19954 |
value in money of the improvements, specify the period of time for | 19955 |
which the improvements would be exempted from taxation, specify | 19956 |
the percentage of the improvements that would be exempted from | 19957 |
taxation, and indicate the date on which the legislative authority | 19958 |
intends to adopt the ordinance. | 19959 |
(2) The board of county commissioners, by resolution adopted | 19960 |
by a majority of the board, may object to the exemption for the | 19961 |
number of years in excess of ten, may object to the exemption for | 19962 |
the percentage of the improvement to be exempted in excess of | 19963 |
seventy-five per cent, or both. If the board of county | 19964 |
commissioners objects, the board may negotiate a mutually | 19965 |
acceptable compensation agreement with the legislative authority. | 19966 |
In no case shall the compensation provided to the board exceed the | 19967 |
property taxes forgone due to the exemption. If the board of | 19968 |
county commissioners objects, and the board and legislative | 19969 |
authority fail to negotiate a mutually acceptable compensation | 19970 |
agreement, the ordinance adopted under division (C)(1) of this | 19971 |
section shall provide to the board compensation in the eleventh | 19972 |
and subsequent years of the exemption period equal in value to not | 19973 |
more than fifty per cent of the taxes that would be payable to the | 19974 |
county or, if the board's objection includes an objection to an | 19975 |
exemption percentage in excess of seventy-five per cent, | 19976 |
compensation equal in value to not more than fifty per cent of the | 19977 |
taxes that would be payable to the county, on the portion of the | 19978 |
improvement in excess of seventy-five per cent, were that portion | 19979 |
to be subject to taxation. The board of county commissioners shall | 19980 |
certify its resolution to the legislative authority not later than | 19981 |
thirty days after receipt of the notice. | 19982 |
(3) If the board of county commissioners does not object or | 19983 |
fails to certify its resolution objecting to an exemption within | 19984 |
thirty days after receipt of the notice, the legislative authority | 19985 |
may adopt the ordinance, and no compensation shall be provided to | 19986 |
the board of county commissioners. If the board timely certifies | 19987 |
its resolution objecting to the ordinance, the legislative | 19988 |
authority may adopt the ordinance at any time after a mutually | 19989 |
acceptable compensation agreement is agreed to by the board and | 19990 |
the legislative authority, or, if no compensation agreement is | 19991 |
negotiated, at any time after the legislative authority agrees in | 19992 |
the proposed ordinance to provide compensation to the board of | 19993 |
fifty per cent of the taxes that would be payable to the county in | 19994 |
the eleventh and subsequent years of the exemption period or on | 19995 |
the portion of the improvement in excess of seventy-five per cent, | 19996 |
were that portion to be subject to taxation. | 19997 |
(F) Service payments in lieu of taxes that are attributable | 19998 |
to any amount by which the effective tax rate of either a renewal | 19999 |
levy with an increase or a replacement levy exceeds the effective | 20000 |
tax rate of the levy renewed or replaced, or that are attributable | 20001 |
to an additional levy, for a levy authorized by the voters for any | 20002 |
of the following purposes on or after January 1, 2006, and which | 20003 |
are provided pursuant to an ordinance creating an incentive | 20004 |
district under division (C)(1) of this section that is adopted on | 20005 |
or after January 1, 2006, shall be distributed to the appropriate | 20006 |
taxing authority as required under division (C) of section 5709.42 | 20007 |
of the Revised Code in an amount equal to the amount of taxes from | 20008 |
that additional levy or from the increase in the effective tax | 20009 |
rate of such renewal or replacement levy that would have been | 20010 |
payable to that taxing authority from the following levies were it | 20011 |
not for the exemption authorized under division (C) of this | 20012 |
section: | 20013 |
(1) A tax levied under division (L) of section 5705.19 or | 20014 |
section 5705.191 of the Revised Code for community | 20015 |
20016 | |
pursuant to Chapter 5126. of the Revised Code; | 20017 |
(2) A tax levied under division (Y) of section 5705.19 of the | 20018 |
Revised Code for providing or maintaining senior citizens services | 20019 |
or facilities; | 20020 |
(3) A tax levied under section 5705.22 of the Revised Code | 20021 |
for county hospitals; | 20022 |
(4) A tax levied by a joint-county district or by a county | 20023 |
under section 5705.19, 5705.191, or 5705.221 of the Revised Code | 20024 |
for alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health services or | 20025 |
facilities; | 20026 |
(5) A tax levied under section 5705.23 of the Revised Code | 20027 |
for library purposes; | 20028 |
(6) A tax levied under section 5705.24 of the Revised Code | 20029 |
for the support of children services and the placement and care of | 20030 |
children; | 20031 |
(7) A tax levied under division (Z) of section 5705.19 of the | 20032 |
Revised Code for the provision and maintenance of zoological park | 20033 |
services and facilities under section 307.76 of the Revised Code; | 20034 |
(8) A tax levied under section 511.27 or division (H) of | 20035 |
section 5705.19 of the Revised Code for the support of township | 20036 |
park districts; | 20037 |
(9) A tax levied under division (A), (F), or (H) of section | 20038 |
5705.19 of the Revised Code for parks and recreational purposes of | 20039 |
a joint recreation district organized pursuant to division (B) of | 20040 |
section 755.14 of the Revised Code; | 20041 |
(10) A tax levied under section 1545.20 or 1545.21 of the | 20042 |
Revised Code for park district purposes; | 20043 |
(11) A tax levied under section 5705.191 of the Revised Code | 20044 |
for the purpose of making appropriations for public assistance; | 20045 |
human or social services; public relief; public welfare; public | 20046 |
health and hospitalization; and support of general hospitals; | 20047 |
(12) A tax levied under section 3709.29 of the Revised Code | 20048 |
for a general health district program. | 20049 |
(G) An exemption from taxation granted under this section | 20050 |
commences with the tax year specified in the ordinance so long as | 20051 |
the year specified in the ordinance commences after the effective | 20052 |
date of the ordinance. If the ordinance specifies a year | 20053 |
commencing before the effective date of the resolution or | 20054 |
specifies no year whatsoever, the exemption commences with the tax | 20055 |
year in which an exempted improvement first appears on the tax | 20056 |
list and duplicate of real and public utility property and that | 20057 |
commences after the effective date of the ordinance. In lieu of | 20058 |
stating a specific year, the ordinance may provide that the | 20059 |
exemption commences in the tax year in which the value of an | 20060 |
improvement exceeds a specified amount or in which the | 20061 |
construction of one or more improvements is completed, provided | 20062 |
that such tax year commences after the effective date of the | 20063 |
ordinance. With respect to the exemption of improvements to | 20064 |
parcels under division (B) of this section, the ordinance may | 20065 |
allow for the exemption to commence in different tax years on a | 20066 |
parcel-by-parcel basis, with a separate exemption term specified | 20067 |
for each parcel. | 20068 |
Except as otherwise provided in this division, the exemption | 20069 |
ends on the date specified in the ordinance as the date the | 20070 |
improvement ceases to be a public purpose or the incentive | 20071 |
district expires, or ends on the date on which the public | 20072 |
infrastructure improvements and housing renovations are paid in | 20073 |
full from the municipal public improvement tax increment | 20074 |
equivalent fund established under division (A) of section 5709.43 | 20075 |
of the Revised Code, whichever occurs first. The exemption of an | 20076 |
improvement with respect to a parcel or within an incentive | 20077 |
district may end on a later date, as specified in the ordinance, | 20078 |
if the legislative authority and the board of education of the | 20079 |
city, local, or exempted village school district within which the | 20080 |
parcel or district is located have entered into a compensation | 20081 |
agreement under section 5709.82 of the Revised Code with respect | 20082 |
to the improvement, and the board of education has approved the | 20083 |
term of the exemption under division (D)(2) of this section, but | 20084 |
in no case shall the improvement be exempted from taxation for | 20085 |
more than thirty years. Exemptions shall be claimed and allowed in | 20086 |
the same manner as in the case of other real property exemptions. | 20087 |
If an exemption status changes during a year, the procedure for | 20088 |
the apportionment of the taxes for that year is the same as in the | 20089 |
case of other changes in tax exemption status during the year. | 20090 |
(H) Additional municipal financing of public infrastructure | 20091 |
improvements and housing renovations may be provided by any | 20092 |
methods that the municipal corporation may otherwise use for | 20093 |
financing such improvements or renovations. If the municipal | 20094 |
corporation issues bonds or notes to finance the public | 20095 |
infrastructure improvements and housing renovations and pledges | 20096 |
money from the municipal public improvement tax increment | 20097 |
equivalent fund to pay the interest on and principal of the bonds | 20098 |
or notes, the bonds or notes are not subject to Chapter 133. of | 20099 |
the Revised Code. | 20100 |
(I) The municipal corporation, not later than fifteen days | 20101 |
after the adoption of an ordinance under this section, shall | 20102 |
submit to the director of development services a copy of the | 20103 |
ordinance. On or before the thirty-first day of March of each | 20104 |
year, the municipal corporation shall submit a status report to | 20105 |
the director of development services. The report shall indicate, | 20106 |
in the manner prescribed by the director, the progress of the | 20107 |
project during each year that an exemption remains in effect, | 20108 |
including a summary of the receipts from service payments in lieu | 20109 |
of taxes; expenditures of money from the funds created under | 20110 |
section 5709.43 of the Revised Code; a description of the public | 20111 |
infrastructure improvements and housing renovations financed with | 20112 |
such expenditures; and a quantitative summary of changes in | 20113 |
employment and private investment resulting from each project. | 20114 |
(J) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit a | 20115 |
legislative authority from declaring to be a public purpose | 20116 |
improvements with respect to more than one parcel. | 20117 |
(K) If a parcel is located in a new community district in | 20118 |
which the new community authority imposes a community development | 20119 |
charge on the basis of rentals received from leases of real | 20120 |
property as described in division (L)(2) of section 349.01 of the | 20121 |
Revised Code, the parcel may not be exempted from taxation under | 20122 |
this section. | 20123 |
Sec. 5709.73. (A) As used in this section and section | 20124 |
5709.74 of the Revised Code: | 20125 |
(1) "Business day" means a day of the week excluding | 20126 |
Saturday, Sunday, and a legal holiday as defined in section 1.14 | 20127 |
of the Revised Code. | 20128 |
(2) "Further improvements" or "improvements" means the | 20129 |
increase in the assessed value of real property that would first | 20130 |
appear on the tax list and duplicate of real and public utility | 20131 |
property after the effective date of a resolution adopted under | 20132 |
this section were it not for the exemption granted by that | 20133 |
resolution. For purposes of division (B) of this section, | 20134 |
"improvements" do not include any property used or to be used for | 20135 |
residential purposes. For this purpose, "property that is used or | 20136 |
to be used for residential purposes" means property that, as | 20137 |
improved, is used or to be used for purposes that would cause the | 20138 |
tax commissioner to classify the property as residential property | 20139 |
in accordance with rules adopted by the commissioner under section | 20140 |
5713.041 of the Revised Code. | 20141 |
(3) "Housing renovation" means a project carried out for | 20142 |
residential purposes. | 20143 |
(4) "Incentive district" has the same meaning as in section | 20144 |
5709.40 of the Revised Code, except that a blighted area is in the | 20145 |
unincorporated area of a township. | 20146 |
(5) "Project" and "public infrastructure improvement" have | 20147 |
the same meanings as in section 5709.40 of the Revised Code. | 20148 |
(B) A board of township trustees may, by unanimous vote, | 20149 |
adopt a resolution that declares to be a public purpose any public | 20150 |
infrastructure improvements made that are necessary for the | 20151 |
development of certain parcels of land located in the | 20152 |
unincorporated area of the township. Except with the approval | 20153 |
under division (D) of this section of the board of education of | 20154 |
each city, local, or exempted village school district within which | 20155 |
the improvements are located, the resolution may exempt from real | 20156 |
property taxation not more than seventy-five per cent of further | 20157 |
