76th OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY--2011 Regular Session

NOTE:  Matter within  { +  braces and plus signs + } in an
amended section is new. Matter within  { -  braces and minus
signs - } is existing law to be omitted. New sections are within
 { +  braces and plus signs + } .

LC 1895

                         House Bill 2297

Ordered printed by the Speaker pursuant to House Rule 12.00A (5).
  Presession filed (at the request of House Interim Committee on


The following summary is not prepared by the sponsors of the
measure and is not a part of the body thereof subject to
consideration by the Legislative Assembly. It is an editor's
brief statement of the essential features of the measure as

  Allows qualified student to apply Oregon Opportunity Grant
moneys toward certain for-profit post-secondary institutions.

                        A BILL FOR AN ACT
Relating to the Oregon Opportunity Grant Program; creating new
  provisions; and amending ORS 348.005, 348.180, 348.183 and
Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon:
  SECTION 1. ORS 348.180 is amended to read:
  348.180. As used in this section and ORS 348.183, 348.186,
348.205, 348.230, 348.250 and 348.260:
  (1) 'Cost of education' includes but is not limited to,
tuition, fees and living expenses.
  (2) 'Eligible post-secondary institution' means:
  (a) A state institution under the direction of the State Board
of Higher Education;
  (b) A community college operated under ORS chapter 341;
  (c) The Oregon Health and Science University;   { - or - }
  (d) An Oregon-based, generally accredited, not-for-profit
institution of higher education  { - . - }  { + ; or
  (e) For the purpose of an Oregon Opportunity Grant awarded
under ORS 348.260, an Oregon-based generally accredited
for-profit institution of higher education. + }
  (3) 'Qualified student' means any resident student who plans to
attend an eligible post-secondary institution and who:
  (a) Has not achieved a baccalaureate or higher degree from any
post-secondary institution;
  (b) Is enrolled in an eligible program as defined by rule of
the Oregon Student Assistance Commission; and
  (c) Is making satisfactory academic progress as defined by rule
of the commission.
  SECTION 2. ORS 348.205 is amended to read:
  348.205. (1) The Oregon Opportunity Grant program is
established within the Oregon Student Assistance Commission.
  (2) Under the program, the cost of education of a qualified
student shall be shared by the student, the family of the
student, the federal government and the state.
  (3) The commission shall determine the cost of education of a
qualified student based on the type of eligible post-secondary
institution the student is attending. The cost of education
  (a) For a student attending a community college, the average
cost of education of attending a community college in this state;
  (b) For a student attending an institution under the direction
of the State Board of Higher Education, the average cost of
education of attending an institution under the direction of the
  (c) For a student attending a two-year Oregon-based, generally
accredited  { - , not-for-profit - }  institution of higher
education, the average cost of education of attending a community
college in this state; and
  (d) For a student attending the Oregon Health and Science
University or a four-year Oregon-based, generally accredited,
not-for-profit institution of higher education, the average cost
of education of attending an institution under the direction of
the board.
  (4)(a) The commission shall determine the amount of the student
share. The student share shall be based on:
  (A) The type of eligible post-secondary institution the student
is attending;
  (B) The number of hours of work that the commission determines
may be reasonably expected from the student; and
  (C) The amount of loans that the commission determines would
constitute a manageable debt burden for the student.
  (b) The student shall determine how to cover the student share
through income from work, loans, savings and scholarships.
  (c) The student share for a student who attends a community
college may not exceed the amount that the commission determines
a student may earn based on the number of hours of work
reasonably expected from the student under paragraph (a) of this
  (d) The student share for a student who attends an eligible
post-secondary institution that is not a community college may
not exceed the sum of the amount that the commission determines a
student may receive as loans plus the amount a student may earn
based on the number of hours of work reasonably expected from the
student under paragraph (a) of this subsection.
  (5) The commission shall determine the amount of the family
share. The family share shall be based on the resources of the
  (6) The commission shall determine the amount of the federal
share based on how much the student or the student's family is
expected to receive from the federal government as grants, loans,
tax credits or other student assistance.
  (7)(a) The commission shall determine the amount of the state
share. The state share shall be equal to the cost of education
reduced by the student share, family share and amount received by
the student from the federal government.
  (b) The commission shall establish a minimum amount that a
student may receive as a state share. If the commission
determines that the amount of the state share of a student is
below the minimum amount, the student may not receive the state
  (c) In determining the amount of the state share, the
commission shall consider the total amount available to award as
grants to all qualified students. If the commission must reduce
the amount of the state share under this paragraph, the
commission may not reduce the amount of the state share awarded
to students in the low income range in a greater proportion than
the amount that the state share for students in other income
ranges is reduced.
  SECTION 3.  { + The amendments to ORS 348.180 and 348.205 by
sections 1 and 2 of this 2011 Act first apply to Oregon
Opportunity Grants awarded for the 2012-13 academic year. + }
  SECTION 4. ORS 348.005 is amended to read:
  348.005. (1) The Legislative Assembly finds that:
  (a) The State of Oregon can achieve its full economic and
social potential only if all Oregonians have the opportunity to
contribute to the full extent of their capabilities and only when
financial barriers to their educational goals are removed;
  (b) All Oregonians who meet the appropriate admissions
requirements should be able to attend any community college,
state institution of higher education or independent
not-for-profit institution of post-secondary education regardless
of individual economic or social circumstances;
  (c) The interests of this state are best served when public
subsidies supporting college students are distributed fairly,
equitably and consciously to ensure maximum access and choice for
all Oregonians at the least cost to the taxpayers;
  (d) Need-based student financial aid is an effective, efficient
and essential means of assisting Oregonians who are unable to
afford the full cost of higher education;
  (e) Student financial aid allows Oregonians with limited
resources to select academic programs based on their interests,
aptitudes and career goals;
  (f) Student financial aid encourages and permits capable and
promising Oregonians to persist in their education and training
within this state; and
  (g) By assisting Oregonians in this manner, student financial
aid contributes to the quality of life of each Oregonian and to
the social, cultural and economic well-being of all Oregonians.
  (2) It is the intention of the Legislative Assembly to
establish financial assistance programs to enable qualified
Oregonians who need student aid to obtain post-secondary
education in Oregon's community colleges, state institutions of
higher education or independent   { - not-for-profit - }
institutions of post-secondary education.
  SECTION 5. ORS 348.183 is amended to read:
  348.183. The Legislative Assembly recognizes:
  (1) That an investment in educational opportunities for all
Oregonians is an investment in a strong and stable economy and
greater personal opportunities;
  (2) That the single largest barrier to attending an institution
of higher education is lack of finances;
  (3) That keeping higher education affordable requires a shared
effort and partnership by students, family, the federal
government, state government and private philanthropy;
  (4) The broad and diverse range of quality post-secondary
educational services provided by Oregon's institutions of higher
education, including Oregon's community colleges, state
institutions and independent   { - not-for-profit - }
institutions of higher education; and
  (5) The positive effects on Oregon's citizens, families and
economy of encouraging talented and hardworking students to stay
in Oregon to pursue a post-secondary education.