improvements to a parcel of land that directly benefits from the | 20158 |
public infrastructure improvements, for a period of not more than | 20159 |
ten years. The resolution shall specify the percentage of the | 20160 |
further improvements to be exempted and the life of the exemption. | 20161 |
(C)(1) A board of township trustees may adopt, by unanimous | 20162 |
vote, a resolution creating an incentive district and declaring | 20163 |
improvements to parcels within the district to be a public purpose | 20164 |
and, except as provided in division (F) of this section, exempt | 20165 |
from taxation as provided in this section, but no board of | 20166 |
township trustees of a township that has a population that exceeds | 20167 |
twenty-five thousand, as shown by the most recent federal | 20168 |
decennial census, shall adopt a resolution that creates an | 20169 |
incentive district if the sum of the taxable value of real | 20170 |
property in the proposed district for the preceding tax year and | 20171 |
the taxable value of all real property in the township that would | 20172 |
have been taxable in the preceding year were it not for the fact | 20173 |
that the property was in an existing incentive district and | 20174 |
therefore exempt from taxation exceeds twenty-five per cent of the | 20175 |
taxable value of real property in the township for the preceding | 20176 |
tax year. The district shall be located within the unincorporated | 20177 |
area of the township and shall not include any territory that is | 20178 |
included within a district created under division (B) of section | 20179 |
5709.78 of the Revised Code. The resolution shall delineate the | 20180 |
boundary of the district and specifically identify each parcel | 20181 |
within the district. A district may not include any parcel that is | 20182 |
or has been exempted from taxation under division (B) of this | 20183 |
section or that is or has been within another district created | 20184 |
under this division. A resolution may create more than one | 20185 |
district, and more than one resolution may be adopted under | 20186 |
division (C)(1) of this section. | 20187 |
(2) Not later than thirty days prior to adopting a resolution | 20188 |
under division (C)(1) of this section, if the township intends to | 20189 |
apply for exemptions from taxation under section 5709.911 of the | 20190 |
Revised Code on behalf of owners of real property located within | 20191 |
the proposed incentive district, the board shall conduct a public | 20192 |
hearing on the proposed resolution. Not later than thirty days | 20193 |
prior to the public hearing, the board shall give notice of the | 20194 |
public hearing and the proposed resolution by first class mail to | 20195 |
every real property owner whose property is located within the | 20196 |
boundaries of the proposed incentive district that is the subject | 20197 |
of the proposed resolution. | 20198 |
(3)(a) A resolution adopted under division (C)(1) of this | 20199 |
section shall specify the life of the incentive district and the | 20200 |
percentage of the improvements to be exempted, shall designate the | 20201 |
public infrastructure improvements made, to be made, or in the | 20202 |
process of being made, that benefit or serve, or, once made, will | 20203 |
benefit or serve parcels in the district. The resolution also | 20204 |
shall identify one or more specific projects being, or to be, | 20205 |
undertaken in the district that place additional demand on the | 20206 |
public infrastructure improvements designated in the resolution. | 20207 |
The project identified may, but need not be, the project under | 20208 |
division (C)(3)(b) of this section that places real property in | 20209 |
use for commercial or industrial purposes. | 20210 |
A resolution adopted under division (C)(1) of this section on | 20211 |
or after March 30, 2006, shall not designate police or fire | 20212 |
equipment as public infrastructure improvements, and no service | 20213 |
payment provided for in section 5709.74 of the Revised Code and | 20214 |
received by the township under the resolution shall be used for | 20215 |
police or fire equipment. | 20216 |
(b) A resolution adopted under division (C)(1) of this | 20217 |
section may authorize the use of service payments provided for in | 20218 |
section 5709.74 of the Revised Code for the purpose of housing | 20219 |
renovations within the incentive district, provided that the | 20220 |
resolution also designates public infrastructure improvements that | 20221 |
benefit or serve the district, and that a project within the | 20222 |
district places real property in use for commercial or industrial | 20223 |
purposes. Service payments may be used to finance or support | 20224 |
loans, deferred loans, and grants to persons for the purpose of | 20225 |
housing renovations within the district. The resolution shall | 20226 |
designate the parcels within the district that are eligible for | 20227 |
housing renovations. The resolution shall state separately the | 20228 |
amount or the percentages of the expected aggregate service | 20229 |
payments that are designated for each public infrastructure | 20230 |
improvement and for the purpose of housing renovations. | 20231 |
(4) Except with the approval of the board of education of | 20232 |
each city, local, or exempted village school district within the | 20233 |
territory of which the incentive district is or will be located, | 20234 |
and subject to division (E) of this section, the life of an | 20235 |
incentive district shall not exceed ten years, and the percentage | 20236 |
of improvements to be exempted shall not exceed seventy-five per | 20237 |
cent. With approval of the board of education, the life of a | 20238 |
district may be not more than thirty years, and the percentage of | 20239 |
improvements to be exempted may be not more than one hundred per | 20240 |
cent. The approval of a board of education shall be obtained in | 20241 |
the manner provided in division (D) of this section. | 20242 |
(D) Improvements with respect to a parcel may be exempted | 20243 |
from taxation under division (B) of this section, and improvements | 20244 |
to parcels within an incentive district may be exempted from | 20245 |
taxation under division (C) of this section, for up to ten years | 20246 |
or, with the approval of the board of education of the city, | 20247 |
local, or exempted village school district within which the parcel | 20248 |
or district is located, for up to thirty years. The percentage of | 20249 |
the improvements exempted from taxation may, with such approval, | 20250 |
exceed seventy-five per cent, but shall not exceed one hundred per | 20251 |
cent. Not later than forty-five business days prior to adopting a | 20252 |
resolution under this section declaring improvements to be a | 20253 |
public purpose that is subject to approval by a board of education | 20254 |
under this division, the board of township trustees shall deliver | 20255 |
to the board of education a notice stating its intent to adopt a | 20256 |
resolution making that declaration. The notice regarding | 20257 |
improvements with respect to a parcel under division (B) of this | 20258 |
section shall identify the parcels for which improvements are to | 20259 |
be exempted from taxation, provide an estimate of the true value | 20260 |
in money of the improvements, specify the period for which the | 20261 |
improvements would be exempted from taxation and the percentage of | 20262 |
the improvements that would be exempted, and indicate the date on | 20263 |
which the board of township trustees intends to adopt the | 20264 |
resolution. The notice regarding improvements made under division | 20265 |
(C) of this section to parcels within an incentive district shall | 20266 |
delineate the boundaries of the district, specifically identify | 20267 |
each parcel within the district, identify each anticipated | 20268 |
improvement in the district, provide an estimate of the true value | 20269 |
in money of each such improvement, specify the life of the | 20270 |
district and the percentage of improvements that would be | 20271 |
exempted, and indicate the date on which the board of township | 20272 |
trustees intends to adopt the resolution. The board of education, | 20273 |
by resolution adopted by a majority of the board, may approve the | 20274 |
exemption for the period or for the exemption percentage specified | 20275 |
in the notice; may disapprove the exemption for the number of | 20276 |
years in excess of ten, may disapprove the exemption for the | 20277 |
percentage of the improvements to be exempted in excess of | 20278 |
seventy-five per cent, or both; or may approve the exemption on | 20279 |
the condition that the board of township trustees and the board of | 20280 |
education negotiate an agreement providing for compensation to the | 20281 |
school district equal in value to a percentage of the amount of | 20282 |
taxes exempted in the eleventh and subsequent years of the | 20283 |
exemption period or, in the case of exemption percentages in | 20284 |
excess of seventy-five per cent, compensation equal in value to a | 20285 |
percentage of the taxes that would be payable on the portion of | 20286 |
the improvements in excess of seventy-five per cent were that | 20287 |
portion to be subject to taxation, or other mutually agreeable | 20288 |
compensation. | 20289 |
The board of education shall certify its resolution to the | 20290 |
board of township trustees not later than fourteen days prior to | 20291 |
the date the board of township trustees intends to adopt the | 20292 |
resolution as indicated in the notice. If the board of education | 20293 |
and the board of township trustees negotiate a mutually acceptable | 20294 |
compensation agreement, the resolution may declare the | 20295 |
improvements a public purpose for the number of years specified in | 20296 |
the resolution or, in the case of exemption percentages in excess | 20297 |
of seventy-five per cent, for the exemption percentage specified | 20298 |
in the resolution. In either case, if the board of education and | 20299 |
the board of township trustees fail to negotiate a mutually | 20300 |
acceptable compensation agreement, the resolution may declare the | 20301 |
improvements a public purpose for not more than ten years, and | 20302 |
shall not exempt more than seventy-five per cent of the | 20303 |
improvements from taxation. If the board of education fails to | 20304 |
certify a resolution to the board of township trustees within the | 20305 |
time prescribed by this section, the board of township trustees | 20306 |
thereupon may adopt the resolution and may declare the | 20307 |
improvements a public purpose for up to thirty years or, in the | 20308 |
case of exemption percentages proposed in excess of seventy-five | 20309 |
per cent, for the exemption percentage specified in the | 20310 |
resolution. The board of township trustees may adopt the | 20311 |
resolution at any time after the board of education certifies its | 20312 |
resolution approving the exemption to the board of township | 20313 |
trustees, or, if the board of education approves the exemption on | 20314 |
the condition that a mutually acceptable compensation agreement be | 20315 |
negotiated, at any time after the compensation agreement is agreed | 20316 |
to by the board of education and the board of township trustees. | 20317 |
If a mutually acceptable compensation agreement is negotiated | 20318 |
between the board of township trustees and the board of education, | 20319 |
including agreements for payments in lieu of taxes under section | 20320 |
5709.74 of the Revised Code, the board of township trustees shall | 20321 |
compensate the joint vocational school district within which the | 20322 |
parcel or district is located at the same rate and under the same | 20323 |
terms received by the city, local, or exempted village school | 20324 |
district. | 20325 |
If a board of education has adopted a resolution waiving its | 20326 |
right to approve exemptions from taxation under this section and | 20327 |
the resolution remains in effect, approval of such exemptions by | 20328 |
the board of education is not required under division (D) of this | 20329 |
section. If a board of education has adopted a resolution allowing | 20330 |
a board of township trustees to deliver the notice required under | 20331 |
division (D) of this section fewer than forty-five business days | 20332 |
prior to adoption of the resolution by the board of township | 20333 |
trustees, the board of township trustees shall deliver the notice | 20334 |
to the board of education not later than the number of days prior | 20335 |
to the adoption as prescribed by the board of education in its | 20336 |
resolution. If a board of education adopts a resolution waiving | 20337 |
its right to approve exemptions or shortening the notification | 20338 |
period, the board of education shall certify a copy of the | 20339 |
resolution to the board of township trustees. If the board of | 20340 |
education rescinds the resolution, it shall certify notice of the | 20341 |
rescission to the board of township trustees. | 20342 |
If the board of township trustees is not required by division | 20343 |
(D) of this section to notify the board of education of the board | 20344 |
of township trustees' intent to declare improvements to be a | 20345 |
public purpose, the board of township trustees shall comply with | 20346 |
the notice requirements imposed under section 5709.83 of the | 20347 |
Revised Code before taking formal action to adopt the resolution | 20348 |
making that declaration, unless the board of education has adopted | 20349 |
a resolution under that section waiving its right to receive the | 20350 |
notice. | 20351 |
(E)(1) If a proposed resolution under division (C)(1) of this | 20352 |
section exempts improvements with respect to a parcel within an | 20353 |
incentive district for more than ten years, or the percentage of | 20354 |
the improvement exempted from taxation exceeds seventy-five per | 20355 |
cent, not later than forty-five business days prior to adopting | 20356 |
the resolution the board of township trustees shall deliver to the | 20357 |
board of county commissioners of the county within which the | 20358 |
incentive district is or will be located a notice that states its | 20359 |
intent to adopt a resolution creating an incentive district. The | 20360 |
notice shall include a copy of the proposed resolution, identify | 20361 |
the parcels for which improvements are to be exempted from | 20362 |
taxation, provide an estimate of the true value in money of the | 20363 |
improvements, specify the period of time for which the | 20364 |
improvements would be exempted from taxation, specify the | 20365 |
percentage of the improvements that would be exempted from | 20366 |
taxation, and indicate the date on which the board of township | 20367 |
trustees intends to adopt the resolution. | 20368 |
(2) The board of county commissioners, by resolution adopted | 20369 |
by a majority of the board, may object to the exemption for the | 20370 |
number of years in excess of ten, may object to the exemption for | 20371 |
the percentage of the improvement to be exempted in excess of | 20372 |
seventy-five per cent, or both. If the board of county | 20373 |
commissioners objects, the board may negotiate a mutually | 20374 |
acceptable compensation agreement with the board of township | 20375 |
trustees. In no case shall the compensation provided to the board | 20376 |
of county commissioners exceed the property taxes foregone due to | 20377 |
the exemption. If the board of county commissioners objects, and | 20378 |
the board of county commissioners and board of township trustees | 20379 |
fail to negotiate a mutually acceptable compensation agreement, | 20380 |
the resolution adopted under division (C)(1) of this section shall | 20381 |
provide to the board of county commissioners compensation in the | 20382 |
eleventh and subsequent years of the exemption period equal in | 20383 |
value to not more than fifty per cent of the taxes that would be | 20384 |
payable to the county or, if the board of county commissioner's | 20385 |
objection includes an objection to an exemption percentage in | 20386 |
excess of seventy-five per cent, compensation equal in value to | 20387 |
not more than fifty per cent of the taxes that would be payable to | 20388 |
the county, on the portion of the improvement in excess of | 20389 |
seventy-five per cent, were that portion to be subject to | 20390 |
taxation. The board of county commissioners shall certify its | 20391 |
resolution to the board of township trustees not later than thirty | 20392 |
days after receipt of the notice. | 20393 |
(3) If the board of county commissioners does not object or | 20394 |
fails to certify its resolution objecting to an exemption within | 20395 |
thirty days after receipt of the notice, the board of township | 20396 |
trustees may adopt its resolution, and no compensation shall be | 20397 |
provided to the board of county commissioners. If the board of | 20398 |
county commissioners timely certifies its resolution objecting to | 20399 |
the trustees' resolution, the board of township trustees may adopt | 20400 |
its resolution at any time after a mutually acceptable | 20401 |
compensation agreement is agreed to by the board of county | 20402 |
commissioners and the board of township trustees, or, if no | 20403 |
compensation agreement is negotiated, at any time after the board | 20404 |
of township trustees agrees in the proposed resolution to provide | 20405 |
compensation to the board of county commissioners of fifty per | 20406 |
cent of the taxes that would be payable to the county in the | 20407 |
eleventh and subsequent years of the exemption period or on the | 20408 |
portion of the improvement in excess of seventy-five per cent, | 20409 |
were that portion to be subject to taxation. | 20410 |
(F) Service payments in lieu of taxes that are attributable | 20411 |
to any amount by which the effective tax rate of either a renewal | 20412 |
levy with an increase or a replacement levy exceeds the effective | 20413 |
tax rate of the levy renewed or replaced, or that are attributable | 20414 |
to an additional levy, for a levy authorized by the voters for any | 20415 |
of the following purposes on or after January 1, 2006, and which | 20416 |
are provided pursuant to a resolution creating an incentive | 20417 |
district under division (C)(1) of this section that is adopted on | 20418 |
or after January 1, 2006, shall be distributed to the appropriate | 20419 |
taxing authority as required under division (C) of section 5709.74 | 20420 |
of the Revised Code in an amount equal to the amount of taxes from | 20421 |
that additional levy or from the increase in the effective tax | 20422 |
rate of such renewal or replacement levy that would have been | 20423 |
payable to that taxing authority from the following levies were it | 20424 |
not for the exemption authorized under division (C) of this | 20425 |
section: | 20426 |
(1) A tax levied under division (L) of section 5705.19 or | 20427 |
section 5705.191 of the Revised Code for community | 20428 |
20429 | |
pursuant to Chapter 5126. of the Revised Code; | 20430 |
(2) A tax levied under division (Y) of section 5705.19 of the | 20431 |
Revised Code for providing or maintaining senior citizens services | 20432 |
or facilities; | 20433 |
(3) A tax levied under section 5705.22 of the Revised Code | 20434 |
for county hospitals; | 20435 |
(4) A tax levied by a joint-county district or by a county | 20436 |
under section 5705.19, 5705.191, or 5705.221 of the Revised Code | 20437 |
for alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health services or | 20438 |
families; | 20439 |
(5) A tax levied under section 5705.23 of the Revised Code | 20440 |
for library purposes; | 20441 |
(6) A tax levied under section 5705.24 of the Revised Code | 20442 |
for the support of children services and the placement and care of | 20443 |
children; | 20444 |
(7) A tax levied under division (Z) of section 5705.19 of the | 20445 |
Revised Code for the provision and maintenance of zoological park | 20446 |
services and facilities under section 307.76 of the Revised Code; | 20447 |
(8) A tax levied under section 511.27 or division (H) of | 20448 |
section 5705.19 of the Revised Code for the support of township | 20449 |
park districts; | 20450 |
(9) A tax levied under division (A), (F), or (H) of section | 20451 |
5705.19 of the Revised Code for parks and recreational purposes of | 20452 |
a joint recreation district organized pursuant to division (B) of | 20453 |
section 755.14 of the Revised Code; | 20454 |
(10) A tax levied under section 1545.20 or 1545.21 of the | 20455 |
Revised Code for park district purposes; | 20456 |
(11) A tax levied under section 5705.191 of the Revised Code | 20457 |
for the purpose of making appropriations for public assistance; | 20458 |
human or social services; public relief; public welfare; public | 20459 |
health and hospitalization; and support of general hospitals; | 20460 |
(12) A tax levied under section 3709.29 of the Revised Code | 20461 |
for a general health district program. | 20462 |
(G) An exemption from taxation granted under this section | 20463 |
commences with the tax year specified in the resolution so long as | 20464 |
the year specified in the resolution commences after the effective | 20465 |
date of the resolution. If the resolution specifies a year | 20466 |
commencing before the effective date of the resolution or | 20467 |
specifies no year whatsoever, the exemption commences with the tax | 20468 |
year in which an exempted improvement first appears on the tax | 20469 |
list and duplicate of real and public utility property and that | 20470 |
commences after the effective date of the resolution. In lieu of | 20471 |
stating a specific year, the resolution may provide that the | 20472 |
exemption commences in the tax year in which the value of an | 20473 |
improvement exceeds a specified amount or in which the | 20474 |
construction of one or more improvements is completed, provided | 20475 |
that such tax year commences after the effective date of the | 20476 |
resolution. With respect to the exemption of improvements to | 20477 |
parcels under division (B) of this section, the resolution may | 20478 |
allow for the exemption to commence in different tax years on a | 20479 |
parcel-by-parcel basis, with a separate exemption term specified | 20480 |
for each parcel. | 20481 |
Except as otherwise provided in this division, the exemption | 20482 |
ends on the date specified in the resolution as the date the | 20483 |
improvement ceases to be a public purpose or the incentive | 20484 |
district expires, or ends on the date on which the public | 20485 |
infrastructure improvements and housing renovations are paid in | 20486 |
full from the township public improvement tax increment equivalent | 20487 |
fund established under section 5709.75 of the Revised Code, | 20488 |
whichever occurs first. The exemption of an improvement with | 20489 |
respect to a parcel or within an incentive district may end on a | 20490 |
later date, as specified in the resolution, if the board of | 20491 |
township trustees and the board of education of the city, local, | 20492 |
or exempted village school district within which the parcel or | 20493 |
district is located have entered into a compensation agreement | 20494 |
under section 5709.82 of the Revised Code with respect to the | 20495 |
improvement and the board of education has approved the term of | 20496 |
the exemption under division (D) of this section, but in no case | 20497 |
shall the improvement be exempted from taxation for more than | 20498 |
thirty years. The board of township trustees may, by majority | 20499 |
vote, adopt a resolution permitting the township to enter into | 20500 |
such agreements as the board finds necessary or appropriate to | 20501 |
provide for the construction or undertaking of public | 20502 |
infrastructure improvements and housing renovations. Any exemption | 20503 |
shall be claimed and allowed in the same or a similar manner as in | 20504 |
the case of other real property exemptions. If an exemption status | 20505 |
changes during a tax year, the procedure for the apportionment of | 20506 |
the taxes for that year is the same as in the case of other | 20507 |
changes in tax exemption status during the year. | 20508 |
(H) The board of township trustees may issue the notes of the | 20509 |
township to finance all costs pertaining to the construction or | 20510 |
undertaking of public infrastructure improvements and housing | 20511 |
renovations made pursuant to this section. The notes shall be | 20512 |
signed by the board and attested by the signature of the township | 20513 |
fiscal officer, shall bear interest not to exceed the rate | 20514 |
provided in section 9.95 of the Revised Code, and are not subject | 20515 |
to Chapter 133. of the Revised Code. The resolution authorizing | 20516 |
the issuance of the notes shall pledge the funds of the township | 20517 |
public improvement tax increment equivalent fund established | 20518 |
pursuant to section 5709.75 of the Revised Code to pay the | 20519 |
interest on and principal of the notes. The notes, which may | 20520 |
contain a clause permitting prepayment at the option of the board, | 20521 |
shall be offered for sale on the open market or given to the | 20522 |
vendor or contractor if no sale is made. | 20523 |
(I) The township, not later than fifteen days after the | 20524 |
adoption of a resolution under this section, shall submit to the | 20525 |
director of development services a copy of the resolution. On or | 20526 |
before the thirty-first day of March of each year, the township | 20527 |
shall submit a status report to the director of development | 20528 |
services. The report shall indicate, in the manner prescribed by | 20529 |
the director, the progress of the project during each year that | 20530 |
the exemption remains in effect, including a summary of the | 20531 |
receipts from service payments in lieu of taxes; expenditures of | 20532 |
money from the fund created under section 5709.75 of the Revised | 20533 |
Code; a description of the public infrastructure improvements and | 20534 |
housing renovations financed with the expenditures; and a | 20535 |
quantitative summary of changes in private investment resulting | 20536 |
from each project. | 20537 |
(J) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit a | 20538 |
board of township trustees from declaring to be a public purpose | 20539 |
improvements with respect to more than one parcel. | 20540 |
If a parcel is located in a new community district in which | 20541 |
the new community authority imposes a community development charge | 20542 |
on the basis of rentals received from leases of real property as | 20543 |
described in division (L)(2) of section 349.01 of the Revised | 20544 |
Code, the parcel may not be exempted from taxation under this | 20545 |
section. | 20546 |
(K) A board of township trustees that adopted a resolution | 20547 |
under this section prior to July 21, 1994, may amend that | 20548 |
resolution to include any additional public infrastructure | 20549 |
improvement. A board of township trustees that seeks by the | 20550 |
amendment to utilize money from its township public improvement | 20551 |
tax increment equivalent fund for land acquisition in aid of | 20552 |
industry, commerce, distribution, or research, demolition on | 20553 |
private property, or stormwater and flood remediation projects may | 20554 |
do so provided that the board currently is a party to a | 20555 |
hold-harmless agreement with the board of education of the city, | 20556 |
local, or exempted village school district within the territory of | 20557 |
which are located the parcels that are subject to an exemption. | 20558 |
For the purposes of this division, a "hold-harmless agreement" | 20559 |
means an agreement under which the board of township trustees | 20560 |
agrees to compensate the school district for one hundred per cent | 20561 |
of the tax revenue that the school district would have received | 20562 |
from further improvements to parcels designated in the resolution | 20563 |
were it not for the exemption granted by the resolution. | 20564 |
Sec. 5709.78. (A) A board of county commissioners may, by | 20565 |
resolution, declare improvements to certain parcels of real | 20566 |
property located in the unincorporated territory of the county to | 20567 |
be a public purpose. Except with the approval under division (C) | 20568 |
of this section of the board of education of each city, local, or | 20569 |
exempted village school district within which the improvements are | 20570 |
located, not more than seventy-five per cent of an improvement | 20571 |
thus declared to be a public purpose may be exempted from real | 20572 |
property taxation, for a period of not more than ten years. The | 20573 |
resolution shall specify the percentage of the improvement to be | 20574 |
exempted and the life of the exemption. | 20575 |
A resolution adopted under this division shall designate the | 20576 |
specific public infrastructure improvements made, to be made, or | 20577 |
in the process of being made by the county that directly benefit, | 20578 |
or that once made will directly benefit, the parcels for which | 20579 |
improvements are declared to be a public purpose. The service | 20580 |
payments provided for in section 5709.79 of the Revised Code shall | 20581 |
be used to finance the public infrastructure improvements | 20582 |
designated in the resolution, or as provided in section 5709.80 of | 20583 |
the Revised Code. | 20584 |
(B)(1) A board of county commissioners may adopt a resolution | 20585 |
creating an incentive district and declaring improvements to | 20586 |
parcels within the district to be a public purpose and, except as | 20587 |
provided in division (E) of this section, exempt from taxation as | 20588 |
provided in this section, but no board of county commissioners of | 20589 |
a county that has a population that exceeds twenty-five thousand, | 20590 |
as shown by the most recent federal decennial census, shall adopt | 20591 |
a resolution that creates an incentive district if the sum of the | 20592 |
taxable value of real property in the proposed district for the | 20593 |
preceding tax year and the taxable value of all real property in | 20594 |
the county that would have been taxable in the preceding year were | 20595 |
it not for the fact that the property was in an existing incentive | 20596 |
district and therefore exempt from taxation exceeds twenty-five | 20597 |
per cent of the taxable value of real property in the county for | 20598 |
the preceding tax year. The district shall be located within the | 20599 |
unincorporated territory of the county and shall not include any | 20600 |
territory that is included within a district created under | 20601 |
division (C) of section 5709.73 of the Revised Code. The | 20602 |
resolution shall delineate the boundary of the district and | 20603 |
specifically identify each parcel within the district. A district | 20604 |
may not include any parcel that is or has been exempted from | 20605 |
taxation under division (A) of this section or that is or has been | 20606 |
within another district created under this division. A resolution | 20607 |
may create more than one such district, and more than one | 20608 |
resolution may be adopted under division (B)(1) of this section. | 20609 |
(2) Not later than thirty days prior to adopting a resolution | 20610 |
under division (B)(1) of this section, if the county intends to | 20611 |
apply for exemptions from taxation under section 5709.911 of the | 20612 |
Revised Code on behalf of owners of real property located within | 20613 |
the proposed incentive district, the board of county commissioners | 20614 |
shall conduct a public hearing on the proposed resolution. Not | 20615 |
later than thirty days prior to the public hearing, the board | 20616 |
shall give notice of the public hearing and the proposed | 20617 |
resolution by first class mail to every real property owner whose | 20618 |
property is located within the boundaries of the proposed | 20619 |
incentive district that is the subject of the proposed resolution. | 20620 |
The board also shall provide the notice by first class mail to the | 20621 |
clerk of each township in which the proposed incentive district | 20622 |
will be located. | 20623 |
(3)(a) A resolution adopted under division (B)(1) of this | 20624 |
section shall specify the life of the incentive district and the | 20625 |
percentage of the improvements to be exempted, shall designate the | 20626 |
public infrastructure improvements made, to be made, or in the | 20627 |
process of being made, that benefit or serve, or, once made, will | 20628 |
benefit or serve parcels in the district. The resolution also | 20629 |
shall identify one or more specific projects being, or to be, | 20630 |
undertaken in the district that place additional demand on the | 20631 |
public infrastructure improvements designated in the resolution. | 20632 |
The project identified may, but need not be, the project under | 20633 |
division (B)(3)(b) of this section that places real property in | 20634 |
use for commercial or industrial purposes. | 20635 |
A resolution adopted under division (B)(1) of this section on | 20636 |
or after March 30, 2006, shall not designate police or fire | 20637 |
equipment as public infrastructure improvements, and no service | 20638 |
payment provided for in section 5709.79 of the Revised Code and | 20639 |
received by the county under the resolution shall be used for | 20640 |
police or fire equipment. | 20641 |
(b) A resolution adopted under division (B)(1) of this | 20642 |
section may authorize the use of service payments provided for in | 20643 |
section 5709.79 of the Revised Code for the purpose of housing | 20644 |
renovations within the incentive district, provided that the | 20645 |
resolution also designates public infrastructure improvements that | 20646 |
benefit or serve the district, and that a project within the | 20647 |
district places real property in use for commercial or industrial | 20648 |
purposes. Service payments may be used to finance or support | 20649 |
loans, deferred loans, and grants to persons for the purpose of | 20650 |
housing renovations within the district. The resolution shall | 20651 |
designate the parcels within the district that are eligible for | 20652 |
housing renovations. The resolution shall state separately the | 20653 |
amount or the percentages of the expected aggregate service | 20654 |
payments that are designated for each public infrastructure | 20655 |
improvement and for the purpose of housing renovations. | 20656 |
(4) Except with the approval of the board of education of | 20657 |
each city, local, or exempted village school district within the | 20658 |
territory of which the incentive district is or will be located, | 20659 |
and subject to division (D) of this section, the life of an | 20660 |
incentive district shall not exceed ten years, and the percentage | 20661 |
of improvements to be exempted shall not exceed seventy-five per | 20662 |
cent. With approval of the board of education, the life of a | 20663 |
district may be not more than thirty years, and the percentage of | 20664 |
improvements to be exempted may be not more than one hundred per | 20665 |
cent. The approval of a board of education shall be obtained in | 20666 |
the manner provided in division (C) of this section. | 20667 |
(C)(1) Improvements with respect to a parcel may be exempted | 20668 |
from taxation under division (A) of this section, and improvements | 20669 |
to parcels within an incentive district may be exempted from | 20670 |
taxation under division (B) of this section, for up to ten years | 20671 |
or, with the approval of the board of education of each city, | 20672 |
local, or exempted village school district within which the parcel | 20673 |
or district is located, for up to thirty years. The percentage of | 20674 |
the improvements exempted from taxation may, with such approval, | 20675 |
exceed seventy-five per cent, but shall not exceed one hundred per | 20676 |
cent. Not later than forty-five business days prior to adopting a | 20677 |
resolution under this section declaring improvements to be a | 20678 |
public purpose that is subject to the approval of a board of | 20679 |
education under this division, the board of county commissioners | 20680 |
shall deliver to the board of education a notice stating its | 20681 |
intent to adopt a resolution making that declaration. The notice | 20682 |
regarding improvements with respect to a parcel under division (A) | 20683 |
of this section shall identify the parcels for which improvements | 20684 |
are to be exempted from taxation, provide an estimate of the true | 20685 |
value in money of the improvements, specify the period for which | 20686 |
the improvements would be exempted from taxation and the | 20687 |
percentage of the improvements that would be exempted, and | 20688 |
indicate the date on which the board of county commissioners | 20689 |
intends to adopt the resolution. The notice regarding improvements | 20690 |
to parcels within an incentive district under division (B) of this | 20691 |
section shall delineate the boundaries of the district, | 20692 |
specifically identify each parcel within the district, identify | 20693 |
each anticipated improvement in the district, provide an estimate | 20694 |
of the true value in money of each such improvement, specify the | 20695 |
life of the district and the percentage of improvements that would | 20696 |
be exempted, and indicate the date on which the board of county | 20697 |
commissioners intends to adopt the resolution. The board of | 20698 |
education, by resolution adopted by a majority of the board, may | 20699 |
approve the exemption for the period or for the exemption | 20700 |
percentage specified in the notice; may disapprove the exemption | 20701 |
for the number of years in excess of ten, may disapprove the | 20702 |
exemption for the percentage of the improvements to be exempted in | 20703 |
excess of seventy-five per cent, or both; or may approve the | 20704 |
exemption on the condition that the board of county commissioners | 20705 |
and the board of education negotiate an agreement providing for | 20706 |
compensation to the school district equal in value to a percentage | 20707 |
of the amount of taxes exempted in the eleventh and subsequent | 20708 |
years of the exemption period or, in the case of exemption | 20709 |
percentages in excess of seventy-five per cent, compensation equal | 20710 |
in value to a percentage of the taxes that would be payable on the | 20711 |
portion of the improvements in excess of seventy-five per cent | 20712 |
were that portion to be subject to taxation, or other mutually | 20713 |
agreeable compensation. | 20714 |
(2) The board of education shall certify its resolution to | 20715 |
the board of county commissioners not later than fourteen days | 20716 |
prior to the date the board of county commissioners intends to | 20717 |
adopt its resolution as indicated in the notice. If the board of | 20718 |
education and the board of county commissioners negotiate a | 20719 |
mutually acceptable compensation agreement, the resolution of the | 20720 |
board of county commissioners may declare the improvements a | 20721 |
public purpose for the number of years specified in that | 20722 |
resolution or, in the case of exemption percentages in excess of | 20723 |
seventy-five per cent, for the exemption percentage specified in | 20724 |
the resolution. In either case, if the board of education and the | 20725 |
board of county commissioners fail to negotiate a mutually | 20726 |
acceptable compensation agreement, the resolution may declare the | 20727 |
improvements a public purpose for not more than ten years, and | 20728 |
shall not exempt more than seventy-five per cent of the | 20729 |
improvements from taxation. If the board of education fails to | 20730 |
certify a resolution to the board of county commissioners within | 20731 |
the time prescribed by this section, the board of county | 20732 |
commissioners thereupon may adopt the resolution and may declare | 20733 |
the improvements a public purpose for up to thirty years or, in | 20734 |
the case of exemption percentages proposed in excess of | 20735 |
seventy-five per cent, for the exemption percentage specified in | 20736 |
the resolution. The board of county commissioners may adopt the | 20737 |
resolution at any time after the board of education certifies its | 20738 |
resolution approving the exemption to the board of county | 20739 |
commissioners, or, if the board of education approves the | 20740 |
exemption on the condition that a mutually acceptable compensation | 20741 |
agreement be negotiated, at any time after the compensation | 20742 |
agreement is agreed to by the board of education and the board of | 20743 |
county commissioners. If a mutually acceptable compensation | 20744 |
agreement is negotiated between the board of county commissioners | 20745 |
and the board of education, including agreements for payments in | 20746 |
lieu of taxes under section 5709.79 of the Revised Code, the board | 20747 |
of county commissioners shall compensate the joint vocational | 20748 |
school district within which the parcel or district is located at | 20749 |
the same rate and under the same terms received by the city, | 20750 |
local, or exempted village school district. | 20751 |
(3) If a board of education has adopted a resolution waiving | 20752 |
its right to approve exemptions from taxation under this section | 20753 |
and the resolution remains in effect, approval of such exemptions | 20754 |
by the board of education is not required under division (C) of | 20755 |
this section. If a board of education has adopted a resolution | 20756 |
allowing a board of county commissioners to deliver the notice | 20757 |
required under division (C) of this section fewer than forty-five | 20758 |
business days prior to approval of the resolution by the board of | 20759 |
county commissioners, the board of county commissioners shall | 20760 |
deliver the notice to the board of education not later than the | 20761 |
number of days prior to such approval as prescribed by the board | 20762 |
of education in its resolution. If a board of education adopts a | 20763 |
resolution waiving its right to approve exemptions or shortening | 20764 |
the notification period, the board of education shall certify a | 20765 |
copy of the resolution to the board of county commissioners. If | 20766 |
the board of education rescinds such a resolution, it shall | 20767 |
certify notice of the rescission to the board of county | 20768 |
commissioners. | 20769 |
(D)(1) If a proposed resolution under division (B)(1) of this | 20770 |
section exempts improvements with respect to a parcel within an | 20771 |
incentive district for more than ten years, or the percentage of | 20772 |
the improvement exempted from taxation exceeds seventy-five per | 20773 |
cent, not later than forty-five business days prior to adopting | 20774 |
the resolution the board of county commissioners shall deliver to | 20775 |
the board of township trustees of any township within which the | 20776 |
incentive district is or will be located a notice that states its | 20777 |
intent to adopt a resolution creating an incentive district. The | 20778 |
notice shall include a copy of the proposed resolution, identify | 20779 |
the parcels for which improvements are to be exempted from | 20780 |
taxation, provide an estimate of the true value in money of the | 20781 |
improvements, specify the period of time for which the | 20782 |
improvements would be exempted from taxation, specify the | 20783 |
percentage of the improvements that would be exempted from | 20784 |
taxation, and indicate the date on which the board intends to | 20785 |
adopt the resolution. | 20786 |
(2) The board of township trustees, by resolution adopted by | 20787 |
a majority of the board, may object to the exemption for the | 20788 |
number of years in excess of ten, may object to the exemption for | 20789 |
the percentage of the improvement to be exempted in excess of | 20790 |
seventy-five per cent, or both. If the board of township trustees | 20791 |
objects, the board of township trustees may negotiate a mutually | 20792 |
acceptable compensation agreement with the board of county | 20793 |
commissioners. In no case shall the compensation provided to the | 20794 |
board of township trustees exceed the property taxes forgone due | 20795 |
to the exemption. If the board of township trustees objects, and | 20796 |
the board of township trustees and the board of county | 20797 |
commissioners fail to negotiate a mutually acceptable compensation | 20798 |
agreement, the resolution adopted under division (B)(1) of this | 20799 |
section shall provide to the board of township trustees | 20800 |
compensation in the eleventh and subsequent years of the exemption | 20801 |
period equal in value to not more than fifty per cent of the taxes | 20802 |
that would be payable to the township or, if the board of township | 20803 |
trustee's objection includes an objection to an exemption | 20804 |
percentage in excess of seventy-five per cent, compensation equal | 20805 |
in value to not more than fifty per cent of the taxes that would | 20806 |
be payable to the township on the portion of the improvement in | 20807 |
excess of seventy-five per cent, were that portion to be subject | 20808 |
to taxation. The board of township trustees shall certify its | 20809 |
resolution to the board of county commissioners not later than | 20810 |
thirty days after receipt of the notice. | 20811 |
(3) If the board of township trustees does not object or | 20812 |
fails to certify a resolution objecting to an exemption within | 20813 |
thirty days after receipt of the notice, the board of county | 20814 |
commissioners may adopt its resolution, and no compensation shall | 20815 |
be provided to the board of township trustees. If the board of | 20816 |
township trustees certifies its resolution objecting to the | 20817 |
commissioners' resolution, the board of county commissioners may | 20818 |
adopt its resolution at any time after a mutually acceptable | 20819 |
compensation agreement is agreed to by the board of county | 20820 |
commissioners and the board of township trustees. If the board of | 20821 |
township trustees certifies a resolution objecting to the | 20822 |
commissioners' resolution, the board of county commissioners may | 20823 |
adopt its resolution at any time after a mutually acceptable | 20824 |
compensation agreement is agreed to by the board of county | 20825 |
commissioners and the board of township trustees, or, if no | 20826 |
compensation agreement is negotiated, at any time after the board | 20827 |
of county commissioners in the proposed resolution to provide | 20828 |
compensation to the board of township trustees of fifty per cent | 20829 |
of the taxes that would be payable to the township in the eleventh | 20830 |
and subsequent years of the exemption period or on the portion of | 20831 |
the improvement in excess of seventy-five per cent, were that | 20832 |
portion to be subject to taxation. | 20833 |
(E) Service payments in lieu of taxes that are attributable | 20834 |
to any amount by which the effective tax rate of either a renewal | 20835 |
levy with an increase or a replacement levy exceeds the effective | 20836 |
tax rate of the levy renewed or replaced, or that are attributable | 20837 |
to an additional levy, for a levy authorized by the voters for any | 20838 |
of the following purposes on or after January 1, 2006, and which | 20839 |
are provided pursuant to a resolution creating an incentive | 20840 |
district under division (B)(1) of this section that is adopted on | 20841 |
or after January 1, 2006, shall be distributed to the appropriate | 20842 |
taxing authority as required under division (D) of section 5709.79 | 20843 |
of the Revised Code in an amount equal to the amount of taxes from | 20844 |
that additional levy or from the increase in the effective tax | 20845 |
rate of such renewal or replacement levy that would have been | 20846 |
payable to that taxing authority from the following levies were it | 20847 |
not for the exemption authorized under division (B) of this | 20848 |
section: | 20849 |
(1) A tax levied under division (L) of section 5705.19 or | 20850 |
section 5705.191 of the Revised Code for community | 20851 |
20852 | |
pursuant to Chapter 5126. of the Revised Code; | 20853 |
(2) A tax levied under division (Y) of section 5705.19 of the | 20854 |
Revised Code for providing or maintaining senior citizens services | 20855 |
or facilities; | 20856 |
(3) A tax levied under section 5705.22 of the Revised Code | 20857 |
for county hospitals; | 20858 |
(4) A tax levied by a joint-county district or by a county | 20859 |
under section 5705.19, 5705.191, or 5705.221 of the Revised Code | 20860 |
for alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health services or | 20861 |
facilities; | 20862 |
(5) A tax levied under section 5705.23 of the Revised Code | 20863 |
for library purposes; | 20864 |
(6) A tax levied under section 5705.24 of the Revised Code | 20865 |
for the support of children services and the placement and care of | 20866 |
children; | 20867 |
(7) A tax levied under division (Z) of section 5705.19 of the | 20868 |
Revised Code for the provision and maintenance of zoological park | 20869 |
services and facilities under section 307.76 of the Revised Code; | 20870 |
(8) A tax levied under section 511.27 or division (H) of | 20871 |
section 5705.19 of the Revised Code for the support of township | 20872 |
park districts; | 20873 |
(9) A tax levied under division (A), (F), or (H) of section | 20874 |
5705.19 of the Revised Code for parks and recreational purposes of | 20875 |
a joint recreation district organized pursuant to division (B) of | 20876 |
section 755.14 of the Revised Code; | 20877 |
(10) A tax levied under section 1545.20 or 1545.21 of the | 20878 |
Revised Code for park district purposes; | 20879 |
(11) A tax levied under section 5705.191 of the Revised Code | 20880 |
for the purpose of making appropriations for public assistance; | 20881 |
human or social services; public relief; public welfare; public | 20882 |
health and hospitalization; and support of general hospitals; | 20883 |
(12) A tax levied under section 3709.29 of the Revised Code | 20884 |
for a general health district program. | 20885 |
(F) An exemption from taxation granted under this section | 20886 |
commences with the tax year specified in the resolution so long as | 20887 |
the year specified in the resolution commences after the effective | 20888 |
date of the resolution. If the resolution specifies a year | 20889 |
commencing before the effective date of the resolution or | 20890 |
specifies no year whatsoever, the exemption commences with the tax | 20891 |
year in which an exempted improvement first appears on the tax | 20892 |
list and duplicate of real and public utility property and that | 20893 |
commences after the effective date of the resolution. In lieu of | 20894 |
stating a specific year, the resolution may provide that the | 20895 |
exemption commences in the tax year in which the value of an | 20896 |
improvement exceeds a specified amount or in which the | 20897 |
construction of one or more improvements is completed, provided | 20898 |
that such tax year commences after the effective date of the | 20899 |
resolution. With respect to the exemption of improvements to | 20900 |
parcels under division (A) of this section, the resolution may | 20901 |
allow for the exemption to commence in different tax years on a | 20902 |
parcel-by-parcel basis, with a separate exemption term specified | 20903 |
for each parcel. | 20904 |
Except as otherwise provided in this division, the exemption | 20905 |
ends on the date specified in the resolution as the date the | 20906 |
improvement ceases to be a public purpose or the incentive | 20907 |
district expires, or ends on the date on which the county can no | 20908 |
longer require annual service payments in lieu of taxes under | 20909 |
section 5709.79 of the Revised Code, whichever occurs first. The | 20910 |
exemption of an improvement with respect to a parcel or within an | 20911 |
incentive district may end on a later date, as specified in the | 20912 |
resolution, if the board of commissioners and the board of | 20913 |
education of the city, local, or exempted village school district | 20914 |
within which the parcel or district is located have entered into a | 20915 |
compensation agreement under section 5709.82 of the Revised Code | 20916 |
with respect to the improvement, and the board of education has | 20917 |
approved the term of the exemption under division (C)(1) of this | 20918 |
section, but in no case shall the improvement be exempted from | 20919 |
taxation for more than thirty years. Exemptions shall be claimed | 20920 |
and allowed in the same or a similar manner as in the case of | 20921 |
other real property exemptions. If an exemption status changes | 20922 |
during a tax year, the procedure for the apportionment of the | 20923 |
taxes for that year is the same as in the case of other changes in | 20924 |
tax exemption status during the year. | 20925 |
(G) If the board of county commissioners is not required by | 20926 |
this section to notify the board of education of the board of | 20927 |
county commissioners' intent to declare improvements to be a | 20928 |
public purpose, the board of county commissioners shall comply | 20929 |
with the notice requirements imposed under section 5709.83 of the | 20930 |
Revised Code before taking formal action to adopt the resolution | 20931 |
making that declaration, unless the board of education has adopted | 20932 |
a resolution under that section waiving its right to receive such | 20933 |
a notice. | 20934 |
(H) The county, not later than fifteen days after the | 20935 |
adoption of a resolution under this section, shall submit to the | 20936 |
director of development services a copy of the resolution. On or | 20937 |
before the thirty-first day of March of each year, the county | 20938 |
shall submit a status report to the director of development | 20939 |
services. The report shall indicate, in the manner prescribed by | 20940 |
the director, the progress of the project during each year that an | 20941 |
exemption remains in effect, including a summary of the receipts | 20942 |
from service payments in lieu of taxes; expenditures of money from | 20943 |
the fund created under section 5709.80 of the Revised Code; a | 20944 |
description of the public infrastructure improvements and housing | 20945 |
renovations financed with such expenditures; and a quantitative | 20946 |
summary of changes in employment and private investment resulting | 20947 |
from each project. | 20948 |
(I) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit a | 20949 |
board of county commissioners from declaring to be a public | 20950 |
purpose improvements with respect to more than one parcel. | 20951 |
(J) If a parcel is located in a new community district in | 20952 |
which the new community authority imposes a community development | 20953 |
charge on the basis of rentals received from leases of real | 20954 |
property as described in division (L)(2) of section 349.01 of the | 20955 |
Revised Code, the parcel may not be exempted from taxation under | 20956 |
this section. | 20957 |
Sec. 5711.07. Personal property used in business shall be | 20958 |
listed and assessed in the taxing district in which such business | 20959 |
is carried on. If such business is carried on in more than one | 20960 |
taxing district in the same county, the return shall set forth the | 20961 |
amount of the property used therein which is situated in each | 20962 |
taxing district in such county, and the value of all the personal | 20963 |
property used in business shall be apportioned to and assessed in | 20964 |
each of such taxing districts in proportion to the value of the | 20965 |
personal property situated therein. Domestic animals not used in | 20966 |
business shall be listed and assessed in the taxing district where | 20967 |
kept. Ships, vessels, boats, and aircraft, and shares and | 20968 |
interests therein, shall be listed and assessed in the taxing | 20969 |
district in which the owner resides. All other taxable property | 20970 |
shall be listed and assessed in the municipal corporation in which | 20971 |
the owner resides, or, if the owner resides outside a municipal | 20972 |
corporation, then in the county in which the owner resides except | 20973 |
as provided in sections 5711.01 to 5711.36 of the Revised Code. | 20974 |
Whenever, under such sections, taxable property required by this | 20975 |
section to be listed and assessed in the taxing district or county | 20976 |
in which the owner resides is required to be listed by a | 20977 |
fiduciary, such property shall be listed and assessed by such | 20978 |
fiduciary in the taxing district or county in which such fiduciary | 20979 |
resides, or, in the case of joint fiduciaries, in which either | 20980 |
such fiduciary resides; but such property belonging to the estate | 20981 |
of a deceased resident of this state shall be listed and assessed | 20982 |
in the taxing district or county in which the deceased resident | 20983 |
resided at the time of death, regardless of the residence of the | 20984 |
deceased resident's executors, administrators, or personal | 20985 |
representatives, and such property belonging to a ward, minor, | 20986 |
incompetent person, or beneficiary of a trust residing in this | 20987 |
state, title, custody, or possession of which is vested in a | 20988 |
nonresident fiduciary, shall be listed and assessed in the taxing | 20989 |
district or county in which such ward, minor, incompetent person, | 20990 |
or beneficiary resides. | 20991 |
As used in this section, "incompetent person" means a person | 20992 |
who is so mentally impaired as a result of a mental or physical | 20993 |
illness or disability, or | 20994 |
disability that is an intellectual disability, or as a result of | 20995 |
chronic substance abuse, that the person is incapable of taking | 20996 |
proper care of the person's self or property or fails to provide | 20997 |
for the person's family or other persons for whom the person is | 20998 |
charged by law to provide. | 20999 |
Sec. 5747.03. (A) All money collected under this chapter | 21000 |
arising from the taxes imposed by section 5747.02 or 5747.41 of | 21001 |
the Revised Code shall be credited to the general revenue fund, | 21002 |
except that the treasurer of state shall, at the beginning of each | 21003 |
calendar quarter, credit to the Ohio political party fund, | 21004 |
pursuant to section 3517.16 of the Revised Code, an amount equal | 21005 |
to the total dollar value realized from the taxpayer exercise of | 21006 |
the income tax checkoff option on tax forms processed during the | 21007 |
preceding calendar quarter. | 21008 |
(B)(1) Following the crediting of moneys pursuant to division | 21009 |
(A) of this section, the remainder deposited in the general | 21010 |
revenue fund shall be distributed pursuant to division (F) of | 21011 |
section 321.24 and section 323.156 of the Revised Code; to make | 21012 |
subsidy payments to institutions of higher education from | 21013 |
appropriations to the Ohio board of regents; to support | 21014 |
expenditures for programs and services for the mentally ill, | 21015 |
21016 | |
developmental disabilities, and the elderly; for primary and | 21017 |
secondary education; for medical assistance; and for any other | 21018 |
purposes authorized by law, subject to the limitation that at | 21019 |
least fifty per cent of the income tax collected by the state from | 21020 |
the tax imposed by section 5747.02 of the Revised Code shall be | 21021 |
returned pursuant to Section 9 of Article XII, Ohio Constitution. | 21022 |
(2) To ensure that such constitutional requirement is | 21023 |
satisfied the tax commissioner shall, on or before the thirtieth | 21024 |
day of June of each year, from the best information available to | 21025 |
the tax commissioner, determine and certify for each county to the | 21026 |
director of budget and management the amount of taxes collected | 21027 |
under this chapter from the tax imposed under section 5747.02 of | 21028 |
the Revised Code during the preceding calendar year that are | 21029 |
required to be returned to the county by Section 9 of Article XII, | 21030 |
Ohio Constitution. The director shall provide for payment from the | 21031 |
general revenue fund to the county in the amount, if any, that the | 21032 |
sum of the amount so certified for that county exceeds the sum of | 21033 |
the following: | 21034 |
(a) The sum of the payments from the general revenue fund for | 21035 |
the preceding calendar year credited to the county's undivided | 21036 |
income tax fund pursuant to division (F) of section 321.24 and | 21037 |
section 323.156 of the Revised Code or made directly from the | 21038 |
general revenue fund to political subdivisions located in the | 21039 |
county; | 21040 |
(b) The sum of the amounts from the general revenue fund | 21041 |
distributed in the county during the preceding calendar year for | 21042 |
subsidy payments to institutions of higher education from | 21043 |
appropriations to the Ohio board of regents; for programs and | 21044 |
services for mentally ill, | 21045 |
21046 | |
persons; for primary and secondary education; and for medical | 21047 |
assistance. | 21048 |
(c) In the case of payments made by the director under this | 21049 |
division in 2007, the total amount distributed to the county | 21050 |
during the preceding calendar year from the local government fund | 21051 |
and the local government revenue assistance fund, and, in the case | 21052 |
of payments made by the director under this division in subsequent | 21053 |
calendar years, the amount distributed to the county from the | 21054 |
local government fund; | 21055 |
(d) In the case of payments made by the director under this | 21056 |
division, the total amount distributed to the county during the | 21057 |
preceding calendar year from the public library fund. | 21058 |
Payments under this division shall be credited to the | 21059 |
county's undivided income tax fund, except that, notwithstanding | 21060 |
section 5705.14 of the Revised Code, such payments may be | 21061 |
transferred by the board of county commissioners to the county | 21062 |
general fund by resolution adopted with the affirmative vote of | 21063 |
two-thirds of the members thereof. | 21064 |
(C) All payments received in each month from taxes imposed | 21065 |
under Chapter 5748. of the Revised Code and any penalties or | 21066 |
interest thereon shall be paid into the school district income tax | 21067 |
fund, which is hereby created in the state treasury, except that | 21068 |
an amount equal to the following portion of such payments shall be | 21069 |
paid into the general school district income tax administrative | 21070 |
fund, which is hereby created in the state treasury: | 21071 |
(1) One and three-quarters of one per cent of those received | 21072 |
in fiscal year 1996; | 21073 |
(2) One and one-half per cent of those received in fiscal | 21074 |
year 1997 and thereafter. | 21075 |
Money in the school district income tax administrative fund | 21076 |
shall be used by the tax commissioner to defray costs incurred in | 21077 |
administering the school district's income tax, including the cost | 21078 |
of providing employers with information regarding the rate of tax | 21079 |
imposed by any school district. Any moneys remaining in the fund | 21080 |
after such use shall be deposited in the school district income | 21081 |
tax fund. | 21082 |
All interest earned on moneys in the school district income | 21083 |
tax fund shall be credited to the fund. | 21084 |
(D)(1)(a) Within thirty days of the end of each calendar | 21085 |
quarter ending on the last day of March, June, September, and | 21086 |
December, the director of budget and management shall make a | 21087 |
payment from the school district income tax fund to each school | 21088 |
district for which school district income tax revenue was received | 21089 |
during that quarter. The amount of the payment shall equal the | 21090 |
balance in the school district's account at the end of that | 21091 |
quarter. | 21092 |
(b) After a school district ceases to levy an income tax, the | 21093 |
director of budget and management shall adjust the payments under | 21094 |
division (D)(1)(a) of this section to retain sufficient money in | 21095 |
the school district's account to pay refunds. For the calendar | 21096 |
quarters ending on the last day of March and December of the | 21097 |
calendar year following the last calendar year the tax is levied, | 21098 |
the director shall make the payments in the amount required under | 21099 |
division (D)(1)(a) of this section. For the calendar quarter | 21100 |
ending on the last day of June of the calendar year following the | 21101 |
last calendar year the tax is levied, the director shall make a | 21102 |
payment equal to nine-tenths of the balance in the account at the | 21103 |
end of that quarter. For the calendar quarter ending on the last | 21104 |
day of September of the calendar year following the last calendar | 21105 |
year the tax is levied, the director shall make no payment. For | 21106 |
the second and succeeding calendar years following the last | 21107 |
calendar year the tax is levied, the director shall make one | 21108 |
payment each year, within thirty days of the last day of June, in | 21109 |
an amount equal to the balance in the district's account on the | 21110 |
last day of June. | 21111 |
(2) Moneys paid to a school district under this division | 21112 |
shall be deposited in its school district income tax fund. All | 21113 |
interest earned on moneys in the school district income tax fund | 21114 |
shall be apportioned by the tax commissioner pro rata among the | 21115 |
school districts in the proportions and at the times the districts | 21116 |
are entitled to receive payments under this division. | 21117 |
Sec. 5815.28. (A) As used in this section: | 21118 |
(1) "Ascertainable standard" includes a standard in a trust | 21119 |
instrument requiring the trustee to provide for the care, comfort, | 21120 |
maintenance, welfare, education, or general well-being of the | 21121 |
beneficiary. | 21122 |
(2) "Disability" means any substantial, medically | 21123 |
determinable impairment that can be expected to result in death or | 21124 |
that has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period | 21125 |
of at least twelve months, except that "disability" does not | 21126 |
include an impairment that is the result of abuse of alcohol or | 21127 |
drugs. | 21128 |
(3) "Political subdivision" and "state" have the same | 21129 |
meanings as in section 2744.01 of the Revised Code. | 21130 |
(4) "Supplemental services" means services specified by rule | 21131 |
of the department of mental health and addiction services under | 21132 |
section 5119.10 of the Revised Code or the department of | 21133 |
developmental disabilities under section 5123.04 of the Revised | 21134 |
Code that are provided to an individual with a disability in | 21135 |
addition to services the individual is eligible to receive under | 21136 |
programs authorized by federal or state law. | 21137 |
(B) Any person may create a trust under this section to | 21138 |
provide funding for supplemental services for the benefit of | 21139 |
another individual who meets either of the following conditions: | 21140 |
(1) The individual has a physical or mental disability and is | 21141 |
eligible to receive services through the department of | 21142 |
developmental disabilities or a county board of developmental | 21143 |
disabilities; | 21144 |
(2) The individual has a mental disability and is eligible to | 21145 |
receive services through the department of mental health and | 21146 |
addiction services or a board of alcohol, drug addiction, and | 21147 |
mental health services. | 21148 |
The trust may confer discretion upon the trustee and may | 21149 |
contain specific instructions or conditions governing the exercise | 21150 |
of the discretion. | 21151 |
(C) The general division of the court of common pleas and the | 21152 |
probate court of the county in which the beneficiary of a trust | 21153 |
authorized by division (B) of this section resides or is confined | 21154 |
have concurrent original jurisdiction to hear and determine | 21155 |
actions pertaining to the trust. In any action pertaining to the | 21156 |
trust in a court of common pleas or probate court and in any | 21157 |
appeal of the action, all of the following apply to the trial or | 21158 |
appellate court: | 21159 |
(1) The court shall render determinations consistent with the | 21160 |
testator's or other settlor's intent in creating the trust, as | 21161 |
evidenced by the terms of the trust instrument. | 21162 |
(2) The court may order the trustee to exercise discretion | 21163 |
that the trust instrument confers upon the trustee only if the | 21164 |
instrument contains specific instructions or conditions governing | 21165 |
the exercise of that discretion and the trustee has failed to | 21166 |
comply with the instructions or conditions. In issuing an order | 21167 |
pursuant to this division, the court shall require the trustee to | 21168 |
exercise the trustee's discretion only in accordance with the | 21169 |
instructions or conditions. | 21170 |
(3) The court may order the trustee to maintain the trust and | 21171 |
distribute assets in accordance with rules adopted by the director | 21172 |
of mental health and addiction services under section 5119.10 of | 21173 |
the Revised Code or the director of developmental disabilities | 21174 |
under section 5123.04 of the Revised Code if the trustee has | 21175 |
failed to comply with such rules. | 21176 |
(D) To the extent permitted by federal law and subject to the | 21177 |
provisions of division (C)(2) of this section pertaining to the | 21178 |
enforcement of specific instructions or conditions governing a | 21179 |
trustee's discretion, a trust authorized by division (B) of this | 21180 |
section that confers discretion upon the trustee shall not be | 21181 |
considered an asset or resource of the beneficiary, the | 21182 |
beneficiary's estate, the settlor, or the settlor's estate and | 21183 |
shall be exempt from the claims of creditors, political | 21184 |
subdivisions, the state, other governmental entities, and other | 21185 |
claimants against the beneficiary, the beneficiary's estate, the | 21186 |
settlor, or the settlor's estate, including claims regarding the | 21187 |
medicaid program or based on provisions of Chapters 5121. or 5123. | 21188 |
of the Revised Code and claims sought to be satisfied by way of a | 21189 |
civil action, subrogation, execution, garnishment, attachment, | 21190 |
judicial sale, or other legal process, if all of the following | 21191 |
apply: | 21192 |
(1) At the time the trust is created, the trust principal | 21193 |
does not exceed the maximum amount determined under division (E) | 21194 |
of this section; | 21195 |
(2) The trust instrument contains a statement of the | 21196 |
settlor's intent, or otherwise clearly evidences the settlor's | 21197 |
intent, that the beneficiary does not have authority to compel the | 21198 |
trustee under any circumstances to furnish the beneficiary with | 21199 |
minimal or other maintenance or support, to make payments from the | 21200 |
principal of the trust or from the income derived from the | 21201 |
principal, or to convert any portion of the principal into cash, | 21202 |
whether pursuant to an ascertainable standard specified in the | 21203 |
instrument or otherwise; | 21204 |
(3) The trust instrument provides that trust assets can be | 21205 |
used only to provide supplemental services, as defined by rule of | 21206 |
the director of mental health and addiction services under section | 21207 |
5119.10 of the Revised Code or the director of developmental | 21208 |
disabilities under section 5123.04 of the Revised Code, to the | 21209 |
beneficiary; | 21210 |
(4) The trust is maintained and assets are distributed in | 21211 |
accordance with rules adopted by the director of mental health and | 21212 |
addiction services under section 5119.10 of the Revised Code or | 21213 |
the director of developmental disabilities under section 5123.04 | 21214 |
of the Revised Code; | 21215 |
(5) The trust instrument provides that on the death of the | 21216 |
beneficiary, a portion of the remaining assets of the trust, which | 21217 |
shall be not less than fifty per cent of such assets, will be | 21218 |
deposited to the credit of the services fund for individuals with | 21219 |
mental illness created by section 5119.51 of the Revised Code or | 21220 |
the services fund for individuals with | 21221 |
developmental disabilities created by section 5123.40 of the | 21222 |
Revised Code. | 21223 |
(E) In 1994, the trust principal maximum amount for a trust | 21224 |
created under this section shall be two hundred thousand dollars. | 21225 |
The maximum amount for a trust created under this section prior to | 21226 |
November 11, 1994, may be increased to two hundred thousand | 21227 |
dollars. | 21228 |
In 1995, the maximum amount for a trust created under this | 21229 |
section shall be two hundred two thousand dollars. Each year | 21230 |
thereafter, the maximum amount shall be the prior year's amount | 21231 |
plus two thousand dollars. | 21232 |
(F) This section does not limit or otherwise affect the | 21233 |
creation, validity, interpretation, or effect of any trust that is | 21234 |
not created under this section. | 21235 |
(G) Once a trustee takes action on a trust created by a | 21236 |
settlor under this section and disburses trust funds on behalf of | 21237 |
the beneficiary of the trust, then the trust may not be terminated | 21238 |
or otherwise revoked by a particular event or otherwise without | 21239 |
payment into the services fund created pursuant to section 5119.51 | 21240 |
or 5123.40 of the Revised Code of an amount that is equal to the | 21241 |
disbursements made on behalf of the beneficiary for medical care | 21242 |
by the state from the date the trust vests but that is not more | 21243 |
than fifty per cent of the trust corpus. | 21244 |
Sec. 5815.35. (A)(1) As used in this division, "fiduciary" | 21245 |
means any person, association, or corporation, other than a | 21246 |
trustee of a testamentary trust, an assignee or trustee for an | 21247 |
insolvent debtor, or a guardian under Chapter 5905. of the Revised | 21248 |
Code, that is appointed by and accountable to the probate court, | 21249 |
and that is acting in a fiduciary capacity for another or charged | 21250 |
with duties in relation to any property, interest, or estate for | 21251 |
another's benefit. A fiduciary also includes an agency under | 21252 |
contract with the department of developmental disabilities for the | 21253 |
provision of protective service under sections 5123.55 to 5123.59 | 21254 |
of the Revised Code, when appointed by and accountable to the | 21255 |
probate court as a guardian or trustee for a | 21256 |
21257 |
(2) A fiduciary who enters a contract as fiduciary on or | 21258 |
after March 22, 1984, is not personally liable on that contract, | 21259 |
unless the contract otherwise specifies, if the contract is within | 21260 |
the fiduciary's authority and the fiduciary discloses that the | 21261 |
contract is being entered into in a fiduciary capacity. In a | 21262 |
contract, the words "fiduciary" or "as fiduciary" or other words | 21263 |
that indicate one's fiduciary capacity following the name or | 21264 |
signature of a fiduciary are sufficient disclosure for purposes of | 21265 |
this division. | 21266 |
(B)(1) As used in this division, "partnership" includes a | 21267 |
partnership composed of only general partners and a partnership | 21268 |
composed of general and limited partners. | 21269 |
(2) Subject to division (D) of this section, an executor or | 21270 |
administrator who acquires, in a fiduciary capacity, a general | 21271 |
partnership interest upon the death of a general partner of a | 21272 |
partnership is not personally liable for any debt, obligation, or | 21273 |
liability of the partnership that arises from the executor's or | 21274 |
administrator's actions, except as provided in this division, as a | 21275 |
general partner, or for any debt, obligation, or liability of the | 21276 |
partnership for which the executor or administrator otherwise | 21277 |
would be personally liable because the executor or administrator | 21278 |
holds the general partnership interest, if the executor or | 21279 |
administrator discloses that the general partnership interest is | 21280 |
held by the executor or administrator in a fiduciary capacity. | 21281 |
This immunity does not apply if an executor or administrator | 21282 |
causes loss or injury to a person who is not a partner in the | 21283 |
partnership by a wrongful act or omission. This immunity is not | 21284 |
available to an executor or administrator who holds a general | 21285 |
partnership interest in a fiduciary capacity if the spouse or any | 21286 |
lineal descendants of the executor or administrator, or the | 21287 |
executor or administrator other than in a fiduciary capacity, | 21288 |
holds any interest in the partnership. | 21289 |
A partnership certificate that is filed pursuant to Chapter | 21290 |
1777. or another chapter of the Revised Code and that indicates | 21291 |
that an executor or administrator holds a general partnership | 21292 |
interest in a fiduciary capacity by the use following the name or | 21293 |
signature of the executor or administrator of the words "executor | 21294 |
under the will of (name of decedent)" or "administrator of the | 21295 |
estate of (name of decedent)" or other words that indicate the | 21296 |
executor's or administrator's fiduciary capacity constitutes a | 21297 |
sufficient disclosure for purposes of this division. | 21298 |
If a partnership certificate is not required to be filed | 21299 |
pursuant to Chapter 1776. or 1777. or another chapter of the | 21300 |
Revised Code, a sufficient disclosure for purposes of this | 21301 |
division can be made by an executor or administrator if a | 21302 |
certificate that satisfies the following requirements is filed | 21303 |
with the recorder of the county in which the partnership's | 21304 |
principal office or place of business is situated and with the | 21305 |
recorder of each county in which the partnership owns real estate: | 21306 |
(a) The certificate shall state in full the names of all | 21307 |
persons holding interests in the partnership and their places of | 21308 |
residence; | 21309 |
(b) The certificate shall be signed by all persons who are | 21310 |
general partners in the partnership, and shall be acknowledged by | 21311 |
a person authorized to take acknowledgements of deeds; | 21312 |
(c) The certificate shall use the words "executor under the | 21313 |
will of (name of decedent)" or "administrator of the estate of | 21314 |
(name of decedent)" or other words that indicate the executor's or | 21315 |
administrator's fiduciary capacity, following the name or | 21316 |
signature of the executor or administrator. | 21317 |
A contract or other written instrument delivered to a party | 21318 |
that contracts with the partnership in which an executor or | 21319 |
administrator holds a general partnership interest in a fiduciary | 21320 |
capacity, that indicates that the executor or administrator so | 21321 |
holds the interest, constitutes a disclosure for purposes of this | 21322 |
division with respect to transactions between the party and the | 21323 |
partnership. If a disclosure has been made by a certificate in | 21324 |
accordance with this division, a disclosure for purposes of this | 21325 |
division with respect to such transactions exists regardless of | 21326 |
whether a contract or other instrument indicates the executor or | 21327 |
administrator holds the general partnership interest in a | 21328 |
fiduciary capacity. | 21329 |
If an executor or administrator acquires, in a fiduciary | 21330 |
capacity, a general partnership interest, the decedent's estate is | 21331 |
liable for debts, obligations, or liabilities of the partnership. | 21332 |
(C) An estate that includes a general partnership interest is | 21333 |
not liable for the debts, obligations, or liabilities of a | 21334 |
partnership in which another estate has a general partnership | 21335 |
interest, merely because the executor or administrator of the | 21336 |
estates holds a general partnership interest in both of the | 21337 |
partnerships in the executor's or administrator's fiduciary | 21338 |
capacities. | 21339 |
(D) Divisions (B) and (C) of this section apply to general | 21340 |
partnership interests held by executors or administrators in their | 21341 |
fiduciary capacities prior to and on or after March 22, 1984. If | 21342 |
an appropriate disclosure is made pursuant to division (B) of this | 21343 |
section, the immunity acquired under that division extends only to | 21344 |
debts, obligations, and liabilities of the partnership arising on | 21345 |
and after the date of the disclosure and to debts, obligations, | 21346 |
and liabilities of the partnership that arose prior to the | 21347 |
acquisition of the general partnership interest by the executor or | 21348 |
administrator becoming a general partner. | 21349 |
(E) The liability limitations in this section apply to | 21350 |
fiduciaries as partners notwithstanding the broader personal | 21351 |
liabilities otherwise imposed by any partnership law. | 21352 |
(F) If an estate or other fund held by a fiduciary is | 21353 |
identified as a partner, the reference is deemed to be to, and the | 21354 |
partner is, the current executor, administrator, or other | 21355 |
fiduciary of the estate or other fund and their successors as | 21356 |
executors, administrators, or other fiduciaries. | 21357 |
Section 2. That existing sections 1.02, 121.22, 121.37, | 21358 |
135.801, 145.012, 145.298, 149.431, 152.04, 173.25, 305.07, | 21359 |
307.02, 313.12, 325.07, 711.23, 1751.01, 1751.14, 2101.17, | 21360 |
2101.24, 2108.521, 2109.01, 2111.01, 2111.10, 2111.49, 2151.011, | 21361 |
2151.281, 2151.353, 2151.414, 2151.415, 2151.421, 2151.425, | 21362 |
2151.651, 2152.02, 2152.12, 2152.14, 2152.811, 2305.111, 2311.14, | 21363 |
2317.021, 2503.37, 2721.05, 2744.01, 2901.13, 2903.341, 2919.23, | 21364 |
2929.04, 2929.06, 2930.061, 2930.16, 2945.37, 2945.371, 2945.38, | 21365 |
2945.39, 2945.40, 2945.401, 2945.482, 2945.491, 2949.29, 2967.22, | 21366 |
3107.02, 3301.52, 3301.53, 3301.55, 3301.57, 3301.58, 3314.022, | 21367 |
3317.02, 3317.024, 3317.03, 3317.032, 3317.07, 3317.15, 3317.20, | 21368 |
3323.01, 3323.02, 3323.021, 3323.03, 3323.04, 3323.05, 3323.09, | 21369 |
3323.091, 3323.12, 3323.141, 3323.142, 3707.20, 3721.01, 3763.06, | 21370 |
3791.031, 3923.24, 3923.241, 4112.01, 4303.272, 4399.05, 4723.071, | 21371 |
4757.41, 4971.16, 5101.46, 5101.611, 5103.02, 5119.44, 5120.051, | 21372 |
5120.11, 5120.17, 5120.173, 5121.04, 5122.01, 5123.01, 5123.012, | 21373 |
5123.014, 5123.02, 5123.03, 5123.033, 5123.04, 5123.044, | 21374 |
5123.0410, 5123.0412, 5123.0413, 5123.0418, 5123.081, 5123.092, | 21375 |
5123.093, 5123.122, 5123.165, 5123.169, 5123.17, 5123.171, | 21376 |
5123.18, 5123.19, 5123.196, 5123.20, 5123.27, 5123.34, 5123.351, | 21377 |
5123.36, 5123.37, 5123.374, 5123.375, 5123.40, 5123.41, 5123.42, | 21378 |
5123.421, 5123.422, 5123.43, 5123.44, 5123.441, 5123.45, 5123.451, | 21379 |
5123.47, 5123.50, 5123.51, 5123.52, 5123.541, 5123.542, 5123.55, | 21380 |
5123.57, 5123.58, 5123.601, 5123.61, 5123.611, 5123.612, 5123.614, | 21381 |
5123.62, 5123.63, 5123.64, 5123.65, 5123.651, 5123.67, 5123.69, | 21382 |
5123.701, 5123.71, 5123.74, 5123.75, 5123.76, 5123.79, 5123.80, | 21383 |
5123.81, 5123.82, 5123.83, 5123.84, 5123.85, 5123.86, 5123.87, | 21384 |
5123.88, 5123.89, 5123.91, 5123.92, 5123.93, 5123.95, 5123.96, | 21385 |
5123.99, 5126.01, 5126.022, 5126.023, 5126.04, 5126.041, 5126.042, | 21386 |
5126.043, 5126.046, 5126.05, 5126.051, 5126.054, 5126.055, | 21387 |
5126.058, 5126.059, 5126.0510, 5126.08, 5126.082, 5126.11, | 21388 |
5126.15, 5126.22, 5126.25, 5126.30, 5126.31, 5126.33, 5126.333, | 21389 |
5126.40, 5126.46, 5126.49, 5126.52, 5126.55, 5126.58, 5139.06, | 21390 |
5139.08, 5139.27, 5139.39, 5139.54, 5164.25, 5164.342, 5164.881, | 21391 |
5165.01, 5166.20, 5166.22, 5168.68, 5301.22, 5305.17, 5307.19, | 21392 |
5310.12, 5705.05, 5705.091, 5705.19, 5705.222, 5709.40, 5709.73, | 21393 |
5709.78, 5711.07, 5747.03, 5815.28, and 5815.35 of the Revised | 21394 |
Code are hereby repealed. | 21395 |
Section 3. That the version of section 2101.24 of the Revised | 21396 |
Code that is scheduled to take effect March 20, 2015, be amended | 21397 |
to read as follows: | 21398 |
Sec. 2101.24. (A)(1) Except as otherwise provided by law, | 21399 |
the probate court has exclusive jurisdiction: | 21400 |
(a) To take the proof of wills and to admit to record | 21401 |
authenticated copies of wills executed, proved, and allowed in the | 21402 |
courts of any other state, territory, or country. If the probate | 21403 |
judge is unavoidably absent, any judge of the court of common | 21404 |
pleas may take proof of wills and approve bonds to be given, but | 21405 |
the record of these acts shall be preserved in the usual records | 21406 |
of the probate court. | 21407 |
(b) To grant and revoke letters testamentary and of | 21408 |
administration; | 21409 |
(c) To direct and control the conduct and settle the accounts | 21410 |
of executors and administrators and order the distribution of | 21411 |
estates; | 21412 |
(d) To appoint the attorney general to serve as the | 21413 |
administrator of an estate pursuant to section 2113.06 of the | 21414 |
Revised Code; | 21415 |
(e) To appoint and remove guardians, conservators, and | 21416 |
testamentary trustees, direct and control their conduct, and | 21417 |
settle their accounts; | 21418 |
(f) To grant marriage licenses; | 21419 |
(g) To make inquests respecting persons who are so mentally | 21420 |
impaired as a result of a mental or physical illness or | 21421 |
disability, or | 21422 |
is an intellectual disability, or as a result of chronic substance | 21423 |
abuse, that they are unable to manage their property and affairs | 21424 |
effectively, subject to guardianship; | 21425 |
(h) To qualify assignees, appoint and qualify trustees and | 21426 |
commissioners of insolvents, control their conduct, and settle | 21427 |
their accounts; | 21428 |
(i) To authorize the sale of lands, equitable estates, or | 21429 |
interests in lands or equitable estates, and the assignments of | 21430 |
inchoate dower in such cases of sale, on petition by executors, | 21431 |
administrators, and guardians; | 21432 |
(j) To authorize the completion of real property contracts on | 21433 |
petition of executors and administrators; | 21434 |
(k) To construe wills; | 21435 |
(l) To render declaratory judgments, including, but not | 21436 |
limited to, those rendered pursuant to section 2107.084 of the | 21437 |
Revised Code; | 21438 |
(m) To direct and control the conduct of fiduciaries and | 21439 |
settle their accounts; | 21440 |
(n) To authorize the sale or lease of any estate created by | 21441 |
will if the estate is held in trust, on petition by the trustee; | 21442 |
(o) To terminate a testamentary trust in any case in which a | 21443 |
court of equity may do so; | 21444 |
(p) To hear and determine actions to contest the validity of | 21445 |
wills; | 21446 |
(q) To make a determination of the presumption of death of | 21447 |
missing persons and to adjudicate the property rights and | 21448 |
obligations of all parties affected by the presumption; | 21449 |
(r) To act for and issue orders regarding wards pursuant to | 21450 |
section 2111.50 of the Revised Code; | 21451 |
(s) To hear and determine actions against sureties on the | 21452 |
bonds of fiduciaries appointed by the probate court; | 21453 |
(t) To hear and determine actions involving informed consent | 21454 |
for medication of persons hospitalized pursuant to section | 21455 |
5122.141 or 5122.15 of the Revised Code; | 21456 |
(u) To hear and determine actions relating to durable powers | 21457 |
of attorney for health care as described in division (D) of | 21458 |
section 1337.16 of the Revised Code; | 21459 |
(v) To hear and determine actions commenced by objecting | 21460 |
individuals, in accordance with section 2133.05 of the Revised | 21461 |
Code; | 21462 |
(w) To hear and determine complaints that pertain to the use | 21463 |
or continuation, or the withholding or withdrawal, of | 21464 |
life-sustaining treatment in connection with certain patients | 21465 |
allegedly in a terminal condition or in a permanently unconscious | 21466 |
state pursuant to division (E) of section 2133.08 of the Revised | 21467 |
Code, in accordance with that division; | 21468 |
(x) To hear and determine applications that pertain to the | 21469 |
withholding or withdrawal of nutrition and hydration from certain | 21470 |
patients allegedly in a permanently unconscious state pursuant to | 21471 |
section 2133.09 of the Revised Code, in accordance with that | 21472 |
section; | 21473 |
(y) To hear and determine applications of attending | 21474 |
physicians in accordance with division (B) of section 2133.15 of | 21475 |
the Revised Code; | 21476 |
(z) To hear and determine actions relative to the use or | 21477 |
continuation of comfort care in connection with certain principals | 21478 |
under durable powers of attorney for health care, declarants under | 21479 |
declarations, or patients in accordance with division (E) of | 21480 |
either section 1337.16 or 2133.12 of the Revised Code; | 21481 |
(aa) To hear and determine applications for an order | 21482 |
relieving an estate from administration under section 2113.03 of | 21483 |
the Revised Code; | 21484 |
(bb) To hear and determine applications for an order granting | 21485 |
a summary release from administration under section 2113.031 of | 21486 |
the Revised Code; | 21487 |
(cc) To hear and determine actions relating to the exercise | 21488 |
of the right of disposition, in accordance with section 2108.90 of | 21489 |
the Revised Code; | 21490 |
(dd) To hear and determine actions relating to the | 21491 |
disinterment and reinterment of human remains under section 517.23 | 21492 |
of the Revised Code; | 21493 |
(ee) To hear and determine petitions for an order for | 21494 |
treatment of a person suffering from alcohol and other drug abuse | 21495 |
filed under section 5119.93 of the Revised Code and to order | 21496 |
treatment of that nature in accordance with, and take other | 21497 |
actions afforded to the court under, sections 5119.90 to 5119.98 | 21498 |
of the Revised Code. | 21499 |
(2) In addition to the exclusive jurisdiction conferred upon | 21500 |
the probate court by division (A)(1) of this section, the probate | 21501 |
court shall have exclusive jurisdiction over a particular subject | 21502 |
matter if both of the following apply: | 21503 |
(a) Another section of the Revised Code expressly confers | 21504 |
jurisdiction over that subject matter upon the probate court. | 21505 |
(b) No section of the Revised Code expressly confers | 21506 |
jurisdiction over that subject matter upon any other court or | 21507 |
agency. | 21508 |
(B)(1) The probate court has concurrent jurisdiction with, | 21509 |
and the same powers at law and in equity as, the general division | 21510 |
of the court of common pleas to issue writs and orders, and to | 21511 |
hear and determine actions as follows: | 21512 |
(a) If jurisdiction relative to a particular subject matter | 21513 |
is stated to be concurrent in a section of the Revised Code or has | 21514 |
been construed by judicial decision to be concurrent, any action | 21515 |
that involves that subject matter; | 21516 |
(b) Any action that involves an inter vivos trust; a trust | 21517 |
created pursuant to section 5815.28 of the Revised Code; a | 21518 |
charitable trust or foundation; subject to divisions (A)(1)(t) and | 21519 |
(y) of this section, a power of attorney, including, but not | 21520 |
limited to, a durable power of attorney; the medical treatment of | 21521 |
a competent adult; or a writ of habeas corpus; | 21522 |
(c) Subject to section 2101.31 of the Revised Code, any | 21523 |
action with respect to a probate estate, guardianship, trust, or | 21524 |
post-death dispute that involves any of the following: | 21525 |
(i) A designation or removal of a beneficiary of a life | 21526 |
insurance policy, annuity contract, retirement plan, brokerage | 21527 |
account, security account, bank account, real property, or | 21528 |
tangible personal property; | 21529 |
(ii) A designation or removal of a payable-on-death | 21530 |
beneficiary or transfer-on-death beneficiary; | 21531 |
(iii) A change in the title to any asset involving a joint | 21532 |
and survivorship interest; | 21533 |
(iv) An alleged gift; | 21534 |
(v) The passing of assets upon the death of an individual | 21535 |
otherwise than by will, intestate succession, or trust. | 21536 |
(2) Any action that involves a concurrent jurisdiction | 21537 |
subject matter and that is before the probate court may be | 21538 |
transferred by the probate court, on its order, to the general | 21539 |
division of the court of common pleas. | 21540 |
(C) The probate court has plenary power at law and in equity | 21541 |
to dispose fully of any matter that is properly before the court, | 21542 |
unless the power is expressly otherwise limited or denied by a | 21543 |
section of the Revised Code. | 21544 |
(D) The jurisdiction acquired by a probate court over a | 21545 |
matter or proceeding is exclusive of that of any other probate | 21546 |
court, except when otherwise provided by law. | 21547 |
Section 4. That the existing version of section 2101.24 of | 21548 |
the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect March 20, 2015, | 21549 |
is hereby repealed. | 21550 |
Section 5. Sections 3 and 4 of this act shall take effect | 21551 |
March 20, 2015. | 21552 |
Section 6. The General Assembly, applying the principle | 21553 |
stated in division (B) of section 1.52 of the Revised Code that | 21554 |
amendments are to be harmonized if reasonably capable of | 21555 |
simultaneous operation, finds that the following sections, | 21556 |
presented in this act as composites of the sections as amended by | 21557 |
the acts indicated, are the resulting versions of the sections in | 21558 |
effect prior to the effective date of the sections as presented in | 21559 |
this act: | 21560 |
Section 2151.281 of the Revised Code as amended by Am. Sub. | 21561 |
S.B. 17 and Am. Sub. S.B. 238 of the 126th General Assembly. | 21562 |
Section 2151.421 of the Revised Code as amended by Am. Sub. | 21563 |
H.B. 213 and Am. Sub. H.B. 483 of the 130th General Assembly. | 21564 |
Section 3301.57 of the Revised Code as amended by Am. Sub. | 21565 |
H.B. 1 and Sub. S.B. 79 of the 128th General Assembly. | 21566 |
Section 3323.05 of the Revised Code as amended by Am. Sub. | 21567 |
H.B. 1 and Sub. S.B. 79 of the 128th General Assembly. | 21568 |
Section 3791.031 of the Revised Code as amended by Am. Sub. | 21569 |
H.B. 117 and Am. Sub. S.B. 162 of the 121st General Assembly. | 21570 |
Section 5123.61 of the Revised Code as amended by Sub. H.B. | 21571 |
232 and Am. Sub. H.B. 483 of the 130th General Assembly. | 21572 |
Section 5705.05 of the Revised Code as amended by Sub. H.B. | 21573 |
458 and Sub. S.B. 353 of the 128th General Assembly. | 21574 |